Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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God Tells Both Sides of the Story
in the Holy Bible, Says Sunday
Rev. "Elllr" Sunday preached last night
t the Tabernacle on the (nitrtl sub
ject ef forgtTeres of In, taking for hia
text ths tory of Nathan and David. II
Text: "And David Mid Unto Nathan. 1
have sinned against th lord.' And Na
than Mid unto David. "The Lord also
bath put away thy eln; thou ahalt not
ule." It Samuel, 12-11.
TliU, I think, la a part of one of tha
saddest stories In the Old Testament. I
always rad It with conflicting emotions;
thla alono la tifflclent proof of th au
thenticity of th Hlhle. for tf It were
written by men uninspired by God, wa
would have no account of man' aln and
shame, especially If that man had been
prominent. God puta It all In. Not only
the brlsht tide. Man would put In only
the bright aide, but God puta It all In.
Not because. Ila approves of It, Oh, no.
nut benauao Ila wants to show ua what
ntn and women of other area did and
how they wero punished, and what will
happen to ua If wa disobey Ilia oommenda.
What God doe for one lie will do for
all. Tha plan of redemption doesn't ap
ply to only one Individual, but applica to
all. So when God Inspired tha Bible He
put It all In.
If a man had written th Bible ha
wouldn't hare - put anything fn about
Noah getting: drunk after ha cam out of
i ha ark, or about David committing adult
ery, or about Solomon having 7Q0 wtvea
and a few hundred concubines on tha
aide, and having old BrlKham Toting
backed off tha boarda, or about Ananla
being a champion liar, or about Judaa,
the miserable old acoundrel, betraying
Htm. Tou read tha Ufa of Ilobert Burn
and you won't see whrra he aatd If there
waa a barrel of whisky In on corner and
a cannon in the other, and ha knew If
ha touched the whlaky lie would be shot,
ha would have to go to th whlaky. No,
If man had written tho Bible you would
not havo seen th itn. He put them In
;o show that even though man bad
alnned, if he confessed It. tha ord wooTtl
:'otglvo end forget it.
The othr It? a feeling of sadness. One
f ttr things oa earth la to tie
your hm r.- ''run or woman and have
them vou. It Is a sad thing to
build our he 1 a aon or daughter and
hava them d;. I to tha ground. Many a
woman haa stol beneath th perfume of
th orango bloicnma aafl given bar life
Into the keeping of soma man wh vowed
o be true oa lung aa tha akia and sea
are blue and ho broke them all and to
night ah fi her dlsgraca. Many a
mother haa lrn . ;ht Up hsr children and
buiidrd her lii" ' on them and they have
gone out and i.irured and aaeaealnated
all of her hopes until ah drop out of all
of her society and goes by .way of th
heck streets and is ashamed and dis
graced because they ' have th family
name synonymous with drunkenness,
adultery, blasphemy and robbery and
every belllsh thing In. general.
It's a sad thing and of aU tha agonies
that wring th heart and almost anni
hilate reason the saddest la to be disap
pointed In th people you expect better
thing of. .
Think of th man who oould writ the
Twenty-third rsalm (Henry Ward
needier called It the nightingale song).
It sings its sweetest melody In the night
at darkness and affliction. r When I read
it, it seems to me x can sea the very
angola ringing. . David tha man , after
Ood's own heart. An eld Infidel out In.
Iowa said ta ma; "Bill, If David waa a ,
man after Ood' own heart, I haven't i
much respect for Ood'a choice." . He
wasn't after God's own heart because h
x'nned. but because he waa decent and
wanly enough to own up tftat he had
Mnned arid aak God' forgiveness. You'll
be a man after Ood's own heart when you
sitmlt vane usswfRaa and eoma out and
want to trot decent.
U Graded ay Llt
Sin La graded by light. Th mora light
th greater your guilt. I'd rather be a
heathen In Japan or in Africa worship
ping idols of wood or atone than b a
man In Omaha today and not ba of
clod. Z don't have to go to Africa or
China to find heathens.
Juot remember that a heathen 1. ona
who doesn't belleva in God.
It'a a greater aln for soma men to do
soma things than for others to do the
same thing because sin 1 graded by light.
