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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1915)
JIIK BLJ.: )M UlA, illLi:siA. Shl'l 'IvMJlhii .W. rjio. IHE OMAHA DAILY BEE I FOUNDED DT EDWAiV ROSKWATER. r- victor rosewate;.. ODITOJl. I Tke B Publishing- Company Proprietor; BEB BUILDING, FARNAM AND HEVENTKNTH Enter: at Omaha postofflce a soonl-ctas matter. TKRM0 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Hjr rarrler By nin.ll psr month. pr ysr. MTy ft4 Juno'.T.., fto . lir without Sunday....' 4 00 Ventng and Suniy no "vnlng without Sunday Bo 4.00 iund.T Bee only 2 on infl notice of change of .dlres. or complaints of rr-olerlty la Selirerr to Omaha Bee, Circulation pertinent. R&MtTTANCE. KawJt Vy Art ft, asprea or postal order. Only two pent stamp received In pifmmt of .mall a ounta. 1'er.nnal chpcv., xrpt on Omaha and eastern s.ehange. not sccepted. OFK1CKS. Omaha-Trie Be. H.!1.1lns South Omaha 9 1 N trrrt Council Uluffa 14 North Main street, f.tnooln M Utfto Building. Chtoefo-aoi Herat Hulirflng. fliw Tork Room 11. tm Fifth ayanua. ft. Louie-SOS Nw Man of Commerce. W.entngton TJ6 Fourteenth St.. N. W. r CORRESPONDENCE. SAAr eommuetratlona relatlrtr to news and tll (oriel matter to Omaha Baa, Editorial Department. AVGl'ST CIKCClATlUS. 53,993 stoat of stebreeka. County of Douglea, sei Dwight Williams, circulation manager or The Fee company, being duly iwom. says that the .yerageclrculatlun for the month of August. Wis. DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my preeenoe and sworn to before me. thia M day ot k-pieiiiter. luii. fiOBKllT HUWTfc.ll. Notary Public fiobaeribrra leaving the city temporarily abould have The Bee mailed to then. Ad dress U1 be changed aa often aa requested. Bavaaaabet SO Thought for the Day Tht mdbnt of friends, who art rtal frUnd, U tht belt token wt hav of a mn'$ ucce$t in litt.EdicarJ Evtrtlt 111. 'L J' a i i Thin la where Ak-Sar-Ben attain, hi" ma jority. Twenty-one Is old enough to vote. Each And very one of you are now on the Inception committee for Ak-Sar-Ben visitors. Before "Billy" finishes, of course, he will tell ua what he thlnkt about municipal dancea. But If Uncle Sam will not protect his own .American cltUena In foreign landa, who will? War shares are aTlatlng higher and higher Into the clouds. The return to earth promises new speed record. The report that the Russian bear lost all tta claws In the Mazurlan lake region turna out to W illfc'btly exaggerated. Substituting a recall for a leave of absence safeguards the etiquette of diplomacy and Wocka a return vlalt. Dr. Dumba goes to atay. Farmers are advised to organise their work ao they can do a steady all-the-year-round busi ness. That Is sound advice for people in other lines besides farming. . ' . i Nebraska's 804 state banks report deposits totaling f 111,000,000. As one of several meas ures of the state'a resources the figures give the knockout to pessimists. - -j Should the big fellows persist in pushing weak brothers to the front as a "horrible ex Mnple" of J-cent fares, they may have them selves to blame for the boomerang effect of manufactured atrocities. , A most unfortunate moment has been chosen for easttng legal aspersions on the purity of Omaha's piped water. A public charge ot im purity, even though unproven, indicts the water wagon as unclean Just as the multitude are busy reserving seats. General Kuropatkln. the Russian commander-in-chief in the war with Japan, la re ported coming out ot eclipse and heading for the front. Ten years of retired meditation ought to have developed a substitute for his famous "I regret to report." One of Lincoln's watchdoga of reform la mak irg a loud nolae over the expenditure of $800 for the purchase of an automobile. lie ought to be invited up to Omaha and permitted to re view a parade of our city, eounty, school district and water district-owned autos. The government has Invited the American consul at Munich to forward his resignation. An American woman, just landed in New York, brought a ticket-of-leave from Italy. Both are accused of war partisanship. In both instances safety first pointed to home aa the proper place for Americana minus a mental atablllzer. The proerram te given out for tha memorial eervlcea