Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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Joe Bees
tine Magazine Pa
We Quarreled
No. 8--This Wife's Story
of Trouble Concerns a
Husband in Love with
His Own Cleverness. :
Why Do So Many American Women Grow Old Quickly?
Due to the Lack of Repose, Declares Famous Model
The Love
that is Only
Self Love
By Virginia Terhnne Van d Water
' (Copyright, 1915. by Star Company.)
My husband la an artist, lie alao writes
says on art. He ts clever In hla line
ind la considered by many to ne an
authority on matters pertaining to his
Ho knows all this, and that Is why we
Not because be Is clever, but because
he knows he Is, and Is, therefore, con
olted. His talk about himself and his work
rounds fearfully blatant to me. I actu
ally suffer as he boants of his accom
plishments. I feel my face grow hot
and I can hardly raise my eyes as I
listen to some of his aiwrtlons.
Again and again I have aaked him not
to talk so much about himself.
. Let other people discover your clcv-r-rneea."
I say. "You do yourself an In
justice by blowing your own trumpet."
l"You are the only one who does not
m ppclat me," he accuses.
But I do appreciate nlm and I love
him. Therefore It hurts me to have
him show his worst side to the public.
1 recall cno dreadful evening when
were Invited to meet a well known
novelist, whose name Is familiar to every
intelligent reader. We were among the
!" po'l asked to dine with him at A
'riend's house. The novelist was modest
njid satd little of his own work.
'After u while my husband turned to
Ivlm witii jnio remark about an article
'that he himself had written for one of
the magarlnos. Tie novelist showed
polity interest and asked some perfunc
tjory question. This was enough, and
my husband regaled him for at least ten
minutes with his theories with regard to
ifulpture and painting.
"The art magaslnes are willing to pav
ne almost anything Ire reason for m
pspers on these subjects,"- he said.
shuddered, for 1 remembered that 1
heard that this novelist got 10 cents r
' w.prd for his stories. 1 do not know
fvhether this Is truo or not But I knew
that my husband never got more than 2
jents a word for the little papers he hn
Written. Art Is not popular enough fo
ireatlses on it to bring exorbitant prices.
',1 tried to change the conversation by
making some remark about a loan elhl
blOon I had recently attended. The
ijovellst followed my led. but my hus
band was not to be cheeked.
" "I was amased," he remarked, "at some
f the miserable daubs In that exhibition.
.They were actual travesties.
U Were his hearers thinking. I wondered.
t some of his "daubs 7" For no artlat
makes a masterpiece every time ne puii
tils brush on canvas. -
j; "I thought the whole collection very
fine." I ventured, thinking to draw the
But it was useless. "Speaking of the
Specimens there reminds me," my hus
band said, "of the bust of Dr. Blank
!whteh I did last year. Did yon see ttf
; Ha looked at the guest of honor. The
-author shook his head.
'' "No." he said, polltefully regretful.
Miss Audrey Munson. who has
pared a aeries of articles on health
and beauty for this newspaper, Is the
most famous model In America.
Known as the Panama Girl, her calm.
Madonna-like face and her figure of
almost the exact proportions of the
Venus de Mtlo, are reproduced In most
of the statuary that adorns the build
ings of the exposition at Pan Fran
cisco. While an American girl, having been
born and reared In the state of New
York, she enjoys an un-American re
pose. In this article she tells Amer
ican women of their greatest lack and
how to remedy It.
While the women of our country have
many charms, regular features, welt kept
figures, smartness In apparel, and. most
of all, a keen and alert Intelligence, there
up the dainty lingerie of a weary-locking
woman of drawn face, who Is of the same
age. but looks ten' years older. If you
aakod the laundress the reason, she would
answer simply: "I guess It's because 1
ret my rest," and she would be correct.
Repose means careful conservation of
energy. We cannot have the quality of
repose, which Is the twin sister of good
breeding without learning the art of rest.
The secret of the art of rest Is relaxation.
I have Invented a definition for relaxa
tion. It Is "shaking oneself loose."
We must go to the animal kingdom, to
where our little brothers and sisters of
the four-footed world dwell, to learn re
laxation. If you were so fortunate as to spend
the summe ron a farm, you must have
seen a horse arise from sleep, stretoh,
shake himself as though he were shak
ing the sleep out of himself, stretch and
stretch and stretch. At your own hearth-
furuous modi J, uho ha ponl for
many or (A til btauti'ul fijvrtt
tn Statuary II all ul tht ban Fran
Otco Fair, Tkit picture "om
htr in u tharacUi ittic attitude of
is I 4skj'-' 4v J- v ! -. .. - .
;;-i did not." ,
i "You have doubtless heard of it," my
husband asserted. Then, as the other
"nade no reply, he went on:
j "It is really quite as good as. If not
'"father better than, anything of Rodin's.