It waa a greater aln for David to do
what ba did than It would have been for
wma other to do th same thing. It'
a greater aln for Mm tnea to drink than
.'or other.
I wac never poseeam. of an appetfte
for drink, but then every once In a while
I lose a piece of my temper. I hav th
sam disposition I bad before' I became
a Christian and I never hav gotten ever
losiiur my temper arid never expect to.
Tou aay, "What! Sin graded by light."
Certainly. Jesus saltl: "Woe unto thee,
Capernaum. If these things had been don
In Tyra and Sldon they would hav been
avad long ago." Jeau walked th streets
sf Capernaum and healed tha tick and
opened the eyea of the tdlnd and be said:
"Tou people ar worse than Sodom and
(fOtnorrah because you hav tnor tight.1
o you people are worse than Sodom and
Gomorrah because you hava mora light.
Here' a on of th sweetest pictures of
the love of God I can find In the Old
Toibtajnent. If you want to know how
sou can beat resist temptation I should
iy: "Kt busy for Ood." Satan finds
'uuvchlef for tt.e IcJSo hands to da, and
n idle mind Is an Instrument of tlvo
tUll. The reason so written after your
ntuiiea la becaus you are not busy for
' lit i. k tu Bib sruuna wim yvur iimi
(i;j,-4. The man that stands around with
ris hands in his pockets will soon be try
.g to get them Into somebody else's.
So ttsd. Kmp busy. No trado la tha
r-ajmport by which per cent of the
i rinituaie enter the pen Kent larlea of the
JtJ was living in luxury. He had ob
lulnoj peace with all of hie enemies. A
it tie Insurrection arose and .Instead of
voing himself he sent Joab to quell n.
And he was walking ou ths roofs of tho
mouses in the cool of th evening and he
raw a woman, noted tot her beauty of
face and symmetry of figure. Bath
:ieba, and he thought tf sin. No man or
teusn ever sins if they don't Hank of It
);rt. Ne man ever stole without steal
ing in Ma mind. No man ever Ued. or de-
Ived by hla actions, without first thlnk
Irg of It. No man ever murdered without
-tanking cf the murder first. The sin of
i! hand Is bora In the heart. You con
vive It her and bring It forth t litre. So
7 nay no man cr woman ever alnned
v. Hi. out first s1m.lng In their minds.
Ho he looked and thought of aln. Th
1' Llc sc)a: "Let th wicked forsake his
ay. and tho unrighteous man his
rhouiilita." An evil thought, an evil act,
(tvil character, and all it built on
A mu:i's thoughts do not make him a
: uiiui. A man become a crlicinaj by
ui ta A mu becomes a sinner by hla
. .i trrAr.
i .. ,a u (.i.i.iuol thua you set con-
trary to tha law. When you think against
th law of God you ar a tinner. Teu
ean think against th llaw and net ba a
criminal, but you cannot think agalnet
th lawa ef God and not be a alnaer.
Tkeagbt aaa A !.
Move said: "Thou shall not commit
adultery." Jesus Christ aaid: "Whoeoaver
looketh npon a woman to lust after her,
hath committed adultery with her already
In his heart." Chastity require purity of
heart aa well aa outward act. A lot of
you don't act, but you think and you ar
Just aa low-down aa If you acted.
How did God treat David T Did II un
cork th vial of Hla wrath upon him?
Not There bint a man In hell that God
didn't give a chance. He sent Nathan to
him and Nathan told him tha atory of the
en There waa a rich man and ha had
large flock and one day a fellow, whom
we would call a hobo, came along and
asked him for something to eat, and
there waa a neighbor who waa poor and
had Just one little awe which waa a pet
of the children, and tha rich man ordered
hla servants to go take tha ewe by force
and ha killed It and mad savory meat
of th flash and gave It to th wayfarer.
And David waa angry, and I can Imagine
him stamping his foot and crying, "I vow
th man that did that shall surely die."
And Nathan pointed his finger at him
and said: 'Thou art tha man."
I'd Ilka to have lived la th day of th
old prophets. Thos old 'allows never
trimmed their smile for anybody. That's
why Ood honored them In tha old days.
They told the kings or anybody If they
were old sinners. Then David called In the
words of my text: "I have sinned against
the Lord." And Nathan said unto David,
The Lord hath put away thy sins.'
