Tin: tikK: Omaha, vkiint.m.y. si:ptf.mih:k j:. inu 5 BALLOON WILL RISE EACH CARNIVAL DAY Big Gaa Bag Purchased from War Department Will Make Daily Ascensions. DIRIGIBLE AIRSHIP AT GROUNDS Balloon ascensions and parachute drops are to bo made every afternoon a, the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival grounds ac 4 o'clock. The balloon to be used was purchased by Gould Dletz and ILandall Brown at the War depart ment's recent sale at Fort Omaha. A dirigible airship will be an chored on the grounds during the entire carnival as one of the free at tractions, and the hot-air balloon will make daily ascensions. V. L. Huntley and Waldorf Hall have been engaged to make the ascensions. Fifty rooms are already lasted at the . formation bureau by those who are go ing to throw their home open to room era during the carnival rush. The man agement Is anxious to get aa many aa 80S rooms listed so that they may be as sured of being able to help all visitors to sleeping quarters and board. The Information bureau has teen estab lished at 44 South Fifteenth street A girl has been employed to make up the lists. The telephone number Is Doug las 3312. Bishop Bristol Makes Assignment of Methodist Ministers for Nebraska OMAHA MINISTERS CHANGED ABOUT Continued from Taac Oiif.) South Omaha. Hev. J. W. Kirkpatrick. now pastor of that church, will take up Hev. Mr. Morris' work aa superintendent of the Holdrege district. All the other district superintendents will remain as at present. Calvert to Benson. X Rev. John Calvert, now the Methodist pastor at Crete, win come to take charge of the Benson church. Rev. N. A. Martin, a pastor at Uni versity Place, will become field agent for the Nebraska Methodist hospital, with headquarters In Omaha. Rev. Titus Lowe, pastor of the First Methodist church here, and whose congre gation petitioned to keep him, ia con tinued In that pulpit by the bishop's as signment, and ao are the other local Methodist paatora not mentioned above. Omaba District. V. Q. BROWN, Superintendent Arlaona, E. N. LittrelL Arlington, J. JJ. Hammel. Jieemer, J. H. Hard. Benson, John Calvert Hlair, J. W. Lewis. Craig and Alder Grove, EL T. Under wood. l ecatur and Blaok Bird, to be supplied. Elk City Circuit R. F. Farley. Fremont F. M. Slaaon. Gretna and Spring Grove, to be supplied. Herman, to be supplied. Hooper and Bethel, W. W. Whitman. Kennard. J. B. Stoner. Lyons and Llbeity, C. W. Ray. Mckerson, to be supplied. North Bend, A J. Warn. Oakland, W. N. Wallla. '. fender and Thurston, Joseph Tuma. Purple Cane and Maple Grove, E. A. Smith- Rslston and West Side. R. M. Pagan. Richfield and Union, to be supplied. Hosalie. H. C. Burrows. Springfield and Plat ford. H. C Capsey. Tekamah, D. W. MacOregor. Valley and La Share, W. C, McCalllster. WalthUl. H. M. Plnckney. Wianer, W. H. Bhoaf. OMAHA, Diets Memorial. C. N, Dawson. First church, Titua Low. Grace. J. w. Morris. Hanscom Park. IS. D. Holt Hirst Memorial. Thomas Blthell. Jennings, to be supplied. Leffler Memorial, Edmund Stlverbran. .McCabe. W. H. Underwood. Vlsslon to the Deaf, to be