11 KF.AL FSTATE RKAL FSTATE HKA1"j FSTATK ialrI fai REAL ESTATE i REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAIj ESTATE FARM A RANCH FOR MLB I FARM RANCH LANDS FOR SAI.F.I FARM A RANCH LAND FOR "AI.RI FARM RANCH LANDS FOR SALR FARM RANCH LANDS FOR HAI.rI FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR ALU. I FARM A RANCH L4NDS FOR SALR. Iaaas Panama. Panama. Panama. Pa an ma. PANAMA r ODAY IMF, HF.E: OMAHA. FIJI DAY, SKPTKMnEP. 24. 1015. Government The government ot Panama is that of ft seml-soveriegn and dependant state. The terms of the Hay-Varilla Tread y making; It such. By this tread y the United States guarantee and agrees to maintain the Govern ment of that Country. Life, personal liberty and property rlahts are as safe as In the United States. The same Military force protects both. Climate No country has been so grossly misrepresented as to climate condi tions as Panama. As a matter of fact the climate has become one ot the greatest factors in attracting settlers in preference to other tropical sec tions. Panama's temperature may be dlscribed as warm during the day and cool at night. The country is a long narrow strip of land with great seas of cool water washing its shores which with its location as to air ana water currents gives it a wonderful equitable climate. The average . temperature 1 is eighty-five degrees and there is very little variation. There is an abundance of rainfall. The seasons are fixed and invariable variation in temperature and rain fall are entirely negligible month for month, and year for year. There are no off years, nor crop failure from drought, rain or frost. The weather holds no hazard; It performs like clockwork, and every day ot the year is a growing day. Health Conditions Panama has always been as a whole a healthful country, but in former years the Cities of .Panama and Colon were occasionally subject to epidemics of diseases. This was not due to inherent unhealthfulness of the country, but was the result of in adequate sanitation and lax quar antine which allowed those towns to become the catch-basin of disease born by the great tide of travel that flowed across the Isthmus. Slnot sanitation Panama has been abso - lutely free of theae diseases for the past ten years, and it will be impos sible (or It to ever gain a foothold there. The death rate is extremely 7W t v. i V,! I! LAND IN PALMEA RIVER VALLEY HERE 13 80ME OP THE WORLD'S RICHEST LAND GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat it Actire and Show Gain of a Cent to a Cent and a Half. DEMAND FOR CORN IS NOT GOOD OMAHA. September S3. 1915. ("u wh.4 w m nnttv artfve todaT and nhowed aaina of lSlVta. Receipts of I wheat were a trifle better than during the last few days and the demand for this cereal was fairly strona. There were about forty-six cars of corn received today and there were not many of these sold. The demand for cah corn was not very rood, although the market sold un changed to Ho higher. The oats market was higher and waa quoted unchanged to vie up. The receipt of oata were light, but the demand for this cereal was fairly "There were no sales of barley reported and that market remained nominally un- Rve recelpU were unimportant and the market for this repeal advanced about 2o. Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to 712,000 bushels, corn. 12,000 bushels, and oaia, 11.0U0 bushels. Liverpool pot: Wheat unchanged to Id hlrher and corn unchanged to Hd lower. Primary wheat receipt were 2,i2, bu. and ahlpmenta of l.74,000 bu., against receipts of 2.1i2.0ffl bu. and shipments of IJbH &M bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 696.000 bu. and siupraenu of 4,ui hu.. jmuuiuu re ceipt of a7,000 bu. and shipments of ays uu bu. last year. mBm Primary -oats receipt were 890.000 bu. and ahlpment of K.7,000 bu., agalnrt re ceipt of .l.Ouo.OOO bu, and ahlpment or l.ai.00 bu. last year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. ai m i&7 611 M 4 JsO v Hi U 11 Chicago Minneapolis .. Duluth Omaha Kansas City.. St. Louli Winnipeg .1,062 The sale inAPt1 today: : r-,- ... .i..r: l car. si.vi, -. TlM- 4 car. c"71-S cri. &6c: 1 car. 6c fcbc c: 1 car. Mo. Samt-le: 1 car w'"': c; 1 car (velvet enw iL; T car. c; 1 -r TOo. tio. ,t chaff): 1 car, 10o; 1 car, Il ia. I (velvet, chaff): I car. tM. Kye. 4 ear. k' a fwt ehalfY: i car. 1103. Kye (velvet Ho. I (velvet cnaiw: -' r'-: No. 2. 