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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1915)
) 'WW, BKK: OMAHA. TliriJSDAY. SKPTF.MltKR 10. 1915. 13 f 1 SWAITKHS fOLfMN' i MAN h t'ir-t-Bi- lii aaoole p 'i, wlih good saddle and bridle; will trade for g kM fvc-pas tiger Koik Addreas 8. C. ;. Ie. 1IAVK brind new. high grade Lauter piano to swap for good building lot NVili pay esri difference. 8. O. 267. care Omaha Bee. ilAVB several carload of dry woml. ! Trade for lot or anything 1 can use. Vddress B. C. 2TA ONK lUht ilve-1 assengcr touring car, thoroughlv ovcrha-iled and In fiisi-cliiss Vonoiilon; will trade for live stoc.. aq Jlrc.s !. C. Vr. PHVMi IAN H at of lour -ueviinis i i atom, m and stand, like new. coat about 3: will trade for anything use- f"l r. ? r igs T?ee niYSIClAN wTTT exchange medical books snd surgical InMruments for any- thing useful, SC. ,lV,.u i k.vs makes nf high-grade piano, an new, nnn i e-i n, --.. will aaap tor niamonas. rem eeni iew autos. Address 8. C. it-, nee. , - - - : ... .. lArS'i rUA I Llt-l lia a mimp pii "- S- V. ..ri.fc. .it tiufio an.i .-funnel, w i... nnipin . -lano. Swap for aome Rood mlckea or ook atove. or what have you? S. C. RIFLE WINCHESTER .23 automatlo repeter. w'.th pew rifle caae. etc. Coat new pvei V.uO. NN'ant Buetman auto ftraphic kjdak, or Will conaider anythina of equal value that "1 can uae. lor thie, Addrota 8. C. 246, Bed, . HuAUbTiat ripicially ullt ir '.ir: In tlrat-clami condition; win irHQe for vearllnn neiiera or idwi num - Addreo S. C. 25. Be. Hi hM.l-- VSinche.ter. repeater wlih Jit aikht. In condition, coat w about llo'ilght coat 2.o0. ,.iH.r nvthl.ii1 of eaual vnl 19 cold troti when ne "will conald x' " " . 1 1 . V , - . that ! can uae. Also ."i io-tiiic. gun; thla la a cheap but a g .od one: 1 feaui4e. Will trade CTa for tuyth caw, uae. NVould likrf camera, poateard lie, Kaatman preferred. Aadreaa S. C J.w. care t-niaha nee. llftrO STVM'K of aroi-cr.ea and quefiia ware, new. In wholeaale houe. ail clear; for clear cottaae. No fixtures. Addre p r i'o pki.. SECOND NOTEfor gooil up-to-date car. S. C. Mil. Bee. U.( KHU K Clutuliix. lor clear coltae. - will trade W to Sl.UJU lola for auto. Andrea R. C. 2W. Bee STANl'AHO Sewlna Machine, good order, for good oven oil heater, wringer, or what have vou? Addrrea 8. C. 2M. He H1fa'njCaVrb.r.. tennla raoauot Kx change '0rr"Lr"""" or Cole'a hot blast heater, or what ! you? 8. C. 2l4. Boe. SANITARY couch, kitchen table, apade, two shovels, two rakes, hoe and coal scuttle, to trade for rending lamp or farm products, auch as Jeliy grapea, ap ples, etc. Addreaa, 8. C. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle lee FRIKPMAN. 1211 Dountaa TYPEWRITER Underwood, vlaible; ler-. fect shape. Will trade this machine for cabinet YlctroPi or email ursiicx etuuera. Adure-a b C. 216. Bee. WANTED TO 8NVAP One good Invest-. ment for a Hie time of labor. Call or ! a,ri, .kh lt iu Tiilain our Dronoaltlon i fully. Panama landa, fertile eoll. good climate una me oei oi uniiaiui lamm. Land prices, $2.50 to 5.o0 per acre. Ad dress HOMV7SEEKERS LAND CO., 5-'t Bee Bldg,. Orr.u-ia. Neb. A "For sale" ad will turn eecond-hanl furniture Into cash. Apartiurnta mma Flats, The For Hent advertisement apiieaiing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler 10m FOR RENT, 1125.00. 20-r. flat, 18th and Dodge. 1 bloclt to postoffice: directly acrosa from Fonte neJe hotel. Will sell furniture. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., It. bvli 17th and Uouglas. o 7-KiXIM FlVT, ALL MODERN. 610 S. 3D HARNEY 6utU. o NEs, neat anu nuiy -rooin Apt., all modern. Mengedoh. W eh. S7U. u FOR hti.VT. . new. S and o-room apart ments, disappearing oeds, pneumatic cletuitr. shower baths, first class In every particular. Flora Apt . ZMi Jones at. o ELEGANTLY furuisneu. qurtt, JJul itowaid St t-room apt, tn 6fc Clare. Tel. Har. 647 s KSTAtlKooli. Court, new. inoicrn, san iiary, near poatuftice. ti. P. Slcubina. Hoarl ttooaas. Furniahift Looms tiuit out every mod ern lOnteuieiiLe and coraiort in private families or boarding houawa ot the b gn eat class will be found in the Furniaiiad Rooms uoluuia of The Lo. Puone Tyltr Jwj. PAHK AVE., lU.-Two nice rooms with uuaai Kwlu lUt, culCt,mtu lu t mi board, pi L ale; gentlemen only. y1.. lui. iawiu uul, kouu tocauuu, two Boaru 61 H00111. $6.60. 'd.ii Cayllol Ave. ! Itiotsv iruia iax, lol too u. to tou, . kwuM iiwiu.tuuukM, win mu cnoay lor ROOM and board, gleam heat; hot and .u, am iua anuua. muv lor pj cold water. $4.du to 14. 2c . 241U SL ouauU. AdOrvaa u ilM. Neatly furnished rms. quiet home, break- I " y"1'""' " BOAUO auu rooiiw, M k. 14 i'"u ja. THE Chatham hotel for gentlemen. Rateg to peruianent guests. Uu ti. Ulh. V. SUA. "t'arnaiu bl.. tun -wctiy luruiansu roouia, Heaiu beateu; close In. Uoogias b. U. Br-CIAL. LOW KAi'iu TO ffi-itMANKNT UUnttTS. HOTKL. bAiruKU, Isih ana s arnam, HuTi:i, HAKL.b.x', auth and fraruxm. tf wralMlivu liuuuii. THS JAMK&. Under new rrumageineiu: large, neatly furnished, warm rooma. 