Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1915, Image 1

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The jure way to gatisfy
your wants if through ie
The Omaha daily
of the want ad pages of The
Bee. Try a Bee want ad.
t ..Mr1
a.. -
Oa Tralas, at Hotel
SWWS SteBSS, ., ft
mxulk roiv two cexto.
r a
Campaign in Omaha Will Come to
an End on Sunday, Ootober
Addresses Four Hundred Thousand
and Gets Twenty-Six Hundred
10 a. m. neighborhood prayer meet
ings. 11 ft. m. to I p. m. Business womM'i
msetlug ana lunch, ISOt Ternam street,
Mlas ICUler.
18 aooa nop meetings.
t p. m. Sunday at ths Ttbtruoli.
:M p. m Buys' sns girls' meetls .
First Preebyterlan charca, Couaoil y. between whom the election la said
Bluff a, Mlaa Qamlln. ' ' rest, and William J. Patterson, Pltta-
4 p. m. Bible study for aohool teaoh. I burgh, and Captain Patrick Coney of
era and ethers, rirat Methodist ehuroa, j Topeka.
jgjss ai. A formal Invitation was extended at
4:30 p. in. Boys' and g-lrls' meeting, the meeting today for the veterans to
Plrat Chrlatlaa church, Couacll Blaffe, 1 attend the laying of the cornerstone of
Mlaa Oamlia. ilhe great memorial to the soldier dead
4ils p. m Commercial High school I mt th Arlington National cemetery to-
and business coll.. . alrla, T. W. 0. A., i morrow. President Wll.on wilt lay the
Miss Miller i "oTn"r atone and Commander-in-Chief
7:80 p. mJ-Bnnday at the Taberaaole. ; P'mer will apeak. The memorial, which
7.30 p. m Masting- f youmff people, ngre., appropriated rpo.OOO for, 1- ex-
rirat Presbyterian church, Council ' to b romploted for dedication on
Bluffs, Ml.. Oamlia. j Memorial day. W17.
a p. mBlbl. ela... Tlrst Congr.,. M'"" of -nfu'"" "'round.d the
Uonal church, OouncU Bluffs, Mlaa Sa.o. "u """ h'f hour
, todiy while several thousand members
At the close of "yesterday after- i ft Gr",, A' of Republic "
. v iuo .vo w a allied organisations sought to gain ad-
noon's tabernacle meeting the Bun- mutate to the east room to ah&ke hands
day campaign In Omaha was exactly J with the president. Several persons
xhalf over. Four Sundays and seven- '"ted " were taken away in ambu
een and a half week days were past 'Trrangcment. had been made for th.
ana lour Sundays ana seventeen ana
a half week days were to come. The
campaign Will end Sunday, October
. . , , .
24. The campaign in Syracuse, N.
Y., will open the following Sunday.
At this half-way point Mr. Sunday
had addressed nearly 35D.000 people
in the tabernacle alone and had se
cured 2,657 trail hitters, besides aa
many more boys and girls. Many'to honor any but thoae having- badges
thousands had been reached in scores
f other meetings throughout Greater
Omaha and Council Bluffs.
Discnssing the length of time required ture of the chairman of the local cltl
to build a good sermon, "Billy" won the mtam' comnrittee worn by many men, who
hearts of the women In tha audience by believed the ribbons gave them admte
referrlnsr Jo the time It has taken them ' lon- Boma ,tid they paid 26 cents for
to learn to make good bread and pics. 1 th TltMUfT" f
"1 can aeok. too." he chuckled. "I can t I "nUrr Tumulty heard of the dlffl
bake bread, but I can fry beefsteak and , cnlt,e and l"'ructed the police to allow
everything like that" members of all bodies allied with the
The sermon was an' arraignment of of ubhc to enter
theM who are asleep in the churches, i thWh, "ou" to "-t the preaident
who think Christianity consist, in sitting' '" Trraflc, former Grand
at ease among the cushion, onoe a week A"" .' HUb '""T
and going through the religious forms.
"Billy" was In a fremy of denunciation
against auch and there was ' many a
warm "amen" and "yes, yes, that's
true," from people In the audlenoe.
Too Many Sellers of Rhetoric.
