THE BEE: OMAHA. TliTliSnY. SErTEMBKK -j:"!. ipi: 11 f 1 V. J I I 7 I v J TH RTAh ESTATE WKST SIDR OPENING SALE LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS )nly 15 Minutes from "Down Town" 42d to 45th, Leavenworth to Pacific "We nre off with nbout the smoothest and classiest proposi tion ever offered in Omaha at the prices. Don't take our word for it but see for yourself. Opening Sale Saturday, September 25th Prices $450.00 to $650.00 Corners $'J5.00 higher. This price includes water, sewer, pas and cement sidewalks. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Drive or walk around and sec it, or take IiOnvtnworth street cat or jitney, get off at 43rd street and you are there, or call our office at any time and go in automobile. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE IT. Benson & Carmichael Telephone Doug. 1722. f42 Paxton Block. FOR RENT iparlnieftU mm Flats 5-Room Beautiful Apt. $45 Year Round The Uggeet snap In Omaha, Hudson apartment. SOT 8. 16th Ave., nicely de -orated. large light looms, well ventilated; hullt-ln buffet, panel walls in dining room. Individual port-hes; oak flnUh. walking dleUnoe, no car fare; very choice; heat, water, exce lent Janitor service, gas range, refrigerator, all furnished. See this todar. HA8T1N08 HEYDEN. UU Harney St. 8. 27th St., -r., mod., upper flat, MvW 614 S. 27th St.. 6-r., mod. lower flat, $27.60 C. O. CARL.BERO. SU Brandels Theater Bldg. 'A-H. flat, near Fontenelle hotel, one block to poa toff lee; will rent unfur nished or will sell the furniture. AMERICAN SECURITY COM PANT. Doug. HUJ. 17th and Douglas. IN THE MAF.WOOD. At 2611 Harney, a very desirable second floor apartment, consisting . of living room, with disappearing bed, kitchenette and bath; 130 summer and $34.60 winter, tiee It at once. ERNEST SWEET, Office XU Harney. Douglas 1471. 6-R., 811 N. 21st, close In, mod. ex. heat, good condition, $21 .60. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1814 Harney St. ANGELUS APTS.. 25TH AVE. AND POUQLJkS ST. I. 8. 4 and t-room apt. Disappearing beds, automatic elevators; sound proof and fire proof. H. 2W4. -o 13-KOOM modern Hat. ZT07 Dodge. $37.00. Key at Bom me r Bros., 28th at Farnam. TH REE-room apartment, St. Clare. Call Harney wi. ANGEDl 8 Apts.. 85th Ave. and Doug, las. 8-8-4 ana t-room apts. Hnr. "74 o WE will have a fine 8-rooin. also 4-room apartment, Uct. 1, in ine Hainan im. ( cor. snermen wt"ui t r " , apartments are especially desirable In every respect and will go quickly. See Janitor. Apt. 1. or call office. SOOTT AND HILL CO, Dou gl a s 1039. Fwralsaed Apart seats. 8-ROOM 8. 1 WAYNE. . . , 28th and Dewey, new, nicely furnished, has built-in bed; close In; $23 summer, $26 winter. 8-ROOM 8. AVALON. 6.X? S 2Ht h. nkt-ly 'urnlshed. walking noor; summer $24, winter $? 1 AY HEYDEN. lull Harney St ; dlst: first HASTINGS Board mma Bmiu. r UrHllnB'l nwnu IW( onr t'oif nirnj- i mrA rnmtnrt In families or boarding houses of the high- est class will be found in me rurnisneu Booms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler row. FARNAM BT.. 2")7 Exceptionally nice rooms, with excellent home cooking, on Famam car line. Board and Room. 2018 Douglas St. Neatly furnished rmi. quiet home, hreak faat If preferred. 2408 St Mary's Ave. BOARD and rooms, 26 wk. 2818 Douglas. THE Chatham tiotel for gentlamesx Rates U permanent guests. U H. 18th. D. 802. BOARD ROOMS 2408 St. Mary's Ave! Farnam St, 2107 Nicely furnished rootna, steam heated: close In. Douglas 8712. SPECIAL 1X3 W RATB8 TO PERMANENT QUESTS. ROTKL. EANFOKD, lth and Famam. HOTEL, HARLEY. 20th and Farnam, 818 8. 28TH Modern rooms by day or week; too and up; Just off Famam car line. Rates by the week. Rooms and excellent board. 