Yes, be actually said that I know,
that people will not believe a man could ,
-be? so concelted-yet tMs Is the truh. j
And I died a dozen deaths' of shame. Our ;
lostess did not smile, but I saw her quick ,
glance at her husband. Then she began
to talk very fast about something else.
This experience was too strong for my
discretion, and on our way home that
night I asked my husband If ha did not
think It was In rather poor taste to make
such a statement as this to a whole
tableful of people,
'They may not all agree with you"," I
"Nonsense!" he exclaimed. "If not,
then they don't know enough about gen
' ulne art to be worth consideration. My
dear, you forget that If a man does not
speak well of his own work, nobody else
will. The world takes one at bis own
valuation." j
"Perhaps." I admitted slowly, "but It
is mortifying to one who loves you."
"What!" he ejaculated. j
"Yes," I said, determined to speak the
truth now that I had begun. "I know
hoW clever you are. but others must think
you fearfully conceited. What would you
think If another man talked of his work
In the terms that you use in talking of
yours T"
"If he did the same kind of work that
I do I mean as good work I would think
that he was Justified In saying anything
laudatory that he pleased about It. I
tell you as I have told you often before
one must advertise oneself."
A few weeks later, when I had sat
through another such ordeal as I have
described. I attempted for, I hope, the
last timeto make him see things as I
saw them. I tried a dlffe'ent prelude to
my timid suggestion.
"Dear." I said gently, "your work Is so
well known now that there la no longer
any need for you to advertise It by talk
ing of It as you sometimes do."
He turned on me In anger.
"You have told me that often enough!"
he burst forth. "For a wMle I could not
understand your attitude. Now I have
come to the conclusion that, because you
are Ignorant of every rule of art your
self, you are Jealous of me and my thor
ough knowledge of the subject That's
It you're Jealous!"
I dared not confess the truth that I
was not Jealous, but ashamed of him!
Is one charm of which they show a seri
ous lack. It Is. to my mind, the greatest
of all charms In women repose.
For lack of repose they grow old piti
fully early. The spirit of American wo.
.lien Is dynamic, not static. They are
"ever on the go." An English woman
who came to this country several years
ago to teach a valuable system of physi
cal culture, said she was appalled by the
activity of the women of the United
"The term women of leisure is a joke
In New York," satd Miss Christian.
"There la no such woman In America.
The rich women seem to work the hard
est of alt. They are up early consulting
their engagement books, and they fly to
their dressmakers an the shops, and
their charitable work and luncheons, mat
inees, teas, dinners, theaters and oporaa
and suppers, and tumble Into bed In the
early morning exhausted. And no won
der! For they are hard at It all day for
eighteen hours a day."
My views are thoroughly In accord with
Miss Christian's. . The sooietyNvoman, so
called, by which we mean the woman of
large means and a correspondingly large
acquaintance, who has many dollars and
Just as many responsibilities, works
harder than the laboring claaa. For at
least the laboring class know how to
rest when they have the chance.
That la the reason we sometimes see a
fresh-faced, clear-eyed laundress doing
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In a temper.
the expression of
side you have seeo your dog stretch him
self out for sleep and have seen hi,
muscles loosen their tension until they
became as soft as cotton.
But the cat Is the finest example of re
taxation. When she la at rest she Is so
completely relaxed that you can drape
her body over your arm without dis
comfort I have seen a pet Angora hang
loosely about her mistress' neck as
though she were one of the fashionable
boas of white fox.
When you rest he sure to rest Untie
those tangled-ln-a-knot nerves. HowT By
stretching your body to make yourself as
tall as possible while lying down or half
reclining. By lifting each foot Imagining
that It Is a heavy weight and letting It
tall. By lifting your bands as though
from the wrist and letting them drop as
though they were heavy stones that you
were casting forever Into a pool.
Sometimes, If you are exceptionally
weary, by tossing your arms loosely In a
straight line above your head,
By, when preparing for sleep, dispensing
with all pillows, or all save a small, flat
pillow. By lying on the back, which Is
the most restful posture for the spine.
And. when tired of this posture, by turn
ing on the right side. By letting your
fancy picture yourself as uncurling all
the tight little nerves In your body and
stretching them out also to sleep.
For restful Imaginings have much to do
with rest
What Work Means to Women
Her pay envelope Is not all of a work
ing girl's salary! It Just begins there
and there are splendid perquisites
Living on H i week is hard sledding.
You have to get up to ten before you
are decently oomfortable and free from
the haunting demon of "What will hap
pen If I get sick?" and Its twin, "Sup
pose some one cornea along and gets my
ob awajrT"
And even when you get up to $10 a
week tn your pay envelope life Is a series
of going without lunches, so you can
have a pretty new collar on your coat
when Jim takes you out on Sunday
and going without collars for your coat
so you may eat nourishing enough
lunches to get over your tiredness of ap
pearance and the hollow cheeks that
won't attract a Jim for you.
