J IIK HKK: LltA, V Kl iXI-i . . KJ TJiM I JKK -'!, 1SU5. i .-! i ir- f: $ t t r k r T t I I. r t t: r ..' r . J'. Sunday Calls On Church People for Activity in Personal Work Lilly Sunday spoke thin afternoon on "Personal Work," no text. He ssld: There art million of people In this i-nllithtened Christian land that are In open rebellion against Ood or anytlitna: that savors of Ood. They say, "We will not have thta Man reign over us." That I the heartleaa rry that ring" from office, factory, shop, store and home. In nnlvernlty and i-oll'', nnd everywhere. There are multitudes of peo ple who aelect from the Hlble wiat th-y personally like; they think they ran codify Ood and eliminate what they don t like. If they read something In th Hlhle and don't like It, they will aay they don't belle va It; they are Just foolg enough to not realise their, reaponitblllty to be lieve. A fact la a fact whether you have eenae enough to believe It or not. A man can say. "I don't believe there U a hell," hut that dnran't change the fact that there la a hell, almply because he la fool enough to aay he doesn't believe It. A man may any, "I don't believe Jesus tlirlrt la the 8on of Ood," but He la, whether you believe It or not Multitudes of people say, "well, give a the aermon on the Mount, and give u the decalogue mlnua what a don't like." Multitudes of people will not do thing utile they personally desire to do them. They nnt wait to think, whether their doing that makes It harder tor somebody else to do right. Thsy do It and they don't give a rap what God ays, and they have the audacity to call themselves Christians. Tou art not Christians If you are fnlng contrary to the will of Ood. Ood says, "My will be done." and I don't car. If you are going contrary to the will of Ood, you are not Christian. There la a denomination I will not tell you what Its nam Is because I do not want to shame It, you have It hero In Omaha that In Minnesota, according to it on report, has 300 churchi-s of that denomination In that state and they spent 1300,000 In a year. They held ,ono prayer meetings, Sunday school meetings and revival meetings and only eighty seven people joined the auO churches In on year on confession of faith. You wouldn't have the audacity to call that Insiltutloa a church. ia Chicago, the average number of new church members last year was five to a church. Last year T5.009 churches rrnortsd not on new. member on confession of faith. i hat sustains my contention that peo plu don't .have a, rellguU experience. I'eoplo are on the church rolls, but they are not Christians. What la lacking? Why the meager results with this tre mendous expenditure of energy and money? Why are so few people coming Into the kingdom? I will tell you whet la the matter thera la not a definite effort put forth to persuade a definite parson to receiv a definite Baviour at a def inite tine, and that definite time la now I Pon't think that because you can or icanlse committees, and put people on those committers, that the work will be done. We are daffy over organisation today, and have put tho supernatural out of our religion. Onoe, when Alexander tho Great was (Itting In hl tent, one of hln generals appeared before him, bewailing that the enemy they were to fight the next day outnumbered thorn so greatly. Alex ander sprang to hi feet "How many do you count mo for to morrow T" he cried. That's th question. How many are you counted for with Ood? Rellalea Nat Oalr rallar. Now, listen) This clement of failure la not confined almply to. religion. Nine-ty-nlne per cent of the 'business men of this country fall; 74 per cent of the law)ers abandon their profession without success; 60 per cent of tho doctor fail to make ncn,i, so this element of failure I not confined to religion. it I In buMnesa, in professional life, as well. In the caae of theae three classoa, the bust nose man, lawyers and doctors, 1 think It is due to a lack of definite, systematic work and no application. A politician will work harder to get a vote than the church of Ood will work to have souls brought to vmtit. vteiuti soma of the preachers go down .tho aisle. They drag along like they had grindstones tied on their fee. j No political campaign I won by any stump apeaker or any spellbinder on th platform. It is won by maa-to-man can vast. ' Take th presidential campaign of ltes when Benjamin Harrison was elected president over Q rover Cleveland. Every body