Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday, September 28, 1915.
THE dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McConnell last evening in
honor of their daughter, Irene, and Mr. Richard Coad, whose wed
ding U being celebrated thli evening, waa one of the moat unusual
of the aeaaon and furnished a great deal of amusement and mer
riment for the guests.
Honoring September, the dinner was a SHpphire one and quantities of
corn flowers were used in the decorations. The place cards, too, were un
usual, being white parchment with lettering In gold.
The gayetjr reached Its height during the dinner hour when the door
bell began to ring and a messenger appeared at frequent Intervals, carting
in nsful gifts for the bride. First there were laundry articles, a clothes
basket, a wringer, washboard and then kitchen utensils, a rolling pin, cof
fee mill, and then a coal scuttle, ahovel and a miniature bookcase and books.
Anything the mind could conjure up that the young people would need on
the ranch In New Mexico, where they will make their home, was presented
to them.
The gifts of the bride and groom to their attendants and to each other
were presented last evening. Miss McConnell gave her bridesmaids, Miss
Eleanor Mackay, MIps Frances Hochstetler, Miss Marlon Towle and Mies
Mary Louise Latenser, gold brooches set with sapphires. To her maid ol
honor. Miss Alice Coad, she gave a larger brooch of the same kind, and to
her special maid, Miss Gertrude McCarthy of Chicago, a brooch of a differ
ent rut. ,
Mr. Coad's gift to his ushers, Mr. Harold McConnell, Mr. Arthur Coad.
Dr. T. R. Palley and Mr. Charles McLaughlin, and to the special usher, Mr.
Charles McCarthy of Minneapolis, were gold cuff links. Mr. Ben Gallagher,
the best man, received gold cuff links set with sapphires.
The bride's gift to the groom was a cahachon cut sapphire ring set in
dlamonda and platinum. Mr. Coad presented hs bride with a handsome
diamond and sapphire brooch.
rf grr-n ribbon to which wrre attached
rosebuds and butterflies.
Tha ballroom, where danrtns; followed
the reception, wu alloom with flowers,
palms, fema and espsracus, the same
decoration having been used for the epa
cloiia veranda of the MoConnell home.
Assisting throughout the rooms were:
Meedme Mendnmes
C. W. Hamilton Krtward Crrta-Mon
R. SI. Hall 'harlea F. (Yowley
r. H. Mo'-nMotter tiariea ?rrull
Thomas Markay
ii. u. Hunuejr
Will Toad
Hen Onllarher
M. U Peters
John W. Towta
ln Faum, Jr.
PeatrV-e Toad
Irene Coad
fllariys Peters
I Iaphne Peters
Iiiriie Haoon
Mary Pmhley
A lire farter
Helen Petersen
W. H. Clarke
William Khoades
John Wilbur
John P. Irfrd'a Ablmtt
Mark Coad
t lae .
Janet Hall
I'orothjr Hall
?orothv Weller
Mabel Wright of
'hlra so
Tl'ith Iateneer
ltlen Murphy
Ann uirrorrt
The youns couple left last night on
an eastern weddlna tour and will arrive
at their ranch near Malaga, N. M about
Novemler 1, via the southern route. Mrs.
Coad's ao-awsy suit waa of mahogany
velvet trimmed with black fox fur at
ciiffs, collar and at th edgea of the coat.
With this was worn a black velvet tojue
whoee only ornament was shimmering
Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors.
Mrs. Harry Bosworth of Chicago, a
sister of Mrs. Oeorge Brandels. arrived
yesterday to be a guest during Ak-8a
Ben week. Mrs. N. J. Carney and Mlsa
LUllan Rogers, two ether sisters, are ex
pected later In the week.
Stork Snecial.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Merrlam have re.
calved a cablegram announcing the birth
of a daughter to Lieutenant and Mr.
