8 Bringing Up ALECK WIHS 30TH; PHILLIESJOP TWO ftebrsskan, Although Unsteady, Work Well in Pinches and Beat Chicago. CUES DROP TO THE BOTTOM CHICAGO, Sept t-Chlcgo went Into last place today when thejr lot botn frames o a double-header to Philadel phia, by scores of S to 1 and 3 to 1, while New York dofealed St. Louis. ' The league leaders won the first same easily by bunching their hits behind tho loos playing of the locals. Alexander, although unsteady, worked his beat In ths pinches and bad IllUs difficulty hold ing his opponents safe. It was bis thir tieth victory this season. Erratic playing behind Douglass cost him the second game, the first run of the league winners being the only one earned. Manager Brrsnahan lined a re cruit named Mulligan at shortstop, who, although a little unsteady played a fast game, lie was signed recently by -Charles VT. Murphy, the former president of the Chicago Nationals. Score, first game: FHILADHLPHIA.. CHIOAOO. AB.H.O.AB. AH. H. OAS Ft, lb.... 4 Sit tfloot. rf I 1 I ft Kuinn, HI I I I ftt'tMilan. 10.. I . cf.. 1 1 0 oa bulla. If... I t'ravath. rf., I I t ftHjr. lb.... 4 )Km lb. I 11 S ftWIIIlama, rf 4 Whiuad. If.. 4 t 1 0 UcC rt.hr. lb 4 Nlaaoff. lb.. 4 14 1 IMullifu, M I Kim, .....! 4 1 ftArehar. e.... 4 14 tlaxaaaer, ft I 1 ft I XAilama. a.. 'Klohrar .., 1Ml...,JUIIU lso,r. .., Keating .. . 1 ft ft I 1 . 1 0 S Tatola II I It II 4 Ratted for Adams in seventh. Batted for Schoor In ninth. rhiladetphla 0 1000100 1 6 Chloaao 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Alexander, I, off Bchoor, S. lilts: urr Adams, S In seven innings; off Kchoor, S in two Innings. Struck out: liy Alex-1 it two innings, eiruca ran: y nder. S: by Adams. 8; by Bchorr 2. Wild 4tih: Adams. Paaaed baU: Burns. V in- s pit iilres: Klcra ana nansue. ocore, suconu game: PUlLADnjHl A. OKIOAOO. AB.H.O.AB. AH.K.O.A.m th....4 111 IMarrar. if.. I 1 I I luorA a I t l aakart, cf.. 4 "m atU. rf.. 4 1 ljitorua, lb. 4 1 tV bittMk M.. 4 Niotioff. lb.. I liuroa, a..... I I lunar, e X miin(, . KalMlr, If., till! tHrhulia, U... till I 0Mhr ..... II 0 IMulMiaa. as I 4 t' Pb.lu. lb... 114 1 0iar. lb 1 1 M 1 awniUBia cil 1 1 I V 0 Totals It aS "' ha, si IKHiKltta., p. I ArvlMr 1 lUxciara .. 1 IS TotaU...e' 17 11 4 Hatted for Bhulte In the efft llith. uuii...t fnr KmI.t In Lbe ninth. Halted for Williams In the ninth. Philadelphia 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-J Chicago 0 00SOQ.0O-i Two-base hit: htook. Three-basehlt. Bcliuite. Htolen bu: Whittoii. Double plays: Xiurna to Banrroft: Nlehoff to l.udrrua. Bancroft to Nlehoff to Luderua: .Murray to nl-r. Husos on balls: Off Htxey. ; off Dougliiaa, 1. fitruok out: Jy Dotixlaaa. 4; by iUxey. 7. Umplresl Klcnt sud Kinalle. 4 lark Wins Last Game. PITTSBURGH, Sept. SS. Manager FVed, Clarke played his last Kame of base liall in the National league today and his team defeated Boston, to 4. Clarke as preeenled with a bound book coiv talnlng the names of several thousand Plttaburfh friends. Mamaux started the game, tut gave way to Cooer at the mid of the fifth inning. The Pirates knocked Rudolph out of the box and iiughc-a ftntHlied the content. Hcore: bUBWIi P1TT31II'K.IH. AB.H.O.AB HH.HUt.il. .1. i 1 4 .1 u::::8 I I W halloa. 