.m.JJJSK: OMAnA MTUKPAY, SErTEMBER USE OF CARD SYSTEM IN WAR Germ&ny Has FUa for Keeping1 Track ef Prisoner Takea and of Enemies Ita Soldien Bury. CHWE3IN WORKS OUT SCHEME fCm Tepwv of th Asewrlated Presa.) BERLIN, July 1C The mrac re:1t m 11 on of the huge horde of over l,000,O4 nlaur of war In Oermany, so t list rank. t tu. division and place of con ftnamaBt of each ni ran he Instantly determined, haa been perfected to an astonishing dear by Count flohwerin. a. fd-ya&r-old oaptain of cavalry. Today tha relative of any French, Russian, Bngllsh, Canadian. Ttallan, Herblan, Montenegrin, Belgian or Japan prla wiar la Oermany oaa eeoartam within twenty -for hours where thai soldier la and what hla condition la. Thla la made poaelbl through a card tjatalofu that all but berg-ars deecrlp tlon: It la probably tha nitit perfect thing' of Ita at and kind to existence. In Ita creation tw other ayiUma have bad to b discarded aa Inadequate, and tha work and palm lavished on them duplicated. In It matotemano eighty person ara nnM whU Ita Inventor, Oount Bchwerta, work twelve hour a day, saratnT thing. Reee-rd of Eeh Mam. Bach day doaana and score of list of Mjxm poor hit Oount Kchwaiin'a de partment of th war ministry In tha Dor. othean etrassa, her tn Bwlln. These llata give th neneesary Information for fllltng eat th earda, so that each ahall contain th nam and forename of th prisoner, hla ervto branch, regiment and ompaay, th place and data of his aaptora, and tha place where h la held, if b la woundad, th natur of hla weamd and th hospital whar h la ar added. Soar of young women fill ont tha , aerd. which then fro to sorter, under tha , Inspection of a man who In peace time as a head Instructor In on of Berlin's ' higher aohooli. Bafor th aortera atand wooden eaaea built after tha fashion of typ eaaea, but deeper. It waa tha eight of eompoeltor "throwing In" typ that led Count Bohwerin to adopt theae eaaea. Method of sortie. Th ftmt aet of aortera tak tha earda Joet aa thay eoro. In alphabetical eon fusion, from Uv writing room, and di vide them according to th Initial latter from A to Z. Other aortera then take tha Aa and eubdMde them eratematloally Into Aa. A a. Ab, Aba. Abb, and ao on. Thouaanda of oarda ar aorted and filed dally for th lint of prlaonara never atop growing.- Tha name alao ar divided according to nationality, and put away In tha oases that flank alt four walla of three rooma. Thar ara between J6.000 and SO, 000 Bel gien names, from 18,000 to 1S.00U EnglUh. names, and hundred of thouaanda ot French and Russian. With but ona ex ception tha Serbian, Montenegrin and Japanese who ar prlaonara In Uermany ara ctvlllana of military ag Interned hara, , - Haadred of Letter Dally. Approximately KO lettera eom to Oust Bchwerln'a "Kartothek" daily requeet for Information about relative or friend a. It la tha boaat and pride of thla offloec that no requeat remain unanawered longer than twenty-four hour forty eight at tha very outald whan tha letter or Inquiry la In difficult Russian. To farllttat rai&tlve la getting In formation about th foreign soldiers. however, C ount uncwenn na ktwu-un tha complete data about prlaonara, aa fatt aa received at th war mlnlatry and filed In th card catalogu. to th govt, ernmant at London, Part and St. Petersburg, and to th Red Ooaa head quarters at Oanartra, Bruaamla, 'Copea hagan and Oerlln. ' On of th moat InUraatlng feature of th oard oataJogua work la th faot that many man give fale name and data beoaoe thay ar aahamed of being tn aapUvlty and do not want any on tn their native land to know that thay har been takea priaonar. Aa Eiaatlt Cited. An axampi of thla cam to light re cently In a oaa concerning D-year-old Pruao Chimay of Belgium. It had n lleted under aa aaaumad nam and wa captured. 