"Too many preachers In modern and
so-called 'aristocratic' churches degener
ate into mere .eller. of rhetoric," he
aid. "They arnOoth doan the stubble of
God's demands. They go' through the
empty forms. They tell their gangs the
things they want to hear and are very
cautious, to say nothing that might of
fend the bunch. They have to do It to
hold their Jobs."
He referred to the rugged and active
religion of Phillip. Brooks, the great
Episcopal clergyman, and said, "If they
all had a. much religion aa he bad. they'd
do something for sinners."
"Billy's" closing prayer was an inti
mate conversation with Jesus, In which
he even chuckled aa he said. In referring
to thoae who do no work in savins
others, "You bet, you never shirked that
work, Jesus.
"I'll follow you, Jesus, even if Tou tell
me to crswl Into a coffin." he said. "I'll
follow You to the graveyard. I won't do
aa some do, sing 'Where He Leads I'll
Follow,' and then the next day go off to
'me dance."
J. Q. Brown, an 'evangelistic ainger
from Chicago, was introduced by "Rody"
and aang a song. He is en route to York
to take part in a revival.
The Weather
s Korecaat till T p. m.. Friday:
Kor Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-TnaetUed and problmly rain tonight and
FrWay; not much change in temperature.
Teaitrntsre at Omaha Yraterday.
6 a. m
a. m
7 a. m
S a. rn
a. m
10 a. m
11 a. ra
12 m
1 p. m
1 p. m
p. m
4 p. m
t p. m
p. in
T p. in
k p. m
Comparative L,imi Rrrord,
1915. Ult. 1911 1911
Highest yesterday t! W (2
lxi west yeaterday 50 68 &4 37
Mean temperature .... M 76 Si 5o
Prec'oltatlon uO .( .( .flu
Temperature and precipitation depar
ture front the normal:
Normal temperature 61
Iieficirnrr for the day
Total deficiency since March 1 ii7
Normal precipitation 10 Inch
leflclenrjf for the day IK Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. 94.34 Inches
IWtclency since March 1 t'i Inch '
Iieflclency for cor. period, lt 4 ir ii,cf us
Deficiency for cor. Period. X" . i w t... l.a
Kepwrle frwna Satlnn
i t
Station and State
of Weather.
- i
'' -
Cheyenne, clear
T . . . i '
Ienvr, clear '
Ih.s Moines, cloudy.,..
Lander, cloudy ....
nr h Platte .'lef.,..
Omaha. rla'!y -
PuW.lo, .(.- t
Rapid ' r. (!p'.'"'
Kama t , irtr ..
Hheri: Ril. 4iu.1-
'J'"" i.y. riar
V t.M.h clwir
. at
1 . 1,, dicai a trace of
U A hLSU. Local Korecasier.
Scenes of Confusion at Reception
by President of Union
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. Colonel
David J. Palmer, commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
announced today that the organiza
tion was to make an effort to secure
"proper'' pensions for civil war
Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles
deprecated the fact that niauy of the
veterans were forced to stand for
several hours before they took their
places in the parade yesterday, which
resulted In many cases of exhaustion.
Only four nomination for commandor-In-chlef
were made at today's bu slums
session. They were Kliaa H. Mont fort,
Cincinnati, and Frank (1. Coir, Jersey
officers of the union army, members of
; the Loyal Legion, ex-prlsoners of the civil
I and members of the Women's Relief
corps to meet the president. The report
i ,-me prevalent that evervnne ennnerte.1
with the various Grand Army of the Re
public organisations would be received.
All the gatoa of the White House grounds
were bedleged, the crowds extending" sev
eral blocks.
of the organisations for which arrange
ments had been made. Added confusion
resulted from souvenir ribbons of the
Women's Relief corps, bearing the plc-
j viti&, ili.i uvuv v ii v ivi inc. mi n;c i m
, the president.