knows that New York state la re publican and Nw York Cits la demo cratic and they thought that a republican majority would come dowa and overcome the majority of New York City. . They knew thera waa fraudulent registration In New. York; thsy anew that there waa ballot box stuffing what did they dot They went to work and cot an expert business man and gava him charge of New York City, and he wetit to work and dlvidod that ilty Into little districts, and the district Into wards, and then sub divided the wards; then they atib-dvlded every sub-division until they had a man In every block. Tho leader said to tbe-e men: "You are not responsible who la elected president; you are not respon ble who I mayor of tha city, but you are responsible to know the nam of every man who Is la your block and bow he votea You are to keep tab on every man," and they especially watcbed the fraudulent sec tion and when the vote was taken the republican majority rolled In and swamped the democrats and Benjamin Harrison went Into the Whit House In ctead of O rover Cleveland. Th name of this man. whom they appointed leader, waa never known. haren Shoal Hut Advaaee Man. I know a varnish company that pay a representative llO.uuO a year Just to be a good fellow. He "hobnobs with th heud of the railroads; he never offers to sell them anything, lie doesn't sell a quart of varnish, but he pave the way for th representatives who coin on the job. He is being paid to gt acquainted with the head of th department, and to discover their prejudices, and If they want vr nwh. he has the way paved for th rep resentative to sell-tha varnish. The man geU lio.rttt to smile and look pleasant. loea th church do that? No, You can't drive the members to It They won t even speak to the man who alts besidi them in the pew. A man went Into a boot and shoe store and talked to the clerk about Jesus Christ. He wpa th cleik to Christ lo you know who tbat young man was? It as Dwlght L. Moody, and h went out and won multitudes to Christ. The name of the man who won him waa KlinbalU and Kimball will get as rauab reward as Moody. Kimbail worked lo. win Moody and Moody worked and won the multi tude. Andrew wins Peter and Peter win ;.uw at i'entecost. That la th way tiod works today. CberUr O. Finney, after lsarniug the name of any man er woman would invariably ask: ''Are you a Chris tian''" You can gain ooe soul to Christ ad t our Uiwrck niemberehig i.h the meetings are over. There Isn't any one here who hnnn't drag enough to w.n somebody to Christ . t "Are you lonesome?" some one aeki d a light keeper off the coast of Massachu setts . "Are you lonesome?' And he shI'I: "I was lonesome until a ship waa wrecked on this roast and I rescued five men, and since that time 1 have never b-in lone some because now I am constantly on the alert to see If some one else neeN help." Are you lonesome? Pome people sit In the church pews until they are mildewed and never ask any one to come to the Ood of Oods. Oet out of that rut Borne people thing It la beneath their dignity to do personal work for Ood. I'm getting mighty tired of listening to hot air. You church people do a lot of figuring on paper, but let me tell you, I'm getting sick of a lot of you people loafing when you ought to get busy and help me out. I don't mean to say that you are nut kind, hospitable and appreciative, but I don't think you are doing all that you might or could do. Don't you think I am going to do It all. If I tried to do It all I'd be In my coffin In a month. You ministers want to get busy a'.d do a lot of personal work. You church mem bers want to hustle around and help us save the sinful from the devil, and not Just sit there on your chalra and listen to what I have to say about aalvatlon. Pome of you churchers bad better stay home for awhile, so a to give other folks a chance to come here and get front seals. Perenal Work ef the Savior. If It Is beneath your dignity to do personal work, then you are above your Maater. If you are not willing to do what II did, then don't call Him your Lord. The servant Is not greater than the owner of the house. The chauffeur la not greater than the owner of the automobile. The sor vant on the railroad Is not greater than the owner of the road. Cer tainly they are not greater than our lrd Jetu Christ If you come to me and have anything gainst your nrotner, let me tell you go to film and be reconciled first If the communion cup I