I T1TE TIKE: OMAHA. SEPTEMBER V ' 191 - WANT ADS . Went a1 received at any time, but tn 'Insure pnnr classification must be pre-;eent-.1 befrre II o'clock noon for evening I edition and 7.45 p. rn. for morning and Sunday edition. Want ads received after such hour will be under the heading. "Too I .ate to classify." CASH RATES. Seven consecutive time. I cant a word each Iteertlon. I Two or more eoneecutire times, 14 eenta a word. Oue tin. I eenta a, word. ' CHARGE RATES I Seven consecutive times, S cenU Ha aon Insertion. Three consecutive timet, 10 cent a line each Insertion. One time, 13 eenta a Hne. , Count als average word to a line. Minimum charge. 10 eenta. , An advertisement Inserted to be nm funttl discontinued court be stopped by written orrter. ah claim tor errors must be maae within fifteen day after the last inser tion of the advertisement . DRATHI AND FUNERAL NOTICE. BOVEEJ Mrs. Bmma. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mr. Paul Veen. Funeral Saturday afternoon at Gentle man'a chapel at I P. m. -West Lawn cemetery. B RO WN1C John, aged 15, son f the late Mr. Mary A. Browne. Remains at Hoffman funeral home. Funeral ar rangements later. He Is survived by three brother Joseph T., Richard M. and Fr ancle and one slater. Mary ti, all of Omaha. GATES Fred A., aged SO rear. He Is survived, bealdea hie widow and mother, by one brother, George; three sisters, Mrs. Addle Van Adden, Mrs. Jessie Shrtber and Mrs. Blanche Under. Kuneral Friday afternoon from Gentle man chapel at l:s0. Interment, Holy Hepulchre cemetery. Auto service, ' TAANAHBY DanteL age T year. Funeral Saturday morning. Sept. 25, at I 1:30 a. m. from the family residence, 2713 I N. loth Rt. to Secret Heart ohuroh, I a. nw Interment Holy Sepulcher ceme I tery. . , PUOH-JTenry U. sjred years. He Is survived, bealdea his widow and daugh ter, by one sister, Mrs. Edward Porterj four brother. J. Q. of South Omaha, Jhi. U. ana VY, l , oi oioui v-ivy via A. of Fort worth, Tex. vs run uriu, a tjl Fuocrtl Saturday aftmomi it I p. e aw-. . V. la V.fekt J. Q,. 423 North Twentieth. South Omaha. In terment Laurel Hill cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Max and Mary WtttaJsM. MT tCharle girl; Basil L. and Boil B, Col lier, ioi Mason, girl: OhrU and Emma iNelsen, U.& North Twenty-eeoond, gtrl; I William R. and Sarah Wall. Florence, girt; John and Leila Fischer, 730 Ontario, I boy; John and Marie Baurnan 317 Pep Pletcn, boy; Roy and Sara Cafferty. 1701 .Manderson. boy: Hllmar and Juile Carl- I son. 1248 South Fifteenth, boy; Simon and Rosa Klein, hospital, boy; Raymond and I Anna Marksbury. 40 North Thirtieth, boy; William and Maude Moore, 1607 Grace, boy; Alflo and Maria Osetno, 1251 South Thirteenth, girl; Carl and Flor ence Person, hospital, boy: Paul and Katie ponlnoh, 176 bouth Twenty-first. South Side, girl. Death Anna Fltxgerald, 73 years. 4.48 IBurdette; John Relmer, 84 years, , ThJrty fourth and Meredith avenue. MAHRIMUS LirENSES. License to wed hare been granted the ioi lowing couptes: Name and Address. Clarence Carter, Ottumwa, Ia. Age. ... 80 ... 30 Clara fTanaun, uiiuraw . Otto Pmolek. South Side Anna Vankat. South Side Torrent Heishman, Malcolm, la. a 30 Ellen Enrich. Brooklyn, la... 'Harry E. Dennis, Weeping- Water . 'Bmma Beland. Weeping Water ... Thomas Duhhrg, South Side .... Grace Cruise, South Side Joseph Petak. South Side Mary Hanzek, South Side John Stodola, Jr.. South Side Katharine Rojtova, Bouth Side .... BUILDING PERMITS. Julia A. Jones, into South Twenty-sixth, frame dwelling, 32,800; Benson Jr mlchael, 4336 Marcy, frame dwelling. 32, OM. Today's Movie Programs LANTERN elide (or movies. Send your copy to us. We can reproduce photos er will prepare your copy. W will color .as directed. Bee Photo Dept. 101 Bee Bldg. I Dawatwwa. -EMPRESS. 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. Four Reels ot Good Pictures. The Scapegoat, featuring Edna Mayo and Bryant Washburn, in 3 reels. Hearst-Kellg Weekly No. 75. The Golden Oyster, comedy. At the Road's End. Western drama. PRINCESS. 1817-19 DOUGLAS. The Man From Oregon, a Mutual master picture, by Thomas I nee, In 6 acts. W. O. Field, the celebrated star of Zleg field's Follies. In The Pool Shark, com. North. GRAND 16TH and BINNEY Thomas W. Ross IK THE ONLY SON A 5-Recl Paramount Feature. i CLIFTON, 2201 MILITARY AVE. , The Girl of the Gypsy Camp, S reels. Also i other reels, scenic and comedy. ILOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP. William Fox presents Kdward Jose and Betty Nana on in "Ann Karenlna," in five reels. Beat). APPOLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH Rule Sixty-Three, Essany feature. Ham at the Beach, Kalem comedy. The Stranger In the Valley, Broncho. West. MONROE. 2S55 FARNAM. Lillian Tucker and Edwin- Auguat In "Evidence," a s-reel World feature. Snath Sid. BESSE, 24T1I AND N EVIL SOULS REBOKN OR THE WAY BACK ORPHEUM. 