In a short address Colonel Torrance
assured the president that the members
of the Grand Army of the Republic
stood solidly behind him in his conduct
of - the - foreign affaire of the .United
State. 1
Omaha Loses Chance
To Entertain G, A. R.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. .-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Omaha today lost a golden op
portunity to entertain the Grand Army
of the Republic next year. Vp to the
last moment of voting by the national
encampment it was hoped by the friends
of the Gate City a proposition would be
received from Omaha Inviting the vet
erans of the civil war to meet In the mid
west, and everybody seemingly was ready
to vote for the city which only for a
tornado would have entertained the na-
t a I antarnnmAnt thneasa 'wsiara si On
At the state encampment of the Grand
k. b,v,h . mih. i m.v
Army of the Republic at Mlnden In May I
of this year," said Department Com- j
..uc. w. ---
mously endorsed Omaha for the national
encampment of 1916. Aa department com-
mander I appointed a committee consist-
ing of C.puin C. E. Adam, of Superior.
i . i ..ii. o u
chairman; Judge Lee Batelle. P H.
cox Andrew Tralnor and Jonathan HM-
ward, to wait upon the Commercial club
and other civic organisations for the pur-
would like to entertain the Grand Army
of the Republic. Nothing came of the
suggestion to meet in Omaha next year.
No interest waa shown on the part of 1
I the city, and today with Illinois, Peon-
sylvanla, Ohio wanting to go to Omaha, i
I was compelled to vote for Kansas City, I
which tecame a candidate this morning.
My judgment Is that Omaha lost ita su
preme opportunity In not asking the plum
bers of the Grand Army of the R4Tp'iblto
to be Its guests next year." '
Directory to Show
200,000 Population
The Omaha Directory company la pre
paring data tor Its 191 volume, tlte first
directory of Greater Omaha 4o be issued.
The numerical streets, which extend into
South Omaha, will be 'n Unbared from
Dodge, and all numbers oa houses and
business places of the South Side will
have to be rhanged tn accordance with
the new plan. The 'names of several
streets on the South fkt have also been
chsjiged. All of jH'ftaeSi' w ill ' appear in
the ne dl-ect r v
Cherien . " ,.i ,"jn, manager pX the
Oinai a li-- nany, has adopted
i a e v. m vf sii-j.i,-. i. tha Bill enable
! t) .. t- aicur.t. total
ine ic rul0.ior'"bf Greater Omaha.
Mr. ThoMi-Hon aays be already la sure
that Omaha Is tn the 20U,ftJ class.
SALT LAKE CITY, It ah, Sept M.
Governor Spry has Just announced that
ha has granted Hlllstrom a reprieve until
October Is, Wis. out of courtesy to Preal
dent Wilson. Hlllstrom has been notified.
Tbe text of the governor's messaga to the
president has hot been given out.
how to make 1he best use
. l ' lim Him ii hi m i eviiiTiniiiaTiiiin niam'tlM inii as aim nunr. mm -mm
Session Waxes Exceedingly Warm
Over Endorsing Foreign Policy
of President Wilson.
Treasonl" f '
Th ugly word rang through the
convention hall of the National
farm congress at the Hotel Rome
this morning. .
It was directed at Charlea Wooster
of Silver Creek, Neb., by State Sena
tor J. D. Brown of Leon, la.
Brown la a veteran of the civil war
who marched and fought for years.
Wooster is a farmer who raises huge
crops of Ink with which to write let
ters to the letter columns of the
newspapers on all subjects from as
tronomy to Invasions of Berlin.
The fight occurred over the proposed
resolution to commend the foreign policy
of President Wilson.
Following Is the resolution as It was In
troduced and as it was finally adopted
after the fight:
"Resolved, That this congress com
mends the foreign policy of President
Wilton while standing at the head of the
American nation during one of the most
critical and trying periods of its history,
"Resolved, That we express absolute
confidence In his courage, patriotism and
diplomatic ability.
Resolved. That we offer him our loyal
support In his efforts to protect, the
. ' r. .. 7. , ,..
t" the Impartial neutrality of this na
tion." ..,)
Wanted Part BtHrken Oat.
N ,t tntroduced than
' , . ...
' , , Woofer w.nUd to am.nd by
."ng out the last Paraph, .
W ,Uon h" n?t,,roUiCl ' VM f
American c tlsofifc" , was Wooster's pro-
J them
. , , " ,. tlm
country lntu wvr by the occupation of
Vera Crus. Jle' does not represent the
.American tp r?.M
Wooeter A iu) raving when Senator
Rrown of !! got up and exhibited his
Grand Army button on the lapel of his
eoet .",
"1 fought Tour years In the civil war,"
he said. . "I was not for Wilson at the
election and did not vote for him. I was
proud hat 1 did not. But, gentlemen,
ae la our president and it la the duty of
every cltixen to stick by him now. These
are treasonable untterances that have
been heard here. If this man don't like
this country let him get out of it and
go where it suits him better. I am
backing President Wilson, j
Not Oae Jolae Woeteter.