1 car. ste; No. 4. I cars. Co. .o. z. 1 car. sc; wo. v --- -r- hT , i to. I white. I car. A wn,":r sr. W car, c: No. whj.te. 1 car. rtWcil N'o. t yellow. JV Cr. .c; 1 ca H3; 1 -k car. ic: No. r"":- No. I wnite car. a6,o; l- oar. 60: 0. cr. 67c; 1 car. Ui. No. 1 mled 1 car, fcc: No. mixed. 5 car. fcc; No. j .v..... Ci.nrf.iH 1 r-r- 4oUr: No. white, 1 car. Uc; li cars. feSe; No. 4 eax, --, v. . ......... ...... . . .1 a . ....... ..U. turkey. l.O6ul-08; No. I turkey. ll.0Mrt.OT; No I tiara, i.ui wjh w : I10H91.04S: No. 4 hard.S3eMl.01; No. 2 104 No. I durum. tc; N. I durum. WrtSc: no srad. 77tKo. tCorn: No. 2 No 4 white. VSc; No, I white. low iwi:o; No. 4 yellow, Sf.fic: No t yellow. gOWVic; No. yellow tibuf1c: tin. I mixed. 'pinc : No. t IU . L ..... ..1. I-i . Mn 6f Oet: Nvo. I white.' 3M.-; atandard. ' Itii-V-- No white. li'-frM1.- No. 4 white. 2.i4Jc. Barley: Malltlng 4M' '"t'bic-K" closing price, furnished The Bt by Lju Brn- .totk and graLn low, only about five to the thous and among Americans. The Interior country away from the Cities has al ways been free from these diseases, and the United States government reports will unquestionably prove that Panama is the most healthful country in the world today. Transportation and Market Panama is the transportation cross road of the World. Location counts for everything, la this regard Pan ama stands pre-eminent. Panama is the center of things. The cheapest transportation in the World (water transportation) will carry her pro ducts to the markets of the World at the very minimum of cost. The ships ot all nations pans through her gates. The freight rates are lest, from Panama to New York than they are from Pittsburg,. Pa., to New York. The lands of the El Encanto tract are ideally situated from a transportation standpoint; every part of them Is near the seaboard. The streams are available for to transport products down to the sea, where it Is only three hours to Colon. Buyers of land In El Encanto are not restricted, the transportation center is at their door. The World is their market. Cattle and Hogs Too much cannot be said in favor of Panama as a cattle and hog country-. Both thrivfj' and disease is almost unknown. With no hard winters to con tend with, they fatten twelve months in the yenr; and do not lose track of the fact that, witli from two to four hundred ships a month passing through the canal, it will be hard to supply the demand. That makes this rich land more desirable to tho investor. Get some of it. '3 V-T -4 r. i brokers, 315 So. Sixteenth street. Omaha. ArUclel Open.l Hlgh. Low. Cloe. Ven'y, Wheatl Sept. Pee. May Corn. Sept. Dec. 104 106 106H 96 W M IMW 86H us I. 711 72Vi 1 Tl'Al 71UI 72 May .? t)t Sept. Deo. 1 I I 37H.87S08I 74 May. I I U 4ft I 12 65 1 13 60 14 So I 16 10 I 14 rrir 10 I 106 1 63HI S47V.I 10 07Vi 62 S 60 00 S-4 S 30 1 100 20 40 SO I g 40 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS' i Featare of the Tradln; aad CToalac Price r Iioar4 of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept. 23. Wheat prices suf fered a sharp break today, largely as a rtaull of tn purchase of Canadian wheat to be Imported Into the United States. The market closed unsettled, 1V0 to !. lbc nut lower, with December at IMC anil May at MSc. Corn lost Wlta to lc, oaia finished l-Ioo off to Vuio up, and pro visions at a rise of 2Vj3ac Decplte the fact that tne actual amount of Canadian wheat bought for Import was only 60,Oj0 bushels, Uie bearish eifect on prices proved far reaching and quick. The market, which prevlouTy had been on the advance owing to fear that con