618 So. 18 St Faratsked Haaaee. ROOM-MATE WANTED VaA -Mtnnvlii M .iurtm.nt fvifiil.t ing of living room, kitchenette, bathroom and alcove; located In downtown district, wants congenial lady to share rooms with her. For Information aa to expense, etc, telephone Douglas 4744. References require m rOUOLAB. CIO Furnished elegantly; modern conveniences; catering to high- clase people only; rates reasonable. IAROE room; strictly mod. 821 N. 86th. SURT. 8776 Neat furn. close to college and business district; rates reaaonahfe. ST. MARY S AVE., 2604 Pleasant room for gentleman: modern. NlCii, large furiiished room for ono or twe rere taMe nt'en en: -riva'e fm f y; breakfast If desired. 830B Web. H. 6848. FOR business people, neatly furnished; hot and cold water, shower baths. 2o) B. 86th Ave. Single or en aulie, hot and cold water; ehower baths; ale, fur. 208 8. 26th. Ave. PARK Ave , 21a. For rent, new ard neatly fnmlshid room: private home: close lit. Farnlsbed H eases. WEST FARNAM. FTRNLSHEn OR I'NFL'RNISHED. $40 AND $4t. Seven rooms, all modern, piano player, etc ; paved street, half block to car. Douglas 601$. YVtbMer 1456. Iteasc-s aad Cottages. North. For $25 You Get Sis rooms and hall, all modern, east front, one block N. 24th line. See It. 2S16 X. Xth. Call us. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Nat Doug. 8715. o 414 N. 18TH BT.--r., all mod. flat, well arranged and clore In, tVx . U04 N. 82d 4-r. flat, steel range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet, aster paid 817. u$ N. 17th f-r. all mod. apt $27.60 RABP BRQ8 lOI OUg 18. MOD.. 8-r.., $ 0 II. IiVTJt'n. 3&d". DANDY 6-roora eotisge, modern eacept beat, ewK No. 8bth u, 8L6.UU. (u give carpenter work right aloog aad apply an real, wu wee. 1 RKAL ESTATE VK8T SIDE $3,500--Near 30th and Farnam 6 rooms all modern. In excellent condi tion, east fron.. well rented to a Jsod tennnt, good home or Investment. Easy terms can be arranged. This Is e, bargain In tils high class distilct and requires quick action. Glover & Spain Doug. 8962. 919 City National. FOR CASH -ROOM HOUSE. Fine location, 2757 Webster; sacrifice for quick sale. See C. Thoraen, 143 N. 19th Bt WEST BENSON, the new town, on Northwestern railroad. for rknt yi4 CUMING ST. 8-r. mod. Doug. 7 :M. 7-R.. modern, i317 Seward. Tel. H. 4742. -ROOM, modern house, new; half block to car; 123.60. Phone Walnut 2161. T-ROOM house, mod., close-in. Tel. D. 46. FOR RENT A nouac, o-r. and bath; strictly mod., near car. line, $2) a m 47u Franklin St. Tel. Walnut 8S6. BUILT 1 year, 7-room modern house, close to car line, lot, 64x180;' nice lawn, shade, oak finish; any offer considered. 4407 N. 2Wh. Web. 6318. t-ROOjVI cottage modern except heat. $18 Mil N. 24th SI Benson 3t. Key at 6126 Florence Blvd.. I blocks east. $-ROOM cottage. Ill S. 28th St. $15. Water paid; 1 4-R. cottages, 8. 80th: large yard, sewer, water, gas, $10 and $11. Harney 4708. ri"47Park Ave., 7-r., mod.r$.T$7 h7 129. 8 oath. $12 S-ROOM bricks; gas range, sink, toilet- A snap. 2 blocks south of Vin ton, on Wth. R. 4902. 1704 S. 10TH ST. cept heat, $26. rooms, modern ex- West. WEST FARNAM HOME. (50 8-room, 3.126 Harney St., strictly rood- ci ii, ii ivo iin biiiiii, iiiiv rvjir, GEORGE CO.. 903 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 7.-S. 2317 SEWARD OT.. 7 rooms, modern, 833. Harney 4742. DUNDEE All modern eight-room house, near cars, water heat Wal. -8. FOR RENT 7-room house, located at 8614 Leavenworth. Rent 836. Webster 2680. 7-R. modern house. Tel. Webster 2W0. T-r. house, almost new, walking distance, 639 Bouth 27th Kt., all modern, call owner. Thomas McCoy, Harney M8. At-i rrrnf 'o an,,"n1 8or lYiasZCTarQ S ?' C" 'or , V23 t, , timatcs for mov- Ing, packn.jf, shipping. - 1718 Webster St Douglas I486. Ml- . , . " WBTIISBMBi, !S - ff - L' " od"n aS.tO 6-r. new cottage, oak finish. South eiae. 16.CO -r, newly papered. South Side. 16.0U 6-r., near car, school, South Side. 12.0U 8-r., aejX car, school, South Side. 37.1,0 New modern bilck dwe.llng, 6-r., up-to-date; never been occupied; bookcases, buffet, gas stove, kitchen cabinet; walking distance; tastefully decorated. 