101 N. 18th bt. t L'ii.itiil.L room, home, fine locution, t'hone Wal. 7n3; 1 block car. Capitol Ave., 27o!, 2 rms. Bedroom and l tu g rm. lir'k.ast opiiunai; rale reas'ole. r.. a uu.i.ig WL Marys. tun.icimu or tnuui mailed. 4J4 3. Juth. 1 lUlftld with aKove. .. 8. illth Ht. BACHELOR ApU.; I rms. M 8. Wth St. LAKUK, neatly furnished, no' No. Uxn. LAhOtJ trout room, elegant new fur- nlturo; aiso i or 4 enauue steam ruat and large ciosvis ,n ad rooiiut. ttat-s are ieu.--oiiaoie. L'tol rarnam ht. t-'uralbed Itoases. 7 KOOM4-FURNISHED. An aJl-niojui.i nouae in wt Famam dlsirlil. llcnt ki per month. Web. tiuo. t-tm., mod., for winter. Tel. Harney t uralsked lluaukceutsg Huuiua. Neatly fumt h. k. rooms. Tyler 343 NN'. 3 or 4: lurii.vhed or, uot. 4 Howard. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with bath, newiy renovaieu, use of te.eptioua. ituul tlL inquire taib No. ilith Bl. I North. 4io M ISth, S-r. flat, all modern, will ar range for renting rooms. Close in, 146. ii N. 17th, b-r., all modurn apt., g.'i.s0. lloi N. it2d, 4-r. flat, stel ninge, gas love, kitchen cabinet, water paiu, (ll.uu HASH BROa.. Doug. J garage. 0. H. 1414. 7iT N. MJ. t-ROOai cottage. Ul 8. 28lh BL, IU. Waier Paid. oalk. HO 00Flne, brand new. 2-story dwelling, I bed rooms and ileepnig porcn, F.e.d club distr.ct; entirely moderu, ls Pacific tit., paveu stieet. U-Good t-room, entirely modern dwel ling at Wol N. ad bu. paveu sueeU Another dandy dwe ling, rooma, en tirely modern, at fo4u Franklin Kt.. same renlal. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Dougias luu. s-R. moo., lib. 2611 Pierce. T. "I W. HOUSE" FOR RENT One of the most attractlvs corners In Field club district, modern English bung alow style; 4 bedrooms, floored attic with finished room; heated garage; used as home, but now too large for oner. Will rent for 1 or yeata to responsible arty, on leas only. Addre.s E It. Bee. 7-r. mud, bouse. M Leavenworth. W. X-t. HOUSE of II large rooms, UlO 8. 11th &tT? eleitito light and furnace; w par mo.; "V. Douglm (72 or call at realoenca. West. WEST FA RNAM HOME FOR RENT. -room strictly modem flat In The Nor wood, i24- Harnt-y St, nicely located, fine repair. I 0 u pr month. OEOHOK i COM PA NT. i'Hnus s yut City Nat Bank bldg. rOH UKXT lluuats ,ul I iitlfltrit M est. 8-R. end sleepirg rorvh; new double house t 8cth and Dewey. Walking .llstama. paved street, near fond fchool; rent 8t7."4V AMERICAN St'CUKlTY COMTANT. lJoWa. lTtb and Douglas. o lull RK.NT 8-room hmiw. str.cily mod ern: 1 block st of t'relchton college. !noulre Cnllf.-rnla Pt, Phone H. 2:1b. NKW modern eouthlde duplex since houae. fixe room and bath, garage. tf&.On; 40" Case (.'all mornings. Phone W alnut 174. v HOUSFS APARTMFNT8 FT .ATS $ jr t f. iStn pt modern ex- except heat. MO 7-r.. I Corby Pt.. modern, I 0 ?-S-r., HO So. 2:th Ave . mod flat. . -r.. M i ark A va mo, iil'm J ." .' apt . "The tla'iold." 7th and jfltkson Fta ;on Pta 1 Kn .rTfh Rt modern, not gov. w 7-r., w,iter beat, parage . i i c. r ( 'K turn.. t mnniini. Tirai . ' - i'.w - - r. ssn Famam Ft. extra nne. iTniirr a f 'n m p l y wr"v Vank Hldi 9 1 SllrJl"Vi,'''n?-J : 17 1721 UKb, ti room a and bath. 20 '3L63 Jonea, memt and lath. UliOVKK SI'AIN. rou(r.Ski2. l City National. o Big redurtlona. real unapv S-r., mod., frood aa new, 1615 8. 31th, $-i; 7-r., mod., bargain, 4i(H Iie, $15; l-r.. mod., ai's 8. 19th. 18; 6-r.. 83S 8. 23d. $11: 8 other. McKltrlrk Tt. K. Co. 14? Tyler 214-'. I-R. CotUge. 1041 So. 21. i5.rA f l r '17H. I 4-BOOM, nice home piace. H. Mar. 2.M7. Mi J f .'an ano Stor MaSCfarCl S C". Call u. for I ' "iC tlinatea for m raae ea- mov- I n V n a L. . . . .r aliil.Filn. t.. . . i ""n" Ponc'na u 7-room modern hoi H 471J 1713 NVeheter St. 7-room modern houae, S317 Seward. Tel 8-R. mod.; liirgH yMtd; burn au'table for garage. 22T N. 19th. NVeb. .V.7K. IV- 1' '7 k5. a II, -. !10 2J22 Clark, 3 14 1M N. 2uth. :'524i5 Capitol A $H l s. 2th. rooma. rooma. 4 rnis . Inalda toilet. Ave.. 7 rooma. modern. .i27 l hlcago, 8 rooma. modern. KINUWA'.T, Brandela Theater Bldg. FIDELITY hiatal fITEF; Phone Llovglaa 2 for complete Hat of vacant houaeu and apartmctta: alao for Btorage. movlna, I'ith Kr.1 Jackaon Sta Storea. movea. pack., ahlpa; J-horae van . . m-n ,, hr . .toraae per men. mo. Satisfaction auar. I. 4:'; Ty. 230. Hnimos Creigh Soi ona ft Co . Bo tldg. a of the elf PEF the Central Furniture stores Kiv HKNTAL LIST. J.C.ReedS:S moving, storage. D. M4C & rnam. Gordon Van Co. 1219 N. 11th St Tel I) 394 or Har. 1M7. : GOOD auto nalea loom nn r n m Ht Ver reasonable reni. "el. Ootic. 40a. gK noU!tei nioi, ex- nnilt T((l4 vs5 j59t stores and Offices. LAROE mtiale studio, part time. r. 704. STORE room tor rent In Murray Hotel Bldg. Inquire Mr Kitchen. I'axton hotel. FOR RENT-iiVlck store building. 