tract stock would prove too meager to (111 September deliveries, wn now plunged down grade. Subsequent rallies failed to overcome the greater part of the decline. A contributing reason for sentiment turning against the bulls was the an nouncement that a large elevator com pany here was proceeuing to clean bMiujo bushels of No. 1 velvet chaff before teeptembrr options expired. In such a case any question would be avoided as to whether or not the delivery would be valid, regardless of how the Board of Trade director might rule a to velvet chaif which had not been cleaned. Country ofieiinga of spring wheat In the northwest Incvreased materially, not withstanding that early In the day re ports were current that consignment no tices at Minneapolis ahoaed a tailing off. It wa aaid that one of the principal northern railways handled more loaded car of wheat than ever before In th history of the line and that greally en larged receipt were expected at Minne apolis next week. LsLierat tenners from first hand weak ened corn. The weather wa favorable and eastern Inquiry slow. Oaks hsld within narrow limits. There seemed to be no pressure to e!L Higher price for hog strengthened provision. On th bulge, though, pack er unloaded quite freely, the January options In particular. 'NEW YORK bbKEHAL MARKET Qwatatlea af In Day VarUas (Voaaa4lle. NEW YORK. Pt. 23. KIAWR Steady. WHEAT pot, unsettled; No. 3 red, end No. 2 hard. 1.2. c 1. f.. New York; No 1 northern, Duluth. IL04. and No. 1 northern. Manitoba. No. o. I. f.. Buffalo. Future, weak; September, 11.14. -OKN-Spot. easy: No. 3 yellow, 3ie, pronift shipment, all rail. o rs 8 mt. r".d": n I w hite. "'-. HAT Quiet; No. 1. 3L; No, 3, ll.U; N.. ... ,..w. H01S uulrt: No. 1, 1125: No. $1.1.1; choice l!:i, L'y(i'-'sc; IWl. fct'ic; Pact f la c, 1-f, ll-T ioi i-M" HIIiKS Steady; Bogota, 3u831c; Cen- tl: . ..n-l'ii-, . IT.i i ISU N.- I'ork stridy. nwiFa. tli m lljio. Ian:ily. flViAr.'.'.uu. alurl clems. Pork. I f , Oct 13 86 1 12 M 1 I Jan. 14 I U 10 I Laird. I I I Oct. I S06 1 Jan. (47W Rib I I Oct. 00 1 Jan. EL ENCANTO TRACT El Encanto Tract This tract Is situated In the district of Donosa. and Province ot Colon, about forty-five miles west of the City of Colon, and has a large front age on the Carribean Sea. Large streams make their way to the sea board through the property, afford ing cheap transportation. From the V jr9 ' SCENE ON BEAUTIFUL PALMEA. B1VEU WI1E11E IT coast the land slopes gradually for several miles then rises to the hills and mountains of the interior. That portion now being offered is the cream of the entire tract. It is fine, level and rolling land, well drained and attractive. - One Good Investment Is Worth a Life-Time of Labor Don't say that this land won't settle up. This Pan ama land will become densely populated. When It does, there will be enormous fortunes made. It's those who buy land at low prices that make money. Daniel Webster was a great man, but he was wrong when he said' "I would not give one good American dollar for (.11 the land west of the Rocky Mountains." He was PRICES OF LAND IN $2.50, Easy terms. No interest on deferred payments. Three yeara to pay, Call and receive full Information and literature or write tor same. Homeseekers' 18.004719.60. Bcf, quiet; moss, n.0O,Ji U.00; family, IWKXy 19.60. Lrd, firm; middle went, K8r&.45. Tallow, steady; DEATHl!.fV-Kirm; hemlockc flrsU, lL(tf 33c: seconds, 31ftiXic. BUTTER Steady; receipts, 3,241 tub; creamery extra. 27tTAc; first. 24iVic; eoond. titiytic. BOOS lrivgular; receipts, 3.T39 cases; fresh s-athered extra, 80ft J2c; extra firsts, 2Wai',ci firsts, X'U'Zl'nc; second, 23V.i6'Sc. CHEESE Btrady; receipts, 803 boxes; state whole milk, freah flats, specials, 14iS'tBc: average fancy, 14o. TOULTRY Alive, price not settled; dressed dull, western frosen roasting chicken. lHft21c; freah fowls. Iced, UWit lKc; turkey. Irosen. lTSlo. Kti niT r.rwfn nn4 Provlelona. KANSAS C7TT, Mo., Sept. 23. WHEAT No. 3 hard. ILClffrj 1.11; No. 3 red, 1.19 : 1.20; September, ll.OiH; December. tlXo; CORN-No. 3 mixed, SaiAc; No. t white. 