Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Greek Letter Fnternitiei Select One
Hundred Fourteen New Mem
bers of Societies.
First Institution of Kind in Ne
braska to Change Over ii
One at Lewellen.
Alpha Tt Chi Victor ttnktm,
Kendall jrradsnburff.
lpoe Burma Fbi X,ouls If ormaa,
Clara imrion, &ln Wtllsc.
Bta Tneta PI Fanl riotbow.
Delta Tau Delta Spsnoer mint.
Phi Delta Thsta Charl Peterson.
Phi Gamma Delta Faal Orchard,
Ralph Ooz.
Phi Kappa Prt aal Wither.
trma Alpha SpsUon rrlsdolf I
troa. LINCOLN, Neb.. Sept. 22. fSpeclal.)
The largest number of freshmen boys
In the history of the state university, 114
In all. were pledged by the fraternlt'.es
of the University of Nebraska at the
rloaft nf tha mahlnv maa ann hap. V. I
afternoon. Three fraternities are yet to I
announce their pledges, so that 130 boys
will be affiliated with the Greek letter
societies when the list Is complete.
The unusually large number of pledges
la the result of the passage of the sopho
more rule last year, which goes Into
effect -next year, the "frets" desiring to
enlarge their membership to carry them
over the period when no pledging can
take place.
Alpha Theta Chi. Beta Theta PI, Phi
Gamma Delta and Delta Epsllon, an
nounced the largest number of pledges.
Following Is the list given out this aft
ernoon: Acacia: B. N. Beck, University Pine:
.1. W. Klnslnger. Mil ford; Homer Uol
dlng, Fullerton; Harry Kills, Beaver
, City; Harold Holts. Randolph.
Alpha Theta Chi: Leonard Trester.
Lincoln; Howard Smith. Lincoln; Uovd
Sv?ns'.Cod'r- Wvo-L Wilber Tinkcom,
Cody. JVjo.; Wilber Nelson, OSenoa; Vic
tor, Kendell Fradenburg,
Omaha: Orpheus Polk. Louisville; Elmer
Witte. Cwanton: Roy True, Lincoln.
Alpha fclKma Phi: Arthur Gray. Colum
bus; Paul Bshson, Bernard llers
1 y sees; Ixuls Norman. Clare Anderson,
Glen Wallace Omaha; Beatty loutlilt.
Kullerton: Ro)la Van Kirk, Kellgh; C.
AN. Matlirk, Omaha.
Beta Theta Pi: rYed Klepfer, Ween
nF V3,ter; D""'1 Gallagher, ONeil;
Lloyd Shannon. Waterloo; Norman Cur-
i -Siif meVBn"l8?! Ted 1x1 nm. Uncoln;
1-e.Me w. Dunn. Weeping Water- Miliars
Bullard, North 'Platte; fvillard JohnZ
Pawnee City; Frank Weiner, Lincoln
Omaha. d' En'd' 0kU Paul dothow.'
ni Tau Delta-Lrtwrence Kline. Shell
Grant, Beatrice; Hugo Flynn, Hastings;
fKvSS. Fiint,,m,Rha: rank Barnett
MoCook; Harold Halter, Eugene Rouse
Lincoln;, Oarlton Yoder, Vymore; Ra
mond Schwab, McCook: Veb Klein Hast
ings; Wheeler Canfield. Andrew Neabit.
i)eIUlJ.TpBiIon Robert Haskell, Rob-Cr5-..Wen",r-
L- ,'rl Royce. Lincoln:
Merrill E. Williams. Ord; Clancy L. Has
broock. Idaho KbUm, Idaho: Frank Pav
lot. Lodge Pole; Bernard Holston. Alli
ance; Robert Moodle, West Point; Gold
win Doran, Sydney; Arthur Loopp, Wag
ner. B. D.; Homer Carlson, fit. Joseph.
JU o.
Kappa Sigma Cornell Arendt. D. C.
Arendt, Leroy Williams. A. M. Thurber
IJncoln; Orvel Ralston. -Peru; Cecli
Hull, Aurora; Frank Harrington. O'Neill ;
Fern Werber, Sargent; Stanley Knothe.
