Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 8-C, Image 32

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of ferine. Fwdn la by no mean over-
mirpllfl with Inn. f'rirea tffrred for
fowl abroad, particularly In Germany,
have been no enticing, and export have
consequently been s'o large that fereden
now find hereclf In th predlcoment of
not having enough supplies for herself.
Greater Activity Noted Since the
Builder and Bricklayer
A mar epHmlstlo feeling shot through
the air in all real estate and building
rlrclaa aa aoon as it waa announced Fri-
morning that th bricklayers' uttlka
was settled. Aa It wns a compromise. In
which tha difference was split and the
builders pJd tha 2H -U of tha S-ecnt
Increase ed, there la a better feeling
on both aide than waa expected at tha
s-ttlement. especially If either alda had
leen forced to yield tha entire ground
that lar between tha two polnta of view
en tha subleet.
Fome of tha larger real estate flrma
had been visibly affected by tha trike.
which had bean In progreaa alnca Septem
ber I Roma of tha large flrma that have
several UK apartment houses under con
traction were somewhat pushed for a so
lution of the problem, pcU!ly since
they had leaaed many of the apartment
houses and had rented the apartmonta
right from tha plana even before a brick
m laid and had agreed to yield poaaea
lon at a (Iran data. Tha data waa ap
proaching; closer and closer andno more
brick ware being laid.
Maa Jbi A fleeted.
luting Heyden were notaMy
affected thl way. Norrl Norrl
were affected. In that they had a brick
Job or two under construction and had
some four more tinder Immediate con
templation. The work that waa In pro
gress stopped when tha atrlke waa called
and the contemplated work waa tem
porarily abandoned pending a aettlement
of tha atrlke.
Some alsty bricklayer were back to
work Friday morning when the settle-
ment waa reached. They are to get T2H ,nglBe-rB lt , .aid, took amindlnga over
cent aa Hour tmui jueoamoer t, "
Largo Kcgion About
Arras Thoroughly
Ploughed by Shells
(Correspondence of the Associated Fres.)
AMIENS, Bept. 11. "There la not a
lump of earth the else of a hove be
tween rVnrie and Notre Dame de Ixr
ette that hn't been ploughed by shells,"
aald an artillery officer .who took part
In tha recent French offenHve north of
Arraa. '-The Intense fire of our liatterlee
la not, aa la supposed by the uninitiated
who read of artillery duela In the coin
munlotiea, aimed at the enemy" batter
lea; In the region of the Artola the Ger
man chose their ground ao well that
It cannot be hoped, except In rare In
stance, to rrach their heavy guna until
the line are pcelied back."
The real object of attack la tha enemy'
Infantry and the field work that protect
It. There are art' tier y duela, but tKey l Jn j;urop
r "tiwrrn in iignrer nei'i piece; in . jn I". B. .,
heavy gun are well concealed In tha
numerous quarries, gorges and ravine
of tha region.
Toward the northern limit f tha re
cent battlefield the ruins of mining
properties of Angrea, 1. levin and JUena
add to the natural shelters. Herman ai
Davit Triettoh Compile! Fitnirei
Which Show IU Use it Rapidly
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
IIAMBURO, Germany. Bept. 10-In an
effort to show that German I rapidly
becoming tha "world' language," Pavls
Trletach ha compiled atathitlca and tnade
elaborate studies of the use of the three
principal tongues English, French and
German, lie first present the figure
compiled for the year 1900 regarding the
three languages, which sre a follows:
They cover the number of person who
(poke and understood
In Durope..
Jn U.
fclsewbere .
German. French. Fngllsh
...dU.iH, u) kl,lV,i0 H.:,).iM
... Jo.ViO 6,20.0
I6.0U0 1.0H8.000 1M.
. Total 1M,UO.UOO tl.tiO.0.0 JJ.WO.OW
Ninety year later statisticians esti
mated that the lingual ability of the
world waa divided up follow;
French. Knllh.
4S,20nrJ M.WO,'
i.i. ui.oo.o
4.9M,ttX 14.fiQD.0iJt
Totel .91.m M.SYi.Onfl lll.lOO.On
Trletach found fault with theae figures,
maintaining they were unfair to tha Oer- ;
man language. They did not Include, he
Insisted, those persons who speak two
languages, and who had been counted In
tlllerymen knew thin region quite a well out ona list. For 1911 therefore, ha pra-
tha French office rx. They appreci- . pared the following tables
I Ai
I I bm .mmJk
as as aa ai a as
l t n ii if i ! l n
It t tl I I ft .
ated the strength of the Artola hill so
writ that they cent engineers, the French
officer say, to atudy It between 190 and
1910, with vh ostensible object of Investi
gating whether It would be poatlhle to
exploit further to tha southwest tha eoal
vein of th haaln of Lena
Jn firope.
in i . b.
