Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    Till; r.KK: OMAHA, FKIDAY. H TJX MKIt 1, l!U.
Plan Similar to One in Operation on
Lower Kiuiiiippi Ha Been
tProm a Staff Oorreapondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. V-9reclal. A levee
ayetem. similar to that In operation along
the lower MlaMeelvPl. la proposed r
Hate Engineer Johnson to drain the
flood wateri of the Nemaha river near
Where It emptiee Into the Mlesourl.
During the floods of lest aprtnir and
uramer Rlchardaon county farmer lost
manr thousand dollars In property by
overflow over the flat Mlaaourl bottoma
of the Nemaha river, made over aeveraJ
yeara ago Into a big drainage canal.
Parallel dHrhee running Into the Mla
aourl are Included In the acheme of the
at ate engineer. I"yaea three or four
nMlea long will be built through the bot
toma to prevent the flood waters apread
lng oner the adjacent country.
What Rnarlaeer Fa vara.
' The engineer. In whoa handa the
proposition haa been left by the drainage
board and the suffering landholdera, will
recommend to the "Hate IVtard of Irriga
tion the levee acheme. In company with
Governor Morehead he will leave Mondav
in go over the (round again for a final
The coat will be aaaeaaeJ against the
entire drainage district, for the ' raion
that the change from a river Into g huge
canal aome time back, by the whole dle
trtct, la the cause of the overflowing' of
the tower lands. The upper landa have
not Buffered.
mall nten Rwllt.
Against the aproval of the at ate engi
neer the board of Irrigation haa allowed
realdente along the aouth fork of the Ne
maha, near Humboldt, te eonatruct a
drainage canal after than own plana.
They had prevented apeclflcatlona to the
lata engineer who refueed to aprove
them on the ground that the proposed
ditch would not handle the flod watera.
relieve Tlew Beads.
The atate autdltor haa reglatered 110,000
of College IVew Intersection bonda and
$12,00 of laurel lightlna oonda, both
bearing I per cent Intereet.
(ton Visits Ooveraer.
Judgo A. L. Sutton of Omaha, who haa
announced himself fnr governor on the
republican ticket with the main leaue
that of prohibition, caJled on Qovernor
Morehead and other atate officiate today.
II had been attending the "Nebraska
Pry" convention In Lincoln.
Coffey to Arllagten.
Labor Commlsloner Coffey haa gone to
Arlington, Neb., to Inspect the achool
house and the fire escapes, and will atop
in Fremont and investigate complaints
of female labor law,
" Moreheael la Tired.
Governor Morohead, after apeeJttnf at
the Howard county fair in E?. Paul, Neb.,
Wedneaday waa to weaned to fit his
Falla City speaking engagement and re
turned to Lincoln.
Warrkatt Lleease.
The Nebrsaka-Iowa Grain company
aa bean granted warehouse license for
levators at Lyman, McCool Junction and
Sutton. The' Hjrnee elevator company
haa take out lloenaea at Katrmont and
Hltrheewlc Bees Joheaoa.
Senator Hitchcock haa been In Llnaoln
to confer with taete Knrlneer Johnson
In regard to rrigatlon of Interest to west
ern Nebraska, which are pending In
various departments at Wseningion.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Sept 30.-(Speclel.)-The
second appeal of Fullor Shellenberger In
tha guprenia court, from conviction In
Nemaha county of murder and sentence
of Ufa Imprisonment, haa Just been filed.
Shellenberger a aliened crlne la the kill
ing of Julian Bahuaud, an old hermit
living alone In a hut near tha town of
Julian In lis). Bahuaud had sima money
secreted In his cabin, and tt waa supposed
tha abject of tha murder waa robbery.
Tha perpetrators of the crime went un
discovered for twelve years, and then
Shellenberger. arrested fur a minor of
fense at Burlington. Kan., confessed he
waa one of tha members of tha gang.
