THE OMAHA SUNDAY BMK: RElTOMHKIi 2, 101.-.. rotv'4 torr and Office. JtOOM x70 feet, suitable for machine hop. 1VU Jackon F. FELL J'lNKBRTON CO., . W State Hunk RIdg J"ESIRAHLE storeroom, ST North 11 h St. Conrad Young, 3;2 Brundrta Thea r. Douglas JJV71. S-TOREIUOM. 21l. 1?M Vinton. $li.nA Doug. AM. Pirkeet Company.' TtKICK store, full basement. 1721 Cuming t3. SO Rrlrk More, full basement, 17ui CMmlng It). 00 Brick rtor. full basement, 1613 Burt I3S.O0 THOMAS W. HAZEN. fo.7 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1SV Shop. Slut Ave. and Ixavenworth St. rear, good one story shop, 20x40 ft., ii. Peters Trust Company, J12I Farnam St. Douglas . WOUERK store, near poatofftce. low rent. O. P. Ftebhlns. 110 Chlcsgo ft. FOR SALE. Von 8A1. IDHere la a classification that la of the utmost Importance to every eactcr, this column orfors some excep tional opportunities etcry day and a mail want ad will pell your article at Ita full value. I'hone Tyler lion. K rat tare, lloasrkola Good, Etc. Auction! Auction! 1709 North 24th St.' ON Saturday, 25th. ft it 1:1) 1. 11. and Monday, 27th ' At 10 A. M. and 1:10 P. M. fl Steves of all makes and kinds: all Vlnda of furniture; 20 cook stoves. U heaters, 16 ranges 7 hard coal burners, JO gaa stoves, laundry stoves; beds, draw ers, new cotton mattresses; kitchen fnm. It. MO worth of stoves and furniture must be sold these two days. Winter la here and you'll need a stove. Come. 1709 North 24th St. powd Bale and Auction Co: Auctioneers. j Administrnotr's Sale PUBLIC AUCTION. Dligh Grado Furniture and Rugs nt Omaha Van and Storage, Tuesday, Sep ' tembor 2S, at 10 o'clock n. m.. Sharp. We wl( sell at auction to the highest bidder j Oriental rugs, 10 high grade French Wilton nigs, 8x12, 3-9x12. Axmin ster rues, several small rugs, beautiful parlor set, library ants and tables, beau- lliui cinitig room taoie ana cnairs. Vernla Martin beds, spring and mat tresses, solid mahogany drcssera, chif foniers, kitchen cabinet, kitchen range ami gas range. One sevsn-drawer Singer no wing machine, rocking chairs, 2 h (h grade buffet. 1 beautiful china cabinet, sanitary couches and pads, pillows, bed ding, blankets, luce ciirtnina, linens, re frigerator, I trunks and contents. I Daven port, large dreaalng mirror and hundreds ef articles too numerous to mention. This la extra, good furniture, come out ef one of Omaha's beat homes, Tuesday, September 28. at 10 o'clock sharp. Petors Trust Co., AdmlnlaLrators. DOWD AUCTION CO., AUCTIONEERS. For sales dates and terms call Red XUS. ON ACCOUNT of moving, compelled to sacrifice a fine lot of sanitary couches, dressers, chairs, 2 wardrobes, 1 center liable, 1 refrigerators, 26 and 60-lb heavy oak cabinet with compartment, heavy oak roll top desk, swivel chair and three others to matin, one walnut fist top desk. Open all dav Sunday. 2WI6 Farnam or 27 Farnam: Mar. 1473. or liar. 4123. I )oaL-v bought and sold. .1. C. Reed, j-uoiva 1y. Farnam St. Douglas 14;. J ' RoconH-tuuid iiii Ar'uZim for.n-T ! Ktrat-claas condition; sultHble for or f-roin house. This furnace has been In a r-room house, but a little too small for same. Apply TUB BYRON IIEH3D COMPANY, rnone it. .w. 212 S. 17th St. i."TTfrir I li, chair, rerngera- ")lt SALE One coucl tor. Jewel gas stove, mattress, smnll bll- i Hard table and commode. Call Har. fc4S. T1IK F1TRMTI KB or s-ioom house for sale and the house for aula. Beat loca tion downtown house for rent. No seo-nd-hand men. Phone Red 7864. LIBRARY table. xU rug. gns range, bench clothes linger, large mirror, med icine cabinet, mualc cabinet and chairs. Apt. 16, The California. fcAROAlNS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE IIS N. I4TH: WEB. lfiOT. Horses ! Vehicles. ONE good work-horse, weight 1.450 lbs. Omaha Concrete Stmie Co., 2kth Ave. and Bahler HI Plsana Webster M. TEAMING gears, one or a carload.. All alaes. two to six-ton capadtlea. We sell the Studebeker, the Bain, the Peter fchuttler. Pakln and Buerkens Must sell 100 this month. Big reduction In mica. JOHNSON-DAN FORTH COMPANY. SOLD Mnsteai test rwmMts. Blightly osed high grand piano. D. $01 T. Closing Out Sale of Pianos J. I Brandela & Bona are going to oc cupy all of the Bohioii Stores Bldg., in which wa have been located for a num ber of years, making It nweamiy for us to close out our entire stock by oct. l. Wa have some of the best pianos In the world. Including the famous Henry F. Miller, Strlch & Zeidler and other standard makes of pianos and player pianos; ako a number of slightly used pianos. All will be sold at prices un- heara or by oot, l. G.H.Harr Piano Co. Third Floor Old Boston Store Bldg. WANTED to store a piano for Its use; no small children; reliable party. Web. 757S." PIANO cheap, cash or payments. Red .'ion. Poaltry, Eggs aad feepplies. MXD grain. 100 lbs. $1.75. Wagner. $01 N it STEREOTYPE matrices make tn bast and cheapest lining for poultry houses, Thsy are 17x13 Inches, stronger and mors durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7fc) hundred at The lie office. Trtwnter. TYPEWRITERS, $10 and up. KM Bee Bldg. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exe. 1S0J Farnam. i cTENOTYPE for sale. Reasonable. Call Webster fc'-M. Mfaeellaaeoua- WOR HALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and licwllnt alleys and accessories; bar fixtures ot all kinds- easv Payments The Brunswick- rtsixs-i oneno flr Co.. 407-f S juth St. $3.20 Oolden Wet Whisky. 4 full quarts Dotted in bond, pre- paid. Cackley Bros.. Omaha TI fTTTLAR well-drllllne outfit with" noraa-power. onus, an tools, rope. to , complete and In condition for work feet capacity. Write J. J. TumbulL Blair Neb. o ELECTHli: MOT()i8 l-Il P., TO Yolta, $ phase, narw I-M. P., ts volts. S phase, new -H. P., 2J0 volts, I phase, new s-H. P., ZA volts. 1 phase, new DYNAMOS. -K. W., 110 volts. D. C. new , S-K. W.. 110 volU. D. C. new. I r . 40 . i . 67 KM W., uo-au volt, new 1-11. P. gasoline engln 5-H. P. gasoline eAglue. toroullag gev- emor 141 US BRON EJ7nUCAL WORKS. nk S. 12th st. o swJ. IX. iut tUrga W0. v. TT1TV H.M.r. Mtseellaaeans. COAU DIRECT FROM THE MIKE. We cut out the big profit of the Jobber. It makes no soot and ts well prepared. We guarantee It. Prices are the very best 12.00, I2.