The vote on the resolution was called
Wooster waa again on his feet demand
ing a roll call on the vote. As it re
tiring about a roll call Wooster made
quires the demand of five persons to,mnr "oveltle. whl-h will delight
1 trtlis nartnaa a. v. A ab .. .
a Personal a d Deal for four other dele-
gates to join him tn the demand for a
roll caJL
Silence. No one Joined him.
The vote was loud and enthusiastic.
I and equally unanimous, for Wooster re
fused to vote and was the only man In
the house opposed to the resolution.
Rural finances as affecting agriculture
was the subject then taken up by a num
ber of speakers with discussions fol
BEA TRICK. Neb.. Sept. S0.-Speclal J
Telegram.) Kain inteiferred with the
county fair this afternoon. John L.
jienneay or iMuana gave b.i adres on the
' development
and iiuprovenint of the
a; ate.
HEARTY ONE, and he knows
of it when he has told a good
Highway Run in Connection with
Fall Festivities Opens with
Crowds Present
Wednesday M&o
' "Back again! The big show la on!"
Aa they say In advance of Jingling
Bros., "bigger, and better than ever
before!" And this time It's true.
The King's Highway blossomed
forth last evening in one of the
most complete opening nights of all
carnival history and a crowd that
entered Into the featlval spirit that
would do credit to the affair a week
This year the carnival grounds are
on Fifteenth street, from Howard to
Jones, and the length of King Ak-Sar-Ben's
Broadway Is a blaze of
lights, song, music and confetti, such
as has ne'er been seen on Its expanse.
Everyone appeared to be delighted with
the new location, which' is 61 the heart
of the hotel district, and on a level
stretch. This particular seemed to
strike the out-of-town visitors who hsve
oome to Omaha In seasons past and are
here now.
For the start of the' merrymaking It is
doubtful. If ever, has the carnival grounds
been as well prepared for the king's sub
jects. The booths - are fully decorated
and manned with crews that are hep to
the Job, without any practice.
Some Showa There.
As for the shows! La, me! Why.
they're the very essence of delight.
Everything from Alaska on a six by six
wagon frame to the "girl In the auta."
This young and beautiful woman whirls
around a circular track at the rate of
something over ninety-nine and seven
eighths mile, an hour, standing nut
the skirts on great-grandmother's hoops
in operation. A ten-trie engine of speed,
painted vividly, rests in front of this
breath-bottling attraction, almost an ex
act duplicate of the fourteen-c Under
"Rearkat" In which the girl annoys pa-r
ctftsts and laws of gravity.
The Hippodrome contain, wild beast..
Including the "hot dog," one of the moat
horrible brutes in captivity. Other little
things, such as lying lions, panting pan
thers and Irperoua leopards enttitain the
awe-struck populace.
After seeing the ferocious animals one
can get far from the Jungle by passing
"Through the Panama Canal." which Is
right next door. A large working model
In miniature of the big ditch la there. Or
If you wish to put still more Urrltory
between vou and the beasts, you can
Journey to the opposite side of phe Hip
podrome and embark on "A Trip to
Visit star.
Once on the planet rou will receive
' "-.
A little farther along Is a place ral'ed
the "Arabian Nights." In which beautl-
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
The Bee's
Next Sunday
Place Your Order Now
Further Gain of Territory in Cham-pag-ue
Announced by Faris,
While Germani Say Kill
171 Taken.
Republican Soldier Have Captured
121 Field Guns and Heavy
Bl l.l.KTIV
TAMS. Sojit. 30. A further gain
of ground in Champagne to the north
of Meanil is recorded in the French
official communication tonight,
which adds that on the Champagne
e.nn, .I.m Q.nlamU, "S taA I
Uu,.mremCU, v ""!on box car. and l.nme.llate help was
guns and heavy pieces to the number needed. Mites of roadway had been
121 have been captured by the
liEULIN. Sept. 30. (Via Lon
don.) Loss of another position in
France to the allies as a result of the
great battle now in progress, ts an
nounced in the official statement
from the war office today. The Ger
mane lost Hill No. 111.