nezt Bundey in honor of Slr Moeea Montefiore. the great Jawlrtt phUeJothroptet, who died recently in Kbk land Addreaee will be delivered by Senator Charlea r. Manderaon. Hon. rdward Roaewater and Rabhl N. I. Benaon. with mualo by a quartet coinpoaod of Mr ll Chamberlain, Mra. Day, Mr. WUklna and Mr. Pen aelL The United Presbyterian synod la in eeeaton In Omaha. Incidentally, an Invitation waa received and eoepted by John U and William U McCagua to give tha members and their lad lie a two houra' ride about (be city. Tle county cotnmiselunera have aeot la a petition to the city council aaklng for the erection of a work feouee. Work was begun on the new fire eujclna houae at the corner of Saunders and Cuming which la to take ' tha place ot the present Quarters of No, I oa Twentieth aud I sard. Nat Qoodwin cloaed bis engagement here in hie new BJay, The bkating Kink." before a good audience. Announcement nmde of the appointment of Prank If. lirown, faultier of the Vnlon Pacific, to be tha treasurer, effective October 1. General Manager Calluway and party, accoimaniei by Hark A. liuuna of Cleveland and Jamea W. Kavarfn of thia city, aovernuvnt director of the fnlua Pat-in.-, returned frojn the tet, tht other directora hav Inn' a one on te Portland a , . if" .m lie Fifty Year After, Twenty thousand veteran of the army of Grunt marched In review before the prenldont at Washington ycBterday, trudRlDg along with tot tering stops over the route their youoR fe?t had covered with pprlngy stride In the morning of their sturdy youth. When President Johnson reviewed th? vr-tprano, 160,000 men, sunburned, tanned, luty and vigorous, filled Pennsylvania avenue with surh a stream of virile life as It rover had cen and may never again pee. It was the C.raud Army of the Republic, Just fin ished with Its fighting on the field of battle, and ready to take up the conquest of life. Some of tnem looked back on campaigns from Bull Run to Appomatox, from 1 to '65, full of the action that brought a nation out of the depths of war, and looking forward with clear eyes to a future rreat beyond the dreams of any. They dropped the muskets after that march down Pennsylvania avenue, and took up the tools of peace. States have been erected, cities built, civilization In all lis wondrous progress has been established since then, and these men have had their full share In the magnificent work. Only 20,000 of them marched up Pennsylvania avenue In this review, while all that are left of the men who fought tinder Old Glory In those dark yeara scarcely ni-mber more than marched before President Johnson, but these few are the grand Army of the Republic, and will so remain while this gov ernment and its institutions endure. Just What it Was All About. Now we know what all this fuss and flurry over the floating of the Anglo-French $500,000,- 000 loan waa about. The terms upon which the bonds are to be offered to the syndicate and underwriters and to the public make it so plain that any school boy can figure it. The bankers who are in on the deal are to have the bonda at 96, and to offer them at 9S in other words, tley are to have two per cent commission for flotation. The particular banka to share in the underwriting group are to have their invita tions from the head of the house of Morgan, although it Is not disclosed whether or not a r pedal additional commission is to be paid for that service. On the $500,000,000 the two per cent amounts to $10,000,000, which is some thing worth fighting for, and for which the fight would have been Just aa keen whether themoney m as to be loaned to the allies or to the Teutons. i What Will Rockefeller Do! The full significance of the visit or John D. Rockefeller, Jr., to Colorado can not be deter mined until his final Judgment Is pronounced and his action taken. Mr. Rockefeller Is now en gaged in summing up his experience and obser vations, and has promised he will see what can te done for the Improvement of industrial con ditions out there. His visit has been variously interpreted, some of his critics flippantly com paring it to the tour of a feudal lord to receive and enjoy the homage of his vassals and bond serfs. Why not give him the benefit of any doubt that may exlBt and concede that