&0 and 13.00 at the mine. I. M. COX, North riatte, Neb. ARTICLES kept In Ked Cedar are safe from mice, moths and bugs. Hny a eh'-at Kt no; Farnam. Red Cedar Mfg. Co. FOR SALE CHEAP Business College Course. Full and on.iilete pcholsrshtp In me of the lest Omaha buamess schools. Oood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will he o!1 very reasonably. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety ot courses for sale. For particular.) Inquire at th offloa of The Omaha Bes. CAKPKNTKK tools, shovels. sledges. picks, Jackacrews, 10 penny match vend ing machines, 60c each. Horse, harness, wagon, $100. On electric piano. J. C. iSH. IfCS . ?!th St. Harney TAJ. TWO single wagons, one double wagon and one set of single har ness. See K. A. Weathers, Hurgess Nasli t.'o. nKI.P WAXTKD FEMALE Clerical anil Office. HOOKKEEl'KR, A-l only .....175 STHNd, rapid, accurate '' STKN'U., law office $ ASS'T KiOltKK'KIT.R, STtiNO $' 8TKNO. out of town Irfl ASST BKl'R, clerk lib WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'S., INC. '7i.2 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg STENOGRAPHER HRltiHT, CA t' AHLK YOl N(J WOMAN WITH KOMK KXK IT1 K ABll.lTV AND A RAPID, AO'I RATK t-TKNO. Ml ST 1!K HARD Wolihilll ANh AH1.K Til ADVANCK UAl'llM.Y. SALARY K PKH MONTH TO START. (ilVK ACK. KXPKR1BNCH KTC. ADDRKSS P. . BKK STKNOO-RAPHKR. furnish your ma. chine; stenoK rapher, office clerk. 140; comitometer operator. Ss-a week; atenogrepher, Oeneva, Neb., ISO. Bl'SJN fcttS AIKN'S REFl-iRKNCE ASSN. 140 Woodmen of World. MOOKJCKEPF.U s.ii STENtXiRAl'HHR .T 'A8Hlfc;R $.16 to $45 WATTS REF. OO.. RSIMO-tJ Brand. Thea. Aareats mmd ItlnwaiMS. 08.00 1VKKK, expense advanced. Women to travel and appoint agents for con centrated food flavors In tube. Reliable Mfg. Co., 1MI Como Bldg., Chicago. Kaetory avsid Traalea. OIRL to learn halrdreaslng. Oppenhetm. Iloaseeepers nud Domestics. THE Ciervant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will-run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FKhE until you get the d. fired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Counll Bluffs. Brine ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler b0. WAXTED-An experienced nurse maid; reference required. Mrs. M. B. New man, X'M Howard. K. 3315. CXMPKTENT white girl to asalat houaework. Tel. Florence . In WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs A. P. Tukey. Sljti Chicago St. Har ney 2176. WANTED Young girl for light house work In family of two. 4ttl Webster St. H. 34R. WANTED Refined and experienced Pro testant woman or girl to cook and help with work in private family. Washing done by extra help. References re quired. Oood wages. Call Walnut 8T6. WANTED Lady for light housework: room and board; small wages. Call Don gins WOS. W"A NTED Middle aged woman for gen eral housework. $6.00 per wk. M03 N. 24th. Call Web. 7067. ' GIRL for general housework; no wash ing or Ironing. Plaza Hotel! POSITION wanted by an elderly widow In the care of Invalid lady or gentle- the best of references;- no objection to leaving city. Address Mrs. Earl, care Oenernl Delivery. WANTED Cook and housemaid In fam lly of two. Har. 717. ln2 P. Sitd Ave. WANTED A girl for genoral housework, 1i So. Siith St.. Harney 2X28. lilRL for general housework. Apply Mrs. Hedre. 12i 8. Soth St. Har. M9. WANTED Experienced girl for general houaework. A. P. Petera, 19.1i 8. 3d St. W'ANTEll-At once, girl for general, houaework. Small la mil;', liar. Tul. 13U4 S. 36th St. , WANTED-A capable oook; no other need apply. .Mrs. N. H. splesberger, 3CW Farnam, WANTED- A girl or with general house woman to assist usework. Call at 2WJ Franklin St. IWANT a good fclrl for general house work. 4S2"i Douglas St. Phone Wal. 2443. WANTED Oood girl for general house- work. 11b s. 87th St. I'hone Har. u(J. WANTED Trust worthy working house keeper; must lie gook oook; family of two; good wages to competent person. Harney 7MC. West Farnam Apt., U17 Dewey Ave. WANTED Trustworthy working houi keeper; must be good cook; family of two. Oood wages to efficient person. Apply, S, West Farnam Apta., 8K17 Dewey Ave. A GIRL for general housework, small family. 1X16 Georgia Ave. WANTED White girl for general house work; small family. Harney tBl. 3021 Pacific St. WANTED Woman for general house work In family of five; no children or laundry work. Apply Mrs. S. B. Stewart, 11 North Pith St., opp. postoffice. WANTED White girl for general house work. SUH Howard. Har. bniAt. WANTEDA cmpetrtit girl for general housework and cooking., no washing; small family, good wages. II. 2151 131 S. 3.1th St. HOUSEKEEPER wanted; competent German woman; small family. Web. it: ; WANTED at once, a competent girl for general housework: family of four aduita. 17 per wk. H0 N. 41at St. WANTED Girl for general housework. Two In family. Call Douglas l2$. WANTED A good neat girl for fore noons; wages $4 per week; no washing. Mrs. C. Miller. 21S2 St. Mary's Ave. WANTED A competent cook. Mr C. Barton. IM6 Harney St. K. WANTED White maid for general housework; references required; good wages. Mra. T. J. McSnanu, 111 No. 41st Sr H arney ttl . V A Nf F. I VVhl le girl for general liouse work. 3H) Hswthorne Ave. Walnut 7if. WANTLT Girl forgnueral housework! 