67c: September. SaVc: December. USc: May, 63vu-"V- OATS-No. 2 white, 3(ffTV4c; No. I mixed, 3UJbc. i. uiyiv Creamery. 27c: first. 26o: second, 2.-)c; packing, lHc. tinifi rirts. 23c; eRona. ISO. Poultry Hen. iic: roosters. e: broilers, lite. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Sept. 23.-PRAmiE IL1Y Choice upland, none here, til.60: No. 1. tl0.6ori0ll.0u; No. 2. 14.0iu'!0.)0; No. 8. M M U.oa Choice midland, none here. 111.00; ino. 1. iiu."XKa-i.M); iso. x, m wi lu.go; mo. 2. M 004i.00. fhoi-e lowland, none here, iio.oo: No. 1. $9.(KXi9.60; No. 3. t7.00.00; No. 8. 35.00W.00. STRAW Choice wheat,, I6.00jtt.50; choice oat or rye, 3S.KV7.00. ALFALFA choice, $12 .12.50; No. 1, $U.(ilLW; No. 1. 3a.00frvl0.00. Evaporated Apple and rrl4 Fralt NEW YORK. Sept. 23. EVAPORTt.l APPLES Iull. DRIED FRUITS Prune, easy; apri cot, firm; peaches. Inactive; ralalna, steady. I , Coffee Market. KBW YORK. Sept. 23. OOFFEB The market for coffee future opened quiet at unchanged price and ruled very quiet during the day. Th only actual busi ness re pored wa at about or a hsde over last night closing figures; De cember selling at 6.14c. and March up to law; but th ton was easier late In the afternoon under moderate offerings, with the close nt unchanged to 4 points lower. lea. 3.7(0 bags: September, 6.16c; October. 6.10c; November, 6 Uc; Decem ber, S.lio: Jan"ry. 6.17e: February, 22c; March. 6So; April. 633c; May, 6.3c; June. 6.4Sc; July, .46c. Soot, quiet; Hio No. 7. 64r; Santos No. 1 Sc. Cost and freight offers were re ported steady and rather higher with Santo 4 quoted at 1 4ic to 176c. Eng lish credits, and Rio 7s at 6.66c; Ameri can eredlt. No change was reported In the Br ax Ulan markets. Metal Market. . VTEW YORK. Sept. IS. M ETALB Lead, M M, asked. Spe.ler. not quoted. Copper, firm; !ectr 1 tto. 313.00. Iron. tady and unchanged. Tin. dull, IsreotfJS bX At London: Copper, spot o 12 6d; future 70 10; el'-trolv'lc, fiT Tin, tKt. '6: futures. a'UO It. Antimony, 116. Lead. 23 10. eieltsr. &. Isisr Market. NEW YORK. Sept 23. StTOAR Rw, easv; centrifugal, 4.0tc; molassea 3 27a Refinsd. easy, 10 point lower; out loaf, t -: crushed. 6.S0c; Mould A. 6.&e; cubes, 6 26c; powders J. E.l&c; powereded, 6 10; fine granulsted. 6.00; Diamond A, 6.00; confection A. 6"e: No. 1. 4.7oo. mU-n Ikerwrt. LIVERPOOL. Kent. 2T rYrTTON-Hpot. alnilv: v.mmI miH'lMnr Svld: niMrlllrir. !'( la a li'W'dlli.r Slid. snlcs 1,11 1 L.leS. Soil and Products The wonderful fertility of the soil f the EI Enranto tract 1 the marvel of all who visit It. The soil la formed by the accumulation of decaying- vegeta tion, a, process which has neen going on for centuries. The. top soli rangvd in depth from five to tenr feet. Tho color runs tn all shades from rM to black. This soil la the rlchent In th World and, will produce more foodstuff acre for acre than sny land In the fnlted States at whatever valuation. The soil, will mature two crops of com per year, with leaa labor and leas rout per acre than it taken to stow one crop In the famous com be.t of the tnlldij west. In the production of sugar cane THE EL-ENCANTO TRACT, PANAMA, ONLY $3.50 AND $5.00 PER ACRE Land Company, Inc., S,BNcb: OMAHA OYEST0CK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Prices Abont Steady Sheep Steady to Some Stronger. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS UP OMAHA. September 33. 1916. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Ofttciai M onusy .... li.uvi vo,a4 Ofilcial Tuesday 10,241 1.214 41,fl ; illclal Wednesday.. 7.6W 2.M4 .-'. 1 tatlmats Thursday .. 8.3U0 3.2uU 1.1M Four ilav this week M.SM 11. 0M 147.03 I Same day last week, itt.t 81.416 144.B24 , ibamo 2 west ago.... i,ct H,Mu ls.767 nam weeks ago.... 26,467 1.1 li,ui eaiue 4 week agu.... DO.'.a W,h(.2 H1.9J6 , Same day last year 8g.rt3 K.Wfl 137. Uu I The following table now n racelpu ; of cattle, boss and hesp at the Omaha i llv stock market for th year to date a f compared with last yer: 1916. 