German. French. KnKllsh.
,..90.Fii,0(iO 4,o,flirt s,nio.iiO'
...U.iflO ii.v,f
... l,S0l.0 6.000.WO w.onn.oifl
Mid: "I took thirty-two of ray
salaried men to a Savings Bank,
put In gome of my own money and
Insisted on them doing tha game.
"I needed all my money In my
buBlnese but I did it b cause I
knew It waa a good thing for
Home Builders' plan is better
and it's guaranteed
are Just as safe and far more
You can invest a large or small
amount, weekly or monthly, leave
lt as long aa jou wish or convert
it Into caah on short notice.
' Our booklet, the "New Way,"
is free for th4 asking.
American Security Company
riaoal Agents.
Corner 17th and iKiuRlas, omaha.J
Has His
To these
which they ax to receive tha caJ of Tt
cent. '
Many bricklayer want out of town
during tha atrtka and have not . yet
returned. Other returned aa aoon aa
they leaned that work had recom
menced. Tha Builder' axcharure com
mittee that handled th strike matter
estimates that It will Uka additional
brloklayara to handle ail tha wort on
th many Job now In progress that
must be rushed to completion and th
many other job on which contracts ar
to be awarded Immediately or within a
few weeks.
Sale of New Towruite is Hummer
and the Demand is
Although th aala date for th lots In
th townalta of Wert Denaon were set
for Saturday and today, soms who were
anxious to vet In on th rock bottom
hurried to tha gronnd and bought lota
Thursday and Frjday. By t o'olock Fri
day morning, which waa before the flay
of th actual aala, twenty-six of tha lot
already had been taken, particularly along
tha paved road and Jitney Una that ex
tend out there from tha end of th ear
Una In Benson.
Hasting J Heyden have platted tha
new town and have arranged It ytmat
tosJly, with ground space reserved along
th Chicago sk Northwestern tracks for
eoal yards, lumber yards, railroad yard
' and a manufacturing district It I con
fidently xpected by th Heating & Hey.
den company that th day will com
when thl will b aomethlng of a manu-
very rrisara mil of th country wound
VI my, Olvenohy and Carency. Home of
them settled at Lena wltl their families
and for four years tha work went on.
Then, according to tha atjry, tha Oar
mans declared that tha exploitation of
tha vein could not be mad to pay and
retired. French engineer who mad
similar Investigation, however, foind
that tha vein could be worked profltablyi
a company was formed and shaft war
belrur sunk when th war Interrupted th
In tha meantime It Is said that every
rise and every depression of ground,
every quarry, ridge and gorge, ha bean
plotted on tha German ataff maps In th
triangle of the Mont da Vlmy, Mont de
Olvenohy and spur of Notre Dam da
Liorett. where the German have now
established their strongest fortifications
to protect th plain leading eastward to-'
ward Lena and northward toward Lille.
Tha desira of th allies to command that
flat country Is what give th greatest
Importance to th battle of Arras or tha
battle of Artola, a It may eventually ba
French Air Squad
Proves Successful
In Patroling Lines
(Correspondence of th Associated Pre.)
BUDAP128T, Sept tl.-8orae detail of
th mod of operation of th French
aviators on th western front ar given
In a letter from a Hungarian aviator
erring with tha German armtea In
"Th French alnnn," b writ, "now
fly usually In flock or quad f con
siderable strength, both for reoonnoltor
ing purposes and for attacking our avia
tors, who ar on raoonnoissance duty. As
. . . . HW.OUO rt M.nno.oriO 1MI,0.V
ftgurue he subjoins the fol-
Th German Mowing observations: Firstly, French Is
not spoken snywhere In the world out
side of Franc and It environs secondly,
Eni?llnh really count only In Cngland.
tha United Btatea, and In English col
onic, Canada. Houth Africa and Aus
tralia, and Is to be counted a a "world
language" only as English colonisation
haa oarriad It to th far corner of th
German fpokea In Maay Lands.
German, on th other hand, has In
creased to th point of having. In Eu
rope, almost a many user as French
and English. H predicts that In four
years It will har more. German, fur
thermore, I In universal use In Austria,
much of Hungary and Switzerland, In
th Oerman oolonies, and la on th In
crease In various part of Europe.