St. Paul; Harold Predmore, Broken Bow:
George Meyer. Madison; Cart Leaner.
Grnnd Island.
Phi rw.ll. TK- TJ.. ItT 1 ...
Webster, Lincoln; Harold Olson, Kear-
i wumn naer. Btanton; Charles
Peterson. Omaha; Ernest Rinker, North
Platte; Hershel Bowers; Vordon. GTma Delta Paul Orchard,
Ralph Oox, Omaha: Carl Nogerson, Buf
falo, Wyo.i Goodwin Anderson, SU Paul;
Harold Shiibert, "ouncll Bluffs, la.;
Moyd Palmer. TckHma; Jean Nelson,
Sterling, Colo.; Malcolm Smith, Homer;
Jav Daviea, Kearney.
Phi Kappa PbI Carl ITarnsherger,
Ashland; Ralph Thorpe, Nebraska City;
Charles Seeman, Derlson, In.; Rupert
Kenner, t'tica; Paul Wlthey, Omaha,
Sigma Alpha Epsllon Proctor Sawyer,
Lionel Henkle, Lincoln: Paul Lxidwig,
Seward; Michael Nolan, Alliance; Thom
as Wood. Friend: Kani Landeur, Joplln,
Mn.; Rcrnard Baumun. Grand Islnnd;
VritArtf 1.'noatfnm i ...... I. - II it..
man, North Platte; John' Doe, Capital
vny. tHM.
Sigma Nu W. P. Grau, F. Pollock,
M.nnring, la.: Robert Vernon, Perry;
William Mackey, Marion Mavs. Ansley;
Harold Steveiw, Creston; DeWItt Mason,
: rr ... TV,I Ii-nnnnn. V1l..r T)bnAtl A 1
llnn:o: John Miller. G. V. Putman,' Te-
fumsen; Annur jvoupai, r-a AiDrecnt,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 22.-(8peclal.) The
first state bank to come In under the
federal reserve bank system was admit
ted September 10. The bank Is the Bank
of Lewellen and has a capital of $25,000.
About sis months ago this bank took
over the Garden County bank and Is
considered one of the strong country
banks of the stats. Recently another
bank was started at Lewellen, but the
Bank of Lewellen Is now the oldest in
the county.
Warden Makes Report. -
The report of the warden of the state
penitentiary Indicates that the Handi
craft Furniture company, owned by the
state and which manufactures reed fur
niture, is doing a pretty good sort of
business If the deposits during the month
of August can be taken Into considera
tion, the showing being $1,381. Just what
the expense of the concern will be will
not be known until the Board of Control
checks it up.
Holtsea Sees Tkosiaa,
County Superintendent A. T. Holtsen
of Thayer county called at the offloe Of
State Superintendent Thomas this morn
lng and held a conference with him re
garding a three-day session of the schools
of that county, which will be held No
vember 1L 13 and IS.
It is expected to make the meeting a
very elaborate affair. In which practical
work will be done In every line of schoot
work and special stress made along the
line of instruction In preparing lunches.
llaanan Given Promotion.
Lincoln friends of William E. Han-
nan, who has been assistant director of
the legislative reference bureau of Ne
braska under A, E. Sheldon for several
years, received word last night that he
has been appointed chief of the legisla
tive reference division of the New Tork
state library at Albany. Mr. Hannan Is
well known to Nebraska people and espe
cially to members of the legislature of
last few sessions and his promotion will
be. received with a feeling that It Is well
Notes from Beatrice
and 6ae:e County
BEATRICE. Neb., Sept j2.-(Speclal.)
Farmers report that no damage was done
by the frost which prevailed In this sec
tion of the state Tuesday night Warmer
weather is promised, and If it continues
for a week or ten days most of the corn
will be out of the way of frosts.
Allen W. Claypool, aged 77 years, a
pioneer of this city, was married Tuesday
to Mrs. Mattle Nles, aged 51 years. The
ceremony was performed by Judge W ai
de n.
Dr. B. F. Gaither, who left Tuesday to
attend conference at Omaha, has Just
closed his second year as pastor of Cen
tenary Methodist Episcopal church, and
members of the congregation hope that
he will be returned to this city by the
conference for another two years. The
church has a membership of 872 and the
Sunday school 750. The' sum of $10,000
has been raised for the Christian causa
by the church during the last year.