63 rj. 2th St. Harney 21 EXPERIENCED girl for general house wrork. Mrs. W. C. Lyle, 634 Park Ave. WANTED Experienced cook; no other need apply. Mr. Thomas Kllpatrlck. Call Harney 8LV WANTED A girl for housework; very plabi ennkinfc. Harney !f,4. M ia-ellaa. YOUNG wonx'u coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited tc via it tne Young Women a Christian association building at St Mary Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aasUtnd. Look for i our traveler' guide at Unlmi station. , WAN AfiD Six girl for musical comedy; muii king: amateura with rood stronv voice considered. Address J. Warren Ir- lmer. i bil.icoth. Mo ' WOMEN WANTED Government Job Uat, free. v rite immediately. Frank- lln InUtute. Iept. atjR. Roc b eater N. Y. r , .. . . , t new unique selling plan I i- woraer. WA.NTEl-l good waitresses for dining SlArt ,r. lln Tn your own horn If da room and pantry work. Apply Brwnefl si red. No capital; no oanvassing; leg,i Hail. I n.Mta. honor ai.lM hiir Mvlnr liuai,.Mjta I7IKAMFJ and addreases wanted by mad order houses No canvassing. Big pay. v Information for wamjL G. C. omiLb, Cov- a i Iiurloo, a rna- LADIES Mak siixas at beam, li per -ua: no cjavaastiur qui a. bona siainpeo, tamM w oe lor paruo- siii a tA. is. sua, ii sMsitsa, . - , m -iJ UF.I.P tYAXTKIWTOMAl.r: COPY letters at home and add 110 a week to your tnoome. Panlculnrs free. Hay- ar, .4: FJmW'Mxl, IMilcaao lAJKfh; knitting mill ln'tea correapon- dence w-ith wumi'n deli-us of MrnuiK I money, full time or spa: hours. F.xper-: ence unneceaaarv. oKl py. Andreas in- ternstK.nal Mills. Inc.. Wot. JO. Norrla- town. Pa. I.AD1K8: es, refined gnteel work; whole or part time. I.ili weeklv sclltntr well advertised "Knltton" formfit Hint liettlcoata and "Carleton" made-to-meaj- nrc alia petttcoeta and wnwtj Kjper. lenoe iwineceasery we show you how. W rite today. Soimaji o o., Manufactur ers. C7 S Market. Chicago. W'KITK news and atorles for newepspcr and maaailties. Blp pav. Kxperlrnoe un- nei-eary; detiilla free. Prone Reporting syndicate. 14:. St. ismls. A RITK, motion pi tore plays; $K) eerh. e xerience unneceasn.r'. I elans free to besinners. Producors league. iX Wain wrlght, W. luls. HELP WANTKD MALE Clerical aasl office. Are You This Man? Wanted, a young man who Is not afraid to work and la a live wire. To such a man 1 will olTer an Interest In my business and a salary of llOu a month, alao a per cent of the net earnings. An Investment of $UM Is required; this Is se cured. Address L. M'S. care Pes. UN P. CASHIER, OU NTRY BANK, 'Inv $1X EXP CV&HIliH. OOl NTRY RANK. Inv lion fci-f CASH 1 hi K. COUNTRY BANK. INV 75 BXP. ASST. CJA8IMEJL OOL'.NTRY BANK. INV ITS liXP. HOIIKKLTC 'BR. COUNTRY BANK. INV. 0 MXJ tKHiKKEEPhJR. COUNTRY BANK. INV IM) EXP. LaODOKR CiiURX. CVTY BANK $j0 KXP. DICTAPHONE Ol'R. AND STENO M to TO 2 EX1. HALENMWN. JF.WELRY.$I6 WK. RU4HCR3 RliFKKLNCK, i40 PAXTON BIAX'K. OMAHA AOF.NCY CO.. 811 Pee Bldir. Auditors and ayateni men, actuary ex perts. s-e us for rate.. No jo-.i too none too anuUl. I'hone Douglas )' YolNU man stenographer. Beginner. Omaha Agency Co., 3U Bee Bldg. SEVERAL salesladies and salesmen. Kev- cial good aollcltors. Omaha Aiiency t.o 212 Bee Bldg. SALK.H MUK. tinveatinont STKXO. (exceptional oening) SIENOORAPUER SALESMAN LBR YARD Ml JR. (Bohomlan).. CLhRK (Slallonery store exp, ). THE CANo AUhlNCV. rtHI BEE BLDO. CREDIT MUK., A-l expd only ... SALESMAN, crackerjack BOOKKEEPER, fac. coat acc'nt. STBNO. clean cut. ambitious SHIPPING CLERK, exp d man , 8 A LEMMA N, clothing, etc , BTENO, smnll town , HtTKI(iN ItEF. i HUM) AS.TN., 752 Omaha Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Originators of the Hoforence Business. SALESMAN, Imp. Salary nd Ex- penaea. OFFICE MGR., Investment. Salary aepenna. SALESMAN, Neb. terr.; A-l proposition. OFFH 'H CLERK, H. It. experience. $. TYPIST. Railroad, lift. BOOKKEEPER and Mult. Opr. Bili ary depends. W ATTS REF. (X.. S1MO-43 Brand. Then. WEST HOUSES & tTT 7K.. 4201 LA FA Y FTTH, 6 rooms, modem ex cept heat; car lines. $30. H. fcS0. HH1H-ORA DIC commercial positions. WE3T. REFERENCE BOND A83N, 72 Omaha Nat. P.nk Bldg. Aareats Salesmen and Solicitors. "BILLY" SUNDAY'S meaaage. Author ised. Great opportunity for man or woman. W will pay you 1120 to distrib ute It and take orders. SO days' work, spar time may be used. Universal Bible House. 101 Winston Bldg., Philadelphia. MEXICAN diamond a, exactly resemble Renulne: same rainbow fire; stand tests; at sight; live agents wanted; profits IM weekly and up- write quick for sample ease offer free. Mexican Diamond Im porting Co., Box A, Ida Crucea, N. M. ISALESM AN Vacancy October 1. Ex perienced any line, to sell general trade In central west. Unexcelled specialty proposition. Commission contract. $.'v.00 weekly expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., S6- Continental Bldg.. Cleveland, O SALESMAN Vacancy October L for a capablo man. High class specialty; work general trade; $.15 advanced weekly against commissions. Established 10 yra. D. W. Barrowa, 830 Woodward Ave.. Detroit. TWO high class salesmen, by nationally known corporation. Worth $20t-$.K) monthly to right men to start. Oppor tunity to advance. Special training. Per manent to men who qualify. Reference. E. H. Ingle, President. Dayton. O. LIVE AGENTS WANTED to sell photographic pillow tops of "Billy" Sunday and tabernacle of Omaha, In five colors. Thousands sold while In Paterson. Write for all particulars to R Mele, Hawthorne, N. J. SALESMEN To sell direct from factory to doHlers. Gray and white lined enamel ware, tin, glass and semi-porcelain ware. Part or entire time. Commissions paid weekly. Hustlers make over $100 per week. Pocket samples. Sales Manager, 1102 American Trust Bldg., Cleveland. Q. STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone op erator, $70; city salesman. A' No. 1, $,u; office clerk, neat penman, 170; book keener. A -No. 1. ro. BUSINESS MEN'S RBFKRENOH ASSN. 140 Woodmen of World. SALESMAN ReHpontithle, energetlo man to represent New York manufacturer; must be hustler and able to organize and supervise men. Toy or notion ex perience preferred, but not essential. Commission basis, highest references. Call after 10 Sunday Room bll, Hotel Fontanel!, ask for Mr. Leltner, SALESMAN.' Capable specialty man for Nebraska; staple line on new and ex ceptional terms; vacancy now; attractive communion contract; 15 weekly for ex penses. Mile F. Bixley Co., 221-39 Carlin Bldg., Cincinnati, Q. COMPETENT salesmen, or merchants preferred, by well-rated Cleveland con cern, to sell merchants greatest specialty of the day; tW to $.uu per month; com missions paid weekly; state exMtience. H. A. Taylor. Station C, Cleveland, Q. GRAPH JUICE CHEWING GUM Sell to all