Estimating that "Oerman In an eco
nomic and political sense haa an entirely
different uniformity or ooherenr than
English," Trletach believe that after
th war It us will conttnn to spread,
and h feels sure that svon today, if the
number of persons who speak It as well
as om other language could be gauged
4-rrectly, th "slight disrepancy" be
tween 106.000,000 and 162,000,000 would ba
overcome and German would ba found
to lead th world.
Even If thl I not th case, b find
that "the Importance of a language doe
not depend upon th number of person
who use It, but Increase or decreases
according to th Importance of th
motherland In politic, . economy and
technique. With th extraordinary rise
of Germany In this respect German as
a world language has Increased far be
yond th number who use It"
f.cturlng center, especially If th Piatt Frnch. possess a hug number of ma
and Loup rtvr water power la ver de- ohl nA b,ook our way ,y,t,matloall '.
valopea ana camea oown to mia secium. BaTV htA to follow their xam,.
Negotiation have been on for a long pjtched battle between oompara-
tim with regard to gettm a railway MveIy Urm fleets of aeroplanes ar thus
elation and freight depot there. Mr. I amonr th possibilities of th lmmej'al
Benson of Hastings t Heyden ay th ; fut0r.
firm has very aasurano that uch fa- J .when tha French dealr to prevent r
ctlltle will be provided aa soon as th from ca,rryintr out a MoonnaUanto, a
town has developed to where It can show dogen aeroplanes aaoend to a helglit of
that th railroad would get business by a ooo foet and patrol our lino. Aa iuat
establishing such facilities.
Salesmen were on the ground Saturday
end will b on the ground all day today.
They made many sale Saturday, and
will be atioaing ground all day today.
Connell Pasture
Has Changed Front
Th new addition laid out at Forty
second and Leavenworth street oovers
tha fortr-acre tract familiarly known as
th old "Connell pasture." On account call aquadrllla, which 1 thoroughly pra-
number rise to t.000 and fly alom our
front, taking th opposlt direction from
th flrat group. Should on of our ma
chine attempt to pas through th
meshes of this net, the two Freooh avia
tors, who happen to be nearest attack
it simultaneously, on from above and
th other from below, if that It nt
sufficient two or mora oth.ji fly to
their assistance.
"Th French adopt similar method
when they bombard our aviation center,
railway station and camp. Via French
air servlca la organised Into what thyj
the l ,
11' ' i-silt i s
BVv .
0 nis
Moat heater
eoU eon
tain nearly
aa much gas
as carbon.
Ion t let It
ro up the
lua, Burn
t and eut
coal cost.
NESBIT warm, MOIST air I health
ful. It' ClvEAN a opt, rs, smokt
and dust Is consumed. NWHBIT cuts
coal ooat SI to t0 bum any fu-l
you have. write for Information
about the NKHB1T Overdraft. Cone
Orst and WKIK All-teel Warm Alt
Heaters and nam of yeur nearest
TasnASD 'imaiaes RUSwkT OO.
411-41 a Bnath loth Omaha, Wsk.
A "For Sal" ad win Turn oond-hand
furnltur into cash.
LONDON, .Bept M. Th report of the
Inspector general In bankruptcy for th
year ending December tl, UU, states
that tha number of failures in England
and Wale for th year ahowa a large
falling off being tha mallet sine th
bankruptcy act of 1833 came Into opera
tion, th decrees being attributable to
the war.
During th first seven months of th
year receivership orders wera made In
a, 197 cases and In tha last fir month
only COO.
While th number of failures has de
creased th liabilities and assets have
substantially Increased and th total
estimated loss to creditors Is nearly two
million stem Ing In exoess of tha loss
estimated in th preceding year.
2314 M SL, Seath Gmha
Phone Couth 1133
Heavy Hoisting
UUFsrasaSL Tel. D. 353
of Its close-in location and acoeaaablllty
to transportation. It haa for year beea
ought after by Investor and real eststs
dealer, but there were reason why It
could not be sold and tha large cost of
development was a barrier to many
would-o purchasers. Development work
waa begun on thl tract early last spring
and haa gon on steadily since. The
Mils have been leveled, the streets
brought to grade, gas, water main, side
walks installed. Over 300.000 cubic yard
of earth were moved, much of which has
ti deposited on surrounding property.
This development ha cost ovsr HO.OuO
and there Is much to show to justify th
Omaha contractor ar bidding on th
contract for th erection of a city hall
building at Sidney, Neb. They are also
Interested In plana for a laundry build
ing at the Kearny Normal choot bids
on th laundry building must be In by
iWpteiuUer 0.
U-Boats Drive Fish
To Swedish Coast
(Correspondence of the Associated Press )
STOCKHOLM. Sweden. Sept IS.