1914. I no. I Cattl K2M OH.K74 ll,(fr7 nvmm xw,ua l.iiu.nj s'x.oio Bheep 1187. 1. 7 3.U,4t 141, Mri Th following table shows th averag price tor boa at the Omaha live stock market for th last fsw day with coin parlaons: late. I U16. 1114. H1 'Ktt'.'ioil Sept. Sept. bept. Sept. Sept. Sept. ept f-ent. Sept. bept. 6 mti 7 0 i r. 6 861 . 3 l SH 3 36 3 to t 4 8 48 6 'i 6 17 7 87 1M I 2 7 bl T 88 7 W 7 M 7 M 8 0 8 10 i it e I 17 8 10 8 10 Sr 6 Ilia 8t 6 t ton I 66j 7 67 3 oo! 3 Oft S Ml 8 1 02 76 'A 6 74 I Si si I M I 62 U t n1 S 7 7 7 01 6 41 7 89 7 b7 6 91 t 6 6 6 .1 6 6 n 141 6 K 3 SOI I 7 Mi 76 io r, ( 801 I 68 I Sept. 6 77V. 3 42 7 S I 01 8 21 1 8 10 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 6 H 6 67'a 6 Hi 3 43 7 W 8 17! 8 8 6 71 s ; Co 6 0t 6 64 6 73 3 43 s sit 6 40 6 U 211 i W 8 ii 6 W 8 v- Sunday. Receipt and disposition of live stock at th Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. in. yesterday: RECEJI PT8-47 A R8. Callle.Hogs.Bheep.H'ra. C, M. St. P 2 1 .: 1 l.'nlon Pacific 30 3 44 C. ft N. W.east.... 3 3 12 C. N. W., west... 37 U 4 C. tit P.. M. 4k O.. .. 1 C., M. & Q east.... 2 C, B. ft Q., west... 41 13 2 C, It. I. 4 P., east. 3 6 C. H. I. at P . west. .. 1 1 Illlnol CVntral 4 1 Chicago Ot. West.. .. 1 Total receipt... 123 49 76 4 DISPOSITION-HKA D. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Morris Co 6 6 4o l.xM bwlft 4k CVimpany,. 7W 64 ..H.n Cudahy Packing Co.... 636 l.irJO 2,t.! Armour Co 67 1.2-3 lot Hchwaxts Co 116 .... J. W. Murphy lo4 IJncoln Packing Co.... 31 "uhn Bros To Morroll M W. B Vansant Co .1 Bentun, Vanaaat 6 L.. Hill A Son 14 F. B. Lewi 176 Huston Co W J. H. Root Co 1F7 J. 11. Bulla 123 U F. Hun 18 Kosenstock Bro 1X1 F. B. Kellogg 'i'Ji Vertheln er Iegen... 27 II. F. Hamilton M Sullivan Bros M Itotiisclilld it Mo Ai Ksn. Calf Co.. 147 . 'Iirlslle j 11 jlfiiJiu Panama ranks with the Hawaiian Is land, the beet ulnar cans land In the World. Among- the rrots which can he prof itably irrown are all kinds of rltrua fruits, etc. Bananas. vlneApple. brea 1 fruit, cocoanuta. Ivory nut, prnnuta ail kinds of vegetable, potatoes, etc. Corn, rice, Kaffir corn, alfalfa, sorghum, tar' Brans, guinea grass, cotton. flax, hemp, sugar cane, coffee, tobacco, rubber, van ILa and chocolate. - . - v. PASSES THRU OUK LAND. Titles The title of this land is absolutely guaranteed by tho owners. Full ab stract is on file tracing title back to the orglnal crown grant. dead wrong. All good, rich, productive land is valu able. Only a tow years rich and fertile land In the west ern United States was selling for a few dollars per acre. It was considered too far away from New York to b worth anything. History repeats Itself. Panama lands will be developed by intelligent labor and, capital, and if you get some of it now you will have some to sell when it advances in value. Roth 1 Meyers 11 O.assberg 1 Bakes, Jones & Smith. IS Tanner Bros W7 John Harvey 200 J). & F V Cllne 44 Other buyers.. 464 " ii'iiU "'0, n Mtu S.tW W,SM Totals . . ...6.137 CATTUS Receipts of cattle looked very mali tills morning, only lL car being r. ported In. The total for th four day this week Is large, footing up ii.M head, laigest of any recent wees and 6,0u0 1 i -.i r than a veer iia. A. buyer were already pretty wall loaded up with cattle they were not very eager for fresh supp.les, so that thtrad wa non too active. Still, In spots, some of th more desirable killing catu looked a lull strong. Th seiiera! market could be best deaonbed as steady with yester day. Cow and heifers were tn moderate sup. Ely and th demand correspondingly Unt ied. Price did not how much change, euig tn the main steady, with the de cline reported earlier in the week. Uood feedur continued about steady, but oummon to pretty decent kind wr extremeiy slow, the sain a they have been ry day this wee. Msuium graae have been kfeadllv accumu.ating and have suffered a sharp decline, for the reason