Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    TllBM.K; OMAHA, V1KI)XKS!AV. SFPTKMIWK 29. 1015.
; Bringing Up Father
OnyrleM. Wi. Intematlonnl
Nwe Pervbe.
Drawn for The Bse by George McManus
liVper Dinners: 1 -X& THWUIA I'm ON- CLEAME.R
ffSS v , SSr FteLcNcH ma4ou. its the f
' I i i I, , i -
i i .......
Eaperbaa Bing Down. Curtain on
.. Home Ground by Losing a
Poorly Flayed Game.
- i
BROOKLTN, Pept. 2. The Brooklyn
National rune down tha curtain on their
ham ground today with a poorly played
tramr, lotting to the Phillies by II to 4.
Errors retired the coming champions to
ail except one of their run, while the
Superb earned all four of their. Butter
Mull, from the Northwestern league,
made bin debut for the Brooklyn In thn
)at two Inning and made a Rood Im
!relrn. Ho la a aouthpaw. Score:
PinU.rBbPllIA. irOOOKL-TN.
AJt H.O.A.1C. Art.H.O.Ag.
tor. Ib.... I 1 I IKVMara. a . ft 114 0
Ji.noroft, M. I 1 4 1 etranbart. lb. 4 1 10
'irrt. lit.. I It omnl. rl. . I 4
Oerelh. rf.. I 10 UWkMl, It.... I
1 xirtmia. lb. I 1 A Orulaliaw. 111. 4 t
WkUtod, If.. 3 I Ikfrars, (....
Nleheif, lb.. I 0 1 1 DNIaua, cf....l
lllirna. e.,,.,4 1 T 1 t' Ih 4 I
I Valla era, . 4 1 OMIIIor a 4 1
charrey, s... 1 e
retain I 97 T I'Xmyth i 0
. i it. a
oinon o
Malta, P t
Husim.l ... t 0
Totals Bl 17 tl 4
Hutted for Cheney' Ir the eeventh.
Hatted for lell In the eeventh.
Halted for Mails In the ninth.
muriueipnia I o i a I i v v
nrwKiyn ,. u v v v v t u i a
Two-bane hits. W'hltted, Kuril, Tau
Ixrt, Cutshaw. Three-brute hlta: Stock.
l-t I. Home run: Ut. Stolen hnnea:
Hiimroft (2). Haaes on bulla: Off rhe
nev, I: off 2. off Malla, 1; off Chal
mers. 3. Hita: Off Cheney, & In five In
iiiiikk; off lM'11, 1 In tw nlnnlng: off
Mall. 1 In two Inning. Rtrui k out: My
Cheney, 3: by li ll. 1: by Malla. 1: by
Chalmers, 8. Umpire: Klmn and Ktnidle,
Mrs. Walter Silver WALTER FANS TEN
upsota jjopu iu lue I TIP. 17 DC IN A PflW
iiuuuu u a uvii
Bed Sox Study the
Lights and Shades
of Braves' Field
Women's Golf Play
Mr. Walter O. Silver of the, Happy
Hollow club upset the dope In the
J woman' metropolitan golf tournament at
ine country citin yesieraay ny putting
Mr. Dirk Htewart out of the running In
the flmt round of match play. Mr. Htew
are wa picked to play through to the
final, but succumbed to Mrs. Oliver 1
up and 1 to play.
Mr. Kprague of. the Country cluh 1
now the favorite for the champlonahlp.
8h defeated Mr. F. J. O. Deioeaher of
Council Dluff In the flrit round 4 and 3
Ml Papbne Peter of the Country club
and Mr. Karl A. IJnlnger of Happy Hol
low mere the other victor In the first
round of the championship flight. Mis
Peters defeated Mrs. J. W. Til I eon of the
Field club 4 and 2 and Mrs. Llnlnger de
feated Mlea Clara Mack. 1 and .
TtesuHs of play yesterday are as fol
io wa:
Mlaa Itaphns Peters beat Mrs. J. W.
Tll'eon, 4 up anj 1.