Orthopedic Hospital
Will Celebrato Its
Tenth Anniversary
LINCOLN. Sept. .-Speclal.)-On Oc
tober 1 the Nebraska Orthopedic hospital
will celebrate Its tenth anniversary. The
doors of this Institution were first thrown
open for the reception of patients on
October 1. 1906. At that time the base
ment and one other floor of a building
at the Home of the Friendless were
set aside for the experiment of caring for
crippled and deformed children as a
stata enterprise. Only Minnesota and
New Tork had previously been doing this
The state care of cripples has since
that time proven to be one of the most
Interesting and profitable ventures ever
undertaken by the state. During the ten
years about 1.S00 cripples or children
suffering from deformity producing dis
eases have been treated In the Institu
tion. They have had the best of modern
hospital and orthopedic care and also
careful school training at the same time.
The program for the tenth anniversary
celebration on October I Includes special
school exercises, a dinner for the mem
bers of the board of commissioners of
state Institutions, exercises for a class
of nurses graduated from the nurses'
training school and an opportunity for
every one to Inspect the buildings and
departments of the hospital. There are at
the present time about 12S children tinder
treatment In the Institution.
Ansel mo Woman Dies la Iowa.
ANSELMO, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.)
A message from L&kevtew, la., received
here yesterday, announced the sudden
death of Mrs. Anna Judge Fagan, for
merly of this place. She was married less
than a year ago and took up her home
In the Iowa town, where her husband Is
employed as telegraph operator. Mrs.
Fagan was a daughter of the late James
Judge of Anselmo, who met an accidental
death In a runaway early last spring.
Her body will be brought to Broken
Bow, where It will be laid t-) rest beside
her father and mother In the Catholic
Tork Collea-e Rally.
TORK, Neb., Sept. 22.-(8pecal Tele
gram.) This evening a York college rally
m-aa held In the nDera house, at which
many of the former students of the col
lege wer present, as well as those attend
ing this year. Motion pictures of York
and York college were shown. Bishop
Kephart delivered an address on the im
perative need of endowment In the Inter
est of the college.
(Continued from Tage One.
YORK. Neb., Sept. 22. CSfpeclal. )-The
second day of business sessions of the
United Brethren church conference, which
Is being held In York this week, wss
devoted to committee work, several rou
tine business, reports of conference
superintendents and appointment of spe
cial committees.
Bishop Kephart la presiding at the ses
sion. At the afternoon session. Bishop
Kephart, delivered an address on the
origin and development of the church of
the United Brethren In Christ, with M.
O. McLaughlin, president.
LINCOLN, 8ept. 22. (fSpecial.) The
hearlpg before the State Railway com
mission, which was to have been up
tomorrow, covering the difficulty over
ti-lnorlnr transmission lines for electricity
mit of Aurora, has been postponed to
October 12. One reason 'for the post
ponement was the death of a daughter of
Attorney Crafts, of the firm of Hamer,
Crafts ft Edgerton, appearing In tho
case, who was killed In an automobtle
accident In California yesterday.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) .
LINCOLN, Sept. 22. (Special.) Mrs.
Beckmann, wife of Land Commissioner
Fred Beckmann, died this morning, after
a lingering Illness of several months.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock
Friday afternoon, a short service at the
family residence preceding the regular
service at the church.
pulled off In America, for U was all so
cial service without Christ
nmrtalna- A boat Aoolety.
"Society Is rotten, because the individ
uals composing society la rotten.
'The man who writes against Christ Is
a big Jackass.
"Not one out of 100 churvh member
gets out to do active Christian work.
'In our great choir of 1.500 po'l not
ten get down In the aisles to Secure con
'Whenever a preacher or a 1 church
preaches principles without a person
(Jesus, that church will gv to hell, and
It ought to.
"You must keep other religions, hut the
Christian religion kees you.
'Science, phlloaohy, pschnlogy. eu
genics, social service, evolution, new
thouxht. Christian Science, the survival
of the fittest and other new-fangled
theories are all Jackass nonsense com
pared to Christianity when It comes to
comforting a bereaved mother whose
baby ;as died.
