IHK BKK: OMAHA. WKhXKsM Y. ShPTlW! lUll! 2.K 1 !U Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska STATE COMMISSION HELD SOLE JUDGE Ed P. Smith Filet Brief in Case Involving Poweri of Rate Making. TWO-COT FARE HEARING SET From a Staff Correspondent.) t.INVOL.N', i'ept. Z( Special. ) That the Ncbrat-ka Railway commission la tho ole Judge of equitable freicht rut1 within the Mate, anil that these rates should not necessarily be governed by the Interstate coninicn e rates. Is the sub stance of a brief prepared on brnlf of the Nebraska commission by Ed 1. Smith of Omaha, iipeclal eovrsM employed by the attorney eerier! office. Tho brief is In reply to the criticism of tha- "Nebraska clss r.ite sch.iule by the .Commercial organtJiat ions of Sici;x City, Council Bluffrf, St. Joseph, Kansas City and Atchison. Considerable attention is riven in the brief to an exr'nnlion of the equaliza tion of rats na between Nebraska .lob bing centers, which are declared to be on practically the same bas's as the ad justment made by the railriads them selves before the class rate order I e.ame effective. Answering the charge that certain rends are required to make the anie rate ovfr round-about routes as other road hi di rect line, Special Counsel PinHh Inti mates that the commission wnc.lJ be will ing to allow the circuitous rond to el ane its rates If It careg to surrender its busi ness to the direct lines. Two-Cent Hearing; Set. The hearing; of the application of the Missouri Tacific railroad against the Ne braska Hallway commission for a tempor ary Injunction in the Nebraska 2-cont rate law has been set to be heard In Omaha November 3, by Judgo Walter H. Sanborn of the United States circuit court. The receiver for the railroad. Benja min Y. "Rush. Is asking the federal court to restrain the commlpelon from enforcing the 2-cent law, and asks that the com pany be allowed to charge 3 cents a mile for passengers. Reappraising; Land. Land Commissioner Beckmann and ' State Treasurer Hall leave Wednesday for Red Willow and Qosper counties to re appraise school land and raise its valua tion. Smallpox In Nuckolls. A dozen cases of smallpox In Lawrence, Nuckolls county, have been reported by State Health Inspector Case to the State Board of Health. While every case is under quarantine, the local officer did not recommend the closing of the schools, but Insisted that every pupil be vaccinated. Mellor Bark Again. Secretary Mellor of the State Fair board has Just returned from the Sher man and the Nuckolls county fairs, where he reported both the exhibits and the attendance excellent. More Warehouses Licensed. The E. Btockham Grain company of . Hastings has taken out with the railway commission licenses for six warehouses, one each at Hastings, Fairfield. Mount Clare, Ragan, Bloomlngton and Phillips. CENTRAL UNION NOT TO ACT STATE BANKS SHOW GREAT INCREASE Lincoln Labor Body Believes in Pro tecting All Members Affili-, ated with It. ASSERT DRYS ARE INCONSISTENT (From a Staff Correspondent.). LINCOLN. Sept. 8.-Speclal.-The Central Labor union of Lincoln will in all likelihood not follow the lead of the Typographical union In ' cutting loose from the Nebraska Federation of Labor, according to several labor leaders. The printers withdrew from the union because the state convention body declared attains! prohlhltlon. The leaders explain the action by point ing out that a large union membnrsh'p Is employed in the breweries and distill eries over the country and these union workers would bethrown out of employ ment. It is the policy of the union to protect Its members in all lines of em ployment, it Is pointed out. It is charged the ultra prohibition ele ment in the labor ranks Is not consistent because it does not attempt to restrain carpenters or other crafts frow working on buildings that are used for the manu facture arid sale of liquor, nor does it frown upon other occupantlons which directly or Indirectly contribute to the liquor business. Tlieactlon of the Typographical union Is taken to reflect the opinion of a news paper, where a large membership is em ploed, which is engaged in a prohibi tion fight. Notes from Beatrice and Gage County BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. 