Mrs. Carl Llnlnger beat MIS Clara
Mack, 1 up.
Mrs. W. O. Silver beat Mrs. J. T.
Stewart. 2 tip and 1.
Mrs. K. 11. Sprngue beat Mrs. P. J. O.
Deapecher, 4 up end ft.
Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey beat Mrs. W. II.
Fllnn, 7 up and 8.
Miss M. Melcher best Mr. W. E. Bolln,
t up.
Miss Mildred Ruder beat Mrs. R, P.
ram h, i up and 6.
Mrs. J. I). Klnger beat Mr. lUy Kain
bolt. 4 up and t.
Mlaa Oladvs t'trs beat M'm M. Con
nor, I up, lit holes.
Mr. C I. Vollinur beat Ml- F.ed
Crane, t up and
Mrs. C. 8. Mlillam beat 1r. George
tinker. C ur and 3.
Mrs. V. II. Roberta beat Mra 3. B Ma.
Alltstor. up and h.
Mlna Caley lient, Mrs. Walter Meyer, de-
Mrs. J tl. TarraC. beat Mrs. Willis
best Mrs. P. Mr.
Johnion Shuts Ont Detroit, Whiffing
Entire Side, Including Cobb, in
the Initial Round.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S. Walter John
son won the second and final game of the
aeries from Detroit today, 3 to 0. John
son struck out ten men In the first five
Inning, fanning tlio entire sil, Including
Cobb, In the Initial round. In the oghth,
Milan's hit bounded over Cobb's head for
a home mi. Score:
Haiti, wa. .
Vltt. lb...
Tobh, ft. .
Alt H O A K
llurna, lh..
Viruns. 2b..
Htanaae, o..
0:iham. p.
lYubuo, p....
... I
It. 4
rf 4
All. HO. A. B.
ojamlaim, If.. 3
lllrnator, lb .. 4
rr Milan, cf. 5
0)antll. lh... 4
KMarbar, rf... I
1'Arfwla, rf. . . J
nui(nali sb .. I
UMnamlth. r.. I
t Moran. M... I
fijnhriaon, p. . I
t'WIIIIama .. 1
0 0
t 11
1 II
1 1
4 0
Standing of Teams
Hob! on
Washington .
New York....
St Louis
Cleveland ....
W. L. Pet. j
! 44 .m
V, H .ti.2 1
HI 6 Mb
W M .44
J M .419
40 1M .2.4
VV.L. Pet.
Phllu m 0 .rwi t'lttsburah M M .571
Moston 7d flfi .Ui St. LouUt. ..W 6 .b"A
Hrooklyn ..78 f .fiitl1 Chicago ...2 M .;62
Pittsburgh 71 7 .4711 Kan. C1ty..7 70 .r.30
Chlcsgo ....70 78 . 473 Newsrk ....75 71 .M 4
St. IxuLa....70 7 .47nHuffalo ....7! 7" .
Cincinnati . W .4 Hrooklyn ..70 80 .4T7
New York.. 67 78 . 4h2, Ualtlmore . 103 .ill
yesterday's Resalts.
Cincinnati, 3-0: Chicago,
Philadelphia, 6; Brooklyn, 4.
Iietrolt, 0; Washington, 8.
Newark. 2; Pittsburgh, 7.
Hultlmnrc, 2; Kansas City, 3.
flames Today.
National league Cincinnati
citKO. Brooklyn at New York,
phla nt Boston.
American league Chicago at Cleve
land. Washington at Philadelphia.
Federal league -KanHna City at St.
Louis, Chicago at Pittsburgh.
League Leaden Defeat Jersey Team
by the Score of Seven to
at Cht-Phlladel-
Totala 34 I 24 10 ll Total M I tl
Hatted for Dtibue In the ninth.
'Halted for Harlier In the lounh.
