Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1915, Page 8, Image 10

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By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, September 29, 1915.
NIGHT after night at the "Billy" Sunday Tabernacle I hare observed
one of Omaha's most beautiful matrons. Sometimes she is with
her huvband and other times she Is accompanied br the husband
of a charming matron who gives a rreat deal of her tlnie to a
popular local charity.
They alt close to the front row always, and the fair one listens Intently
to every word uttered by the revivalist, Razing upon him as if spellbound
all the while,
I wonder what effect continuous Tabernacle-going will have on this
gayest of Omaha playfellows? For that she la of a surety always ready
to make up a table of bridge, or the other great American pastime, dancing
with a grace rivaling that of Mrs. Castle, aud, of course, a faithful devotee
of the theater.
Apropos of the fair one and her husband, the story Is told that while
a game of the aforementioned pastime was in progress one of the players
staked the little butterfly'a husband, "Can you open the pot?"
"The only thing he can open is a prayer meeting," sniffed the fair
At any rate, it isn't very far from wher she sits to the head of the
trail, and it is Just possible that "Hilly" may exert enough magnetism to
have her traverse that bit of the sawdust trail.
Bridal Sinner and Rehearsal.
Th fclbbernaen-Hmjrlh wedding party
b. entertained at dinner tonight at
ha Omaha club, followed by a rehearsal
tt tha home of th bride. The decora-
lion will consist of a lrx backet of
bell roaoa tied with pink tulle for the
utarpleee and three email basket of
tha same flower In graduating- ! on
Wither aide. The place card will be In
VMte decorated with miniature wedding
fcelle, Those present will be:
1 Meter, ml Meadnmes
: Mhlvemien, , c. J. Smyth,
i Mljwe- Mtaara
pnee ftmyth. Helen Murphy,
fwtberlne ttmytb, Healrl CoaJ.
Lary U Mary Munrhhoff.
ff Chicago,"
Meeera "v. Messrs.
arenoe Rlbiternaen, ln "al!ahn.
JlJreael P(hlpnen, Kdward Mmyth,
ytlbert H lb her men. Hernard Hmytn.
AJlan Tukey, . Kdward Murphy.
Attend Wedding in Lincoln.
A large party of Omahans went down
to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the wed
dtng of Mine Jeanett Mayer and Mr.
Herbert Arnsteln of Omaha, which was
vwlebrated Irmt evening. , Among them
were Mrs. M. Sunnenbera and Mrs. 8.
Arneteln, the grandmother and mother
of tha groom. Mis Ruth Arnsteln, his
alster, the Misses Erna Hadra, Mildred
Rubel and llasel In and Mr. Edward
Mr. and -Mrs. Amateln have gone to
California on their wedding trip, and on
their return will be at home In Omaha.
La Placoma Club.
The La Flasoma club celebrated Its
third anniversary by an assembly of
members and proefectlv members, at
the home of Paul Krvln. Musical elec
tlona were given by Miss Alice Ervln
and a piano duct by Stanley Kurs and
Harold Llnnhan. Four new members
were voted In. Those present were;
R. Kiel I.
J. Hnv,
H. Kuri,
K. Maxwell.
V. I'lncen,
J. ' I
M. 8orenen.
H. Unahan,
I. Bornneen.
H. Kur,
L Srhi-rtnerhom,
A. l.evv.
J. Williams.
Mr. ud Mr. Klrkland.
Church Affair Postponed.
Tha First Baptist church haa post
poned Ita annual affair in honor of the
Old People's home Inmate until a later
date. It was originally planned for Mon
day and an effort was made to have
Mr. and Mrs. "Billy" Sunday come as
guests, but the plan could not e car
ried out.
Stork Snecial.
A daughter waa born to Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Hroneck at Schuyler. Neb. Mr.
Hrooek was formerly MUa Nell Creedon
of this city. '
JftlS.Tlargaret Lewis
Krani school. Mrs, Carter accompanied
them to Rosten.
Mr. Kdward Johnson returned last
evening from Orand Island, where the
attended tha state Women's Christian
Temperance, union convention and from a
visit with Mr. Mas Hosteller, of Bhelton,
Neb. Both women are prominent in
Women' club affair.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. H. n. Ranadell will leave today to
visit their farm at Scott's Bluff, after
which she M ill go to Denver. She will be
absent about a month. .
Ijr. and Mr. II. J. Hamilton have re
turned from their vacation In northern
On the Calendar.
La Mar club 1 giving a dancing party
at Turpln'a academy this evening.
Pronpt Aetlosj Will Stop Voir
Dr. King's New Discovery wilt stop
your cough. The first dose help. Good
for children. All druggist. 60c. Advertisement.