passed down the aisle and there la some - neighbor to whom you don't speak, partaking of communion doea not do you any good. You are Just going through the form of being a C'lirls tlon; you are Insulting Ood. I never saw a revival movement yet until Ood s people fell on their knee and renewed their vows of Christianity. There are a lot of people that never pray, that never ask a blessing. There are a lot of people that are negligent in their rellgloue duties, who drift from Ood. The trouble la that we are going through a ritual to tlay; the spirit Is left out. God wants the spirit, not the ritual. If w get run down spiritually, If w become negligent, put yourselves on pub llo record before the people; gat right Uh Ood. Thoa seeds Want to Be Bated. There are thousands of people In Omaha today who can be gotten lor Chnst If you go and aak thera to give their hearts to lllm. That 1 the reason we don't do more church work. You go and it in a pew, listen to a sermon and lUtun to the choir alng and then call that wor shiping Ood. The whole city will go to hell so fast you can't see it for dust 1 knew a mother, not personally, who was a fine woman she brought up her children In the knowledge and love of Chrlatt bh was lamenting- to a friend of mine that the couldn't do much Christian work and my friend found that not a person had entered her homo lor years that she had not asked them if they war a Christian and talked to thorn about be .ng a Christian. Kh was ot.e of the beat Christian workera In the community, yet her ldra wa tq get on a platform. Uis abuse your mind; that la the way you must work for Ood. Listen to this: There are 13,ftX),O00 young men In thta country bxtwevn the ages of 1U and 10 years; I2,ou0,o00 are not member of any church. Protestant or Cat hollo; S,U.0u0 of tnera go to church occasionally; 7,00u.XW never darken a church door from m. year's end to another. They fill tha saloons and the houses of til fame, the haunts of vice and corruption, and yet mt young men have been touched by some Burnley school Influences; but you don't win them for Ood and they go Into the world nover won for God. I want to tell you If you want to solve the problem for the future get hold nf the young men now. Oet tbent for Ood now. Have your boys and girls. Save the young man and woman and yuu launch a lifeboat. I remember In a town there waa a fu. neral. The casket contained a very beau tiful maiden, It waa being borne from the home. The family didn't me far from the graveyard, and most of the mourners walked, well, they all stood around un til the minister started: "iJuat to duat ashes to ashes." Presently a Sunday school teacher burst lnt hysterical cries: They led her to her carriage, and she was driven to her home. The minister noticed her cnlni and asked her what caused It She re plied : "I taught that girl for four years. I noticed that she waa getting careless and going to publlo dances with young men whose character was not the best I did not say anything to her, but I waa sure that, aa a minister, you did." The minister said: "I thought you, be ing her Hunday echool teacher, would attend to that You are a woman and could." Well, they finally eald: "Let ua go to ber mother and at her about It" They went to the mother, and aha re plied that she knew she waa getting careless, but she thought that her Sun day school teacher or the minister would attend to that There waa a girl who waa gone, a witness against her mother, her auindar aohool teacher and the preacher. Half of our Sunday school teachers are card players, beer gusslere, theatr-goera. They doat know anything about Jesus Cbr.at No wonder our youths are run ning wild. Oet down on your knees and confess. Yea Mast Ceafeee Sine. There . must be a confession of sins. Confess your alns of neglect The alna of neglect, those are the sins. The curse of the church, the alns of omission. There must be a confession of etna of unfor- glvenesa. Confession Isn't loving a card party more than a prayer meeting. Con fession is not loving a good novel more than you do a Bible. You can't eery Uoo. and mammon. So many people think If they read good books, think good thoughta and keep good company they are all right They're all wrong. Thta twentieth century idea of getting people Into heaven is all wrong, n e are ma xing religion too cheap today. Nothing la too hard for Ood to do. I have a friend. Dr. Broughtoa of At lanta, Oa. When he waa