Note first ha atnned against his light.
Ha knew he had sinned when he sinned
and so doe vry on of you today.
Ignorance of tha law la no excuse.
Neither I tgnoranc of tha law of Ood
any excuse. Tou have a chance to
learn and It la your business to learn.
Every ona know when ha etna.
Second: Ha will forgive you If you will
Third, ean you foraaka your vBest sins
If you yield to Christ?
Second; Ha sinned against hla position
aa king. Ha Influenced other to eln. H
hurt hi wife and hla children. No man
live to himself alone. What you Buf
fer your wlf and children suffer. Yet
tf you were tha only on that was in
jured I'd preach Just a hard to aava
you. But you're not. No man can live
to himself alone. I got up and asked
about a girt 'Oh, sh I so-and-so, her
mother la ae-and-ao." So many a child
I ostracised and stigmatised by society
and compelled to live an Isolated Ufa
becaus ha haa tha blood of a certain
old disreputable acoundrel In his vein.
A girl la handicapped because you ar
her father. And your aleter hang her
head In shame because you ar her
brother and beoaase of tha Ufa you
lead. So do you. . Tou aln against your
positions In th homo. In society. In com
merce and la tha lodge. Tou ean do a
you like.
' It waa a great aln and a great re
pentance. : I'd like to aak you for your
definition ef rapantanoa. To'd aay It
was sorrow. No. Tou can't find a man
In a penitentiary who la not aorry. Not
orry because ha haa broken the lawa.
but because he was caught So It's not
. It. Isn't conviction. - If conviction were
repentance every ona her would have
been saved long ago. Lota ef you are
convicted that you're living tho wrong
kind of
life, but you're converted.
Tou' re not willing to take a new stand.
If there' anybody on earth I despise It'a
a religious coward. Bo It'a not eonvlo
tlon. Chance ef Mind Needed. ,
It isn't remorse. Down In a meeting
In Troy, N. T., a man got up on day and
yelled, "Remorse, remorse"' and thre
days later behind a stale beer Joint they
found hla body. But remorse was not
Ite-pentance la a Chang of mind which
leads to a Changs of conduct With refer
ence to sin toward Ood and man. and
that you ask God for forgiveness through
Jesus. Many of you have- not rhanged
your conduct. A man steals, but he
stops. II Is reformed, but he I not
saved. In ether word a man will!
com down and y he I wrong, but
will not accept Christ a his personal
Saviour. ItepenUnce mean to turn your
back oa sin and live for the Lord.
Tou cannot be saved unleaa you are
bom again. Nothing will taka the place
of bring born again. Baptism and con
firmation will not take it. plaoe, T
mst b bora again."
Over In th eighth ohaptsr ef Acts
you find a certain rich man named Simon
who, whan ha aaw the Joy Peter waa
bringing, asked htm how much It cost.
And Ptr told him. 'Thy money parish
with thee." II howd him It couldn't
be bought That fellow had been baptised.
Tou can bet he had been baptised aooord
Ing to whatever tha right way of baptis
ing la the Bible la, either sprinkled or
immersed. There waa a baptised lost
sinner. Peter told him ha had no part In
this matter, that h couldn't buy it with
No performance of religious eeremonlea
will save you. Tou may go to church and
read the Bible and know th long and
short oatechiam, but you must be born
gain. Everybody that la born again doe.
these things, but everybody that doea
thea things Isn't born again.
Orthodoxy of faith will not save you.
No one haa the devil beaten for orthodoxy.
Tha devil haa a lot of preachers barked
off the boarda He believes (hat Jesus
Christ is the Son of God and he tienibtea
and that's more than some of you old lob
ster out there do. He believe In th
Blbl and heaven and hell. The devil be
lieve all this, but he don't live It.
James said: "Show me your faith by
your works."
Your culture and correction of man
ner won't save you. Why some ef you
are so stuck up with your outside ap
pearance. Look at your heart. Soma ef
ou are Just tike some apples so fin
oa th outside, but th minute yon bite
Into thn-b&hyouj spit It out It'a
First Jehn. i: "Whosoever la born
ef God doea not commit ata. That
doesn't mean that S cannot commit aln;
can't hit the boose, but that I don't want
to hit the booso. It doesn't mean that I
can't sin. but that I don't want to am.