he is sin cere in his professions of desire to be of service? He has It in his own hands to do much good, and, with first hand knowledge of the situation, he may find means to bring about changes that wfll be of great value to those directly affected. He 'hasn't gone deeply into things in his short visit, and has been and still la in the hands of ,men who represent the Rockefeller Interests there, but he haa in other waya shown a ten dency to practical methods In his philanthropic efforts, consequently It la not unreasonable to look for some genuine good to come from this inquiry. Mr. Rockefeller has now a great op portunity, and will shorUy let the world know if he intends to work any considerable change in existing conditions. Mudge and the Bock Island. The resignation of Henry U. Mudae as lolnt receiver with Judge Dickerson for the Rock Inland system clears the way for the suits that are to be brought by the receivers against the directors of the defaulting company. While Sir. Mudge is not responsible for the conditions that necessitate the suits, being a director in the one company that is not involved in the stock manipulations complained or, he Telt a natural delicacy aa to hla position when called iipon to appear as plaintiff against his former csBociatee. ins resignation therefore removes any embarrassment the government might have met in this respect. Mr. Mudge may be retained aa operating executive of the system, although rumor connecta hla name with the place of presi dent of another great and successful railroad. He haa high rank among railroad men and his ac tion in this affair indicates the high quality of his honesty, which has been proven In other ways, along with hla executive ability. The straightening out of the tangled affaira of the Rock Island is proceeding apace, and the o wn ers of the road may yet have back their property in serviceable condition. The flrat and moat difficult leeson taught in five daye to the 4 52 men comprising the volun teer army in training at Camp Sheridan was "Obedience to military rules and ordera." The difficulty of learning it proved more imaginary than real. Obedience in the military sense means system, unity, co-operation in workaday life and the addition of one to the other makes for greater efficiency in life's battle. Why not be frank about It? Sending food to the belligerent countries, loaning them money, selling them war munitions, furnishing tbem hospitals and hospital supplies, or helping to re lieve homeless war vlctlme each Is only one way by which we share the burden of the fight to the extent we take it off of the countries at var, and thus enable, thera to keep up the fight longer. That American schemers are responsible for some of the trouble on the Mexican border is a matter of common knowledge. Several persona at Los Angeles and San Diego are under indict ment for conspiring against the peace of Mexico. Lack of these tuovemeata, usually well covered, is the definite purpose of provoking war by which the achemera might profit through owner ahlp of Mexican property. "War obtruded upon ua by criminal aur-l-rlse," says the kaiser in s congratulatory d'a-rU-b to his finance minlater. Despite the vast amount of serious busineaa on hand, the kaiser preserves a lively sense of humor. A Boarding House Keeper -A. Oleason la Harper's Weekly- HK is an eldi-rly gpntlewomnn with sort sray hair Sand a fnci where much suffering has not availed to leave one line of bitterness. Only from an In ner kindliness can the lone of the voice end the serv ice of the hnttds ciime which brine a comfort to a houseful of strangers. Out of a dull, brown dwelling on a city street td a group of lonely men and women 'Infinitely repellent particles," she hns made a home. Plie achieves it by a long patience, a habit of thinking tha best of fnulty human nature, and a oulet but Per sistent oversight upon every detail of the establish ment, from the coal fire In the guests' rooms to thi desserts made by her own hand. One key to her success, that ennblea her to hind lodrers to her with hoops of steel. Is that she buys th best foods which the market offers. 