a young ml a V?Ur he went to help aneef minister in a eri-s of me tins. He said that he never preached to such a lifeless. Indif ferent, lasy. Indolent critical, petrified, stiff, stale hunch In all h a life. They never smiled. Juot eat there and listened to hltn. While he waa there one nlKht he said: "I there any man or woman here who would Ilka to see anybody converted? la there any mother who would like to see her son saved, a wife her husband, a hue band his wife, a fr.end a frlmd, a busi ness man a clerk? Anybody who wouldj like to see somebody saved? Nobody lifted a hand. He preached the next nlKht and repeated j whose brain all clasi.es and races and all the Invitation. He aald. "Is there a Institutions rave up their secrets, were woman present who would like to See her j to speak in this building; If I could an hushand saved? la there a husband?" ' noUnce that Milton, whose blinded eyes A little boy 14 years of age lifted his .pemed but to give his soul a change to "Is there a huaband-a wife?" Trie boy raised his hand. Is there a sister wants to see a brother seven , ana me noy linen nis nana. jie reeieu u. i nw aia mcen nis nana. After he reached his hotel ho heard a rap at the door. He opened It. In came one of the deacons. It wes a Baptist church. Stroking hi long pious whiskers, he came In and said, "How'de, doctor?" My friend replied: "How do you do. oeaconT Pit down. i cnousnc u was my ouiy io come up here and tell you. I'o you know that boy down there?" "What boy?" "You know, the one who was lifting his hand." "Yes." "Well, that boy ain't overly bright, and I thought that I would come and tell you that he Is making a fool of you." My friend replied: "He Is not making a' fool of me. but of you. and the other ' mi'inli ra Af lh tttnivti I ! I . . spiritual life than the whole crowd of you put together." "Well, I thought I would tell you you can do what you please. You better tell him to stay away." My friend said: "I'll pay him 110 a day He I. the on.vldince of life! i. If yo think I mugolnK to I to come. I see here. put the only spark out that Is In the church, you don't know me. My friend preached the next night, and hn he asked the questions, again no-' body moved but that boy. That night the preacher sioke to my friend, "I have to go away In tr.j morning," he said. "I wa going to preach on Hunday morning, but I want you to preach for me. I wish you would throw the doors of the church open and ask If there is anybody that wants to Join." "Join what?". "Why, tho church." My friend said: "You don't need an evangelist here; what you need Is an undertaker." The next night, when my friend got back In the hotel, there waa a knock. ome In." And then In comes this old deacon. "How'de doctor?" "How're deacon? Sit down." He say: "You're going to preach Sun day r "Yes.' "Well, If I were you I wouldn't throw the doors of the church open for any Jiners, 'cause there ain't any." My friend said: "Deacon, look me straight In the eye. Did you ask me not to throw the door opeq ' because you knew there were'nt any Joiners, or be- ause there was one that poor boy and you did not want him to join the church. because you wanted to keep him out I. v "D uiuiw wvuiu vm soniv, enu ypu lid not wanL the mm, ia Imi In T m V.II l w . k ....... I ., . tolng to throw the .doors open." Sunday morning my friend said: "If here la anybody here that wants to give heir heart to Jesua Christ, com down tnd we will take them by the hnnd." That boy got up and came down the tial. Dr. Broughton asked him some questions, and he said he never saw or .caid clearer answers to Biblical ques- ions In all hla life. Then he aald to the Congregation; "ou all heard th queetlona I have sked him and you all heard the answers he gave me. Now. accord. ng to the rule of the church, all who are In favor of receiving him into the church say 'aye.' Two farmers, who knew nothing about he boy, said "aye." Not a person said no." Dr. Broughton aald the ayes have It. The boy went home. The boy'a mother wa dead, and he lived with his father anl hla grandfather. Hla grandfather was an old man. I nearly HO year of age, an Infidel, who hat) not darkened the church for sixty veara. lie went up to his grandpa and aid. Lad flat Grandpa Jola C'hareh. "Grandpa, they took me Into the church and baptised me. And now I sin a mem- ber of the church. If you come up thev will take you. I'll tell you th answers to aay." Th old man aald: "Don't bother me now." He kept after him and th next Sunday when my friend. Dr. Broughton. asked If there was anybody wanted to Join the church, down the aisle came that Idiotic. boy leading hla old grandfather. 