Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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By UELL1FICIA. Wednesday, September 22, 1915.
THE younger set occupies the (octal stage today. A round of gayetles
for the school set Just about to rush off for eastern balls of learn
ing and pre-nuptlal affairs for the two popular brides-elect. Miss
Hose Smynh and Miss Irene MrConnell, both of whom will be mar
ried next week, distinguish the day.
At the Country club dinner dance this evening the two largest parties
Nrlll be for members of the younger set. Mrs. C. W. Hamilton is entertain
ing a number of young people who spent part of the summer together at
Glacier park. Miss Isabel Vlnsonhaler's dinner pnrty was arranged for her
house guest. Miss Mildred Johnston of Chicago, but Miss Johnston was
railed home last evening.
Miss Smyth was honor guest at a luncheon given at the Country cluu
by Miss Dorothy Hall, and tonight Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Ston entertain the
voung people of the 6ibbernsen-8myth wedding party at the Omaha club.
Miss Marian Towle gave a luncheon at her home today for Miss Mc
Donnell's wedding party. Mlsg McConnell and Richard Coad will be mar
ried Tuesday.
The remaining days of Jhe month will witness a repetition of today's
program, as the social calendar is filled with given-ln-honor affairs for
bridal parties and to brighten the school exodus.
,At the Country CTab.
MTs. Ownre Heveratkk sivea a lunch
jeon Friday at the Country club. Covers
'will be placed for sixteen attests.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Redich will have
fourteen guests at dinner at the club
Saturday evenlngr.
I With the School Set,
Mies Mildred Todd, dauaniter of Mr. and
(Mrs. Todd, leaves October 1 to
tenter the Bristol school at Washington,
;l. a
Mum Edna Levtr.e leaves Tuesday fur
'the University of Chlcaso, where ah
hat received her second sonolarahlp. Mies
I J -e vine won an entrance acholatshlp from
1he Omaha High school.
Birthday Dinner.
Mrs. B. B. Ferris entertained at dinner
I Tuesday evening' in honor of the birth
day anniversary of her daughter, Kran
jcea. Panslea and ferns were used In the
decorations. Those present were:
. Mlseea M lanes
Mildred Whlted. Madeline Doreey,
Tallin Ulnneen. Nina Weppner,
.Klla Htiahee, Clara Coftey,
Kleen McCrary, Praline Ferris.
Ann Anheuser, Gladys Ford,
Entertsin for Mils 8myth.
. Miss Helen Epenetrr will Klve a tea at
the Hotel Fontenelle Thursday for Mlas
Rose Smyth. On the samo day Mr.
lrexel Blbbernaen gives a dinner at the
Omaha club for MIks Pmvth and Ms
brother, Mr. Clarence Plbbemsen, whose
marriage will be celebrated next Thurs
day. Mr. Allen Tukey and Mr. Leon Calla
han will give a supper at the Country
club Sunday evening In honor of Miss
Smyth and Mr. Sibbernsen.
At the Omaha Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Btors will give a
dinner at the Omaha club this evening to
honor Miss Rose Smyth and Mr. Clarenoa
Blbbernaen. A large mound of Xlllamey
roses will decorate the dinner table. The
guests will be members of the wedding
party, which tncludea:
Messrs. aad Mesdames
wedding of her brother. Dr. C. F. Patten,
to Miss Frances Molcher.
Miss Mabel Wright of Chliago arrived
this morning to be the guest of Miss
Irene McConnell. Mr. Hlchard Coad Is
exported tonlsht from Malaga, N. M.,
and Mine Gertrude McCarthy arrive Sat
urday for the l.'osd-Mivonrn-ll wnddlng.
C. J. Hmyth.
Roue Hmyth.
lirnlrlre Coad.
Mary Ijttt, Oilcaao;
lenn Callahan.
Allim Tukoy,
Kdward Murphy,
I. Mlbbernsen,
M iasee
Ilel- u Murphy,
Ciere Helena Wood-
erd (
Clarence Hbt.ernsen,
Drexi I Slbtiornavn,
Rernard Smyth.
Prominent Men to
Talk to Teachers
Here in November
President H. J. Barr or the Nebraska
Slate Teachera' association announces
the following as a tentative Hat of speak
ers for the state meeting to be held here
November 8. 4 and 6; Mary Antln, Dean
Fordyce and Prof. I.uckey of the Unl
vralty of Nebraska, Prof. Hahn of
Wayne normal, William Lyon Phelps of
Tale, Georgia Alexander of Indianapolis,
A. C. Monuhan of the Department of
Agriculture, First Assistant Snoop of
Chicago schools.. Paul Shorey, F. M.