0.. I I I M.am, ft. T, ft ft ft ft ollina ... JioAolps. ft.. I 1 ft ft tt-socer, p., 1 4) ft I ft t 1 ft ft 0 I ft ft 1 ft lluslwai ft... ft ft ft !iiul 1 ft ft ft ft Totals St II It T 1 rrfals II I H I ft Has for W haling in ninth. Batted for Hug lies In ninth. Y4oston 0 0 t 0 S 0 0 0 J-Htuburgh 0 0 0 0 S S S 0 04 Two-base hits: Masree, Carey, Batro. Tliree-taao hit: Compton. hlnlen lumcs: horan, i,vcia, Mwaut tile, Waant-r. li&eel on ballH: Off Huuulih, 1; olf IluKiies, 1: off M&maux I; off Cooper, i llitn: Off Hudolpu, 10 In alx IiiuIiikk; off jiuKhra, 2 in two iunlniiK', off Mainaux, a In five inninaa; off t'oopcr, none in four Inning. (Struck 0111: By Rudolpli, 2; by .Mamaux. t; off Coojn-r, 3. Vm 1'lres: O Day and Qulgley. Reals ltse te Dodgers. CTVCTVNATI. Sept. 23 -Grlffith,s error in the sixth Inning was ths turning point In the first game of the series hers today a:i4 Brooklyn won, I to L BcxwKlvn scored a run In the second on a double snd a single. They annexed two more in ti.e aixih when Uriftlth lropped O'Uara'a fir. allowing hliu t. second. Dsutxvt aacrifWd aivd iUra siored on btrm.-i!'s sacrifice fly. T:.v sdled their winning run In this Itiiilu on ronae utlve Iiik!' s by W heat, t ulsli-" eri4 Meyers. b...rx- Hl'xOKI.TN. UNt'l.VNATI. AUMOAB ABH..AB O'Mara, aa . 4 ft ft I liKillifsr. cf . 1 1 I'.obwru 10. a aw s iHiiua. 4b Ill r r ..1 rf.. I 1 1 ft dht-o an... 114 k. V ut. If. 4 lift SHrXflib. If. 4 ft ft i-iitiiw. IU4 I I I uvaosor. It,. I ftl S ..r at.. 4 lift lliil. If. .. I ft I i-k. la..... 4 1 4 S iwmu. a.... I 1 ft : 'i.nr. a . I I I I tuatiwtis, lb I ft U 1 m!i, ft.... I ft 1 S ftr'tosr. ft.... ft ft 1 Lr. ...... ft ft Touts..-.. a 9 ST 14 iw.i,iuias .. 1 ft ft 'l.k. 1 1 ft .4r .... i ft ft oiiKulut .19 I a J' ft ft I T'lUli ....a I 27 14 1 Vailed f'-r Tf!M-v In vinlli. "i.rtUtr'1 lur Tu,u,t is In iiuitii. i.a.i fo- t'in?-ke lu ninth. iM-ti for L ii In miuli. f'.MH.Kin u 10 0 0 16 03 ' nit! I ft o 0 1 0 0 02 Two-base LIU; Mryeio, CuUhaw. Ye -i iriTht OM"n.e TcHeo Tvicia machin um had T ad m rciment - op ORtyr-nTovsKi h men ,mt ouh ttert-, ' v Urrut rrrccT -vt rtn. L perished -all of I A 1 ADVAtlTOTHC WMKi HTlXtK1 WZT B Jo OOTVILLt NEA, THEM - ( SHERMAN TRANCHE'S VMILC THE A VOLLEY OF iHEL1J INTO THE A T"5 VOHTMH fORTKES ?. J .. WAO. r-NT1WTrp ' EUtMYCfMP.OOTITVVS I JUiT THEM A -rLTR J V, V A?- 1 WVD tS JSff eJSS! TO0 "-Smo , I 7 1 AriD RIGHT!! -y- rW,.cAPTMN. ) -l-! V , 1 JJJJna jr saved? y Two-haaa hits: Nlehoff. LuderuaJ ..-... u uoiwi ri. unm xoaay. inn Tb!" hit;" Cravai?8tolen bas. s: TnJLlv JL,' "f b,ut Whltted. Stock. Double plays: Mulligan! "l n","f-lt, ilhK-when ej to Phelan to Saler (2). Archer to Mulll-' f,7i?i, . V ,.""8 on b"L'" a?l w,u' garT Bases on ball.: Of f Adams. 4; off produced, three runs for the locals. wnoiCTi. ti l 1 1 1 ejohiwion, lb 4 11 1 mo towering or ms record, the Users i... iiT"" , , ; ..Z. T 1" . T 1 xz.?. : s : r.a,c,ri4 1 1 . ily.-A :s i-i Mil tumtuT la.... ft 1 1 t-w.r. aa.. 1141 , having gone the first half In less than a :1La "rVl i ! V: nsi i 1 ui a a 1 in;, !.,i.. a.... 4 I 11 1 ft I the other horftes throuah ths last n,i.. I1"1 I III ftKamru. lb... 4 till Father Standing of Teams AMERICAN LF-AOT'E. I W. I Prt. ?7 4r .M m m .m: M 1 .filti 7 CvS .firtl 66 78 .4M M M .471 M M .1172 40 101 .284 Boston troit .... Chlrasro .... 112 146 14ft 140 143 RfllllllHIUD .. ...,.... New lurk Pt. Louis Cleveland .. Philadelphia .. 