It doesn't mean you can't Bin. eaa't
make a mistake, but that you, will not
wilfully sin. It means If you fall In sin
you won't stay there.
Like . and Ilea.
Tou let a heep and a hug fall in a
mud puddle. Tha sbsvp will bound clear
of It, but the hog will slay In it and
wallow in It, Their nature are different.
The world can tell whether you are -a
hog or a shoop. Let a man or a woman
b horn again and they'll be bound away
front sin. But let one that isn't and
bo' 11 wallow in It. Some church members
are Jut washed sow. I in Just quoting
Scripture. Peter aaid. "Soma of you ar
Ilk a aow, which, washed, goes back
to wallow. Ilka a dog which goes back
and llrks up Its vomit".
Third, whosoever la bom of Ood
loveth the brethren. Everybody that la
a Christian, whether he's of your de
nomination or not. Now what are you
going to do? That means tha Chtiatlan.
Not th saloonkeeper or tha brewer.
Theyr no brethren until they ar born
again. They are children of the devil
now. It'a Ood 'a nature to love and you
ahould lev each other. Do you Preehy.
tertan love the Baptists and do the Bap
tist tho Christians, and the Christians
tha Methodists, and th Methodist th
V. P.'sT Do you?
Do won lore mT
Be? It puta ft eqoar up to you. If
m ;i I'tT tell God when I 'sTt to
heaven about some of th mean thing
you said about me down here.
Whosoever I born ef God doe. not !
commit ln. Whosoever I born of Ood
loveth th brethren. Whosoever la born
of Ood doeth righteousness.
A friend of mln was In a Baptist
church In Brooklyn, where they were ex
tending tha right hand of fellowship and
they voted In one woman, and all but
ona Woman arnaa to siva ha plrht ti.nt
of fellowship, Sh said aha wouldn't
cause th woman cam from a little mis-
Sinn iMiin a a .h- ik. ... i.. ,
to call herself a Christian and yet re-
fused to extend th hand of fellowship
because a woman earn from tha sub- I
merged tenth.
Whososver is born again belleveth that'
Jesus la th Christ. That put. a lot of
praeh.r. out of Who', a liar?
Anybody that d.nleth God Is a liar. Th
Vnltariana ar not ven In th kingdom, i
First John. 1:4, "Whoever Is born of
Ood overoometh the world." There are I
two classes In tha church today. Thoea
who are overcoming tha world are Chris
tians. Thoa who ant lotting tha world
overcome them ar not. Would you rather
o to a theater party, card party or
Uutch lunch than a prayer meeting? Then
Vn II M Nl nnl nf IL.A Irkla v.lHH -.
hangg- on to a church memberah.p j
going too far.
Every one on earth haa a body and
soul, but Christian haa more than a
sinner, and you'll never be saved until
you hav It, I had physical birth, but I
hav a spiritual birth. A sinner has no
spiritual existence. God looks on him
aa dead.
Life Like a Desert,
It'e a great forgiveness. I want you
to read the thirty-second Psalm when
you go horn. It start out "Blessed Is
h whose transgression Is forgiven, whose
sin Is covered." A great forgiveness.
People try to cover their sins. Don't do
It Com to Christ as you are and He'll
forgive you.
I had a friend who waa a brilliant
young fellow. He covered the Japanese
and Chinese wars for a New Tork paper.
He waa on his way home when he was
shipwrecked and the capuin and he wet
the only one saved. They stayed on an
island, living on root for a week, 'and
then they signaled a steamer and gdt
etarted home. He got word from his
paper, and they told him to go to 'Frisco,
so he went and they told him to com
aoross th arid country and write up th
proapects of irrigation. And as he
walked across those plains, he thought
of how thy would blossom If they were
only Irrigated.
Life Like a Desert.'
Then h thought of how his life was
Ilk that dcaert with nothing In It but
wast. He finished his work and went
to Chicago, where he got a Job and loat
It on account of drunkenness and cftuldn't
get another on, account of having no
recommendation. So he walked out one
winter night and took hi reporter book,
addressed It to hla father, and wrote
something Ilk tbtsi "I'v made a miner
able failure of this life. I've disgraced
you and sent mother to a premature
grave. If you care to look for me you'll
find my body In the Chicago river." He
tossed aaid th book and It fell on th
now. He leaped to th rail of the
bridge, but a policeman, who had been
watching him, sprang and caught Mm.