Shellenbervwr did uut die and waa
brought back to Nebraska on requisition
papers. He laUr rei-uulated tha confes
sion be had mad and the supreme court
first ruled tha evidence, of tha confession
waa not admissible,
Cnehtsiar Mad Baperluteadeat.
Will. Neb.. Sept. X-Special.-At an
adjourned meeting of tne county board
of supervisors Herbert L. Cushing waa
appointed superintendent of the. schools
of Valley county to fU tha unexpired
term occasioned by the resignation of
William H. Slaven. Tha latter waa taken
seriously 111 early In tha summer and
later went to the state tuoercular hospi
tal at Kearney where hla condition la
found to be auch that tt seems Improb
able that ha will, aver be able to do office
work again. I'rof. Cushing la a graduate
of Grand Island college, olasa of 'It, and
waa manager of the Ord Journad after
Kdltor D vis assumed the duties of post
master at Ord.
OALVESTON. Tex.. Sept XL-After be
irg held la port seven days on account
of tha uncertain path of the West India a
hurricane w tilth today struck the Louis
Una eoast, the United States army trans,
port Bulord, wHh the Twenty-seventh In
fantry aa board, aalled lata yesterday
for Manila via the 1'anama cmnai. Or
dcra for departure were given after tt
waa certain the effects f the storm
would not be felt along Hie course the
easel Bets for tha Yucatan channel.
Nb.. rVpl. -Speclal
Te'.-iffn.)--Th,e liidtpendt-nt race meet
X(luUd for ttiia (nk, after being poeU
p"r . i !! twiner to raJn. has been
.iJ off. IlA!n Interfered with both
ttx -e meets scheduled fur Fremont this
ttr. lue Nti'rh&hs circuit races having
lx--.ii c&iirxl oil afu-r one day's card hft
bn run.
A .. Marts the Lease.
Dr. lull line-Tar-Honey stops the
Cioufh and (.revents your cold getting
wore, tit guaranteed. Only hVe. All
gxi j, mta. Ad vrtUnjnt.
Man Charged With Trafficking in
Passports is Arrested at New York
NKW YOMK, Sept. .-Andrw I).
Meloy, who wee arrested by Impertinent
of Juetlr-e agenta when he arrived here
today on the steamer Nleuw Amsterdam,
wa arraigned before fnlted Statea Com
mleslonr Houghton, charged with con
spiring with Fran lUntelen, a German
wine merchant, to defraud the Vnlted
Statea government In securing a peas
Port for Klntelen. Meloy, who said ha
had been recently engaged In promoting
Mexican enterprises, waa held in 110,000
ball for a hearing October 1.
Meloy, his secretary. Miss llattle
Brophy, and Frana Klntelen, all as E. V.
riaache, were taken off tha steamer
Noordam at Kirkwall by British military
Nebraska Wesleyan
Celebrates Lifting
of Its Indebetness
(Special. The chapel etercieea at Ne
braska Wesleyan university yesterday
will long be remembered not only by
the student body, but by the man mln
latera who had stopped over between
trains on their way home from the
Omaha conference. Dr. Schreckengaat
waa Introduced by Chancellor Fulmer to
make an Important announcement. He
waa greeted by prolonged applause and
quietly stated that Wesleyan la now out
of debt, a. total of 1116.000 having been
raised to meet a debt which now aggre
M. A. Keith then spoke of the high
regard which the student body feela for
Dr. Schreckengaat and tha work ha has
dona In tha present financial campaign.
Nett Miss Myrtle Snider presented to
Dr. Schreckengaat a silver loving- cup
aa a tangible token of tha appreciation
of tha atudent body.