144 141 NAT. LEAOUM, I FED. LEAGUE. , , W.L.Pet. W.KPrt. , Phils, S3 W .&MI Pittsburgh .so m .ra Hrooklyn ..77 (A .t.X9l Chicaso ....79 f.4 .553 Itnufon 7wi.C.:c,Ht. l.mils....w) 6 ,u.2 1'ittKhiirRh .71 "7 .4W Huffslo 73 7S .013 4'liiflnnKll ,ia "Tt .4Ti Newsrk 74 7 .iJ7, Ht. Louis,. . 71 ,4? Knn. l'lty...74 A ,MH Nw York..(i 77 .4i Mronktyn ...70 77 .47(1 Chicago ....6 76 .4ll Haltlmore ,.4(i 87 .817 Yesterday's Hesalls. NATIONAL LBAGUB. Npw York. 7; H. iouls. 3. Philadelphia, li-8; CIiKhro. 1-1. Hrooklyn. J: Cinc innati. . Uuaton. 4; PmnLiiirnh. R. AMERICAN LEAQTm Cleveland, 4-2; Itoston. R-9. 8t. Louis, 0-1; New York, T-f ltrolt. : l'h'lartnlphla. h. Clilcago. 2; VahliiKton. L FEDKItAL LKAGUK. Huffnlo, 6; 1'ltlebursh. t. Hrooklyn, 8; K annua City, 0. Newark. 1-4, Chicago, 2-L UalUmore, t; Ht. Louis. 10. Games Today, National League Boaton at Plttaburgii. American League St Louis at Iioa ton, Chicago at Philadelphia, Cleveland at New York. Detroit at Washington. American League Brooklyn at Chl rairo, Buffalo at Bt Loula. Newark at Pittsburgh. Baltimore at Kansas City. Double plays t Cutshaw to O'Mara to baubert 2). Kllllfer to Hersog. Bane on balls: Off Pfeffer, I. lilts: Off Toney, 7 In eight Innings; off lar, 2 in one Inning. Btruck out: By Pfeffor, X: by Toney. 2. Umolraa: VMrUr ami Cards Lose to Giants. ST. LOUI8, Bept, 23.-8even hits In-1 ludlng a home run and a triple in the pnd inning proved the undoing of NBW YORK. 8T LOflS. AH H O A K urngi AU.H.O.A.M. '"t.. If.... lis RMhn if a a s oh.rt,, rf. 0 I n "4 1 oii. lb.... III nn rf.T...4 l.l t "'. 10.. 1 j 9 m. ! it ... 0 I "! ; 1 Miir it... 4 0 1 !.!- i ! 1 i'oi c:.... 4 1 1 S lit OHa.l.-. e ... I ?2Z " i ! ! I "Haabr. ai. 4 "as 4 1 I I OK.M m a 0 4 1 1 I 1 0 0 Tata!... -HM40WI, S i at 14 IT 11 o aulas ., 1 Kobinwa. f. iioulM 1 0 ft I t ft 0 Totals M I If II 1 RattM for Meadows In seventh. Batted for Robinson In ninth. New York 0 8 ft. Louis 4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 07 0 0 0 i 0 0 03 Ta,i-h. li... w 1.1. . Hyatt, Three-base hit: Dyer. Home run: Kelly. Kaaea on balls: rf Teareau, S; off Meadows. 1. Hits: Orf t.11?! "Jn ou nd two-thirds InnliiKs; off Meadows 4 m five and one-third Innings; off Robinson, S In two Innings. Jilt by pitched ball: By Robinson, Dyur. P.,,r.u.c" ?uf lil lereau ; by isalle. 1 ma piicoi xesrsau. Umpires: Orth and Byron. Favorites Win Pour Big Races Without The Loss of a Heat COLUMBUS. O.. Sept. S. Pronounced favorites not only won the four races on today's Orand Circuit program, but they did so without the loss of a beat. Not a driving finish was seen. The time aver- Ut WSS UlS Daat nf h ...J !! the track good enough for tor. Queen Abbess, winner tr ths 2:10 pace, showed her quality when she stepped the final heat In l:0t4. Napoleon Direct made the fastest time of the week when he did the second heat of the free-for-all pace In IKB4, a second (lower than his reoora mads last week at Syracuse. Anna Bradford carried hint a fast first half In the opening mile, but a break on the far turn dropped the blaok mare to the rear and she did no more contending. A.ixxie Brown almost equalled her rec ord in each of the first two heats of ths Capital City trot. At Stracuse she won in 2:0014. Today she 2 06V, twice, never being pread by Lurtla