80 years of age. The old man wanted to sar a few words. He said: "You all Vnow rae. I arr. an old man. and this Is the first time I have been In church for sixty year. My little grandson U not overly bright; his mother Is dead. He came home a week ago and ild that they had Uken him Into the church and that they would take me In also. If It is not too late I would like to Join, and spend my few remaining years to the glory of Ood." Monday morning the boy went down town, his father waa a aaloonkeeper, and he said: "Pa, grandpa and me have Joined the church, we have been ban- Used. If you come up they will take you in." H aald: "Go on away. This la no place for boys." and I think that the mere fact that minora cannot enter a saloon Is enough to prove the fact that It Is a dirty, rotten, stinking place, and not fit for men. He went back, but kept after hla father until he. like his grandfather, came up and accepted Jesus Christ On that day the father said to th people: "Come down tomorrow and I will burn all th liquor that la In my store, and I will break all the barrels and let It run out I feel myself commissioned by Ood to be the apostle of the saloonkeepers in this country." Well, he went to work and gave hla testimony and created senti ment until the saloons were put out of business from lack of patronage, and from that day to this there hasn't been a saloon in that county. Long before they had prohibited by a state law there wa got B saloon In that county, and It farted with that Idlotie boy, and you have got aa much brain as he had. . (Copyright. William A, Sunday.) SMALL BOY KILLED IN FOOT BALL GAME IN TEXAS AUSTIN, Tex., Sept 81-rioyd Rey- nolda, aged 11, is dead today aa a result if an Injury received last Friday in loot ball scrimmage. A Mood vessel In his hes.i burst What if Christ Should Come to Omaha? Sunday Wants to Know "Rllly" Hunday, In his sermon here la.t evening, an Id: Text: Luke xlx, 1-Jesua entered and passed thmush Jericho. The announcement of the coming of any historic character to Omaha aould arouse deep Interest. If I could announce I that Hhakespeare. under the alchemy of - see more; If I could announce that Croro-j I we!I( whoeo Spartan devotion to duty re- , m.,1- pmnlre: If I eould annmmee I that f;hr).topher Wren, who could dream , cathedrals as easily as you or I could rn our dinner, and who could swincr domes of marble In the air with the care less abandon of a "boy blowing soap bubbles; If I could announce that Michael Angelo, who Imprisoned his dreams and Inspirations on Immortal canvaa and In deathless stone; If I could announce that Uunyiln who comes In his writings to soothe the pain and prompt the prayer to stop ail doubt and eolve the problem, the immortal author of Fllirrlm's Prog- ress, which seises us In our childhood w Ith the strong hand of Ita power, which brings our manhood to surrender to tho spell of its sorcery and relaxes not itn grasp upon us when mingles the brown of llfo with sober gray, the man whj has done more to draw the attention of tho world to matters of suprcmeat effort, i W'hn hns nlntit th Ka n V. ..1 i : I !.w finnan iirsu in imurrrr sjrmpainy and more thrilling tones than uny man since the apostles; If I could announce that Oconto Washington, the father of his country, first in peace, first In war nd fl"1 ,n tho h,ar, f countrymen. W" to honor lhl" c,ty ,th h" Pre.oi.ca-1 excursions would run from every section of this land, and no building has been ' erected by the hands of man that would hoW the crowd" ,hat ud icnther. I. He's lllshvat Kapreaalna In Re. 1 1 ,!