2S. (Special.) Clyde Lynch of Wymore has finally won out in his fight for a saloon license at Du Bols, Pawnee county. Judge Raper handing down a decision In his favor. It la the first saloon license granted at Du Bols In ten years. Mrs, O. L. Savage Monday received a telegram from Marshal, Tex., announc ing the death of her uncle, R. L. Jack son, formerly of this city. He wss 701 years of age and a veteran of the Civil war. He leaves five children. The body was taken to Lincoln for Interment. At the Oliver evangelistic meeting in this city Sunday 253 hit the trail, and Monday night twenty-one went forward. Since the meetings opened, about two weeks ago, nearly have confessed Christ. Prayer meetings are held dally at the various homes in the city. Double in Number and the Deposits Quadruple in Fifteen Years, . j . Says Rouse. FINE CROPS MEAN RECORD YEAR (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. ?t.-(Prxcial.)-State bunks In Nebraska have doubled in the Inst fifteen years, and the deposits have more than quadrupled, according to K. Royse, secretary of the State Banking board. There are now 804 bsnka. with aggre gate dopostts of $lll,(M0,t, compared with 4J! banks, with deposits of ir.t'OO.OiiO In Koity-flve new state banks have taken out charters In the lsst yar, while the deposits have Increased Jl.'.Ooo, iM over any previous year. With fine crops in view, the coming year promises to smash All pnt records. Tie last addition to stnte banks. Just chartered, Is the Cheyenne County bank at L.dge P'le, with a capitalisation of 1.VV lis officers are C, O. tilts, presl dent; Fred IemKtihl. vice president, and John P-oherty, cashier. Nebraska Nebraska Federation Women's Clubs Holds Session at Norfolk - Benefited r rt.aniberlala's Liniment. "Last winter I used Chamberlain s Lin iment for rheumatic pains, stiffness and soreness of the knees, and can lonselen tlously say that I never used anything; that did me so much good." Fdward Craft, Elba. N. T. Obtainable everywhere. -Advertisement. NORF01.K. Neb., Rept. IN tSperlal Telegram.) The twentieth annual con vention of the Nebraska Federation of Women clube was cslled to order here by State President Mrs. A. O. lYterson of Aurora. Neb., at S o'clock Tuesday even ing with about Sni) delegates In attend ance. Tlila n imber Is expected to be swelled to 4'0 before Friday morning, when the convention adjourns. Mrs. Percy V. Pcnuybackor of Austin. Tex., national president of th organisa tion, delivered the principal nddress Tuesday evening. Addresses of welcome were delivered by Mayor Friday of Nor folk and Mrs. L M. (lottery, president of the Norfolk Woman's club. A beauti ful musli-nl program by local talent was one feature of the opening program. The delegates hero are from every corner of the state and represent practically all of the women's organlxntions of Nebraska. Mrs. J. N. Taul of St. Paul. Neb., vice president of the state organisation, was launched as a candidate for president. Mrs. George N. Heels of Norfolk, Nob., Is talked of as a likely candidate for vice president and the fight appears to be centered for tho vice presidency, Mrs. Paul apparently haiving no opposition. The nominations start Wednesday eenlng and the election takes place ThuimJay evening. Nebraska Banks May Operate j in Same Building! (From a taff Orrespondent ) LINCOLN. Sept. 2v -(Spot IhI (-The State Lnnklng lxard has no power to deny a charter to a suvlngs I .ink Jusi because its liustness Is curried on In the same room with a national bank, accord ing to a ruling made by Judge Cornish. In the district court this aftcrnnuti. The ruling was mad on an application for a wilt of mundiimus by the First SaMngs bank of Clarks. Neb., to compel the State hoard ef lie-ue It a charter. Attorney General Willis L Reed. It Is understood, will apieal the case on be half of the banking board. The ruling of the boaid In not permit ting different bunks to oorate In the same building whs made after the First Saving bank of Superior went to the wall a short lime after the First National hank of th same place, with which It wa housed, had falh-d. Naptha was not put in Fels Naptha soap just to give it a name I It was put in to make a soap that would do the best work in the easiest way in the shortest time. Have Itearnlar Rowrl Movement. Take Ir. Kings New Ufn Pills and have