Daily Bee Wtnta swap something for something else more useful to you? Use the Swappers' o o 1 u m n of The Bee. HE THE WEATHER. Cloudy VOL. XLW-XO. tK. OMAHA, AY I HOCKS PAY MOliXINU. .SKPTHMHKIl 29, 1!U5 TWKIA'i: l'AUKS. Om Trains, at Hotel Rtvi Steads, etc, M SINGLE COPY TWO CENTK fin Omaha i r V OF RESULTS OF PERSONAL WORK Preaches on This Topic for Fourth Time Since Beginning His Campaign in Omaha. RELATES INSPIRING EXAMPLES is s Gives Audience Story of Winning of r Shoe Clerk Who Was Named , . D. L. Moody. jTfeCO'RT.S MTT.T1F.WT.TI CUTTR mTMT.W For the fourth time in his Omaha campaign "Billy" Sunday preached on "Personal Work" yesterday after noon at the tabernacle. Inspiring examples of miraculous results from personal work bristled from the sermon, such aa the win- j ning of a shoe clerk by personal j work a shoe clerk by the name of' D. L. Moody; and the personal work that won a boy, who, in turn, won his aged, Infidel grandfather and Mb saloonkeeper father, the father in turn bringing about prohibition in the county and the whole state of Georgia following Into 1 the "dry" column. "Billy" hud the audience in laughter ornetlmes by hla funny acting- of the part of a Baptist 'deacon who didn't be lieve In personal work. The deacon had "spinach on hla chin," and when he stroked It, according- to the chuckling ' "Billy," he "scared up a meadow lark, a ! jack rabbit and two (tarter .snakes."! There were many Methodist deacons in the audience, some with "spinach" on their chins, but they laughed with' the rest. They laughed, too, when he described a woman, who, being asked by John Vas car, a famous personal worker, whether she was a Christian, replied saucily and fcharply: "Yes, I am." ' , "I didn't mean that kind," said Vassar. The crowd laughed when "Billy" re. lated it, and in the midst Of their mirth he shot at them: Calls Them Snapping; Turtles. j "Yes, I guess that strikes some of you i - Burifm.uSfoe- U?" - .J8""! ton. of -Methodist But, as Uhe Virginian" demanded, th, , i evangelist laughed when he said it, and CAUTChes in Omaha MOTCd by it left no sting. . . , Bishop Bristol's Assignments. Again and wgatn he denounced the j ' i,'ontwn7e,.CUT1rn,e,mHb HLL COMES TO HANSCOM PARK nothing to save heir neighbors, friends- . . , even their ow, ., utiles. ' ' ' ' . nvhat V. US ,uVln?nvhit an, you- SeyM MMU. mog doingT What are you doing ? he cried. lh Methodist pastors are occasioned "Don't b atisilad. t poke "your " own' ' W . Bishop Bristol's assignment" of head into heaven whUe you let ail the pastoral . charges. Rev. Charles VV. cst go to hell." i MeCagkin pafitbr of Hahscoru Park scripture Verse Rented, j Methodist church for several years. An interesting feature of the meeting R.,n , that t and 0ecom9 pa8. occurred Just before the opening prayer A , . , ,, . w..en "Billy called on members of the tor of the university church at Uni audlence to give favorite verses contain- vf rally Place. Rev. E. D. Hull, now Ing Ood a promises. From every part of pastor of Trinity Methodist church, tne hoube the verses came, some men em- Lincoln, will come "to take RbvJ" Mr. phasuing their quotations with upraised " , ,,,, , , hands.' McCaskill'g place, in Hanscom Park Mrs. Sunday and Mr. Rodoheaver were , church. s , not preuunt because they wero holding a' Rev, Thomas Blthel, now pastor i.ieeung la Council Bluffs. - of Xrlnity Methodist churoh.. will bo "Billy'' announced his sermon which he . . . . . ..- , , u" . will preach both afternoon and evening transferred to Hirst Memorial charch. next Friday on "The Becond Coming of , Rev. J. F. Poucher of Sta.nton- will Christ.'! j come to Trinity. Rev! Arthur Atatk, "1 haven't any cranky views." he said; t pastor of the Benson - Methodist "no inillcnial dawn HuHselliam to lul 'u,"- "." " l t lnt,lDa8tor of the Church at Gothenburg ' world was coining to an end last Octo-! PR8tor 01 lne caaa at UotnenDurg. j dit, oux uie wona is still going ngut along.". i i j ' j "p rtArnrr,Jc,'0Jrtv, n 1 11U VlUHmiOOiUllGI ' Endorses Warrants (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. 