Hill No. 191 is a position In the
Champagne region north of the town
of Masai ges.
The text of the German official state
ment follow.:
"Western theater: Yesterday the enemy
continued Its attempts to break through
our lines only In the Champagne region. I
"South of the Menln-Ypres road a posi
tion occupied by two English companies
was blown up,
"North of toos SAir counter attack
progressed slowly.
' Southeast of Souche. 'the French suc
ceeded In penetrating our lines In two
small sections. Fighting continues.
"A French attack south of Arras was
easily repulsed.
"Hattlps between Rhelm. and the Ar
gon ne wero very bitter. South of St.
Marle-Py an enemy brigade broke
through our outer line, of trenches. Our
reserves In counter attack captured BOO
prisoners and destroyed the others.
"Ail French attacks between the Somm-Py-Aoualn
high road and the Challeiv.
ange-8t-Menehoud railway were repulsed
partly yesterday after bitter' lrand to
hand fighting. In' which' th enemy Suf
fered heavy losses.
"Karly today a strong enemy attack on
the front near Masslgnee broke down.
North of Mansinee, Hill No. 191, which
was very tnuiih exposed to the enemy's
flanking fire, was lost.
"On the other front artillery duets
and mining engagements of varying In
tensity took place.
"Eastern theater: South of Dvlnsk,
wto forced the enemy back Into the
marshes and lakes to the east of Weseu
lovo. Our cavalry engagements In the
region of Poatawy were successful.
"East of Smorgon we broke through
the onemy position by storm. One thou
sand prisoners. Including seven offloers
were taken and six cannon and four ma
chine guns were captured. Bouth of Smor-
gon the battle continues.
"Army of Prince Leopold: Enemy at
tacks sgainst many aectlons of the front
wero repulsed with sanguinary looses.
"Army of Field Marshal Von Macken
sen: The situation ia unchanged.
"Army of General Von Linslngen: On
the upper Kormln the Russians were
driven back In an easterly direction.
About &00 prisoners were taken. Aero
planes were shot down."
Voice Transmitted
Forty-Six Hundred
Miles by Wireless
NEW TORK, Sept. .-That wireless
telephone communication from the At
lantic seaboard to Hawaii, a distance of
4.600 miles. Is now an accomplished fact
was announced today at the offices of
the American Telephone and Telegraph
Exceeding even In success the trans,
mission of ths human voice from Arling
ton to Mare Island, Cel., a distance of
l.WO miles, accomplished last night, it
mas stated that subseituenl experiments
had i-esulted In successful telephone com
munication between Arlington and the
naval radio station at Pearl harbor, Ha
waii. The distance over which this wireless
communication was held is grester than I
the distance from New tork to London,'
Paris, Berlin or Koine. The voice had
to travel over the whole of the United
States, a distance of l.ooO miles, before It
encounterea me more sunpie wireiesa
conditions which exUt over large bodlo. a(,.,Mned to Mlta Ion. Armstrong, libia
of water. Kor the purpose of this test rlaI, at council Bluffs. Mls Annie C.
It was stated that tbe receiving was dons , Kramph of North Platte spoke on "The
on small wireless antennae erected by . Lbrai y a 8orla Center."
snglneers of the telephone company by. Al rioo nthe 0oe.atee were guests of
permission of the nsval authorities in the ,n. Commercial club and members of the
Pearl Harbor station. library board at luncheon. An automob le
Th experiments, tt was explained at the rid, about th. clty B, guests of the
offices f tbe company, are the success-; Commercial club followed. The convention
ful culmination of a series of teats we- w(ll ci0e tomorrow forenoon with ths
gun last spring with an experimental election ol officers.
toaer ereciea at sioniaua roint ana an
other at Wilmington, Del., 10 ralUs apart.
! (From a Start Correspondent )
j LINCOLN, Sept. 90,-(Special.) Dr.