11 waa put In a prieoa camp am a private . aoldlar. In due tiro la qulrta about th young man cam In. Hla name did not appear la th oard atalogu. and bafor th young man waa found It had been neceeaary to hunt out every aoldler of hla raglmant, nattered In half a doaen oampa all over Oarmaav, to take thena bfor a military court and demand of them under oath what they knew about hi oaa. Catalegae of th Dead. So much for tha catalogue about th Irving aoldler of th lght countries now at war with Germany. A entailer eatalogu ountalna aa far aa available th name of th dead uppl led In a Variety of waya, but chiefly by mean of th metal taga wont by th aoldlera around their neck a. Thta Hat la Incompleta for a variety a otnrloua reaaona, but partly bacaua many of th aoldlera, aaiclally th Tench, take tha tag off, through ait rtlitoa and throw them away. Even at that there are. In the war mlnlatry building, box and boxea full of tha littl tin dlaka Th rrench taga ar clearly atampd with th oldler'a name, regiment and feats statloa. Th Engllah taga ar far lea ataar, and aometlmea cannot b anad ut at aiL Th Iielglaa dlaka ar fairly plain, and thoa of th Canadian, tatad t laathar, ar g-od. Th Ruaalana vareaiy wear any, and It la aa almoat hopalae tuk to try to kerp track of Oar Takea af Talaablrs. I thousand of eaan of ooura th man (alt la Mch place that th Ger man eaa eearch their garments befor burring th bodlea All valuables, keep a&ke and posaeaalona are then tied up and forwarded to Berlin, where th treasury of tit war ministry takea hart f them, Aa exact llat of th content of each paokag la made and forwarded to th department which Count Bcherwtn beads, and th poeseaaton ar than aent to th war mlnSatrie la France, England Russia, whlo ar beat able to see ttat ti valuable eotn Into th poa- eelo of th rightful relatlv of th f;Wa auidiar. Th eatalogu haa grown to be Count gcbwsrwia pot, hla greatest pride and r. Though past auddl age b gladly rfvoai long hour and tnflnlt patieno to it axwaoaloa and upkeep. Keoantly I. deatrad to go Into to ftaid tor aotlv orvtoa, but It wa tvuad that la th tiraatbs he had been ta th war ministry La had mad him If praotkaUly India pvaenijla, aod that no on could b found wu ouUd tak up th atalogu where he would have to leave off. A partraerits, f ale, huusea and cottage eo be rented quickly and cUeaply by a MONUMENT TO DANTE MELTED INTO CAN NON The monument, the work of Zochi, stood In the Piazza Dante, in Austrian Trent, a square in front of the station. 'I 1 1 Jf yiiu oJ I 'w 'Jp- y ' j f . C w a I fasataiaj-i-ww f i i : t ,: Brother of South Side Woman Loses Life as Home Burns Mra John. FIU Roberta of 10 North Twenty-fourth afreet. South Sid, ha re ceived a telegram from Loa Angela con taining th information that har brother, Plater Harris, and hla 1-year-old niece, Margaret Caughrao. lost their Uvea In a fir that destroyed th Caughran horn Thursday night Mr. Harris waa a former resident ef Ashland, Neb., but went to California aom ten yeara ago from Colo rado, and haa for aoma time back been an Invalid. It waa afflicted with loco motor ataxia and waa compelled to keep a light burning In his room all night. Th detail of th accident were not given In th dispatch, further than that hla lamp exploded, destroying th house. Ii waa living with hla sister. Mrs. Ed ward Caughran, who la alao a slater of Mrs. Roberts and a former resident ot Ashland. It was Mra. Caughran' daugh ter who lost her life In th fir. Asks Divorce When She Finds There is Wife No. 1 in Case Mra Kathertn Read, formerly Miaa Katherln O'Connor of Omaha. hn nue. ried Ernest A. Read of Las Vegaa, N. M., February of this year, only to part from htm two dava later when, aha as sorts, aha discovered ha had another wlf. naa orougni suit lor oivorc In district court. Wlf No. I. Mra Read allecea. waa married to Read several Tears ago, but th petition doe not Identify her. Aa soon aa Mra Read discovered that aha waa No. 1 Instead ef being a first and only wife, ah left her