"There arcthousands who forget re-
"There are thousands tfho forget re
ligion and allow the forms of religion to
take its pla e."
Klne llata la F.vldae.
Fine millinery was so much In evidence
at the "Billy" Sunday meeting Wednes
day afternoon that Homer Rodeheaver
had to twice plead with some of the
women to observe the rule and remove
their hats before the evangelist began
his sermon.
On woman, sitting In the front middle
section and wearing an especially attrac
tive hat, firmly refused to take It off
until general attention had been called
to her non-ompllance with the rule.
"Don't come to the meetings," Rody
said, "unless you are willing to take off
your hats and let people behind you see
Mr. Sunday."
Hairn from Syracuse.
SYRACUSE, Neb., Sept. .-(Speclal.)
Sunrise Rebeksh lodge No. 12 celebrated
the sixty-fourth anniversary of the
founding of the order last evening at
Odd Fellows' hall by Inviting all Odd
Fellows and their families and - a few
friends In for a social evening. ' A paper
was read by Mrs. William Dunn on the
origin of the degree and Its relation to
Odd Fellowship.
Walter B. Travis, operator for the.
Burlington at this point and Miss Jennie
Cooper went to Lincoln Monday and were
married, returning In the evening. They
were given a reception by the Syracuse
Commercial board.
I (iettraniirar Aaks Return of Paator.
GOTHENBURG, Neb.. Sept. 22.-Spe-clal.)-The
Methodist church at ' Its Inst
quarterly conference asked that the pas
tor. Rev. C. C. Wilson, be returned by
tha conference which Is meeting at
Omaha and has so Instructed the dis
trict superintendent
New paper Ma a Rersmarili It.
R. R. Wentworth of the Si. James,
(Mo.), News, writes: "Two months ago
1 took a severe cold which settled In my
lungs and I had such pains In my lungs
I feared pneumonia. I got a bottle of
Foley's Honey and Tar and It straight
ened me up immediately. I can recom
mend It to be a genuine cough and lung
medicine." Many mother write this
reliable medicine cured their children of
croup. Hay Fever and asthma sufferer
say it gives quick relief. Hold every
whereAdvertisement. '""
News Nntea of Falrbary.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.)
A "safety first" meting of all Rock
Island employes of the Nebraska divis
ion was held here, Tuesday afternoon.
V. 3. Shedd of Chicago and chief of
the safety bureau of the Rick Island
lines, was in attendance and spoke to th
men on the prevention of personal In
juries. A quiet September wedding was solem
, mlsed ta th home of Mr. and Mr. C.
I Vf. Slaughter, near Endlcott. Tuesday.
when their daughter. Miss Maude, was
married to Howard H. Kerschner of Hum
, bolt Neb.
C.,W. Reed, road foreman for th Rock
Island, ha returned from a trip to
H. L. Brown ha resigned hi position
a division agent for th Rock Island
railroad at this point.
. Jefferson county farmers are busily en
gaged in putting up pralre hay and dlso
tng for fall wheat According to report
received at th!a point prairie hay thl
year oxcel that of any preceding year.
A good many farmer will havest their
fourth crop of alfalfa.
Caster lias Hamper Cera Crop.
ANSELMA, Neb., Sept. 22.-(9peclaI.)
The sudden change in temperature
from warm to cold, Sunday night was
I looked upon with much apprehension.
and terminated last night in a sever
( frost Latftjeorn and garden vegetable
suffered badly, but farmers who have
' com to town today think that most of
the corn in this section will not be dam
aged. If this Is the case, thl section
will produce the largest com crop vr
j ired her
Youn Doctor Prescribes It
THE hi fhet medical authorities everywhere now endorse pure
mineral oil as a remedy for constipation.
Nujol conforms to the requirements of the mineral oil treatment a
prescribed by its discoverer, Sir William Afbuthnot Lane. It givet
permanent, not temporary, relief from constipation, with none of tha
harmful after-effects of laxative drugs.
Nujol Is odorless and tasteless, absolutely neutral, and is not digestea
or absorbed into the system. It acts merely as mechanical lubricant.