- ! But I neod not argue that tho announce ment of the coming: of Jesus to Omuha would awaken an interest and eend a thrill of expectifnry beyond that of any other character of history. The concern wo would feel would be different, not only in its magnitude, but In its essence a well. Wo instinctively feel the difference and we aocotint for it This la true because His name ia inseparably associated with. relUlon. and. after all has been said, re ligion Is the measure of concern of men It's the real base line of character. Men may revile It, Ignore It. and mls reproxenl It, but In their hearts men feel that In religion life finds Ita hlKhewt ex presslon. Years ago Walter Wellman. tho eminent correspondent. In speaking of the power exerted over the common people bv Bryan and Uoosevelt said that no small part of their power lay In the fact that they were "preachers." Then he eald this significant thing: "Thrre is nothing- men like ao well aa being ' preached at provided they don't know It la a aermon they are getting, and tey don't have to go to church to get it." . Many ytypea of men challenge our Jn terest, but It Is the apoatle of religion and the herald of Christianity that has tho superlative influence. The merchant prince is known In all markets where men buy and sell am! the crowds applaud him and hla millions. , Ho la a useful man to hla age; but he dies, ard In a few years no one would kniw where he waa burled, or remember that he lived. If It were not for the costly monument erected by his family. The soldier makes and unmakes the map f the world at will and empires tremble tt the glance of his eye; he, too. may do a divine work, but he die and clowna Vindy hi name across the footlights. . The scholar concentrates the essence of hi life In a book, that soon grows yel low In the dingy comer of a library. He may be a faithful servant of hltrh Ideals. but ho dies and only a few students re member him and enjoy the result of his labors. y 1 ,iwuRuy uvea me moral taw rti.fr t. .... ii ... . . ana serve his feneration, foraettlne- Himself In the Immortality, and we turn to Him for spiritual authority' as natur ally as a flower turns toward the sun or a lily lifts its Immaculate lips to be khwf-d by the sunshine and the dow. Beauty may plea so ua, truth may strengthen ua, but roodneas commands us. A genius charms ua, a philosopher Instructs us, but a saint feed us. Art makes the world attractive, learning en rtohee tha mind and dignifies life, but religion regenerates the souL Christianity haa always been a personal religion. Jeaus waa no organiser, like Caesar or Mohammed. He formulated no plana He founded no. ecclesiastical system. He mustered In no armies, drilled no emis saries. He Inat'tuted no social or religious machinery; there waa no framework or scaffolding to His kingdom. Ho taught no school. He had no set time nor place to speak. He wrote no books. He did not seem to go out of Hla way to preserve In written form Hla teaching. His beatitudes and His parables seemed like precious seeds scattered with a prodigal hand over tha unfenred field of humanity, and yet without an organi sation, without an army, without a literature. He haa become the central figure of all the civilisations of all tho centuries. Christ so completely represents the per fection of character that you cannot escape Christ without ceasing to be your best seif. It is of this Christ of which I with to speak today. Whet Weald City It Jrs Casaet If Christ came to this city: When roy alty enters the city, the city puts on Its holiday attire . but the most momentous day in the history of any city la the day when Jesus Christ gives It a special visitation of His power and presence. If Christ came to this city, do you think He would be received differently? j I would like to think that He would. ' but I am not so sure. I do not believe ! you would have to go outside of this city j to find people who would vote to crucify ' Him If Ho should enter Omaha today. If Christ came to this city, would I be glad to see Him? Not appear to be glad, but really be glad to welcome Him? Whether or not you would bo glad to welcome Him la an invariable index to your character. He is always welcome where all ia well. , There ia a line of scripture which reads as follows: "And when Herod, the king, heard It he was troubled." Men. who have been living like Herod are always troubled when they hear that Jesua Is In the neighborhood. Jesus ' In th way of tho M-ni. Jesus In th way of th adulterer, the thief, the libertine and the oppressor. JWeitM the presence of Jesus give yen l'ni-o ann sirenKin or wouiil it worry you: n u would worry you, you may know that you are living In sin. By this you may know all that eternity can ever reveal. If His presence would trou ble you, it is a bad sign. If I hrmt came to this city, where would i went mm to rind me? Would I want Illni to find me In the saloon, in a house of shame, plottlng-to ruin some confiding Sirl. or with eom" crowd of scoffers? If Christ came to this city, what would I want Him to. find me dolns;, Would I want Him to find mo shirking a duty, do- Int,' a questionable, thing or attempting to win men to Him? W hom W oald Jeans Visit In Omaha If Christ came to this city, with whom would He spend most of His time? I know that He would ko wherever there was a sinner and not be afraid of soll.ng His fine linen by going either. I know that He wou.d go wherever there was anyone in neod, and He would no reKnraiess or class. He wou.d s-o as freelv r li . . in the poorest tenement as He would go 'to the comfortable home of one of your millionaires, and vice versa, I I think lie WOUM Un UrhiMV.. 