husband, accord ing to nr petition. Read and Miss O'Connor war minHni by Rev. Hugh B, Bpeer, pastor of tha Central United Presbyterian church. Bha la a daughter of Patrick O'Connor, To Summon Federal Grand Jury at Once Summons ar being prepared by United State Deputy Marshall McCaV lura and Qulnley and will b mailed at one to th twenty-thrr grand Juror and seven altarnatea. who will aerva on th federal grand jury to b Impaneled here, October U at 19 a. m. An Investi gation will b made la all caeca under federal court Jurisdiction, arising In the Omaha, Norfolk. Orand Island and Chad- roa divMaona. known aa th North Piatt half ef th Nebraaka district Eight Postoff ice Clerks Get Raise Civil service nromltlous amonv the uit Office clerks ar announced as follows by Poe tin aster John C. Wharton, th raises in pay being ffactlv October 1: Axel W. Anderson. Oscar Anderson, James M. Bart. Anthony A. Beck man. Kugen A. Byrne. Harvey N. Eller, Joh Jamaa, Edward E. Larson. TWO mfn ARE FINED FOR ATTACKING A CARRIER LAO Roy Northern and Ed Nolan, Kit Burt street, were each fined 11 and coat In polle court for an attack mad on MUton Harris, It-year-old Paper carrier. who called to collect for the dally paper. Hani called on Sunday Instead of Sat urday, and la aa argument resulting from hla oversight th attack wa pre- cioitated. THIRD SET OF RHODES PAPERS SENT TO U. S. LavDOIf. Sept. K-O. third set of pa per for th annual examination tn th United States for Rhode oholarahlpa ha been forwarded In the hope that they will arrive tn urn for the tests of the appointed daya, October I aud e. Tha original papera went down with the Ara hla and a aecond aet waa lost wtth tha From Our Near Neighbors Weeplaa Water. Mra. Ieeter Holack of Avtfca, waa vleltlng In town Thureday. Mra Ororro CI it he waa visit In Mra, A. i. .ax'll at I'eJnora thla week. Mrs. Fred Ua and Mra. C'larenoa Lau, vlelted Tueaday at the Charlea lau home at Mat ley. Mra. Emms Parry la at Fs.Ha nty vut itlng at the come of her daughter, Mra. td MuflHT, Mine Jennie Ciitchfleld la visiting thla k at the 1. It. Ciitchf lold home, north east of town. Mis Mettle Redfleld of Uncoln haa been vlmung thla wot-It at th horn of Mr, tarl lowers. Cecil Davla haa been very low for the laat several daya with typhold'fever, but Is mui-h Improved now. Harry iJennla and Mlaa Emma Reh latwl were niHrrtrd Wedneniay at Coun cil Bluffa. They will reelde her. Mr. and Mr. H K. Vandenburg of Mur dock visited here Wednesday at th horn or ineir aau-iiter, Mrs. Arthur Jonee. I. W. Te-(tnrden took hla feanday school elas to Omaha laat Bunday to attend the "Hilly" Hunday servloea, Tha trip waa mado by auto. Rev. fJcorg Hed, Weeping Water man who haa been doing missionary work In Morocco, will occupy th pulpit at th Methodist church ffcmday. Th county romm!mkoera have apent severnl days In thla vicinity planning bridge repair work. Recent rafna have done great dainnq to a number of the bridge on tha main roads. Bprlagfleld. W. n. Falln etsrted Wedneaday for the Panama exposition. Mra. Marjory Braae of Omaha 1 vis iting Mrs. Floyd la video n, . Mr. Will lloyt of Omaha visited rela tives here the for part of tha week. Mra. Thurman FVana of Union la via Itlna with her parents. Mr. and Mra WIN Hum Mueller. Henry Flegenhanm la entertaining two aletprs this week. Mrs. Mt Fexauer of Ankeney, la., and Mra. Krank Howard of Hao City, la. Mlsa Ella Btratman waa united In mar riage to Mr. John Harder of Hennlngton by Rev. EUeger of Plattamouth. Richard rflug and Mlsa Helen Bprange of l'n pill Inn were married by Rev. Chsrlrs W, havldve In Omeha last week. They will make their horn In Springfield. Mlos l.ydla Johnson of thla place and V. 1 1. Facklcr of Odar Rapids, la., were msriled In llnwood la., last Friday. They will make theJr home In Cedar xaplds. Mrs W TT TAvMan Vri.. tril w..k Pavldson and! Mrs. U A. Ratea war elected by the 'Women's dob aa delegates 1 th" convention at Norfolk, to b held The Masons rtf h IaAm ferred dvKrees last Saturday and gnve a banquet afterward. MnaOns from Louis ville, tlretna, Omaha, Paplllion and Elm wood were present. lr,l4n Mra. John ITendrtckson visited relatives i Fremont Sunday. Mra Kllnttann nt Ctmati. ..4 -. ik- In . .. . " " ,m,wu fc Wll Sundall home Tueaday. Ifarry Knight returned Monday from alx weeks' atsv In Hmith TtairAi. Mr. and Mra." John Farney of Dodge, eh., vlsltpd at tha 'harlv V.