Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    ... . . . -i ! i i ii ii.
waiBf mmr nflhoim, jwir.
Boot Flint I N K.scon Pro
X4fktlRr fnatarss Hurrsa-r.randon.
1 To Catoh Vo Mar Dots Ths city
council sUoHrtl a ivhiiiun, orilpnns
that the tatolilng of inll-cnsd d" be
discontinued October 1.
OSS to Convention A. N. Katon .f
the Ksbraeka and loan Stcrl Tank cum
pany haa gone to Chlingo t attend the
rnnvantlon of the I'nltcd States Metal
Culvert sssoclatlon.
- To tafaty Tlrat in Lit. Xnsutanca
W. H. Indo. general iinr.t Stata
Mutual Life A.ratc Co. ot Worcea
ter. Mass., one. of the ultli-at, 71 years,
and beat companla on earth.
v Ordinate to Kapavs Twantj-Tonrth
An ordinance Img hoon Intnulurrd for the
repavlnn of Twenty-fourth strert. Cum
in street t. J'atri'-k avenue. H la be
lieved the work 1U be done thla season.
- Toaajrs oomp:ta arons rrograjn"
lasslfleU section today, and appear In
Tbo Be EXCLUSIVELY. Find out whal
the varloua moving picture, theaters offer.
XliloU Man rinad Frank Ixard M'
Jiaoln, arrcatrd for carrying a l.adrd
revolver and a heavy ahnt-loadi-d hilly,
wa arraigned In police court and t'lno.l
V and costs for carrylnK concvnWil
To Join Italian Army Forty-five
Italian rfserxists from Bhi Francisco,
en route home to Join the color of Italy,
will pass through Oinoha over the l'n:m
Faclfio Northwestern today. They are
traveling In three eleeper.
Edwards Bound Over CI uii. s .1. I I
arda of Vvi .Mo.iuh, chui-ged Hie
nibeiilonii'iit of J.';) from the In. ill firm
of t'thmoller & Mueller, wan a ; i ,il ;.i'.d
In police court nnrt hound over to the
ilistrict court, with hoiidn fixed at
' Alleged Slaver Bound Over I lurry
Springer, charged with violation of l he
white alave law, waived pi. llniimu y hear
ing before T'nlted Stales ( 'onimiv doner
Daniet and waa hound oer to the Rnind
Jury under $.1,(100 bond, which lie . fur
nished. - Ha Up Trains for Winter Twenty
Of the superintendents anil traffic of
ficials oT the Burlington linen west of the
Missouri river are at headiiiitti tern, hold
ing the acml-annual meeting for the pur
pose of lining up the schedules of trnin
for the winter business. At the same
time they are talking over business mat
ters. Lawyers to Honor Kungar Judge T.
C. Munger has appointed the following
committee of lawyers to prepare resolu
tions concerning the death of the late
Judge William 11. Munger of the local
division of the federal court: William I).
McHugh, Ed P. Smith, John L. Webster
and John J. Sullivan of Omaha: A. J.
Sawyer of Lincoln. W. J. Courtwrlght of
Fremont and John J. Halllgnn of North
Pi.tte. The committee will have the
resolutions ready October 11.
Tlslts Bis Old Horn Harry 1'. Potter,
formerly an Omaha boy, but for the last
eight years with the Cnlon Pacific sys
tem and now division freight and pas
senger agent ot the Oregon-Washington
Railway and Navigation company, with
headquarters at Aberdeen, Wash., Is In
town, stopping off for a few days while
on the way east, where he will spend his
vacation. For a number of years pr'or
to going with the llatriniHn lines. Mr.
Totter was the Erie's representative here.
Rev. "Billy" Sunday Ttlki t the
Presbyterian Theological Sem
inary On the Ministry.
todati xcimitH.
10 a. m. Bible class, rresbytsrUn
rhuroh, Dundee, Kiss Base.
11 a, m. to I p m. Business vonii'l
meeting and lnach, 110 raxaam strait,
Klas MlUer. '
12 Hoon Shop meetings.
S p. m. Sunday at the Taberaaole.