Leavltt, II. K. McLaughlin and Miss
Martin of the University of Chicago; A,
O. 'Thomas, state superintendent; E. C
Elliott of the University of Wisconsin,
and Prof. Zoublln of Boston.
The executive committee of the teach
ers' association Is meeting here. Among
those in attendance are Treasurer John
Matthews of Grand Island and V. G.
Mays of Lincoln.
For Weddin? Party.
Mia Marlon Towle entertained at lunch
ton lit her home today for Mlaa Irene
MrConnell aiut tho young women of her
vMiding party. The rainbow color
scheme, which will be used at the Coad
McConnell abiding, furnished the decor
mlin f"i- tlie luncheon table. Mlsa Alice
V.d, a member or the bridal party,
arrives torn..! row from New York. Cov
t r tp plucrd tor:
Mlfwf MiiiKt-s
lrvm McConnell, Mnry L LnMnaer,
l-'rHiH-es Mm bMteiler.Mabcl Wrlxlit
J-'.leanor ilHcku, of Chicago.
At the Field Club.
Two hundred reserv attune have been
made for the doting dinner-dance of the
Field club Saturday evt:nlnj and reser
vations are still pouring in.
Mrs. O. S. Goodrich will entertain fif
teen guests at luiulnon at the club Fri
day, and Mrs. James Tancock will have
twvnty-flv guests the smnv afternoon.
Famil" Reunion.
The Klmmrrman family rounded up
iulte a aeries of functions by an Orpheum
t party Monday evening. These were given
by four brothers living In Omaha In
honor ef a fifth brother of New York.
It was the first time in seventeen years
, that all the brothers had been together.
Charles K. Zimmerman of New York
a as the guest of honor at thvae parties,"
wiiiuh consisted of gatherings at the
homes of tho four Omaha brothers, fi. E.,
U. If'- M. V. and J. f. Z'le-wrmiin.
TK- tr irty Incluiton.
.Nfsara. ant Meeds inex
K. K y.lmmeriiian, J. p. K'huumi man
T,.'1".m"":'"n xv- Ziniiutrman.
Mlas Lruia Zilnr""-it,mi.
Me re Messrs
nsrT f.V1'" Vr" 1'"",",;r:Nn
On the C'riir.
The Circle will give a card
Irty at Uu-ir hall, Tenty-eeeoud and
IxK uet, Tbursdsy venit.g.
Te Omaha W onmn's Press club will be
entertained th's evening at the home of
fhe president. Mrs Harriet MacMurphy.
Sir. end Mr-.. A. 13. McConnell will en
'(iu tit: Cuil-McCOnell vedd'ng
party at iiit.-, fuilowed by a Wedding
reii'ijrsu! a. Virir home Monday evening.
Prne V't"V
Tlie oiiIiii are registered
at the Hotel ilAlpln In New, York: J.
A. Whaleu, H. C. R;ly and E. U Baugh!
Mra. Gladys filomao Kopald leaves to
Kht for Detroit to make her home
vUh her luvlher, Mra Cora Sloniaa.
Mrs. T. C. Douglas and Mlsa E31a
Brown are visiting Dr. DougUs and bis
mother at Clarke, Neb.
Mrs. L. Richards of Ban Josa, Cal.,
formerly of Omaha, la expected Friday
to be the guest of Mrs. R. Kulskofsky,
Mra, Richards will remain here several
iii and thtm oonUnua east.
!le All. Virginia DavU left Tuesday
for New York, where she la to give a
iH.ocert at the Princess theater, October
15. Ml DavU will play her program for
lii.Jt.ljib Cans before her concert appear
ne. the will return November I
Mil. W. L Phillips of Sheridan, Wyo.,
la la the city vl ting her parents. Dr.
i.r.'l Mra. B. It. 1'etten. Mra Phllllpa,
al.o was furnaeily tJlm Mav Fatten .n
l.r t ui,.idr are here to attend, thsj
English Enlisting
Principals in His
Recreation Work
"The Omaha school princlpala are the
beat I have ever met." Superintendent
Ensllah of the recreation departmeii.
Mr. Engltxh has been vl King the so. ools
with a view of enlisting the co-operation
of the princlpala In social center ac
tivities. He wrote the Board of Educa
tion a letter, asking co-operation of that
body. The matter will be discussed at
committee meeting.