-.l v. N . - - - - ..... J IIUIIl. Sunday. WealRV Wllllalna la lla - . ' . J , .n.u ' ' mini m mil foot, the result of being stepped on by a horse that waa sharply shod. Mr, and Mra. Carl Spring of Benson and Mr. ii n.1 Mra Tt-1 - . . i . the Henry Spring home Sunday. Mra. Kiel Harrlfleld and datlxhter the Hackman home a few days laat week. Mr. and Mre. Carl Spring of Benson and Mr. and Mra. Reals were entertained "i me iienry npring nome for dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams of F"alr vlew and Mr. and Mra. Ixuls Hoyea ot Omaha were entertained at the Wllllama iiume ounuay, . C. Brewster la very low. He had a stroke of paralysis . week ago and la not Improving. All the- relatlvea have been called home. Papllllo. Mrs, C. J". Keenrd of Omaha la vlsltlne- Paplllion friends this week. Mlsa Katharine Pet ring visited friends In IJnooln last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Marie Sanders returned to Omaha the first of the week, where she will resume her studies at Brownell Hall. Mra. Clsyte Beadle and children will leave next we-k for Wayside. Neb., where Mr. Beadle la employed on a ranoh. Mr. and Mre A T Vanaa.1-1 4 A. J. Vanarsdal, ar., of Valalda," Mo., are guests of Mr. and Mra. U A, Thomp aon thla week. Mlaa Helen Bnranr nf thla ila Rluhard Pflug of HurlnrflnM mm mar. ried laat Friday In Omaha. Mr. and Mra riiun win maxe their home In Spring field, where Mr. Pflug la In bualness. A very pleasant aurprtae waa riven Mr and Mra Thomas Dooley. Jr., Monday evening, when a number of their friends motored out to their farm home to assUt them In celebrating their fifth weddiug anniversary. Raletam. Mra. H. Ledwlch entertained a nmvAm Thureday. A civil eervic examination will ha haM October a for the ltalaton poatufflca Ilah Orlswold of Pllger, Neb., ta vls tng at the home of Rev. Seneff thla week. Alta Haves entertained a nrnwif of young people laat Thureday evening. It being the occasion ot her nineteenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. W TT. ftnlaar f rvaa Molnea visited at th Parratt home ev ent! daya of last week on their return inp rrom in xpoiuon and Canada. I Valley. Mlaa IJlllan Morrow went to Onuuha Saturday. Mlsa Mvrtla Lawler want to an Omaha hoapllal Sunday. Mra. Curtla of Ulnneanolas. Minn.. la vuutlng her Valley friends. Or. W. H. Reed returned Thnrada from a trip In the weatern cart of Ne braaka. Jack Butcher was annotated vfllan marshal, to succeed Charlea Webb, who rretgiira recenviy. Mr. and Mrs. Murrman wont to Omaha Say "CEDAR To Be Sure" TO b aur. that's th thing to Bay If you want to b certain of a high-ball or on Mown' that to always right. At all leading Dealers, Clubs, Bars, Rsetao rants and Hotel. youOl find CEDAR BROOK In th lead, Largest sailing bran of hlgh-grad Kentucky whiskey In th world. Because It ha maintained th nam stirs, u parlor quality aince IS 47. kfsJ tVrttiadlallond 1' Thureday to attend tha "Billy" Sunday meetings for two daya. Mra. A. O. Hldberg. who has been very 111 for a couple f weeka, la much im proved and able to he up. F. R Prnlth of Denver. Colo., arrived Tuesday for a vIMt with his nieces, Mra Monahan and Mra. Fitzgerald, Charlea Webb, who has been at tho stock yards at Orand island for two we Kjs, returned Wednesday evening. Mrs. A. Oardlner returned Saturday evening from a short v11t with hor daughter, Mrs. Noyea, of Dundee, Neb. The Ice hou