Hpler. Bonnlng- ton. the second choice In this race, oould not be controlled and was dlstanoed In the second heat. Ames AIMiiKeri brought the first victory of ths week to ths McDonald stable. Practically all of the time In each of the heats he was cut in front. Chief Bender Sues Federals for Salary riTTSBURGlf. Sept. 23. Charles (Chief) Bender, a former player with the Washington's only run resulted from con Philadelphia American base ball club, , d" J.'V.'": ourn''- hlk who this year played with the Baltimore : - CHIuauo! wahhinot ,n. club, of the Federal league, today filed ? . ."lJ.a ,k ! If sun m un nere sgsiivsi tun federal league, asm. Judgment for 1.05 which no ciamia u am Dint on a contract for 1.1. aervloe. In ht. petition Bender al- h-ges that he signed a Contract for two Vi-ara t 17 Ml l.i.f ,iu - .... Ull- 1 oiiumuiiaiiy reieasea. Tns Pvtluburgh Fedora! league club and ths Buffalo Federal league club, playing here today, ware made s garnishees la the suit, "u Tin: UKE: OMAHA. FKTDAY, SEPTEMBER Copyrlirht, 1015. International Nowi Bervlce. RED SOX WIN PAIR, JOE WOODJEAKENS Kansan Has to Be Relieved in First Game Which Boston Takes from Indians. SECOND EASY FOB CARHIGANS BOrrON, Bept 23. The Red Sox today gained two more victories at the expense of Cleveland, 5 to 4 snd to S. Tho vleltors pressed Boston closely In the first game, when Jos Wood, pitching his first game In a month, weakened. Coumbe, who succeeded Klepfer in the fourth, kept his hits scattered except In the fifth and seventh. A triple by Roth grew into a tally In Cleveland's fourth; singles 1 by Evans, Wambsganss and Coumbe produced two runs In the seventh and the visitors approaahed within one run of Boston when they added another off May's dollvery on a Single by Roth and Klrke's double in the eighth. 1 Tho second game was won by Boston almost at the start and Brenton soon gave way to Coltaraore. Roth, whose hard hitting has been a feature of the series, knocked the ball over the high left field fence for a homer In the fourth, Graney, the Cleveland left fielder, broke his collarbone when he made -a difficult catch . yesterday. It became known today. Score, first garnet OLBVIOUiiffO, AH.II O.A.I. AU.H.O.A.B. Will., If I t OHoeeer, rf... 4 ft I tRooU. as..... 4 1 0 iJl! i?" "J izrr: ! 11 41 III 10 110 1 1 40 1 ft ft 10 1. 1 ft OHpaaker. af.. ft OHobiltaal. lb Kirta. lb.... 4 I 11 ft lOaiaar, lb... 1 ft Kirana, lb.... 4 I ILawls. It.... 4 ft COardDsr, lb. 4 ft oa'avnar. lb. . I I IThomas, s... I 4 bCadr. t S."n"f ,bi coumhS. ! O'Neill ft Wool p I . . - Mara p 1 Tstais.,..J4 1 14 US Totals M ft S7 14 1 Batted for Egan In ninth. Cleveland OOOttOOtlo-4 Boston 0 0 S 0 1 0 1 0 8 Tow-baae hits: Wagner. 'Lewis (2), Kirks. Threo-base hit. Iloth. Double play: Wood, (Jardnwr and Hoblltsel. Bases on balls: Off Coumbs. 