28. (Speolal.)-FJre Commissioner HldKe.ll today eqded the agony by endorsing the warrants Issued to him by State Treaxurer Hall and pre senting them at the bank for payment. Up until today Ririgell refused to accept the inoriey. He said it wa an oversight: on his part in not signing them In the . first Instance The cashing of the war. rants. It was conceded, will have no ef- feet on anvsult which tl.n n.i.nt ... fit to bring. I d""tr ;a,P'takcn toGeorge6 Washington. tho 'armer '' of what of building. Near the siding TTl A Wpfl t hot Lo-nital Washington, contumfr py fof hM producU .. jon which the car was placed were a num J.JJ.U llOatUOi I y .... ' !. A enerl recent Ion .ml .,w ul r.imloi ! her of wooden structures, part of which Hours, t a. m. a. in. 7 a. m. i a. m. a. m. 10 a. m Bo !.m::;:.::::::::: 1 p. rn is i I: S::::::::::::::S 4 p. m 6, p. m.'.'.'..;;'.'.;;'.;.M 7 p. in Ml P- ,n " Cosapairatlv lor lt-rort. n.t.I , ' 19'5- W12. Highest yesterday i 1 5 47 Lowest yesterday..."!.. y0 f4 Su 43 Mean temperature 7 68 64 44 Precipitation Oi .00 .44 .0? Temperature and precipitation depar- turea from the normal! Normal .viuieiM'.ure Ct Deficiency for the day S Total deficiency since March 1 4J3 Normal perctutlatton n inch lefliency for the day "ji inch T .t.J la nlaii since March L.'H.M n he Iieflclency since March 1 Inch Deficiency for cor. perl ,d. 114.. xl Inches Dctuleiicy for cor. J-er.oO, L1J.. l. Inches nepuris rni"( PlHtinata nt T P, M. fcUUon and Btat ef Weather. Cheyenne, cloudy .. Davenport, clear... Denver, cloudy De Moines, cloudy. , lender, cloudy North i'lstte, clear. Omaha, tloudy pueblo, cloudy luuid Cliy. cloudy. Temp. HlBh- Rn - '"3 .M 6 .em .04 j .GO .00 .04 . .0) .00 .OJ .01 .'3 ....bt ..51 ...60 .. U ...b ...64 kU to 64 6 Oi 14 "0 M ..4i Salt Lake I y. pu cloudy. O 8anta Fe. clear bt Sheridan, rain 46 ioux City, rain..... 64 Valentine, cloudy it (A T erlpl.ftlon. M a Forecaster. "1"' I nd cat- i -u e of i i A. WELSH. Local "BILLY" IS SOME STORY by many of his illustrations in Omaha. - n-- - f " i ' ( - F- - - r-1 A- r-"'l I ST'- ... ...... w i V y, : OMAHA MINISTERS CHANGED ABOUT .l frm ct r m a (Imn will become ' i Klrkpatriri -Nnpertiitendent. Rev. J. W. Morris, superintendent of the Holdrege district, Is transferred ' by the bishop asxignmcula to become pais- ,or or tne urace Metnoaisi cnurcn, lor- inerly known a the Flrt church of (Continued on Fao Five, Column Que.) Dr. S. If. Spalding Has Stroke' of Apoplexy i. TIT " 1, ' 4. TV n at WaSninfftOni U Ul P ' ' 7 (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Sept. 28 (Spe- cla Telegram, )-Dr. B. K. Spalding of 0,wh lrtcken with apoplexy this morning. He. was at breakfast t the Sterling when he fell unconscious. Mrs. once j Spalding, who was with him, at ) called a private ambulance and the t Dr. Spalding a condition tonight is ex 'tremely s-rious. He has not recovered Peg. consciousness at George Wafchlngton !'.!.65 hospital, where he was removed. Physl ....55 clans, while hopeful, arc not overly san ....D5 g-uine 0f recovery. Schmitz IS Again Candidate for Mayor 8aN FRANCISCO. Sept. 28.