24TH AND N. Her Oath of Vengeano. In Truat. Miilnutian Courtship. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are considering selling or niiiui ruu win nave no rcif I r u... buy or advertise through the used car uunm oi i na or. riAinm lyter luOO. $1j0 REWARD for sny mesne to ws can"t lepalr. Coils repd. Bayadorfer. 110 N. 1JL 1 Iflla. at-horae power Mitchell car for sale or trade for young horses, cattle or I sheep. Addres T. H. Adam. Hebron. Nab. T'KK.Jl rebuilt, tires patched, tires vul isnixed. Duo Tire Co., Mil Chioag St. Z f m " u wsut run value for your mousy or you want people who are willing to pay for what Oiev M MOVIES i FEATURES VV TODAY A GRAXD, lGTir AND BINNEY Thomas W. Roe In The Only Son. a 8-reel Paramount feature. MONROE, 2666 FARNAM Lillian Tucker and Edwin August in "Bvtdence," a e-reel World feature. princess. rTTTTTot; Q CX5T The Man From Oregon, a Mutual mas terptcture, by Thomas Inoe, in 8 act. W. O. Fields, the celebrated star of Zleg fleld's Follies, In The Pool Shark, com. AUTOMOBILES We Must Clean Out Our Used-Car De partment as Our Room Has Been Leased to the Kelly -Springfield Omaha Company for a Tire Store Six big used-car bargains still, left. Will sell for half cnsh and balance easy pay ments. ACT QUICK AND GET ONE OF THESE SNAPS: Cadillac Company of Omaha, Used-Car Dept. 206 r Faroam St. TIRK EXPENSE CXTl- tf TWO. We take two old tires and return one good one. Prine, fl7S and up. J EH. DOUBUE-IREA D TIRE CO. zzis rarnam Bt. Tel. Doaglas 1M. Overton's for leaky raaiator. 80e. dealer. THH best offer 1 get this week takes ray e-pessenger, light touring ear. It Is In perfect condition and a great bar gain at I60& If you want a good ear cheap this la It. US Bran del. Phone Tyler 1181 OVER $100 In ceeh will be given away free at West Benson. FOR RAIE Classy speedster, thoroughly overhauled and repaired, new tires. Will stand any Inspection; $300 oash. or will make term to responsible party. K, 181. Bee. NEBRASKA Bulck Pervloe Station, 1914 Famam St. Phone Douglas Tn. Industrial Garage Co.. IWth A Harney Bts. ONE 1913 Cadillac roadster, K-lt. P.. In splendid condition, )900. Can be seen at J64 Famam pt, Handsome new Woods electric, rear ani forward drive; com. appolntm'ts. H, 3J73. FOR RALE) One Chalmers S1x-4g. run less than 1,000 miles. Bankable guaran tee, thst the car Is absolutely right. Ad dress P. O. Bos 04. Wayne Neb. ANNOUNCEMENTS The CENTRAL PRINTING COMPANY Formerly located at 1417 Douglas street, has moved to more con venient quarters at 90S South 13th street, known as the Bromley Bldg. (old Omaha National Bank Bldg.), fourth floor, where your wants In the printing line will be taken care of In the same prompt and painstaking manner that has always characterised "Central" service. THE old school building;, outbuild ing's, 40 H. P. steam boiler and other articles of the Independent School District of Casey, la., will be sold at public auction on the school grounds at 2 p. m., Sept. 27. Build ings 49x50 and 24x32, 28 (t. high, all in good condition. Address Carl B. Galloway for in formation. Office for Rent September 16th On Beautiful Court of the Bee Huilding 216 Sq. Ft., with water. .... . f 11.00 Ask the Superintendent, Room 103. 8U81NKS3 COLLEGE 8TUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For Bale, with wj9 Ma.na t 1 1 S variety of courses In a reliable Bust- " , , .v vii u, in,, ivaning ouaineea college of Omaha. Will be cold very reasonable away below regular prlre. If you ere considering taking a course Investigate thie at once, alnce Fall Urn oon. i gii ornce. omana Bee. PR BE. big prlsea given awav Bun. day, September th, at Weat Benson. Investigate T M. CA. out nark, summer. kmrv T.A vs-na awl-vtilv Special meeting at Walilngton hall Thursday evening, September 23. Busi nese of Importance. A. U Keller, presi dent. BUSINESS CHAXCES If your Buslneaa Chance will atend rigid Investigation ana is Just whet it is advertised, or if you are looking to start In business for yourself you will he per fectly satisfied If you use the Business Chanee column of The Bee. When buy ing or seUUig a Dualnee Puen Tyler 1000. Investigate This Wanted, young man who Is a II va wire and not afraid to work. To such a man I can offsr a one-half Interest In my business, a salary of tlOO a month and a per cent of the earning a An Investment of tm la required, which Is secured. Ad drees Box K U7. care Bee. WANTED Capable man or woman, or both, to, open small restaurant In fair slse hotel, well located and always filled with roomers. This Is an excellent ep- K it unity for a capable pereon to eata fa ll a good bualneee that will bring good returns. We have a large, dry baaeiuent In which to keep supplies, large dining room and kltrhen. Inquire toe Gray stone Hotel. i4?3 Cass bt., Omaha, Neb. Phone Doug. UuS. DRUG stock sale. Reason for selling, want to quit business. . Will . eeil re. son ably. Address John Wslch, Cortland, Nee. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires set of books efiernoon or evening. Ad dree L lie. Bee. MSINESS CHANCES Confectionery, cheep, good Iimv Web. ltrtS. j A high-dune InvcMmenf. Ware I'lk. RKSTAI'RANT and rooming hnune with a email line of groceries; doing good buelne; beruain If taken at once; other bualneea. White I.um-h Reataurant, 4li4 f. in, irmana. -in. Hfnuw o. FR 8AI.IC An up-to-date bottling works with good bmlnes: Invoice, J In a town of l.riO population In northeastern Nebraska. Ad. Ire.' Y v Omaha Mee. o Outside Office 17th Street Exposure in the Bee Building ttx20 ft 118.00 Partitioned for print office and Waiting room. Inquire of Superintendent. Room 101. RSSTALTRANT Paying, So. Dakota, rooms; price (M0. Jim Wray, Kloux Cltr. RK8TAURANT Snap; best restaurant In northwestern Iowa, with 13 rooms. Jim Wray, Sioux City. IX)K TRAUh Dandy grocery, confec tionery, )4,U0U; splendid town 1,000, Jim Wray, Hloux Olty. GREAT BARGAIN Iowa, only restau rant, fountain, eight rooms. Jim Wray, glomx City. ONLY bakery, Nebraska town; paving puaineea; price, Jim tvray, Bloux C'tv. FOR 8AL.E Grocery and meat, doing 11,00) per mo. also home, at trr Web ster PU C THORSON, 141 N. lth. Restaurant fixtures; reasonable price. IX 4h Ae., Co. Bluff. Tel. Black 14. BUBlNr.88 places, land, city property, handled all states. JIM WRAY, Sioux City. Ia WJLL. sacrifloe grocery store. tm. Tel. fo. FOR BALK or exchange for land, eS.OOO stock of drugs: Neb. county seat town I.0O0. Address T 71. Bee. FATING Iowa hardware and furniture business, compiate, 17,000. Jim Wray. Woux City. XJTBN Paying Iowa pool hall and bar ber ahop. Jim Wray, tloux City. alBlAT market northeast Iowa town 1,000; $1.800; terms. Jim Wray. Bloux City. NEBRASKA blacksmith hop, running, paying; cheap, terms; hurry. Jim Wray, Sioux City. OWNERd-Llst W. Williams. ir property with Neville FlV. D. w. 4SST. TO SHU. er bur a bt'alnesa, oall aa. oall on Buach Bnrshoff, Freruer Hie" . sing I TO GET In or out of business call on OANOKfrTAP. 422 Bee Bldg Uoug. 3477. i REAL Estate Business places supplied or panaiea; ausiatea. r v. Kniet. Omaha. OFFICE or buslneee proposition with possible small Investment considered. J 1. Bee. ; THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the , ater, machine and supplies throurh i Theater Exch. Co., 14"4 Kamam. l. lfBT. SEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In eatsbllshed howa. O. 830. JOIN Ihe crowd on PundaV at Weat Ben eon. JYou may receive one of the prlsea. sloesataal Hmin (er Heal. 11-R. rmg. house; well furn: splen. loo.; 1100 cash, bal. mo. Mil Dodge. Apt, s. 617 B. 18TH 12 room, full of roomers. tiuuMiisujnouM ror sale cneap. umau sum aownana easy payments, u. sw. EDUOATIONAli Fall Term Boyles College 19 NOW OPEN In both the day and Tight sessions. Tet It Is not too late to enter, uegin now to get that menial dis cipline and buslnes training that will double your earning capacity. Complete cruises In ail commercial branche. 'Bookkeeping, Shorthand ' and Typewrit ing, Btenolypy, Oaleamanship, Telegraphy and Civil bervlre. Positions round for ail graduates FREE. Places furnished to work (or board while attending. Ask (or tfree catalogue at once. BOIkTLES COLLEGE, II. 13. Boyles, President. Boyle Bldg. Tel. D. 1605, Omaha, Neb. FOR sale, the following scholarships In a first class Omaha Business College: On unlimited combination business and shorthand course. On unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course. W 111 be sold at a discount at the office Of The Omaha Bee. The VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH T BOOKKEEPING, Day School (or Young Woman. Evening School (or Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. Ion C Duffy, Owner and Manager. Ma Ro. Uth Bt Omaha. BOOKKEEPING and Penmanship given privately. Reasonable. Phone H. mi. EXPERT lady stenographer will tak pcplla; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught, individ ual Instruction. 4624 Douglas BU TsL Walnut XSSI. Fon SAIA FOR 8A LB Here Is a clsssmcatlon that Is ot ths utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers some excep tional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your article at Its (ull value. Phone Tyler 1000. Faraltare, Heesehold Goads, Ete, DprIck bought and sold. J. C. Reed, iion-o yJ,n Frlmm Bt. Douglas til. FOR SALE Large base burner, kitchen range, excellent baker. 1424 Boyd St. THR FURNITURE of t-room house for sale and the bouse (or sals. Best loca. tun downtown house for rent. No ond-hand men. Phone Red 1HU.9 LIBRARY table, 0U rug, ga rang, bench clothes ringer, large mirror, med icine cabinet, mualo cabinet and chairs. Apt. 16, The California. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE! 1MB N. 14TH. WEB. Ieu7. Iloraea 4 Vehicles, TEAMING gears, one or a carload. All slses, two to six-ton cspacltlea Ws sell the Studebaker, tn Bala, the Peter Schuttler, pekia and Bueikens. Must still lot this month, big reduction in mice. JOHNSoN-DAK FORTH COMPANY. ONE good work-home, weight 1.4oO Ibe, Omaha Concrete Stone t o., tth Ave. nd Hahler St. Phone Weheter KM. BOLD Mmrii iiitlraiiirata Slightly used high grsnd piano. D. 1T. .PIANO cheap, csh or payment. Red im. 'eitry, Umwu i4 Sevpllea. MXD grain, lw lbs. ll.- Wagnsr. 11 ft. 11 STEREOTYPIC matrtoas make the beet aad cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are lTxii Indies, stronger and niui durable than taried felt and practically flreproef. ;ae a hundred at The lee otfice. FOR SALE Id "standard breed While Leghorn hens and pullets; all exhibi tion stock; worth lw up, but will close out entire lot at a bargain. Mapiawood Farm, Exeter, Neb. TYPEWR1 TERM, tit and Up. Ml Bee Bldg. TYPEWRITERS aold. teuted. repairedT Central Typewriter Exc. lw Faniaai. 8TFNOTTPE for sale. Reasonable. Call Webster fctt. a Mtaeellaaeeaa. ELECTMC MOTORS -je - ' " ' ewa, er fy . sB W ,..,,. . fit S- IS !?!! ! so " VW pilsaslfj. ImBW. ....... AT 4itAnuo, hK- 110 vol, -K. Ut) volts, D. C., new.. I n ul -v vojia, new 1-ff f n 1 1 n ..... . ....... S-H. P. gasoline engUie. throttiin's aov to Lfcl Knirhl''m'.irjrii'iW2'''ii:.''.':X ' ran, 11 u. uth St. -o j FOR BALK M eelleaeeee. FOR SAt.R New end second-hand rarom and pocket bi:ilard tables and bowllnic allev and acre.rte; bar fixtures of all kind: eaay raiments The lirnnewlua- N . Heoond-han PW mannetoa, rrilr. hand numn, dynamne. mecnanici le uron k.lectrlu Works. Sl-ln 8 ISth St. Coal Direct to You. Tho Very Lowest Prices. Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Tlatte, Neb. roil BALK) CHKAP ftualneea College Coure. and eon-.ulete cholerhls tn one ef the beet Omaa butnea erhools. Good reeon for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be wilt very reasonably, ir Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety ef courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. CAHPKNTF.K tool a, ehovela, aledgee, picks, lackscrews, 10 penny match vend ing machines, ROo each. Horse, harness, wagon, 1100, One eletrto plane. J. C. 1SH. Wa n. nth ft. Harney Hi. $3.20? Oolden Wet Whiky, 4 full uarts bottled In bond, pre aid. Cackley Bros.. Omaha HK!,P WAVTKD FEMALE Mer'eal and Office. STENOGltAPHER ITS Wtts Hef. Co., M8-46-41 Brandels Theater. STKNO. Also some bookkeeping, good I place for trislit, hustling young lady. Give age, experience, references, eto. Ad dress b" 12, Bee. STIlN'OORAPHErV-AraO HOME LIC TAPliONB WORK, LAW OmCB, enNiii position for right GIRU OIVB AGE, EXPERJ KNCE, REr -r-HKNClja, E7TC AXLRE8S G US, BEE. ON K all-around machinist and welder, Stenographer. neat. fast. Omaha Agency Co., Ill Bee Bids. M1L1LE-AGEX lady cashier; must be experienced. Omaha Agency Oo.. SU Bee Bldg. Factory wad Tsmsle. OIRL to learn hglrdreaslng. Oppenhelna WANTEID nxperlenoed alteration help. Orkln Bros., U. & National Bank Bldg GIRL for counter. 14 Douglas St. Haws keeper avual Deaaestlcs. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will rua a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad fit KB until you get the desired results, his applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office er telephone Tyler QQ0. WANTED A girl (or general housework, laud Park Ave. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework end ear (or small child. Call Harney 7M& WANTEID An eapertenoed nurse maid; reference required. Mrs. M. B. New man, 3M0 Howard, 11. I3H. WANTED White girl (or general house work; highest wages for experienced help; pleasant room, with private bath; references required. 4 N. 4th bt. Tel. Walnut m. WAN TED Competent prl foe general housework; two In family ; no washing, mi Woolwerth Ave. W ANTED Girt (or light housework, family of two; must oe good cook. Apartment , ml Dewey Ave. Tel. H. 763. JKAT aDoeartna- alrl for eeneral house- , work. . m&11 Tnartment. 1 in famllvi good home and pleasant room. Phone 11. 4f. or call 10 S. 42d St. npuuiu . i .1 i i . .. poslUoa as cook In private hotel or res - taurant. Wal. WANTh.l A girl for general housework, Apply 128 8. 35th Bt. H. 649. GIRL (or general housework; no wash ing or Ironing. Plasa Hotel. WANTHD A maid (or eeneral houae- work; no washing. 11 fl. th Bt. GIRL fer general housework, t&tf Call fornla St WANTED A neat whit girl for general nous work; must he a good, plain cook; no washing or Phone Harney 1009. 117 N. St. WANTED Cook and housemsld in fam ily of two. Har. 717. Kt B. S2d Ave. WIDOWED woman want work of any kind. Call Webatsr 14:X WANTED A white girl for general housework.; small house: smell family; references required. I'aii Har. taa. housework. 