Nujol is not a drug. Its use will not give quick, temporary relief.
But Nujol is a genuine remedy in that it relieves constipation in the
most natural way by lubricating the lining of the intestines, softening
the intestinal contents, and thus promoting healthy and normal bowel
(Nrw Jersey)
Bayonne New Jersey
I ; n. mffi
v, . , a runt vy ' , -
tterj-. i I
St:tlV ' AKVrB I
ft -
Write for "The Rational Treatment
of Constipation," an informative
treatise on constipation. If you can
not get Nujol from your druggist, we
will send you a pint bottle prepaid to
any point in (he United States on receipt
et 75c money order or sumps.
HARTINOTO.N, Neb., Sept. 22. Spe
cial. V-Fred O. Bnienlng and Miss Laura
R. Ooet. two prominent young people of
this city, were united In marriage this
morning at 10 o'clock at Holy Trinity
church, nr. ferd. Schuettgen offi
ciated. The bride a as attired In white
tulle over chiffon with a veil caught up
by orange blossoms and carried a shower
bouquet of lilies of the valley and rosea
She was attended by Miss Theresa nruen
Ing. a sister of the groom. C. M. Ooet a,
a brother of the bride, was best man. A
wedding dinner and reception were held
at th home of the bride' parent. The
groom Is a son of Ccdsr county pioneer
end Is a prominent young business man
of this city and the bride is the daughter
of Louis Ooets, one of llsrtlngton's lead
ing merchants and stoikmen. After a
tour of the west the young people will be
at home In this city.
FREMONT, Neb.. Kept. 2i.-Bpeclal.)-Ia
M. Keene, the jiloneer business man
and banker, was married In Chicago yes
terday to Mrs. Jennie Trenialne of Clev
lnnd, O., a oous'n of Mrs. Q. W. R. Hor
sey of Fremont. They wilt return to
Fremont following a short wedding trip
to make their home here.
NORTH BKNl. Neb.. Sept. 83. (Spe
cial.) Th marriage of Miss Marry Hull
of North Bend, and Paul Keller of Cedar
(Bluffs,, took place todsy at noon at th
home of the bride. Rev. Mr. Itavldson
officiating. Thirty guests witnessed th
Woman Needs All
Her Strength
Keeping house 'a
hard enough whan
well. Th woman who
has a bad back, blue,
nervous spells, dluy
headaches and kidney
or bladklrr troubles,
has a hard lot for
the family care an I
tasks never let up.
Probably It's all t!ie
result of kidney trou
ble and not the much p;
. I . B
1 V. ItUIH.II i
.. . I. .. r. i . l.
en the kidney with
1 1 ii ii i in
II 11V I
Doan's Kidney
Used and recommend
ed by women tho
world over. They ar Just aa harmless
as they are affective and may be used
for children with weak kidney, too.
Omaha Proof.
Mr. J. 8. Hadlook, 1018 N. 29th Bt ,
says: "I was annoyed greatly by bacit
actio. My kidney acted Irregularly and
I felt drowsy and worn-out. I used
Poan'a Kidney PHI and was pleased
with result. They strengthened mv
kidney and relieved all tha ailments."
50 at all Drug Stores
Foater-Milburn Co-Pr-. Buffalo.N.Y
The standard of this estab
lishment may be judged from
the fact that we sell Hanan
There. U no more em
phatic way in which we can
state our business principle.
1419 Farnam
Various Forms
Of Headache
"II 1 osesssary la order to trsaS hsad
ehes properly to understand the aause
which prodaoe th aOeetloa'' says Dr. J. W.
Kay of blockton, Ala. CoBluaulag, be aaysi
f nyslrlans eauaot even bla Wis treat
ment of a dlsaass wllkout knowlag what
samss glv rise to It, sad w nasi remesu
kwr ts bsaaacb la to be tra44 aeeurOUi
to tha sssas rala. We aaaat Dot onljr bs pax
tteatar to give a ism ay tatsadsd to eoua.
taraat ike aauss wama praOaas tko fcsai.
tea, bat w anas also (Its a remedy to
r-Uev ta paia awMl taa aaaso of tbs troubl
has bin raiaovad. t aaswer Ltela psuvose
Aatl-aamata Tafclat wlU b tvnad a snort
oaveaiaat aad intact ry remedy. Ons
tablet avoir oas to tar boors gives comfort
and rwtlsUaaoitiwifirsm oi Ssailachs.
aenraigta aad psrtealarl IM fcsailsghss
of womsa.