He begged him to let him leap, but the
policeman wouldn't do it and got his
story from him. Then the policeman
said! "Wall, I don't know whether
you're stringing me or- not but If half
what you aay la true you ran make a
big thing out ef life. I'm not much on
religion, but I'll show you a place where
they will keep you," and he took him to
th Paeiflo Garden mission at 100 Bast
Van Buren street which for 11,000 nlghta
had had its doors open every night
He went In and aat down by a hobo.
He read some of the mottoes like: "When
did you write to your mother last?" and
they began to work on him and he asked
th hobo what graft they gt out of thla
Th hob flared rtcht up and aaid there
waa ne graft, that Mrs. Clank had Just
mortgaged her home for 13,000 to pay back
rent Then he told htm b oould aleeo
right there and go down In th morning
and get something to eat free, and If he
couldn't land a bed by next night he could
otn back to en of th benches. Then
my friend got up and went down and ac
cepted Christ He was so full of gold
bromide cure that ba tingled when he
talked and Jingled when he walked.
Ha started out to give hi testimony
and he waa a marvelous 'power. I met
him some time later In the elevator In
Chicago and he waa dressed to kill ylth
a silk Ud and a big diamond and the
latest cut Prince Albert, and he aaid:
"Bill, that was a great day for me. I
started out with not enough clothea to
mak a pair of legglnga for a humming
bird and now look at me." He was sec
retary in th nw firm of Morgan t
Wright and wa drawing (ITS a month.
He la an expert stenographer. A news
paper la Nsw Tork had written him to
tak associate editorship, but I told him
not to do It to stay where he waa and
UU hla story.
What did he do? He told God he waa
a miserable sinner and Ood forgave him
aa He will you. There' on vree of
crtptur I'd Ilk to blase all over Omaha
and everywhere around. It l. "Be sure
your alas will find you out" Right by
the side ef It I'd like to put another,
''and if e confess our sins. He la faith
ful and Just to forgive oue our atns
and eteense ua from unrig hteousneaa.
Ona to startle you and the other to chase
yeu te Jeeua Christ
"I didn't know what h meant by say
ing Ha would cast my sine behind Him.
but I knew new. He would drop thera In
the deesest depths of th sea. Out In th
peclfio ooeaa recently they measured and
six miles they dldn t touch bottom. No
ere oaa ae what six mil f water flows
aver. I understand It now. It mere is
anything en thla earth I despise It I th
man or women who will remind any one
of the doeda or their former life If they
are not leading that kind of a life now.
Anybody wbe doea la so low down I
wouldn't Insult a polecat by comparing it
with them. Ood says: "I'll remind you
of your alns no mors forever." iso'what
do you want to do It for?
Don't try to make yourself better.
Come as yvu era and God wilt take you.
(Copyright William A. Sunday.)
A Tor bale'' ad wUl turn aeoond-haad
furniture Into cash.
"Secret of Failure,
the Thursday
Following is the sermon preached at
th Tabernacle Thursday afternoon.
Text: Jeremiah I S.
Tour Iniquities have turned away these
things, and your sins have wlthholden
good thing from you.
Ood said I want you to do thla, but
you wanted to aln and not do right. In
thla vera Jeremiah la giving an explana
tion of the thing of his day. He came
aa a prophet of God to the people of Ood.
God had promised them many things, but
tbey did not obey them and did not get
enters Into a covenant Ha promisee sus
tenance, peace, Joy, proapertty, victory,
.T' "u r" " V " " V" "
. i ifh promises s 1 en io nw itvws. dhi
were rejected by the people and they
did not gain tha benefits. Th Bam I
true today,
(iotl'a Promise N asaberless.
Ood' a promlseB to tne man who accept
ar numberless. Any man, unless he is
a foot, would rather hav Ood's love than
be-.00?' cure
Any man, unless he Is a
would rather ba saved than lost.