2oxSO feet, good location, In a good town, In i rich farming community; two general i stores in town and room for another; rent reasonable. Silas Morse, Silver City, Ii MODERN Htore, near iotoffli, low rent, O. P. Stebblns. ltjit) Chicago St. WANTED TO Bl Y WE pay Ciilcagu pi Ices for aluminum scrap caMinxH. Paxtor.-Mltch.11 Co. a OFr'ICK luinuui- bought and aold. C. Read. 1207 Famam. Dour. l4ii. J. Yale buys e.e.vir.nrf Knd han(. Web. M104. HlUHK.-l pri.ta fov tUl lotlilnx I 14. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Kent" ...... REAL ESTATE MRM Ktl II I. .NI1 FOR gI.K Callforaia. Live oak Colon it , nous better. NV. T. Smith Co.. !S-14 f!lty Nat. H. D. Sla Colorado. IOWA BAkUAIN NVant (1. w-.. utvi house I In lutat Los atuuivs, nun iu ivutf, guud jnuar.ou. am ACBt.3, iu from Minneapolis. one Hula iruiu town; iutf auics under cutuvauuu; bttutut;) uau tv'' iMLsiuie, van 1'itniK.aiiy an 0 cuiUtloa, neuy uil; goou set bunuiugs, i!uiu,uii( ol -loom House, iti uuu, aiaiuu, coin tiioo, wiuu inn., etc.; uij nuiu mu pio uuui bu ouuimui oi coiu par acre; leio pnoue in nuuw; iMuuuy uuuaiy svtuod: toiufiele set ol iiKMiiitnai y ; iivuil oi sluut. ot u cu MS, tMuanus 1 and i-yiMU-uiu, six goou uoixts, nog a, cnlcaciiSi ouu-naul ol tins ar vi'n ai.a ,! u.uig ui tne ikiia goes at tww per aura, txaut cash, bevvao orxi., IvU nyiuouiu &ug.B rfiniueapons. alum. MltMsri. GOOD h Oil ill uj twutii allsaourt. chaag ana wu May uuuu, wnu ui lur uas. J. C yu.oo(. aiouuui.n View, IMi-Ko V h.u souiu Missouri -acre farm .,-. Oood soi., roaus and school tiosa tu lauroau town, liuproveu su acru,, l,uu. v a In&ve soiiMi ciiu.ue uniinpruveu lauus r u0' u pay .ueu.s in liots . sSa, Jr. K? " i Jlr onton, v .i..oi City, Kan. Msslssa. HoNTANA Irriaateu lands best In a-! wuiid lor Wbusi, oats, ai.aila aud aloca Closo to lOMrU, ranroaU. hcuuuj and cuuicuos; to wo pr acie on ilftevu cais uiuo. annual pain less Inad lenlu.s on imams wval lanus; wills to uay lor puxiiwumrs; inuatiaieU pauvmvt aniA nu.p ime. va.ivr f arui caies toiu wuy. io loui. Nanci. alouc rivt, inousauu acie slock ranch; excel lent lniproemvnut; Jo. lis goveruiuent ru.erve at ono enu, Uvuigstou at otiiur; Una creea runs full ienKui; l.ouO acres wneai laud, mm anies .u aliaua ui uiuvr dili.b; easily run 1,j0 caitie or sheep, r im-si runch acre. Address owner, Moniana. hi Moniana; 113 per Bjx Ai, Uvlngslon, jetrsk. W. O. TEMPLE TON City property. landa every wiieie, larms. ranches, mans anil Insurance. Asa sb..ui iny urcbard piot-miiion. frS Bee Bldg. FARM toll SAL.E Good quarter, three miles south of West Pomi, Neb. All under cuiilvaiiou and level. Mo crop fall urea. Best land in Nebrust.a. Price 11A..UU per acre. NV'rlie owner, it. 11. llulcuinson, ielon. Neb. t A. Coaler Co., Neb.; J40 A. broke, SO A. alfalfa, balance In panture; well Im proved, school on p a ;e, t miles from uwii si-nooi. j-rice .a per acre. B. McKeniy. Ansley. Neb. B. FOR 8ALE Best large body high-grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money C Biadlo. NVel bach. Neb. fa aaina. . LANDS IN PANAMA. That new country Um.e bam Is boost ing now ofteis wonuenui opportunities lu the man of raodur.tie means us ws.l as the luvtstur. l-n. that wUI prouuia twice as much as the best Norasia lanu selling for only auu j uu per acre, with easy terms and no inter est on deferred payments, call and let Ua explain or write tor l.teratuie. HOUESKEKEKS LAND CO. 6Ji Bee Bldg., Omana, Neb. t'PPEH NV1SCONSIN Best datry and KeneraJ crop stale in tne union; aettiers wsuled; lanus for sale at lov prices on easy lamia. Aak for booklet 4 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for amck raising. If Interested In (run lands ask for booklet on anoie oriharda. A'ldress Land and Industrial Lerart. Uuii line Haiiway. line UK Ah KNT'TK IAKM A n , lll. MH rW .LBS. ttAVIIJ TOi' A KAKM FOR SAt.PIT Write a food d.a. rlpilon of your land i d arnd I to tne Kloux City, la.. Journal, "loan's Mom IVwerfl NVant Ad Me dium.'' Twenlv-flve worda every Friday evenlMir, Saturday n-ornlnir and ever Palurday evenlnii and Sunday mornlniC f r one month, Klvine. .Utnn ada m twelve di!(rmt oa lor ti; or 50 worda, H, or 7 worda, K. iJkrccnt circulation of any Inwa nrwa paper, 2;i,Ow reutlera dally In four great i a tea. HFAI. KSTATK WAX lit" Ti tl.nwi niM.le promptly. F. l. NVead. d P:d a . IMh Famam Sta. CITY and farm loana. t, S't. per cent T H. Miimont Co. 414 S'ate Hank A "Mr tale'' ad will turn aacond-hand t rnltitre Intr rt.h. CITN pr ptrtv Larao loana a apeclalty. NV. II. Thomae Sta" Rank Bld. NN ANT Kl food (mi l nd it loans at . Famam loct rat.-a. I'l'Tf'K T7'T ri" uMAtlA ii'-mtji. Ea Nebraska farma O'KKFFK I1KM. FSTATK rt . Il Omaha Natlo-ial. Thono tMralns 271. MoNFT on band for tltv and farm loan. ? YV 1'hH.T ("it.