storekeepers, etc.; look and tastes like grapes; profitable business built up quickly with till novelty; write todav. Helmet Oum Co., Cincinnati, o. 1,i0o IN this Invention for you; new me chsnlcal wonder; scientific marvel; tre meudous sale staggers country; over 1.ia,.j0 sold, yet Juat introduced' agents banking enormous profit dally; Walters, $.'0 first day; O'Connoll, $W; veryhody want Crab s ten-hlude adjustable, double action shoe scraper on doorstep; auto matically removes mud, snow; seven new patented festurea; territory free; worth fortune. Security Mfg. Co., Dept. 17 L Toledo, O WANTED AgenU who ran sell good Florida land; 10 per oent commission. F. P. Welsh. St. Petersburg, Fla. KENTUCKY distillery want experienced local representatives on commission to handle their brand of straight Kentucky whisky; adopted by U. 8. government; big money; write at once for territory. W oodland Co., Warehouse No. 156, Cov ington, Ky. o AGENTS S-ll Oven-oals inade-to-measure. Any style wanted at $10. Write for samples. commission. etc. Wonderful quolltb. Great itOMtuVlltie. Gold Tail ore IK' Harrison St.. Cf.lcago. AGENTS SeH Simplex portable gas plant fur cooking and beating; re tails for $12; th demand for th Simplex gas plant is th greatest of any specialty now on th market; amenta make $UM per month; write at once fur free information. Simplex Gas Plants Company, 14 W hltUiR St.. Chicago, 111 GET rioti profit In buslneaa of your own. Big Kanaa oompany offer faat ell- tnnil order Hue; factory prioee Brand Copyrighted prospeotus free. Write Eye- sva. II W. 7th, lusburg. Kan. NEW wonderful Ua kitchas Invention, labor eaviag; cats living xpncs U; IXk. pront eact sale; nny sale dally sV pn4t each si; fifty sale dally iasy: oarn onstnumi aiais snsisaUou. i inuois ja sjuuiaiauu-sr. iruswrunsii as, a airsta'a- I . .H'AYin ....i0 ...I7&.00 ...$ . . .fat.ial .t70. $1M I1IM $)! I7.i 77. 7.- $V ti- lIF.I.r WAKTKI-MA1 A areta, Halrimrs an4 Kolt'ltra. FRKi; sample of Delbare'a Naptha Waxlilna Tshleta sent to men and women esents; make 1( per cent profit; ealia seller out. Sure repeater; Nailn . w sailing Tablet Co., 714 S. IVaiiioin, - - Il'l DAILY relliiiahlng rhandeltere, brass ieia. etc., by new method; pnxlucing aiuatlng results, no capital or -eii-ence necesamy; wriie for Information. Uunmetal Co., T7 Ave., lieratnr, 111. All K.N TS use our cspltal; jump Into Mg permanent business; new automatic fuel aaver; put It on every stove and furnace; ssves 2& per cent of fuel; etrlu slve territory. Write for particulars. States Mfg Co., liva W. Adajns St., Chi cago. W E still have a few vacancies In the ranks of our Industrial producer. If you are not satisfied with your present income you should come with us and you will I. It will pay you to Investigate and see what our men are doing. We have something new In Industrial Inaur snce. Agents not chargeable with lapses You should see our weekly pay ment health and accident policy. Insuring every member of the family. Apply R. if. roroes, uiemitnoeni, tu Karnacn Block. Omaha; or write to the Pioneer Insurance Company. Lincoln Nebraska. LIVE wire saleaman can make M-0 net per month veiling our well known line of Fancy Fruit Ciders and Soft Drinks In small country towns; commission. l.lA.tki weekly drawing account; W years In itiinineas. Red tnas Cotupanv, 'JM 3. Msln St., St.Jx.uls, Mo.. Iept. "M." o WANTloiHalraiiian calling on iner chants In small country towns, to sell our line of beverages; 2 commission; prompt payments, big money maker. Crown Cider Company, aJ S. Commer St., Ietit. J.. St louls. Mo. o AOWTS ljrge manufacturer wants re liable men, women, to sell guaranteed hosiery, underwear, shirts, direct to homea Write for free samples, Madison Mills, twt Broadway, New York. o EAHN $60 weekly sailing collection cab inets to merchants. Write for free sain pies. Savers Co.. tl Laclede Bldg., St Louts. Mo o. AOKNTS WANTED Men wauled very wherc to sell best Ford accessory on market. Cjutck ssllcr, liberal oommlaslon. Write today. Perfek Device Company, 1Mb Garfield, Kansas City. Mo. -a AtiKNTS wsnted for household noovssi'.v. greiit. seller. Exclusive terrlory granted. our moat liberal proposition. Wnto to Ret Co.. U9S Brosdway, New Yo.-k. --o '!', ! SI HSl'lU fTlON agents wanted, every-I whore, to place our catalogues: exclu sive territory. Sherlock Circulation Agnry, 414 Flynn, Ies Molnea, la. o AOKNTS Wanted We will put the ener getic, upright and reliable man in poal- tlon to make money selling Oregon grown stock; experience unnecessary; give refer ence as to character. Address Dept. L, Salem Nursery Co., Salem. Ore. o LNsT'RANCB MEN We want a state agent for South Dakota, Kansas and Wyoming. Must be experienced. Oreat contract. Call or write. Mutual Bene fit Health and Accident Association. 404 410 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha. WILL PAY reliable agenta 125 "io dis tribute 100 free packages lice powder among poultry owners. No money re tiulred. Poultry Remedy Co., SC l'aul Minn. SALESMEN wanted for country towna. $l weeklv sslarv and th imr dav a). i lowed for expenses, when traveling. Western Cider Co.. St Louis, Mo. AGENTS wanted. Kfl per oent profit sell ing useful specialty; used in homes, hotels, stores and by auto owners; good repeater; sample free. Auburn Specialties Co.. Dept. 242, Auburn, N. Y. WE WANT ambitious branch manager and Imal agents, for our wot Id-wide General Agency Business; experience unnecessary ; no stock or merchandise to buy; operate from your own home In spere time; you should mske from $7A to $100 per week; write today for free liv formation. B. F. Loos Co., 403 w. Wal nut St., Dea Moines, la. o SALESMAN to call on physicians; estab lished trade; expenses and commission; state age. Also one for central Nebraska and Iowa. P. O. Box 121, Philadelphia. o CALENDAR and novelty salesmen; six new exclusive numbers; would advance reasonable drawing account If necessary; our line pays 83 commission. . Exclusive Adv. Co., Oak Park, 111. SPECIALTY salesmen; large eastern or ganisation manufacturing patented, pop ular price