Bringing Up HELLO -'J HOW ARE YoO ENJOYIM THE RECE.PTIOM ? CDBS Will TWICE, i LEAVING BOTTOM Chicago Pull, Out of Lait Place by ;; Trouncing Cincinnati ia Taal Play. .MULLIGAN'S WORK A FEATURE CHICAGO. "Opt! 27.-Oilrw pulled out of last pluc.. today by winning both .'games of a double-header from Cincin nati ty scores of T to I and i 16 t Tha fielding of Mulligsn. tha Cuba' r ' i rult shortstop, waa a feature. Manager Hretnahun tried out a, new catcher named l.VVallao n the Initial frame and he per formed In good stylo. Hcore, firat game: CINCINNATI. CHICkOO. AH. H O A K AH N O. A K. ' Killlfar. rf.. 4 14 pMnmr. rf..4 1 i llroh. a 1 1 1 uMuIHmo. aa. I I V i I ..Hann. aa. 4 4 I 3 IM. llHlta. It... 1 4 14 4 t I 4 t .tJrtffltb rt.. 4 14 4 OEimriMfi. I I .K.Wirau. Ift 4 own l-r. Ik.... I 4 14 4 Hortr. b. I I 1 S IK.WII'ma, it 1 I 4 I Wlnsn, .... 4 4 4 lb 4 It t nt, -rihr 9b 4 I 4 I 1 Wnlllr. 1 4 I 4 T ieerga, .. ' Totala U 4 14 14 1 ToUU 14 ( XT It S 1 .Onplnnatl I 0 0 0 0 t 0 -! "Chicaajo .1 0 1 1 4 J .'I Throe-baae hit: Orifflth. Hotna run: V. WtllianM. Stolen baaea: Oroh (D. K. I WlllUuue, Ilo1nrra- ( Double playa: ''ftodarra to Muliwlta. KodKera to lleraof !!(o Mollwlts, lavender to Mulllaan to ..Hnlor. ltjtMa on halla: Off LAVemler. I: rff Ooorge, . Hit bjr pltrhed ball: Py J lavender, Itooa-era; oy ueimre. iwinima '!nd WallMoe. htrurk out: Ujr lavender ,,Ci; by Ueorce, 4. t'mplrea: Byron and .)rth. Srore. eenond tame: CINCINNATI. CUICAOO. ,f AB.H O.A K AB.H.O A, .Kllllfcr. of.. 4 1 4 4MuoT, rf...4 III r..h. Ik. 4 1 1 vauimu, . I t I 4 ll.Tuii. aa...l a a l wnuii.. it... I I 1 I ' oriiliih. rf.. 4 11 (Ilmtmi, lb 4 4 4 IWall. M 114 4xalir lb.... 4 14 4 4 144 I 4 1 4 I if. Wll'ma. rf4 , vi,,r. .....4 I OMrt-rlbx. tk4 1 4 4 4 4Arrhr. .... (444 . Mallwlta lk 1 1 11 -nt, a.... 4 4 4 1 Wiunakrtaa, l 114 nHrKwff, .. I 1 I 1 W1 1 llama 1446 Tot,ii n inn t .. allalua, a . Total ....n T 14 It 1 batted for McKanry la CMthUi. nnrlnn&U 0 1 ..t'hkao 4 1 0 4 Two-baae hit: Baler. Three-baae htta: Humphries, MrKenry. Stolen baaea: V. William (2). Hater, Mulllaan. XUutru on ball: Off Mrkenry, a; off HunM4irtea. I. lilts: Off Knyder. 4 in on Innlnc: ff MrKenry, I In alx lnntn; off Callahan, none In one Innlnir. lilt by pitched ball: tv, HumphHea, hllllfer. Htruck nut: By McKenry, J; 1. Callahan, I. Wild pitch: llumphrlea. Umutrea: Orth'atfid liyron. Harry Grant Burned' So Badly. He Can't Run Next Saturday NEW TORK. tiept. H. Harry . Oraat. noted autoraoLUa driver and twice winner of th Vandarbllt cup race, waa ao badly I. limed today while eontastuuj in the elimination trials for tha Aator cup race ' at tha Pliepahead bay track, that h will not be able to eater tb contest next Saturday. Grant's autoraobll caught tire while travelina ait a 100-mUe 4Ut hour Hp and Orant and hla mechanician were enveloped In flames. They brought the machine to. a stop and jumped out. but Orant was burned ererely on tha lega and arms and was taken to a hospital. Tb mechanician racaped with alifhl purna. Hospital au thorities said tonight that Orant would not be able to leave the Institution for at least tn days. Those whs qualified for the Aator cup race today were: 'Wilcox. Oidfiebl. Rick- t-nbacher. Cooper. Reeta. Aiken soxi ilauic Rests mads th best time, sid ing at ths rats of 104 miles an hour. - Thirty Thousand in . Horse Show Prizes NEW YORK, Sept 27.