After yells and songs Chancellor Ful
mer and Vice Chancellor Schreckengaat
were carried from the auditorium by tha
students and placed In a waiting auto
mobile, which headed a procession
through the business part of town. After
tha parade all gathered at tha pavilion
on tha campus, where brief speeches
were made by Chancellor Fulmer, Vice
Chancellor Schrechengaat and A. I
Johneon, preeidnnt of tha board of
New Question Up
Over state Bridge
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Sept. . (Special.) A
acheme to make rivers wide enough by
darning to require state aid bridges la
acanted by tha State Board of Irrigation,
In debating whether or not It ahalt con
tribute to a COO-foot bridge acrors the
Blue river at Falrbury,
No state funds can be uaed on a bridge
under 176 feet In length. Where It ex
ceeds that length tha state paya half the
cost. Tha cost of thla particular bridge
will be about 125,000.
The siate board feara that to approve
thla bridge will be to establish a prece
dent that will load to a wholesale darn
ing of . streams. Tha Blue river by no
means would come under tha" Stat law
were It not for a recent dam. Tha board
till haa tha matter under consideration,
Fifteen Thousand
Verdict to Brakeman
NORFOLK. Nab.. Sept. 0.-(BpecUI
Telegram.) The Jury In tha damage autt
of Phil McNeely of Norfolk against tha
Northwestern railroad returned a verdict
In federal court her Thursday givlnr
McNeely 115.000. McNeely had sued for
tt,0CO. He waa a brakeman and loat hla
right hand In an aocldent In tha South
Norfolk yards.
Tha case, of great Intereat In thla com
munity, was bitterly fought by M F. Har
rington, counsel for McNeely, and A. A.
McLaughlin of Omaha, counsel for tha
The Jury was out since Wednesday
afternoon. The case la to be appealed.
National Guard
Birdmen in Bad
BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept fx (Special
Telegram.) Hal McKlnney attempted to
break tha local track record of fM.
but failed, covering tha distance with a
pacemaker la t on a heavy track.
Following arc tha aulta of tha raoeat
Trotting, I 1 class: Prince Dekayvllle.
first; Drift Allerton, se-ond; Tommy
Hooper, third. Time, V
In a match paolng race between Bud
weiser and Krnnev. the former won.
Time, ! 1:11. I IM.
The National Guard aviation corps waa
unable to make a flight and waa ordered
to pack up and leave tha grounds by tha
fair management.
Mrs. Delia A. Wwwda.
STRACrSK. Neb.. Sept. SO, RpecUl.)
Mra. Delia A. Woods, wife of Charles PI
Woods, and a pioneer resident of this
county, died this morning at 4:30 o'clock
at her home la this town. She had bean
Buffering from cancer of tha liver for
some weeks and toward the laat failed
rapidly. Tha funeral will t held Sat
urday from, the Methodist church. She
la survived by her aged mother, past M
ears of age, her husband and one son
and one daughter, besides three slaters
and one brother.
Mra. Carl Dea'.
FAJRBCRT, Neb.. rVpc. . (Special
Telearram.) Mrs. Cart fger died laat
night of heart failure. She waa burn In
Buxbelm, Germany, March 10, XK. In
June 14 she waa married to Cart Decer.
In M81 they removed to America spend
ing two yeara In New Yora 6iiy and then
coming te Falrbury. Ten children were
born to them, four of whom aurvlva.
The funeral will be held at the Catholic
church, and burial wil take place la Fair
bury'a eewutrry.
Deaartsaeat Orders.
WASltt-NOTON, aVpl. X-(8peclal Tel
egram.) Nebraaka penaiona granted:
triune M. Wettsol, Albion, lil; Jue- blue
H-rMns. L'wuig, til; Anseltne A. White,
Wu.d Kiver. Ill
tar. Kdiia C. Kvans waa appointed
postmaster at Big Muddy, lvenae
cuuntv. Wyoming, vice James J. Mullen,
r l ?d.
. A. Carnett was appointed rural let
ter carrier at Meadow Urove, Neb.
The poetof.'tce at Oconoe. Pla'te county,
Nebraska, haa been discontinued; awil to
The Mechanics' and Metal National
bank of New lork has bee airovtd at a
reMi-ve agent of tha tret Naxhnal bauh
ef Aliea.
authorities early In August. Flentelcn
waa sent to an Rngllsh detention ramp,
where he still la.