office efficiency devices want representative In unoccupied territory; splendid proposition: small capital: cash or credit; fine line "repeater; full pro tection; ask for "Folder C 246." Chelsea Mfg. Co., Ill Broadway. New York. WANTED Man in your own territory salary of $100 per month, traveling expenses and commission; experience unnecessary, write quick. H. D. MarteL 2!ih Indiana Ave.. Dept. 914, Chicago. SALESMEN wanted; experience unneces sary; easy work; big pay; write for large list of openings offering import u- nltlts to earn from $100 to IjOO a month wnue you learn. Address nearest office, oept. 4.m rsatlonal Salesmen Training Association. Chicago. New York. Mm Francisco. WANTED I llgh class man to sell trees, euruua, rustis, vines, oerry Dusne. DUins, etc.: good wages: permanent; exclusive territory. Brown Bros.. Nurseries. Rot h- ealer, N. Y. SALESMAN WANTHI1 We wish to engage the service of an experienced salesman to place our fire proof safes: on the market. We have a unique plan for placing- a fireproof safe. free of charge. Into every home. Fvr lunner particuiara call on or address THE HOME SECURITY SAFE) CXX, Ulysses, Neb. SALESMAN Wanted RneolaJtv ulNnnui experienced, with record to sell estab- usned una of specialties to drug and f enerai store traae. oive average month y sales and line handled In first let ter; Instruction by field manager: aal ary and expense to men with road rx- jNTlence and reoord. C. W. B, 1744 N. xwenmona tt., LTnicago, ill.' Tltri M'erchanl1 fubllshlng Co, Kal; masoo. Mich., manufacturers of the well known "Kalaraaxoo" line of adver tising, has several territories open for in the middle weet. new line of copy right and exclusive duotones and da luxe calendars, a well a fans, leather goods, pennants, sign and a carefully selected assortment of specialties ready January 1. Correapondence solicited with hus tler who wish to mak permanent con nection with a large and responsible house In a profitable field of work; established 1SS2; exclusive territory as signed; commission liberal. Writ Sales Manager at once specifying territory you could and would covor. mm riii inontn, expenses and coin.; aoio urea ana accessories; excel, terr. to right men; exper. unnecessary. Einpl. iepi., jiootn bu VJMt Wabash Awt., Chi cngo. JUST out, sells everywhere, Steel change able sign; M waterproof letter sample mauea ia:. ion vex blgn, 1U W. Dear born, Chicago. HAl-raMHN-Pocket side line; new, live proposition: all merchant in towns of lOO.ow) and under want it; paj f oum- miMioii on acn sal; no collecting, no risk to merchant; we take back unsold goods; easiest, biggest paying aide line ever offered. Oanfleld Mfg. Co., Digei et., . tucago." fiALRMBN Whole time or side no lo minutes' time pays you $10; pocket Samples: prompt commission: state ter. rltory covered. Etwood Mfg. Co.. Inc.. HIS Michigan Ave., Chicago SALESMEN wanted by responsible house; beat punch board deal on the market; brand new; consignment, $6 com mission per order. Pan Mfg. Co., 174 K 2f,th St., Chicago. SALESMEN or aales women traveling this slate to carry our line house dresaes, aprons, boys' blouses, middy blouse snd wash skirts; excellent ofmn lug for right party; on case line; refer me; ootnniissiun basis; liberal oommla slon ; no cauvaaaera. La Cross Gar ment Co., Im Cross, Wla WA NTED Special Induc-menu to relia ble man selling roses, shrubs, tress. Sal ary earned payable weealy. First Na tional Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. AGENTS wanted to handle household ar ticle; a great repeat order getter; al most every housewife will buy; partlo ulars free. Desk t. Great Western Sup ply House. Ft. Collins, Colo. o PORTRAIT men2Vhotir service on proofs, finished work or frame; writ for catalogue. Ruben. 1420 MoOee, Kan ass itr Mo. o I AH KNT .let newast, qui. keat aell 1 dlraut fron nuUers; full list free. Nat. I Axsnu . i xiiatian a , ('.iiirasn llFl.r Wt4TFI.MAljm ttrtiti alrn.en and Sollelfora. FOI'R men, two ladles to travel, demon strate end ia. lt dealers. I . to It" per we. k with rsllroa.l fare paid. Steady for fall and winter. Addreas Y 7.1, Bee AtiKNTS Make f' percent pcflt a.'lllng "Novelty sin Card'' Merchants buy 10 to 1M (.n sight; " varieties; catalogue frte. Sullivan Co., 1U4 W. Van Buren St.. Chicaao. ill WANTED Fifty representatives. For particulars AddreMi lock Box 16J, Kearney. Neh. SALF.S.M EN. Corporation has wonderfully new ssles plan, over 1"0 salesmen now earning $.U to 7I a week. Several good terri tories open. Beat $10 office spcialty for business men. We send vou many pros pect Real money-tusking opportunity for ambitious men. Wrtie John Van Onlcn, M Fourth Ave., N. Y COAL xgenta wanted In ry town; gst a trial car. 1. M. Cox. No. t'lntte. Neb. WE want a good solicitor at once in each state for our proposition; permanent po sition; other men are making from IJ.AOO to IS, M0 yearly with this work; collection agency solicitors prefersble but not nec essary' give experience Address Man ager, Room IMA, Wells Bldg., Vjuliu y. Ill SAl7iTsMEN For greatest premium ad vertising system: sells to merchsnts In very town that haa moving picture the ater; big commissions, outtlt free. The "Moo-Vee" Co., Transportation Bldg., Chicago. Ul AOENTH $.10 a week and expenses sell ing our sign letters for store fronts and office wtndowa Anyone can put them on. Big demand everywhere. Write to day. Metallic letter Ixx, J7 ISo. Clark, t. nu lcenk EVERY HolV4FillOIJ ON FARM, IN SMALL TOWN OR SUBI KBH where oil lanvpa are used needs apd will fcuy the wonderful Alatldln Mantle Lamp, burns common coal oil kerosene): givea a light five times as bright as electrliv Awarded gold medal at San Frwnclsoo ex- rltltm. One farmer cleared over six weeks: hundreds with rigs earn ing $J00 to $;i0 er month. No cash re quired. We furnish capital to reliable men. Write quick for wholesale prices, territory and sample lamp for free trial. Mantle Uniri Co,, 4 Aladdin Bldg., Chicago, III MAN to give awsv premiums to adver tise Rogers' So-year silver. $.4 a month, with commlastona. All or psrt time. A. Cllue. H Cupelaud llldg , 1'hllaxlelphla. la. rilli'ncili'd I LloU IH'UT UIU P .