1; off Wood, 1; off Klepfer, 2. Hits: Off Klepfer. B In three Innings; oft Coumbs, 4 in five InMliiKK1-! off Wood, in seven innings; off Mays, I in two Innings. Struck out: Hy Kleper, 2; by Coumbe, S; by Wood 3; hy Mays t Umpires: Dlneen and Null in. Bcopa,, second game: OLHVBUAND. BOSTON. . AB.H.O.AB. AU.H.O.A.B. Wllla. If 4 ft t MHnaoar. rf... 4 ft 1 a Chapman, aal I Horn. 4 1 smith, rf.... 4 11 I IRaott. as..... 4 111ft ttttpsaksr. of.. I 1 ft ft ft OHubltual. lb I 111 ft ft IIawIs If.... 4 1 I ft ft (( lard nar. lb. 4 1 1 4 1 , lb.. I ft I 4 ft ockar. a. I 1 S ft 9 Ugbure, a..... I 1 ft I ft KirKa, in.... 4 14 " b.... 4 ft ft ISR,bs'is. Ib I ft 0 f-an, 0 a s vrtnton. a... ft ft ft Lviiaawre, ft I 1 ft Talla It 1H 1 Totals n IMU I Cleveland j 0 0 0 10 01 0 0 t Boeton S S 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 Two base hits; Bpeaker, Bhore. Smith. Three-base hit: Gardner. Hume runs: Iloblltxel, Roth. Bases on balls: Off Brenton, 1; 0ff ColluJiiore, 1; off Shore 1. lilla: tiff Brenton, 4 In one and one third Innings; off Collamore. S In six and two-thirds Innings. Btruck out: By liren t'li. 1: by Collamore, S: by Shore, 3, Umpires: Nailln and Dinnen. Tlaers Whip Blacks. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 2S.-Detrolt de fcHle.l Philadelphia today, to 6, and made a clean sweep of the serins of tljrre gmnea. The home team staged a batting rally at Loudermllk's expense In the eighth and took a lead of one run. In the ninth Knowlson took Snehan'a place. Kavanaugh led off with a triple and McKee walked. An out was fol lowed by Vltt walking, tilling the bases. Cobb fanned, but Veach scored the run which won the game with a single to left field, Score : IKTH IT. FHiLAIPT,PRIA. AB U O A K. AU.H.O.A.B. lb... 4 Manama, a., S ft I 0 iSiAoy. a... 1 ft ft 1 tMikar. ft ft 1 ft olpp 1 ft ft I 0 iiuurm a. ft s 1 ft I lifclisehan p..t (lilhaia. ft., ft ft ft 4 CKuowlaoa, ft Kavauash ,11ft llaukMoa .. 1 i:Kaa ft ft 0 W. Davis.. 1 "alar .... 1 Totals 14 417 11 1'Uaiooe .... 1 Totals... ..II inn 1 Batted for Stanage In the ninth. Halted for Ixiudermllk In the ninth. Baited for MoAvoy In the fifth. Ratted for bliwehan In the elgth. Ratted for l.aip In the ninth. Batted for Kuowlaon tn the ninth. T"'1 2 I 0 ft 0 S-4 Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 S 0-4 Two-base hits: tH.lrtng !. Three-baae hijs: Young. Kavnnaush, Btrunk. Home run. Vllt. Stolen haata: , fobls Bush, Youiik n'l, Bt'baiig, lijole. DouUe play: Bimli to Burns. Baana on balls: Off Ixiud. t ictlk. J; off Hhevhan. 4: off Knowl son .'. llns: Crf Loudermllk, 1 In eight InnliiKH; orf Uldham, none In one Inning; off hhoflmn lu right innings; oft Knoli.uu, ! In one Inning. Hit by int. li.-. 1 ball: By Loudermllk. Sciisns. Htruik out: By Loudermllk, S; by old ham, 1; by hheehaii, 1; by Knowlson, 1 ild 1 it, h: l,oudemiilk. Uinplresi llila. l.iHiia and O Louglihn. Wail.- Sua Uauift Meaatars. WASHINGTON, Sept. 23 Chicago to day won Its last same In Washington this season. I to 1. Harpar gave alx bases on balls snd forced In a run before he was rWievod by Boehllng In the third. A double by Schalk and two errors gsve tha. victors mlp iwuril , 1., ,u- A-laUth. ;ott allowed bu four hlia ....1 waor. a.i 1 1 1 1 1 muc, lb... 1 JfJ i XXit.l ft 1 1 J'"0, u - iiwMr. rr... 9 lL' III V I iaTiaU.! ! b'1 ' .-.I 111 I u itr a., as. I ""S ft a 1 a 1 n.rp.r. p... b.l,ii. . I aia 11 u 1 Chk-aato V. 0 0 lV " 2 Washington 1 0 0 0 0-1 i . T""ir. ,,lU,:, B h'k.