- VM'nnM iltink 1'ldg MONFY on hand for cltv and farm loan. H. NV. Binder. City National Bank Bldg FA H S huh cf Imps at I iweat ratea. TOLANU ft TRL'MIU LL, 44 S Bee Bldg. lir'TITT MJANS r O. "arltrg. I10 "r 1? Branded Theater Bldg BFK us f'rst tor farm loana In eaatern Neb. t utted States Trust Co., Omaha. IEKAI, KSTATK Mm FXCHAXCE HIGHLY IMFKOVED. Frontier county, Nebraska, quarter to exchange for Omaha property or acreage near Hmshn, suitable for country home, l et busy quick and get owner's share of th;s year's "bumper crop." c. n co.Miis. 81 Brandels Theater. Douglas Kile. NVILL trade Oregon land for Nebraska land or first-class auto. U 187, Bee. REAL ESTATE XOKTH SIDE Would You Buy a Bargain If We Convinced You We Had One Give Us a Chance It las 6 nice rooma. Is all modern, lo cated on a laved ttrect and one block tiom car. K nts for t-fi per month. Owner live out-of-town and will take $2,560. The address Is no.) Laird St. Call at & NV. Cor. 18th and Sahler. For ke or phone American Security Co. 17th "d Douglae. I'oug. 8011 Vnrtli idii ' ' 1,1 G-Koorn Bungalow New, AM Modern Price $.1.0."0.00 Terms $300 Cash Balance In Monthly Payments Like Rent. This bungalow Is beautifully located, and la extraordinarily well built and con vei len ly arranged. Tho living 100m and dining room ara In light, dull finished oak. The bath room kitchen and bedroom are flnlalied In edge-sawed hard pine. There is a beautiiul brick fireplace tn living room. Wall decorations and lighting fixture wll le put In to suit purchaser. This home only block from car Una. Telephone about thla today. Call Douglas 292S today. Call Wal. 682 after 7 p. m. tonight Get Into Your Own ;Home This Fall Here U Your Opportunity On the Easy Payment Plan I have a pretty t-room, all modern house, 3 blocas lrom car 1 ne and isi blocks to school, that I will sell for a small f rat payment cash and the balance I.hs rent. Thla house Is finished In oak and pine, furnace heat, full cuinent basement. The lot Is a large one. Telephone about this today Call D. 2926 today. Call Wal. 83 this evening after T p. m. SMALL brick houae and I Iota, t blocks from car line and school! ranted- .hn.iij have but must have money. Price, $7u0; tlrt cash, balance 110 per month. a." Manie St. -noiie Webster a6J6. o Nt,v ,, strictly modern, built by owner for home. Miller pk. dl-t Open for Inspection today. 84J7 Crown Point Ave. FOR RENT or sale, troom house sTl modern, best of condition; lots of shade, nice yard: can be bought on re isonaMe terma or rent for !. Inquire tilt N. Zi& BU Phong Webster 2M. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE $6,000 HOME PRICE $5,250 j00 CASH. BALA NCR TO ijUIT. ..!"le-r levln f'ty- Frame and stucco. 5327, 7 rooms, large living room and sun room d n. reception hall In center o.nlng room and kitchen. Oak floors all over, beautiful quarter sawed white oak finish. Two mirrored dnnr. i... knobs. Clothes chute. Laundry 'room la laaement. beparate furnace room. Extn j ago. Newly painted and decorated ytnl ,eened porch, lln.-a. Oarage I tuxr.a, A first class house In every par- tlcuiar, in eat condition. t,a rermir. necessary. NVtiU.T21. 2117 LOTHROP 8T -o DANDY NEW BUNgaT" LOW I ROOMS, all modem, full baaement. shade, fru.t; fenced; equity H.HiO; 1) ash. or trade for good lot. OWNFR 4Mg N. asth Ave. NNebster 4134. $3,500-Near 30th and Farnam rooms, all modern. In excellent con dition; east front; well rented to a good tenant; good home or investment. Easy terms can be arranged. This Is a bar gain In thla high cut district and re quites quick action. Glover & Spain Douglas tdtt. 1 City National DANDY NEW BUNGALOW a ROOMS, all modern, full basement shade, fruit fenced; equity SUM); isuo ca.n, or trade fur good lot OWNER, 4.S) N. S'-ith Ave. NNebster 4131 FOR RENT or sale, -room house, all modern, best of condition, lots of shade, ril.e yard can le lougnt uu rtas iiianle terms or rent for inquire l- N. lid bu Phone Webster Uu. I Net w b-r. Cutluae. s il. iiy luo.l., hot wster I fc. rnace. SL'th ana Bod Pi. W. 47'. IlF.AL FXTATK smtnn.N Weal Heaaoa. Announcement On account f tho rain lnt Saturday and Sunday, the l'HIZE CONTEST has been postponed to next Sunday, October I'd, between 2 and 3 1'. M., on the ground at the New Townsite West Benson The Palo of BUSINESS, in the hcnv toNvmito has been rainy days. Sale Will Until all lots are sold. Call us by phone, or call at our office, i.nd nyp Nvill take you out any time and sIionv you the bett values in BUSINESS, RESIDENCE and ACRE LOTS near Omaha, n our easy payment plan. A feNv BUSINESS LOTS LEFT ON MAIN STREET for $205, with cement walks, on paved street LARGE RESIDENCE LOTS i;0n. Term $5 down and $5 per month. HALF-ACRE LOTS, sfio, $10 down, $7.50 per month. ACRE LOTS, $10 down, $10 per month. Hastings & Heyden lfiU 1LMINEV STRE".T. HEAL ESTATE WEST SIDE POSTPONED SALE OF LOTS IN LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS . "Wo announced the opening sale of lota in Leavenworth Heights for Saturday, September 25th. It rained from morninq; till night. Nevertheless, n largo number of lots were sold. SEEING IS BELIEVING. Nearly everyone who ventured out purchased. The real Opening Sale, weather permitting, will be Satur day, October 2d. OPENING SAf.E PRICES, $450.00 to $G50.00. Corners $25.00 higher. These prices include water, gas, sewer, cement sidewalk, all paid. These are not cheap lots, but high class lots at dirt cheap prices and on easy terms. TERMS: $9.00 to $12.50 cash, and $9.00 to $12.50 month. A CLASSY ADDITION AT MODERATE PRTOES FOR CLASSY PEOPLE OF MODERATE MEANS. AN INSIDE ADDITION AT OUTSIDE ADDITION PRICES. Drive or walk around and see it, or take lavenworth btreet car or jitney, get off ut 43d street and you are there, or call our office at any time and go in automobile. It is just the kind of property we delight to show. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE IT. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Telephone Douglas 1722. A Beautiful West Side Home $5,500 $500 Cash Balance in Payments to Suit This house Is located half block from car line In one of the most beautifully located home building sections of the city. There are 7 rooms, with living room, d'nlng room and sun room; fin shed In oak, and the balance In edge-sawed hard pine. There la a full cemented baaement, furnace heat, and every modern con venience la Installed. The living room has a beautiful brick fireplace. This home Is only a little ovar a year old. I will be pleased to show you through any time. Telephone Owner at Douglas 292G Today. Call Wal. tSS this evening after T p. m. HEAL ESTATE KOITTII BIDE FINE BUNGALOWS Two brand new, six-room bungalows, modern In every leaped, with full base ment. Built by day labor by skilled me cl ai lea. Oak finlHh down elairs, oak floors up stairs, built-in buffet, book cue pedeataia, but er s pamry. ah cieKamiy planned snd built medium priced home. In the Field club dlctiiet. paved street. I Ask for more delated Information and let us show you these two today. Kay SC OTT AND HILL CO. Doug. 1000. W7 McCague B'dg. Make an Offer g1fl South '"h avence. 9 Inren rooms, fumace, modern plumbing, fine east front lot, near Field club. Non-rcndi-nl owner says get an offer. NVhat will you give? Payne & Slater Co. 1 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. $2,850 FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Keven rooms, all modern, south front lot dandy neighborhood close to school and car line: Vio cnah will handle this. C. G. CARLBEliG, III Brandela Theater Bldg S-r. house, full lot; good condition; well, cistern; elec. lights; paved s'dewa'ks: close to school and car; l.Xu; tan ra'h, 111 per mo. 1B0 Washington. South Z1J. IlEAL ESTATE VACANT Values Are Growing In Dundee. That's the place to buy. We have a special bargain In a new 7- room, up-to-date bungalow, modern In everv way. lit and location Ideal. Ill cheap at 5'"fl but want offer. N III take lot Itrst payment. us avuui this. Rasp Bros. 106 McCaane H liou. 1.3. Apartmenls. fiats, lioums and collages eaa be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." flKAL K8TATK M ill IIBAN NVeat fflei-aoav. KES1DEXCE and ACRE LOTS remarkable, considering tho Continue REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE 642 Paxton Block. REAL ESTATE SUnUnnAX. Duln, Dundee's Newest Residence District IS LOCATED outh of Dod fit, wmt of 4th Bt. and g.b vi uj u na nonn or now ara, AND IS NOW READY And Offered for Sale with water, sewer, gaa, sidewalks, ourb Ing. paving, boulevard, lighting system and all graded ready for building. Building Restrictions assure the future of the neighborhood. Ixok at the Location Near a good school, close to ear Una, only If minutes' ride to business center. You Can't Make a Mistake If you buy In this addition because It Is .,. im in ui oiiwni, wnere values ate sure to advance. Don't Miss This Opportunity to get aome of these choice lots at the present LOW PRICES and EASY TcRMS oi uiiiy i-iw casn, Daiance monthly pay ments. Honv to Get There Take any NVest Fsrnam, Dundee car. and get off at 4dth and Dodge 8ts. (Select your lots now. lio not delay. See us. George & Company Phone 1). 70S. H City Nat Bank Bldg-. Dundee New Price $4,800 Just reduced from H.9U0 this week. Ill health forces the owner ti sell, so that they have cut the another llu, Tne house Is a suven-rooiil busigalow, with big living room across the front of the house, diiilng room, kitchen, one large tied room, toilet and lavatory on the first floor. ...... wwivuiii m i u complete 11 broom on the second fliir. Art. si la ... Lwumi miniKi ana rins oak woodwork make the Interior of this un uaiially attractive. Una nf the prettiest in inn vuiaae. mna snanc tree a I The location Is one of the lt to be I ff,iin,l la. I ..... .1 wi.. . ... .ullu.. ..f,i,jt une-nair Oloca from tie car Una. See us at cues about this property. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1U6. Ptsta Bank Bldg. Dundee Lots ?& faWft gWallf K fsnn na - sr a and Ntoholat tre(, t,. w reri, atMiirabie outh front lot. fl.joa George & Company Doug. 768. 