(li 4ik4 lAiiceater Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.' Kin r table's Iron Rust Soap trade mark, Print and copyright registered in the S. patent office) removes iron rust. Ink and all unwauhablc stains from clothing, marble, etc. Uood seller, big margin, audita wanted. The original, JT'0 a lube. How are of Infringments and the penally for making, selling ana using an In fringed artlule. a. AGENTS W'ANTEl-rtH'olal Induce ments. Pay weekly. Permanent. Perry Nurseries, liochester, N. Y. IT. TO $10 profit daily selling our new household articles. $2 60 premium with each ll.WJ sale. Free samples. The Car ter Co., lYatt City Station, Iept. It, Birmingham, Ala. WE will pay you $7R per month to travel. coneci Humes, savertise ana nisrniwJie samples. Expenses advanced. Writ to day. Rider Co., lept. 74, Coshocton, P. Aid ENTS Make $6 to $25 dally. No ex perience. Free catalogue and samples. New good a Quick sales. Big profit World I maters. Cruver CO.. Jaokson and Camplwll, Chicago, 111. BIO textile mills will employ every where reliable people to take orders for dress fabrics, hosiery, underwear, sweaters, waists and skirts from samples. (Factory prices. Spare or all time. No experience. JVrmanent. Maay malting over m weekly. Steadfast Mills, EO) Kcmsen St., Cohoes, IX. r. AGENTS You can coin money with this new winner, absolutely sell on aignt. IW per cent profits, grae now. partlou- lars free. Kralo t o., it. s, sauna, jvan.- WE pay $00 month for man to repreaent us ana solicit orders in your locality with raise to 178 in So days: permanent, Micnafinee unnecessary. Premier Co.. lHfpt, 40, Lydia & Deaplames, Chicago. Boys. ERRAND boy wanted. Eastern Woolen Co.. Room 4. Bushman Uidg.. 1HI lMug- las St. Factory aa Tswaiaa. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Wa have originated a Plan to teaoh It qulJkly and thoroughly. Wage paid while learning. Tool Included. Write for Illustrated catalogue. MOLER BARBER COI-J.KOE. 110 S. 14th St, PRINTER wanted for a few week. Ad dress The otiserver, ungsn, ia. WANTED First-class automobile me- nhanlo, one who can take charge of shop and turn out finished work on high olas car. Kllker Automobile Co., Dead- wood, H. D. Drug Ftore Snap, Joha, Kneist. Bee Bldg. Position Now Open. Free Catalogue, AJUJLKlCAr AUTO COLL ROB. fnf.1 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb LEAKN BAitBER TRADE Wssss paid. Tools given. Positions guaranteed. Call or write for Information, Tri-Clty College. 1?4 Douglas. Omaha. WE need nun: had to turn down two lob per woek lately. Uet in. Laarn by our method. Get on of the Joba Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile Bnhool. 240 I.esvenwoitli at PRESSER and spotter machine ex"per lence. Omaha Agency Co.. Ill Bee Bldg MIseellaBeeaa. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted, 175 month. Omaha, examinations coming, nampl uastlon free. Write immediately. Frank n Institutes Dept. 221Q. P.'eheeter, N. Y. MEN, with common sense education, who wish government Job. 170 month. should apply Immediately for full Infor mation. Address Y AMI, Be. BE a detective; eery 109 to 1100 week! kly; A travel over the world, writ oeut United State Detectlv and Adjusting Agency, Railway Ktxchangw. St, Louis, Mo. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Thousands of appointments to be mad; free book let telling where they are, what they pay, witli specimen examination ques tion. Nnt'l. Cor. Institute. 40 Seventh M.. Washington, D. C. o A HLE KODI ED MEN for firemen, brak men. $120 monthly; experience unneces sary. Address Y Bue. WANTHD Partner to help develop large trade of farm land In middle Tennessee. Good money making proposition. Writs H. Parker, Tullalioma, T.-nn o WANTED PRESSER AND BUFHBLr MEN. DRIOSIIER BROS., 1211 FAR NAM STREET. SALESMEN. ENGINEERS, TEACHERS, I U H K K. E P E RS , STENOGRAPHERS WANTED Government pomUIoh open: salaries, $i. examinations soon. Common education together with our "Home Study Courses" sufficient. Positions scoured. Full particulars. Address Carnegie Col lege, Rogers, onio " GOVERNMENT positions in postofflc, railway mail and other brandies are good; prepare for "exams." under former i;. B. Clvu Bervice secretary-r.xaminer; booklet G-96 free. Write today. Patteraon Civil Service School, Rochester. .N. Y. thl MONTHLY and expenses to travel. distribute samples and take orders, or appoint agents; permanent. Jap American t o.. ( nicago.- BIG MONEY for employed person and others; laith sexes; new, unique, fan- clnatlna Man: no canvassing' no capital. Vulcan Co., 101 8. 6th At) , Chicago, III of young men with un questionable records desiring permsnent salaried posl'lon In Southern California, Enclose postage rnr and an pica tlon. N. at A. Co., Box 14-4, Lais Angeles o WANTED I havs sn exetdlent open ing In my Council Bluffs store for a young man. 1 will pay a salary of t'.UU a month to the right man. li I required to Invest $M0. fur which security Is given. M 13. Bee. I'ET STOCK SOuTV '11 COI.IJK, U. D. 7 PEKINEHE pupa, pedlgMd eligible for mglsi ry at any Iwui snow. Ttiea popular doas ouiue from Clilna, are tnal IsK Pbuu liar. aM. IM So. IkUt lie IIF.14 WAXTKTI Mall-- ami ;i I. r.. WK want h men and women In the uext thirty days; live wire partners tn every town and city to help oa bsndle our fnt lncresa:hg real eataie and gen eral agency luiHtneaa We will share enormous profits with those who will Join ua now. You receive a life member ship Write today for free particulars. B. F. I"o Co., Des Moines, la. o SlTF.TIOS WANTED WlNTF.lvDayw:ork." Tel. Tyler 30OJ, INTKLI.IOKiVr light colored girl wishes position in office or Nulielor apart ment I'hone Webster lHtUe.1AK KH able families. rlshea few more deslr rrference exchanged. '.uler ?VT'I " T5.P Mi TjVCr7T chambermaid wants position In town; room-In. Call lHjug, Ti. 411 N. isth. MAN and wife wants work on farm, man to husk corn, wife to help with house work for board. Address K. Mayers, M9 South 2Mb Ave. NEBRASKA medlonl student, pianist. (lermsn and French tutor, wants work for bosrd and room. Phone Red 417. BtKFlNBD woman wanta position as housekeeiper In town; references. Doug. T23. 