Missouri Pacific
Will Imwove Line
Ak-SrBea Visitor,. A a reault of the of Missouri P..
wwpan ed MIm Alloa Carter horn, from I been Issued for a large amount of work
the at Sunday and will ba a gut at ; to b. twiruB th. nw futur . con.
W.W VWKT HUU1 Will M ' 1"1 m
At the Country Club. ,
Ulsa Blanch Dmiat will entertain at
dinner at the Country club this evening.
Tha table will ba decorated with a large
mound of pink carnations and those pre.
i ant will be:
Oretchen M(Hnnell, Charlotte Callahan,
!M nil uiirora.
Jant Heli.
, lorothr Hmith,
Utah KitcLcixa,
Alice Jauulth,
John le-art.
anne Moobstetler,
Marjort MoCord, .
itianche Deuel.
Jai k u miner.
emman Jackaon. Vred Ittuihvtr
Teylor Hftr-her. Rolwrt Wood,
J-Van Dusen, Krank Mead.
Jn Warren. Lake Deuel.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed will entertain
I at th Country club this evening. 0lt
' den flower will decorate th dinner table
I and cover will be placed for;
Meetr. and Meadamee
. John W. Toerla. W, H. Buchols.
i f W. Judaon. W A. C. Johnson.
jonn a. ucahana, Jr. Chart Hull.
J. r. Paaton. A. L. Hed,
Mr. aud Mr. John T. tie wart will have
l-tat dinner gueau this avaolnr.
To Honor Bride.
Mr, and C. J. Pasalck entertained at
upper Hutiday evening for Mr. and Mrs.
Ray MeCutotieon. Mrs. McCutcbeoa was
formerly MU Carolina Priboraky. Cov
er were placed for:
Messrs. and Mr-edjn
lUy McC'uu newn, Joeopb Binder,
'red V v,rka, Criarlea PrUkaraky.
ttnued during th oonUng winter, to be
completed as rapidly as moiiey Is avail
able for payment.
Tba work contemplate the completion
of laying new and heavier steel on the
line to Kansas City, it now having been
completed to a point nearly as far south,
a Weeping Water.
It la proposed to rebaJlast th entire
main line from Omaha to Kansas City
and th Crete and Lincoln branches. In
carrying on tht work, permaner.': camp
h- wo-Vnwn will be established
along. the line and In which they will
nit. '
try JJiikder,
Jlurenr Lasvolev,
Mei s.
Wlwird hinder,
r'red avwak.
litan Paaal- k.
J jik-s paasick.
EDfafment Announced.
Mr. aitd Mra Harry ruaelman of l hil-
adirtihla, acitouno the ngagement of
their dauht.-r, IxilUu Rita, to Mr. Albert
Won belt, formerly of Omaha.
To lienor Co-Ed.
The Jolly Glee club ' member gave a
surynee tiarty Tuesday aiternooa In
luxvur of Mus Lillian Weiss, who Krt
kuit ovenlug to enter ber junior yer
sit tb University of Chicago. Nastur
tium and sweet peas were used la th
decorations and prise for the card (aut
were won by Mr. K. Klracbbaum, Mra
A. WtUs and Mrs. If. C. Bead. The
Muse Uillaa Welaa, Sadie Weiss and Klrscbbaura poured tea,
Pcrjcnal Kentioa.
Dr. J I. It. Itamussen 1 seriously ill
at St. Juea-ib's hospttaX
Mrs. 11. U Carter plana to spend some
time In Boston tlOs winter wltb her the lllua Irene and Ruth
I fciu-r, mi.o hi .tu-u llcg th OarlJao
Many BabitM Suffer,
Too Baaay bablaa do not cat started
right kweanso paUeao and the proper
car waa not (Ivan tb hopeful another.
K i perl en cod mother aow urea th as
of Mot her' a rriand. to b had at aay
druc (tore, baoaua the know from,
ipeiieae that thla old, dapendabl
remedy, applied externally, la absolute-'
ly hartal and la vary ben8ciaL It'
soothe th Basel, cords and Ilea
menu and relieve tb undo tension,
alvlns great Physical relief from stub
born palna. Ita influeace ta the skia
and network of narve cans th mus
cles to iBnd natarally. Thousand of
woman bar ruoceaaXuIIy tu4 it (or
tw gaaaraUona.
$ " , I
Jews Send Large
Sum for Relief
Work in War Zone
To aid urferlug Jews In the Kuropean
war sones, the Omaha Jewish Relief com
mittee has Just Kent $.". thiejugh the
Anierd an committee at New York. It is
snld that Omaha leads the country In thn
amount of relief money raised for Jewlsb
sufferers in the war.
A total of tll.OOO has been pledged by
local Jews for the purjioen, the present
remittance of 15.000 being a part of that.
Hurry H. Zlmman Is president and Morris
t-evy I treasurer of the local committee.
They snld they desired no publicity Id
connection with the committee' work,
which 1 being carried on quietly, but
with great success.
