The Omaha Daily .Bee PAET ONE. THE WEATHER. Showers NEWS SECTION PAGES OJffE TO TEN VOL. XLV-NO. 85. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNIXO, SEPTEMBER 1915 TWENTY PAGES. Ob TveJae, at Hotel lf UuwU, eve M SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. SUNDAY TALKS TO THOUSANDS OF OMAHA MOTHERS View of Two Big Missouri Pacific Engines Soon THREE KILLED 111 After Head-On Collision in Which Three Were Killed HEAD-ON CRASH AT OREAPOLIS Grandmother! Held to Hake Up the Audience at the Tabernacle, Where the Evangelist Is at Hii Best 270 HAT BULE 13 SET ASIDE Tribute to Woman Who Manicures Fingernails Over Washboard to Support Children. ' KO USE FOB POODLE HUGGERS Silvery tresses, wrinkled, care worn visages and trembling foot steps distinguished the greater num ber in the audience to whom Billy Sunday preached his mothers' and grandmothers' sermon Friday after noon at the tabernacle. This is one of the revivalist's best sermons and It brought out the largest week-day afternoon attendance since hli ar rival, over 7,000 being present. The entire middle section nearest the platform and a large section of seats on the platform were reserved for the mothers and grandmothers. Ninety-one persona hit the trail. White flowers and white ribbons, honoring mother, were worn by al most everyone present, "Billy," too, and "Ma" each wearing a white rose. "Ma" came back from Winona Lake, Ind., in time to be present at the meeting. The Ironclad rule of the tabernacle, "All hata removed!" waa aet aalda when Homer Rodeheaver announced that tha women over 65 years of age might keep their hats on If they chose. A great number of women kept thalr hata on, some of the younger women also not be ing intimidated by the limitation. Rev. Lonard Groh, for twenty years pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran church, was escorted to the platform and offered tha opening prayer. Passing atreet cars annoyed "Billy" Sunday as he began his talk and he waited for them to pass. Then he shouted to the ushers. "Don't let people come down the alslea to hunt seats 1" Story of Mooes. Mr. Sunday's sermon wee based en the story of Mosea and hi mother. "I'm going to heaven some day through faith In Jesus, though a man In Omaha told me I was going to hen. and the first person I'm going to hunt up after Jesus is the mother of Mosea. I'm gome to ask her how much money she got from Pharaoh's daughter for. nursing her own baby," said the speaker. "I think that's a great Joke." Mr. Sunday paid high tribute to the mother who "manicures her finger nails over the washboard to keep her brood out of the poor house." "There are not devils enough in heU to pull a boy out of the arms of a godly, (Continued on Page Five, Column Seven. Forgets Where to Meet Her Mother Twelve-year-eld Katherlne Hoffman left her mother at the tabernacle to go over to the nursery where the children were playing. Her mother designated a spot where to meet at the close of the meeting. On Ka-therlne's return she was unable to locate her mother, whereupon she burst Into tears. Two women led her weeping to the platform and appealed to Mr. Brewster for assistance in finding the mother. Mr. Brewster mounted a- chair and called out to the stragglers that a little girl was lost. Mrs. Hoffman was in the crowd and came forward to claim her tear-stricken daughter. "I forgot where you said I should meet you," sobbed Katherlne. DR. DAY BRINGS CRIPPLED GIRL TO SUNDAY MEETING Belma Ohlfs, the 8outh Side crippled girl la whom a number of Omaha club women are Interested, was brought to the tabernacle with her mother by Mrs. O. F. Copper. Dr. C. M. Day provided an auto mobile to bring the crippled girt The Weather Forecast till 1 P. m.. Saturday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Showers; not much change in tempera ture. Trnuraiira at Omaha Yesterday. Hours. IX" SHOWERS 6 a. m a. m 7 a. m a. m a. ro 10 a- m 11 a m......t. 11 m. 1 p. m t p. m. I p. m. 4 p. m t p. m (1 61 61 62 62' 64 I 66' 64 G 70 i 70 78 74 : SI p. m. 7 p. m. t p. m. 70 ft Comparative Highest yesterday . lxnfct yesterday . Mean temperature . Precipitation .. Temperature and Loral R'-cord. : im. 1914. 