- saver. Jamt- Iftoii. Dvuide plas: i oatcr to Jud,; I Boalla aa A Aft) m , .. a. Fosrter to Shanks to Judges Weaver to E Collins to J. Collins; McBrlde to Judpe. Bases on halls: Off Harper, 6; of Boehllng, L Hits. Off Harper, 2 In two Innlnga; (none out and town on haves In third); off Boehllng, S In seven Innlnga. Btruck out: By Scott, 1; by Boehllng, a Umpires: Kvana and Wal lace. Heernlts Beat Browns Twits, NEW YORK, Sept. . New York re cruit pitchers twice defeated St. Louis today, evening up the final series of the season. Moarldge disposed of the oppo sition handily In the first game, 7 to 0, and Markle was effective in the second. winning by 6 to L , I Five St. Louis pitchers failed to check the Yankees in the first game. They were given poor support. In the second same New York knocked Chester Hoff. a Bt. Louis recruit, out of the box In four innlnga. Score, first game: BT. LOUIH. New YORK. - AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.AB. Anatta. lb... 4 til lHIh. ef I ft I ft ft Howard, lb.. I ft u 1 apacklnpa, as I I I 4 0 Malar. rf-D.. 4 0 I ft IMalaal, lb... 4 ft 1 0 0 ffhottaa of.. 4 lift IPipp. lb 4 111 1 i'ratl, lb.... (1(4 OBaumano. lb I I I I 0 L. U. 4 110 (lHartaall It.. 4 I 1 ft ft fa'aa, as.... 4 0 11 ICook. rf 4 ft ft ft 0 I'ual, a. 1 ft ft lAlanander. a 4 1 I ft ft Rvnla. 0.. I I I 1 ftMocTldga. ft. I ft ft 4 ft Phillip p.. I 0 1 1 Hamilton, ft. ft ft ft ft Totals....) ft 17 II 0 Sotboroa. p.. ft ft ft ft ft Blma. p. ft ft ft 1 ft Jacobaoa ... 1 ft ft I ft Walker, ft.. 1 ft ft ft -ft Totals II T 14 11 4 Pt Louis New York 0 0000000 0-0 0 0 1 0 1 2 S 0 7 su,t-.t ' ir 11. , Two-base hit: Alexander. Double playi Austin and Howard. First base on bulla: Off Phillips, 4; off Mogrklh-e, a Hits: Off Phillips, In five Innings (none out in sixth); off Hamilton, none In ons Inning- off Bothoron, 1; (none out):, off Slsler, none In one Inning; off dims, none In one Inning. Struck out: By Phillips, 1; by Hamilton, n. by films, 1: by Morfrtdge, 4. Umpires Connolly and Chill. Bcore. second game: BT. LOOTS. NBW YORK, in u r a m ad. u - a . Awtta, IK.. 4 114 ORtsH. It.... 1119 0 Howard, lb.. 4 1 I I epaoklnpa ss 4 0 I 4 1 Pl.l.r. rf.... 4 S I ft IMalaal. Ib... 4 9 119 GhMtea of., I 9 1ft irinp. lb I ft 4 9 ft P att, lb.... 4 111 IMull.a. lb.. I 1 I 1 ft If - 4 1 I ft OB.umano, Ib I ft 1 1 ft La ran, as..., 4 4 ft I Millar, of.... 4 1 ft ft ft Axnaw. a.... S ft 4 I lOook. K.....4 1 I ft ft Ko'f. ft 1 ft ft 1 Rob wart, .. 4 S 4 X ft Wallmaa, ft. t 1 ft ft OMarkla, p... 1 ft 1 1 ft .... . w w w , Total a... ..II HI I I Totals.. ...14 T 34 Jt . Batted for Agnew In ninth, .' ?t LrfMlla AAAAAAAA . New York '. '.0 1 0 S 0 0 1 0 6 Tvn.hau Kit. SkMk ,t a Famed runs: K, Vn,u Q ti orf'ir l.i- M HIU: Off Hoff, 4 In three Innings, (none out In fourth), off Wellman, I In five In nlnga fctruok out: By Hoff, 1; by Well man, 6: by Markle, 6. Uroplrea-Chlll and Connolly. Blodgett and North Pitch for Alamitos and Cop Tourney The Alamitos, one of the crack nines In the Greater Omaha league, walked away With first money In the two-day base ball tournament held at Masaena, la. Tues day and Wednesday. The Alamitos copped both games, using Tom Blodgett In one game and Lou North in the other. Blodgett put the fixings to the Frankela. the championship amateur nine of Des Moines, In the first gams, holding them to two hits and striking out eighteen men. The score was 7 to 1. In the second fray the Alamitos defeated Atlantic, to 2. North allowing but four hits and striking out fourteen. Harry Williams worked behind the bat in both games for the Omaha milkmen. Score, first game: R.H.EJ. Alamitos 000102 00 07 11 1 Frankela 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 I 2 Butteries: Alam'tos. Blodgett and Wil liams; Fiankols, Rees and Ellis. Three lass hits: Williams. Novilsky. J. Butey. Two-bass hit: J. Butsy. Bases on balls! Of lieea. 