-Eugene E. Schmits, who was deposed from the office of mayor aa a result of the graft proceed- lng In 1.07. went before the voters of Ban KraDclsco again at today's primary , ., , . , ... election as a candidate for heal of the city government aa aecond choice In the betting of a field of eight candidates. Odds of 10 to T were offered that Msor James Rolph, Jr., wculd pull a laiger vote than Schmits. Schmlts was deposed after being con- victed on a charge of extortion. The con- vlotion was set aside by the slate u- pre me court Candldates for eighteen other municipal and county offlcea were to be voted on ' today i MISSOURI BOY K'LLED BY TRAIN NEA.K LAKESIDE ' ELLSWORTH, Nb.. Bept. tl. (Special Judge. -elected to guard and car Telegram.) While beating his way to his fr our interest, to so pollute horn In Springfield, Mo., Fred Lee. a hemelve with graft, polltlcl 1,,-16-year-old boy, fell from th Burlington r'"u and fraud, a to land whole city local freight yesterday Just west of Lake-: forc of uch ervants in federal prison id and wa instantly killed. The body th hUtory of th last wvmr records. waa badly bruised and cut. His father. i "' E- h" or" body seat ' hi horn at Springfield. TELLER, as he has proved in the course o his sermons mST!""' ADYISES FARMERS TO DO MORE WORK Dillon Declares Farm Should Be Factory Providing Employment Throughout Year, i t ; SHOULD RECEIVE HIGHER PRICE ..--. i" . , . Avei larm.in- inv..uuwi oiaven - should be an efficiently organised factory, busy throughout the year, in the opinion of Charles Dillon of Topeka, Kan., a farm magazine editor, who spoke to (he Farmers National congress at the Rome hotel yesterday afternoon. "It should sell its products through co-operation with factories," he said. "This is one of the most pressing economic prob lems the American public is facing." "The (updamental weakness of the American farm aa an economic insti tution la its failure to give profitable employment to the owner,-the hired ma nand the family throughout the year," he said. Mr. Dillon' pointed out that the farmer tne ,owc,,t l'al(1 huslniss man in the U Decau M aml ni PlRIU are W' flom four to x pjontll, Ul the year." A iaci seiuom reauzeu, he aaM:rtel, is that. of all the army of unemployed in the United States today 55 per cent is on the farms. He advocated using Idle time vy nioauying me system ot arming now generally In vogue so as to produce more live stock and relatively less hay, grain and cotton for the market, in part, by finishing and standardising the; products of the farm. , . Kef lurries' on Farm. "An army ot people In the cltica is em- : Ployed In grading stock and otherw.de1 reflnm the products of the farm." Mr. I Dill6n continued. ' Nearly all of this labor could be done on th farm quite as well, j noue wa aet orr Dy me concussion or A farm factory can cure It own meat. I the Sasolln explosion. The second e. It can organise Itself Into the most com- plo,lt"1 can,e wUhin cond after th Plete form'of business in producing, pack- fitt ing, marketing, branding and selling : The greatest damage was done from the eggea. butter and other products. It can ' thoc of the explosion. Th fire damage advertise tlietie products. In brief it can I wl11 not eo-ual ,nat caused by the dyna- organlxe the bUHtness of farming so that was. held last nitjht at the Commercial ! 'r occupied by negroes, in this section club rooms In the Woodmen of the World !a two-story frame building collapsed, tak bullding, DeJeale . from almost every ' fifteen negroes In a pool hall to their state In the union were there to the num- !"ath. Search pf the ruined buildings ber of several hundred. Members of the i Proceeded all night and continued this Commercial club met them tn an Informal social hour. The rural school problem Is to come up this mbrnlns at the session scheduled for S:30 o'clock today at the convention hall In the hotel. ItlKbt. for (Itlirsi. "Nothing short of everlasting vigilance will insure to the great mass of common citizens their share of rights and prtvl-: legt s. aa compared to those a little ! higher up In the scale of possible wealth. , and hence influence." This was a state ment of rres!dent W. L. Ames tn his opening address. The aastrtion followed hi detailed ! treatment of the subject of lrgialatlon. "the little Joker," the "invisible" or , "back door government" and otiier forma of trick