Meloy and Mlsa Bmphy were returned
to this country at the request of the
Department of Justice. Miss Brophy la
being held aa a material wltneea.
lUntelen Bailed on the Noordam with
a paeeport atating that ne waa a citizen
of Swltaerland. Department of Justice
ejrenta alleged that he had prevlous'y
endeavored to secure passpnrta under
the aliases of Hansen and Oatea.
Assistant Vnlted Statea Attorney Sar
faty aald that Indications are that a
third man. aa yet unnamed, waa directly
Implicated In obtaining tha passport.
(Continued from Fage One.)
ful damsels dance artistically, but would
win alight applauee from Billy Hun
day, Across the street are the "Tango
Queens." all crowned and waiting to
show the latnst steps, according to Hoyle.
And the "Miracle Oirl," no relation of
Oeorge Stalllnga, the "Miracle . Man,"
doea things that are really miraculous.
Lest night aha batted 1.000 and fielded
The Old Oder press Is not a news
paper, but 4s that venerable and honored
Institution that makes delicious drinks
out of regular apples. Juat aa good as
they aell "down hum." Ita familiar
aspect brought crowds of the purely
after the merrymakers get tired of asso
thlraty flocking about It, many coming
direct from the tabernacle to tha press.
Tha klda' favorite the merry-go-round
la there In all Its pristine glory, and
elating with the wooden-tieaded horses
they can go right across the street and
aee equlnea of tha highest culture and
refinement In tha "Society Home Show."
Many Other Woaders.
The "Filipino Midgets," the "Ferris
Wheal," "Ferris Ham and Bacon" and
tha ' Mystic Mase," together with oodles
and oodles of other great stuff, draw
tha dimes from your pocket like a ateel
or baae ball "magnet" Mors hyphenated
Americana left the grounds at a lata
hour than ever before.
The hyphen not Indicating nationality,
but an absence from small change.
No disorder of any consequence marred
the big first night, the police, owing to
the convenient plan of the grounds, be
ing able to handle the throng perfectly.
Confetti fell like midsummer rain and
was mixed' with no foreign subatance,
nor waa It administered In force by any
oversealous ones.
Aa "Dad" Weaver remarked, "It Is
the beat yet," ao did the hundreds who
left the grounds. King Ak-Sar-Ben Is
more popular than ever, hla kingdom is
aa new and entertaining aa It haa always
been and his subjects are Qulvera-lng
' with delight
I Raaaell Ja Chief.
A. new chief of police haa been ap
pointed to enforce law and order In the
City of Qulvera. Sergeant Russell of the
Omaha, police department la the one to
whom King Ak-Har-Iien haa bestowed
K the honor of protecting hla aubjects. -
i it is tne rirst time In yeara that Tony
' Venous haa hot carried' tha title or chief
of police for tha ten days' existence of
tha City of Qulvera. For yeara Tony was
given tha job. But now Tony la not a
sergeant, he Is a full-fledged captain on
tha South Side and tha annual appoint
ment by King Ak-Sar-Ben la lost forever.
Nebraska Sweepstake
Corn Will Go to China
DENVER. Colo., Sept. .-T. Z. Chang,
minister of agriculture of China, today
purchased fifty ears of com that won the
aweepatakes prise at the International
Boll Products expos tlon In session hare.
Tha purchase price was 10 cents a a ear.
which, according to experts, would make
the price of the minister's seed corn
about an acre- The purchase, whton
represented fifty varieties of tha train,
waa made from Arnold Martin of Du
Bola. Neb.