lhut buyers hav not been tuning uiat kind of stuff. . , uuotatiuiis on cattle: Good to choice fed yearling. l0fvUD.s6: fair to good fed yearling.. IS eOftP.OO; common to fair fed yearling. $4 good to choice heavy beeves. i.0ii.HK; fair to gooff comfed beeves, 8.30tff9 00; commo" to fair corn fed beeves, .7(i.80: r.r;m grass beeves, 34.onu8.40; good to choice grass beeves. I7.404i8.o0; fair to good grass breve, $1 lt i1.40; common to fair grass beeves on tit Hi; good to choice grass heifers, tS.XyfJ 1 JA- m.nA t.t nhotPM rr;.Ml COWS. ft 4 ' t. - : fulr' to good cows, tn OOiyD.76; oommon to fair cows, 4 oiie.uo; prime leeaing steers. I7.7S478 .40; good to choice feeders, S7.2i57.75; fslr to good feeders, 8.6t7.S6; coinmon to fair fenuers, l.l.oO-o.M); good to chol. storker. r7 766 36: fair to good stockers. 6H.7fc'l7.75; common to fair Mockers. 36.&otoj.76; tork heifers, 6.7jy 7.(0: stock cow, Vi.brW .; tock oalvss, .,bii.M: vcul calves. 38.00ihVlOOO; bull, .tanH. etc.. 360114 t"l. Representattra aalcs: NEBRASKA. IS feeder.. 60S 6 75 22 feeder.. lflnl 6 66 16 Steer... .11 18 7 3 12 cow 1Ud6 40 o heifer... 6u9 6 80 31 (teer... 24 hrlfers. 2: feeder .11 . 646 . bv7 7 35 32 steer... .14 7 10 13 calve... yl 7 4) 21 feeder.. 647 fi 6 16 706 WYOMING. 4 feeders.. j6 6 4o 1 steers.. 10 steers.. ..1106 7 86 2 steer.. 40 steers 1 6 85 48 steer.. 1041 7 30 , " 66 978 7 uu 107 teer... KH 7 00 14 feeder.. 7S 6 7 00 I 6 60 41 steers.... 26 6 90 36 steers. . 18 steers.... 44 7 00 II steer. . 34 steers.... r 60 14 cow... .111 . 74 .10ii2 IDAHO. 60 tei....1133 7 46 14 ter....12S0 t7 feeder.. WsO 7 16 11 steers. ...1010 64 cows 1103 6 86 T 36 6 60 HOOS Another very email run was reported today, but at that the supply a... mm haairv as OH SflV dtV thl Week. About fifty cars, or 3.0 head, howed up. bring ng the total for the week to oats up to 11.04 head Till Is 10 OuO hesd smllr than a week ago. less than half a larg a; two wiek ago and a falling off of 6j0 bd as compared with th sm day lat year. Four dsys' receipt sr th smallest . mo th f'rl wek of Auguirt iMt year. I'nder the In'lueno of continued Hfnt uppl.es. and trongsr advice from other por,,... prls contLued to advanc thi moiniDg SC(1 snippers mwae V lr. pur rhaaaa n a itrons to 10e h ahr baala. A piece of a load of light hogs sold at r'.70 for the day' top, and a full car roue ht 87 65, with lust a few hssd of heavies trimmed off. Shipper purvhaae wer not so heavy a yesterday. Pai-ker' market waa a little slower in starting today, but when It finally ep.-i.eU hogs wer selling on a frulOo basis. Improvements On the east lies a prosperous French Colony where improved land ia valued at $300 per aero. On the north and east the seventy- five hundred acre plantation of Drake tt Watklns Company of Han Francisco, and scattered about upon the tract are the holdings of some five hundred Callfornlans. A number of the purchasers are already Improving their land, while a great many more will go there this fall and winter to begin work of development. Timber A part of this tract Is covered with a fine foret of cabinet woods. Immense trees of Spanish cedar, Panamlan mahogany, nls- poro caoba, etc., await the ae of the woodman, while lignum vltea. rubbtr. grayacan. corrlllo doro. and a number of dye woods are growing over the tract. Mr. 8. P. Verner of the Isthmus and Canal Commission estimates the value of the various trees in Pan ama at 1600,000,000. What People Think of Panama President Wilson said: Panama is now on the min street, it will become densely populated, a tliriftly and con tented people will go there and build up tho country. Hon. John F. Wallace, Chair man of Canal Commission, said: The boumlries of Panama embrace, n luxuriant and fer tile country, which is capable of sustaining a dense, popula tion. The climate is salubri ous, heretofore tho only places scourged bv malignant dis eases, have been the cities of Panama and Colon, due to uu sanitary conditions and. the fact that they havo been the