11B 8. ITth St. Harney 6403. "WANTED Girl for Call V1 Franklin sneral housework. WANTED A competent second girl; ref erences required. Apply 80S So. Ud Ave. Phone II. 2M. WANTED A girl living la the north P"!' fLVtiSJ!S!L .U7 fi?.' or. ntngs and do other minor things about me house, rnone w. twh. WANTED Girl (or general housework. f. ' 1 u 2oUIAv c. WANTED Cook, "good wages, no wtmh' Ing. Joseph barker, H B th. Doua, u. .WANTED Olrl for m no cooking or washln eral housework; ng. SU N. h. Dotislas 8Zl. WANTED A girl for renerol housework. 120 So. th St., Harney B2S. GIRL for general housework. Apply Mrs. Hedre, 128 tL loth St. Har, 64mT WANTED-Experienced girl for general housework. A D, Peter, lJl S. l3d bt. WANTED At once, girl (or genera), housework. Small family. Har, iM. 1804 S. itfth 8t. M lee-el !.. l. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a at rangers are Invited to visit tne Toung Women's Christian association building at St. Marys Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or othsrwis assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. WOMEN WAN TED Government Job List free. Write Immediately. Frank lin Institute. Dept. UG. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTKD MALE OerlesU offlee. Are You This Man? afraid to work and is a 11 v wire. To ui.ii man i wiu oner an inisrest in my business and a salary of llOu a month, also a per ceut of the net earnings. An investment of 1600 I required; this Is se cured. Address L 12s. car Bee. BTENO., ALSO ONE WHO CAN OPEPU ATEDIC?APUNB, ON LI A-l MANN HKIOHT AND A HUSTLER: SALAftr KPSFW TARlj RAPID ADVANO Urn's lltVL'. i,iJ dluEu liAU.?. BuiAUl, s,XC. JWOtUua J. KX, BEE. K V pu t. I L i-L r, ' ..... i . .. . . 1 " - ......... .L.II'MI.T , muk BUSINrdS MEN'S RJFKRF1NCH ABS'N. wkkiimh oi uie werld. SILT, opr. and bkkpr. U v uii nei. yjn., MS-4Q-U Brandels Theater. GOOD opening "bright young ally. Rogers Hef. Co.. th Paxton Blk, WANTEJ-41igh-grde bookkeeper, thor- ..tm; uniiuud in me agiieuitural lmplmnt line; giv (ull particulars. Ad- STHNO.-Brlght,' bustling young man," splendid fulurs: Ail arts a) 1st, bee. give age, salary, eto. WANT to near (rem competent auoounU ant! rtA rM.ui,inK . . . . VVANTED Bill clsrk, experienced alnd fuiw capable of taking cherge of bl l Ing department In a large agricultural I mj dement concern. Adurea V Hee billing clerk: Uumh .,1,1.,-. perlence. Omaha Agency Co.. iil'Ke. HIGH-4HADJ5 commercial poelliuna nwi. nntniuLi at xvN ) ASstN- - " w s sua 0Mig. Ba Saleaaaeai ss4 Selleltere. WANTED-A good steady gentlemanly salesmen to bandls Wardre wagou la Douglas county. No experience n.dxi. For full particulars writs promptly to Dr W.MT-.,iiComp,Jl,r' ". Minn. COAL agents wanted to svery town; get a trial car. I. M. Co. No. Platte. Neb. IIF.I.P VANTIT) MALR ileal, aaleeaaea and Solicitor. VB WANT ambitious branch managers and local agents, for our world-wide General Agency Puslne; experience unnecoeaary; no stock or merchandise to buy; operate from your own home In spar time; you ehuuld make from $. to H0O per week; write today for free In formation. B. K. 1mx t, W W. Wal nut ft.. Dea Molnea, la. o BBKRAI. young men aaleemen. dry good eiperlcnce. Omaha Agency Co., tU Hee llldg. y. alill have a few vacancies In ranks of our indiietrial producers. the If ?:ou are not satlKflud with your present ncome you should come with ua and you will he. It will pay you to Inveatigate and see what our men are doing. We have something new In Industrial Insur ance. Agents not chargeable with lapses You should sea our weekly pay i pn our . rrMy per cklent policy. Insuring he family. Apply R, itendent, tlS Karbach ment neaitn ana accident every member of the H. Forbea, Superln Work. Omaha; or write to the 1'loneer Insurance Company, Lincoln Nebraska. SAt.KPMANto) call onphylcln; eatab llahed trade; espeneea and commission; state age. Also one for central Nebraska and Iowa P. O. Wox 1H, Philadelphia. o bi.. clean-cut rurnlture salvsmen; on cheese salesman. Omaha Agency, ail Bee Bid g. "B1LLT" SUNPAT"S .measase. Author l'd. Great opportunity for man or woman. We will pay you 11) to dutrtb ute It and take order. Si) day' work, pare time may be ued. Universal Bible Hoiieo, 101 Winston Bids., 1'hlledelphla. THE first payment carries inaoranc to January 1, 11; great Inducement; call lor write Mutual Benefit Health Accl I dent asaooleUon. City National Bank I Bldg., maha. Neb. SPF.C'ALTY aaleaman wanted by a 'arg New Tork manufacturer. Halarv 7H to I13R and expense .Purely bond and ref erences required. Apply to Mr. Bogua Rome Hotel. ' .ovnens Hera. boy. multlgranh experience: good chance for bright boy. Omaha Agency Co.. SI! lie Bldg. Kaerorr aw Tiago. WANTED Man lo learn ;ha barber trade. We have originated a plan to teach It qulskly and thoroughly. Wages paid while learning. Toole Include,!. Write for Illustrated catalogue. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 . 