belonging to Oarver brothers waa burned to the ground Fri day evening. It Is not known how the fire originated. The rerular monthly meeting of the Valley Women's fhrlatlan Temperance union wae held Frldy afternoon at tn home of Mrs. Nellie Fout. Mr. end Mrs. F. C, Kennedy, Helen and Esther, took Mrs. Eddy Htldreth and Inle to Fremont Bunday, bringing Mr. Eddy home with thorn. Mra. Iilu Shepherd of Fait take City, a national Women'a fhrlstian Temper ance union lecturer, gave a splendid ad dress In the Mcthodlot Episcopal church Tuesday evening. She also gave ad d recurs at th sohool houaa to the high school, grammar and Intermediate atu denta Klkhora. Mr. Charlea Deerson entertained th ladlea ken sing ton Wedneaday. John Qulnn of Winnebago Neb., was here last week visiting relatlvea. Mra J. M. Rrimner of Fremont vlalted here among friends acveral days this week. Mra T. MoCleneghan and children of Omaha visited her last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. j, o. fVeefus visited Thursday and Friday at Paplllion with her mother, Mra. ZwteveL Mr. Henry Blchel of Omaha visited her father, A. H. iianaen, and other rela tlvea Thursday. Mlsse Lid and Tina Hofeldt of Omaha visited their parent Saturday night and attended th dance, Vlaaee Uda and Tina Hofeldt of Omaha vial ted their parent Saturday niatii and attended tha danoa. Meadame Charles Batimgardner and Enill Parakenlnger left Thursday to Join their huoh&nds at Les Moines, la. The body of Mr. Pfleffer, father of the Pfleffer brothers, waa brought here fom Hastings, where he died and waa burled Wunday at Prospect IU11 oeme tory. Th plasterers have finished in the Ernest Schuman residence and have com menced on the J. N. Wyatt home. Th carpentara have about completed Kd Weatphal'a big barn and also William Hopper'a garage. Fred Peets' new houee la completed and the family la now oc cupying It. ' I Aveca. Thomas Hobbs and wife have returned from a visit at WulthllL Otto Brook and family were at Dor chester the first of the week. John Weaver and wife riav returned from a trip to Bird City, Kan. Miss Elvlna Fransen of Arcadia,' I visiting relatlvea here this week. Mr. and Mra Pick Klrehheck of Chap man, are spending the week hera Mrs. W. U Glllin of Council Bluffa wag visiting her parents here this week. Gus Wltake sustained a badly sprained ankle while playing ball liurt Svnday. A voce was defeated by Plattamouth In a fast game of ball Wednesday, t to 1. W. H. Betfs and family of Stuart, ar here for a few days' visit with relatives. Mra Undeman and Mra Hagerman of Lincoln, were vuiltlng relative.' hera thla week. Oeorge Maseman and Edward Mohr, with their families, spent Hunday with luiuuica iirar oyracuee. Msr. K W. Fahneatock 1 spending the week with her daughter, Mra Charltas Wood eon, at Council Bluffa Meedamea W 11 11am Maaeman and Qua Ruhge left thla week for Elisabeth. I1L. for a few daya' vlait with relaUvea. Mr. and Mra. M. O. Keddv an,i nr. and Mra. William Maseman were at Beth any Tueeday evening attending th wed ding of Mlsa Mabel Cutter, who formerly raai.4a V. u - Prizes Awarded for Dainties at the County Fair Prises for th beat collection of Jelllea pickles and home-made cakea wm awarded at the Douglas County fair, Thursday, Mra. F. X. Demleux won first prise tor me pest jellies and Mra Es tella Fead won second prise. Mra F. A. Cresaev of fiouth kia )kui th most toothsome angel food oak and Mra F.. H. Berry won second prls for the sam dainty. Mra Lenileux alao carried off thai Ktna ribbon for th best collection of plokle. Socket IfciiUcf! T 'OUNTAlNg. HOTCLn, M KLgCWHtNC Dot QilLIGEC'S THE ORIGINAL EilALTED EV3IL.IC Th Food-drink for All lt, Dclicioui, invigofatinff and uiUirung. Keep it oa your Rtieboarr at home. Doo't travel withotit X " A quick luaca prepared ia a rnlnnta. Unl&mm yon may m HO RUCK'S" you may got m Submtttuta BROOK, j i iii In g of the Heaperlaa,