3 p. m Tabernacle Bible class, Mlaa
3:43 p. rn. Council Bluffs boys' ami
girls' maetlnr, Epwirth K S. ohnrcn.
Miss Oamlla.
4:30 p. m Oonaoll Blnffs boys' and
rtrls' meeting, Bethany Freabytertaa
chnrch, Kiss Oamlla.
7:30 p. m. Sunday at the Tabernacle.
7:30 p. m. Council Blnffs parents
meeting, Tlrat Baptist church, KIjs
8 p. m. Bible' class, loata Bids
Christian church, Miss Baas.
"Do as The nee does," was "Hilly"
Sunday's advice to the young minis
ters whom he addressed at the Pres
byterian Theological seminary Tues
day morning.
No, "Uilly" didn't say exactly that.
tl.ouKh ho uiea tit It. In th!" Inetaiice
I ho referred not to the well known
i rovsimpor, but to the wcil known in
j k ct when ho said :
j "Ho os the bee docs. Make every
i thing count toward your work.
jfJuther honey from every flower,
! from the new f pai.or.". from maga
'zineB. from com creation with people.
I Ir. talking to a man Just the other
J t'ny I jrot the idea for a new sermon."
I The evangelist spoke for less than half
i an hour, hut In that time he drove horn..
many strong points and did it In such a
terse wav and with such a wealth of
homely Illustration and apt metaphor
that he had the theological students and
professors laughing Bnd applauding most
of the time.
I rajes olil-1'nsli toned Gospel.
He warned them against the lUgher
criticism and declared the old-fashioned
gospel Is what the people want and What
(lod wants preached.
"A few years ago," lie said, "a lot of
churches were breaking their fool necks
trying to get higher critics . for pastors.
Now those same higher critics are wear
ing out shoe leather lookln7 for Jobs.
Nothing will draw the people like the gos
pel. Avoid complexity In your sermons.
Make your outline so pluin that It will
be as easy to follow as a load of hay.
Don't put any nnecessary wheels on
your wagon. Make preaching as simple
as boiling eggs. Don't use a sledge ham
mer to drive a tack."
Then he turned to the simile of the bee.
He told the I'tudcnla .lust how he builds
a sermon. He advised them to prepare
a number of envelopes with a- text or
subject on each and then, from their wide
reading, conversation and perleno. to
build up sermins with study and work
that will bring th gospel message and
still bring It In such a way that people
will come to hear.
HaT rfllt tint.
"Some preachers," he aald. "preach
without any definite aim and they don't
make the world any better, or even
worse. It's as nectwsary to have an aim
tn preaching as In shooting squirrels.
"Increase your vocabulary. et hold
of new words, and then take them Into
full membership In your brain without
probation. A new word, like a new tooth
brush, doesn't belong to yon till you've
used It. Too many prearhers are trying
to make butter by milking a dry cow." i
Ha advised them to be preps red and to
xpeet criticism.
"He careless of criticism." he ssld.
"No matter what you do, you'll be crit
icised. And some of the meanest thlnns
said about you will come from men who
are themselves In good standing Some
of the meanest things said about me have
heen said by preacheta. I go right on.
I never could understand how Christian
pooplo who see the multitudes golni; to
hell right bealde them could criticise any
man who la being iwed by God to save
alnnera from hell. I never could under
stand It.
Different Meat for Different Jobs.
"We don't all work alike. Ood makes
use of men of many kinds. He used the
sensitive, spiritual John In work where
he didn't use the ruaged, Impulsive j
"Hilly" advised the preachers to get j
the best education they can. but not to
hesitate If they have the call to preach. I
He caused great laughter and npplaufe j
with tht personal rally:
"1 never aa through a rur'naty In
my life, but 1 was ordmn. I a t reaty-
ttrlm preacher, snd made s -p. tv be- i
sides. I don't know why. I never kp led .
for it and never gave anybody money to I
get It cither." !
Hail Han lliiuu Morlre.
Itev. Dr. Marshall, president of the I
seminary, presided. After "Billy's" talk j
he called on 'Ms." and she responded by '
handing him a In this wise: I
j "I want to congratulate you on having
la president with good sense, i know he
I has good sense because he Investigated
stories he had heard about Mr. Humtuy
and learned they were not true.