Harry Dlehl In Olasgow, Scotland last
Raturday. Lieutenant Dlehl Is at th
front, but Is fortunate In being ablo to
vlat his home freouently. Mrs. Dlehl
was formerly Miss Mildred Merrlam. He
marriage to lieutenant Dlehl waa cere
brated abroad about the time that the
European hostilities began.
A son waa born to Mr. and Mrs. I M.
Cook of Madison. Wis. Mra. Cook wa
formerly Miss Alma Frandels, daughtei
of the lata Carl Brand els and Mrs. Bran
dels of Omaha. Mrs. Cook and her email
son ara now In Chicago with her mother,
Mra. Brandels.
Weddin? Announcement
Robert H. Irvine and Adele A. Adoloh
were married Monday evening at their
home by the Rev. C. A. Fleming. About
twenty guests were present
Cudahvi at Lake Forest.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cudahy, formerly
fof Omaha, are contemplating spending
the winter at Lake Forest on their hand
some pew eetate, Innlsfall Farms, In
stead of In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdward L Cudahy have
already announced their Intention of
irtnlng the all-year-round colony at Lake
Forest, where they spent the summer
months. Mrs. Cudahy was formerly Miss
Lenore Brewnc of California and la re
membered In Omaha, having visited the
Omaha Cudahys prior to her marriage.
Lea Amies Whut Club.
Mrs. Peter Rnsmuseen entertained the
members of Les Amies Whist club at her
home Saturday. Trlses were won by Mrs.
Orace Mlckel and Mra. F. J. Murphy.
The next meeting of the club will oe
held In two weeks at the home of Mra
Colin McKentie.
Eecentionfor Dr. Crothers.
The board of trustees of ths Unitarian
church will hold an Informal reception
Friday evening at S o'clock at the parish
house, 43 North Fortieth street, to meet
Dr. Famuel McChord Crothers of Boston.
With tne School Set.
Mlsa Lillian Weiss wilt leave Tuesday
evening foj the University of Chicago,
where aha will enter her Junior year.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. R. Joseph is vl'ittng in 1,'neela.
Mrs. B. Flogcl of Dcs Moines, ! who
tame to sltend the Kllnc-Monhelt wed
ding, left for her home 8uniay evening.
Numerous affairs were given in her
honor. . (
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Kelley hava lert
for New Tork and other eastern points,
where the dor-tor will take a post-graduate
course. Dr. Fred Hahn la taking
care of Dr. Kclley's practice during th
latter'a absence. i
Mlsa Eileen McCaffrey will leava Bat- ;
urfay-for New Tork, where she will at-'.,
tend the wedding of her cousin. Mr. J. .'"
C. Kennedy, after which she will enter
the Conservatory of Music. Mr. Ken
nedy has often visited In Omaha.
Weddinv Sate of Miss Cudahy.
V October 90 has been announced as the ; '
date for the marriage of Mlsa Florence '.
Cudahy, daughter of EX. A. Cudahy. te, ;.
Mr. Austin Niblack.
Coad-McConnell Wedding;.
The first or the large fall wedding
waa celebrated at B:S0 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon at Ft. John's Collegiate church,
when Mlsa Irene McConnell, daughter
of Mr. and Mra. A. B, McConnell, bn
ca me the bride of Mr. Richard Coad. The
Rev. Father J. F. McCarthy of St.
Peter's church officiated.
The church was profusely decorated
with palms and ferns and tha pews
were tied with pink and white tulle and
quantities of Klllarney roses. For a
half hour preceding ths wedding cere
mony, Miss Margaret Judge, the organ
ist! gave a varied program of bridal
music and when tha bridal party entered,
the 1-ohmjrrln wedding march waa
Of heavy Ivory satin, draped with a
pointed overdrew of tulle embroidered
In silver, waa the bride's wedding gown.