Although the school officials declined
an Invitation to be represented on the
recreation board, there are Indications
that they will agree to assist In this
new recreation and social center move
ment being developed by the recreation
ren, 111., insists on prayer
at council meetings. She
is 74 years of age, a grand
mother and leading mil
liner of the little town.
t A . j
A school boy hair a century ago pre
dicted In an esaay that in another cen
tury men would be riding on wires as
messages now ride by telegraph. Well,
""nrloKS Kennedy" la to make such a
ride In Omaha for the benefit of Ak-Sar-Imii
visitors during the carnival. He Is
to ride a wire from the top of the City
National Bank building to the Savoy
No, he will not ride astride. That's
not the way to ride a wire. He will hang
by his leenth and slide down. His body
will be encircled with electric lights, so
that he will present the appearance of a
shooting star as he glides down.
Brand e is Stores to Care for It Dar
in; the Day and the City s
at Night.
The new comfort station at the
northwest corner of Sixteenth and
Douglas streets, established in con
nection with a subway excavated by
J. L. Brandels & Son a, is now open
and will be maintained jointly by
ti ls firm, and the city for the con
venience of women.
The city will provide an attendant
between 5 and lip. m. on week days
and between 1 and 9 p. m. on Bun
days, the BrandeU company to pro-
Tide attendants during other hours.
In this connection. Commissioner Butler
said: "I am taking up with owners of
new buildings now being erected the
matter of comfort stations. The.e places
can be established In connection wiV
new buildings at a much lees cost than
by making special excavatlona. When
the budget la being consldnred for next
year we hope to be able to set aside
enough money for one or two public, com
fort stations In downtown locations.
These conveniences should be furnished
for the general public."
Wyoming Land Along
Omaha Roads Open
to Homstead Entry
From nearly all portions of the 1,'nlted
States the Union Taclflo passenger de
partment la receiving scores of letters
dally relative to the opening to settle
ment of the VA.wn acres of land In the
Ooshen Hole country of eastern Wyom-
I Ing, just over the Nebraska line. This
land Ilea In Ooshen and Platte counties.
Wyoming, and la what la recngnlic(j.a
Omaha territory, being tapped by With
the I'nlon Pacific and the Burlington
Oenerally the .tJoshen Hole land is ss
ert"d to be best adapted to grazing,
though a large area is of the agricul
tural variety. None of It Is to exceed
tn miles from railroad and much of It
la within less than five miles of towns.
The Ooshen Hole land la subject to
homestead entry In tracts of 1W acre
each. The conditions allow sis months In
which to estsbllsh residence and permit
of making final proof at any time after
three and one-half years of continuous
r-M,-ncv At tl'e tlmo of making flnnl
pnf. onJl)tfi(nof"Ttic!BtTT rHWTHp-Mf
must be under cultivation. These condi
tions are the same a required wheep
homestead entry is m.nln upon all lan
cutsldn of the lirlaxteri and mineral
. a . . u-alk MlCk 1 .,(. ...
A satisfied pat ent writes: "Sloan's Lin
iment cured my rheumatlsre; am grate
ful. I can now walk without pain." Only
2."c. All druggists. Advertisement.
Apartments, flats, not-sea and cottages,
nan be rented quickly ana cheaply by a
on r or item
- A - ' - - -- -hiii-i' i 1 - ' ......u...i I., my
Herbert S. Houston, editor of The
"World's Work, president of the Asso
ciated Ad Clubs of the World and chair
man of the League for the Rnforcement
of Peace, Is to be Invited by fne Commer
cial club to addreea the club some time
In the first part of November, when he
la to pass through Omaha. , ,
Our Autumn Opening Is a Revelation
and is arousing great and growing interest every day. We are proud to
acknowledge the growing number of pitrons who have come to bank on our
judgment of style. Style correct style is the only positive assurance of
satisfaction in the garments you wear.
Tremendous as is the variety of styles that are here daily, we are able
to vouch for every detail and for the masterly way the original designs have
been developed.
Eki route from San Francisco Friday
night Oeneral Ooethala of the canal gone
will paas through Omaha. He will ar
rive at 1:46 over the Union Paclfto and
fifteen minutes later will leave over the
Northwestern. The general has a sec
tion in one ef the sleepers of the train.
John Bayard. 1M1 North Eighteenth
street, arraigned In polios court for drink
ing and abusing hla wife, was allowed
to depart when ho signed the pledge.
During the hearing Bayard bad a heart
attack and fell, striking hla head against
a table before the Judge's bench.
Mother' Friend.