1911 lii. 4 a t.i ti 61 64 4S W ..... 6 fl M to 0U .CO l.vl .U precipitation depar-- turea from the normals Normal temperature O KxceM for uio day i Tjtal dert IftMcy r nee March 1 456 Normal precipitation.. .08 Ineh Ieficiency for tha day 01 Inch Total rainfall since March L...H 46 inches iH-ficlency since March 1 mi inch iJfflc'cmy far cor. period, 114.I.4 Inches deficiency for cor. perl.!, 1113. 6.7S inches norts f rum stations at T P. M. Ktetlon and State o( Weather. Oieyeniie, cloudy .... Iwvrnport. clear Iwuver, cloudy Ies Moines, cloud . T,.i city, cloudy... Temp. Hiifh- Raln 1 p. in, eat. full. .... M 70 .... a) .... H 1S T 74 .00 Bt .00 ,W .00 74 T C6 .01 ti .oo 74 . .00 at jm 6 lender, cloudy North Platte, clear....... 74 Omaha, cloudy .. 70 VueUo, cloudy - M LAYMEN HAYE HOT TIME ATJEKTING Conference of Laymen Waxes Warm aa Country Brethren Try to Put One Over on City Folks. SYSTEM 13 NOW CHANGED LAY DELKOATK. ELRCTEO. Omaha district, SC. S. Cameron, Tlrrt chnrob. Zilaeola dlstrlot, W. S. Gates, Uneoln. Tectunseh district, CK st. Bockasr, Waver ly. Oraad island district, O. 3. Teasel Columbus. Keating district, George X. puxlook, York. Kearney district, John ' sT. Srydsn, Ksaraey. Koldreee district, BCra. Emma, J. Cos, Wlloos. Talrbnry district, George K. Davis, Blue erinrs. Horfolk district, . B. Svana, Dakota City. Beserresi Chancellor O. A. Seller of STsbraak, Weslsyaa university, Tfnlver. slty maoei Idas Bile Watson, Xdaoolni John XL. Slater, Koldrege. "Politics! 'gag rule!" "unfairt" "unjustl" "cruel!" "insultl" and similar epithets heated the atmo sphere at the First Congregational church during the, opening session ot the quadrennlel conference ot Ne braska Methodist laymen. Old timers In the councils ot the church said afterward it was one ot the live liest sessions since the good old "shouting Methodism" went out of style. The conference gets together once every four yeara to elect nine delegates to the world-wide general conference of the church, and the heated arguments at the first session were precipitated by a lively and successful attempt by the rural delegates to "put one over" on the city delegates. Heretofore the nine delegates have been elected direct by the state confer ence, and generally about seven of the nine were city men, because the city candidates were the most popular and widely known. Desiring to change the system and have one delegate come from each of the nine districts In the state, O. R. Buckner of Waverly led the suo (Contlnued on Page Seven Column One) eessful fight to have each district choose its own delegate to the world-wide con ference. It was only after long and loud de bate. Intricate parliamentary tangles, violent assertions and considerable ex change of personalities that the change was voted upon favorably by the 460 delegates, who lined up distinctly on one aide or another of the contest between tho city and sural pan tor lea. , Cities Wavat Poatrol. ' "The cities are trying to control the delegates to the detriment of the rural district," Mrs. Mary Culmer of Carol ton, a rural district candidate, asserted In a lengthy and exciting speech. She was one of the leaders of the ruralitea, Judge W. O. Spurlock was prominent In the stand-pat opposition to the new method of election, and maintained the old system gave the "best delegates." . A Lincoln delegate declared that the new method waa "as cruel aa any political gas rule." - "It's an Insult to us farmers to say that the old system of mostly city dele gates gives the best delegates," H. W. McFadden of Holbrook, a sandhill dele gate, shouted. "There's politics in this opposition." "If there's any politics, it's In your pocket," replied McFadden, but the lat ter denied the assertion. Where Do Yea Stand t "Are we going to be politicians or ser vants of OodT" another westerner In quired. - Delegate Buckner, father of the new system of election, asserted that the city opposition waa "unfair and unjust" An amendment waa offered, then an amendment to the amendment, then a substitute motion