1 Stolen bases: Williams. Hasen. Sullivan. Btruck out: By Blod gett, IS; by Bees. 4. Time: 2:10. Score, second seine: R H E A'amitos 00100002 04 7 1 Atlantic 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 04 4 1 Bateriee: Alamitos. North and Wil ,JL"rn,:. Atlant.cs Banders and Crisp. Three-base hit: WtUlama Stolen bases: Wll lams, Sullivan. Struck out: -By North 14! Itv Kuni4rtt S i . w 1 1 . klVf Noith. 4: off Banders. S. H.t bv r itched ball: Gillham. bacrlfloe bit Mur ray. Time: 1:6 DAISY TODD FOOTS FAST MILE AT KEARNEY RACES KEARNKT, Neb., Bept 2 (Special Tslegram.) Fast time made by Daisy Todd, which trotted a third heat In 2:20H) a collision between Daisy Todd and Lord A rend ale. which resulted In the elimina tion of the latter horse, and the victory of California 11. in the 2:11 pace were the feature eventa of the second day's meet ing here. The results were as followsi Trotting, 2:18 class, puree S3u0: California B TZ.. 1111 Joe Vincent t S 1 2 Jar l-anlc ((SI iMiiy iveo ........ 4 Clay Tama Tune. 2:lj. 2:14. 2:174. lit Paoina-. 2:'A claaa. buna XK.c ' i sis Western Flyer 2 1(41 Nancy V. C S 4 1 S 1 Miaa Clark ., 4 t S t S Alice R 1 t i 1 4 Nancv H. also ran. Time, l:2V.. ;17. S:". 2:18s, 2:. ' Trottlns, three-year-olds and Under, purse o: Isly Todd.. 14 1 Ladv South 2 12 Lord Archdale. 8 S Bon Bon 4 Time. 2.24'i, S:Brt, 2 J4. lUlf-nilie tlaah: 7'eddv Bear, won: In dlnuola, second; 1-eonia, third. Myrtle R. and Boxy Boy also ran. Tune, Heautts at Trraauak, TBCUMSEH. Neb.. Sept tS (Special Telegram.) Results of the first day's racing at the Ksjtsas-Nebraska circuit here today. Summery! Trottlnr. I:?2 class, purse 1300: Toploa, firat; Drift Alleitoo. second; Bertie Bar, third. Time. 2,:0. Pacing, l 17 class, purse MB: Mollis Brtn-r. first: Palmeraon, second; Mar gl Klmore third nine, X II. Five-eighths mile, for country hone, pui-Ho i0: (Jiipfii, first: Vli-toria, seoondi 1'arliug, third; Maud, fourth. Time, 1:1a. 24, 11M5. Drawn for SLODFEDS ROOT THREEPITCHERS Offerings of Trio of Baltimore Hurler. Slugged Bight and Left by So arm Terriers. GAME AST) HALF FROM LEADERS ST. LOUIS. Sent 22. The offer! ns-a of three vialtlnir eltchera. Jnhnaon. Ynunr and Black, were slugged right and left by Bt, Louis and the locals defeated Baltimore, 10 to 2, closing a series In which they took four out of five games from the outsiders. Today's victory put St Louts within a game and a half of the leader In the pennant race. Boor R. H. E. Baltimore .0 010001001 7 5 St Lou In 0 2 0 S 0 0 6 0 10 14 1 Batteries: R. Johnson, oYung, Black and Owens; Plank. Wlllett and Hartley. Tops Blank K, O. KANSAS CITY, Sept 23. By safe field ing and a batting rally the Brook lyns shut out Kansas City. 8 to 0, In their final WttmA An Ih. tw I n..nA- V. I -a son. Adams pitched, we except In . the Ul uu, Saore: . n ti tn Brooklyn 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-8 8 0 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 7 1 Batteries: Marion and Land; Adams, Johnson and Brown. Spilt Double-Header. CHICAGO, Bept 23.