"I Just court investigation of Mr. Sun
day In every way. We can't stop sto: I-m
from circulating, but you ran alwnvs In
vestigate them, and we are wllllna to .ct
the Ixrd deal with those who Mr uil.ite
such stories."
An Informal reception came ifier the
RELL, wife of Dr. Alexis
Carrell, of the Rockefeller
institute, haa been deco
rated by the French war
office for her bravery in
nursing wounded soldiers.
$ i .' ''5. , J
.. .r .
. i f
. t
clone of the meeting, and "Hilly snd
"Mm" shook bands with about everybody
Inmw nt? nin mam
UVUL VI VDU ill nil
Note Found in Hit Focket Indicates
that He Intended to Commit
Carl Kygren. 6.110 North Thirty
sixth street, while walking through
Fontenelle park Tuesday found
the body of man about 60 years of
age lying to the side of the path on
a bed of newspaper. A 3!-eaJtber
revolver lay by the form, and later
examination revealed the fact that
three ballets had been discharged
into the body near the heart. The
dead man Is five feet ten inches In
height, weighs 160 pounds, haa a
brown moustache and was clothed in
a grayish brown ault.
The following not was found In the
apparel: "To whom It mar concern; I
am a sick man, not able to work. I had
an operations on the kidneys, and have
had such pains tn the back for several
years that I will be better off dead than
living. 1 have no relatives, and am all
alone, so goodby this world forever. Take
my body to some Institution for exami
nation and bury me. I have no money
to pay for my burial. I bad to struggle
In sickness for several years to make a
living. Forgive me for thla act. I have
been worried to death trying to make a
living and am not able to work, and am
hrokedown on my back. I can't lift much
and can hardly get up In the morning, so
It la better to be dead."
Also In the pocket of the coat ws
found a Chicago Hotel employment
agency receipt to Theodore Dorahe, dated
September 14. An autopsy will be held
by Coroner Crosby thla afternoon and an
Inquest Wednesday morning.
A Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturdays Till 0 P. M.
"everybody's store'"
i.VfiktV '!
Our Extraordinary SaIeof MAT
A SALE of vital importance to every housewife in Omnha and
vicinity and of especial Jnterent to every hotel, boarding bouse,
club and institution steward. . Here's an Idea:
Stl2.r() Kelt Mattresses, 98.08
ltt hinond mattress, filled
with flue white layer felt, well
IK lO Felt MattienieK, S7.50
and large double glxe
Kentucky mattresses, weight
50 Ins., Imperial stitched edge.
Very special.
XH.fio Felt Mutlresses. $A.05
and full size white built
dp felt, heavy art denim cov
ering. 45-lb. weiKht.
Fleeced Cotton Hlaiikets, were
$1.50, at, pair UHc
Feather niled lied Pillows,
special, each -'o
Beamlegii Ltlenched Sheets, Six
. at 00c
Seamed bleached Sheets. 76x9.'i,
at 1 .Tc
beamed Bleached Sheets, 76x90,
at 40c
Seamed Bleached Sheets, 70x9,
at 4c
Seamed Bleached Sheets, 70x90,
at 48c
Pillow Cases, 42x36 and 45x3C,
at . . ... ..... ... ........ ISUc
k41; ..1, , . J V
Carolina Mattresses, were .bi',
at 5.3
Combination Mattresses, ' excel
sior and felt, were $5.50, iH.O
Cotton Top Mattresses, well
made, Wednesday, at ...Jit. 03
Cotton Couch Pads, were $3.5.
Wednesday, at $i
All Wool-Killed Blankets, were
15.00, at. pair $I.0M
St. Mary's Wool Blankets, were
$0.50, at. pair $173
Fancy beacon Blankets,
Wednesday, pair $2.00
Wool Finished Blankets, were
$4.00, at, pair ..:.
Standard Make Sewing Machine
Delivered for Sc First Payment
FIVE CENTS first payment secures Immediate
delivery of a high, grade eewinj machine.