412 N. 1th. A RKFINITD and elucatel widow lely dealrea position as housekeeper. Mra. " 1 y'e. 7W North Ui h St WANTFJi A txisltlon on farm, with house furnished bv man with ranm Jas. T. Williams. Columbus, Kan. 1 No. f WMAN with -month-old child, want position as housekeeper. Call Wal. 10N4. (X"tiORFj M A N," SI, thoroughly etrt enced In all lines of housework, cooking laundering, wishes position. Will leave town. Have best references. Prefer club or bachelor quarters I'hone Harney ftMa. YOU NO man 11 years of age would like to learn any trade or bualneea; willing to stsrt for board only. Can glva good references. Tel, IVtug. 7fkl Ask for Joe. 1NTKUJOMNT light colored girl wishes position In office or bachelor apart ment. Web. 7071 SITUATION wsnted by all-round printer. .1. W. Hart. 231 1 Hinge m. ltSlTION as bartender, checker, sfook- nmn or housvman. hivtel. club or buffet best of reference; honest, reliable; mix er; rltv or out. Johnson, nil cmcagn St. lHiug. K7U . Middle ared widow employed a agen part of th dav wishes position as com-l-snlon to ladv or a housekeeper for widower's small family of re .eotabla mi refined iwniila. or would take charge of respectable rooming house. Am thor- minhiv ixiaiiried In either position. M E. Ryereon. General Delivery. Omaha. Neb. j'OSlTltN aa housekeeper, linen or rhambormald; hotel. apartment or rooming house. Lmi experleni: neat, reliable. Industrious; best of references; clly or out. Miss Johnson, 111! Chicago. ITtnne Douglas K722. . WANTEl By Al violinist and pianist. (man and wire), position in ii"" show, hotel or cafe. Hne musical linrary, thoroughly experienced and rellablo. Ad droaa Hox 71. Fort Dodge, la. J'OSIT'lbN wanted a housekeeper In mall family In town. Call Douglss 7m MXPEniENCED girl wanU place as chambermaid In hotel to room In. Tel. DoiikIiis 729. COMPETENT German woman wants position as housekeeper. Tel. Web. 4106. BlTl ' A TION wanted ss housekeeper by middle-sued American woman In small family. 2nll Cass St., basement. Mrs, West A RELIABLE, oompetant woman, middle-aged, dealrea a position aa a house keeper In family of two; no laundry work. Phone Web. m SITUATION wanted by ftrav-elas cook, hotel, or will work extra. Doug. MM. FIRST-CLASS woman wants day work; quick, clean, beat references, liar. fil3. WANTKSlv Position as P. B. X. operator, by young lady of. I years' experiences can furnish referenoe. Toloihona Doug las 2277; ask for Edith. SWAPTRS COLUMN Wanted to Swap, Why not advertlaa something that you no longer hav any use for and jst something you really need It costs you nothing to Join lha Swapper' club and you will find It lota of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Be Idg., or pnone Tyler 1000. A GOLD watoh, Elgin movement, for kitchen rang with reservoir. Address S. O. IM, Be. 400 ACRES Weld Co.. Colo., land, all level, adjoining town; for Omaha property. Harrington Realty Co., Florenoe, Neh A 20-GAUGE Winchester (new) and 4n0 shells, assorted; fur wnalT oaress x 75. Be- 400 seres Weld County, Colorado land, all level, adjoining town for Omaha prop erty. Harrlgton Kealtyco., Florencs Neb. AUTOS lluu "20." electric lighted stor age battery, new top, seat covers, winu shield, new tires all around, one extra tire and cover: Just the car for two peo. tile: low uukeeo. plenty fast and strong; mechanically perfect. Will exchange for large car. Address B. (7. Z:t4. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains e in "AUtou-oDti ' ciaasi.i- oailoD, BUU dug, English brindle, 11 month old. Housebroke and fond of children. Will trsde for a diamond or something I can us. Addrea s. o. vo, Be. CAMERA Maudel one-minute postcard camera, new and of best make: cost tJn. Will trad for f urnlt ura or snythlng can us. B. C. t!0, Bee. CAMERA 4x6 folding camera, with beat of len and latest Improvements. Swsp rnr isrger camera. H. c r.n, nee. DlAMONI Diamond ring, karat, worth about $126. to trad for Piano: must be In first-class shape and of good make. Address n u. ties. DIAMOND ling Tiffany setting, pur, whit stone, value i.). Trad for type tl writer or stenotyneAddress a. o ilea EXCELSIOR motorcycle, perfect oondl. tun: t-horsepower. for range or any thing 1 can use. Pries l. Address b. c. mi. Bee. PirLL-SIZED bed and spiral spring; gas- oiin oven, almost new; lunilngion typewriter, good order and almost new. What have youT Will trade for chickens or anything 1 can ua. Address H. C. S4, Bee. GAS RANGE, four burner, rust $:3, good ss new: win trade ipr cnickens. Ad dress B. C. 4, Bee. HAVE brand new. high grade Lauter piano to swap for good building lot. Will pay cash difference. 8. C. 2uj, car ununt He. HAVE several carloads of dry wood Trade for lot or anything I can use Address S. C. 2Mi. HORSE AND SADDLE 1 have horse, saddle and bridle. Mors will b I yrs old this tall Is saddle broks and vary easy to handle. No scars or blemishes. Will stand any Inspection. Will trad for coma calve or yearling or Ford run. snout H. i . Hee. INDIAN motorcycle and ld car, 1914 model with 191s Improvement. Two peed, new tires, full electric- equipment. etc, Eiigin Just overhauled and In per fect shape. On of th beat kept outfit In town, coat new, including ia car, $.6.ou. Will trad for or toward Ford or Saxon roadster, or similar light car In good condition. Might consider olhsr swaps. Address B. C. M7, Be. ONE IUjO outside piano player witn $76 worm or roll music; on sanitary eouch, on gentleman' heavy gold mounted garnet ring, motorcycle apeed onieler, kit of Indian niotorcycl tools one J. II. Company gasoline engine. 1- H. P. What hav you to offer? Address S. C. H4. Bee. ONE Birmingham ateel rang. Will wap for a good, larga-ala rug. Ad dress S. C. 242, Boe. PIANO I'LAVrK-l hsve a snso In wa f piano player, 60 rolla of first-class music a'1'1 i' 'el' calico fintso: I a..y piano. Swap for coma good, chicken or coos sluve. or wnat nav yuur a. L 1st Bee. PHYSICIAN'S set of four "DsVllbls atomiser and stand. Ilk new. cost bout sA; will trade for anything use f ji. Adores a. i. i. Be PH ON OO RA P 1 1 Ed I son Isotrta power cabinet. with concealed horn. 100 records, will swap for anything oaa u to vaiu Of f, .'