Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1915, Image 7

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Hlotmie MaaziiDie Pae
ae Bees
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" i "-MtafaM '"i i , in ti,
Few Now Hear the Alpine Horn
The Swiss Herder Misses American Tourists
Hnolrled by struggling armies, and
looking down upon new battlefields, the
Alp thla iiimmfr haw teen virtually
forbidden grout.d for th throngs of vle
ltor ho ordinarily crowd th hotels ef
Bwltserland. nnd swarm, alpenstock In
hand, through Its rugged valley and
ovr th lower slopes of It snowy peak.
The land of William Tell, with Its lakes
and mountains, ha been left to It native
Inhabitants and deserted hy foreigners,
to a degree never known since the Alpa
Serame "the playground of Europe."
In tries rtroumrtancea, the few who
have visited Swttserland thla year. Ilk
the maa wh made the accompanying
photograph ef the Alpine hom and ltd
blower at Orlndelwald. enjoy a strange
experience. Th stage ef the great suin
mer theater of natur spectacle ltea
ee befer thesa, but the audience In
lacking, except for a handful of loiter
er scattered among th deserted Italia,
Kt aeem to bar atnmbUd in after the
last play of the season was finished to
' cateh sight only of th bar scenery, with
her and there a belated actor looking
i.B hl belongings.
The blower of the great Alpine row
liotn mlsae the thousands of American
tourists who used to crowd around him
to wonder at the aerial music which he
awakened among the preclpirea and peaks
above. The waiter and waitress of
th Innumerable hotels, with their cus
tomary ready palms and picturesque cos
tumes, are, many of there, attending th
rows now, carrying the milk, sweeping
the chalet. Hii rtnff loads nf Alnine'
meadow hay on their backs and on carts,
and making cheeee; while th guide have
thrown aside their safety ropes and lc
axes and found more prosaic employ
ment than leading excitement-seeking
men and women over the crevasses and
up the steep rocks.
Th horn of war has echoed among th
mighty monarchs of the realm ef eternal
Ice. and they are left In their lonely
arandeur. All the climbers hav fled at
th call and failed to return. Literally
thousands who were accustomed every
summer to brave the perils ot the high
Alpa have gono to face more fearful dan
ger on the battlefield and In the
Th English wr th first to make
mountain climbing In the Alps a re
nowned summer amusement, confined at
first to a few bold exports, but taken up
gradually by great numbers. Including,
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Summer Relaxation and Morals
There aa otic a girl whoa pel maxim
was, "It's so different In th summer
time.' Ph was quit sure that you could
ae thlrg In the suainaer that yoi would
never oontemplat In th winter. Bit
believed In shedding your normal person
ality and becoming whatever th fancy
f th moment suggested.
"If o restful." said she, "to be Just
aa tinronsolou Utile animal living up to
the whim of the moment."
And she Uvod up to her theory.
One summer she met a very charming
youth who was not at all elifiU and not
at all matrimonially Inclined. HI meager
salary sufficed to buy bona bona for the
new love who came Into hla life every
few month, but It would not hav pur
chased rosst beef and appl rle for such
a permanent fixture a a wlf.
Th girl found him particularly faart
aaOng. With htm th lolled on the fceax h
In her vivldeat bathing ault. In hi com
pany ah danced gaily la all the flaahloet
Hla vacation laatd three weeks, and
during It the girl had what aha called
"the time ot her Ufe." And the rocking
ohalr brigade of goaalp n th hotel porch
had also the tlm of It life. There
weren't many men In th place, and the
tMvJ'.!"a.ia Wi iaerL
Waking the Echoes with the Quaint Swiss Cow-Horn Under the Shadow of the Alps
girl and her attendant cavalier were tar
gels at which no caustic mind could help
aiming a Hltle vitriol.
At the end of three week the youth
who made love like the hero of a melo
diam returned to the city a ad It Inter
est of work and play. Th first wek
lb girl received two pound of candy
and three letter. The second week two
picture postal war th souvenirs f bar
lev affair. Artec tha-tleac.
Th rocking chair brigade watched her
becoming more and more penstve. It ac
tually expected her to g Into a decline.
Hince there were no men about to Im
press, the girl wore her quietest and most
demure clothes and did absolutely no
peeing. Itae even began embroidering a
waist for th winter's wear.