Raymond Miller and his wife were
brought back from Omaha today by a
! member of the sheriff ' office to answer
'to a charge of a criminal assault on tt-
year-old Kuth Liaher. Miller and his wife
I entered please of not g-nllty, the wife to
the charge of lelng an accessory, and
their bond was fixed at I1.&IM. which Mil
ler's mother will furnish.
Miller Is a phykirlan Just out of school,
tauktng for a location, lie and his wife
lived ueit door to tbe Llehur for a short
Seven or Eight White Persons and
Several Nc jroei Victim, of High
Waters at Frenier.
Heavy Damage Done at New Or
leans, According to Latest
News from There.
MEMPHIS. Tenn.. Sept. 30.
Seven or eight white persona and
seventeen negroes were drowned and
a score more injured at Frenier, La.,
in yesterday's storm, according to re
ports to the office of the general su
perintendent of the Ysioo A Missis
sippi Valley railroad here today.
The news came from Superintendent
T. K. Hill at Mct'omb City. Mlsa.. who
also stated fift or sixty peraona.
some of thm Injured, ere marooned
washed away by the wind driven waves
from Lake 1'oti (chart rain, the message
MOIHLK, Ala., Sept. it). With every
telephone and telegraph wire to the
westward prostrated by the Weat Indian
storm. Mobile todav was without in for.
nation aa to the extent of damage at
Odcn. Ilaou La Metre, Uulfpnrt, Pmm
Christian and other points along the gulf.
Three families are reported mianing at
Crab Creek.
Although Mobile escaped the full force
of the hurricane a furious southeast gale
swept this city and adjacent territory
practically the entire night, attaining a
velocity of sixty miles an hour.
Timely warning by the government
weather bureau prevented material dam
age to the mater craft. One launch
may he lost and three coal barges were
eet adrift.
Practically the entire waterfront of the
city was flooded as a result of the un
usually' high tide. Cltlxens were com
pelled to use wagons and boats In order
to reach offices and business houses in
the Inundated section, some of the streets
being two to three feet under wster.
Several families are reported missing
along the nearby coast.
The storm did little damage at the
resorts slong the' east shore of Mobile
The coast guard cutler Tallapoosa,
which remained on duty In the harbor
throughout the night, report, that there
have been no advicea of distressed .hipping-
Port. Morgan reports that the damage
there and on Daupln Island was slight'
Ail trains on the Louisville ati4 Wash-v.
vllle railroad to the southward have been
annulled and at Blloxl and southward
the tracks are reported washed out. Three
feet of water Is reported over the Louis
vllle ' and Nashville tracks three miles
north of this cltfc
gtorm Central fa Mississippi,
West Indian hurricane was centered over
the Interior of Mississippi this morning,
but It had greatly diminished In fores.
The storm, however, ts not over, as it
maintains considerable Intensity and is
causing general rain throughout the
south Atlantlo and eastern gull states
and Tennessee.
During tbe night it caused winds of
hurricane force on the middle gulf cosst
and the weather bureau oruered a con
tinuance of storm warnings along the
gulf coast from Mobile to Cedar Keys,
Fla,, and on the Atlantlo coast from Jack
sonville to Wilmington, N. C.
Indications are that the storm Is mov
ing In a northeasterly direction, and that
it will cause rains during the next thirty-six
hours everywhere east of the MIs
slslppl river, except In the upper lake
No official reports had reached the
weather bureau from New Orleans since
t o'clock yesterday afternoon, but other
advices . Indicated that the storm had
almost abated there.
FREMONT, Neb., Sept . (Special
Telegram. -Dr. 8. M. Crothers of Har
vard madethe e fa ture address before the
""" '"')' "'
, n,n session today. Dr. Crothers spoke on
"A Literary Clinic." The day session con
slsted of talks by librarians In attendance
' and the discussion of matters of inter
est to librarians.
Charles Arnot of Bcrlbner. formerly
county superintendent of Dodge county,
was the principal speaker at the forenoon
session. Mr. Arnot urged the library trus
tees to take more Interest in the work
' of the librarians and co-operate with
jthem, to the end of getting better results.
I Members of boards of trustees who refuse
to attend the meetings should resign and
give way to someone else who will at
tend. Other speakers on the program today
were: MUs Zora Shields of Omaha, who
talked on "The Development of L brary
. ..,....,., . .,...,
Killed in Auto on
Way to County Fair
BKATRICH Ntb.. R-pt. .-Jc4ia Truta
of rJIk Cretk waa killed and four other
men Injured, rue of them, Joseph Schultx,
probably fatally, today, when the auto
mobile tn which they were driving turned
over in a ditch near the town of Virginia.