Any man.
unless ha la a fool, would
rthr to h"reB thV he" But
th .wer not of thMa th'n'
and l""' warn '
ur: pf!M turned to war, Joy turned to
,0?m- VKnTrnJ, ?
nd ht? A" Wer '"
uw'' , Wh.fT D ? J PrT
B0W? II1?.Ld "m v ..
fmjah laid the b am where It be-
'owd " th 4T1our M l
v urnlwy these things and your
villi, iis.w nivitiiviu,u iuiii, ii v
Ood aaid: "My promises were condi
tional. If you do My commandments you
will be possessed of the fulfillments of
these promises, but they didn't do It, and
i a curse came. It waa not unfaithfulness
" ta J f, "?"
here today. We are under a dispensation
of salvation, free, full, perfect and eter
nal to all who believe. It la offered to
you, who you may or where you may be.
In other words, there I nothing for you
outside of Jesua Christ All cornea through
Jesus. Such are a few of the number
lens promlaee which will fill the life of
the believer full of hope. To ua as be
lievers they should be desired and should
be thing greatly longed for. But are they
possessed? There are thousands of church
members that are utter stranger to the
highest religious experiences. They don't
know the A B C of religion. They have
no assurance of salvation, no assurance
of peace, no experience of Ood's power
to keep them aefe through temptation.
Why are they without peace and rest?
I'll tell you. It's on account of the con
ditions of the people In the church. If
church members will quit playing cards
we'll have no more gamblers. When the
church members q'ult patronising thea
ter, they'll either clean up or go out of
business. When the church ' members
quit voting for the saloon the saloon will
ge to hell. I don't believe there Is an evil
in the world today the church of God
can't drive out. If you can't believe
yourself, I'll shoot the truth Into your old
carcass; I'll never compromise. If th
day ever comes when I have to com
promise I'll leave the pulpit and never
return. ' Never will I lower Ood'a stand
ard. ' '
Novels a Carte,
All that was the matter In Jeremiah' a
day. la true today. .Why don't you ac
cept? What is It tn your life that hin
ders you from being blessed? Is it some
thing In' your life, an Impure thought
bad books; lying, cheating, stealing, bad
companions? One reason why people
have auch low moral standards la this
damnable novel reading. One of the
curses, of th country today is novel a
All of the authora have different Ideaa
of religion and not one of them haa the
light idea. No matter what the book, a
woman will gulp It down and the Bible
will lay on the oentertable. unopened.
Is these something tn your life selfish
ness, pride, criticising Ood. knocking the
preacher? I wlU treat with respect any
Jew or Gentile, negro or white man, any.
one, but I will not associate with a non-
Christian; In other words, I will have
nothing te do with a man who sneers at
my Ood and sneers at my Christ Th
Bible tell me to do thla.
World aaa Charca.
The trouble la, you conform the world.
Come out from among them. That doesn't
mean come out from the church and
leave the church. Some church members
thing it doea, so they com out and aay
that th church la not good enough for
them. They've got to show ma I'm
from Missouri. It mean, come out from
th world and not from tha church. The
UntversaUata baa all their faith In theae
two verses, "And you shall call Hi nam
Jesus, for lis shall aava the people from
their alna" . Notice that aay "from their
ins," not In their alns, and "Aa In Adam,
all men ahall die. so In Christ all men
shall ba made alive." That doean't aay
they ahall all be saved. They ahall all
be made alive. And they wrest th
scripture to their own destruction.
I wish every one could be saved, but
very ona will not If you repent you
will be saved. It you don't repent you'll
go to helt Sin In the church cancels the
blessing. Sin pursued made promises for
Jew of old and th same Is true of us
today. The blessings wt!) become oorees.
It may not be that you do what God tells
you not to do, but you may not do what
God tells you to do. Your stna may not
be the sin of commission, but tha sin of
omission. "Thou shalt not commit adul
tery." These are easy to understand.
These ar th ones you ahall not do. But
the law of God tells you to do thla also:
"Love the Lord, thy Ood, with all thy
soul, with all thy mind, and thy neigh
bor as thyself." Ah. that'a the trouble.
You're not doing what Ood telle you to
do. There la ne difference In doing what
Ood telle you not te do and In not doing
what Ood tell yeu to do. That knocks
the underpinning out from nader a bunch
of yoa.
nmlail aad Cweasalaetem.