At that stage ot the game a neat Man
arrived. The girl looked so sweetly do
mestlo with a pensive expression nn her
face and sewing In her hands that th
Real Man was Impressed. Through Ms
mind there flitted a vagus Idea that here
waa the very wife for him.
For a week the girl waa ejuiet and sub
dued and, since she was not trying to
make an Impression, succeeded In making
one. And then th tonic of maacultn at
tention made her perk up.
I One in-considered morning h cam
'down In a diaphanous waist and awning-
striped ewoater of vivid red and white
and a corduroy skirt which stopped In
plenty of time to show a good doal of
thJn whit Uk stocking and tport shoes
foxej In red.
The rocking char brigade gasped and
than recovered It breath with sufficient
fore and vehemence to explain to the
man that thla was exactly what might
have been expected.
The man didn't exactly bellrr. bat th
vivid young person In ertmae and whit
bore no reaemhlanee to th doe tie god
dees he had been setting; a pedestal,
he looked altogether relaxed arid to
snatch her change of atmosphere the
man's high Ideala relMed, to.
That morning a the sands h hold her
hand. That evening In the dark comer
of the plasxa he kissed her. And far two
week that followed the Reel Man and.
the girl acted similarly tn accordance
with the "cesy-going conventions of
sumtrfer time."
The first week after the Keal Maa Wt.
the gi'l got a doaen American Beauties
and no mall.
Moral: "Raay ocme, aoey fcV Apntles
to love affairs as well as to money, and
th girl who "relax " tn summer would
do well to remember that th avweaae'
man Insists on dignity to his stater and
hi wife.
at last, women aa well as men, Th.
Italians and the French followed, and the
German wer not far behind thra.
The great. threatening. Impossible
seeming peaks, like the Matterhorn, the
Pent Blanche, The Welsshorn, th Flns
lergarhorn, the Bchreckhorn, th Alg
ulllas (Needles') or Mont Blanc, all ware
conquered In succession, and. In on way
or other rendered easier of ascent, until
evary year the assemblage of would-be
climber collected earlier around their
feet and waited Impatiently for th spring
avalanches to leave them In climbabl
condition, but this summer all Is changed.
Now dangers may be run and herolo
deeds performed for a greater purpose
than th mere testing of nerves and whip
ping up ef stagnating blood.
The mountain nest In which this photo
graph waa made I on f th moat re
marked in th Alp. It 1 tn th heart
ot that grt uplifting of th earth
eruat known as the Bernese Overland.
But for th war oholng around Its horl
son thla place would be overflowing with
humanity, gathered front every part of
Europe and America.
It Is surrounded by many ot th great
est visions ef the material world. In
the back of the picture stands th hug
Wetterhorn. It frame lnoluda th Jun
frau, the Moncb, the Blger. the Bchreck
horn, th AUtachhorn, the Flasteraar
horn, tli Breltung, th Ewtg Bohnee
Feld. It i adorned with glittering gla
cier and edged with heart-quaking preci
pices, where, nevertheless, th Edelweiss
and a multitude ef bright Alpine flowers
find room and eourag to grow and
bloom. 1
It la doubtful If anywhere else In th
world man has bean Imaginative and
poetical In naming th great scene and
majestic objaot that nature ha spread
around. Sir Martin Conway, th famous
climber, has said of thla wonderful rglont
"What beautiful name th mountains
and glaciers have hecel The Maiden, th
Monk, the Ogre, th Dark Bagl Peak,
the Brignt Eagle, the Peak of Storms,
th Peak of Terror, the Field of Ever
lasting Snow how much better than
Mount Jonea or Mount Maokansl!"
To these, which are translation of the
Qerman names, he might hav added:
The Weather Peak, th Flowery Alp, the
Angel Peaks, the Hllver Peak, th Snow
Horn, th Nopn Peak, th Rod aTpik.
and th Wave, Not one of the but I
a giant from 10,uv to 14,080 feet high.
Eternal Conflict Between Sexes
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- In a recent divorce case a letter waa
Introduced in the evidence In which the
maa wrote these word to the woman:
Tou once told me that the reason
that you hated me
was Just because
1 .was your hus
band. I now think
that th only rea
son that I hated
you waa Just be
cause you were a
woman, and that
th tkSLgs that I
objected to tn you
wr merely th
fault of your sex."