14th St "WANTED Flret-claaa prescription clerk. Sherman McCbanell Drug Co.. 16th and Dodve. TWO good carpenter Phone Rohertaon, St. Edward, Neb. George EXFKrUKNClU) preaaer and repair H pee Bldg. WANTED Ftrst-olaas automobile me nhanlo, one who can take charge of hop and turn out finished work on nigh clsae car. Kllkar Automobile Co., Dead wood, ft. D. Drug f tore Bnaps. Jobs, Knetst. Bee Bldg. positions Now Open. Free Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLL ICQ H. fmtj Famam Bt., Omaha, Neb. LEAHN BARBER TRADE Wages paid. Tools given. Positions guaranteed. Call or write for Information. Trl-Clty College. 114 Oouglaa, Omaha. WE need mon; had to turn down two Jobs per woek lately. Oet in. Learn by our method. Gat one of these Joha Catalogue D. B. free, Nebraska Auto mobile Rohoot. 2404 Iavenworth St. Mlaeellaaeoea. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. (71 month, Omsha, examinations coming. Fampie question free. Write immediately. Frank lin Int ttitee. Hept. 2210. P.,'-.eeter. N. T, Mi:N. with common senae education, who wish government Jobs, 170 month, should apply Immediately for (ull Infor ms tlon. Address X M, Bee. ! W'ANTBD Laborer for out-of-town I work; 2.lo day. Railroad rare fur I inlshed. Apply 1106 W. O. W. Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE) AND FEMAM0. WANTED Male and" female cook. maids, dishwasher for hotels and res taurants, laborers for railroads. Employ ment office. Mil Cass St. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED grocery clerk desires position; best of reference given. Ad dress Y W. Bee. EXPERIENCED civil engineer wishes Position In civil engineering, or would accept draughting. Have a full line of surveying Instruments which may be used where employed. Address S. L. Fer guson. Ml Benton street, Council Bluffs, la. Telephone ffiti WANTED Work by experienced soda man or confectionery clerk: wilt con sider anything else with fair wages. Call walnut si. LA CHI curtain laundresa. Doug. 4HX RELIABLE colored man wants work as porter in gsrsgs. Douglsi 'STENWrTpUER with si I P.' "nr. In resl estate a s "Ml. yeai ex T nd liMTrnce ork. Good reference. Wants position with responslbls firm. Tel. Doug, 4 . WANTED Day work. Tel. Tyler OK. INTELLIGENT light colored girl wishes position In office or bachelor apart ment, rnone v pniter 70z. YOUNG lady wishes position as cashier or -can do dining room work. Address Miss Stall Scogglns, care general de livery, Omaha NURSE or companion wishes a position; best references. Call Tyler 111. TlXWflTfeNCBD chambermaid wants position in town; room-In. Call Doug. 7?3 412 N. 18th. REFINED woman wants position as housekeeper In town; references. Doug. 7239. 411 N. Uth. LOT AND FOUND Lost or Found ads In Omaha's Lest and Found mediums means ths Immediate re turn ot that article If advertised In The Bee, the Lost and Found paper. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some artlcl would do well to call up the office of the Omaha sV Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street car a. Many articles each dy are turned In and the company I anxious to restore them tn the -hrhtful owner. Cs'l Doug. 41 LOST A ring of cash register key at Chris Lyek park or on street car. SU S 17th; reward. LOST A red automobile door. If found write Cnaa, Psrmels. Plattamouth. Neb. Literal toward to person who found p"re containing ladles' watch and rkiln 1320 N. Itith. South Omaha TsL So. m LOHT-Ledy'a gold watch and chain. lie turn te lu2 g. loth Ave. Reward H. i7, l2T Bunch of keys In North Omaha. Reward 1WJ Ogden St. Tel. D. Iv. LOST Blue Miami wheel. No. 4t KT- warq. nil ro. iwn tw. fhone H. 11. LOST Sorority pin; name on It. KaUw erlne Iavetiport; reward. Web. IU44. LOST Boston bull pun. one whits and ons blsck sye. Call Hamsy sM, or M 'IT Jit1. Isrrrsjneo pin seed pearl border. 13 reward. Grace Ford. tJl Ho. Uth Bt. PKRfiOHAL ADMINISTRATOR'S BAUD. In pursuance of an Order of Court, th undarelgned, as Administrator of ths K.Cavt of W. Ola( Lareen. deoeaeed. wlU ell at publlo auction for cash, oummeno. ing at 10 o clock In the morning of Bat urday. September 16. lli. on ths premise at 111 Cuming Street. Omaha, Nebraska. A mUcellaneous lot of Furniture, con sisting of odd chairs, tables, sofas, daven ports, etc. Also household furniture eon- v, t't'-M,, ouairs, survea. pictures, carpets, dishes, eto. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, Administrator. K stats of W. O lr.s. A...