AVOCA. Neb. Sept SO. (8neclal )
Ralph Rofera, a blacksmith at Berlin,
five miles south of here, waa severely
burned about tha arms and cheat yes
terday by gasoline explosion. MA Rog
er bad been repairing an automobile
and waa using gasoline to burn grease
from tha hubs, when aome of tha oil on
hla sleeve became Ignited and caused a
bias. In hla excitement ha plunged his
arms Into a bucket of gasoline, believing
It to be water, and then Into his cooling
tank, which oauaed an plosion, and the
man waa enveloped In ..amea, and only
by tha prompt aid and clear-headedness
of some of the bystanders waa hla life
saved. Ervln Paap waa badly burned on
tha arm wblia assisting to put out the
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Sept. S0.-(Speclal.)-Butter-milk
la good feed for hoga hut too ex
pensive when It costs cents per one
hundred pounds to ship It from Omaha
to Bennington, and tha shipper must
furnish hla own tank car, John J. Be-1
lick charges In a complaint filed today
lth th. mII. I I , I
-- -j iviiiiuiMHn, xio wania
the commission to order tha Northweat-
era to furnish the Lank oar. hTe hearing
haa been set for October 1L
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept . (dpeclal.)-The
board of pardons departed from Its usual
routine and went to Camp Morthead,
where convicts are now making- perma
nent road for the atate, to hold heartnga
on applications for paroles. Twenty
members of the convict camp were seek
ing paroles.
Tee Clerk U.araateod It.
A customer came Into my store the
other day and aald to one of my clerks.
Have you anything that will cure
diarrhoea T and toy eivrk went and got
htm a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and said
te him. "if this does not curs you, I will
aot cbarse you a cent for tt Bo he took
It homo and cams back la a day or two
and said ha was cured. writes J. IL
Berry dr. Co.. Salt Creek. Va. . Obtain
able everywhere. All druggists. Advee-
Executive Body Composed of Eight
Members Choien by Chairman
Charles .Bryan.
I From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. . Kpeclal.)-An ex
ecutive committee of eight to direct the
coming campaign for "Nebraska Dry In
MIS" was appointed by the atate dry fed
eration In Its closing session here to
day. In accordance with the plan of a
special committee of five appointed by
Chairman Bryan, Wednesday afternoon,
to prepare a acheme of campaign.
The committee la nonpartisan and con
sists of one representative from each of
tha five leading political parties tha
state, from the Anti-Saloon league, from
the State Woman's Christian Temperance
union and from organised labor.
The following named were selected by
caucuses of these various organlxatlona
and were approved by the convention:
Ambrose C Kppereon of Clay Center,
from Mie rppubiiciui party.
K O. KretsniRi-r of Beatrice, from the
democratic, party.
Hurry h:. hHCKutt of Beatrice, from tha
progrexslve party.
C. C Crowell or Omaha, from the pro
hibition party.
Kd Ashland of Omaha, from organised
H. K. Carson of Lincoln, from the Antl
Salonn lt-ugue.
Airs. lUauiln Claflln of University Place,
from the Womana Christian Temperance
union. '
No socialist candidate was named and
the committee waa empowered to select
the eighth member.
Form of Amendment.
' A committee of nine was appointed to
pans on tha form of tha proposed amend
ment and finally drew up the following-:
"Be It enacted by the people of the
state of Nebraska, that the constitution
of the atate of Nebraska be amended by
adding thereto the following, tv be known
and dealgnated as article xvii thereof:
"On and after May 1, M17, the manu
facture, tha sale, the keeping for sale or
barter under any pretext, of malt, spirit
uous, vinous or any other Intoxicating1
liquors are forever prohibited In this
atate, except for medicinal, scientific,
mechanical or sacramental purposes."
The organisation committee empowered
the oxecutlve committee to establish a
atate central committee, with delegates
from each state aenatorlal district This
committee, co-operating with tha execu
tive committee, will plan county and local
Many Send t'redeatala.
More than 1.S0O credentials have been
received from delegatea at the convention
headquarters. The meeting ended this
afternoon with an address by Governor
Frank M. Byrne of South Dakota.