I wonder It this
man hasn't diag
nosed not only, til
own case, but that
of moat of th un
happily married,
and tf th aourc
of th discord be
tweon practically
all warring husbands and wive la not
due to th eternal eonfttct between the
sexeaT :
In this case th woman' grlevanc
against th man wag not so much whai
h bad done, or left undone, but that h
waa her husband. She chafed at her
bondage to hire. Bh rebelled at being
dependent upon him, and subject to his
whims and caprices. Hla society got upon
her nerve because she had It In over
doses.. If he hadn't been her husband, If ho
had been a nelgtibor or a guest she
would have liked Mm well enough.
"Wlf" and "husband" are either the
sweetest words or the bitterest that we
ever take upon our tongue, and their
flavor depends not upon what the woman
or maa that we are united to may be, or
not but upon our atat ef mind.
Many a woman bates a perfectly good
man for no reason on earth except that
he Is her husband. Many a man hates a
woman who la little short -of angello Just
because She Is his wlf, and that I th
reason that so many married couples go
about with chips upon their shoulders
and ptcsc quarrels with each other on the
slightest pretense.
In reality these people's grudge Is not
against the individual to whom they are
united In the holy bond of wedlock. It
I against matrimony aa an Institution. It
is the en of bondage that they cannot
endure with patience, not th fault of
a particular Individual.
Also what many men and women object
to in their wives and husband la not
some personally disagreeable quality, but
the peculiarities of th opposite sag.
For Instance, there are women whoa
Ideal of a perfect husband la a man wrto
neither drinks nor smokes nor uses any
explettv stronger than "Oh. fudge I" and
who eomea atraJolat home from the of
fice at o'clock and spends th balann J
of th oveningi In wiping th dish and I
mending th wall paper and straightening
th pictures.
Such a woman would be perfectly happy
if united to a man who would fill tn his
leisure tlra by crocheting pink baby
sock a, and whose Idea of enjoyment
would b to go to a Browning society or
mothers' meeting with her.
' But when a woman of thla typ marrteg
a rough, rude, mala person, with sjrictly
mesouUne tastes, who eomes home smell
ing of tobacco and beer, and who ran't
be brought to see how much mor pleas
ure he would really get out of spending
his money for lace curtains for the par
lor than for cigars, why, trouble begins.
Personally th man may be good ami
kind and generoua and tender and true.
At aa Individual aha can find no faurt
with htm, but what she doesn't Ilk In
him ar th faults of his sex. It shocks
and disgusts her that he wants to go to
prise fights, and likes to shoot thing, and
that h occasionally stays out too lata
and drinks more than Is good for him.
In a word, he isn't ladylike and con
genial to her.
And there are many men who object
to their wives on exactly the same
ground. They find fault with th ladles
because they have the qualities of women,
and not men.
Kor example, when a mas derides his
wife for her ignorance and accuses bsr
of being a hare-brained' Idiot, It Is al
ways beoause sh doesn't know tho
same Iln of things that he does. Bh may
be a model housekeeper, a manager that
can get five times more out ot a dollar
than he can, and able to construct hsf
gowna and hats with a skill that deceives
even her best friends Into thinking they
ar Imported. But h considers hsr lack
ing In Intelligence because sh looks
blank when he talk about a holding
pool, or about underwriting a new bond
Issue. Tot heaven help th Morgans an)
Rockefeller If they wer put to it to
work out a cut paper pattern that any
Httle girl can do with one hand tied be
hind bar!
Probably every man secretly regards
himself as a martyr and think he must
be married to tba moat extravagant
woman on earth when he is called upon
to pay her millinery bills. To him that
I seems money wasted absolutely thrown
away yet very few women spend aa
much on their lothe aa their husbands
do on drinks and smoke.
It is literally trm that what the aver
age man dislike In bis wlf ar the
faults f her eex. He dial Ikes her flareo
possession of him that makes her tyran
nise ever htm for fear somebody will get
him away from her. He dislikes her lack
of promptness and decision of character.
He dislikes her Ignorance of the things
that ha kaowa and her lack of sympathy
with the amusements hs enjoys, and,
above all though he never acknowledges
this to himself h dislikes . having to
oeny himself pleasures he crave and
things he wants because he has to pay
her bills and support a family.
It Is th Ineradicable differences be
tween the sexes that maks them repel, as
well as attract, each other, and that Is
why matrimony Is always bound to bo
the most hazardous enterprise In which
human beings can ever engage.