IDetrolt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Washington V.O 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 X
Two-base hits: Johnson, Foster, flan- of the features of the day win the 3:10
x7i,r,af!-T hlV Mu '"'"J r.un.:ltrot. wen by Joe Vincent; Fnd ., ec
C. Milan. Mtolen baaea. Bush, Fostw. , . . ... .
Vltt. Double plajV Young to rTtnnaae ! ond: Ivan Bar, third.
to Vltt; Undue to HtannKe to Hums. I The 2:26 pace went four beat and was
Base on ball: Off 01dhm. 1 : off John- rrlod over to Wednesday. The track
son, 2: off Kubiio, 2. lilts: Off Oldham, ,T 1 ih. i,r.m.n
4 In thre nnlna. none out In fourth ond i " fine. condition and the horsemen iu
three on baaea; off Inihuc, 4 In live In- well pleased. A record-breaking crowd
rungs. Struck out:" By Johnson. 10; by I looked -for' on Wednesday and Thura-..
Di.buc. 1. ltnplres: U.lkse. and fcvna. ... dlBDlay. of flre-
I ab Take Twn More. I works ever bad In thl part of the atate
tSPSHfZ::. :..,:T,'.mrl.'t. set off Thursday evenlug.
PITTSBURGH, Sept. 28. Pittsburgh de
feated Newark today. 7 to J. Knetzer for I
the local allowed only two hit. Score: !
. It. H E.
Newark 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-2 2 4
Pittsburgh ...3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 7 b 1
Batteries: Moseley,- Billiard and Ha wi
den ; Huhn, Knetaer and O'Connor.
Caseya Wla from Terps.
KANSAS CITT. Sept. 28 With the
score tied and Bawling perched on sec
ond In the ninth Inning Goodwin deliv
ered a single, scoring. Rawing. Tliu.
KAnsas City won the last season game on
the home grounds from Baltimore todny,
3 to 2.
Manutter Htnvalt nt tha Wnnana fttv
club and Shortstop Smith of th vlxltors
staged an argument In the seventh in
ning which resulted In blows. Both were
banlfhed. Score: Jl.H.E.
Baltimore ....1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 6 3
Kansas City .0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1-3 8 2
Hatterlea: LeClatre and Owens; Cullop
and Easterly.
im in ami i apimuw a , a, nuii mupmn aaiawm ihsi i wiaum i latias i n hi ii.nan i
Lss a. . 24i m V ff iA&t'mJlAV2Z. t .
y - ' ' : ''. r ' 'i 1'' v'.-i'- '-.y.
--. ' ' - . - - - a
. i -V -Trm jinBanuwijf-
1 iiMWir m; JW 1
Hodge Wins Racing
Cup at Louisville
Pistol and Revolver Cartridges
That Are Dependable and Accurate
YpU selected your pistol or revolver because you expected
it to cive vou results.
ncrw, result
orals took both guinea of t xtay's double
header, 7 to 3 mil 5 to 0. Four liotno
runs, all by Chicago plsyers. were inude
during Hid afternoon.
Manager Hersog was banished from tho
smmu fir arguing a dcclaion by t'rnplni
Orth. Score, (list game;
BOSTON, Mass., Sept. 28. Although
thl wa an open dat in major league
schedule for Boston teams, the day wa
an active one in base ball circles. The
nd Box, virtually certain pennant win
ner In the American league, were busy
In preparation for the world set lea,' In
which they expect to meet Ihe Philadel
phia Nationals. As the local games will
be played on the Braves' field, to which
the Bed Hex are stranger, Manager Car
ilgan ordered hi player out to test Its
lights and shadows, said to be unusually
trying because of the great sweep of
ttands, to study the bound of balls from
the new laid path and turf and to Judge
the flights of balla with respect to the
great distance of tho most extensive
llaytng field In the country.
On the aanie field Ihe world champion
Brave kept In trim for the coming of the
Plilladelphlas tomorrow for a four game
aeries. Captain Evers aald his team
mates still had hopes of pulling the Na
tional league leader down to a point
within reacrt of another Brave success.
An augmented staff of clerk In the
office of the Boston Americans Worked
steadily at the grow in pile of applica
tions for world's series tickets.
K Ulnar, rf.
; llarm. m.
(imh, lib
Orltflth. rf..