The friend that the expectant mother
needs, brings peace of mind, freedom
m) worry and added comfort. Expe
rienced women advise the use of Math
er's, Friend because it is so perfectly
safe to use and has helped a host of
expectant mothers to a nappy, noYmal
existence during this vary Important
period. Mother's Friend, to be had at
any drug store, is an external treat
ment that relieves the tension upon the
cords and ligaments that come from
muscular expansion. It gently sooths
the floe network of nerves and brings
happy relief from abnormal pains, thus
er eating comfort and contentment.
Put your extra money
In diamonds. Enjoy their
possession and profit by
their Increase In value.
As a savings account,
diamonds are better than
gold, for they are con
st ft n 1 1 7 Increasing in
(The demand for dia
monds grows steadily.
The mines are few and
It costs more each year to
operate them. Therefore
their continued advance.
We can offer you some
excellent, stones, both
mounted and unmounted,
any one of which will
make you a splendid In
vestment. We are always glad to
show our diamond collection.
La leave sow las r omaha
' - i ii ii T I in
Fomato Soup
TUJs Is good for 10 trademarks toward this
I 1113 VOUpOn Quaker Cooker. Cut it out. Then buy a
package of Quaker Oats, aee our offer, and note bow much tats
means. But only one of these coupons can be applied on a cooker.
Hold That Flavor
In Quaker Oati you
get a luscious flavor.
We ute only queen
grains just the cream
of the oats to secure
that flavor for you. .
Retain it in your cook
ins:. Una tho Quaker Cook
er, mads to our order to
make tho oats doubly de
licious. See our offers in
each package.
2'4 Qu.
. . . '-
Quaker Cooker
Se it at Your Grocer's
Offer in Each Package,
Many crpcers in this city now display
this Cooker. Seo it. Any grocer, if yon
ask him, will supply you Quaker Oats.
And this extra quality costs no extra
price. II you get lesser oat food it's bo
cause you don't say Quaker.
Millions of peoplo send over seas to
get this Quaker flavor.
Quaker Gaiis
10c and 25c
la Rowad Packages wil Top
1 Pint lomatot.
ViTmtpott easing serfs.
J I mpon gutur.
t Tmspoomftotr.
Jmrpoom swear.
Slic of onion.
itnt Cottogt Eva,
tnttd MM dtluted
with I Pint avatar.
Stew tomatoes 20 minutes. Add onion,
bay leaf and sprig of parsley. Remove
this seasoning. Press tomatoes through
a colander. Keturn to stove.
Scald the milk in a double
boiler. Cream flour and
butter together. Add a little
of the heated milk to the
mixture, stirring until
smooth. Then add the remainder of the
milk and stir until it thickens. Add sugar
and salt to tomatoes. Add soda after dia ,
solving in a little cold water. Pour to ma- 1
toes into a heated tureen and then grad
ually pour in milk, stirring briskly. The
success of this depends on soup not curd
ling. Do not heat soup after milk is added.
Soups, sauces, gravies, cakes, pies, pud
dings, ail cooking where milk or cream is
required is improved in richness of flavor
and increased in food value by the use of
Cottage Evaporated Milk in place of
bottle milk. Cottage Milk is not only
doubly rich, but always uniformly so.
Keep a stock in your pantry always.
American Milk Company, Chicago.
-.-. FOR 2 LB. CANS
1 "That Economy
LIiJ Coffee:'
House Cleantinicjj
Affinity Cleaner geta ail the dirt with half the labor.
I'h'Hiis- furniture, removes spots from clothing.
Ask your snxxr.
Phone Douglas lU'J. Wooritmni BuilJinsr.
Photo Craft Shop
"Flint Specialists."
4l Bee Bid.
Films Developed Free
Waea Purckasaa rreaa Vs.
erlte So te Se. fti-attr serrlea.
Frances Baetcns
Stadloi aVooaa SO, ArUag-tca Bloc,
1S111, Xods-e Street.
Mondays, We.Wa.iaya, Thursdays, and
Tel. Douglas 10(4. UAULUA.
Moleskin Felt Hats Faced A (Th
with Black Silk Lyons Velvet K
1 j $ ti t . L J 0 u A uaI J . - d Ah t
A Lari
Tricorn 8
U si Jk us A
The Medium Slds
Back Boll Sailor.
The Anthestlo
Puritan Sailor.
A Small
Tricorn Shape.
These are four styles which comprise the principal shape ideas for the season
Such colors as melon pink, African brown,
Kelly preen, national blue, fawn, lsvender; all
with black Lyons velvet facings or self-colored
effects where practical. Dozens of new shapes
to select from.