Mother-in-Law Terrible Not Extinct
She Is not yet extinct. Bh haa not
followed th "old maid," th buffaloed
and th practice of applying th leech for
madlcal purposes lnt th land f memories.
I ssrar on ef her
yesterday. Sh cam
aboard a Itttl
steamer that cruised
for a fw hours
along th -co at.
whll fifty passen
ger said good-by
to summer. Lovers
ware ther sitting;
close to th rail,
arms Intertwined,
head clos together,
alone la their little
lov world. Indiffer
ent to any curious
persons who might
be peering over Its
rim. Middle . aged
couples sat at more dignified angle ras
ing placidly out at the Joyous wave and
th green shores and stretches of shining
white beaches. Bom man with th marks
of lata vacation about them cam aboard
with book or golf ttck or fishing Una,
according to inclination and destination.
Bom brown-chkd woman, looking as
though thy had spent the summer hap
pily In th open, climbed to th upper
deck and bestowed themselves on deck
chairs for what on of them railed a
"last frtsh air pre before going to
. Bh fellowed.
8he was sallow and aombre-eyed and
tralght-llpped. Bh moved with, alow,
cold precision. Bsr gray eyes wer cold
and hard aa stone. Bh poshed her chair
clos to min and spoiled my return trip
by this monologue:
"Look Ilk Ifg going to rain, doesn't
It? Tea. I think It will rain be for w
land. Ifg sure to. Thing like that al
ways happen te ma.
"What plaasur can anyone have, I'd
like t know. In such weather T Tes,
I'm dressed for It, I know, but It Isn't
pleasant, "all th aajna, t be rained on.
"I eould hav motored irp t th lak,
but why ahould I got My daughter went.
Sh was up early this morning and
started at I Bh won't b back before
U tonight. And sh calls that getting
Advice to Lovelorn
By Bcairica
Let IMsn D the Woo eg.
Dear Miss Fairfax: 1 am a girl of It
and in love with a young man ifciee years
my saaior. lis used to eom to my
parents' house twice a week to take me
out. but Is aclirul vary coot lately, doran't
take me out unless I ask him to and than
ha always excuse himself by saying he
ia tirxd. Ha ebsuigad hie boarding huuae
about a month aav and where he I now
thare are several youstg girls. Do you
think that h care for thwise girl nwre
than ho fur iim? Pleaae advise me
what to do. I got a ring Irum him.
Would you giv it back?
Never ask a man to take you out. Men
prefer to escort gtrls who do not aeem
ao unpopular that they have to beg for
Invitation. You ahould not accept pres
ents of Jewelry from any but t he man
to whom you ar engaged. Ask him If he
would like you to return the ring saving
that If it muana nothing to him to liae
you wearing the ring, it eertainl mean
nothing t you. I'nltss ho Is M r much
Interebted in a new Kirt this may re
awaken his Interest He sure that you
de not show- Jealouy, whk'li would only
make him want lo be free of a girl who
Isw't It Veer Own Faaltf
Dear Mis Fairfax: T am a girl U years
eld. and have a stepfather who la very
mean. Hs growls ail the time at me and
my brother. I went away for three year,
thinking that b would be better when
I returned, but he I Just th suit. He
wears all the time, and It k a sliam.
bhail I go away r not? Answer roe
what to do. I B.
Oria Junction, Wyo.
Ar yeu sua you don't Irritate your
stepfather? If yo love your mother aa
yoa should, you will surely want to live
at hom and be near hsr. By being sweet
and amiable yeu can probably shame the
maa out of his disagreeable ways. "More
Die are caught with sugar than with
Th kCaaaaesaeat is ke Bar.
Dear Mta Fairfax: Is ft proper for a
young man engaged to be married to
aaosrt another lady hornet Or la It Proper
fur alia to ae her to th car only?
PbAAi. M.
A man ahould be a gentleman at al'
tiroes, and particularly obaervant of all
the Itttl courtesies when he is on trial
as a lover. .
Ho should take her home If the distance
permits; otherwise only to the car.
health. Just becauaa h's outdoors. All
nonsense, I tell her. Young womsn used
to stay at hom and do fancy work. Now
they're out chasing a little ball across
th grass or driving In automobiles Ilk
Idiots. Thy don't look as well, either.