Imrlng th past few month of th war.
tremendous quantities of a specie of
fish unknown to Scandinavian waters,
and driven In, lt la supposed, by the dis
turbance of the sea caused by submar
ine si fare. Lav bttn caught off the
Ewedinh coast near Gothenburg and ap
jtr a a novelty on tha menu of th
restaurant in Stockholm. Although
thea fish ar said to ba common In
southern seas where they are inovq a
"tvn" fun. they have never before been
cauaht In this part of the world. A
recaid ostcb wa matde a few days ago
near Gothenburg by a man ho brought
In ttiO fuh every one at them weighing
snore ths'i J kilos, Hmce more of these
fh are I en In dally than can pos
eibiy be need tor food, ol! haa been
flora them, but It Is said to be of
n Inferior s.rt and hardly wcrth the
ft of tm.j)ufiiclure.
VNtth th eicvpclWn of this graljltous
tioed In maneuvering together Ilk a fleet
at sea. In an attack on a Oermea land
position, th squedrilla consists of a vory
powerful machine which lead thj way,
a few other scout to sea that th right
direction la maintained, and then the
bomb-carrying machine. Tha squad la
handled very aklilfuUy.n
Australian Lancer
Invents Periscope
Por Ordinary Eif lo
(Correspondence of the Associated Preea)
MELBOURNE. Australia, Sept tl.-
Major General Blrdwood, who command
th Australasian troop engaged at th
Dardanelles, has lately written a letter
to th governor general of tha Com
monwealth, Fir Ronald Munro Ferguson.
In which he ayi
"Our complete moral superiority over
the Turk Is partly du to th vary clever
invention of a man named Beach who
produced a perlaoopio rlfl. When w got
here we denuded th whole of our trans
ports of their looking-glasses, and mad
up som 1.000 periscope on our littlo
beach. This man made a very simple de
vice. Th result la th Turk only
sees th mussl of a rlfl coming
over the parapet without anything te
talnd It to shoot at, and we understand
from prisoners that h dlsliV thl In
tensely." In connection with the forcao'.':, the
following extract from the army corps
order la cited, by th Commonwealth
minister ef Sefen.
'Th army corps commander wishes to
reoord his appreciation of ths elver In
vention of a perisooplo attachment for
rifle, the work of Lance Corporal W.
C. B. Beach. Second battalion. A'lsl'allan
Imperial force. A o far a 1 know
this Invention has not been, tried In
Franoa, th lieutenant general conmaad
Ing ha forwarded the Idea to L rd
Kitchener for consideration.1
N T70TT Mr Paintpr nr Prnnprtv "J
a A Owner, can insure years of
j service and Eatisfaction by using
G rani rain-T or rsoTXar wmaxfaxran.
0 A Fraotleal Xecaoaatratloa Is Oosolnslv Froof.
Q Com la aad Iet V Show Too.
I I "rVest for I I
V V Waaraad I
oatAriLri rmn nci.vTTM tatwt SToma.
ItlM Tarnaai Bt. Fhoaa Zoarla TOls.
Phone IxiszUa 20H1.
Bend 50 Onta tor My New Plan Ilook.
A "For Sale" ad will turn second-haul
furniture Into cash
Brsaat Uaaa t'p.
Pitcher Bryant of th Heaumont club
of the Texas i.u, h. bceti purchased
with, separate locked rooms,
heated piano rooms, silver
vault and other up-to-date fea
tures offer at very reasonable rates, safe storage for your furniture,
pianos, rua and other household (ooda.
It you want absolute security, real aerrlce, or your goods moved
and packed safely, or your foods shipped to the best advantage, have
ua take full charre.
Wa tarn tha men who kaow how and our price are moderate.
Omaha Van & Storage Co.
00G-01Q Oouth Sixteenth Gtreet
Phone ltouglaa 4108.
tjf All business, all work is now-a-days
run on the efficiency t
basis. The man at the head of
. any businesses always watch
ing his workers, weighing them,
trying them searching to find
those in whom he can best rely
for assistance.
a .
1F And what, is it that deter
mines , your ' fate when the
. . searching eye of The JBoss falls
upon YOU? What is it that
marks you for advancement or
condemns you as a bad invest
ment? P That's;it investment! Why
should the Boss invest in you
when you have made no invest
ment? Acquire property and
chances are that in appraise
ment you will be classed as a
steady man worthy of reward,
while others less deserving, are
weeded out as unreliable and
(F So prepare for the inevitable;
insure for the future. Turn
4 right now and read the Real
Estate offerings in THE BEE.
Read them every day it will be
your first profitable investment
and well worthy of your time.
1 a
vj me uu9 tnai'ies Cluu.