tj n n u mm s 3 TO The Bee steadily leads the field in the matter of the Batest and most i i ran ymf " V V V reliabBe report; .3 mum mmm Us Boys-Yes, Yes; Go On. This is Getting Thrilling Drawn by Tom McNamara LISTfcN. (JoTTa SCHtMS WHAT WILL i-OH, HOW DfcE DO cMILY. HOW . I arc You ? HQwfc Every Thin f TheEX-WILD MAN'S STORY MAKE YOO AND RICH. NO BODY BUT YOU m n n Cin m. urn LJ ET"3 U GiJglV (Cnlimuf4 frtm Ytirtrjaf.) "Me remember big s:orm. Me lathed to mt Me Kcond matf m ship Helen Brim atone." At the mention of the name of the hip the Captain, Red Dog Pinney and Mike Swansen looked at each other and gasped. They remembered that the Helen Brimstone waa a pirate sailing oif the Spanish coast in the early seventies. The last heard of her was Iwhen "he took $7,000,000,000.14, mostly In pieces of eight, from the Norwegian treasure ahip Mary Field. The Helen Brimstone was, perhaps, the most famous of all the pirates which ever sailed the high or low seas. The ex-Wild Man continued. "AH alone me wake up on beach lashed to piece of mast. Me here long time alone. Then me meet black friend." Here the, ex-Wild Man stopped short, put his hand to his forehead, got up and started run ning around the adge of the lake until he came to a flat rock directly opposite the mouth of the tunnel Here he started digging the gravel away like a dog preparing a storage place for a choice bona copped from the butcher when his back waa turned. He yelled lor Mike, the Captain and Red Dog to com to bim. When they did he bade them help him dig. They fell to with a will and made the gravel fly. They had no Idea what it was all about until SORRY YOO COOLDNT" staY a while AND HAVE A CHAT ! JOO- Bl i 605H EMILYS A PEsr! SHEfc ALWAYS ON THE JOfc WHEN YOO DONT WANT HER. WONDER. IP ANYROOY SLSS IS AROUND 1 NO ONB MUST" WELL KNOWN BAYN(SS ILLUSTRATED BY JT1 KNOW THIS rd-- ' v, m ."cleur yoo 1 cHr 6RRRRRR OH UJEtU "? pb-fWRows ANOTHER PAY Holler MUFF i UJHA.T RELATION IS THAT" CHILD TO ITS FATHER WHO IS NOT HIS OWM SON ? H,5 OAOCrHTTER J DOtMT SHOOT ! FROM InTYRC-WCW BRkShW HOW MANY STICKS GOTO BUaO A CROU)S NCST ? ANSLuEi Tis-MoRRoor: I The Dingbat Family What Could This Fellow Know About Enjoyment? Drawn for The Bee by Herriman U-fe-YA ANVWW? I oW well3 HowNouiDVoo) VfuE. vnTAlDEo iC fey awweAfmK) ixHtJtfey Noughts of ( sk what Vfev ,'T v -jyvgnvs Fbweur) to vt. amp wVeo-N iHt,nu n. r-. vrl- aiavicsatioo fc(vsvie ' ' "" jjT ABIE THE AGENT-Abe isn't Suspcious Drawn for The Bee by Herschfield WW- M'M) ( SlJ(SL ' Ai roses AfiERG), n 1 t p sran ssk? pj if A ) m Poet shplltv J WRrralSS? MAKt: UKC I LIKE VOU, SUtAR IS SWFPC THAT TXP NT lea. ' : Y i LIKE PHVM Nr WHAr l I ai iD i op IU Vdb s 1 J KHYMc . ! Ll?TDJ,kRUWAN.AlV FIANCE ABE ISOMTHE WAYTDW CLUB ALSO, pfr WKA. tic t)0ESNT KNOW WE lALKEt) 0VR ywp pwrwp IM FACT B" CAREFUL Or ANYTHING 1 HE TS OEALOUS FOR NO VJS0H ATAUV Jerry on the Job Jerry Has His Geography Mixed Drawn for The Bee by Hoban rvE 6CTECAgT au Pvcm)'! I ( Oh -Go Right 1 ) f M0E3uSYTmE- I (S6 ecrtKCN foo. I V,-? x mL, ' OiM f03 ry 11 r ----' - , .- - sr.;.- . i- . ..i, r:...'. .,, , , ,- , . ,