supplied. North Omaha mission, to be supplied. ( )ak Street T. C. Webster. Pearl Memorial. E. E. Bowen. Trinity, J. F. Poucher. Walnut Hill, O. M, Key. Assignment of the 4."0 Methodist preach ers of Nebraska to the pastoral charges thry are to have for the next year were made by Bishop Frank M. Bristol Tues day afternoon at the. annual slate confer ence. The conference adjourned shortly afterward. The bishop's assignment of pastors to tho churches was aa follows: Kalrhary niatrlrt. M. R. GILBERT. SUPT. Alexandria, to be supplied. Angus. W. W. Hull. Heatrlrs Centenary, M. F. Galther; La Salle Street, to be suvnllrd. Melvloere, to be suppUo.1. Blue Springs, V. K. .;onnell. Byron, A. C. Bates. , Cndams and Oak, to ne supplied. Carleton. C. C. Culmer. v nester, v. rt Beehe. C'latonla. to be supplied. Crete. H. B. Hess. Iavenport, W. F. Ha skins. Imykln K. O. Hlbbena. I'a Witt. K. F. Soott filler and Rock Creek. F. A. Carmony. iHirchester, B. N. Kunkel. Kdgsr. W. W. Hull. Kilts, to be supplied. Fxeter. J. W. Walts Fnlrbury, R. N. Orrtll. Fulrinont W. A. Albright. Friend. H C. 8eldel. Geneva, W, I,. Austin. Hardy and Ruskin. W. C. Braynian. Hebron, M. M. Ixn. Hnlniesvllle, A. U Pratt Mublxll, A. L. Kellogg. Nora. .1. It. Smith. iell. William Hagerty. lOilowa, F. C. McVav. On. J. B. Priest. Plymouth, to be supplied. Powell, to be supplied. Itayuolds, to be supplied. fhickley, B. B. Maxi-y. Sieele City and Fndicott, to bo suppllod. Strang, to be supplied. SwsiUon, H. F. Bird. ToIiIhh. to le supplied. M'est Porrhester. to be supplied. Western, L. F.. lels. V'ilher, to tie supplied. Wyniore, F. O. Winslow. Zlon, to he supplied. Hastings District. B W. MARSH. SUrT. Alvin Chapel, to le supplied. Aurora. J. 1. M. Buckncr. Ayr, to be supplied. Benedict, W. C. Kelly. Bladen, O. T. Moore. Blue Hill, to be supplied. Bostwick, to be supplied. Bradshaw, Arthur Buckner. Charleston, to be supplied. Clay Center W. M. Brooks. Cowles, Clinton Senneff. Deweese. to be supplied. Doniphan, J. F. Hapmmnn. Kckley. to be supp'led. Fairfield. H. G. Wilcox. Glltner, D. C. Winshlp. Grace Chapel, to be supplied. . Grafton, to be supplied. Green's Chapel, J. W. Custer. Gresham, J. II. Fowler. Guide Rock, W. B. Alexander. Hampton, to be supplied. Harvard, B. F. Eberhart. Hastings, A. A. Brooks. Inavale, to be supplied. Inland, B. B. Eberhart. Juniata, M. S. Font eh. Kenesaw, to be supplied. Lawrence and Mount Clare, E. 8. Burr. Lushton, Roy Trowhrldne. Marquette and Hordville, M. C. Smith. McCool, R. B, K. Hill. Nelson, J. P, Yost. North Blue, to te supplied. Osceola, K. M. Reed. Pauline, Alfred Chamberluin. Phillips, El O. Johnson. Polk. (J. I. WrlKht Prossor, J. L. Pickett Red Cloud, C. L. Myers. Roseland, Roy Trowbridge. Spring Ranch. Alfred Chamberlain. Stookham, to be supplied. Stromsburg. J. W. Custer. Superior, 11 R. DeWolf. Sutton. O. B. Warren. Thayer, H. V. Price. Trumbull, It. W. Cope. Vork, W. C. Wasser. firanal Ulan District. J. M. nOTHWBLU SUTT. Albion, G. H. Mstn. Aids, W. 8. Sanders. Archer and Fain lew. O. A. Morey Bartlett and B sedale, to be supplied. Belgrade