legislation. He declared, "These : tricks block and delay Justice until pa- ; tience Is worn out and the memory of a i crime or Injustice la so dulled bv n,u. ing time that w finally become Indif ferent to It. "Conditions are auch that they not only permit but encourage mayors, police forces, sheriffs, servants. - and even I 1 ne prcsiueni attacked the city for tojUyt" tu lntnt '""'r at th door ot I (Continued eo Pag Four, Coluian four.) ARDMORE BLAMES SANTA FE OFFICIALS FOR THE DISASTER Authorities Begin an Action .o Fix Responsibility for the Explosion and Fire. TWO HUNDRED PERSONS HURT Railway Men Are Charged with Criminal Nrgligence by the Municipality. DEATH LIST IS FORTY-FOUR ARDMORE. Okla., 8ept. 28. Pro ceedings to fix the responsibility for the disaster of yesterday in which a tank car explosion caused the death of forty-four, injuries to 100 others, nnd property loss of more than $500, 000, were started today by the municipal authorities, who charge Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway oficials with criminal negligence. This was announced tonight by Rus seH Brown, city attorney of Ardniore. The death list tonight stood at forty-four, according to a statement from police headquarters. Early of ficial statements had placed, the num ber of victims at fifty-five. This discrepancy was explained to night by the fact that several persons previously reported dead wero found either tn hospitals or in their homes alive after a close police check with the physicians of the city and hos pitals. It la supposed that a spark from a ham mer of one of the workmen rep.itrtng the car Ignited the gasoline. Eye wunessea said flames shot Into the air for a distance of J0O feet Immediately preceding the explosion, which scattered the flaming liquid for blocks, thua start ing scores of fires In the buildings, which were wrecked by the concussion. Most of the persons killed were crushed under falling walls, soma of them more than a block away from the scene of the explosion. Ardwore today virtually was under martial law, while business was sus pended to permit the work of rescue to proceed with greater speed. One hun dred special deputies had been sworn In to prevent disorder. . . . Blank llnsed by ExploslOB, The aowntown ' business section pre sented a picture of disaster, one block of Main street, from the railroad station to 1 ina wmuington hotel, having been rased t - ty tfir expToslon,' many buildings on the opposite aide of thS street1 destroyed, and the .late clans fronts et every stie in town demolished. Ths greater; park' .of . the city was In dark hens last night, the' electric light having been 'cut off owing to the danger from prostrate wires. Many instances of heroism and reaklsh result of the ex plosion were recorded today by person who witnessed It and themselves escaped with slight bruises. The terrific report wa heard for a distance of twenty-two mile. Tb explosion occurred yesterday after noon in a tank . car containing 3.U0O gal lons of gasoline. It caused great dam age, ix blocks In each . direction from the Santa Fe freight and passenger de pots being affected. ' ,Tnnk Lea kins; Gasoline. ' Railroad men who were In the, yard at the time state that the car was shunted to a siding on account of its being In "bad - .order." The car w. leaking gasoline to (such an extent that a pool of the fluid ; ,ad formed on the ground under the car, i When switchmen refused to move the car ! further an Inspector wa called, ir Woods, aged about 40, the car In- ispector. according to the 'story of those ho saw him, mounted the car. un j screwed the cap and peered in. Just ss ne did this the gasoline became Ignited land woods; the car and every loosa I piece of material within 100 yards wa J hurled through the air. -. i Dynamite- Also Ksplodes. ""o l"u P''na were confirmed early today. A quantity of