802 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Ftrwsi. Sea Nethawar for thai farm. Floranc 228. GRAIN AND PRODDCE MARKET Wheat it Strong-, with the Bettet Oradei Selling- Three Cents Over Tueiday'i Pricei. CORN MARKET WOBBLES LITTLE OMAHA. September , 11. Wheat was very strona. the better grades selling over yesterday's prlcea and some of the wheat going at le up. 1 he receipts of wheat, corn and oats were the same as yesterday. Wheat was quoted l&3a hiaher. Tho coin market, whlih has been fairly ateady, dropped lVSISc lower, a though the Liver) ol cables were quoted up favorable. NV earner semis corn lower. The oats market waa ateady. Oata were practically unchanged, se.llng un changed to No lower. Liei Hxil fusv: v heat, unchanged to lc hUher; corn, H)l-.c h gher. Primary wheat receipt a were'XW bu , and shipments l.yfW b.i. Ssa.nat receipts of 2.m.t,HM bu. and shipments ol l.'ii I u. lant year. I'rltiary corn receipts were l.r.SG.oOit bu., snd si ipments I bu. against ricepta of H4..iioi In., and shipments of ISo.OiO bu last year. I'rlmary oats receipts were t.JOfl.AOo bu Snd shipments vTH.MOu bu. against r.M-elpts of l.iTKimti bu., and shipments of 1.311,01 bu. last enr. t. Ait iiT awKirra. NVheat. Corn Oats. 1SS tTilcago . .., i.1; .Minneapolis liuluth . 847 .Mil . S? . V9 . Ml Omaha ... . Kansas City Pt. Ionia ... in SI N l"nlreg I'.W These sales were reported today: NVheat No. t hard winter: 1 car. 11 00. rvo. it hard winter: 1 car. Hon: I ears fV; csrs. Ie No. 4 hsrd winter: 1 car. Mo; 1 car (corn mixed. Ic: 1 car. Ikxi 1 car. t4c: 1 car. Pc: t cars. Mtc: 1 car, Hr; tit, cars. 91c; )-& oar, 8c; 1 cars, fWo. Bnmple: 8 cars, arte; S-4 car, 77c: t cars. 6.ic. No. I velvet chaff: 1 car, $l.fa No. It velvet chaff: 1 car, 87e; 1 car, Wc; 1 car, M"o. No. t spring: 1 csr, irco; l car. S7c. ttye rtn. s: l car. Mc; 4 cam. Wo. No. 4: 3 t-S cars, V Corn No. I white: 4 J-5 cars. Bin, No. I M V. I . & . . i. . . . V a ! t . 1A n a .-,nn. t i7. i... m ji-iii.". mv . , MHo. No. 8 ye low. 1 cara, No. 6 yellow: 1 car, Ktc. No. 6 yellow: H car, aV. No. I mixed: 5 2-5 cars. lo; 1 Car, enko. No. l m iil: 3 cars. eic. No. I mixed: 13 cars Wy. Sample: l car, ftV. Osts No. I white: 3 csrs. 32o; 4 cars, xa'o; cars, .t3V,c; 5 cars, S2c. No. white: 9 car. 31 'tc. Hiimnle: 1 car. Siiiio, Omaha ash Prices Nhet : No. 3 tur key. II let! 1 "4 ; No. S turkey. l 01 j 1.0.1; No, I tarn, wicinii oi: no. 1 hard, icti11.ti: No. 4 hard. gIc: No. I spring. MKiti.oi: No. I spring, g7r4tl.(H':No, 2 durum, t 1': No. S durum, Mti'.'Sc; no grade, i,c. Com: No. 3 white, arvtiiile: No. 3 white. 0UW1c: No. 4 white. iv.UfiViu.o rso. wntis, aiwi'w rin. a white. 0140; No. S yellow, BSttSHc; No. yeT- MW, Wftiiwr.Vtc; No. 4 vellow. f !Hu'IS,': No. K vellow. 2HflIV: No. yellow. ttiHi rso. J mixed, w"niie; jvo. s mixed, mifflilc; N-. 4 mlxid, MHf0ic: No. ( mii1. WHTTflOHc: No. mixed. fauthAme Oata: No. 2 white. S4V4re: standard. .Vd1T4'C- .-no. J WnitS, lliffl'TZIlc: NO. white.' SlVitflttc. Barley Maltlna. 4MI tW: No. 1 feed. SVJ4.V. Rye: No. t. 84 tHWc: No. 3. IWHWc. Ctileago rinsing prices, furnished The Bee bv lonn Brvan. stock and grain rolre-a 7i. "ifeT.f sieeet, Omshs Artlcle Open.) Hlgh.l lw. ( .ae Tes y, Nhet I I Kept.'l Ob-RH' lieo.JOU1 U Msy.lflHHffS Corn: I Hept.l-rM , 1M Wa 1 OS 1 MSI 1 W 04 "XSfMt'SWI W 7t(fiSiH'4ai M4l tn ft leo.. Msy.) Oats: PeptJ Ieo,. May. Pork: Jan.. , Oct.. Lard: Jan.. Oct.. Ribs: Jan.. Oct.. BTfcr7 67H1TS4 WNi-7,1 381 , Hr.K 8 2tvt So'ttiSl 8N;J7,tB Hsu, 14 Oft 18 40 In 75 13 06 8 M 18 m 13 40 8 7SA 18 8S It la-06 13 22V, n4 8 27N, 8 W 17V, 8 274 8 M! 8 824 8 0 8 78 8 8tV?ti 8 824 8 73 880 M g r a 7ft A Asked. B Bid. OMAHA CiKNItiHAL MARKET. PtTTTBR No. I, 1-rv. cartons, ISo; No, 2. an lh tubs. 23c. CHEEP IS Imported Bwlsa. 8e; Amer lean Swiss, rc; block Pwlsa. 8c; twins, 10c; daisies, lc; triplets, lfio; Toung Americ a. lKVic; blue, label brick. IS'ticj limburger, 2-lb.. t0-; New Vork white, U'iC' Imported French Kojuefort. 40c. FlMI Trout, 16c; while fish, 14c; hali but, 13c; channel catllsh. lc; codfish, 10 013c; mackerel, 1U-; salmon, 14c. POULTRVMena, 12c: ducks. 13c geese, 10c; turliejs. Itr: mosters. so. BKKF Ct'T.S-ltlbs, No. 1, li.c; No. I, 17c: No. 3. !-",. l.oini.. No, I, 2lHc; No. 2. 18c: No. 3. H'4o. (.'Iiuiks, No. I. llWc; No. 4. IU',4c; No. 3, liitc. Rounds, No. 1. 14Uo; No. 2. lt : No. 3, ISc. Plates, No. 1, lOt.e; No, 1!. 'ii,c; No. 3, He. Following produrts f 'jrnlshsd by Qllln SKy Fruit uouiaiiy; FRi;iTH-ortng-s: I 'allrurnla Valenclaa, Vfm. 2iia, i'H.M, ,..n box; Uas, 160s, 3VHs, 3tVs, t.",,7r, hi I-mons: Extra fancy (lolden Bowl, rMmi, 8.'.UI box; 3 is, 84.50 box; i-xtrn fancy eiiinklnl, 3i0s. 3HU. MM box; lted Itali. 34. ou box. Peaches: Colorado Klbcrtaa, extra fancy, 76 crato; fancy. U-c crate; litah Klbertas, 6Vhj box; California Balways, W.o box. Prunes: Italian. o crate: quantities, 0c crate. Pears: Flemish Beauties. Hhel don's riarsiin, 15.00 to 82.36 ciale: Kelfers. bushels, II. 15 crate; hampers, tKKj crate. Orapea: Tokays, 11. crate; Concords, homegrown, 21c basket. Bananaa: Med ium fruit, 8.00 to 82.30 bunch; Jumbo fruit, Chsngulnola and Port Llmon, 4o lb. Cantaloupes: California Mission Brand, standards, $2.76 crate: ponies. -'.25 crate; flats, 11.00 crate; Colorado Bur walla pink meated. 