TH lay this before yeu. Tou aay: T
don't ateal. I don't lie, I never murdered."
AU right Do you love the Lord thy
Ood above all things? And your neigh
bor n yourself? Do you hate anybody?
Now you're up against It. Tou refuse
te apologise. You've had a fuse and yeu
won't mak it up.
Maybe yeu don't pay yoor debts. Maybe
you neglect your Bible. Maybe you are
stingy to ths church of Ood. Maybe you
are a coward when It comes to giving
testimony, and a preacher doean't hear
your voice In prayer meeting from year
to year.
Sevea Derlfiittoaa of aim.
There are Just seven Biblical definitions
of aln. If you can find any mora, trot
'am out. There' lota of descriptions of
i sin, but only seven definitions. What la
In? First "Sin la a transgression of
the law;" tbat'a tha common definition
whenever you aak the question; second.
"Whatsoever te not of faith is sin," third.
"To him that knoweth to do good, and
doeth it not to him It ia sin"; fourth. "If
you have respect of person, yt commit
Bin.', . . . ... ... ..
That gets a bunch of you, that geta
99 is Subject of
Afternoon Sermon
you preachers, you men and women. In
other words. It means to show favorit
ism; fifth. "Thought of foolishness la
Bin"; seventh, "All unrighteousness is
sin." Trot out someone who doesn't
stand convicted before one of these. Now
what are you going to do? First, confess
your sin. Lay hold on this that tha
spirit reveals to you wrong In your life,
be more pliable to the handa of the
spirit The trouble wltn the church of
Ood today Is a lot of you stand convicted
of your alns, but you won't throw them
out Name it Say, "God, I've been
worldly. I've been proud. I've negelected
your gifts. I've sat In Judgment on your
servants." Admit that you've got a mis
erable, grouchy disposition. We don't
hava to answer to Ood for other's sins. I
don't say I'm perfect but when I'm
through and we're lit Jieaven, Ood won't
ask you whether you like me or not cr
whether I like you or not. Every man
shall give answer for himself. Confess.
I3e humble and receive a blessing. Sec
ond, renounce your sin, get rid of it
thmw It out Confession without renun
ciation doesn't amount to that (snap his
Confess God Openly,
Solomon said, "Whosoever Is convicted
of his sin shall not prosper, but who con
fesses and forsakea hla sin shall find
mercy." You shall say: "God, I won't
read that literary trash." Tou may call
me narrow, but I've made up my mind
never to read any book that sneers at
Jesus Christ 8s y. "God. I won't go with
that crowd." The man or woman In
earnest will begin by taking the spirit
Into his life or her life. Tou'll tell God
your troubles. Not the public. It's none
of the public's business. You don't have
to tell the publlo your sins, for it's none
of the public's businesa
You say you can receive Him in pri
vate, live better Uvea but God says you
must confess Him openly. Third, do what
God tells you to do. Not only not do
what He tells you not to do, but do what
He telle you to do. These are the two
pillars that support tha gospel. Say:
"Ixrd, I will write that letter of apology;
I will ask pardon; I will give to the
church; 1 will have family prayer; I will
do what you say." Fourth and last iv
yourself up wholly, freely, mind, soul, per
sonally. Influence, Irrevocably to God.
Iay yourself on the altar and taka your
handa off. You hav been bought with a
price. You belong; to Him.
Thla la my coat I can take a pair of
scissors and cut It up if I want to. It
belongs to me. I can take thla watch
and throw it away and smash it up. If
I want to. It belongs to me. I belong to
Ood, and He has a right to do what He
pleases with me, and also with you. Lay
all of your sins at the foot of the cross
and say, "Nothing In my hand I bring-,
simply to Thy cross I cling." And hesr
Him say, "Thy sins, which arc many,
are all forgiven thee; go In peace and
sin no more,"
My God! how can any sane man or
woman refuse to receive such a blessing
as thla? How can he push it an ay? And
you will receive this blessing If you be
lieve, and If you don't Ood says It were
better for you if you had never been born
or Uiat you take a millstone and tie it
around your neck and cast yourself Into
the Missouri. Now you know what was
meant when Jeremiah' said they kept on
in the things they knew they should not
and Jeremiah said, "Your Iniquities have
turned away these things, and your sins
have wlthholden good things from you."