-Prmlums mounting to 8J0.WO wer announced to day by the National Horse show asso ciation for Its thirtieth annual exhibi tion, beginning on November 1 Piixs Hats for 1M competition were Is sued to 8.04 owners of show horses throughout th United States. Ths um brr of classes to be Judged Is, with on exception, ths largest sine ths first hors how was give In DM. A number of special prises hav been added to the lUt i Kor the rlrst Urn a woman has been lnvtt4 to become on uf th Judges. Bh Is Lady Bach, Can adian director of tha International Horss Show sasoclatlou. an English woman, who rod her own hunter In the last how DOT. COURSING MEET WILL BE AT BEATRICE OCT.26-28 fc PATRICK. Nb., B. pt 87.1Spe-lal-"1 i ' - cc ram It tea liaving In tbarg the i ainr irieot at thia plac hav fixed ix'iubrr , t! sjuX aa th dates. Ths A o . r de rt cup stake w ill b run St th ii.-'. Ad effort Is beln- n4 to hav Ju.i SU'i r, the I c04e county grai'1'h.r, Ht'ii hik '4ri iithrr, m xhllitioa here i-t.u Infill rlvruig tlie mw t A y v w Father - , WHICH ONE.!. VHO IS THAT oLt old . WOMAN OVER THERE- I Standing of Teams AMERICAN LEAOUJi P. W. Pet .43 .M .XI .M.S .446 .41 .33 ftoaton Ietrull Chlrafro Washington K'.w Turk IV. .! .1ai .144 .14)1 4M u u o M M w . t; Ml M) MR HJ 57 4 fed. St. Louts '....14)1 .1evrlsmi 14H Philadelphia 147 l' ,K4 AT. L.KAQUB. 1 W.L.I' tl fhlla arWi.nAi Ilttaburgh KJ ffl .K Ft. lxula...W 06 .Wl l4mklvn . 7V l.t :U f'hldAM'A ...H'i .Hi 64 ,fcl ihii.i.i,f' it ?a i'iIk.h i-itvi 7h .art Ht. boula 7;i .4.e; Newark ...7ft 70 t'loolnnatl " '.h Buff alo 71 .41 rhlcauo ....t 7" .J Hrooklyn...TO M .47 Nw lork.'.7 TH .i HaMlmore 44 101 .311 1 eeterauay'a Reewlta. A.MKRJCAN I.KAOri:. Chlcaao, , 1'hllailelnhla, 4. , t'leveiand, ; New York, t. Ht 'louie, 4; Boston, a. Uelrolt, 7: Waahlnston, S. NATIONAL I.EAOl K Cincinnati. 2-1: Chlfaso, 7-. FiiOERAIj LEAQUK. llronklyn, 0; Chicago, a. Newark, Httabursh, . Buffalo, 1; "t. Ivoula, I. Jlaltiitiors, 1-1: Kaneas City, I-.. flames Today. National league Cincinnati at Chlcatjo, PhiKdeiiihia at Hrooklyn. American Leeue St. 1UU nt Boaton. Chlcairo at Phllndnlphla. Cleveland at New York, Dotroll at Washington. Federal LeaueNewark at I'ltUburyh. TERRIERS MAKE IT FIYESTRAIGHT Miller's Single in Ninthwith. Two Out, Bring in Run Which Wini. NOT AH ERROR IN . THE GAME 8T. X)fJIS. Sept S7. Miller single in th ninth Inning, after two mere out, brought Korea In with th winning run and C Louis mad It fiv straight vic tories in th scries with Buffalo, which closed hers today. Both teams played rrorieas bell Score: i R.H.E. nuffaio o oeicaoeo-iro Ht. UBl.... 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 1-4 4 0 Uetterlea: Buffalo, Hchuls ajid Allen; Lioula, Crandall and Hartley. . Hoarae Hlaaka Newark. I'lTTKUIIRGll. 8eet. ST. HtiOb" "hut out Newark today, i'lttsbtirgh wlnnlnr. 