and Pinnacle Hill, J. W. Hen demon. Boone, William Oornall. Cairo and Boelus. to be supplied. Cedar Raplda, V. O. Wright. Central City, Bryant Howe. Chambers, Basel Truseott Phinmin Ilrvunt Howe. Clarka and riorce Chanel, It. W. Wag ner. Oearwater, W. O. Harrell. Columbus, H. F. Huntington. Elgin, K. W. G. Hll er. lnerlrk. N. M. flommerrille. Kwlng, A. O. Formsn. Fullerton and Pleasant Valley, G. W. Abbott. Genoa and Pkedee. IT. A. Taylor. Grand Island. First church. R II. Thompson- Trinity, J. O. Shlck. Greeley, W. R, Warren. Inman, T. f. Watson. Lindsay, J. R Msrtln. Iiretto, A. W. Ahrendts. Marquette circuit, to be supplied. Monroe, to be supplied. Neliah. N. W. R.e. Newman Owe, .1. R- Martin. Oakdale. A. M. Steele. vK.'Anl n W rirllee. Palmer and G enwood, W. O. Romlck. Primrose and rcnncin, to do nnmn. Richland, to be supplied. u, ir..rH rt v. Hhacklock. St! Paul and Warsaw, W. R. Romlnger. Rootta and Lemerttne, w. . meemjr. Schuyler. T. H. Truseott. til..- rruk and Vslrvlew. O. F. Mead Wnlhnrh and Cushlng. K. P. KiW- bourn. . Wood River, to be supplied. Hot"e restrict. J. W. KIRKPATRICK, Supt Alma. J. A. Rousey. Arapahoe, to be surrlted. Atlanta, E, O. McKaniels. Axtell, to be supplied. Bartiey. W. T. laylor. Beaver City. T.K. Smith. Benkelman. Richard Gib. Bertrand. K. H. Clifton. Bloomlnnton. J. H McDonald. Boxelder. to be supplied. Camhr'dan. A. D. Burress. Culbertson, Alex Rrvans. Curtis C. M MeCorkle. Panburv and Marlon, S. J. Wilton. Flsla Circuit to be supplied. F.lwood. J, B. Roe. Famsm, J. W. Pnxtoax Franklin, I- M. Thompson Grant and Madrid, A. V Wl'son. Hairier and Ilrd. It. E. Martin. I Havnes Center, to be aupplied. I Htldrtth. O, C. Albln. Hoi brook, C. E. Ot'ett Hold'-ege. A. O. H'nson. I Huntley. J. O. Hurlbut 1 Imrwr al. H. H. Miles. Indlanola. J. A. Miller, Loomis. to be supplied. Lowell and Newark. W. S. Morris. Maywood. O. A. Wash. MoCook. Neal Johnson. Min.len M. B. Carman. Mount Zon and Highland, to be sup plied . Orleans, W. S. Porter. Oxford. J. C Street. Pairan cWuit. R. E. Pogue. Reputll"an Cltv. R. S. Trtie. Rlverton Circuit Amos Fetaer. SmithHeld. I j. R. Hatisberry. Stockvllle Circuit, to be supplied. Strattou, to be sunlled. Trenton. H. F. Martens, Vrland and Csmeb-1) C. A. Norlln. Waureta. J. J. Ohriatner. Wilcox, A. A. King. WllBonvllle and Hendley. D. W. Parkee. Kearney District. O. W. ISHAM. SUPT. Amherst and Riverdale, to be supplied. Anselmo. G. B. Mayfield. Ansley, O. B. Johnson. Arcadia, C. E. Campbell. Arnold. W. W. Geltys. Arthur Circuit, to be supplied. Iterwyn and Mason City, A. K. Murleas, Big Springs, L. R. McGaughey. Brady, E. S. Grimes. Bniken Bow, A. A. Randall. Hurwell. E E. Sbafer. Callaway. H. C. Barrett. Chappell, E. J. Hayes, ConiMtock, to be supplied. Cosad. K. C. Wright. Elm Creek. F. A. Shawkey Gandy, to be aupplied. Oibhon. Nathan English. Gothenburg, Arthur Ataek. Haven's Chapel, to be supplied. Hershey. M 8. Satchel. Kearnev: First church, K. M. Furman. Klmhall. P. II Smith. LexlKKton, K. T. George. Lexington Circuit, S. T. Walker. Litchfield, to he suppllod. Lodae