(Copyright William A. Sunday.) '
Continued from Page One.) '
M. Furman of Teoumaeh, and all tha su
perintendents of tho nine district, of the
Nebraska conference.
Additional candidates for lay delegate
include Dr. B. I Paine and Charles
Strader. both of Lincoln. Judge W. F.
Spurlock of Tork, 8. C Huston of Grand
Island and B. F. McDonald of Pender..
Plea for Feasloas.
Rer. E. C. Clemana of Chicago, field
representative of the board of conferenoe
claimants, made a strong plea for mora
liberal pensions for retired, aged and
disabled preachera. Ha aaid tha latter
deserved good pensions and comfortable
support from a standpoint of Juatloa aa
well aa benevolence. Rav. Mr, Clomans
la a oousin of Mark Twain, ia chaplain
of tha Beoond regiment of Minnesota
national guard, and of Ehgliah-German
parentage. .
Edwin R. Graham of Chicago, repre
senting ths Methodist Book Concern, one
ef the largest . publishing house in tha
world, reported that during the last rear,
s.SW.oro.OU books and pamphlet a had been
published and sold by tha concern, the
profits being devoted to relief of retired
ministers. Ha tendered a draft for W.T1S
aa tha Nebraska conference's share of It.
Rav. Mr. CI nutans brought MOO more aa
tha general conference's appropriation for
preachers' pension, among tha Nebraska
Hospital Plaa Cbaaaea.
Articles of Incorporation of tha Ne
braska Methodist hospital. In Omaha,
were allghtly changed by vote of the con
ference, to adjust them to the enlarged
conference needa
After attending tha "Billy" Sunday
meeting at the tabernacle in the after
noon, tha visiting 4f0 ministers were the
guests of the Commercial club. The club
held open house, conducted the visitors
through the Woodmen building, and up
onto tha roof for a view of tho city.
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tfMtsvr .SfwWt sr-tas; W
nRAnDEISTon,sht 8:25
U mtm. JiRd S.t. Kit., Eng.
Edward Lynch
"Ths lej-ninitio". el Ait Miry"
Mast Wk, Ik. fcclsi slaMMS. -AT SAf
BCatlaeaa, Ita Saa,
-OMAHati rvm oxjrram"
Bally 1C4S..1 S-SS-SO.
Svaga, is. Silt fHi.Tbo
s ms-.: Da14 B1ssm, Oecax Miamtr.
txls. Ik. U. OoBas. Al K',,, Om. r. nrk,
nwuad HM. tdw ta.isoa sus Bis smu)
C.rus. Mia Uijm' OnM Msils. Slljr 44
Ut Ifetr Satrn. wst.s sr Mwt euMw,
-UaAiea DUna SCsMrs. Wssk Vara.
roari Dm
Thompson-Belden&Cow H
essa ryiKsa ulBaillBilBni
K3 jlt-50
"The tJigger"
is conceded to be one of the
film sensations of the season.
It's on. of those storie that holds
jou from start to finish ac
tion, action, action is tha
keynote, and you will get
so excited that you'U
even grip jour
WeTa aeea a gool many niotaraa la
nr day, bat auaaehow aavar oaa
that made our blood tingle
ore tnaa eema of ta
neeaea ta this ptatara.
It's Simply Wonderful
You Must See It at the
TO OAT Continuous, Troaa
a . a4 T p. m. te 11 p. as.
aa I'raaolsoe's ramea
aaa arbary C
Caast aaa ranasaa Ii.
Posauoa. xctara by Cass. K
tewta, JPIoaeea COUaatovm. Ifralaa.
AfUraooaa, 10o vealaga, lOe-SOo.
Tk. os 1 hin ca
kUttM.. 111. VtaiMm Orrmu
THIS StBK: Msrloa Starr M ... t li
mn. Lev Iwbiuw, a im CLstc lu
Lm. lustr sWm. Mr. ub kmn a Ssuuut
Bourn. Tk. Rss4.tA O Hru k. .'.jfci..
trtoM: Mating. 0iltU.n Trrl Wtj
Mvt . sua Sus ). 3h r . '. . i,i
t Mkkk. i'N. a... 2 ssi