The skirt was short and tha tulle drap
eries were caught at the hips In bouf
fant effect. Tho bodice was of net em
broidered In silver, cut square neck and
with long tulle sleeves. Tha long court
train waa at Inched to a de Medici collar
f tulle embroidered In silver and the
girdle waa caught with orange blos
soms. The long tulle veil waa close-fitting
and was held In place with orange
blossoms. Tha bride carried a shower
bouquet of awansonla and lilies 6f the
The bride's attendants were gowned In
the rainbow shades. Their gowns were
all short and had the tulle overdress
simulating the bouffant effect and all
wore hota of chiffon and lace to match
i 1 . , , '..
An Immense Sale
ef tramandoas Importanoe t avary man.
woman and child In Omaha will begin
Friday morning. Has eur advertise
ment la the aswepapers Tbarsday ait-ereoo.
VlM'f i i i in '"i in P i .in n , .ii.Minu .in i.r .I,,,. ..,
Baggage Checked
an- v,
Hirnf. ma v ha cheeked t
dels Itores and later sent to your hotel
or room after you hava located. WITH
Hava your correspondence addressed
to Station IT, Omaha, which la the
Brandels stores branch postofflee.
I i jV-faf w; 9
Ho! Ye Quests of Qui vera!
SBMHMMMMaM sasBBBBnaBBBaBBBBsaaaBBBM BBBsasBsaaasBBBBaaBBaasaaaBBaBBaBaBBaasBBaBs aasaaaaaaaaaesapaaasia .atmmmm
Let there be aright hearty "Welcome" in every nook and cranny of this big establishment
and let us, as proud and loyal subjects of His Imperial Muftiness, King Ak, serve ye with the
bountiness which is ours. Let such conveniences as Uncle Sam's postoffice, a bank for cashing
checks, rest and writing room, restaurant with cabaret, telephones, and many others in this store,
materially assist ye in thy quest for comfort and pleasure. And let work and worry be forgotten
whilst in the Kingdom of Quivera, for it is written that its guests must be joyful at whatever cost.
00 Street Dresses at
Our New York Buyers Made This Exceptionally Advantageous Purchase
From One of the Leading: Specialists in High Class Street Dresses
and we are going to give our
I! "v
X . 1 'ja
r ' -.V; I r
. i
- - . - - . Z. . S
customers the benefit of the
low price for which we bought
them. They would actually
sell regularly for from $19 to
$29, but you can choose from
the lot for only $15. Please
remember, too, that these are
new fall dresses; dresses of a
kind that are finding their
best market at this moment.
So come Wednesday, and
please yourself with one of
these pretty frocks.
The lot comprises a wide
range of authentic fall styles,
namely such clever models as
the new princess, redingote
and Russian blouse effects.
The materials are mostly fine
wool mannish serges in com
binations of silk plaids, taf
fetas, messalines and char
meuse, with handaome trim
mings of buttons, silk braids,
beads and silk and velvet
sashes. The colors are black,
brown, navy, green, field
mouse, plum, etc
Choice for $15.CKX ,
Nee Irene MuConncll.
hulr flocks, tied with ribbon streamers
of the saina shade. With these were
worn silver slippers and each of the
girls carried flower muffs combined with
tullo In the same shnde as their gowns,
all excvpl the maid of honor and special
naid. who carried shower bouquets of
Mrs. Ward rows.
Mine Alice t'oud waa the maid of
Lonui'. llrr gowu waa of yellow net over
ellow pvul do meteor silk mtuie hlgh-
M(ol rffict v illi Die UHre neck and
short r ..iK-d with Fr'nch rose
buds. Mine ;m1i mle Mc'arthy of Chi-
avo, the s'M-clnl mnld, whs also gowned
'In .irllow tulle with a giii.ll of mauvo
and ctecn. Th bMllce waa hlKb-wulHtcd
mid tlte skirt waa short and fluffy.
iiies Krancta Uochatetler. the ivitinlng
quwn of Ak-Sttr-Ueii, waa one of the
brlJesnialds. Shu wore iink poul de
meteor with Inserts of pink tulle. The
boilica nut finished with silver nut and
the tulle sleves were lung and loose,
but were catiKht together at tha wrist,
.she carried a muff of Shawyer rosea.