1 Until. If
Wafnar, 2H.. 1
KiHlarra, t. I
Urb, It.... 1
Wlnn, .... 4
Mnllwlia. lb 4
Uala, p.... 4
0 1
1 I
3 e
t s
0 0
0 1
1 I
I 14
I Murray, rt
IMulliaan, as. I
oevhiilta. f... I
if.lntraian. . lb t
Kalrr, lb.... 4
ItWIHIama, rf 4
Vc-l rutin. b
CArrhar .... 4
tltouslaaa, p.. 1
ilMaros, p.... t
Totals n 10 17 10
I 0
1 4
1 t
1 0
1 10
1 1
t 0
1 I
, CroabV. 1U Ul lOrl
i Mr Frank Itusa-lt
jVleniihau, 2 up unl 1.
Drake Will Invade
Nebraska Saturday
with Strong Team
DKS MOINES, la., Sept 28. (Special.)
Foot ball players of Drake university
wilt Invade Nebraaka next Saturday with
a strong, hut Inexperienced team. Four
letter. men will be on the field When the I stolen base: Orlfflth. loiible pIhvs
game Is tai-ted. If tha tentative lineup I Herxog to Wagner to Mollwlti; Saler to
a. IrctiNl bv the donnatera takes Its nlaca I Mulllaan. Bams on bells: tiff lal. 8;
sutcted by tne aoiwster taxes it ixate off VTcm ,. ,(ff rKll,, 6 )n
on Hie field. The rest of the team will I four Initio, none out In fifth: off Pierce.
be made up of the reserve or member
of the last year' freshman team.
The buttle will be thn fourth meeting
(Continued from Page One.)
1 thu country milk dealer or some similar
J source.
oi "How an Infant can ever exiet In the
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Sept. 28.-Hodge,
W. J. Weber' 4-year-old gelding, under
ft well judged ride by Itoscoe Goose, won
the third annual - running race of tba- M
I 1 aiiIi-IIIm tm n t tvA mllAK at Ilnll Irl u
park here today over a course that was
a sea of mud.
i J, W. Schorr's Llndenthal was second,
three lengths back, with F. D. Weir
Rlngllng a close up third. Hodge tsr-
tlcd 123 pounds and conceeded from slx
i teen to thirty-five pounds weight to all
the other starters. The time, 8:3". wa
J considered good, owing to the condition
of the track.
vhether in casual shootinr or in serious work at the tarnt
J I . i . i . , , , ,
uciirau more man you mignc intnx on ine wise cncice oi ammunuion.
It la worth remembering that the biggest men in the Pistol and Revolver
classes art hoot inff Remingtou-UMC Cartridge made for every standard
make of pistol and revolver used anywhere in the world.
For the right ammunition from thesportsmen'ipolntofview.teetheReni-Ingtoo-UMC
Dealer. He display the Red Ball UarhoJRemington-UMC.
Sold by your home dealer and 1135
other leading merchants in Nebraaka
Rsralnftaa Ajms-UnwoMoUllie Cartridce Co-, Wooltrorth Bld. (233 B' way) N.T.Cry
ToUla.....J T 84 If 1
butted for Beall In the fifth.
Cincinnati 0 I 2 0 0 0 0 0
Chicago 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 3
Two-base. hits. (Iroh, Griffith. Zimmer
man. Home runs: Schultn, Williams.
Tha preliminary
2 in five InninKS. Hit by pitched bal
My liouglnaa, llersig. Struck out
li.u 4. . . T. . . .. I .. .. 1 . ball: Archer, t inplres: Byron:"1 lw c,ul i
of Drake and Nehmaku (earns. Years and Orth. delegates had arrived by that time, and f
ago. when the Nchraskans were coached eiore. secona game. ( mor were contantly coming In.
i. .11....... I f aiii. In r.T eltieN
aillUM?-lHtiii-u " " " " 1
knowing also no drinking water excipi
the dregs of some sewage receiving lake,
la more than wo can conceive.
Conflict Ion of Ideas.