- J THE SalvaU.m Army inrtusti il home ao holts your jld clothing, furniture. nu. (Inea. We collect. We d.trl,ute Phone Ofiuinaa AIM i .A nn, - ... i. - 1 1 ""i Call and Inspect our near home, Illu-HU-1114 Dodge St. (Continued on Column 7, This Pags) Ready Reference Directory The followinaf firms offer quality and cxjwrt service that will please, the most critical: ABSTRACT OF TITLR. nrm ArTRACT CO., eldest abstract mill- In Nehraaka. f Rrandels Thea. T"-k Title Ouerantee and Abatract Ivrl I Co., a modern abstract office S. 17th 8t. 1'hone D. mi. ADVeRTIIINU NOVELTIES. M. F. ghafer CoTuth. rarnam. D. T474, AM ATEt It K1MSIIINO. nt.MS developed Tree If purchased from I'hoto Craft "hop, 411 Pee llldg. Dept. IX ACCOUNT ANTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AtTTMTEIV-Rook neened i and eloaed. Cost system Installed. Let me call on vou to explain the sdventages , of my audit service aystem. Addreae, 4U wi namge nidg. mono ooug Tee. ARCHITECTS. Bverett S. Dodds. ni rest cm Blk. D. tPSL ATTORNEYS. C. T. Tlrfclnow. SU Peitoti Blk. D. 1H AUCTIONBBRS. Powd A action Co", W O. W. R. rM. AUTO IISSVEANCB. AVT0MOBTf.n 'lrrUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglas BllS At' TO RADIATOR RRPA1RS. Omaha Radlstor Rep. Co., tmt Far. D. 1001. RAKmiES. E. n. RFEDWR, V N. lwh. WeK twT. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Pston-Mltchell Co.. rth and MarthaSts. CARFBNTKRS AND 4 ON TRACTORS. STETVEN8QN. q S. tti Douglas HM tisssard Son. 1 Cap. Ave. T. Ia CHIROrRACTIO SPINA!, AOJU'MTI Dr. J. C Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. SKI. Pr. Hsyee, V Brand. Thea, Bldg P. HM, CHIROPODIST. Carrie X Buford, t Pag. Plk. Red 4Wt. COFFEE BY MAIL. rr Sev monsy. Use better I YTTPP coffee. It lbs. high irrad VAAV. br pare) post, prepaid. tl 50. W. A. Skalf 4k Oo., Omaha, Neb. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, elasslo. D, 1T7L FALL term open at Maokts'g. Dong. M4S. OBNI0VIBTB HAPFLAIRE. Rom hotst TURPIN ACADEMY 28th and Famam Classes now open. Beglnnsrs Mon. and Thurs. Advanced Tuea High School class Sat. Private lessons. Harney 1143. TUnrncB ACADEMY, nth and Famam Clasaea now open. Beginners Monday and Thursdays; advanced Tueedaysi high school rlaaa Saturday. Private lesson. Harney el4s. DRtCSSMAKlNO. Terry Dreasmak'g college, loth A nitre's Dressmkg. School. California. DRESSMAKING COLLBOB. Ketster's Preearnafclng Col., isa City Wa. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATIC Dry Ong. Co., W W. Uth. P. SWa ' DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Cloak. I9V dence secured In all case. Tyler lUa DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. SO W.O. W. Bldg. pyorrhea. Dr. Ftoklee, T4 Ctty Mat Baas. Taft Dental Rooms. lilT Deugia. P. tm DRUGS. DRUGS at eat priossi fretirtit paid en til orders, os.tsJorua free. Bherruaa eV Mo- Connell Drug Co.. omana. n en. ELECTRlC"riANOS. Ontlnental Nov. Co.. lit N. Wh. Terma ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHIIL ELCCTRIO CO Bee Bid. P Em ELECTROLYSIS. ttlo Allender, tti Be Bldg. Red BVKRYTH1NU FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aid, knife, sunburst, box ) r, v Aoveren buttons, all slses and styles; hemstitching, point edging. Em broidery, peaaing, uraiuma, raniina, eyelet cut work, buttonholee. pennant. Ideal Pleating Co (00 Douglas Block, tlOUglBS 1PJH, VURNACES AND TlgWOBa. HABERSTROH. 4Wt Htmfltiw. Wal. tm, FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, ISM rarnam Bt. D, KWl L. HENDERSON. 1114 Douglas. f. IBS. Member Florist Teiegrafh Dak AaVo. JIBES 4s SWOBODA, 1411 FaTpam St A. PONAOHTJ1D, 1H Harney. Pong. 10SL GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WF1 replete everything ef metal. Omaha Plating Co.. mo Harney SL Est, la. INSTRUCTION. English. Frenoh, Instruction, tot f.yrio Bid JUSTICES OF TUB PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, Ut Pastes Btk. Red 1401. Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BRITT, HI Baker Block. 1 LANGUAGES. language taught; p rival er elassn, Web. ShM. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Furmsrly with Mlsg Fox. Open (or bust peas; satisfaction guaranteed, ear Pax. bit. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. " DURKIN ThomaT Pougls SUA i;iJ1"u" Mi Cuming St. LITE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN PROS. CO., Exchange Bldg. MOTORCYCLES. HARLBT-PAVIDSON MOTOROYCLBS. Barsaln In used machines. Victor Roo. The Motorcycle Man." rol Leavenworth. MOVINO PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA FUm Ex.. 14th and Doug. Me tlon picture machine and film bargain. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, new a cigars, eejidy. U Park. OCIXISTS. By exaral ned, glasses fitted, pay aa ye can. Dr McCVrty. Ull W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. D. a Bam ell, Paxton Blk. TeL Red Till. H. A. Sturges. tm Brandels Th.etsr Bldg OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. CU Be Bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. " HUGH M'MANUS, 417 N. 40th. H. gTM. PILLOWS AND SXOUINO. OMAHA TUAjOW CO.-Mattreesas made o ocutr or remade, wot Cuming. D. PLUMES CLEANED. Dyed, mad oer. IX. Eisels. HM City Nat PRINTING. RNHART Ptg. WATFRS-BARNHART Ptg. Ce., quallt prUitlng. TeL Doug. dm. 634 S. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. POUO. 1754. OOUOLAS Printing Co Tel. Douglas . STOVE AND rtHAlB REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water front, furnace oolls, etc. yiilrK service. Omaha Stove Repelr W ks. l- louglss Hi. Tyler . SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPEsVs'g SAFEST repaired, eomb. i it m ru. 1 port. 14w Dodga D, UTs, SCALE REPAIRING. Onv Standard SoalTco'., HI S. Uth. P.tm SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., sho repair. HI a 14, Harley ShoeJRep'r. Co.. KXM Farn'm. R.44t SEWING MACHINES. 1X7 !! rplr.t needle aad YY C prU (or all sewing machine. "MICKEL'S," KEBUA8JCA. CYCLE 00., th and Hamey. Douglas lent. I STEEL, CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, lis g, lt STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES DKo "iy- .ia7'liahowcsses. thelv. i W Omaha Fixture Supply Co.. 414-le-lg g, th. Doug. Bit TO WEI, SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Bupply. m S. Uth. P. m. TAILOsVS. CHAR F. LANDERTOC. lfl W. 11th St. TRUNMS AMD SUITCASES. pilCiNQ aV STglNLW. IK Famam St. TYPE WRITER FOB. RENT. R,,TL,iLP"r typewriter I ran, for 14. OllVSM TwBaMrvdSst. A rw-kT 'rwwijr iBxxrur( iwm rnniilTs St All make fur sal or rent. Rf71 -"nwrtoo," not lust typw, ) writer. T jvw Mn r--1 1 rv. , i - iM. WATCH SPECIAiaSTS. Christiansen. Id A. Paxton Bk.. M yr. sari ' WEEDING STA'SIONERY. Wedding announcement Peaw. Ptg. Ce. WINES AND klHVORS. AL.BX JETES, !-! S. llth' St. Wine. ' w""n nars. i-iaus a tnnars u is s, ivo. HBNRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSB, Uth and Csvpltol Ave. Ten-cent hinoa. ! MKDIOAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. EL R. Tarry ours piles, fistula and ether rectal disease without surgical (minsv paid UnUl cured. Writ (or book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. ej. n. lAnm, ses tse mag. RUPTtnUD. Ruetttre tresfed auacaaaTxIlw kv -n --a- alentlflo method. Th majority era cured without a surgical operation, w have treated many hundred of msv women and children. The oust Is deter mined after examination, and tiro re quired to cur two or three weeks. Call er writs) foe fitrtfisr h.HU,il... 0. 1. . H Wray- Suiu Omaha, Nee. -3 RHEUMATISM treated ucuessfully, re sult guaranted. Dr. Bowaer, 114 Bee Bldg. RUPTUHh cured In few day without Bkin. Call or writ Dr. Wray, k Bm Idg., Omaha. Established uii -o PERSONAL GORDON, ths Magasins Man. TaL Doug- T16A YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to vlett the Young Women' ChriaUan association bulldlDg at 17th St and St, Mary's Ave., whare they will be directed to suitable hoarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at the Union station. YOUR furnace cleaned. 11: work gu teed. Central Tin Shop. Doug. 4M4. PET STOCK SCOTCH COLIJE. IK. D. leeft." SWAPPERS COlAJta WanteW tA - -- - soma thing that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need T It cost yu nothing t iotn the Swappers' dub and you will (uid It tot ef (un swapping things. Write Room lui. pee mam., or pnone TTier 100S. A UTOMOBlLEA-lTor ether eutumobll bargains see the "Automobil" eiasstfl eatlon. BEAUTIFUL S-roero dwelling, modern drV. fuSZZ A4- BULL dog, ,7""' . T uubuu iiuunDniM ana lona OI cnildr Will trade for a diamond or somethinsT I can use. Address & O. INL Bee, bWAPPlOtsl COLI.aLn BUSINESS CHANCE Have cigar and wiinuwtiT suire, oilier Duaineaa, will wap for auto or what have you. Ad dress 8. C. 1124. Bee. BEAUTIFUL, sliver tip bear rug. Will ewao for 1st mooai i typewriter. Ad- drees S. U M7. Bee. BU8 CHANCB-Must eacrifloe aeeount of health a small manufacturing buel nea In city; trad established In verr tat In the U. S.j no competition. This Is a wondarful chance for someone. Will of about l&.OOe that will not require my saorvH e. u. xil. ilea. CAMERA Mandela one-minute postcard uusia, uw ana or nest maae; coat HI. Will trade (or furniture or anything I can uae. S. C. s. Bee. CAMERA 4x1 folding camera, with best w .v.w swau Mivst lliiyrvverrienis. BWtJ for lr. n r. . . a n xj - " j. --. DIAMOND Diarooiul rlngj karat!. wonn auoui sub. M trad ror piano, must be In flrst-claas shape and ot good make. Address 8. C S&O, bee. DIAMOND ring. Tiffany setting, pure. white stone, value o. Trade for type wnter or etenotype. Addrees . Oisg, Bee EXCELblOH motorcycle, perfect cuiiJI ,wm, 1-ituiHiiu.Bi, rur range or an i: iiuua imi uao. i rice tou Address t'. 141. Bee. FULL-fclZt-U bed and spiral spring; g&a ollns oven, almost nsw; Htmlngtoa tvtiewiiter, good order and almost new What have youT Will trade for chickens or anything 1 can use. Address S. C. 241. Bee. GAS RANGE, four burners, coat 1-3; good .. " B2wi- wl" ,rtd tor chicken. Ad dress S. C.I4,Bee. ORAPHOPHoN V-Four-minute grapno" phune and a Standard, Exchange. Ad drees 8.?. 113. Lee. I CONTINUED O.N'"P AfJKrvl PTE K.N, COLUMN ONE.)