8he pays the highest ptlies. and obtains fresh meats and worthy vegetables. She makes lese money, because she glvra unusual value In her table. One of her lodgers, a critical, even "cranky," bettered, disappointed man, has been with her for twenty yeara. The "help" en Joys the same quality of food as the star boarde.s. It Is Just at the point where the element of calcula tion Is passed by, that she gains her distinction. Kho cares for her guests as If they were her family. No missionary to Bouth Pea Islands, nor worker In slum districts gives more service to his community thun this sllont. active woman of CO years, who prefers her calling to the bleak, unrelated life of retirement. It Is a trying life that of pleasing tired, fault finding homeless people because It deals in Innumer able little things: The cleaning of rooms, the prepara tion of food, the Jangle of the telephone bell, the cere Irssnesa of hired workers. The hostess of transient lodgers must consult a Jumblo of personal tastes, whims, prejudices. The leisured worldlng who sleeps late and breakfiists In ted, the student who rises early, the Invalid of delicate appetite. Khe has to calm a Babel of voices, each one of which Is Insistent to de elere his own dislike of other modes of thought, and alien brands of reunion and politics. She performs a ministry of reconciliation between exasperated person In the drawing room and fretted workers in the kitchen. Her own personality must be as persuasive aa an equable climate, unrecognized but effectual. Such aa the boarding house keeper. Aimed at Omaha fihelton Clipper: If Billy Sunday does not succeed in converting the sinners of Omaha it will not be the fault of the newspapers In the Nebraska metropolis. They are giving the acrobatic evangelist every assist ance possible to his sermons and "hot shots." Culherteon Banner: There are slight hopes for the Omaha papera. If anything they give Sunday Billy a little more space than they used to devote to Canada Bill. Prank and Jesse Jamea. Kearney Hnb: The Omaha Bee declares that the "short ballot" Is ripening very fast It sure Is. As a rrwittcr of fact it la Just a little overripe. Of course, we will not offend delicate sensibilities by declartnk that it Is really rotten. Bloomlngton Advocate: The Omaha papers are to be commended for the excellent manner In which they are handling this feature. Sliver Creek Sand: nlTto be hoped that within 1 Jl'Xt '?upl,of k h" Omaha papers will be worth reading. Billy" Sunday', rot Is disgusting and people who pay their money In advance for the paper are entitled to a financial rebate. er.!1" m T,aa: "Nraska'. two best preach ers are Ak-Har-lJen and the State Fair. . Ak-tfar-Ben. being a purely commercial institution, cannot of course be favored with an appropriation of money rrom the state treasury, but Ak-Sar-Ben should re ceive a very large appropriation from the people's o?,7ac0rf .n1,,'!1 and Patronage. LI agricultural U ",Way: " 8nlp"5"y advertise, this ,7 I? commnwealth to the nation and to tho m. A rJrm hOP7 and be,,eVM Omaha ar,H K K wtnnUal ,aB fe"t,Val " b aTto r""a Wh the "- festivities are to New Orleans. It can be done. The spirit of Omaha, as breathed through tha men of Ak-Sar-Ben can aecompllah anything "-ir Ben, Twice Told Tales A Salesman's Slip. There was a young fountain pen salesman who. to his great Joy, waa succeeding on his first trip in persuading- a stationer to order 100 pens. But all of a sudden the stationer's manner changed to the young man. ' -J"! :T1termBnd th ortar." he barked- .and hur. rled Into his private office, slamming tha door behind nim. tionW h U,y 'h'' bookke'Per o the st. "May I ask. air. why you so suddenly counter manded your order for those fountain pens?" 'The young salesman," explained the statlonee, "booked my order In lead pencil." A R tenlwl? 1, 'Uthor B""""" 'o l. de termined to achieve fame In the writing line If it kf'hl,;h" '"' Accordingly, he Is even wl to defray the cost of putting on the market the numer ous novels he write from year to year On the occasion of his laat visit to his publisher however, he was aomewhat vexed, a rathe, uusUai thing for him. -Why," asked he. "do you chargm. more this time than before r onarge me aJ1 lh pubU-her- the utmost frank ness. "the compositor, were constantly falling a.i.. over your last novel. "-Ha, per". Mag.., ' Prv Before Rattle. When the Hrltlah ship, under Lord Nelson were -!"0' :rt,n h- - -riosi'ty h"wS ""S aaked the m.n If he w.a afraid. "Afraid!" answered the honest tar. with a eount nance expre.siv. of ,h. utmost dladain "No. I w In the proportion a. the prt., moneythe great eat part among the offleera."