was made, after which the prevloua question was called for and the meeting degenerated into a free-for-all talk-feet for a minute, while Chair man John A. Ehrhardt of Stanton scratched bis head. Orla-iaal Motloa Passes. A sxwre or luore of delegates all in sisted upon recognition at onoe, shout. Ing to each other to sit down and give somebody else a chance to talk. Finally, all but the original motion were elimi nated 'and It was passed aa originally made. The conference then took a re cess for a, short time, to allow dele gates to rest and get lunch, ' When the conference reassembled in the afternoon Chairman Ehrhardt ruled that the action permitting eaoh district to elect Its own delegate was not In accord with church law, which requires that the state conference as a body shall elect the dele, gates. But he said that each district might nominate its own candidate, who would be then eleceted by the conference, un less the latter saw fit to disregard the nomination and elect somebody else. The outcome was that he conference In each instance followed the choice of the districts, thereby electing one repre sentative from each, instead of giving the city districts control of the entire dele gation, to the disparagement of the rural dlxtrlcts. Delegations from the latter con sidered that they had won a big victory and set an Important precedent. J. A. Brown of Normal acted as secretary of the conference. Chairman Ehrhardt appointed A. M. Walling of David City, Mrs. Culmer and T. E. Young of Ashland to be the committee on resolutions. J. A. Brown and Judge Spurlock formed the committee on cre dentials. The chief business of the conference was to elect delegatea to the world-wide general conference at Sara toga. N. T.. next May, to which all dele gates have their expenses paid. ARGENTENIAN CARRIES DIAMONDS IN POCKET NEW YORK. Sept. 24-Dlamonds worth more than CS.Oce, which were found In the pockets of Shay Kuncher. a wealthy Argentenian, when customs inspectors searched him ea the American liner Philadelphia last Monday, were seised yesterday because Kuncher had failed to declare them upon his arrival. A v A i 1 i x-' s ' ' k - n i .v f ........ - av v ;v' " iSr)e,'w SHARP FIGHT NEAR PROGRESSO, TEXAS One American Soldier and Several Mexican! Are Killed in Battle On the Border. aaa-aaaaaaa TWO AMERICANS ARE WOUNDED BROWNSVILLE. Tex., Sept. 24. American troops and a large band of Mexicans reported to be Carranza fcoldlers, battled today at Progresso, with the' Mexicans retreating under fife and the Americans pushing them toward the Rio Grande, a mile dis tant One American soldier. Private Stubblefleld of Troop B. Twelfth United Btates cavalry, was killed and two others were reported wounded. The Mexican casualties have not been ascertained. One troop of the Twelfth cavalry and a large detachment of the Twenty-sixth infantry were engaged In the fight, which began early today, of the Mexicans had been killed. The Mexicans approached from the di rection of the Klo Grande, one mile dis tant from the hamlet. The American detachment waa camped in front of a house. The Mexicans opened fire from the shelter ot the walls. Telrnhone Wlrea Cat. Lieutenant Payne, in charge of the in fantry detachment, reported by telephone to Brownsville at 10 a. m., that the fight ing still was In progress and that several Private Stubblefleld fell at the first volley. The telephone wires between Mercedes and the point where the fight occurml, were cut early this morning an1 only n'.eagcr details were obtainable from an Irrigation pumping plant four mllea from the scene, where it was re ported that, besides killing Stubblefleld, the Mexicans wounded two other Amer ican soldiers. The soldiers returned the fire, moving toward the house and firing at the Mex icans every time one showed himself. The Mexicans were mounted and retreated In the brush In the direction of the Rio Grande, the troopers pushing the fight ing. Smyth for Judge, District or Circuit? So Eeport Has It An unconfirmed report from an uniden tified source was in circulation yesterday to the effect that Constantino J. Smyth, to