. Address 8. c. 244, Be. PirYSICflAK wlTl exchange niedlcal tx)ks and surgical Instrunxuiis fur any toi4f usuxt aisfifssi at. j, aa im. RWAPrF,iUl. IOI.FMN Ai,si mve t makes of high gran pianos, all new, which 1 got In Will snap for diamonds, real eit cr pew autos Addreas 8. C. Ul. Hee. Rl FLE W I Nl 'H ESTHER T" automatie rei.eater. with new rifle esse, etc. twt new over Jo.ig. Wsnt Eastman auto graphic kodak, or will consider snythlng of equal value that I can use, for thin. Adiireas S C. 1'44, Be. ROA I 'STKR Light roe-later, needs some repairs: wsnt 2d hsnd typewriter and about $i.o. owing to typewriter. Address, I . . lies RIFLE Winchester. V3rt repeater with gold front sight. In good condition, cost when new about $1K fi, sight cost $1.(0 WUi consider anything of equal Value that I can use. Also single-barrel shot- f!'in; this Is a cheap gun. but a good one; I gauge. W ill trade this for anything I ran uae. would like earners, postcard slie, Eastman preferred. Address 8. C. scs, rsre (imaha Hea. li EST AC RANT and rooming house with a small line of srocerlsa. dolne ffoorf bualnea. What have you? Address s. . l:e'l. Bee. Sl'EKDSTWR One oiassy apeedster, thor. otigniy ovsrnauied and painted; entirelv hew lire, will stand any inspection. Will trade for good Vlctrola. Address S. C. . Bee. $l.nii0 STtK'K of gro eeries and riueene- ware. new, in wnoiesale house, an clear, for clear cottage. No fixture. Address S. C. KA. lies. i BJX'oND NOTE for good up-to-dat car, S. C. Ml, Bee. l.rt STOCK Clothing, for clear cottage. r' will trade .W to tl.OiiO lot for auto. Address W. C. MO. Pee. STANDARD Sowing Machine, good order, for good oven oil heater, wringer, or what have yonT Address 8. C. lla. Bee. SINGEIt box top sewing machine. In fant' tron bed, ,M blim steel revolver, tennla racquet. Exchange for anal range or Cole's hot blast heater, or what have ' youT H. C. yt, Bee. TO BELL nr trad your shotgun or rlfl. Je FRIEDMAN. 1H1 Douglas. TRUCK-thie-half ton truck. Interna tional; good running order, for what hav youT Address S. C. IM. Bee. TWIN Rxrelslor motorcycle. Will trade for no e. Phone 11413, Council Bluffs. . TYPEWR7TR;lidVrw)od, visible; per fect shape. Will trade this machine for cabinet Vlctrola or small Uraflrx camera. ' Address S. C. t'A, Bee. WHAT have you for the genuine punc ture seal for auto tire, or for my buelnss outright. AddressR C 146, Be. WILL trad new Incubator, still In the crate, for rook tove or rang of equal value Address 8. C. 1127. Bee. , , 1 . , L MEDICAL RHEUMATISM TO WHOM IT MAY CONCESRN: This Is to certify that my son had rheu matism for 11 years. Everybody recom- mended a cure and w tried nearly svery- imug mat was recommended to us, snd th ly got wnrse, until In March, 113. w had to put him to bed, where he i a yea tor Six montna tils mother cared for him on night and took care of hlin th next, and w saw little prosiiect of him ever getting out of bed until I heard that Dr. Bowser was doing some special work In rheumatism and I called to sea him. Dr. Bowser referred ms to soma pa tients he had treated and I called on a Mr. Thorn burg, who had been treated by the doctor, and the results were so grati fying that we decided to hav the doctor real our son. Dr. Bowser pronounced the rase a bad one on account or a complication of Rheums tlo Endocarditis. Th boy wsnt to the hoapllal Sept. I, 1913, and wa dis charged from th hospital th 14th ot the same month. 1 can truthfully say I don't believe th hoy ha ever had a rheumatlo pain since and Is now working every day. Th heart complication haa entirely disappeared... and wonts fall to express the kindly feel-,, lng I have for Dr. Bowser snd his treat ment for rheumatism. , , OHAS. TOMPSETT, SR.. , , 1C1S aks St-t Omaha, Neb.,, , PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E:. R. Tarry our pile, fistula snd other racial diseases without surgical oDeratlon. Cure guaranteed and ne nmnev tiald until cured. Writ for book on rectal disease with testlmonlsla DR B. R. TARRY. Z40 Bee Bldg. mori'M ATIHM trested successfully, re sults guaranted. Dr. Bowser, 114 Bee Bldg RUPTtTRB. Ructurs treated successfully by all safe. salsnllflo msthods. Th majority ar cured without a surgical operation. W hav tratd many nunarca oi man. woman aad children. Th coat 1 deter mined after sxaminatlon, and tlm re quired to our two or thre wks. Call or writ lor turtnr particular, vtbus H. Wrsy, suits sua. b Bid.. Omaha. Nab. - RHEUMATISM treated suocesaf ullv. re- sultai giiaranteed. Dr. Bowser, SL4 Be Bldg HEAL EHTATE THANSFKHH OnmplU4 sn rarnlh4 by Kerr Tttl Ousrsst sad Absiran eempaar, Iu4 thnith vtstMniii Mt. WARRANTY PCBDg Otiarlss H. (lino? sua wits te W. Z Orla- sltifsr, s4l test sf lout II ss It, bleek 4. Omhard Hill $ I.VM4 Charles F. finis and wlfs to Mary I. Uandr. lot at. Msek 1. Amei Piers 1 D. V. Sholas 10 to Cisrsnos H. Walrllb. sarti of lota 14. 17 an tl. Mock I. rirst s.ihdifl,loo of Orilfss A aaiith's aA4 1 til i lord W. Calkins d wits to Hamad Or ion1, lots 15 sn4 I. Monk x, ftakharat Park I Lit bars latvta an elf t Lsara H. itsesar 41.. lou 4. i. t. Mock I, Vaa Camp's Sd4 91 F. 1. stcMhano. Jr., sh.rlff. la PrudaatUI Barlnas sa Umn asaoalation. B14 test sf lot . blo. li la K. V. Kmltb s and 17 Luna U (l I nana ssl kuaban4 Is Oarloa tl. (laarr. lot 7. blsek 114. Ilunaaa fiar.... Ill (rlM W. Martin an wife ts stlslissl J. Narloa. Iota It II. to s4 II, bka-k I. Minn Las sdi. 3. I Charln W. Manln aM wlfs ts Mlrbasl J. Sarins, lot si. Mock H, Minns bua mi.. 1. Maid Invsatmsut lo. ts Ciaratir K. Wat. lot t, block 4, Hliladals. Suulh Osha ... St". Hlalt-Kalrfiald ro. tn gersna B Rohss, 10 tmH of lot IT and IS test of lot ). bluck 101, rainda Plaoo I Qt ir cLarM pp.aiai. prsnk Tom si al. to Aana Tomau, nt of lot II and aH of lot 11, block 14, Ksaatas'a Tblrd add. aad othsr lou 1