"A much greater per cont of the coun
try children have urvlved and grown
strong on thl same milk supply than of
the city children. Brlelly It eem to u
that the city considers that what Is good
enough for the country producer to thrive
and grow strong on, Is not good enough
for the city consumer. These confllct-
llng conditions are not healthy between
! the two sections." '
' fl. n..lln.lna -( mA IU M TT1M lie I
About 175
Bobby Byrne Rniraged.
Announcement Is mnde in St. Louis of
the engagement of Bobby Byrne of the
Phillies and Mis Laura Shields of St.
by Fielding H Yost, a Drake team went j
Cornell Defeats
Gettysburg Team
ITHACA. N. Y.. Sept- .-Cornel de
feated Uettyaburg, 13 to 0, In the open
ing game of the season her today. The
Pennsylvaptana startled the Bed and
White by holding them scoreless until
the second period.
Cornell played mediocre fool bull and
twice tout chances to score by fumbling
within the shadow of the gtial posts. In
the second period Collins and llerrett
brought liie ball to within striking dis
tance and Barrett went over the line
Uter for a score.
-tt yntiurg fought Cornell vtctoualy in
tli third period and it was hot until
He.' fourth that the Hhacan. reinforced
ilke Kleltiert, manag'd to work the
bull over for another touchdown from
i In. flve-)ard line, Barrett suit-ceding
:tt!er others had failed n three down.
Barrett attempted two field goals, but
to IJncotn and surprised tiro pre-Ojrn-hukerd
Nchraskans. That lotio touch
down remains Drake's only score against
NehraHka, the score of the other game
being 8 to , and to 0, in favor of the
western train. Drake would like to score
this time. In fait, believes It haa Ihe
potential power to score If It were not
fur the fact of Inexperience.
Tho squad will leave for Unooln Fri
day morning und will be at the Llndell
In L'lioolii. Mr. Orlfflth and Coaohes
I Whltinian and llobbs will acromiany the
team while, if the I inula aro grMid, a n.un-
Utr rf Drnke men will make the trip
irom ires aiomics ana points in wesxern
lnwa by auto, ling lolned at Omaha by
a large nuinlicr of IhsVe graduates, who
make (heir homes In or near that town.
I lroh. lb 4
Ht-rKn, aa. .. t
Wasnar. as.. 1
ll.-. 1 1, ef 1
tirlffUh. rf.. 4
K Wli BU. If 4
llwlfara, lb. 4
wini... a.... 4
yoliwlta, lb 4
H linalOar, p I
KIIH'ar .... I
. laoh 0
I 11
A tl O A r
Wurray. rf.. 4
14 ii 1111. aa. 1
Srhulla. If... I
Mm nia ib 1
Ha"r lb ... 4
lK WII'ma. cf4
ovtcc'nhr. Sbi
uBreaa'ban, il
Ktf. P 3
Tot la
Tsula (4 f M 11 t
Hutted for t. i.neider In ninth.
Han for Kllltfer In ninth.
Cliuilinatl .0 0 0 0 0 0 0
jfhlcago 4 0 0 0 1 0 0
I To-bae hits: Beall, Mulliian.
Ilium: (icbulln, Saler. Stolen haw: l'ach.
I Hants on bulls: Off Hogg. off Schnei
der, 3. illl by pitched ball: Hv Hogg
, (Hi-nlh. Struck out: By S.hneldi-r. t
Wild pitch: eichnelder. empires: (ith
and Byron-
Ilev. T. J. Mackay gava tha Invocation.
In the absence of Mayor Dahlman. City,
Attorney John A. Kin gave an address
of welcome. John L. McCsgue, president
oi the Omaha Commercial club, epoke
In behalf of that organisation.
Morrbeaat Wrleosne Visitor.
iL,vnranr Jnhn If afneahead we.comed
M t rt 1 j the farmer In behalf of tha tate of N-
braska. He spoke of the vast develop-
! ment since the days when thl tte wa
i cleaned a a prt of the Ureat American
u Decei t. He praised the school system
0 aj of the state and declared that men from
Home. ; all states coming to Nebraska to make
1 ll
1 4
1 0
jHl-KNW'ICII, Conn . Sept. SI Francl
Oulmet, former national amateur and
oiwn golf champiun. was defeated by
a lurtley kfu.'ge of Yale In this afternoon'
plsy la the Oreenwtch Country club Invi
tation tournament. The ntargln was t
and 3.