A very new idea used in making these hats
is that no stitching is used in putting in the
facings, same being pressed on, but, unlike
most pressed facings, we guarantee them to
stay on.
New Style XL
Price $100.
Victor Victrola XI has
all of the latest and best
features of the higher
priced Victor Victrolas,
Automatic Ston. Tiltlmr
Motor, Improved Tone Chamber, Horizontal
Shelves for Holding Record Albums.
Easy Terms If Desired.
Our Record Service Nearest Perfection.
Victrola Dept., Pompeian Boom.
'We now have a superb array of
smart, fall models in Red Cross
Shoss, possessing overr fashionable
footwear feature.
' The process by which Red Cross
Shoss are made causes the shoe to
adapt itself to ererr moT
ment of your foot making
eyery step easy, graceful
and wholly comfortable.
Next time you are near us.
corns in and Ur this shoe,
Prices $4 to $6
I 111 II
Practical Books for Busy .Americans
Guide to
Public Speaking
By Gruiwillm KMr, Fsmous
Author of many Prsctieal Books
sndCourses. The only ei tensive,
comprehensive, encyclopedie
woik ol Its kind ever lasusd. Hew to
seeak, dsreies eecatmlanr, write, Iraia
carary. Scrare. ate. The beet advice
r Ibe world', great awhorities apoa
every phase rt Public 8mkli. " Full
ef the aval sort efiatrectiaa." Buit
Sum, Nmm York. Rnml lea, eUtk. ar
m mf - Ii M. t ull M,MiUt lUtr.
.M; MrrMK ii au u(r.
Essentials of,
C ! L C LI
wms wtviaiiuvi Jk
a)- B L Ml vi
. wwwm ... I..IWU.
Utt.D.. LL D.
A recac4 ia caaciae and
iMaratiing afrit, ol the
Ori,ia. Urewih, Dvi-
voMat. aaS Muoitoai s
el taa Enli. lanjuaga. It trass, el
Uteraiara aad iu Eianwale. mi WrtrlaS
lor PubUcaiioa aa4 el ladividaarky la
Wrirtas. ate., ake el Jae Corraptioa
el EaUth Speech. " A x4 bk
evadasd aiwaratiiaMtlatina." Mrmmt-
Miuim, I.M.D.. LL O.. Ceiaaibia
Daivarainr. ' Oae ol the eioM valaable
soaks oa the subiact."- fnf. Kmy
H D., Coiaaihla L'aiv.
It-. tUik, 411 ft. U-t mii h
mttU, 11. H. ,
The NeutraJIty of
By Kmrl AUmmJtr fawAr, Note
Grojaa latcraatioaal Lawr. A ee
taolo booh atreoslr actiind forth Ccr
auav's ciaia to iaaiiacatioa ia lavadiaS
Stiaaa. A ciaar, calas praoaatatioa
al Garmaaria arsaoasata. Urn. Lioia.
Short Talks on
Ret&il Selling
j 4. W HmU. Fvl, AS-
rartlaiad Maaaear ol tao I C. S. Haamit.
-to-tbo-aiiawa "siadar" Uik lor ota
aad woatoa who aU acroaa Ika coaaiar,
Cltk, It ttma . Hdf as Ottr.
ALL NEW Jutt Pubiih
How to Deal With
Human Nature in Business
By Shmruxt CJy, Author of " How to Do
Business br Letter," "The Art of Writing aad
Speaking the English Language." etc.
A big, practical book oa doing business by
correspondence, advertising, and salesmenship.
Direction, suggestion, studv. and cismple, based
oa the real psychology ol business effort.
Coaaidars with care Natioaal Charan 'httica.SarvIea.Yoa
Owe Valaarioa ol, Moeoawrv for Evorv Uaa. The
Mlad aad How It Worka. Adverrhua. The laaasiaative
Matkod aad In Uaea. Priaoipies ol Appoal. Proponioa aad
taiphaaia, Aaalrsias atSuainaaa. Corrsapoadaaco, Varioaa
Brrlae ia Buaiaeaa-Latter Wriiia. 8vaiaai ia Mail Order
Cerreapoadaace. A Study ol the Grocery Suaiaeaa. Coilec
tiaas by MaU sic. "A rotsa.tiv. aad laloraiiad book."
WdsM Ltdgtr. frtct. ll.M ml; ay Hit.
The Book of Thrift
By T.D. Mac Crmgmr,
Aa extremely timely
end prsctieal work st
once sa inspiration to
the resder and s depend
of the rosd to fortune.