-Chlcago and New. ark spilt a double header here today, Brown's pitching giving Chlcsgo a 2 to 1 victory in the first contest and Beaton winning for the visitors In the second by the same score. Score, first game: R. H. E. Newark 0 0010000 01 6 0 Chicago 0 2000000 2 8 2 tMr MoutAty and Rariden; Brown and Wilson. Score, second garnet Yt H. E. Newark isaaaaia a q t , ........ ....... w vw vw A v v 0 , A Ohlcago 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 01 0 IitriB"! Btnn and Huhn; McCxmnell and Fischer. Wilson. Bines Beat Pirates. PrriflTl TT t O t T aAn, . t.., 1 , ... : , OTK, -MjiKnig eeauy defeetnd Pittsburgh today, 6 to 2. owing to the good pitching of BchuJts. Score: , R. H. E Buffalo A 01 2 01 10 06 T i lttsburgh 0 0001010 08 7 1 BaittArlM' C-V. ,,1 - - .4 All., ir . Cotnstock and Berry, Boatltera Aasoclatloa. little Rock, 1; Altanta, 3. Chattanooga. 0; New Orleans, S. Apartments, flats, houses and col tar a can be rented quickly and cheaply by a nee -Tor Kent" . rf Ta 5 1 (in if -!: :!!! JJ I n as '""fc -V, II IS t H . I Li M . 1 li!' Henry Rohlff Ccmpany, Distributor. 2567-69 Leavenworth St, Omaha, Nek TIeplutvs4 DtMtg.876 . The Bee by George McManus Want Alexander to Open for the Phils CHICAGO, Sept. 25.-Every mall Is bringing "Pat" Moran, manager of the Phllly Nationals, scores of letters urging him to pitch G rover Alexander, the big right-hander, in the first game of the world's series In which, the writers are convinced, the Philadelphia club will be one of the contending teams. The Philadelphia club was leading the National league race by five and one-half games when the series with Chicago was started today. Even with such a big lead, and the close of the season only a few M "There's no doubt about it" Cbe mcKibbiti pat "Standard of Bat Valued Sold by Rtfffirntativt Dealers M Falstaff's flavor it from all other 1M.3MIFIF c5 oWafsrsa'srf trwea its delextable flavor to both Science and Nature, Perfect grains, the gift of sun and soil and quickening rain, axe the raw materials; and these are transformed by Lemp brewings the result of 75 ears experience, into the riding, gold-hued beverage which never ppcints the most discriminating taste. Beer is a fa, Brest aad beer era an ads of the saaae auatorlai; eereaat, yeas and aer. Bread la solid; beer is liquid both are hihly aooriahlDg. pbyatclaas ftmK-rtb beer fte ftroduce Slierc J, build kasue aod Mraagtaaa aerr as. 1 CM fi Tlie Lessa Brwwwr U tKa Olieat la America with a 104U NatieaalPatraMs T 6 years' Brewing Expert ce days away, Moran refuses to admit the flag belong to hi club. Orval Overall, who Is in business In Los Angeles, Cal., wrote Moran, his old bat tery mate, a letter of congratulation and urged him to pitch Alexander in the opening game of the series. Another let ter, from Fitchburg, Mass., Moran's home, contained the following appeal. "Pat, please pitch Aleck in the first game against Boston." Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Walte Plare Gets Herler. BELLA IRE, O.. Sept 23. William Ken nedy, formerly pitcher for the New York Brooklyn and Pittsburgh National league teams, died at his home here today of tuberculosis. He was fa) years old. M 4sjssMcaXIH4 ahssas JVsas ayb M Frm HvKtrft aVwwArf- tj Psstafl a SAietpet't "Merry IV rut 1 tTrnJitPi distinguishes brews. f t& ArwwfiA art'' 1915