3100 crate. Water melons, lWc lb. Apples: Wealthlss, 82.60 bid.: Jonathans, .1.i5 bbl. VEOKTARI.KK Cabbage. Mc lb.; head lettuce, 11.00 dosen: lesf lettuce. MV dosen; onions, Washington, l lb.; onions, e-'paa-lah. 31.60 crate; wax and green beans, uno basket; rutabagaa, lc lb.; tomatoes, marke price; peppers, 60c basket par sley, 85c dosen; celery, 86c dosen: celery. Jumbo, 75o dosen. Potatoes: Ohios, too bushel. Hweet potatoes: tiampera, $1.00 hamper: V'rgln'as. barrels, 83.W bbl. MIBCEI.LANEOI'S Crackerjack, 3.50 REAL F8TATE M1HCELLANEOVS Tukey's Home Bargains At 1914-13 Btnney street we have two 8-room houses, all thoroughly modern and Vfn".WC payment .R nnianre payable I JO per month, which In cludes Inieiest at 4 per cent. In p. ace of the J too cash, we will take 3 In c ear Omaha proerty If well located and sal able. Tukey's Lot Bargains We offer six lota In Saunders lc Hlnie baugh's addiiion to V alnut Hill, located on Charles and Reward streets, two blocks west of Military road. We make the price 3-''0 each, payable 86.00 cash, 3.1 00 per month. Most of these lots ha.e sewer, water, gas and brick sidewalk. Their are In a aood neighborhood, and j Charles and Seward streets are well built ui, niaaing 11 a very aesirauie rioine location. Tukey's Acre Bargains We offer ten acres west of 39th street, north of the F. K. & M. V. tracks, run ning through from 3kth street, to 4"d street. Prloe 8400 tier acre. Terms, 9o down, V'i per uionth. We will subdlv d this tract Into one, two and three-acre tracts to suit pun baser. Tills Is a three cornered lee. w I h has never been platted. It Is well located oil high ground and slopes tu the south. A. P. Tukey & Son Phone Doug. 6"2. 1607-8 NV. O. W. Bldg 1,20 Baskets of Grapea OH 700 Vines Apples, plums, peaches, cherries, cur ran la, raspberries, gooseberries. Brand new, strictly mod. 6-rooin bouse lust be ing finish! d; cemented cave connected wlih full basement; 3 acres land, 34. Uw. Wi take small cottage for part Owner. Pllas Wright. 2d and tlprajrue 8U. Ben son 3k. tfn. 1" ie m ; rreiPTrt. o.'1. c lh. Com- Stops, U K case; half '-ase, II case; himlio, raw, 7c h. ; Jnmhn. roasted, tc Hi. Nuts: No. 1, walnuts, lsa lb; Brasna, liic lb ; almonds, 2c In.; f llierts, lio lb.; pecans, lio lb. Ilnnev, 14 00 case. tllirf.O tillAM AM PROVISin?!" Peatarea of the Trading and Closlag Prices nn Hoard nf Trade. riMCAUn. Sent. 23 NVheat underwent a beailsh reacil.m today, largely In ronse- liieine or re.ioits which ninrgestea a growing- likelihood of tne opening of the Dardanelles The market closed uneet t cd. 1c to lc nel lower, with Deocmtm. at 4StHHc and May at 91W 7ie. Corn losi c 10 xt) and oata a sn.ida to Pc. in provlslnna the result ranaed from lUc decline to a rise of 2ic. Heaviness which nrevalled In the wheat market dur nir most nf the dav waa In decided contrast with strength shown at tne nutset. in the early trade, wet weather northwest and a forecast of more had seemed to threaten delav to the prlng crop, and there were advices of nigner prices at IJverponl on account of midlines in ontnlnlng ad 'quale sup lles. The consequent upturn In quota Ions here, however, proved brief. No tices thnt rei eints In the no thwest howed material enlargement Instead of a lading off sm fol.nwed by a renewal of osa p that the t'ar.ndlim duty on wheat nlKht be ahollMhed for six months hv an order-ln-eouncll. aa In 1M2. Then came word that foreigners at the seaboard were ri sel tug domestic spring w heat and takina In exchange equal amounts of Manitoba. Attention to posnlbllifes of the Dardar- nelle helnr arain opened to Russia's vast supply of stored wheat flnnlly resulted a mstoritv or dealers turning oecis- Ively to the benr ride. There wss a rush bv longs to unlnsd snd by shorts to re- Instate lines, riuhseqiieni were I ght. 1 orn sasited tinder the Influence of talk shout Argentina comiietltlon and because nf the downturn In wheat. Cold weather md prediction" of fi-oet ailed to nave any lasting bullish effect. oata men iv reflected tne weaanees or other gra n. Trada was light. Packers buying rallied provisions. The market at first was In the hands of the hears, owing to a temporary decline in the hog market. NEW YORK. GENERAL MARKET Qantatlnne of the Day Tsrlosf rnmmndltles, NKNV TORK. Sept. ? -FLOUR-Enaler; spring patents, t6.7VIf4.16; spring clears 8f.4(VfifirCi. NVHFLNT snot, wesk; No. I red and No. 2 hard. JUS c. L f. Nw Tork; No. 1 northern. Diluth, 81 01 14. and No. 1 northern. Manitoba, 87o. c. I. f. Buffalo. Futures, easier; Beptember. 81 13 CORN H-Hit weak; No. 2 yellow. 7c, prompt shipment. OATS Spot, eaaler; No. t white. H J4ic. HAY Firm; No. 1. 31.25; No, t 11.16; Nn. 8 11.00; shipping, 800. HOrs-Pteartv; state, common to choice, ln15. IWfiWo; W4, Mrl!c; Pacific coaat. 