At the convention Thursday afternoon
were Mr. and Mra. It V. Mulr of Brown
vllle, past 90 years of axe, Mr. Mulr
came to Nebraska In 18&8 and helped
found Table Rock, which waa platted and
aold In town lots conditional that no
liquor ever be sold on the premises.
, Addresses were made by Rosa Ham
mond of Fremont, Judge E. P. Holmes
of Lincoln, Judge A. C, Epperson of Clay
Center and Chancellor Oeschger of Cot
ner university. '
Two Divofce Suits
Filed at Madison
MADTSON. Neb., Sept. JO. (Special.)
Nellie M. Banner haa brought action in
district court for divorce from hor hus
bsnd, William H. Banner.' They were
married at Norfolk In 1900 and have re
sided there since. Among other things
Mrs. Banner alleges In her petition that
her husband In October, 1914, cauaed her
to be committed to the Nebraaka Hos
pital for the Inaana at Norfolk, although
tha plaintiff waa not Insane.- She further!
alleges that defendant Is tha owner of a
borne In Norfolk, Neb., which is the home ,
of tha plaintiff, tha gift to the plaintiff
from her father, R. F. Bruce, which is
alued at tl.MO. Mrs. Banner aska for
divorce, euatody of their child and that
aha be decreed to be tha owner of tha
premises upon which her home Is located.
August F. ilertram of Madison filed suit
for divorce from his wife, Ella Bertram,
charging cruelty and abandonment.
TfALL Fabrics,
gentlemen, are
now here and you
are invited to se
lect therefrom.
Suits and Overcoats to order,
$20.00 to $15.00. Perfect fit
and style guaranteed.
WicCirthj-Wllso Tillortsg Ci.
SIS fkxith lSUk Street.
Nerves and Drain
show a debilitated condition, due
to prolonged phyaical and mental
atrain. which haa consumed tha
phosphatic element indtspenaable)
to nerve and brain. Strengthen
nerve and brain cells, in vitro rate
the whole ayatem by supplying
the neceaaary phoapnaiea, com
bined in a convenient and agree
able form in
Acid Phosphato
1 f
Omaha Women Are
Prominent in the'
Federation Work
NORFOLK. Neb., Sept. . (Speclsl
Telegram.) Omaha women took a prom
inent part In the proceedings of the third
day's session of the Nebraska Federation
of Women's Clubs Thursday. Mra. F. H.
Oole and Mra. K. R. J. Edholm delivered
Interesting talka on health and acholar
shlpa. The rrlnctpal address of the -day was
delivered by Dr. Rachael Terms, Hull
House. Chicago, on "Health Its Rela
tionship to Social Hygiene."
In thla addreaa the Chicago woman
urged Nebraska parents to take their
children Into confidence during their ten
der yeara. She pleaded for enforcement
of the laws pertaining to sanitation.
1 The mission and the problem of social
settlement waa discussed by Dr. Tarros
this evening.
The convention comes to a close Fri
day morning, when the ballot boxes will
be opened. The women voted Thursday
afternoon, using the Australian ballot,
and were advised by President Peterson
that practice at women's conventions
would make them more efficient when
they go to the polls In future years.
Mra. J. N. Paul of nt. Paul la the prob
able new president of the atate organisa
tion, no opponent appearing; against her.
Mrs. M .D. Cameron, who presided over
the ctvil service session. Is a candidate
for recording secretary. Mrs. Julia
Fuller of Beatrice In her opponent. Mrs.
Cameron was urged to be a candidate
fo the presidency, but declined, believing
that office ehould go to the Plxth dis
trict. Mrs. Edholm, Mrs. Hayes and Mrs.
Cameron of Omaha were nominated as
delegates to the national biennial meet
ing In New Tork next May.
Be Want Ada Produce Results.
The Store for
New blouses
$2.95, $5.95. $6.50
Second Floor.
White Chinchilla
Coats for present
$11.75 to $23.75
A Sale of Real
Hand Embroidered .
Scalloped Madeira "
$7.50 and $S,75 Embroidered
Madeira Napkins, Friday,
your choice r .