Pole, to be supplied. I,oup City. L. V. SUciimb. Merna. J. W. Balr. North IrfHip. E. C. Mitchell, North l'latte. H. A. t ram, Oaallala. to be supplied. Ord, Allen Chamhei la.n. trd I ircult. to be supplied. Overton, to be supplied. Potter, to bo supplied. Ravenna. C. O. Gonion. Rnsevaie, to be supplied. Sargent E. H. Mavnard. P he i ton, E. K. Carter. Sidney. A. J. May. Sumner. L. W. Gramly. .... Sutherland and Pax ton, A. It. Brink. Walnut Grove, to be supplied. Westervllle. T. B. Cave. Williamsburg Circuit, to be supplied. Lincoln District. M. B. WILLIAMS, Superintendent Beaver Crosa.HK, U. A. t-M.ire. .vriiminriu ii tt m SUl'lilted. Bellwood and Haniian, C. it. Newklrk. Brainaid, to be supt neu. Cedar Bl'ifia, Chaiies rturns. Cereaco Clicult. n. N. Throckmorton. Croui.se, to le supplied. lavey, to be auppi.ed. lavld City. J. F. itaaa. lnnton and Wesley. J. V. Das. Emerald, to b. supplied. Garrison and MlUoi ti n. F. H V rwln tloehner and Ruby, to be supilicd Haveiock, J It Wilcox. Hickman, 1 U Galther. Ithaca, A. C. Ke'low. Jamaica, to be supplied. Lincoln: Elm Phik, L. L. Hanthotn; Emmanuel. 8. H. Williams; Epwurth, J. W . Crist; Grace, J. F. Bocye. Lincoln HeiKlits. 1C. V. Prbe; Saint Jamea, to be aupplied; Saint Paul, T. W. Jetfrey; Trinity, K. N. Tompkins. Malcolm, to be suppllod. Martell, F. C. Mills. Memphis, to be supplied. Mllford, F E. I'louts. Morse Bluff and Spring Crook. U. M. Jonna. Normal, Ralph Miller. Pleasant Dale, to bn supplied. Princeton, to be supplied. Raymond. Ieandcr Morrison. Rising City, W. L. Elliott Roca. to be supplied. Seward, B. L. Story. Sharon an.1 Prairie Home, J. G. Munsell. Shelby and Wesley, H. H. CatT. Sprague, K. E. Pcngelly. Surprise and QreenUaf, William A'an Buren. Tamora, to be aupplied. Ulysses and Pleasant Lawn, O. E. Mc Clure. University Place: First Cht:rch. C. W. McCasklll: Warren, G. H. rhlilips. tTtlca. J. O. Stannrd. Valparatso-Mt Zlon. to be supplied. Waco. A. A. Kerber. Wahoo and Weston, W. 1 Barch. Walton, to be supplied. Norfolk District. TJ. E. HOPMAN, SUPT. Allen, William Kllburn. Hattlo Creek, to be aupplied. Belden. W. H. Mi ls. Bloomfleld, Lawrence Yost. Brlstow, to bo aup'lled. Brealau, to be supplied. Brnimwlck, It A. Richmond, Carroll K. J. McKenxle. tVntral circuit, J. J. Burke. Coleridge, B. T. Antrim. Creighton. Joseph Stopford. Creston, W. H. Gartlner. Dakota City, F. J. Aucock. Dixon, P. D. Cox. Hartlngton, to be supplied. Homer and Hubbard. L. R. Ksckksr. Laurel, B. F. Hutchtna Lynch. A. J. Hoiderman. Madison, W. C. Harper. Maskell, S. A. Drals. Meadow Grove, Charles Ford. Niobrara and Mouowl, T. C. Priestly. N'f.rfolk, H. It. Millard. I Nrrfolk circuit. H. II. Millard ! Osnond, U. M. King. Paire, J. H. Hounds. . Pl r-e, Henry Zltinecker. Hier. J. L. Phillips. Plalnvlew, W H. Jackson. Plalnvlew clrrtilt. F. E. Sala. Pcnca, A. II. Egaleslnn. Randolph. C. t Trump, ltcval, Frank Williams. 8Mith Sioux ",llv, B H. Marten, r-ltencer, J. W. Williams. Stanton, J. F. Poucher. Tlhlen, C. P. Venus circuit, to l supplied. Wakefield, J. B. Wylbv Walerbury, to be supplied. Wausa and Msne. J. A. Martin. 