dynamite In the freight store- mu 'n1 Son- The dynamite demol morning. It Is In wrecks of these build ings that other bodies are expected to be found. The Dead. The following dead have been identl-fii-1: lit A WOODS laliorer. CHARLF.s SMITH, former policeman. M. U. ATKINS, drayman.. A. f. OOlM.Ii, Huckster. BRFSTON BLAZK. Santa Fe flagman. Rt'HEN WAKKUN, farmer. TOM till. KEY. S. TVS Y FORD. T. E. SIMS, Santa Fe flagman. Th body of an unidentified 16-year-old gird, an unidentified Indian, an unidenti fied boy and five unidentified negroes were at the undertaking establishments. It was rm possible to ascertain the name of th other victims. The Bcc Ak-Sar-Ben Special Next Sunday Place Your Order Now Half Billion Loan to Allies Is All Arranged, Announces Commission NEW YORK, Sept. 28. Tho An-Fio-French financial commission an nounced tonight that the proposed credit loan to Croat Britain and France would be $500,000,000, and would be issued on Joint Anglo French five-year 5 per cent bonds, offered to the public at 98 and to syndicates of underwriters at 86. It also wa announced that the bonds would be Issued in denomina tions as low as $100, and that the subscribers might pay for them by installments. MANY NEBRASKANS AT ENCAMPMENT Register Shows Cornhusker State. Well Represented at the Grand Army Encampment. STATE DELEGATION IS ON DECK WASHINGTON. Sept. 28. (Spe cial Telegram.) "From Nebraska." You couM pee them on Pennsyl vania avenue, in automobiles, in Ar lington, at the tree plantlns exer cises, in Potomnc park, ou tho streets in the downtown section of the national capital. You could see "From Nebraska" almoHt as often as you could see veterans from the older and more populous states of New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. The Nebraska delegation to the Grand Army of the Republic, meet ing for tho forty-ninth time since its creation, in the capital of the na tion, which the "oBys in Blue" made imperishable, arrived this morning headed by Department Commander George C. Humphrey or Grand Island. Quarters were established nt tho Hotel Hterling, banner and rings imllcatinr that "Nebraska" was on the srouivl made memorable by the march of Sher man's army fifty years ago thrmigh Washington. Commander Humphrey, upon his ar rival at headouarters, directed hi aides to secure if possiblo the name of every Nebraskan living In the pralrlo slate and those who formerly lived thero, at tendant upon the present national en campment. Tonight tho register at the headquar ter Indicated that the following veter an from Nebraflka, wero , In. the i clUv om accompanied by their wives: y '-. tjummander Gorge C. Humphrey. urand island: lluah Perkins. Iluy hpiinKSt John Lett. Lincoln; Artls I. Tlioinitlke. Hooper; Oeorge Crass, Kalr ;lury; James ilouck, Tobias; J. 10. Rnvn, Albion; Unuiila Tracy, Cedar Itiipids: K. 1 A. Parmale Omaha; Alex Hchlegel, Lin coln; W. H. Heel, North Loup; Wesley Itaner. Central City; F. H. liurlsch, I'ly moiitli; H. llohaiiiiHn, Ord: J. F. Wheat craft, North Loup; Sheldon Peek. Hlalr; I. H. Johnston, Central City; edorse W. , Kearns, edneva; Henlor Vice Coniniunder ! W. H. BtewHit, Oeneva; John F. lltiilie, ; Hooper; Alfred lirown, I'alnter; J. C, ivnapp, rainier; ojHcph k. Hpencer, Heemer; U. F. Hmilh. Junlnta; John Matthetus, OrHnd Inland: V. C Mullen, Clraml Island; F. Merryman, Kearney: V. J. lilystone and wife, I.liic.iln: John Fen nell, I nlvernliy riaon; W. . F. Dovrey. Omnha: J. U. Forbes. Kenuliliean U-tv: i'aptain Phelna Paine. Omnha; Simon Young, Lincoln: C. V. Fuller, Llnrnln; 11. T. Hrown, Hcolt's Hluff; J. W. rJIsr- ton, Aurora: P. ,-. Funk, Funk; F. M. Clay, Hnldreec: John Walliue. Onmha: Ocoige F. Hyun. Grand IhUihI; SI, H. Mmonton, Falls Cllv; tl. L. Smith. Ulys ses; Dr. S. K. SpuldlnK and wife, Omalia; n. w. runon, isnrKeHMt; HiirrlHon Horn ham. Cored; Charles