Mrs. Belle Van Dorn Harbert, Inter
national President, Will Pre
side at Meeting Thursday.
One session of the Farmers' Na
tional congress now meeting In the
Hotel Rome will be given over to a
meeting of the American branch of
the International Congress of Farm
Women. This ,wlU be this af
ternoon. Mrs. Belle van Dorn Har
bert of Manzanola, Colo.; will pre
side. Mrs. Harbert is not only presi
dent of the ' national American
branch, but at the International con
gress In Ghent, Belgium, in 1913, she
waa elected president and still holds
that office.
The international congress was or
ganized five years ago to better the
household condition of farm women.
Mrs. Harbert is author of a bill for.'
th establishment of a government
bureau for farm women and this bill
will be discussed at the Thursday
"Our work Is to check th rush of farm
people to the city by aupplylng social
needs and household conveniences. In
most case It Is the discontented farm wo
man who induces her husband to move
to the city. The farm woman has prob
lems and hardKhlps that the city woman
can't realise. Jlie longs to move to the
city where she presses a button to flood
her house with light Instead of having
eternally to clean kerosene lamps. No
carrying of water, no hauling of wood
either and more sot la I requisites."
Join with W omea'a labs.
Mrs. Harbert has under consideration
with Mra. Percy Pennybacker, president
cf the Oeneral Federation of Women's
Clubs, a plan for the co-operation of the
two organisations which they head, the
one as the rural department of the Oen
eral Federation. The Nebraska branch
of the Congress of Farm Women, of
which Mrs. Ada Carroll Wortman of Be
atrice Is president, la already affiliated
with the ftate Federation of Women's
Mr. Harbert l the farmer of the fsm.
Ily. her husband being In the Insurance
business. Her hobby Is (trowing cherries
Thla last season she shipped 700 crates
of cherries and sent fourteen tons to the
factories. Beside this she has carried
off a master' degree- in socioloKy at the.
Denver university and Is soon to receive
her Ph. D. from the University of Colo
rado. Mrs. Harbert ha traveled exten
sively abroad, studying the condition of
farm women.
A world's congress Including represen
tatives of twenty-eight naliors with lhfTr'
work, was planned for this year to
at "an Francisco exposition, but the meet
ing was abandoned because the K:roemi
women were unable to come. The organl
ratlon boasts ', women, .W from the
I'nited ftate alone.
Mrs. Wortman of Peatilre is attending
the convention. Other Interesting women
present at the meeting are Mrs. Mary
Hlgclow of Minneapolis. Mrs. Fanny U.
Vlckery of Kmporla, Kan.: Mrs. Mary
A. Whedon of rt. Paul. Miss Mabel Sen
sor of Aberdeen, 8. D., members of the
executive board. Mrs. diaries I Cham
berlain cf Irvinxton, Ky., is expected
Thursday, ss Is Helen Johnson Keye uf
PprlnKflold, O., editor of tne woman's de
partment of Farm and Fireside and a
writer for Good Housekeeping.
Summer Schools of
Missions Elects
Mra E. O. Jones was elected chairman
of the Summer School of Missions for
1MB at a meeting of the executive com
mittee of the Women's Missionary feder
ation Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. N.
Halsey was elected secretary and Mrs.
C. K. Clark treasurer. The school has
been held heretofore at the t'nlversity
of Omaha, but the executive committee
was empowered to seek a downtown loca
tion for 1816.
Mrs. Asher of the Sunday party spoke
briefly, outlining work that should be
done in Omaha after the close of the
Sunday campaign In order to bring about
he most lasting results.
as an Accessory to
Murder of Husband
PROV1PF.NCE. R I., Sept. .-.Mrs.
Elizabeth F. Mohr was Indicted by the
Brand Jury here todny as an accessory
before, the fact In connection with the
kllllns of her husl.and. Dr. C. Franklin
Mohr, on August 31 Inst, and three ne
groes. Cecil Ilrown, Henry Ppellman an
George W. HealK were indicted on the
charge of murder. Another Indictment
charged the negroes with assault with.
Intent to kill Mrs. Emily O. Burner and
Mrs. Mohr as an accessory before th
fact. Kacb of the defendants pleaded,
not euilty.
That the men's clothing- business Is not
devoid of li'eallsm Is well demonstrated
In a Nebraska Clothing company show
window this week. This store h se.
cured from the lllckey-Freeman company
of Rochester, N. Y., a "loan exhibit"- of
six original oil palntfnirs In full colotv
showing correct styles In men's clothing V
for the present fall scascn.
The paintings will continue on display
for the balance of the week. ThVy wer
brought to Omaha by John A. Pwansot
of the Nebraska Clothing company, who
Just returned from a buying trip to tha
Rochester and New York markets.