1 S to 0. Seaton waa hit hard. althoiiKh hs pitched himself out of several bit Iojl!una. Dt-ors: Newark ......V 0000 0. OOO-USO Ptttal.urah ..11 M I M Mil 0 itatteiiea: Newark, Keaton and lurt den, flttaburgh, House sod O'Connor. W kales Whip Tspa 1 CHICAOO, Pept. 2T. Chicago held their poatlh n In the last lap of the peunant taoe by defeating Brooklyn, 6 to 4. here totlay. Kill bailey pitched tha shut out snd allowed but three scattered singles. No Brooklyn runner reached third bake. 8 xire: R.H.K. Brooklyn ....0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0--0 t 0 Che-awo 4 M0MU Mil 1 Batteries: Brooklyn, Wllaon. I'P haxa and H. biullh; Chicago, ltalley and A. Wilson. Bteealla Wla Twice. KANRAft CITT. Sept. H.-Urter Balti more had tied th scor in ths eiiftun inning of the first saraa, Kanaaa City baited out two runa and won. 4 to 1. lAiaoan'e errors lost Baltimore the sec ond game, 1 to slvs double playa tea. tured the first gams. Boor, first game: R.1LK. Baltimore ....0 0000001 0-1 44 iKatiaas Clty..O 0 0 10 0 0 1 -4 4 1 batteries: Black snd Ruaaell; Johnson and Brown. Stxire, aeoond gam: R.U.H. BalUmore .... 0 01000 -44 kanaaa L1ty..O 004001 U1 batteries: A. K. Johnson, Young1 and Owens; tlennlng and fcteaieriy. Fontenelles Enter The Foot Ball Field Ths Kontuallsfoot bail team has or ganised for tha aeason with th following man trying for potations: Thomas. Sea ton, Hatch. Croft. W 11 llama, Brewster, Bchrumin. Alwlne. Connolly, Parker, Ftnnegan, , Ounnott. Bi-adway, Smith, Carlson, Uautiar, Olasgow, Oney, Mahn art, bVanlna, Mordlck. Tha Fontenelle hav thestrongest team sine their organ isation two yaraago and are expected to be In the midst of the fight for th city champldnahlp. Sunday they will play th Monmouth Parka a prattle gam at th Ikiugla county fair grsunda. Th Fontenelles would Ilk to book games with sny tsaro in or out of ths city. Ad dress Manager' Vine gchmtttroth, X'4 Meredith avenue,' , Chicago Series Will Begin Oct. 6, CHICAOO, Sept. 87. -Ths annual ssrles of baa ball games for th championship of Chlca- will begin Wednesday, Oc tober a 11i first gam will be flayed at the Aniet lean league grounds. President ComUkey of ths Whit Box and Praebtent Thomas Of tit National lesgiters arratigcd the details tods, snd. as wax forecasted. Ignored the request of the Krdfial It-ague to make - the seilet lhre- ni.-red The arlii'O'iie j.Veiils for Sflru i;alilr ttte ttfx: omaiia. ttosday. smrarnKB imx CoC'T rVM, ml. lolcnMUnal Nova rhit THE &14 FAT OM! F.ED SOX APPROACH STEP NEARER GOAL Two More Wins or a Victory and a Tiger Defeat Will Cinch Flag for Boaton. 1 t CONTEST SETTLED IN .NINTH BOSTON. Sept. 27. Th Red Box,, clos ing tha season on thslr borne grounds -with an 8 to 4 victory over St. 1ouls to- ( day, approached within two games of ! clinching their claim to to' champion j ship. Two mors Boston wins, two X- ; troll oes or a Red Box, victory and a ' Tlkier defeat will decide the rare in Una-' ton's favor.- I Boaton aettled the contest In the I seventh inning by timely hitting and by ! taking advantage of ths wlldness of both j Slater and Wellman, who succeeded him. I Shore, who replaced Leonard In th alxth for Boston, pitched almost perfectly. Score: T. iri(. BOSTON AR.H.O.A.B AB H O. A aV ghotian, II. .ward. If.. lb.. OHoonar. rf.. SHratt. aa..... PXpaakar, cf., (M)alnar. lb.. 0lrwl.. ..., 4tr4nr. Sb. I- rf. Walt man p.. Konbt a Prait. tb. ... Walkar, rf,, AuMln. 