Glees experience
toatod sdviro, aiaklM plala
lha path as Ssaarial mm in,
"Advisee the baeiaeas
aaaa. Ika yooad aaaa. tka
parcel, lha hoMholdor. tho houaoka. ak l.
short ovorybody, how to hold what oea kaa and to m
f "f f"iTr- 'nsal,ty -BUm Hmrmtd.
Lmrgt Urn, tUtk. ll H mtl; h mail,
THIEE HaKDT abkiocments op thi
Tie New Desk Stamlar. Dictionary
SO. OOS tki.J. erplalaod -words, phraara. etc. 1.206 llloa
lratioaa..(kA tables ot ayaoayau. laotaal iaiorautioa oa
T "t,J0'ia l! ' ''" ' W"- Vmmtm, CoaasMrco,
.""w, rniioaapay. etc Cvory Braach
Il.i hmU Umtkm. aado4 Uji mi h mm4 U Mali aXra.
Tie New CeaarckeasiTt SUaJari Dictlenary
Aa New Wore-ohvtddod boa the Paak Was
aaiia NaW Staadard Duaiooory TLaaoa aad aanlaiaa tt
words aad okraaoa. Coataiae I A pacaoriol iltoatralkaae.
nmmm. WJi, y mvmU. Jmdtatd, U
Tae New Ceadss SUaaara! Dictisnary
Ae Eaitroiy Now Worh-aWiddod troaa the Pooh Wad
aalla KkW BtMdord tMctiooary. Umtmmm aad oapUiaa
mm am X.bvt worda aad phraaoa, aad coatatas 7aS pictorial
lilaatrailooa. CUta-tammd, tm tamlai H auii. ttmtt. Isows
Amtam Imdmmad. Ii ammu asara.
The Near East From
By mn Amonymomt) "High
Poiiticmt tanonagm" who fre
quently visited the scenes of
ILaatera latrMae, coo
farred with aad aboot
Garaiaa. Sorviaa. Rue
aiaa. Saisariaa, Rso
faaalaa, Grecian aad
Tarhiah Potaatataa.
aad ia tka aataral
coarse al kia boalacaa
laaraod tha Socrata ad
Kuropoaa DiploaiacT what the eov
ered aad why, laid bow la a saoat famil
iar taahioa. Estraordiaary rovclarioae
.... aboot the cooraa al Garraaa dipio
mtmcr rodardiad Tsrhey. Edrpt, Ruaaia.
aad the fealkaa Stataa''-. Y. l.mvi
Crammlwa.thtk. Wit kit tkafgrawmra
UlmtraUam: Prita ISM matt aatraga
aarriaga aaargu. U tamta
Rifles and
wossoii Ammunition
"jfJ H- Ommoaafaoaj. C.Af..
C.C.mndKmmatH.Hmamam. A hi A
aad aatkorkauve work by two al tha
boat kaowa eiporla. Part I treats al
lha betiaaiad ol tha rile aa a sporting,
aad thee aa a war woapoa; it tracoe the
evoiutioa ol the aaodera woapoa ol pro
ciaioa with a coaaplctoaeae that baa
over before baea attcaaptad. It pro
aoota a careial arady ol tha history ol
iSae aad saaaauaitioa with assay pboto
Srapha aad diadraaaa. It deals axhaaat.
hrely with tha aaiiltary rifle, aad arnaia
aiiioa al all tka powers. Part II deole
wkk Ike practical aide ol tka aaootiaa
oa Ike ranse. ia tka Brld, aad la war.
Abatraaa probiaaia la riSc bra have been
treated with a clarity which will wake
tkeea eaaily eeiieraiood by Ike tea
kackaical reader. " A work ol in por
ta ao to riteaaea tka world over "
Army ami A'evy Jtmrmal. New York.
A tig. taut ieei mnlmuiy tllit,al.d.
tit mag-. IM; mat h mail, lit. satrw.
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' world Kaowa Ao-
y; latrodoctMa by Afaa D-mgu,
ia Preach Player. A practical
O guide tor saaaleor
a mma profradoaal.
A Mr.Vatie taa aaaa-
lor ia tka loch
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Ia tbia Ihoroagh
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tie Ulaauataa hie
ootrctioaa with
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"cLoogbka. brookea. Wildiag. Wit.
Jiaaae. kuadjr. T R Pell, etc PorAaaor
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FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY, Publishers, 35460 Fourth Arenue, NEW YORK