K. Wheeler. Iti-ken How; Jonathan JCdwarriK, Onmha; Theo Hnker. Ord: H. J. (-oIllnH. Did: It. ri. -ooley, Waverly; Orlli Rdwards, Fort i Took ; roHt Uepnrtnient Cninnmnder A. XI. Trimble. LIlKiln. who is also asslHl- ant adjutant general and BHslNtant iihi- lermaHier general or tne nepa rtinenl. Hand Army of the Republic of Nebraska; Dr. C. A. Fllppiti and wife of Orand Island; J. F. Jones and wife. Marquette. Drlearatrs In Attendance. Representative to the forty-ninth na tional encampment present: W. J. Hlystone, post No. 23. IJneoln: John Fennell, ost No. 318, t'nlverslty Place; Jonathan Kdwards, post No. 7, Omaha; John F. Heine, post No. 1"S. Hooper; If. W. deorae. ixjst No. 9i. Iiroken How; h.. A. I'Hiincle. pot No. I 110. Omaha: Ben F. Smith. Post No. M Juniata; Jerome Forlies. post No. 21, Republican City; Alt lirown, post No. 2fKl. Palmer. Alternates present: . P. C. Funk, post No. Ill Holdrege; II. R Beachell, post No. 3H. Verly: J. K. Spenrer, post No. 1. Wisner: John W. Klarton, xt No. 44. Aurora: W. J. Mul len, pout No. 11. ranl Island: H. Murn ham, post No. f"'i, Coxad; Daniel Stone bligh, post No. 2S. Sheiton. Hellef Corps Urlraates. Th following members of thu Woman' Relief corps of Nebraska regis tered today at NV-braska headquarters: Josle C. Bennett, dcpartm-nt president, ;Harvard; t'harlutta Allen Osceola; .Mary J. Blysloiie, Lincoln; Lou li. My. i era, Osceola; Ada Heine, Hooper: Mary FJ. Fell, 4'h'ttterton, Vn., holdi member ship In Net ranks: Julia Heine, llooer; Mrs. H. hanimenton. Kalla tlty; Mra. M. J. Hull. F.lKiii". Fidelia M. Jtiipliier. de partment commander and prist depart ment president Harvard: Jennie L. Johnson. rieleytte-wt-.ii-e, llirvard; Jennie Martin, Central City. Harrows at Vrteraua' Sleet. P. A. Barrows, Lincoln representative of The Omaha Bee, Is a delegate to the thirty-fourth annual encampment of the Son of Veteran now meeting In this city. He la jo.t commander of the Ne- braaka division and after week In Waahlngton will go to hla old home In Plymouth county, Massachusetts, for a short vacation. IOWA TEMPERANCE WOMEN MEET UNDER DIFFI CULTIES IOWA CITY, la , Sept. 2K. -(Special Telegram.) The Iowa Woman's Chris tian Temperance union met here today for an annual convention under difficul ties. First the delegates were met by a German saloon band which had awaited their arrival thscugh th we snial houta. I Secondly some of the delegate refused . to use the local taxi because the driver smoked cigarettes. Finally they found out that low City w aa pronuunuedly Wet In many iiuarters. They argued, how ! ever, that this wss a good field In which , to renew endeavor. The convention, headed by Mrs. Ida B. W. Smith of Des Molnos, will continue four day. CHICAtJO. Sept. 28. Cheers from scores of Chicago's leading banker and huHlncss men greeted the an nouncement at a banquet here to night that the $500,000,000 credit loan to Franco and England, the largest external loan ever contracted for In the I'ntted States, had been ar ranged for. The announcement was made here by Lord Reading, chairman of the AnRlo-French commission, who, with three other members of the body, ar rived today. , GERMANS REPORT GR0UNDREGA1NED Berlin Official Report Announces Successes Against Allies in the West. RUSSIAN FORCES REPULSED UKKLlX, ?ept. 28. (Via Lon don.) Tho Germans not only have stopped the general offensive of the allies on the western front, but by counter attacks have gained consid erable territory for themselves, ac cording to today's official statement ly army headquarters. The text of the statement follow: "Western theater: Th enemy contin ued yesterday hi attempt to break , through our lines without achieving any result. On the contrary he suffered In many, places very considerable losses, be-j sides bringing us an appreciable gain In territory. "Our counter attack resulted In our