Hiss Marlon Towle wore laveuder tulle
over thu eama ehada of the meteor silk, i
Her girdle waa of pale pink and blue!
and mauve rosebuds added a distinctive
tiuuihing touch. Misa Towle'a muff was
of lavender asters and tulle of the same
Mlsa Eleanor Mackay'a gown was of
pal blue. The skirt had deep points
turned up at tha bottom and outlined
with pink rosebuds. This was worn over
a Huffy tulle petticoat of tha same color.
The bodice was of silk and net finished
with pink rosebuds. Mlsa Mackay car
ried a muff of Klllarney roses. I
Mlsa Mary LouUs Latenser wore a
girlish frock of pale green tulle over '
the meteor alik la the aama shade. The
Watteau bodice waa of allver lace with
long tulle aleevea and the girdle waa of'
green aUk. UUa Latenser carried a muff j
of Mra. Ward rosea.
Mrs. McConnell, mother of the bride,'
wore a - new shade of olive green net
embroidered In green paillettes, over ab
sinthe shade of satin, finished at the
bottom with green velvet. Tha bodice
waa of silver laoa and tha gown was
aa tralua.
Mr Will Coad were a busdsums black
tulle gown Ulraiuad with cut Jet. Mra.
J. V. Coad, Jr., wora black and white
silk with touchea of Uack veKet and
l.luU Mias i:!ixbth Trussell, com-In
of the lit'1e. Mil J Miakr lilliy Coad,
H.-i'liew of t u foofii. tiiaUe a pretty pi -liiie
ut tin y I'lt'.iliJ tho bnle u tlx
Imrch tile. i:iisak-tb or a white
iiiouawllne frock with a wired tulle over-fctit-t
-Uuim-d with piuk (ieebuda Mtb
thla waa worn a while chiffon bat. !.
carried a muff of white chiffon and
sweetheart roses. Just aa tho bridesmaids.
Billy wore a white serge suit with buttons
of cut steel.
Uen Gallagher was tha best man uitd
the ushers were Messrs. Harold MoCon
nell, Arthur Coad, Dr. T. K. Dalley.
Charles McLaughlin and Charles McCar
thy of Minneapolis.
Following the ceremony there was a
liuffnt suer for tha bridal party at the
McConnell home on West Karnam atreet
and between the hours of 7 and a largt
reception was held there.
The decorations at the McConnell horn
were exceedingly beautiful. The hall, tin
living room and the muslo room wer
done In red and green Richmond an
American beauty rosea In large and sma
wall porketa. In hanging baskets, vase,
and pedestals being used profusely wlti.
smllax and fema
- The parlor, where Mr. and Mra McDon
nell, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Coad. Jr.. and
members of the bridal party received th
guests, wua transformed Into a bower 01
Klllarney roses and pink snap dragon,
combined with asiiaragua and smilaa. Th
mantles were banked with tha aama flow
ers and all the archways were bung with
White and gold was tha oolor scheme
for the dining room. Mr.' Ward and Hun
burst rosea, together with the white Kll
larneys, were used In tha wall pockets
and for sn Immense centerptara for th
table. From the chandelier fell a ahower
Demonstration of
. Corset Waists
for Girls
i'f u
sal .
S "That Economy '
Kew Service to the Korthwesl
The Chicago. Milwaukee Bt. Paul
Railway has Just putoed la aervl.e
iielweeti bious City a Bnattie ajid
Tsroma new ateel observation a'ee-
(11 ar cajs leaving rlloux city at 7 P. M.
This new arraaejuent affoni
celleut through set t ice to the Nortn
iMciiic ! at ell aa to Inieriiiel.
i;te poliitx. Ml lea i(y. Hrl"icn
Kotte, Mlaaoiiia. "'kan and l:i!,u i.
hjus Jt-aerval ions may i.e oIubii,,. '
at cn- Ticket office, C. M a M I
Hi., i-li kaJUaJii bt, Oitfalia. Neb.