date generally conceded the odds In the race, had been dropped out of con sideration for the federal district Judge ship vacancy with his own eonnent, un der assurance that he would be named for a better place oa the circuit bench to be available shortly. When asked by a Bee reporter whether he still expected to be Judge Mungers successor, Mr. Smyth replied: "My name Is before the attorney gen eral. The last news I hsd was In yoer paper today. I haven't the slightest no tion what they will do, not the slightest notion." Hcr are the datea for our coming Ak Sar-Den events: Sept. 2 9. Carnival befina Oct. 5. Floral Parade Oct. 6, Electrical Parade Oct. 8, Coronation Dall Oct. 9. Carnival End - S9 J J -: ' Twelve Pounds of Dynamite Carried Across Continent by Parcel Post NEW TORK. Bept. M. Eight sticks of dynamite, weighing' twelve pounds, were found in a package In the foreign branch postofflce here today. The package was mailed at Napa Junction, Cal, Septem ber 1, being sent to the foreign branoh office. ' Postal authorities said the package was) addressed to H. Virginia Roasclo, P. (X, Ceva, Italy, and the name of the sender was given aa Luift CJhlrolfl of Napa Junction. "The package containing the' dynamite received much handling during the trip across the continent, being transferred to and from various mall bags. On re ceipt at the Grand Central terminal It was shot down a long chute and must ZEPPELIN TO FLY ALL OYER OMAHA Visitor, to Ak-Sar-Ben May See How Giant Warships Looked aa They Attacked London. MAT CARRT SOME PASSENGERS Ak-Sar-Ben will have a monster free attraction. Moreover, the Ak.-Sar-Ben will have one of a distinctly original and up-to-date nature. It will take the form of an Omaha Zeppelin, Randall K. Brown and Gould Diets went Into executive session together and decided that war was all that General Sherman said it was and then some, but as the former said, "What do the people of Omaha know about the perils of war? If they were in London, England, now, they would be out looking for Zeppelins, hourly awaiting a raid from Kaiser Bill. "What are you driving at remarked the latter?" "Thinking of those poor Londoners and Incidentally getting some idess for Ak-Sar-Ben," remarked his partner in crime. 'We will show them just what it Is to have an Immense Zeppelin flying over them during the earatva. let's put up our Omaha Zeppelin during the carnival and engage Pad Weaver as bomb throw-or-lu-chlef to illustrate the awful damage that might occur If we were at war." To Ply Ow Cltjr. Bo the immense Dl-rl-gl-ble will fly at the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities and visitors from outside can see for themselves the latest air craft in action. It will ascend from the vacant lot at the comer of Fif teenth and Jones streets. Applications for passage may be made to Dad Weaver, who will have as chief assistant Charles Black of hot air balloon fame as advtar in general. (Continued on Page Two, Column One. The Day's War Newt CHE EC 12 HAs DECIDED apoa Mo bilisation of lis war and has railed tho classes of 103 to 1S11 to tho colors.. Athens dUpotehva, throana Paris, ejaoto the official statement that Oreeca iatcaaa to aefrad Its own riahts aaS aaaaart Serbia. It Is aspect that the Greek parliament will he aaaa. aaoae4 tomorrow. IT IS REPORTED In Athens that Balararta'a Black Boa porta, throasjh which It weald ha onca to Rasslaa attack by water, are he las harrlcdly fortified. LONDON HAS aaefflelal reports that la their aaeeeMfal offeaalve la Volhyala the Itaaelaas have re. eaetared the fortreae of Latak. BRITISH STEAMER I'll A MCELLOK at e.ttoo loos, haa bee eaak. Part vf its erew Is mlaalag. : . : Wt 'v -v. "XV "... U have struck the bottom with considerable force. The failure to explode la ex plained by the heavy wrappings of news, papers. There was an outer cover of heavy manlla paper. Next to this was a heavy layer of newspapers, Inside of which was a large cigar box. An Italian almanac bearing a portrait of President Wilson waa stuffed tn one end of the box, while two cloth bags each held four stlcka of dynamite. The powder was 