rapturing twenty officer and 710 men. Increasing the number of prisoner taken In this locality to S.397 men, Including a number of officers. Nine additional mas chlne guns were captured. "At Houches, Angrea and Rocllncourt, nnd also along the entire front from the Champagne to the Argonne, attacks by j the French were repulsed without a break. ; "In the region of Soualu the enemy 1 actually brought forward masses of cav- j airy, showing a remarkable lack of p- I prerlation of the situation. Naturally j many ot them were shot down and th I others forced to flee a quickly aa pos siblo. "During the repulse tf those attack the Saxon reserve regiment and the troops of the Frankfort-On-Maln division es peclolly 'distinguished themselves, 'In the Ariionn a small advajic wa uiiaile on our part to Improve our position at . La Fills Morte, Th movement brought US the desired result, beside eecurina- r-r us as prisoners four officer and 2M men. ' "On the hill at Combrea the enerny posi tions wore blown up and blocked up yesterday and the day before by Intensive inlnn explosions. "Eastern theater; Army group of Field Marshal Von lllndcnburg. Oppos ing forces, which were pushed hack yes terday on the southwestern front of I Htni-k, attempted to mak a stand In a position situated more to the rear. They were attacked and repulsed. South ot Lake Drlsltlata, a cavalry engagement Is taking place. ; "The operations by the army of Gen eral Von Etchhorn In the battle of Vllna, which led to the enemy's being repulsed across . the Lake ' Marcos- Sinorgon-Wls-chew line, resulted In the rapture of a total of seventy officers, 21,908 men, three cannon, seventy-two machine guns and large qunndtie of baggage which the enemy was forced to leave behind. An Inventory of this booty could not be taken until now because of our quick advance. The figures previously reported are not Included In these given here. "South of Smorgon Our attack la mak ing progrrss. Northeast of Wlsrhnew wo have broken through enemy positions. On this occasion twenty-four officers and 1,300 men were taken prisoners and nine machine guns captured. "Army of Prince Leopold of Bavaria: The bridgeheads east of Tiaronovlchl are J now in our possession after a battle for inein, t'rleouura to the tiumnor of are raptured. "Army of Field Marshal Von Mucken sen: The situation la unchanged. "The army of General Von Llnalngen has forced Ita way across the Styr below Lutsk. I'ndcr pressure of this success j the Russians are In full retreat north of Dubno along the entire front." Mrs, Margaret Lewis of Shubert Is Dead STELLA, Neb., Sept. 28. (Special.) Mrs. Margaret Lewis, 86 years old In Au gust, died at Shubert Monday. She was tho last survivor of the heads of the thir teen Welsh families who rame In a col ony from Ohio to the Prairie I'uion neigh borhood northeast of Stella In the fall of lst.5 and the spring of ltMtf. The funeral of Mrs. Iwls wss preached at the home today by Rev. Mr. Peall of Prairie Union Baptist church. Burial was In Prairie I'nlon cemetery beside her husband, John M. Iwls, who died ten 'esrs mo. The six sons worn chosen mm palb.arer.. They are John Iwls of Yates Ceiitxr, Kan.; Louis I-ewls ot Peru, Ju8 ii. of Verdun. Thoma Lewi of Kearney, David and Dan Lewi of Shu bert Miss Nellie Lewis lived with her mother, and the other daughter, Mrs. W. O. Mctjechle, came from Oklahoma fur the funeral. RECLAMATION SERVICE APPORTIONS PUBLIC FUNDS (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. Sept 8.