Willie Howe, golf professional at the
Country club, has received word that his
mother, Mrs. Margaret Hoare, had Just
passed away at Westward Ho, England.
Death, It Is thought, came as the result
of grief over the death of her two on,
who were killed In the war. Roth sons
were seamen ln the Rritlsh navy, one
going down with the Monmouth and the
other with the Formidable. 6ha was 7
years of age.
' During Ak - Sar - Boa
wo place on tale all
cially low prices.
S'e our windows for
- And Inst but hot least,
come in and get ac
quainted with tho storu
of Combs.
iv iaa issiui r eMsj
Visitors to the Ak-Sar-Ben Festival I When You
Arrive. Check Your Baggage to Brandeis Stores
TDhen, after locating a place to stay, it will be sent to you, all absolutely free of charge and with no
obligation attached. Also, you will find it a convenience to have your correspondence addressed to
"Station 17, Omaha," which will come to the Brandeis Stores Postoffice branch, and thus into your hands
quicker than by any other way.
You will find in our store many features of service arranged for your special convenience. You arc
welcome to take full advantage of them.
Let us take this opportunity of saying that this is a most opportune time to visit our store. It is
at its best with great, full stocks of new fall merchandise. Every department manager in this house is a
merchant, a buyer well posted in his particular market and a seller who knows how to please you in goods
and in prices. ' j
Smart Crepe de Chine Blouses
. - i
$5.00 Val- fkO
ues at. ... vO.VO
Semi-Tailored and Dressy Models, in White or Flesh Color
You will not want to resist these nrptiv hlnnsAs Thnv
merit all the compliments that are paid to them daily, includ
ing the usual remark, "What little prices, too!"
For $3.98 you can buy the smartest and newest blouses
for all occasions, formal and informal There are 25 styles to
select from. .
"That Economy
Frances Baetcns
tadloi Booaa BO, ArUajrtoa Blocs,
imm Xeage atrvat.
Uondajra. Wednesdays, Thursdays, and
Tel. DougUa SOtt. OMAHA.
300 Two-Toned Velvet Sailors
0 d u .jfAJl
la combination auch aa :
Red and Black,
White aad Black, N
New Blue and Black.
O rcen and Black,
alao solid colors; all the new shade included. A few dozen
tricorn and four cornered shapes bound with trroserain ribbon
anu r rruca eagea ciieois. easily worln to i.UU.
Sale price, Thursday
On the Second Floor
I For Coffee. Cereals or CooWng I
i i
Women's Guaranteed Washable Leatherette Gloves
Pair, 59c '
(Jennine L. L. guaranteed washable leatherette or duplex
glores, suitable for this season, in white only. f- r
Special, pair ; i V C
Her U
tpl.sii I
w mmm vTvwua um um ojcuoa m aa aTjoua aaUk.
5 '""J trpom for which freta aailk r crtam It uaad
. vwiMia, iu uw oacy- nuuc ana lor cooklaa.
And II Is ilein - mnJ U J I
- - -j - 1 - wain oi sniu,
II te good nd vi uniiorm rlchaas to tha lat droa.
He IHk tie Cooled Tute
l S A
i v i uui a
At AJIGa4 Deals
; x
Shoes for Those Who Are Particular
Why not hare them pretty as well as senr.
iceable and comfortable f They cost no more.
These are no ordinary shoes.
Gypsy Cut Shoes for Women, just re
ceived, made from vici kid. kins, orerlapped
quarters, white kid piped up the front seam.
These are very new, most popular style out.
Every pair fitted with the celebrated "Bed
Cross" soles. Pair
"nuEsy" Shoes for Women, patent
leather with cloth or kid topa; dull ealf or
soft kidakina. Moat splendid shoes, combin-
iaf style and serriee; gracefully made from
. the best material. All width and
$3.48 and $3.95
1 On the Mam For
Have You One of the New Sport genrfg?
The most popular dress accessory is the sport scarf. We have
a beautiful line of Angora and Knit Scarfs, in plain
and stripe ends. Up from 75s and 5UC
bUk Scarfs, in beautiful colorings,
also white with colors. Up a a
from ...$1,25
Dainty New Neckwear
Collar and Cuff Sets, new and dainty
effects in white and flesh and white
and -light blue. Also Hemstitched
Puritan Sets in yoile and ir.
Swiw. Special
Pretty Collars in fine Swias embroi
dered and hemstitched voile; Puritan
Rolling and High Collars, spe- r
wj.m.K .ov i iecK tcufft m black and white s-n
and white and black combinations. Each OUC
Women's New French Kid Gloves
Pair, $1.15
These gloves come from Perrin and are made of fine qual.
ity French kid or lamb. They are overscam sewn, two-clasp
style, light or medium weight. They come in black, white,
tan, brown, gray and white with heavy embroidered black
backs. Special for Thursdav nair
- r m
.V a. II II
4 " JI V