Not so refined. Their faces ar brown
and their hand ar awful. My daughter
won't wear gloves in summer In spit t
alt I can say.
"Te. she's married. Hsr husband hu
mors her In being out of doors alt th
time. But what does that matter? That's
anothsr reason why I wouldn't tpprov
of It,
"When ha cam eourtlng hr I knew h
waa from Boston, sad I gar my consent
I didn't think he'd up and move to New
York. Tes, thy Hr in Brooklyn, but
It's Just th sam. I told him two or
three year ago when w had a flaraup
that if I hadn't thought he had Boston
taste I wouldn't hav let him marry her.
No. I'm not from Boston; Pm from Phila
"The first thing thsy did was to move
to a family hotel. Ha said she wasn't
strong nxugh to keep house, and he
wanted to spar bar Its cares, for a whll
anyhow. That's all nonaens. Bh' strong
enough If shd Just stay at hom and
never go out? Many a Urn I haven't
set foot outside th hus - for three
months at a time.
'Yea, my husband died while I was
till a young woman. I broufbt that
girl up to b a stay-at-homa and what
does sh do? Always on th golf links
or th car. Tea. sh looks better, but
what ef that? Looks ar deceiving. I
told a lady In th hotel yesterday that I
would give my daughter Just five years
to live at this rate. 1 know paopt be
llev mor In exercise than they used to,
but there' nothing U it. I never had
any. Look at me.
"Tes, I talk of family affairs to popl
In th bouse? I don't suppoe my daugh
ter would Uk ft, but I doa't oar. Look
at her today. Oone off for th whole
day and left me behind. They offered to
tak me along, but X wouldn't go.
"Such a way to lrre. The thr day
I went from morning until o'clock with
nothing t eat but a roll and a cup ef I
coffee. Yea, I wouldn't go down to th
dining room alone. My daughter was '
motoring again. I told them I Just
wouldn't go. Tea, I oould hav prepared
something In my room, but I didn't pro
pea to. It wu my daughter's ptaoa to
stay at hom and so that X waa waited !
en property.
"Tea, I'm well, tsut I'm lotketn. X
won't live their way and they won't Hv
"Get an apartment of my own and keep
house T Yes. I eould do that, but I would
be lonesom. Hav someone lire wrtk me?
That's easier said than dona. Who would
want to Uvw with ma? I moan, with
whom would I want t live?
"Tea, I hav relative, beeld my daugh
ter, but it seams that all thjr want f
me is what tay can get out of ma. I
hut down on them.
"Tak up an occupation? I thought of
that. X wanted to opan- a high elasa
boarding house, but my daughter was so
set against it I gave It up. Bh said I
dln't need th money. Wall. I don't. I
vrhard my daughter' a husband say
that nobody would stay in th house th
second week and I haven't apok to htm
"Cnarltabl work? X eould d that If
I wasn't living at horn."
Th boat landed amid a burnt as? sun
shine, tut I didn't remind ber of It. Bh 1
did not dels a to notice th failure ef
her prophecy of th rain that "alway
happened to her." She walked atlffly
away and following her at a discreet I
distance I heard her quarreling with a'
street car conductor. And I sympathised
with the sons-in-laws who are rebellious,
wiui cause.
Eternal vigilance is the price
of satisfying you with a cup of
Old Golden
The utmost care is needed irt the
election of the beans, in the aging,
roastine, blending, packing, in every
stage ol getting the coffee from the
plantation to your table, improved at
every step. It's hard work to pro
duce ay&x coffee flavor, but thousands
of satisfied coffee drinkers prove that
we're succeeding;
You can find Old Golden at all good
grocers', in air-tight and moisture-
proof pound packages -either steel
cut, with the chaff removed, or ia
the bean for those who prefer to
grind it at home.
TONE BROS.. Dea Moines
Established 1871
JiUbr mf fAW Frnmrnm Tm JBVsm. 5pcs
ffl C"3
rJ "
Hired ar Patireiias I
Sep- i
side I
Commencing Sunday
tember 26th, the near
stop will be discontinued, and
cars will again stop at the far i
side of street intersections to
take on and discharge passen-
1 gers.
k3S5ZSlSZ5eS?SaSZSZ525ZSZS2SJC,re 32jc52SZS25Is3I5eS25SZS25ZS2S
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