-(8peclal Tel egram.) The funds appropriated by con- ' Kress for th reclamation project dur ' Ing the fiscal year lai8 have been ap ' portioned to th various projects by th l reclamation service to the amount of $10,- M8.OI0. Of this amount the North Platte project In Nebraska and Wyoming re ceived -"70o3, th Fort Lararai unit M4.2:il, the belle Fourch projeot In outh Dakota I41,4 and th fchoahoo project la Wyoming tlil,iia. FRENCH BATTER SECOND GERMAN CHAMPAGNE LINE British Forces Further North Ap parently Have Been Able to Check Counter Attacks by the Teutons. SITUATION IS LITTLE CHANGED Germans at Some Points Reach First French Line, but Are Unable to Break Through. MANY UNWOUND ED PRISONERS IM I.LF.TI.V rATtlS. $ipt. 28. The French troops, fighting on the western front, have made further gains ot ground east of Souchex and north of Mas algea, the prisoners taken including Germans recently brought back from the Russian front, axsocrdlng to tho official communication issued by the French war office tonight. A heavy artillery action is in prog ress, in tho Argonne. Ill I.I.KTI V. LONDON. Sept. 28. The French are now battering the second line of German defenses in Champagne, while the hrltish to their north, ap parently have been able to crush all German counter attacks. So far as can be ascertained the situation on the western front as brought about by the allies on Saturday and Sunday is about where It was. The diversion Initiated by tho crown prince In the Argonne at soma places reached the first French line, but nowhere did the Germans break through. While German prisoner ar arriving In FVance by the train load, llrltis i wounded from Flanders are beginning to reach London. All have the same story to tell. They describe' the terrific bom bardment ot th allies, before which it seemed Impossible that anyone could sur vive, and then the sudden slackening if th fir and th British charge. How It happened that ao many un wounded Oermana were captured la pux sling the public. Blcht Win of Crawai Friar Drake PA RIB, Sept. .-Intelllgcnca from th Champaga front beyond Chalons,, which reached Parl today, show that it wa m right or th German crown prince army which was shattered In the attack against French works. These cngsge Cf Friday and Saturday. The crown prince' center mad furious effort la counter In th Argonne yesterday, wltli th result that all railway lines to the east and north, according to French In formation, were enaasred lat niirht in carrying away German wounded. i rench officers reckon that the crown prince's army loat WO.ooo men In thla at tack a.nd the previous assaulta during- the summer. The plan of attack of thla army ha been th sending: In masses of twn hi. visions, or about 40,000 men at a time ments each one equal in also to some of the great battle of history have been dismissed hitherto with brief references In the Frenrh communications because the results were only negative. German captured recently testified that th re sistance of the French has been as de structive as their o'fenslve, and that their artillery fire, of deadly effect a year ago, ha now attained uch Intenaity aa to work demorallxatlon among their opponents. la yesterday's attack the German sent two divisions against the French linej after a preparatory bombardment Th artillery fir did not demoralise, th Frenrh line, which held everywhere when the German Infantry charged. Th two German divisions broke, leaving th ground dotted with their dead. THE WANT-AD-WAY mtt Btfsts nwriMl. It youll take u your reoeipts Aad stack taeni np la a pti, Too'U vary soon realise Why jqum Xaadloxd wear that smll. Th rant you pay eat each month Oa your owa, horn ahouid apply, Jost 1 ok over tn Want Ada Toali find home tar you cast bay. Tb rent yowl pay to yeanalf Th horn will soon b your owa, T worrying then about rent Tour trouble will all have flow a. Th Omaha Be always carries th best Ileal LaiaU offerings of th day. If you wish to buy Real Estate of an kind, b sure and read th For bai heal Katat ad In The He. ir you wish to sell Real Estate; a 1 vertts It In The Omaha Bee; you ar ur to get result. Telephone Trier 1000 and put your ad la (I DET-tfc ONE A&pe) ' flllll III I '"v-f""" T OMASA BZ1