a dally easy movement of the bow ols. Cures constipation. Only 2ic. All druggists. Advertisement. Ilarllnatnn Wilt Open Library. IIART1NOTON. Neb. Sept. IS (Spe cial.) The Cainegie library In this city will be formally dedicated October R. Oround was broken for the building ln.t fall. The library Is located Jut across the street from the crt house and It Is a great ornament to the city. The li brary board consists of C. L. Culler, W. S. Weston, Oleorgo L. Parker, II. P. Spork. H. Ready. W. F. Hryant, K. K. Collins, Mrs. F. P. Stone and Mrs. J. L. Fierce. Mrs. R. Rfady if tho librarian. Through the efforts of Mrs. H. Kady and Mrs. F. 1. Stone, who have made a thorough canvass of the town, about bX) new volumes will be added to the lllirary at the opening, which will have been do nated by the women of Ilartingtori. is a combination of naptha and other harmless cleansers which Idoes the hard part of your jwashing in 30 minutes while (your clothes soak. Dissolves i grease and loosens dirt. ! Use Fels-Naptha for all soap-and-water work. Let The Bee get you & good job. "Situations Wanted" ads are free FEDERAL COURT HOLDS NO SESSION AT NORFOLK NORFOLK, Neb., Sept. 28. Special Telegram.) Federal court reconvened in Norfolk Tuesday morning with Judge T. C. Munger presiding. A number of Im portant damage suits are on the docket and It Is expected court will be busy throughout the week and then return to Omaha. The case of Philip A. McNeeley against the Northwestern Railroad com pany, in which McNeeley aska damages for the right of his right hand, will probably go to the Jury Wednesday morning. NORFOLK'S FALL FESTIVAL WILL OPEN THURSDAY - NORFOLK. Neb.. Sept. 28. Special Telegram.) Thousands of people are ex pected in Norfolk Thursday when the annual fall festival opens for a run of three days. The city la richly decora' and illuminated for the occasion. Movie men are here to make pictures of the fes tival features and snap the state and national officers of the Federation of Women'. Clubs, which is holding an an nual convention here. COMMISSIONER HALL WORKS FOR DEMOCRAT POSTMASTER Falrbnvr New. Notes. KAIRBURY, Neb., Sept. 28. (Special.) T. Beard, division storekeeper for the Rock Island, has returned from a trip. to Horton. Kan., where he conferred with C. II. Schneider, district store keeper for the Rock Island. . The Falrbury band is arranging to go to Omaha next week to play in the Ak-flar-Benn festivities. Owing to a rush of business. Road Foreman C. W. Reed has employed four' new nremen to handle the business on the' Nebraska division. James McQuald was called to St. Marys, Kan., owing to the serious Ill ness of his son,- Bernard. Mrs. S. E. Reed Is In Norfolk. Neh.. this week attending a meeting of women's clubs. Mrs. Reed Is president' of the Falrbury Woman', club Beautiful . Hair Tinting Absolutely and Positively Harmless "Iirownatone" Instantly Change the Hair to Auy Shade of Brown (or Black if Inferred). Nothing so robs a woman of her god looks and attractiveness ss gray, streak ed or faded hair. And there 1. no morp reason or sense k in tolerating fi unattractive A hair than ther. c J- Is in wearing " J J I unn m, c O m I n m "owns. NHy J, 17,1. m m (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. U. (Special.) Railway Commissioner Thomas L Hall appeared at the state house this afternoon and created quite a stir by circulating a peti tion for Fred Shepherd for permanent appointment as postmaster at Lincoln. A. Hall la a republican and the office democratic, the petition created more than usual Interest. New Bank at t'edar Creek. PLATTSMOL'TII, Neb., Sept. 2S. (Spe cial.) The First Security bank of Cedar Creek, this county, which Is capital lej st $10,000, will open its doors for business Thursday. William Schneider Is president, W. H. Lohnes, vice president, and J. F. Foreman, cashier. Another rasrr for Table Rock. TABLE ROCK, Neb., Sept. SS. (Spe cial.) Rumor has it that a second paper is to be started here in the near future, to be called the "Tab'e Rock Times." un der the management of George Kdsoa, now connected with the Burchurd Times of Burchard. Neb. all of the more noted, beauties long ago TVC04 nlied thl. tact, and 00 wear their hair not only in th style, but al.j the color, most becoming. The one hair stain that stands supreme I. "Browna tone." It i. slmole und easy to use. Juet comb or brush it into your hair. It can not be detected, will not rub or wash off acts Instantly, and I. absolutely harmless. 