-Joe Miller Peoplo and Events The man w ho set the blast that blew up the street. Woman." dressed l white and held In " ham. ly swarthy dl.m.l ftgur,. representing- prejui a ignor ance and vice. An Imposing guard cTiateV." aS with broom, surrounded the chained maiden anT J man dared make a. attempt at rescue. Jitneys legislated out of business In Philadelphia ire back on tb. Job. not a. Jitney., but aa -Vlub caa. The owner hav. pooled their business In ciub form aeU luemberahlp. at 6 cent each, and each tlmber ehlp entitle, the holder to a ride on .pclfled route, in any of Ue Jitney, in the rool. So far th. authority, have not Interfered with the club scheme. A heroio monument to the American cowboy Is pro jected by pioneer settler and cattlemen of Oklahoma The general idea is a granite and brunt, memorial to be reared a aome commanding eminence similar to the one dedicated to the American Indian at Oregon. 1U. At present the cowboy is without s monument though he waa a pioneer of pioneer, and matched his valor with that of soldier. In InUan warfare. A Georgia court deftly aldestepe a direct answer t the question. "What la a drunk r According to tha record ot th court of appeal, the fact that a man drove a horse recklessly on a street on Sunday, shouted botsteroualy, brandished a whip and scared people off the highway, 1. not sufficient evidence cf drunkenness, but bvlug driven his horse through a fence and into a garden. Justified the lower court n soaking him (ot IX. l.rowlti( Hetter or Woraef AVtK'A, la., Kept. To the Kditor of The Bee: Just now the goupcl trumict Is being sounded In the city of Omaha with a vim and vigor that Is apparently shaking the civilized world. Jut what is accomplished from this source on the spiritual sido of life goes unmeasured be cause the field Is too large. There are too many "lfs," "amis" and "Isms" to get the real meat of the nut here. The gospel assists In building spiritually, while human laws are made to help out In the material world. It was In policy court in the big city the other day when the writer saw the law vindicated The first case called was parking an auto againKt ordinance, time limit being violated. This amounted to little more than a fractured ordinance. The next case consisted of drunken ness and fighting; civilisation lacking here. The llKht-flngered wretch known as the shoplifter appeared next, pleading guilty, and was given twenty-five days In which to repent. Another case was that of a young girl, whose blue eyes and fair features wore perhaps a mother's Joy, guilty of va grancy. Two young men were with her on the same clmrge, all their ages were given as 19, traveling the road of Irre sponsibility together, and who was to blame? Fingers yellowed by cigarette smoking were strongly in Notice In this case. The dope fiend appears next, who passed as a fortune teller in an effort to extract money other than by means ot the sweat of brow. If there was a human soul within the specimen of humanity before the bar of Justice the countenance failed to reveal it. Two young men lined up next classed as "bums," as their violation. The kindly Judge told them to "hit the pike," go west and grow up with the country a. a penalty for their wrong-doing. Another specimen of humanity ap peared next whose head was white with the frosts of many winters, charged with Doing drunk, and whose declaration waa that he had only had two glasses of beer, lie was tenderly given thirty days. The wife beater appeared In the arena and received sixty days. Two descendants of Ham, sisters, were lined up next charged with fighting. The green-eyed monster. Jealousy over hus bands, waa the cause. The man sitting in Judgment told them shame. Go build an unsurmountable wall, each brighten ing their own little corner and sinning no more Now come two kleptomaniacs, who had been accused of stealing wire, and were convicted. Reformation was hoptd for by twenty-five