The men wore on their way to the county
fair at this place.
Ualltr of (bmImsj !'.
CI.KAKWATKR. Ia., hpt. .J. J.
Mendenhall, orange grotter and nil I
oaner. was found guilty here today of
causing the death of Mine Susie Rlllott.
whosa body waa found In the ruins of
Mendenhall't f burned automobile near
here July The Jury reoouunenls4
Capture of This Town with Its
Radiating Railroads Would
Open the Way to ta At
tack on Lille.
Germans relieved to Be Making
Counter Attack to Recover
This Position.
R( l.l.KTIV
LONDON, Bepi. ju. Th great
struggle on the western front has
now resolved Itself clearly into a bat
tle for Lens, in Pas De Calais, nlna
miles northeast of Arras. The cap
ture of this town, with its radiating
railways, would bring Into the fore
ground the possibility of retaking
Both north and south of Lens, the
allies hold high ground dominating
the town the British 0u Hill No.
70, the French on Hill No. 140, the
high crest between Souches and
Vlmy. The official report from Paris
last night said merely that this crest
had been reached so that presumably
a terrific counter attack is raging
there today, with final mastery of
this important position at stake.
Rain, fog and so g pry ground have
been hampering both the contender
and limiting the activities of air
craft. A few days of clar. dry
weather might hare a marked effect
on developments.
Offensive Thlrtr Miles Lssg.
The offensive of the allies thus far
haa been confined to stretches of the
front amounting to lees than thirty
miles In all. The general belief In Eng
land Is that these attack, are only the
prelude to what ts coming. At any rate
the public would be disappointed if the
movement were not sustained.
There i. the usual speculation as to
the shifting of German forces from the
east to the west although anything like
reliable information , la lacking. As
against the report thrt some rrussian
(Continued on Page Seven. Column One.)
Little Girl Kidnaped
" by Four Armed Men
C1WCAOO, IU., Sept. SO.-Marguertte
Groelano, 13, Cauhter of Vlao Oroslano,
a wealthy farmer and contractor of
Harvard, 111., near here, waa kidnaped
here last night by four armed men, who
escaped in an automobile. The men
drove the car up to the door of Gro
iano's home and at the point of rifles
commended the girl, who responded to
their knock to get into the automo
bile. Before the father could load his
rifle the automobile was speeding down
the road.
Posses were sent throughout the sur
rounding country, but Oroslano waa un
able to furnish the authorities with a
definite description of the car.
"They took my daughter for ransom,'
he said. "It's some fellows who have a
grudge against me. Thoy want money.
I'll get a letter in a few days."
President Hands Out
Land Office Places
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. Sept. SO. (Special Tel
egram.) President Wilson today ap
pointed the following registers and re
ceivers for the land offices in Nebraska!
Broken Bow Ross J. Moore, register;
John R. Robinson, receiver.
North Platte E. J. Eamea, register!
Arnold F. Beeler, receiver.
O'Neill F. Campbell, register; James
C. Qulgley, receiver.
Valentine J. V. Scott register.
in mv
j . ,
All Rltbte RMm4.
Cheer vp, boys, aad smile a llttlei
What's the use of look.aT sad
Better have a siance aroaad yoo.
See what's making baalaees bad. .
gee yoar eirhbr,s business flourish,
ayt that fellow's got soaie nepi
Aa! fee nses Bee Want AA serrtoei
Boys, youll have to wetea yeas step.
Wha a man ts tudna; waat aos,
"Me ehoold worry." "hs should fret,'
Cause he's got reat etnff to baek hua,
Yee, the best that you oaa get.
t'se the classified want ads dally sot
stick to It. Ijon t let your competitor
beat Vou to It. If is good, keen
It good with our heln. .If business Is tat,
boost It by the sainenietbod. We ii
gluiliy assist you la the matter of w , v
In. 34r ada.
f - 11
II Intuit. urO
I A Jf emrV
flu vT T'eifl
Call Tyler 1000 now, and put your ad t V