And you are pretty likely to get bitter
about the necess'ty of your working your
youth away while rich girls play reality
Into the word youth and other girls-
like you once dance merrily down the
primrose path. And you feel that no
one givea you credit for sticking to
your Job and earning your bread and
The klcka of the chronlo kicker are
necessarily feeble.
Home grass widows seem to drive men
to taller grass than others.
The man who tries to live on his past
reputation will soon go to seed.
A little knowledge Judiciously applied
will glva one the reputation of a sage.
Good Intentions will not save the man
who Is careless about using the money
of other people.
The fate of the Innocent bystander
proves that It la better to keep moving in
this world of trouble.
butter by straight, honest toll when cake
and Jam might be had more easily.
Well, think of this "Work means the
chivalry of womanhood."
Work means keeping your garden
weeded and the house of your soul trim
and fresh and clean Inside and out
Work means choosing the hardest In
stead of the "easiest way."
An.1 how hard that aastest way would
be in the end alt the makers of sta
tistics and workers In social settlements
and hospitals might tell you with a
wealth of gruesome detail. But It means
choosing what la at first the hardest
way. Indeed.
To ma the meaning of work for woman
la this the keeping alive of all the white
fine things of life valor snd honor and
courage that make belief In human
nature survive any other shattered ideals.
And the glorious perquisites that go
with your pay envelope are these Inde
pendence, self-respect freedom of body
and soul, and the hope of growing Into
fitness to know all the finest, most
sacred of life's secrets.
(t'opyrlght, 1916, by star Company.)
The l.loa of love is oddly expressed by
ninny proplo,
I heard a mother once upon a time
sny tliat she loved her children next to
her 0.d. yet with
in wcnty-fi i;r hours
I lienrd her fret and
scclit nt her (laugh
tei over a mere
trifle, and arguo
with hor son over'
a ttlfCereiice In opin
ion rcaardlnii a mat
ter cf no import
ance. When h r
son tried to change
tho conversation to
more agrerablo top
Icsf she still pur
sued the theme, de
termined that he
should an re with
her, and finally suc
ceeded In driving
him from the house
Then she assumed
a martyr, and complained that he
dren were undutlful and did not
clnle her.
A man says he loves his wife and can
not .live without her. Yet ha uses the
most abusive language at the slightest
provocation, complalna of the necessary
expense whjch living in the most careful
manner entails, neglects her In everv
way, and has more than once dealt her
"blow in the heat of anger.
If this is love It seems to me a platonic
friendship would be a restful experlenc
for a change.
A wife insists that she loves her hus
band, yet she neglects his comfort In u
score of ways. lis la the wage earner,
and provides for a well-ordered home,
yet he Is constantly Irritated by late
meals, negligent domestics and a lack of
system In every department of the house.
The wife weeps, blames her servsnts
and thinks her husband unappreclatlve
of her love for him. Khe declares she
would die for him, hut she proves her
self unable to live for him.
A father says his whole existence !
bound up In his children, yet he provides
no amusement for. them at home, does
not permit his daughter to receive the
attentions of young men, and expects
both sons and daughters to be satisfied
In their 'teens with the sedate exlstenoe
ho himself follows at 6U.
All love ef this kind Ms self-love.
No other word In the language Is so
terribly misused as the word love. Love
worthy of the name cannot exist tn a
I cart which does not seek the highest and
test good of Its object
No nian uses oaths, abuse or blows
ti'wsril a woman he loves. He does not
torment or torture or humiliate her.
No w(te leglects the husband she love,
nor does she allow the domestics to fall
In their duy and spoil his comfort
No father or mother who loves a child
scoMs, nags, or frets at It constantly nor
falls to understsnd Its needs or to sym
pathize with It In Joy or sorrow.
The parents who . really love tholr
children try to give them a happy home.
The felllg which does not express It
self In tenderness, consideration, gener
osity and patience is not love! It has no
right to be called by such a sacred name
Mothers Should Know
No meat should he given to a child
under 4.
Fteces of raw potatoes clean an In
fant's feeding bottle better than any
thing else. 1
An insect in the ear may be floated
out by putting in few drops of warm
olive oil.
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as the great artists themselve
Hear the following; numbers of the new Victor Records, on sale
now. The greatest list ever Issued In any one month:
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Angels' Serenade and Ave Maria (equal to a Red Sealj.
LaPaloma (Sazaphone Sextette).
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Blue Danube Walts, sting by Frieda Hemple.
A Great Song, by McCormlck.
Thine Eyes, by Mlscha El man and Frances Alda.
The Broken Melody (a beautiful violin number by ZimbaUst).
Two Cello Solos, by a wonderful lady artist.
Irish Eyes of Love (another River Shannon).
Two attractive Accordeon Solos, by Fietro Dlero.
Two of Mendelssohn's moet popular compositions for orchestra.
Two splendid Military Band Marches.
If you don't hear them Take the Numbers for future reference, for
they are great.
It brings to you the
world's best music in
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There are Victors and
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