4 HralrU-e,
Sept. a. ,HH.-tia
llace koalla
I'lldsrarnt Although tha weather waa
1 hr eaie ilng a laike rimil all tided (In
I t-t.iiiK oar of tlx- OaKe ceut.ty fair.
, Tn t-ahii'tts are the Ihi-siM 1i yeara.
Ti.o 10 pan", five beau, aaa aim by
K, I M-.itl.- ISmcr wn otid; Ailator,
ii nil, linft Al.en. fi.urth. Tune, i.lfiVi,
2 2 lv ,. 2 II. J "..
A I. iai.u'-in wou iie i S! mt in strlrit lr,iviirt lir a, aa eNr.d, and
'I i-i v 1 1- ... i r-ii d "1 lux , ( i-'i. 2 Jk'4.
Ten Horses Will Start
in Third Contest for
the Louisville Cup
LOI'ISVILI.E. Ky.. Sept. 3. Ten horae
were named over night aa atarter In
the third annual running of the Louis
ville Cup at IHruglns park here today.
The rave Is for 3-year-olds and upward
at two milea. Its value approximately la
fO.Out with a loving cup to the owner of
the winner. There were thirty-four nom
inations for H. event, vfortg. W. J.
Weber's 4-year-old gelding, is accorded
the impost of honor, 125 pound. He con
cedes from sixteen to thirty-five pounds
weight to all the other starters. Indies
tlona were that the race would be run
over a muddy track.
Following are (he names of the horses,
weights. Jockeys and owners:
Horse. Jockey. Weight. Owner.
Ibigdn. K.-ok-'i. Ii W. J. Weber
It has been suggested that If the erj- ' "Kiitig. at.rco. ;..-; F . D. Weir
tigirmiui, - t-'4B 1 1 it-, as ...... i , j , a UUIIB
Harvard and Yale
Game May Be Played
UDon Braves' Field!
BOSTON, Sept. 2). -An offer of the free
use of the Braves' field. Ihe home
grounds of the Boston National league
base ball team, for thu annual fool ball
game between Harvard and Tale on No
vember 30 was made today' to Fred V.
Moore, graduate manager of the Harvard
Athletic aasoclatton, by James K. Oaff
ney, president of the Boaton club.
The atatement waa made today that
tha contest might not be staged In the
Harvard stadium swing to tha withhold
ing by the city authorities of perAilsdion
to erect temporary Wooden stands which
would Increase the normal seating ca
pacity of 22.0O0 to more than eft.OtiO. Hrxves
field has a seating accommodation for
their home had had a part in tha un
building of the school system and other
Institutions of the alat.
Frank O. Odell further welcomed thu
farmer on behalf of Omaha and the
lucal committee on arrangement.
Professor H. K, Btockbrtdee of Atlanta.
Oa, gav a response.
The convention 1 to continue until
'October 1.
(Ion of the temporary tnd a as cot ,,
allowed tha game might be played ta trim DibiIIi
Yale bowl at New Haven. Lavt ywar
W on r. Muehan. 100, J. 8. Ixxiney
ion. Hnr. DP W. W'uodurd
Haiiicoat. Vnndiiaen, W C. Stiau
1 .,., -1 V" Gk f VL Wl...-
gam aaa at New Haven, .and under the Hank o Day. Murphy. lig'rUwkms , t o.
alternating arrangement thl year's con- ' Kicta(ion, Actim, lOi.W . L. Iwi a Co.
teat wa to have be. a played here. I0?; Sl,'f- 1 N' -au1"
K 'Vouijg and Looney entry.
Alt glare Clay at Nerlh Flalte.