66 per oent and of the type used for blasting In mines. The package was held for insufficient pontage, but postal authorities have been unable to locate a Lulgl OhlrolO at Napa Junction. AUSTRIAN!) FAIL TO CHECK RDSS Teutons Said to Have Abandoned the Fortress Northwest of Dubno and Retired. WEST RTJSS LINE IS HOLDING BULLET!. BERLIN, Bept. J 4. (Via Lon don.) Field Marshal Von Ilinden burg has made further progress in his efforts to capture the Russian for tified city of Dvlnsk. The taking by storm of additional Russian positions defending the city northeast of Sniellna is officially reported today. LONDON, Sept. 24. Military ac tivities on the eastern front are once more assuming the familiar phases of a slow German advance, following the recent Impetuous rush of the in vaders. The Gorman plan ot divid ing the Russian armies north and south of the Prlpet haa been a strate gic success in a way, but the immedi ate effect of the severance was to throw an increased burden on the Austrlans, who seem unable to check the Russian drive. Unofficial dispatches from Pstrograd state that the latest Russian victory northwest of Dubno Is of more Import ance than was revealed by the official communication from Petrograd Involving recapture of the fortresses of Lutsk, northwest of Pubno. Relinquishing this fortress, the Austrlans are said to have retired across the 8tr. All the way from tha Baltic port of Riga to the Prlpet marshes the Rusrlans are holding their line stubbornly In an attempt to bring their long retirement to an end. The fighting la particularly severe southeast of Vllna and east of Dvlnsk. Envelopment of the Vllna army having failed, it Is assumed the Oermsns will develop their offensive movement at Dvlnsk with the view of an ultimate blow at Riga. It Is generally believed the (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) A Stunner! The Bee's Photos "Billy" Have put it over all others and then some. Another fine one Tomorrow A'- : -- . :' ' . i'. ' ; vs. -. ' .', S f :"A(v VSt'i - AV - V Photo by Bee Staff Photographer. GREEK ARMY IS , CALLEDTO COLORS Menacing; Move of Bulg-aria is Fol lowed by Order from Athens Mobilising: Troops. TENSION IN -BALKANS INCREASES ' BITLLHTIK. WASHINGTON, Spet. U. A state ment cabled to the Bulgarian lega tion here today by Premier Radoslav off announces that Bulgaria does not Intend aggressive action against any of its neighbors and that its mobilisation is not to be construed as indicating that it 1 about to enter the war. BI'LUSTITf. ATHENS, bept. 24. (Via Lon don.) A decree for general moblli sntlon of twenty classes of Oreek sol diers was signed last night by King Constantino and promulgated. The decision of the king has aroused the greatest enthusiasm. Issuance of the mobilization de cree came quickly after the king had granted an audience to Premier Ven litelos. The premier Informed the king that mobilisation was the only possible reply to Bulgaria's move. To this tha sovereign agreed, stipulating that it should be regarded -aa a de fensive measure. , The twenty classes now called to the colors are in addi tion to four classes already under arms. PARIS, Sept 24. An official de cree for the mobilization of the Greek army was Issued in Athens today, says tha Athens correspondent of the Havas News Agency. Parliament probably will be summoned tomor row. The dispatch says the decree waa (Continued on Page Two, Column One. Sunday Is Given Scolding by One Woman at the Tab "TUUy" Sunday was roundly scolded following the trall-hlttlng at the mothers' meeting and he took It 11 ko a good fel low. Mrs. Ha rah Oummlngs of Glenwood, la., M years old, administered the scold ing. ' Mrs. Cummlngs wss renewing old ac quaintance with "Billy" when a crowd of friends and others who wanted to shake hands with him surged about the press box where they were standing. "Hilly" interrupted the old woman each moment by shaking hands or speaking a word to those who oame up. Mra. Cum mlngs grasped his coat lapels with trem bling fingers and oried"' out: "Listen to me, 'Billy,' I'm talking to you now. I'm older, than you are, and you've