day. In Jail. Thu. the big world moves, with in formation on the one hand that it 1. growing better, while on the other ob servation leads ua to believe it Is growing worse, with the gospel and human law aa the main rule and guide to assist tn Improving conditions In human life, but who of us has the ability to deal out the proper doses? TEE J. A ITCH. Kebo of the Water Wagon. OMAHA, Sopt. 29 To the Editor of Tho Bee: Tho Letter Box of The Bee seem to be popular, a la "Billy" Sun day, pro and con. I went to hear Mr. Sunday the other night and stood on the fringe ot the orowd at the outer edge. I failed to notice any slang or atone age nousense that ha. shocked so many of his Letter Box critics. Yes, I stood out there on the outside, a traveling salesman. 46 years old. Tear sgo I fortified myself with the "Mistakes of Moses," and Journeyed into a wise career, daring my chicken, to come home and roost In the heyday of my follow ing after false gcd. I returned unexpected to find a broken home. I was "infal lible," and burned all th bridges. It waa hard to give up my homo and babies, so I turned to John Barleycorn to fill the gap. and find now it's too late to give it up. In my Nebraska territory I do want to thank the good people for uuh dry town, aa Wayne, Wakefield. Blair and the numerous others, and when I strike Bloomfleld or Grand Island I am yet thankful that the law of our state close tho thirst parlor, at 8 p. m. I -and thousands like me are praying for the day that all the country will be dry, and then, and then only, will our bable. be better clothed and better fed. O. W. If.. An Outsider. ' laker, la. Cadet I alform. OMAHA. Sept. 2. To the Editor of The Bee: I am glad to hear that the officers of the High School cadet, did not wel come the offer which the Omaha Audi torium extended to them. It seem, that they were wanted aa ushers at the Au ditorium. If they accepted this offer they would be obliged to wear their cadet uniforms. These uniforms are not cool. TUy are made of heavy cloth and they are hot. The boy. are always glad when they can take their uniforms off Just because they fit so snug and are so hot. I waa an usher at the Auditorium over two years and it is not easy work. People usually think ushers are inhu man and very often treat them as such. Vshcrlng is not easy when you have be tween forty-five and fifty rows to watch Last year there was a a very "fine group of boys that ushered at the Auditorium. They were mostly Omaha high school boy. of good standing. We got along Just fine last year without wearing uni forms, and I know we could this ear. too. AN AUDITORIUM USHER. a (arlaB4 for Baaday. AURORA. Neb.. Sept. .-To the Editor of Th. Uee: In your issue of September 24, Mr. J. Braxton Oarland gave forth expressions of admiration for Evangel ist Sunday. The preponderance of the personal pronoun "I" categorised the statements a expressions of egoism. Mr. Sunday deserves sympathy in his her culean task of cleansing the pulpit of Darwmlsm. Ciceronian etr!.. higher criticism and social cant. Tkeee are of the theme, that locked hell and flung the key away. If In unravelling the Saviour from mythology and bringing Him alive among ill. own. placing Him on his proper pedeatal, Mr. Sunday ha. uaed forceful language the chronic Hut of his patients Induced chiefly by religious quackery Justify him. Mr. Garland bestow, more admiration because neither creed nor doctrine, a. expounded by Mr. Sunday "conflicts with th. sovereignty of the .late." If he mean, the state la Us own sphere I so ve reign, then he expresses a truism. If he mean, revelation U .abject and secondary to the state, then he ' con flicts with Christ, who command that things that are Caesar', be given him. but to God the thing, that are God a If the state be atsolutely supreme the martyr, who planted the banner of civili sation on the ramparts of paganism were nrw 1) a sa,i- dlfloysl and tinpatrlotlo. They wees. rep rehensible for wresting from the state rights for prisoners, hope for slaves, liberty for debtors, fostering ca e for sickness and Infirmity, for proclaiming the unlverssl brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. E. II. TOLD IN FUN.