1H1. 14tt KWs; 1914. Ilfil3c. HIDK8 Stead v; Bogota, SoJWlc; Cen tral America, 2!c. LKATH I'.R Firm; hemlock, flrstg. S29 8Jc: seconds. SlifJSJc, PROVISION! Pork. steady; mess. 316.011) 16.60; family, 819.00ffi! short ilears, 318.00 18.60. Teef, steady; mesa. 817.001) 18.00; faml'y. 318 m? 00. l.ard. barely steady: middle west H.tOtht.SO. TA LI AV Steady ; city, 6V,c; country. SMrH'.oj special. te. BUTTKR-Pteady: receipts, 14.861 tubs: creamery extras rrw2sl,c; firsts, 2Mr 27c: seconds. 23tT2IHr. EOUS Finn; reieln's. 18,Or,4 esses; fresh gathered extras. 3?ffT.1c; extra first". MMNlVk"; firsts, 2iiWt)3V'; seconds, 23V,0 26 c. CIIF.F.SR Steady; reeetrts, ,87 boxes: stale whele milk frsh fl its, specials, lll liilf'c: average fancy, 144e. lOITLTRY Uve. unsettled; dressed, steadv: western froxen roasting chick ens, 191121c: freh fowls. Iced, It'&'ISc: froxen turkeys, 171121c. Kanse, Cltv (iraln il ProTlslnwa. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Bent. 29 WHEAT No. 2 hard. 31.0311 1.10; No. 3 red. 111 1.17; Heptember. W'Sc; December, 82c; May. W'Sc COUN-No. 3 mixed, No. 3 white, 86c; September, 63c; December, 61 He: Mav. to'ii Vlc. OATS No. 2 white, S6(ff37c; No. 1 mixed, 84VMU- :i.ic. BUTTER Creamery, 27c; flrstg, 26o; seconds. 2Sc; packers. I3AC. F.tlt 18 Firsts, 38c; seconds, 19c. 1'OrL.TRY-llens, Uc; roosters, 9c; broilers, 16c, Mlaneano'ls tl-ala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Pept. 2. NVHFAT Peptember, (HiSo; December, '. lc; No. 1 hard. .7c; No. 1 northern. 8474Utt,c. eUJI.'R Unchanged. B AllUliY 47m4oo. RYh-tiy!i93c. BRAN 41 CO, CORN No. 2 yellow, RN,ipV4a. OATS No i white, KVUvlSnO. FUAX. 81.S&t86. g.'s Urnla Market. BT. LOUIS. Mo.. Bent 29 WHEAT No. 2 red, 3i.l61.18; No. 3 hard. 3108; Beptember. 11.12'! December, WiV.'io. CORN No. 2, 8H3lc: No. 3 white, two; Beptember. TUq; Decemlier, 624teM1c. 0AT8 No. 8. nominal; No. t white, nominal. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 29. WHEAT-Spof. No. 1 Manitoba. Us lid; No. 3. Ua 9d; No. I, Ua 8Wd: No. 1 northern Duluth, lis 4Md; No. i red western winter, 10a 3d: No. 9 hard winter, lis lONtd. CORN pot American mixed, new, 8s 84, Coffe Market. (TRW YORK. Sept. IW.-OOFFEEThB market for coffee futures opemd ateady at unchanged prices to an advance of two points, with active months selling about four to five points abova last nluht's lose during tha middle of the dv- on a llttl scattering demand tn the nbsiT.ce cf lr-mpt offerings. On tha ad vance to C.-Jc for March nd 8O0 for May therj nppeared to be a little more fcr sale, inwever, and the market later vaKcd off three or four points from the best on tulk that Uraxll was accepting bids at sIlKht concessions. Tho close was net one to three points higher. Bales), In cluding exi'liangr of December for March al lv. le were 10,750 bags. October. 8 02c; Nnvember, 8.u3c; Decem ber. ..flGc: January. .09o; Febrcary, .13o; Mirch. h lie: April. 6 ?loi May. 6.Sao: 1 May, (,T,. June. t.Mrj July, 8io: Marrh. li.l'ic: April. .ia; Mav, e bio; June, ii.31.-: July, li SiO'; August, 6.440. fcpot Htendv: Klo No. 7, t-te: Pantos No. 4. 9o. t''i and freight offers were reported "nsier at aboui !6c to 8.D0c for Santos 4n. Mill els prices and the rate of Rio ex change on I-ondon were unchanged. .! -- -rket. NEW YORK, Bept. 29 COTTON Boot. 2, .."rUa 'te mlonli" lio sert 11 'mi sies. Cotton futures opened steady: October. 11 Wc; Ief-ember. 12 SOo; January, U.47c; March, 13Ti!c; May. 12.d!ic. Cotton futures closed easy; October. 11 W'c: lecenilier. ll."o: January. 12.L6c; March. 12.35c: May. 12.62o. LIVERPOOL. Pcpt COTTON Spot uni'hsngod: good inlitdt'ng, 7 fH"d; mid-dll-'g. 7 41 ; low middling, 6.5Cd. Pdles. ).'.( JO bales. I . oil and Roatu. HAVANNAH, Bept. 29. TURPENTINE Firm. 3ic: sales, Z bbls.; receipts, 4f2 bbls.; shipments, 1,137 bbls.; stock. 10.87N hb's. ROSIN Firm; sales. K bbls.J re ceipts, 1.843 bbs.; shipments, 8.122 bbls.: stock. 6 8a bbls. Quo'e: A. B. 33 40: ". D. 3 3 40; EX 8T41"4; F O. II. I. 33 46; K. 33ii; M. II.60; N, 84.90; NVO, 85.80: NN"W, K5 .00. M-tal Market. NKW YORK. Kept. 28. M ETA LS Imd, 84 60; ssadter not 'quoted. Coiper, firm; electrolytic, 3126. Icjn. ateady and unchanged. Tin, ateady; five tou lots. 8:H.GXu33 M- At Iindon: Spot, copper, 171 la fu ture. t7? 6s: ele-trolvilc, S7 Ms. Bpot. tin, fl6': futures. sJIM. Antimony, tl. lxsd. f23 ISs; spelter, li. agar Market. NKW YORK. Pept 20 SUGAR Raw. fliret: centrifugal, S7Vq3.8toi molasses, 2 f-'u3 12c, roflned, quiet. Sugar futures opened easier under scattered liquida tion and trale sell ng. At nooa prices were 2 to i points net lower. Evaporated Apples ssl DrteJ Frwlts N-'NV YORK. Sept 2. EVAPORATED AP't,KS sy. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, quiet and easy. Apricots, firm. Peachea, ateady. Raising, firm. Dry Go--s Market. NKW YORK. Bept. 19. DRY OOODSW Cotton gocd and cotton yarns strong. Indian Head bleached goods higher. I'a dera car and boaierjr very fins.