4 "Hrownatone" will give any .had. de sired from golden brown to blacg. Your druggist sell. "Brownatone" or will get It for you, and it is worth yojr while to Insist upon having this prep aration and not something else. A sam ple and a booklet will be mailed you upon receipt of 10 cent., and your or er will he filled direct from our labora tories If you prefer. 1 wo sires J5c and 11.09. Two shades One for Golden or Me dium Brown, the other for Lark Brown or Black. Irslst on "Brownatone" at your halr-drerher's. Prepared mai al Co., Ky. Sold and g-iiaranteed In Omaha hv Sherman MiCoenell Irug Stores and other leading dealers. on'y bv the Kenton Phar 62 E. Pike St., Covingt.v Omaha Man Killed by Fall at Fort Dodge FORT DODGE. U., Sept. 2.-(S:ecl U Telegram.)-Joseph Smith of Omaha, a fainter 40 years old. fell five stories from the roof of the Wahkonna hotel this noon and died instantly. His head hit a cun crete slab six Inches thick, which broke under the impact. Smith's wife, who worked In the hotel." had warned him a few minutes before to be careful as he emptied flower boxes over the edge of the 'roof. Mrs. Smith when she learned of the death of her husband became erased. It Is thought a nail in the flower box caught on his clothing, causing him to lose his balance. What to Do for Itching Skins It Mill Hrltete Haekarhe. Apply Sloan's Liniment to y iur back: pain gone aiiroot laMant ly. Don t rub; it per.etratta. All druggists. Adver- There I. immediate relief for skins itcli- Ing, burning and disfigured by edema, ' ringworm, or shnlla-r tormenting skin trouble, in a warm bath with re-ln soap and a slnrple -application of resinol olnuner.t. The sooth ing, healing retdncl medication sink, right Into the skin. slops licn.ng in stantly, and soon clear away all trace . at eruption, even in severe and stubborn cases where othar treatments have had little or no effect. j You need never hesitate to use resinol. i It Is a doctor's piescriptlon that ha. bean u;d by other physicians for twenty yea's in the tieatment of skin affections. It contains absolutely nothing that coul. Injure the teni ervst skin Eveiy drug lit Us le ini I ointment and resriol soap Samples free. A. T-R, iUs'.nol, BalU Blurt, Vil , .. 1 rn n o) L n rn .eceiver's Sale of Entire Stock of Fred Brodegaard Jewelry Com pany for the Benefit of Creditors Following order was issued by the District Court of Douglas Co., Wm. A. Redick, Judge: The Receiver is ordered and directed to proceed at his earliest con venience to sell the goods, wares and merchandise now in his hands, at public auction, and to continue said sale until such time as the de mands of the creditors of said defendant corporation are satisfied or until he may determine it is to the best interest of the creditors to dis continue selling at public auction. W. A. REDICK, Judge of the District Court. Pursuant to the above order the Brodegaard Store, corner of 16th & Douglas Sts., will be closed all day Wednesday, September 29th, for the purpose ot taking inventory. On Thursday Afternoon, September 30th, at Two O'clock will commence the greatest Auction Sale of Fine Jewelry that Omaha has ever witnessed. Nothing reserved. Diamonds, High Grade Watches, Solid Gold Jewelry, Clocks, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Silk Umbrellas, Etc., Etc., Etc. All to Go for Whatever Is Bid Bear in mind that this is a genuine Receiver's Auction Sale and you are invited to select any article from this large fine stock and it will be offered at auction immediately. i James L. Hand, the well and favorably known Jewelry Auctioneer, will conduct the auction, and the quality of each article sold will be carefully represented. Chairs will be provided for ladies. Don't miss the commencement of this great Auction, Thursday, September 30th, at Two O'clock. It will continue daily afternoons at Two O'clock and nights at Seven-Thirty until the demands of the creditors are satisfied. At the Sign of the Crown At VIE SIGN OF rne CROWN UP ml GOLOCH STAIRS X&mii,C.,fS?lLl V-a L. D. SPALDING, Receiver. Up the Golden Stairs sskatsM