'Wayne. A. S. Ruell. Wlnnetoon, tl. A Bilsa Winslde, J. T. Rowsn. Wjnot, K. O. lYsrscn. Trraniark District. .?. W. FMBKFE. SUPT. AdHius. Richard Pearson. Alvo. M. A. Keith. Ashland. II. P. Young, uliir" ' l onnely; Auburn av. nue, A. B. Whltmer. Hennet. S L. 'laft. Bookwalter and Armour, to be sup piled. Brook, W. L. Hadsell. Brownvllle, M. W. Plckerall. Bun-hard and Vlolett. A. C, Spencer. Burr, to be supplied. Cook, E, Ruch. Crah Orchard and Trinity, B. W, Salmon. lonr'BS, R. M. Daugherty. Iu Bols, C. B. Infest Kngle, to be supplied. Flk teek. G. R Pesse. F.linwond, Teter Van Heet Fall City, William Boyers. Fllley. B. W. Salmon. Greenwood. Elmer Wilton. Humboldt and Pleasant Vlewt O. W. Snyder. Johnson and Graf, IT. I Powers. I,ewtston and Mayberry. S. W. Long acre. Irfiulavllle, to be supplied. Murdock and South Bend, to le sup plied. Mynsrd and Elght-Mllo Grove, to be auiplled. Nebraska City, A, U Umpleby. Nehawka, J. W, irrsley. Nemaha and Shubcrt, i. 8. Almond. Palmyra, to be supplied. 1-awnee City, J. H. Stilt Pertt, G. W. Hlyton. Ilsttsmouth, F. M. Drutlner. Rockford, C. K. Schofleld. Rulrt, Harvey Anderson. Salem, to be supplied. Stella, to be supplied. Sterling and Plum Grove, to bs sup piled. Syracuse, W. H. Wright. Table Rock. A. K. Chadwlck. Talmage, R. O. Smith. Tecumseh, C. C. Wilson. Unadllla. to be supplied. Union and Lewiaton. G. A. Randall. Veta and Bethel, to be aupplied. Wabash, to be aupplied. Waverly, to be supp'led. Weeping Water. O. M. Rummel. Special Appointment. N. A. Martin, corresponding secretary of the Ncnrseka Methodist hospital. verslty of Nobraska, member of St Paul s Lincoln vuarieriy conierence. A. W. Partch. professor In Claflln uni versity, Orangeburg, S. C, member of Centenary, Beatrice, Quarterly confer ence. C. E. Austin, professor In Baxter semi nary, member of First church, diversity IMhca UiiHrterlv conference. F. A. Hluh. Omaha, superintendent of Nebraska Anti-Saloon league, member of Hanscom Park, Omaha, Quarterly con ference. . B. F. Summers, missionary In rlew Mexico KnullHh mission. I. L. Uiwe, vice president of Arkansas Conference college, member of Ixiulavllle Quarterly conference. K, S. Brlghtman, professor In Wesleyan university, Middletown. Conn. 1. B. Schreekengaat, vice chancellor of Nebraska Wesleyan university, member of First church, University Place, Quar terly conference. K. A. Rayner. proteseor In Nebraska Wesleyan university, member First church, University Place, quarterly con ference. William Esplln, superintendent of Crow- ell Memorial home, member of Blair quarterly conference. j C. m. Shepherd, financial secretsrv of conference Claimants Endowment fund, memher of Grace, Uncoln, quarterly con ference. K. J Sladek and Frank Sedv. mission aries to the Bohemians, members of Crete quarterly conference. Gerrlet Jsnssrn. conference evangelist. memtcr of Trinity. Omaha. Quarterly confer nee. Raymond Rush, conference evangelist member of First church, Kearney, quar terly conference. C. F. Lns hor, conference evsngellg South Shoix Cltv quarterly conference J. B. Gettys, uontorem.e cvanxellat Lni Verslty Pines, B. T. Flsk .mlsslonsrv In Utah. .1. B. Brox. J. W. Moore. W. C. Fawel, Paul Petersen. A. V. Huntr. M. F For. ter. C. F. Stelner, W. C. Priestley, ef without arpointmenta to attend some one of our schools. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. tts Mta 7 All Grocers Sell 77p- Top TStADI St ARK RtO . U.a.PatCNT Orrici Buy a Loaf Today Eat Tip-ftp n mm every meal, every day, all the year, it's pure, wholesome and delicious 5c and 10c at Your Grocers (J. F. Steam Uaking Company MMKaZIalwZZ!III!MM (Mssei Ill imni VOU, Mr. Painter or Property. A Owner, can insure years of service and satisfaction by using CO -PA-CO ram pAnrr or hotxv trrxsuoBrmi.' A fraotleal Detnoaatratlon Is Oonolaslva rroof. Oome Xa aad let Us Show Too. C.R. COOK PAINT COMPANY OntAR A'l rZITSIT EZOLVBZTX FAIWT ITOSE. 181S rarnam St. raons Sonsrlas 701b. IJJjf TtMitUt I 1 "Rest hr J J Wearand 1 XT QWAI.ITT. - A co-partner ysiv ...SAVE... A Dollar and Earn $3000 for Invalids Any Publication Every Order w Kanswal Earns 60 cants. Twa Year Otlsra Count Doubla. Wimin'i Horn Campinioa . . i AiUCtiUB Either Twi Tetrt Est. tl ine tdJrca Connepolittn . EeinTi . . . Coed Housekeeping Either Twi Yetri $1.60 1.60 $2.00 $ico;roo $1.50 1.50 1.50 $2.009Too $1.50 ETerrWr! . . Delineator 1.50 Either Twi Yean .$2.00J Beth ti turn idJrea $!.00loo The Ladies Eisii Journal . $1.50 The Saturday Etecii!. Part 1.50 Thi Gantry Ce.tlemaB . . LOO Any Publication Helps ,, Clb Otlara CantrtknU tl r Basra. Don't sand slnU ardsr diract. Addraaa vr7tlUii to mm in TO- ALL AK-SMR-BErl VISITORS This year the wonderful bargains offered will eclipse all previous offerings. Our entire gigantic stock will be placed at your disposal at reductions so radical that every family can now be the proud possessor of one of these High Grade Pianos. Bead every word of this ad it's alive with money-saving opportunities! Scores of PIANOS and PLAYER-PIANOS Offered toVou at FACTORY-TO-IIOCIE Prices I This un, Hew S300 1 How $175j - P Brand Rtw Uprijhlj at SI 7 5.00 Think of bnjins Brand New Upright Plnnos, cholrei of mahagany or oak cases, worth as hlRh aa $not, during this sale they eo at 8175.00. $550 Player-Pianos for $395 . Brand new Player IManoa, positively worth 00 each, offered diuing this Kreat sale, on eaMy terms, at only 8305.00 Choose From These VJorld-Famed Pianos Steinway Emerson Steger & Sons Weber Lindeman&Sons Schmoller & Mueller Ihrdman McPhail and Many Other Makes m from $7J to $15 .00 kill Other Gargalns in High Grado, Now and Usod Piano (3.0 Yoa A Sou, Upright 9225 Rosewood, I prlgtit 97SO Htrtnway, I plight $250 Arlon, I prlfe'lit . . 