- - --- "Tou're doln' what you can to Imprme this Institution." sntd the inmate of the penitentiary, "but there', one thing jou oucht to do at the start." "What's that?" asked tha warden. "When you brlna a man here you wsrht to ri tip the handcuffs as wrist watches ' Washington Star. f Nebraska Editors .S&l KABARET Colonel William O. Todd, former editor of the Thrdford Herald, la the new pro prietor of the Dunbar Review. W. W. Moore, a printer, who ha. been In the employ of the Brhuyler Messenger, has leased the Schuyler Sun. H. R. Fair child, who has been in charge of the Sun. will go to Wyoming, where he will tak up a homestead. The Record Is the name of a new paper at Bdlson. H. M. Call Is editor and pro prietor. Editor 8bme of the Hartington Herald, ha been appointed probation officer for Cedar county. The Ncligh Semi-Weekly News made Its appearance this week. The name of B. 8. Srhoflcld appears at the masthead aa publisher. Mr. Sehoflcld was proprietor of the Nellgh Register up to a few month, ago. The Nellgh Leader, Best Bros., pro prietors, appears this week aa a semi weekly. The Sidney Telegraph will celebrate its forty-second anniversary October t ty rlisnglng its publication day from Satur day to Friday. I W, Enyeart. who haa been manager of the Hayes City Times-Republican for nineteen years, retired last week to as sume his dutle. as postmaster. A. C. Ready, who ha. been one of the owner, of the paper, ha. taken over the active management The Seward County Tribune, which wa. started as a semi-weekly a few months ago, last week changed over to a weekly basts. The Bertrand Herald, L. E. Brown ed itor, last week completed the installa tion of a linotype machine. HOW Wm SHOULD A rfRL WAITFbR AJgiXW? K MOST SPECIFIC -TreErTrtE LOBBY OR MARWqe? Bill Do you believe brevity Is so--, or wit 7 Jill Sure thing. "And 1 suppose that is the reason the English spell It humour." Yonkers Statesman. LIFE'S SONG. Baltimore Sun. I think of thee When klndlv night is falling. When star to star Is calling. When moon and sky .In quiet houra de scend. , When o'er my head the axure heave. s bend; In dusk ordawn, in travail or In strife, in all the golden Interludes of life I think of thee. I think of thee ' When dsy's long tasks sre o'er. In summer silence by the vine-clad door: In busv throngs and haunts of teeming care. In gentle moments where no shadows fare: In light and dark, in dusk and dawn for eye. When morning breaks, when twilight haunts the sky I think of thee. I think of thee When round me thunders rattle. When I stand forth to face and fight the battle; In hours of rest, in Journey or In playing, In moments filled with fancies gently straying; In hope. In trust, tn courage, dread and doubt: In deep. In dreams when star by star goes out I think of thee. TL!. Is good for 10 trademarks toward this 1 IU3 wOupOIl Quaker Cooker. Cut It out. Then bay a package of Quaker Oats, see oar offer, and not bow much this means. But only one of ttieie coupons can be applied on a cooker. Every Woman Cares . Every woman wants luscious oat food, and wants it rightly cooked. Those who don't get it do not know the way. The way is this: Ask forQuakerOats. These flakes are made of queen grains only. Two-thirds of each bushel is discarded as unfit. Yet, at most stores, this extra qual ity costs no extra price. Pure Alumirnira 2'4Qts. Quaker Cooker See It at Your Grocer's Offer in Each Package) Then get this Quaker Cooker to bring ont the flavor in full. Most grocers have it now on show. Go see it, then tee our offers in each package. - These things mean a royal dish, a finer oat dish than yon dream of till you try it. From now on, for your own sake, serve it in your home. QuHakeF Oats 10c and 25c la Round Packages with Top Tl " Jfca, To QhsCeM Fast trains daily from Omaha arrive La Salle Station and Englewood Union Station, most convenient locations in Chicago. "Chicago-Nebraska Limited" at 6:08 p. m "Chicago Day Express" - at 6:30 a. in "Chicago-Colorado Express" at 4:10 p. m. "Rocky Mountain Limited" at 1:09 a. m Automatic Block Signals Finett Modern All -Steel Equipment Saperb Dining Car Service Tickets, reaerrations and information at Rock Island Travel Bureau. Phone write or call X 8. McNALLT. DirUUa Agaal 1323 raraaaa St, O saka, rT.h. rWaet Da,lM 423 the