The machine you prefer is here and all that la
necessary is to i!,it our department pick out
the machine, register and pay five cents the
machine will be delivered immediately. The
balance to be pa!d In small weekly or montni
payments. 1 minded are:
Singer Paragon New Home
Standard Rotary Howe
The Free Automatic Arrow
Most of the machine are brand new, direct
from the factory, but there is a limited number
of slightly used niiuhiueb at greatly reduced
iargess-Je Co. Third TOI.
Bu rgess-Nash Company.
Eurgeu-Nash Co. Lvery body' Store 16th and Ilaiaey 8ts
The county commissioners of Douglas
and Hedge counties will attend the road
driiggtng exhibit to be held under the
auspices of the Omaha Automobile club
Wednesday morning at Ftfty-aecond and
Ministry nwni.c nt ! o'clock.
Asks Court to Sec j
She Gets Part of ;
Her Father's Estate'
To secure for Alice Wleee, 7 ears old,
a chare In the I'n.iVM rMnte of her lute
father. I the oh.lei t of an eppenl tnKeti
to district rctiit trnin ptohitle court.
The late Mr. f will provided fori
bequests to his widow and ltu:hter nn !
bequests amounting to l'il to ether
persons. Mrs. Wclte een ixcd her rlu'it '
to take one-half the estate according to
law. with the result Hint the specific he
nt sts exhausted the daughter's portion,
which was to he "the remainder of the
The district court Is asked to hold that
the father did not Intend to disinherit
his daughter and to reduce the amounts
of the specific bequests.
Thin Men and Women
The. tronhle with moM thin fntVs who
wish tn gain wclxhl la that they Itielst on
drt g!ln their stomach or hIUIUiik It
with greasy tooda; ruhhlng on useless
phvalcal culture stunt, while the res
cause of thinness goes untouched, ioii
cnniiot Ket i
It act
Moperly nastmltatea the food you eat.
There Is preparation known to reli
able druggists almost everywhere w hit-It
seemingly embodies the missing elements
needed hv the digestive ot khiis to help
thent convert food Into rich fal-ladon
Mood This preparation Is cnlle.l hurgol
nnd much rental knble testimony Is i Hen
as to Its successful use tn flesh building,
t-argnl, which comes In the form of a
small ppn-lnjntious tnMot. taken at mea'
and mixing with the tlltest Int food, tctiiis
to preivire Ha fat. flesh nnd muscle liulld
Ing elements so Hint Hie hh.od can rcmlilv
aiieiil and curry them to the starved
portions of the hod .v. You ran rvadllv
picture the transfoi tnstlon thai additional
and ptcinuHly lacking t lesh-mnklng ma
terial slio ' . irin lil 'I
Ing out. hollows ahout your neck, shoul
ders and hust dlHjipiienrlng and your tak
ing on from Hi 4o 2 pounds of solid
liealthy flesh. Karol Is tiHttiilcs. Inon-
renslve. elflclent. Sherman Mct'onnell
irug t'o., corner lth and IWna streets.
Iiwl liftiif Co., corner K,th snd lUrney
streets; Harvard 1'harmaey. corner -It h
and Karnnm strets; Ijoyal rharmaev,
ST-H No. Itith street, snd other lending
druggists of this vicinity have it and am
BUI lied t t ,' I Wi.r'f If
weight Inereaee Is not chtajned as per
the guarantee found In each large pack-
5MtVrT!: Pargot la recommended only aa
a flesh hul.der and while excellent re
sulta In casea of nervous Indigestion, ete.,
have been reported care should he taken
ahout using It unless a gain of weight la
desired. Advertlaeuient,
An application for a pool and hlllluid
,hall license at SiS Military avenue his
(onue more been turned down by the city
The explanation Is that the citlsens In
that locality hnve protested against such
a place being established In their district.
For Thursday
Sale of
EmhrfirirjR Values of tho
Mn?t Unupvinl
Sff Wednesday Papers
mn Windows for Full
How Any Woman Can
Remove Hairy Growths
(Iieauty Culture )
It la not longer neeesaary for a woman
to visit a beauty specialist to have sunt.,
fltioua hair removed, for, with the aid of
a pin In delntone paste, she can. In th i
i privacy of her own home, remove even
! stuhhnrn growth In a very few ntlu-
tttes. The pnele, Is mado by mixing some
j water w ith a little powdered delatntie.