erntewavs throuirh which the tido of travel has-ebbed and flowed. The temperature of P a n a m a , is approximately eighty degrees during the day; the nights are cool and refresh ing. The treaty between the U. S. and Panama provides for a protectory which gives the and the big end of th offering wa uought thai way. One packer who did not buy any hens until toward th close succeeded in weakening value a little on the late round, and the result wa that some of Uie Vats salss were little oeiier man sieauy wun rwinuir. t f.l. wu effected before 10 fair rlearsnre wa effected before o clock, but there were till a fsw I bunohea In first hand at that tlm. Oeneral market could be quoted as i.r-., tjRi,, ,i,hi.r with mini nf tha advance belna- lost on the close. Bulk ! of the packing hog war bought at .3i fc7.00, with a few scattering loads ot ; heavies on down. There was a good , ghowlnf of desirable butcher and light ai 9l.wiuVf.a9, anq quite a. ei'iinaiiiia vn up to the top. Hep.eeei.ienv aaie: Ha. at. Hh. Fr. ha At. HH. Tt. u ut 1 w m u lag 4 tit UU I 7 41 114 ...7 t 87 114 14 M 41 Ul ... 1 M H S04 IS H 14 211 ... 7 14 a ' H IS IT Ill 44 T 1 U ..21 ... I lilt, TO Ul ... lu 14 10 4 17 Tl W M III 1 11 ... 40 TT tl M IS M 141 M IN 41 1(1 ... 7 7 M i.7 ... M 84 1H ... 1 Tl 61 l ... I 84 M 118 40 I II PlOo. I II ... I Tl IS It ... IM SI 117 ... I 10 SHEEP Supplies moderated a good bit today, but st that presented a generous ai'pearanco for a Thursday. Estimates called for seventy-seven car, or 21.0 head, and as yesterday' official count overran the estimate nearly S.OiA head, the total for the four days Is 147,003 head. This Is a gain of l," head over a week ago, 1 more than 8,000 larger than two weeks ago and 8,000 heavier than for tha same days last year. Four days' supplies are larger than for any similar ierlod for nearly twn year and much larger than any of the other markets. Th 88 26 limit held good on fat lamb again today, and bulk of the offerlml. sgaln took that figure, which ha brought nearly all the dealrabl killer all week. Movement started In good season and a pretty good clearance of everything In the barn wa made by o'clock. There ha been no quotable t..angs In killing larrra prices at any time this week. Trade In feeding stock thl morning wa on a fully steady basis, and In spots looked a little stronger. Bulk of the good to choice feeder are selling at 88.00 and up, a good many going around 88 108 16, and after being missing for a dav the Si;0 top was restored. Heavy supplies of feeder all thl week have not dulled th appetite of buyer In th least and price have shown very little change, al though there was a slightly weaker ten denoy right at the start of the week. IVedlng and breeding ewes, Which have been cleaned up very readily all week were In limited supply today. Offerings of fat ewes dropped to al most nothing today, th few that were her selling at fully steady prices. Best on sale continue to bring 66.60. Quotation on aheeo and lamli: lavmba. good to choice. 88.lft1ia.30; lamb, fair to good, S8.0oo.l0; lambs, feeder. 7.7f I. Jb; yearlings, fair to choice, e.7bac.M; yearlings, feeders, OmijI.OO; wether, fair to choice, 86.00tj6.60j ewes good to ohole. 36.MS 60: ewes, fair to good. 64.W tja.w; ewss, iears, t4.ouu,.a. Rpreentattv sale: NO. At. .103 . 61 . 64 . 61 . 47 . 63 . 61 . SI . M . 4 Pr. 6 86 6 80 8 10 f 66 1 66 116 T40 is 8 36 6 10 I 6 ln Wyoming ewe.... 4 Wyoming feeder lambs, 7( Wyoming feeder lamgs. yjj Wyoming feeder lamh. J(w w'yomlng feeder lambs, , lvtT w'yomlng feeder lanru , 13a Wyoming feeder lambs, jj, MonlllA" f.