$5.38 a dozen
Linen Section Main Floor,
Don't Miss
Glove Sale
The "Right Kind" of Bankers
Help Drink or Drag Users
The modern banker la at once the buelneae and le-al advlaer (frequently the
medical and apliltuaJ "Keferee") of hla ouaioinera and many othera In hla com
munity. He knowa their wanta and needa and haa tha knowledge and ability to
lve (ood advice and the heart and Inclination to iprovld, needed help to thoaa wii
are worthy. Aak your banker'e advice and help. M,
irk. u.nk.r- . 1. 1- .ir h.vA nn, in v ftnajioAd the threeHBcora rieal in -
atltutea eelaUlahed In principal eltlee durln the paat five yeara, but they haj
"financed" the "Nw: Way" for thouaanda of mental, moral, nhyakal and flnancla
wrecka and Influenced oiaer thouaanda to ecu re lu benefit before they become
confirmed drunkavda and Nmman dere.llcta."
Aa an llluatratlon of th a-ood work you can do In your city or community, we
call attention to the following;: iat winter a Chicago millionaire banker financ
ed" the "Neat Way" for a formerly aucceaaful bualneaa man who had become al
moet a "human derelict." He la today "back on the job." haa sained Id pounda In
welet and the change In hla mental and raonj being la even more remarkable.
Laat March an Mlnole country Banker "financed1' the "Neal Way" for a eltl
aen of hla town. When admitted to tha Neal Inatltute he weighed only 17 pounda
wreck from having uaed Morphine, originally prescribed by a phyalclan, for
seventeen yeara. A recent letter from the bunker eaya: "Joe la a regenerated
man, a credit te hlmaelf, family and community." Tha name ani addreea of par
Uea referred to will be furnished aa private references upon application.
Omaha Neal Institute
xeog. rasa.
1502 S. 10th St., Omaha
ww tt TT-2J tt"B THEATER, v Continuous from
Irllilli SJi 15th and Harney. 11 A. M. to 11 P. M.
, Today and Saturday
mm-r rv-rwm a rT 1 II limnld TPXTVO rPTTTTCJ tl
r, 1 r. j All L3 m
gaatedule ef ko
ktwelim, Htli. liSO,
uaday aVobert Warwick
-onAw.A'ej rxraT curnia" .
tOrt 1 UTJh J Matala-ki-We
y-jir Brace la-36-ao-TS
HZ, the nssms sirls.,1:,-1,
A Olagery, Baaevy, Tee-Ad acaalcal
Btewer. Coalaaaee Oergeous, KtaelB
aaaptaoaa. 4ree east, tacladiaa Keen,
tiful rioreace asil'e aaa auty Bra
Hall. aU Beaaty Ckoraa.
Jdiea Dixit Mattaee Week Baye.
Sat. N't. A Vk Fk KlnneyaV-liostoiilana'
Apartments, flats, cotages
quickly and cheaply by Be For
Omaha Firm Gets
Contract to Build
New Bessey Hall
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
, LINCOLN, Kept. Speclai.)-The
property committee of the university
board of regents last night awarded the
contract for general construction of the
new Beeaeyhall, the flrt building to be
built on the olty campus from the exten
sion fund, to the Selden-Breck Construc
tion company of Omaha.
Thirty firms bid on the work and the
Selden-Breck company wae lowest with
tlU.OOO. The bid of Oould A Bon of
Omaha was next lowest, for 1115 000.
Smaller contracts for heating and light
ing were awarded to Lincoln firms.
Work Is to be started Just as soon as
arangements can be maae for switching
facilities to carry material direct to the
aite of the building, which will also be
the flrrt one started on the editions! land
secured under the extent en fund. The
regents now have a request before the
city council to permit xrus closing of
aome streets so the Missouri Pacific may
build a sidetrack to the grounds. The
general construction work is td be com
pleted within 120 days of actual working
Besey ball will be the most expensive
of university building rivalling even the
aplendtd Engineering building, which coat
completed, $110,000,
Tattle Show mt Witnhw.