11.. ' was anybody w ho needed help on the deeper things of life. But when 1 ask where He would epend most of His t.me, I am not thinking of theso places I have mentioned, I am simply asking In whose company He would rind the most congeniality. I cannot answer that I am only asking ' ,7,., , .... .... i . - ,...,. ."m w vmict in;1, w nut am i donB that He would commend? Am 1 '"'"a to Ilv a Chr.stlan life; am I try- ,n" to Influence others to do likewise? Am 1 dea.lng honestiy In business? Am o"nd behind every Influence for ood? A'" 1 uncompromising foe of every What Would Yon Dof If Christ came to this city, what prac tices and neglect would He condemn? What changes would I make If I had twenty-four hours' notice? Would you change any dates? Would you tear up any letters? Would you go and apologise for anything you have ' snMT W n 1 1 1 .t Vnn t . a. anm A nkl ........ .. v .u ww ('. HI UlJUl have refused to settle for years 7 you Would you deed back property that you have swindled some poor fellow out of? Would you go to the bank and draw EuoaouooouaonuonnuanaUQQ IompsorBelden & (a! "Rn" 1 ' ' : . aa la ISa Goods Purchased Wednesday and Thursday Will Be Charged on the Statement Reaching You November 1 Fashionabl If New Arrivals Offered Wednesday For the First Time $25 - $35 - $45 No Extra Charge for Alterations Thompson, Belden Suits are au thentic in 'style faultlessly tail ored of correct fabrics. A visit to our Apparel sections will bo a pleasure to all women who ad mire attractiveness and a distinc tive style. Suits, Dresses. Coats, Skirts B " a IS sig Big SB 1 The Store for Shirtwaists New wash blouses that are particularly at tractive for autumn wear $2.95 HE 3 IC3 a a 5! Special for Wednesday $1.50 Hemstitched Linen io r i Pillow cases, each 50c Si o $2.1)0 Hemstitched Linen Pillow case.", r7EZs at, each OC orjonooonorjof BUM 1111 MM aUaalmal OOOnDDOnuDunouuriDuo K19M imW I IMliU BSKllI ttilBil baa AMllfclNKNTI, TOIMV AM) lt).uOUKOvV FILM FARKWEIX APPEARANCE BETTY HANSEN in "THE SONG OF HATE" FRIDAY: "UnY AVDLKY'S KKCHKT WITH THKDA 11A11A "Tata STOCK ?MCI." Edward Lynch AnFW.':u th ariast class- muDS4ni lit T DflV ThrMs Mnurr. .I Dill EacUia TU.a e-e witkn tee law" Katlaeea, le 5e vain a. "-7iA money and pay back something that you have rhcatcd In order to obtain? Would you go to men and tell them you had Led about them? ' Would you tell the brewery wagon nut to call at your house In the future? Are there any hooka on your library shelf you would throw out? Are there any pic tures on the wall you would tear down? Are you planning to go anywhere you would not go If Chrlot were coming to this city Would you take anything out of the Ice box? Would you have to dust the Bible? Would you make any ehange in your prayer schedule? Blessed Is the man who can say with a certain eminent statesman of not long ajro. who, when asked what he would do If he knew that he were to die the next day, "I would Just go on and .lo my duty as on any other day." Christ Ia Here. 1 said "If Chr st came to this city, but there Is no "IF." Christ is In this city. Every now and then someone write a book like W. T. Btead's book, "If Chrlet Came to Ci.i raro." but there Is a sort of faithless ness In every such book. ' For Christ, has never been out of Omaha. Christ has seen every stone laid in Chicago, Brooklyn, New York, Wash ington, Philadelphia, Boston, San Fran cisco, London, I'aris, Berlin. He has heard every lie, seen every falne vote, has known every vicious thought, every sneer at high end holy things, every yielding to low Ideals, every corrupt prac tice, and every injustice, every oath, every theft. He has moved In the maddened crowd of every strike. Ho has seen with a practiced eye the elements of J'lutlce and injustice that moved the crowd. He has been at the council table of every preat corporation and knows