4b... Iivail. aa. . . . Aanew, e..,. HUlar, p-rf.. Wry ...... IWainar, tb.. I Jant.ln. Ih.. 1 o rrtcaa e.. I 6Hbora, p OIMnard, p., I 4Cltdy, c TUla ..,.l 4 1 1 "ftals.....ll 1 87 14 -aiiiju ior weuman in einto. St. Louie 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-4 Uoeton 0 0 8 1 0 0 6 0 Two-base hlta: Scott, Wagner, rouble Play: Scott to Janvrin to Oainer. Bases on balls: Off Blelr. 4; off Leonard, 1; off Wellman, 8: off Koob, 1. Hlta: Off Ionard. 6 In alx Innlnga; off Shore, 1 In three innlnga; off Sisler, 7 In six innings tnone out In seventh); off Wellman, in one inning; or jvooo, none in one Inning. Struck out: by HUler. 4; by Wellman. 1; 4; by Wellman l til wi. luniui. by Koob, 1; by Leonard, 1; by Shore, 1 impirea: J-Mneen and Tallin. White Sok Win Klatatl. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. ' XI.-iicago won the final gams of Its series with Philadelphia today by 4 to 8. With the game won Scott eased up In the ninth and Philadelphia cored three runs on two hlta, three pssses and Weaver'a fum ble. cclee waa knocked out of th box In the third Inning and Morrteaaetts, who flnUhed the game, allowed but on hit in the remaining alx Inning. . Chicago won every game it played in Philadelphia thla year. Score: CHICAGO. " rHrLADFLPHIA. All H O A in u (i l n r-i-rn, n... via attrBang, If.., I 414 Wa-r, n.l 2ftrmik. rf... I 1 4 K.otltaa. lb I 111 OHankatoa of . 1 t h-ournUr, il. I 111 01 )..!. b. .,6 I 8 ( Jarkaoo. If.. 1111 6M, InnU.' lb. 4 1 11 1 J.CulllM. lb 1 II I IKoal, aa 4- 4 8 I Ilia, k bra, lb I 4 4 I elannui. Ib.t I 111 H.'baik. 6.... I 6 11 SMeA-or. O... 4 4 11 .nam. .... 1 dParklna, ... Ill kVuU. 4 14 1 4kVx!lae. p.... 41 , Mo itaaet, p 8 4 1 I Total T 17 14 IIMdrlng .... I 1 4 1 ' " UJoaa v... 14 . . SltKl ..., 4 ... Totala 4 14 17 II Batted for MeAroy in tha third. Hatted for Kcclea In the third. Batted for Morrlaaett In th ninth. CMrajro 8 18000000 Philadelphia ...0 01001008 Two-b hits: Lajole Oldringr. Banka ton. Ixnirtii, Perkins. Home run: Jack aon. Stolen base: J. Collins. Double piav. weaver to J. Colllna. Bases on nana: Off s.-ott. 4; off Ecctea. 8; ff Morruweti, l. Mtte: ttt Kx;e, In thrte Innlnga: eff Morrlasette, 1 In six innings, struck out: By Scott, 8; by i, oy nornseeiie, a. umpires O Loughlln and HUdebrand. Tlaer Win i twbh Kaeltetl. WA8HJNOTON Sept 87. Ty Cohbatol third, with th baa occupied by Bush, n today' gam, whloh Detroit won from laaniniiiia, I to a. neinr his mlstsks, ins tteorgia star made a dash back to .oond. aoid when Uniolr Wallace called him out on a close decision h objected so strenuously that h was put out of toe gams. w asnlugton acored four nma In K. ftret Innlnif, but Lvtrolfmade thrtw In the third and Went ahead by adding three wiwni i ii tin louitn, ncore: lBTKtlT. . WAgHINOTON. AB H O A B AO U O.A sum. a l t iJamlaua. If.. 4 111 ut. Is. 4 a lFtoatar, lb... I 4 at'Ultaa, al. I 4 WkaDilll. lb... 4 Marear. rf... I Johnaa. rt.. 1 I wtliaaka. IS.. I I tAitiank, a. I 1 OMoJtrt.ka, a. 1 UNittu, aa.. Koatihaa I rube, af 1 torierly, tl I kanua', If. I ITawtord. rt f puraa, lb.., Ymms. b... 4 Staua, a... 1 Cevalaakle. p 4 1 1 i u 4 1 I I 1 11 t: 1 1 4 Totals 44 14 tf 14 iIhidmu. a... 1 Hanwr, WUItama .. 