NOKTIt I'laATTK, Neb.. Sept. 3i. 'Spe
cial. )-The all stsr AmerlcaB and Na
tionals are to Way an exhibition gaota
In North Platte on October X Pa Kourke
ef Omaha made the arrangement here
last week.
. -e '
j lice Vi snt Ada Fniduce BesuKa
Illarrkoea QuieWI I itt4.
"About two year agu I had a sever
attaak of diarrhoea which lasted for over
a week." write W. C. Jones, Buford, N.
D. "I became so weak that I rould not
stand upright. A druggist recommended
Cfcaniberlaln'e Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. Tha first dose relieved
me and within two days 1 was as well
a ever." Obtainable everywhere. Adver-
iuf 11 rui4i
In Thousands
of Homes
early and certain relief la. found
for the ailments to which all aire
subject ailment due to defective
or irregular action of the stomach,
liver, kidneys or bowels In the
moat famous family remedy,
the world has ever know-.
are justly famous because they have
proved to be so reliable as correctives
or preventives of the sufTerings, dull
feelings and danger due to indigestion
or biliousness. If you will try them
to cleanse your system, purify your
blood, tone your stomach, stimulate
your liver and regulate your
bowels, you will know why so
"many rely on Beechara's Fills to
Insure Health
and Happiness
Urge Sab ef Aay MaUcle hi t Wastsl
9eM aat ekaae. ta , tO 2 Sat.
No way to enjoy to
bacco so thoroughly as
to chew it and no chew
ing gives you the rich,
luscious tastiness that
"PIPER" does. A law
yer does a mighty lot of
rumination (chewing).
Go into any law library
or court and youll see
tbat while he niminates
a knotty problem he
chews good old .
t IV P.P. yor tobacco
a M. wa ill
Send toe and
dealer's name.
sad we'll send a f uU-aii 10c
cut of "PIPER" and a hand
some leather pouch FREE,
anywvsre la V. S. Also a
folder about "PIPER." Ths
tobacco, pouch and mailing
will cost us 20c, which we
Will flsdly spend --because
a trial will make you a
steady user of "PIPER."
Cktwiaf Tabicc Cbaatpirs FUvsr
It helps him to think
clearly and carefully. Try
"PIPER"yourself and see.
The famous "Cham
pagne Flavor" elves
PIPER a rich smack-
ins taste that is uniquely
delicious. Made from the finest
selected tobacco leaf.
"PIPER" la the world' high
est type of chewing tobacco
pars s S pur food, health
Jul and satisfying.
Sola! by claalat every,
wkere la 6 and 10
cut sanitary, fail.
wrapped, 4 .
ta"rUR" Ila.oe,
Ta Assricsa
TaWca Csasasr
Aato Tklvea M-.v at Monk Plan.
NOltTIl PLATTE. Neb., Sept 38. (Spe
cial. Thieve Sunday night stole an
automobile from the treat in front of
the Lutheran church. The car was owned
by Henry Clark, a rural maU carrier.
Bevaral car stolen recently In western
Nebraska have led the officer to suspect
a gang of auto thieves. A car which re
sembled Clark's wa seen going eastward
late Huntley night along tha Lincoln
Mlmllar theft of automobile have been
reported at B ballon and Gibbon. Neb.
The Meat MeSlrlaa far Cearhs.
The first does of Dr. King's New Die- i
cavery help your oough, soothe throat.
(Jet a bottle todayv 60c. All druggtat.
T we aata, Laa? aa.
WASIUNOTOV, ept. St-Name of
two of the eight Annapoll midahipmen
Involved In the latest haling scandal
HlllCLTON. Neb., Sept. 38. Special
Tulmrrajn.) The best race meet ever held
at elieltua opened today. Tha free at- , of Kentucky naked I'malilunr Wllun la
tractions ua lb street and between bents l? .'"e"1 with kl.dahlc.nn W.a
' were reveauea toaay w nen nenntor Jamea
asked Prealdaut
, brought smiles mi ttie ktuguat taiwa. Or. , ,uiavu
and Ctmrtee TW-y ef
1 1 lil'ima A
n o
Lounging Room for Women
An Observation-Club Room for Men and Women