400 Kmerson, I prljiht $275 Hamilton, Vprlght $500 AVeber, I'prlnlit 9300 Gramer, VpriKtit 8120 50 S675 8100 8275 8150 8125 8140 Good, 330 LuUrba-h, Upright .....8108 $600 Weber, UpHght 8390 $40O SU-grr A Sous, Upright ....8175 $375 Emerson, Upright 8185 $500 Vose A Son, Square g 35 $300 Krhmoller A Mueller, VprtKht 8150 lightly tued Orgs for $8, $12, $15 and $18 each $60rt Steinway, Upright 8475 $1,000 Chli kerlng & Hons, u'nd 8105 $.W) Kihubert I'layer Tlano 8225 $3.10 Gerliardt I'layer llano S32.r $U00 Hchmoller A MurlU-r llayer llno $1,0)0 Aeolian Flayer llano 8450 Thia Great Factory-to-Home Sale puts the Middlemen's Profits in YOUR Pocket. If you can use a Piaro, at any price, come at once. Procrastination is the Thief of Time. Seeing is believing. No Piano Sale ever held in the West can parallel this in Bargain Importance. IFEM STOOL, SOAEP and LIFE INSURANCE With Every Piano FREE RAILROAD FARE TO ALL OUT-OF-TOWN DUYERS This Offer Holds Good Until October 10, 1015. Ak-Sar-Ben visitors are cordially Invited to make this store their bead quarters. Leave your grips and parcels here. Use our telephones, writing desks, etc You are welcome. Schmoller & ueller Piano Co. 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha.Neb. We Ml Victor and Columbia Talk, lug Machines on Easy l'aynienls. Known as "Tho House of Steinway for Nebraska and Western Iowa Territory. TERMS As Low as B5 A Month "-sfOsP sba s- s)iniiniitHHMiiii-wS IP IT riniiiiiiiiimus C3 2 S3 S 3 5 '2 "I would rather a child of mine should lose a term at school than miss the opportunity of Instruction presented by the Panama-Pacific Exposition." a-Msrcut M. Marks, Prssldsat, Th Borough of Msnhsttan, "If it is necessary to keep the children out of school to see the Expositionkeep the children out of school," is the advice of a great educator. This is the University of the World," said Vice-President Marshall. . This is the best time to see the greatest expo sition. The crowded season has passed. Vaca tionists have nearly all returned. You can travel now in perfect comfort Railroads and hotels both can now give you individual attention La greater measure than during the summer. More over every exhibit is now in place and the weather on the coast is delightful. . San Francisco and the Exposition are at their besfhow. You are going west sometime go now, when you can see the Great West plus the great fair. Also go via r2 2 I UNION PACIFIC I Z3 ts la 3 I t3 2 sa) - 3 the route which takes you through the most interesting and beautiful part of the country, and which is the shortest, quickest, smoothest way west Get the inspiration of these scenes: Rocky Mountains of Colorado; Scenic Wyoming; the beautiful canyons of the Echo, Weber, Truckee and American Rivers; Great Salt Lake, over which you ride on the famous Lucin Cut-Off; and San Francisco Day, which you will skirt for 30 miles. Stopover (without extra transporta tion charge) in Ogden, Salt Lake City, Denver, Colorado Springs. $E?r00 From Omaha and Return 3 J m to Both Expositions The cost of a western trip is lower than for years past It may never be so low again. You are going sometime go now. The coupon will Dring you full information. U Bslnasrir, C. P. T. a. list t amass St., Omaha, J..O. rkana Uttf, Si VUU Old Faithful Ihh. Yellowston National fur Exhibit, tunatna-tucifle ILxpatUkm 3 tl u tl fniiniiiMiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiMMiiiminiiiiHiiiiiinv rJ- ft II MX, wMSMm Or f kaas Osaflas 7163