got to listen to me." Whereupon "Billy" listened. Mra. Cummlngs' husband waa In the Twenty-third Iowa regiment and in the same company in whioh "Billy's" father enlisted, and her two children. Elf fie and Robert, were In the Sotdiere Orphan home at Glenwood when "Billy" and his brother EM were there. "I remember so well how yon looked then and what a good boy you were. My daughter lOffle liked you so weU. She lives In Wyoming now and she would give anything to be able to hear you now," exclaimed Mrs. Cummlngs. "ttftteT Oh, I remember her well. She was a blonde, buxom girl and aha had brown eyes, now, didn't shsT Oh, yea, I remember Kffle," returned "Billy," as be was bustled away. "God bless hlml Ood Ueas hunT mur mured the eld Freight and Passenger Trains on the Miiionri Pacifio Eoad Meet in Front-End Collision with Fatal Results. ,i NONE OF PASSENGERS KILLED Both Engines and Baggage Car De molished When the Two Trains , Come Together. ONE TRAIN IS OVERLOOKED DBAS. ST. J. amxmxOCK, eat-laee ef aU-ssaa Olty. W. B. OOOnwur, (iveaaaa, Kanase Otti J, S. WXUSOST, toakeman. Tails Ottf. lajwre.. Arthur Stuberg, Omaha, knee out bruised. B. I Cooper, Auburn, baggage man, right leg out. E. B. Edwards, Omaha, traveling salesman for the M. E. Smith com pany, right arm out and bruised. L. M. Williams, Omaha, right knee and elbow lacerated and bruised. Charles L. White, Kansai 0ltyk news agent, shoulder bruised and eut) on hands and head. James A. Madden, St. Louis, por ter, hands cut and right shoulder, bruised. D. E. Parker, Kansas City, porterj light hand cat W. 8. West, postal clerk, Kaaaaai City, right thigh fractured. J. II. Harris, Stella, Neb face cut) and bruised. James McClurg, Leavenworth Kan., bruised about the shoulders and chest Harry Cotton, Kansas. City, bag-l gageman, face and right arm cut and bruised. Three men were killed and eleven; Injured In a head-on collision on the Missouri Faciflo, one mile south of Oreapolls, this morning at 8:45, when a northbound . freight train crashed Into a southbound passenger. The men killed .war the eagineei and firemen on the freight train and the head brakeman on the passenger There were thirty passengers on the train. ' Mistakes the TraJsw The cause of the wreck is attribtM ted to Engineer Sherlock disregard ing orders, or, rather, mistaking sj wild train for one that he waa warned against. He had orders to pass freight No. 163 on the elding at La; Platte. When he arrived there No 165, a wild train, was on the sldlngv It Is presumed that he mistook this train for No. 163 and went on at full, speed. ; Two miles farther down the line, and Just below the Oreapolls crosstnsj he met No. 163 head-on, and soj quickly that he had no time to acfl before the crash came. The scene of the wreck was at a ourvgj toward the east. Three hundred feet north of where the wreck occurred, a ros of large trees extends up to the right- of-way from the east Until this point is passed It la Impossible to see the tracW more than 200 feet ahead. It la on aj slight up-grade and from the position, in which the body of Fireman Goodwin! was found, he waa stoking his engine) when the crash came. The body of En-j glneer Sherlock was pinned against the) bead of the fire-box. His skuU was crushed and It Is presumed that hlsj (Continued oa Page Two, Column Two. AS AtfhtS If you have a vacant house A ad t ssll it you've bea trying, Boa't say, "I have bo ehauea I can find bo oae that's buying." If you've exhausted every means And bo results yon've had. Take a tip, aud try tomorrow A welUwerSed ail Will AJD. Veeple have the time oa Buaday To look at every ad with ears, And year house yotU soon be etUai , U ri have IS listed there. No matter what you have for saJn whether home, farm, furniture, automo bile, tn fai-t, any article of value fo which you no longer have any noed, yo, will find can b eaaily disiua..l thmuiih th clalfi i columns of TH BKKtl lll(J BL'NUAY PAPfcUt. Your copy tn ordr to receive troii classification must be In this office m later than l it Saturday evening. I'hou TXLUH 1000 now. put it rx Tins omiha urn, THE WAHT-AD. WAY I it 5