This la spplled to the hslr and after 2 or
3 minutes removed and the skin wsahed,
when It will be left clear and hairless,
lie sure you buy real delatone Advertisement
Bee Want Ads Produce) Results.
Tuesday, September 28, 1915.-
Phone Douglas 137.
Burgess-Nash Suggests Their Elaborate Preparation for the
The Greatest Social Event of the Season
HP O those who expect to respond to the command of the King of Ak-Sar-Ben wo extend a very cordial invitation to visit our store-
YJ?W 18H1,t of F efforts of preparation for this occasionhow well prepared we are to meet your needs with merchan-
uior- mat io vi uut juufst fimrucitT iiuu uioruuguiy correct m point 01 Style.
For the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball and Other
Formal and Informal Occasions
Hp HE choicest originations from the world of artistic design are ready in our
costume and dress section for well dressed women.
The most artistic and becoming creations have been assembled and whilo
it is not the largest in the land we believe it to be far beyond the ordinary in
its quaint originality and refinement of design.
$85.00, $100.00, $150.00 to $350.00
$25.00, $35.00, $40.00 and $50.00
$19.50, $25.00, $29.50 and $35.00
$16.50, $19.50, $25.00, $35.00 and $50.00
$12.50, $19.50, $25.00 and $29.50
This Is Truly a Season of Furs
NEVER before has the vogue for furs been bo pronounced, all the newest
influences of style point to fur.
Beaver, marten, Hudson seal, mole, fox. lynx and ermine.
A complete assemblage of fashion's newest fur fancies In scarfs and muffs. Price ranre
$15.00, $25.00 $35.00, $50.00 and to $150.00.
Hudson seal coats, exquisitely lined, $65.00, $75.00, $100, $125 and to $350.
llarseas-Naah t'o. sooond riosr.
Long White Kid Gloves
A NECESSARY accessory for the costume to be worn at the Cor
onation Ball. You will find a splendid selection here at $2.75
to $4.50 the pair.
BarfsssWaah fV Mla rWr.
A Becoming Coiffure for the Ball
T T'S not a bit too early to make your hair goods selection for a
1 becoming and up-to-date 'coiffure for the Coronation Ball. Ap
pointments should be made now with Miss Hallye of the Black
and White Boom for hair dressing.
Hnrs:aa-Kaab ' tttui Flour.
Much Depends Upon the Corset
C PECIAL attention should be given to the fitting of the prop
J er corset and bust support for wear with your Coronation Ball
gown. Let our expert corsetieres fit vou with the corset best
suited to your figure rendering the figure soft and supple when
dancing. There are no better corsets than the lines we carry.
Msaoas-Naah a Hseoad floor.
Fans for the Coronation Ball
N accessory you should not overlook selecting a fan in keep
ing with the beautv of your costume.
fewsoaa-NasSi Co. Mala rtoor.
, - fcatw
Silk Stockings for Evening Wear
A CILAItMINO selection, featuring the better grades, including
the latest novelty effects as well as plain shades for eveninir
wear, $1.00 to $10.00 the pair.
BarrwNMh Co-MaJn rToor.
Dainty Underwear Is Essential
A NOTTIEIl important item you should not overlook. Our dis
play embraces the newest styles and ideas in Italian silk
$1.50 to $5.50.
Barsroa-Naaa (a. M.lo rioor.
Slippers for Dancing or Evening Wear
rE believe the display is one of the most attractive yuuH
find AnvwhpTw k- YfpnirA vnn Ml V n nn. 4...uiA .' . i
w. ' j v- in nuuuic iii mail
ing a selection.
AVTiile there seems to be every shade imaginable, we will om
nicolor slippers to match your gown.
Choice is offered of gold and silver cloth, beaded slippers in
bronze patent, dull kid and satin, $3.50 to $12.00 the pair. AVe
will gladly offer suggestions as to the manner of trimming if you
so desire, and have an exceptionally pretty lino of ornaments for
the purpose.
Vartoas-ITaah Co ftoeooal Flooa.
'everybody's store"