- i.unb. 64 Montana feeder lamb. " 140 Montana lamb !, vVyoinin luiiiba , "5 ftd.r lamb;: 64 67 7 I 4 Winmlni faadar urllnn "onu" la yearling- St. Loal LIT Stack Mark!. ST. LOWS, Sept IS. CA TTUK- Re- relpta 3.700 head: market steady: native beef slesis, 17 fcoa 10.26; yearling slear and hellers. lA.fo'tHO.Ou; rows, V.oW).uu. stock- sr and feeders, )s.0Uta.g; souliiern Mr, .... .. PANAMA CAN PRODUCE AS MUCH SUGAR PKR ACRE AS THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. U. S. not only power of inter vening to repel invasions and repress local disorders, but guarantees the U. S. will as sume the responsibility for in ternal and foreign peace of thu country. It does not require a profes tie mind to predict tho day. when Panama will support several million happy and con tented people. 0, H. Forges-Lindsay, sayst Thcje is no richer land in the world than in Panama. The mean temperature is about eighty degrees, from which the extreme fluctations do not de part ten degrees in either di rection. Hon. John Barrett, sayst The climate is healthful and even, invigorating; the land is adapted to most profitable farming. A beautiful country, with n climate that should havt no terrors for the healthy, and even solaces for the weak. Tli" land is nowadays within com paratively easy reach of all. Panama is on the eve of a de velopment such as Porto Rico is undergoing with American, assistance. IS.2Gtl.2u; cow and heifers, 34.OOQ45.00; native calve, 3d.tMUll.flo. . HOtlS Recehita, 4,no head; market lower; pig and lights, 3&.71k!j120; mixed and butcher., fl.&rtiH.'M; good heavy, $7.26 4j'7.7R. HHEBP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.400 heed; lamb, H.(KKoS.UI; aheep and ewes, 35.0UC7.76. CHICAGO LITI STOCK MARKET Cattle Sleady -Ha; Strong -keeu troac. CHICAGO. Sept. 23 -CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,000 head; market ateady; natlv beef ratUe, le.00410.40; weurn teer. 6.0ui:i.aa; cow and heifers, 82.KtTa.26; calves. $7.264Jlt00. , . . 1X3S Receipts, lO.fW head; market Strong, mostly 10c to 15c higher: bulk, of sales, 87.00fc7.!ri; light, I7.40W1 25: mixed. X.7l)frtR.S6; heavy. 66.4O01.8O; rough, 86.40a. 6.0R: pig. 6j.6oU7.60. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, J'-JJ head; market strong; wethers. 8tU0 6.36; ewes, t3.254j6.76; lamb. 36.40J.W. Kansas Illy I'l1 ttmelt. Markl. KANSAS CITY. Bopt. 23. CATTLEt Receipts, 4.500 heail; market steady; prime fed steers $!.60 10.00; dressed beef steer. 7 8 ft 40; 'western steers. K&0fu.66; bulls. 85.fll.00; calve. 86 OTlO.tW. lioUS Rrnielpt. 4.4iO head; market hither; bulk of ale. 37.0u.o0: heavj . ttUHt'i.toi packer and butcher. 37.Sk 8.0i- Ilirlit. 37li.r; plg. ri.MM.i. HHI0BP AND IMiiS-Recelpt. 14,ftl head; market steady; lamb, 37.7Rtt.lo: yearllnK. 6T.75j76; wether. 3.fa. U , ewe, 8ii.2M6.'iO. Stoax I lly Um S4ok Marke. SfOfX CITY, la., Kent. 23.-1100 -RecelpU, l.j"0 hsrt; mnrket steady and ki.w. h. 7.iti7.7: light, lu.tivil 6.m-; bulk tt sales, 8h.MVn7.00. CAT1 l.r. rHeipu". i.tw nmu , ,,ini. . steady to lower, native steers, S5.OKir7.dO, rows snd heltert, 4.7nJ.fiO; canners. i , n . ... u p. mvA fAl,ra. 86.004i.bn : calves. 'fi.aiiu.00; bulla, stuns, etc., 34- SHEl'.P Receipt. 800 head; market. 1i to lie higher- ewes, S4.6oj6.0i; li.mba. 6. St. Josenk Hm Slpek Market. ST. JOCErH. Sept. S. -CATTLE Re ceipts. l.OuO hesd; market steady to li. htklier; steers. si.OfHti.fiO: cows and heif er 4.0UT!.00; calves. I6.0CU.50. HOOrf Receipt. 8.0UO head; market V irv0 higher; top, 87. W; bulk of sales, 6.I.' 1'hEEP AND LAMBS-RecelpU. 6.0' head: market steady to strong; lambs. 61.008. 40. Llv Stork la Mkt. Reielpts of live stock st Uie llv prin cipal western market yesterday: Cattle, liors. Sheep. Chicago i'.OO W.imiO lsd ; Kt luls 3.io 4.i0 ,if Kansas City . 4,.V 4 4 14.t i outh Omaha 8.3 3. J 2a.' Sioux City 1.000 1.5,0 b- Total ....14,400 MTOl 65)0 Dry Good Market. NEW TORK. Sept. 33.-DRT OOOD8 Cotton good were firm and prioe ad vanced today. .Lonsdale bleached mus lins advanced to IVvC Yarns werw hltiher, an lr having been cheeked by a rapid advance. Raw silk waa higher. While Japan recovered 7 Sec per pound. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. A dividend of Two Do'lara per ahar will be oald on Friday, October 13, 181 to stockholder of record at th cloaa ot business on Thunaday, September 10 1116 Q. D..HIU Tr yisirssk (