WATERLOO, la.. Sept 30. (Special
Telegram.) The Iowa Catle congress and
Iowa BUte Dairy association in session
here have atracted hundreds of vUltors
this week. Today waa homecomera'
gathering and was a brilliant pagentry
two miles long; enthusiastically viewed
by thousanda of visitors coming from
both coasts. The nhriners are holding a
convention at . Waterloo and over 1.0U0
were in the parade.
The Fashion Center
of the Middle West
October, the Month for Suits
The cool, crisp mornings
and hazy evenings of Indian
Summer suggests new
Autumn Apparel for women.
Thompson-Belden's offering of fine
hand tailored suits in a great variety
of styles and fabrics. 1
f.The tailoring nnd workmanship are
worthy of the label
Thompson, Belden & Co.
Reliable Since 18SG
Suits, $25, $29.50, $35
No extra charge for alterations
for People Far and Near
To make plans to attend tlio coming dress goods sale.
Not paper figures, but real money reductions, are the
These goods now displayed in our Sixteenth
street window will help you to realize the mean
ing of this wonderful sale.
inna aiuiv aa-ivw.
1:44, 40, iilO, 40, Ti30. ItM, .
la Tata riSX TaV
OaUj Mtise. 1- '' ,:JV
OOMT SOU k wmmk
I otr a lOfu. iare
eliiUI arae.. Wb. im
Huiiis 4 te.. Jo reoa.
ITi'io lai Mm kb
On k.-m Trud isSljr.
east eienr a er . Mnu-i. m.
few as,
and houses can be rwited
Rent Want Ail.
inn innntnnn nnn
nUD nnaiinuLif run
Commission in Charge of Sale ol
Bonds Settles Number of .
Matters. - .
n 17 B-J n mj if w ru ' ai gu a. i
NEW YORK, 8pt, 30. The com
mission In charge of the sal of the
1600,000,000 Anglo-French bonds
has cleared away a number of detail
concerning the method of marketing
the Issue and expected to announce
the entire program late today.
Chief of the details are that tht
life of the underwriting syndicate la
to be sixty days, the sums subscribed
by banks will be left on deposit with
the subscribers until needed and then
withdrawn proportionally, and the
profits of the syndicate members will
be 1 per cent, the remaining quar
ter of 1 per cent being used for ex
penses. The syndicate members maj
participate wunoui resinction as u
the amount of their subscriptions.
The total commission of the syndi
cate will be $10,000,000, and Its net
profits $8,750,000.
' Aared Mam Rnde Life.
BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. 80. ( Special
Telegram.) William Root, (W years of
age, commlted suicide this afternoon at
the home of hla aon five miles east of
Blue Springs by shooting- himself. Des
pondency over 111 health was the cause.
Ho Is eurvlved by two children.
PHVn Fridaj and Halurday
DU X U Oct. 1-2. Hat. Mat.
Openina Attraction
an V. T. Winter Oardea Co. of Us.
Ble-nta, ta.00 te ase.
Bat. Mat, 1M te as,
Beata Bow.
Ak-Mar-Jlea Week Oonuaenotaa; Bandar
Ttgkt. BUta.1 WaA, Thara Bat.
aid in America
Company of IBS tncl41ag
moeei Jllghta, gee to aauM Kattnees
8fte te II. so
iTCrJICHT, 8:25
Edward Lynch A",U'U
"AT DAY" zzitesasrsti
wa a wittn t uw
Matlaae 14e 46e Beealaae. aae-aoeOc
Special 150th Pcrfcrcsnce
A aVeaatlfol Seaveal Fkotograpk et
Mtr. l-ymok will be ereeeated to every
lady kaldiag a eald ticket for Tkaieaay
t. igbt. aeptmbr aotk.
. ComlnK
Sunday :
kfhalk- ol