when property rights have been put above hu man rights. He knows the motives behind every act of every roan since the founding of our nation. Hla judgments of you are not based upon the morning newspapers or by a rating: In Bradetreet or Dun, but by what He aeea and knows of you every day. Show at Least Bnrajlar'e Considera tion. Men of Omaha, the eyes of Christ are upon you. I plead with you to act so that those eyes can smile upon you. This ambition haa been the inspiration of all the good and noble lives that have made the world what It Is. ' John Stuart Mill once eald (and you will hardly call John Stuart Mill a "super stitious religionist"), "It would not be 'n"n""n""rn" naarpamgta m to mm lunm nLlooDliiorjLloQO Every Day New Silks Every day adds Borne new fabric to our dlk stocks and for Wednesday these are new. Two-toned stripes Popular plaids which are de cidedly attractive. We want you to see tho new all silk marquisettes and Georgette Oepos-40 inches wide in a charm ing line of colors $1.25 and $1.50 a yard Silk Section Main Floor. o o A "For Sale "ad will turn AMI-SUM K.Tt. BOYD Friday and baturtlay OcU 1.2. Hat. Mat. Opealaa Attnetlea DANCING AROUND with AL JOLSON aad T. T. Wlate Oaraea Co. ef IS. HlChts, $a.oo t iSo, Sat. Stat. 91M te 35e eats Blow. skats nr iui toxobsow Week Cenwaaelae? Saaaay sTifh r.laid in America CeaspaaT ef 18 laelaalaaT S-Z,OBETCa BCISUi aa KU1. BASIS rrieeet STia-atri see la.OOf alaUaeea. louunouof Doonooon I warn nan Biical ma UaaUaaUBaUaal easy even for an unbeliever to flu better translation of the rule o f v, J eto t l "t c from the abstract Into the concre to endeavor to so live that Chris approve our life." This imacoldnhle Christ! Why do avoid Him? There can be but one rea' 4f you want to avoid Him It Is beca you are uneaelly conscious that there I something in your life that He does no approve. It is a practical imposs'bllity for a m to put himself fine to face with Jeimi Christ and unblushingly lead a bad life. A certain wealthy ramlly rettirnlni home late one night discovered that i burglar had rifled their silver chest o all Its contenta. The drawers were pullei from the buffet and their contenta scat tered on the floor. The table linen wn disarranged, the dining room waa In grea' disorder. But the thing which struck the attentloi of the family was the fast that a marhl' head of the Christ which was so sltuatec that Ite eyes fell directly on the sllvei chest had been turned with Its face to th wall. The Mack flnirer prints on the inarMr bust told the story. The burglar wai unable to commit the theft with even h marble Christ looking at him,, and ha turned the face toward the wall v May I not hope that you men "v.nl women of Omaha will show at least th tender sensibilities of this burglar? (Copyrighted. 'William A. Sunday.) A MOST F.N JOY ABLE THTP. The two FAIRS and DENVER MOUNTAIN PARKS. Nothing like DENVER'S MOUNTAIN PARKS between the two oceans. Write to the ALBANY HOTEL. MAN AGEMENT, DENVER, COLO., for a rel of their beautiful booklets, FREE, en titled. "Summer Frolics in the Rockies,'1 "One Day Scenic Trips Into the Denver Mountain Parks and Resorts," "Denver and Colorado's Mountain Parks and Re sorts," "Short Trips Into the Rockies from Denver," and "The Vacation Num ber of Denver Commerce." Postage prepaid. MASONS LAY CORNERSTONE OF TEMPLE AT. ANSELMQ ANSELMO. Nc'b., Sept. 28. (Special.) The cornerstone of the Masonic Templa was laid yesterday under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Masons. Grand Mas ter Samuel O. Whiting officiated. Music was furnished by the Ansel mo Municipal I band and a chorus of women. This bulld-ii Ing will bo tho largest brick structurej here, 80x30 feet, full two stories high. X iuuiui iui miri I nam nana UoQolJoooUQaDUooaJooo iB a rj rjn n o m vwrrv tra o M BS . . a a red Suits y ST JJ C3 a n fUwC oH TDBonooon second - hand furniture into cash. AMl'SEMEMTS. lieaa Boar. 4B4 Ths Osljr HI,. Cs V.d.,ll!, rtrralt. Dsllf Huiom. ill. r NIsUl. 1:14. OUi.r sou Ibis l x. y a Rsl. Iba. Bit 14.1 Bros., Wai I). Ho.lis a ce.. Jo l ook ri.o Lai j Kta KAZIMQYA la Wr Brlds rr"-'- MSIIBSS-Gallarr, st "i, u w4 ;w. "OMASA'S TTTST CXsTTXB" Wr'lV-lr Brass, tt-ia-M-TM Itws THE KISSIN6 6lhU , ZZ A Otaa-err, Saaooy, Two-Aot Mosloal Shews. Coe.ame Oersreoua, Stasias Saaaptnoae, Oreat cast, inslaGtsr .u tlfiU rioreace Mil s est Dainty Era Mall. Bis; Bsaatjp Clients. &Ale Xuase Matisse Week DtJSri