Vhi w bars a patlsnt sabieet to ragalar
St lack of sc ass i Isotia, we shooJd oauaioa
1m to kooa bis bowels rarouur, for vkich
aotbiim is bouor taaa "stolas", aad whsa
fcs Im ta taaa ru of aa oaeomiag
attack, b saoaid tait two AKTafctat.
due pa4lsnt sboald always be lustructad
to carry a law AoU-kaianla Tabhsta. so as to
bav tkaia ready lor instant ate. These
tablets aro prompt la satins, aad eaa b
pu44 oo to produce relief la a vary
tmn sutnutea. AsktorA-K Tablets.
AnU-kamnialskist caa baoMstnad S4all
News of what we are
doing (or the man who
intend to spend $15
for his Fall Suit
You've a right to
expect more value,
more good style, more
C 1 o t h e s satisfaction
from this store than
you'll receive else
where, because the policy
of giving more has always
been lived up to by the
KING-PECK CO. and this
season finds us strongly
supporting the old policy.
At Fifteen Dollars we
offer suits that are super
ior in every way to many
$20 suits. Rich fabrics
and patterns, splendidly
tailored into styles of-the-hour
for Men and Young
Men. The extensiveness
of our showing' assures you of securing a suit
that will please you 100 per cent strong.
The best we've ever been able to offer
snappy styles for young fellows and conserva
tive models for conservative dressers. "True
Blue" Serges are unconditionally guaranteed
fast color.
1 "Omaha largest. Uvcst.Leodinp Men Sfore"
Duffy's Relieved
, Insomnia and Indigestion
Indignation and Intomnia art
two afiMtrM$ing complaint)
which ar hard to conquer with
drugs. But her it a cmte whtrd
Duffy' 'e Pure Malt Vhi$kty,
true product of nature, came fj
tie relief of Mr. Amelia Lang
again proving the benefit thie)
freat ."Medicine for All Man
ind" really it to euffering hu
"After being troubled with aleepi
lessnes jid Indigestion, for aoraa timnj
and Dot being able to obtain any rellej
I read one of your advertisements ol
Puffy'a Pure Malt Whiskey and dej
cldod to try It. I must aay that mi
Indigestion haa disappeared and Dun
fy'a la the only thing that overcame
sleeplessness. I will always keep
bottle of Duffy Pure Malt Whiskejl
on band aa 1 feel It to be a household
remedy." Mra. Amelia Lang, Newj
York- Ave. & 3d St.. Jamaica CourtJ
L. I., N. Y. "
Balnar an absolutely pur distillation of thoroughly malted grain , .
. ' .. ... ? . 1
Duffy s Pure
alt Uhiskey
prompts the etmnarh to healthy action, promotes digestion and assimilation nf thst
food, enriches the blood, and hiinaa strenmh end vlor to th system. With Its)
prescribed advice of a tab asroonful in water before ineala and upon retiring, tt-i
tlwue la dlmlnlsliail, the nerves are soothed to the point of allowing restful s um-j
ter; and In stomach troubles, Duffy's seldom falls to bring about results that aid
most gratifying. liecaiut the stomach Is not required to deal with substance J
strange to Its methods of working, aa In the rasa with ordinary tonics, fos wtiq
"(let uuiry and Keep well ar ever graterui lor it wonder
ful nourishing qualities.
Sold In SEALED HOTTLES ONLY. Beware of imitation.
Oet Daffy' from you local draggl, rroov or
asalsr, a 1.00 psr bottle. If ta oaau supply you.
writ ns, we will tsu yo wnar to Tt It.
eal kooklet free.
Th Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.
"Si--- f
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West.
Family Trade supplied by WM. JTETTEE, 2502 17 Bt
Telephone South 863.
Let The Bee get you a job.
"Situations Wanted ads arc free.