1 , H. Mitaa... e V Tetala, ..94 f It 14 I Batted ftc Dunioht in tne seventh. batted for Harper In th ninth. Detroit 0 8 8 1 0 0 0 07 Washington 4 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 1-4 Thrwa-beee hit: Kavanaugh. Stolen Bases: KavanaSgh. Hush ii. IXmble play: Barbsr to Utndll to Morgan, bases on balls: Ofr boelUlng, 8; off CoveleeSle, 4; oif Harper. 1. Hue: Off boehllng i In three and ooe-thkrd lanlnaa: off Tu- t mont. 8 In three, and two-third Innlnjrs. ft Harper, none In twe Innlnga. Struck ut: by Boeuuns, 8; by Dumont, 4; by CoveUekltt 4, by Harper, It Umpire.: Lvaos and W ailaoa. U4Uai ( sMka. NEW TORK. Sept. 17. Cleveland made It thre out f four frora New York l. tlsy by taking their last gam f th aea son in New Tork. I to 1 Ruaeell. one of the New York recruits, was Ineffective la the early Innings and ths visitor oon tuiUed to score on browa, who reitev4 luia. Bcore: , CLs-V BlND. . KaTW TORK. AB H O II . AS M O A a. Wtlle. N ; i High. If. I ttupmaa. aa I ... : K tk. at 4 Itaoilt. rt ... Kiika, la.... 4 1 I. . . ... Ik L VBuua. K. ... I t 1 1 : i 4 I : Muilaa. lb . I lUuui, lb 4 ltl.d,,. tl . I kl.ll. rl ... I a t .ar.der, r I 't !. p. .-. I -'NuMMki'. I n ! V. lalMMU. 1U ' I N" kill In II. I . ( "YOU MEAN THE RJHN LOOKING ONE WTH FOOR. CHlMb- 1 ii 'I v FAMOUS AUTO DRIVER IS BADLY BURNED AT NEW TORK. .. V . Batted for lriftV " " ' Batted for Brown In tha ninth. Cleveland 8 0 0 8 1 0 0 4 0-0 New York 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 Two-baa hlta: Alexander, Mitchell. Three-ham hlta: Smith, Roth. Home runa: Klrke Wtlle. TionhU nlva. Pv.n. j : ... . ' - ---- - - r . ' vvainoeganss to ivirxe; Alexander to -'"-"'".- vii "mi., vi i nuNKII, V, off Brown, 1; off Mitchell, &. Hlta. Off Ruaeell, 7 In flv Innlnga; off Brown, 4 in four Innlnga. Struck out: By Rus sell, 4; by Brown, 8; by Mitchell, 1. Urn plies: Ctitll and Connolly, Foot Ball Player Killed at Lima, 0. LIMA, Ohio, Sept. 87. The flrat fatality In connection with th present foot bail seaaon was recorded her today when Don Applas, 18, prospective guard on tha Lima High school team, died from Injur ies received in a practice game. Ilia team mates will act as pall bearers at th funeral Wednesday morning. ' Box I ear Conteat Declared Off. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept. 87. Th Un round boxing contest planned for October 1 in Milwaukee between Jo Welling of Chicago and Johnny Dundee of New York, lightweights, was today indefinitely postponed. , Fremont Bovrler Win. FRFMONT, Neb.. Pept. 87. (Spetial.) The Fremont bowling team defeated the Columbus team at Columbua Saturday night, 144 to 8,346. The Fremont team lined up Lucius Hammond. Lnn Wright, Claude Imuglas, Clarence 1 Alias - snd Fred Btruve. British Stock Market Shows Improvement ' , 1 LONDON. Sept. 87. Mors cheerfulness and strength wer displayed today ia th atock market than for some time past Trading was Influenced by th bouyancy of the Wall street market and by the be ginning of the long expected offensive movement in France and Flanders. The demand waa distinctly better with ths Idea that th present low level of se curities will not be duplicated again. Th movement waa aaalated by tha be lief that - further newa of a favorable character may be expected shortly. British securities .hardened perceptibly. American stocks were tl to to above Fri day close. Eleven Men Entombed ; I 1 i ;i Ii A I 4 I I fr"CT rrrrxt- iniixii.afhi4iwiiiii iirnwi j in ik :y. J Ji Ini Willi 1 il IWriiWIIiisiMiii ii iilIT 1 j 11 . ' HARRT ORANT. TSUI II 11 87 14 IBrowa. p.... 1 1 Kriwxer ... 