Tor the next two weeks we will have a corsetierre in our
Corget Department, on the Second Floor, who specializes in
fitting girls. She will assist mothers in making the right se
lection and fit your daughters to the corset waist adapted for
A. voting and growing fiqitr h toft
and readily folcea the hjt tha- th
tra'st or nm -cornet ha a tend ncy to
give it. Hea th. shave ine 8. general an
raranc and the tendency to proyerly
jay 01 f fh on I uc e are oh affected
by this first coreting.
"We want to impress upon all mothers the
Importance of the corset for girls, for when
properly fitted and worn, II. & W. "Waista
prevent round shoulders and help the girl to
stand correctly to give proper poise.
Wrie-n the figure is thght H. & W.
VVTFr that are I vttoned m front ere
very comfortable and ansvrer every pur-po-av
the sh vlder ftrann he-ping the
garment in p ace so that if can be worn
an 'op' 1y as -eir1. Frr girls Efn
10 to 14 year, two styles, at OUv
For girls 14 to 18 years, who are well developed, an II. & "W. garment In which
features of the corset and waist are combined ; pliable clasps in front ; the ad
joining stays are flexible and there are soft cords introduced around the body
to give strength and the slight degree of support necessary for q j-r
comfort; 7Bc, $1.00 and dledU
The Two Best Qualities of
Seamless Wilton Rugs
There is nothing that brightens up a room and adds richness and beauty
to a home like a Wilton Rug. We offer for Wednesday the best seamless
Wilton Rugs, made in two qualities!
Sire 9il2 S42.50
Eire 8-3il0-e 840.00
Size 3x8-3 87.50
Size 27x54 $4.50
Bias 0x12 835.00
Eire 8-3x10-6 833.00
Siza 27x54 84.00
Inlaid Linoleum, 6 feet wide, 1 1.18 value, yard QQ
Printed Linoleum, 8 feet wide, worth 65c, yard 45t
Printed Linoleum, 12 feet wide, worth 70o, yard 5Q
Furnish Your Home With
Draperies from Brandeis Stores
And thus enjoy the best at the lowest prices. We have everything you
may need.
Lace Edge Curtains These are the new curtains for Pall. Special C2 OQ
showing, pair, $2.98, $3.60 and Pa3.VO
Marquisette Curtains We have just received 18 new patterns, at. IT A
pair, $1.75, $1.98 and .'..PX.OU
Muslin and Swiss Curtains Plain and fancy eenters. Beautiful ye
assortment, pair, 98o and $1D
Cretonnes We have doxens and dozens of new and pretty patterns, 30
at, yard, 25c and OVC
Bungalow Nets, Filet Nets, Quaker Craft Nets and Novelty Nets The Acr
greatest assortment we have ever shown. Yard, 35c, 49c, 59o and
Satisfied Piano Customers
Constitute Our Best Advertising:
That is why we handle only instruments of known
merit and that we know positively will give life
long satisfaction.
More Than 150 Instruments on Our Floor
to Select From
Terms of payment arranged to suit your con
Ice Cream Day
Pint Bricks, 10c
Qt. Bricks, 20c
Full Cream Caramels, assorted
nut and plain. Special
Wednesday, pound aCOC
Whole Brazil Nuts, dipped in
cream; regular fOo , grade,
Wednesday, ptr O
pound OsC
Pompeian Room.
Wall Paper Specials Wednesday
Now is the time to do your Fall papering. Our stock Is
complete and we can aave money for you.
Spare Bedroom and Kitchen Papers, Co values, a
Wednesday, roll ZtC
Parlor, Hall, Dining Rooms and Store Papers, with borders to
match. All colors and patterns. Worth to 15o. s
Wednesday, roil...
Plain Pulp Oatmeal Papers, 30-inch stock. All eolors; sold
with cut borders only. Regular 15o grade. n i
Wednesday, roll 0"2C
White Star Paint, guaranteed first-class outside paint. All
shades. Regular price $1.75. Sale price, j r
oa Sl.aCO