1 tttmi l 'other advance follow: Cabell, t cents Near Wilkesbarreb .Mi,Mr.Mi N?w. WILKKSHARRU. Pa.. Sept 87. Eleven mine worker war entombed today at Coaldale colliery of th Lehigh Coal and Navigation company at Coaldal aa the result of a fait of rock. Th fall waa caused by a heavy blast and extend foe fully a feet, blocking th alngl passage leading to th chamber In which tn mn wer at work. Hop of rescuing any of th men ally be been given up. l"wartaaMt Oral are. ' WA8H1NOTC-N. Sept. 47. Suolal Tele rrani Netraka pensioaa granted: Mamaret M. Flerllng. 1-almyra, U, Loulta Munxer, lirookaburg, tli. Poalinaaleia sppointrd: Iowa Strahan, Mill county. Claude K Noma vtoe K. G. Kayton. Wyoming btille. Crook county, Mia. Kile W. Fvy. vte Thomas M. Cof fy. reaiuned; Circle, Fremont county, William E. Allen, vlos Ills. Luta A. Beck, realaned. Herman Dasrs roappolntvd post master at Crowell, Dodge county. Ne braak. The comptroller of th currency has re cvlvod ths spplicatlon to ronvart th Cen- ) lr Mate tons. Cottar Rapid, la.. Into . t ir. t vulral -Nuitt bank of Cedar Kau- Drawn for The Bee by George McManus r AND LOOK LIKE A EA' UOrt- MRS. SPRAGUE LOW IN WOMEN'S GOLF Country Club Expert ia Medalist in Qualifying Round of Metropoli tan Tournament MRS. J. T. STEWART IS SECOND Mrs. E. H. Spraruo of tbo Country club waa medalist In th qualifying round of tb first annual women's metropolitan coif tournament at the Country club this morning. Mrs. Sprague turned In a 97, 63 going out and 44 coming In. Mrs. J. T. Stewart, 8d, also of th Country club turned In tha second low score, l'JB. Mrs. Spragus and Mrs. Stew art were paired and the play was almost even until ths eighteenth hols, when Mrs. Stewart drove into ths bunker and took fotir shots befor she was able to release her ball from the trap. Mrs. J. W. Tlllson of the FVId club, was third with 116. Mrs. Karl A. Llninger of Happy Hollow, mad th course in 117 strokes, Scores wer as follows: Mrs. K. H. Spragus, C. C Mrs. J. T. Stewart. M , C. C sirs. J. W. Thlson, F. C , Mrs. Karl A. Llninger. H. H. Mi as M. Melcher, 8. L. C. C... Mra. Howard Goodrich, H. H Mra. Allan Palmer, F. C Mra. W. K. Uolln Mra. J. D. Rinser, 8. I C. Mrs. A. H. Mldlam ! i S iZZ Wm!i.J?A::."'A"i"" m IT f"'.. ul'i.f ' .Mrs. Sam McClennlghan. P. M..M K9 Mra. Walter Meyer, P. M 90 74 Mrs. Ray Rainbolt, P. M 89 7 8 Mrs. Chsrlus Mortenncn. P. M. .111 110 Mra C. C. Hiddleaten, P. M....1U 07 Miss UlaTlys Peters, C. C Mr. W. E. Roberta, C. Ck Mrs. JL C. McAUl.ter, S. L..... Mrs. W. II. Pruner, P. M Mra F. J. a. Despecher. C. B. Mrs. W. O. Silver, IL 11 , Mrsi J. H. Parratt. a L. Mlea Mildred BuUer. C. C Mias Daphne Peters, C. C irs. t.:. j. voiimsr, s L Mrs. W. H. Flinn. P. M Mr. Fred Crane, P. M Mra Frank Ruseell, P. M.... Mra Z. T. Lindsay, C. C... Miss Ida Kaley, 8. L. Mrs. Willis Crosby. S. L... Drawlnga for th match play today aa as follows: CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT. Mrs. Sprague playa Mrs. Despecher. Mrs. Tlllson playa Miss Daphne Peters. Mrs. Stewsrt play Mrs. Silver. Mrs. Llninger plays Miss Mack. SECOND FLIGHT. Mra Branch playa Miss Butler. Mra. Ooodrlch playa Mrs. Palmer, Mra. Fltnn playa Mra Llndaay. Mrs. Bolln nlaya MIhs Melcher. THIRD FLIGHT. Mlas Connor plays Miss Olsdys ePtera. Mrs. Mldlam playa Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Crane playa Mra. Vollmer. Mra. Ringer plavs Mrs. Halnbolt. FOURTH FLIGHT. Mrs. Russell playa Mra McClenneghan. Mra Parratt plays Mra. Crosby. Mra. M-yer playa Mlaa Kaley. Mra Roberts playa Mrs. McAllister. Carranza Executes Alleged Grafters LAREDO, Max., Sept. 17. Oeneral Car los Bringas and hla son. Major Carlo Brings, jr., both connected with th Carranaa army, war executed In Mexico City Saturday, according t.o an announce ment at Carranaa army headquerte in Nsuvo La rede today. Both man. It Is staUd. wer alleged to hav falsified their accounts and misappropriated Car ranaa funds. Crude Oil Advanced Five Cents a Barrel PITTSBURGH, Sept. 17. Another ad vene In th prices of th principal grades of crude oil was announced by th purchasing agencies at th opening of th market today, Pennsylvania crude being lifted cents a barrel to 11.70. Th 8omraet, 4 rants to 81. IX No change was mad In Rag land from OS cents. ORDERS INTEREST OH BONDS OF KEOKUK ROAD PAID CHICAGO. Sept, 17. Payment of 88.764 semi-snnual interest en 82,760.000 first mortgage gold bonds of th Keokuk A De Moines Railway company guaran teed by th Chicago. Rock Island Pa clflc railway waa ordered today by Judge Carpenter, la th United States district court on th petition of tb receivers for the Rock Island. Th smaller road was placed under th operation of th Rock Island by th order of Judge Carpenter June 80. 1V11 The Interest la due October L Kiaaatl te Cws Back. CUtf Blankanahlp's contract as msiuurer of ths Salt Lake bees expiree on October SH. hut that he exuM-ta to remain on tha , Hb ia 'mcatml by th plans he Is making ' i SHE.? J i hi i THAT't MY wife:! ..ei I -"N - t J H -IP ' J FOR J I Rifles, Revolvers and Pistols I No matter how accurate a rifle or pistol may be, if the cartridges used in it are variable, the results ob- tained will be disappointing. Winchester cart ridgea in all calibers are sure fire, accurate and uniform. They are made by experts in a plant having every facility for turningr out perfect work. A trial will prove their high quality. ASK FOR TUB W BRAND, I iL.. .v I :::;aSia fys f NlvvV- J7 w X "-.litl FEAR. MM PLUG TOBACCO I - , f -a -.,8 Mellou-Sweet s ' like the toothsome taste of a ripe fig is the rich, juicy flavor you get in a chew of Spear Head. , No other plug tobacco is so mellow, so luscious and so satisfying as The choice leaf for SPEAR HEAD is selected with the most painstaking care, is stemmed by hand, ia pressed into Spear Head plugs bo slowly that not a drop of the rich natural juice escapes. Chew the rich and mellow tobacco that has been the f avorite for a third Of a century that's Spear heat. THS AMKKIOAM Y04kAOX) OOV D with a capital of l.'V.'vu. twr a l tram.