14.00 4-r., e e trio light, cement base ment, half block to car. . 26.00 6-r.. all modem, east front half block to car. 88.00 10-r. flat, modern, on car line; five minute.' walk to Union depot 4600 -r.. furnlsned. lo.U 6-r. flat, with bath and sleeping: porch; modern except heat. 26.00 In summer, lai In winter, with heat. 7-room f at modern; hot heat; beta and sleeping porch. 40. 00 7-r.. West Famam; all modern. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Doug. 6018. 17th and Douglas. o BAG of gold and silver will be given away free at West Benson Sunday, Sept. 26. MOUEKN. 630 N. 41st St.. 6-r.. 36. 1128 a 82d St.. -r. .837.60. PARTLY MODERN. 2018 Grace 6-r., $1S. 1M3 N. 21st St.. 4-r.. $13. U16 Corby St.. 7-r., $16. FLAT. 8-r., at I6th and Webster, $10. j l vpr it r u i." v v l-i tt rv 808 First Net. Bank Bldg. Doug. Vl. e BIO RKDLCTIONS, HEAL. SNAPS. 7-r.. mod., choice, barn, 8 lots, 4336 n a. .kv. a Mua j .riii i w ..., imj new. 1MV 8. Wth. 825; 7-r, mod., bergs In. 43 4 Lake. $16- 8-r.. mod., 31 8. llith, $18; 6-r., S. Zld. $14; 4-r., nice home, good lo- (csiiun. ciuueeii varus ana iirtas, 9J 1416 Phelps 86; 8 others. McKitrick R, E. T Trior 7I4C-J. tJlii Leavenworth, $J0; 7-rooms, steam heat all modern. PTVRS TRT'PT CO., 16?2 Farnam. roug. 86. MOT), house, 8-r , rarh raa. electric light oak finish, $M. (88 N. 20th. TeL II. 182. 6-R. 634 8. 84th Ave., close In, mod. ex. heat. A 1 condition, 822.60. 6-r.. 636 8. 24th Ave., mod. eg. heat aalk'nr dlst.. large yard. 126. HABTINQS HBTDKN. 1614 Harney Bt. HOUSES. APARTMENTS. KL-AT4. (42.60 4-r. apt. The Warren, fjl 8. h. $ll .00 8-r., 2)4 N. 16th 8t, mod. ex. ht tm oo 7-r., isng Corby 8t., modern. $" ft-r., 6 Park Ave., modem flat $n 60 6-r, 117 8. "h St.. modern. $42.60 4-r. apmt., The Harold, 7th and Jackson ta. $46.0 7-r.. 618 8. lath St., modern, cold an hot water. Janitor. 860.00 7-r . 212 a. 27th St.. modern, hot w i nest; garage. $M 00-8-r.. 8326 Harney St., modern, first clsss. $76 0 8-r., SKI Fsrnsm St.. extra fine. 860.007-.. 61ft) Burt St.. mod : garage. OK" KG H A CCjMPANyT Phone D. TO. 2 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Dl'NDKE HOME FOR RKNT. 860.00 7-r.. new stucco house, hot water heat: garage. 6130 Burt street. E?RQR at COMPANY. Phone I. 766. UK City Nat. Bank Blg. FefT the Central Furniture btore's FHc.4 VKNTAL,IIiT JC Reed ptnfi moving, storage. am I. le. FIDELITY FREE Phone Dotelaji for eomolete llet t vacant bousm aad apartmeista; aiso for J storage, awvtng. loin and Jackaoa lis. REAL KSTATK Nl Bl KUAN. WnI GIVEN AWAY Five Big Prizes Value Over $200 Over $100 Will Be in Cash Opening Sale New Townsite-West Benson Saturday and Sunday September 25th and 26th First Prize: Second Prize: Third Prize: Fourth Prize: and Forks. Fifth Prize: Full Carving Set. No obligations whatever to entitle you to the drawing wo ask is that you como out and have on the ground. We want you to oome out and see lor yourselt the 1 inure possibilities 01 this new town. Also see Benson Gardens Acre Farms adjoining Benson and West Benson. Don't Overlook This Wonderful Opportunity To make money. Seldom are conditions just right for a new town. Benson was built without a railroad. Business lots in Benson are worth up to $2,500. Why shouldn't "West Benson business lots be worth that much, or more, in the near future? Car lino will surely bo extended to West Benson 83 tho town grows. Several business houses already assured. We Are Offering For Sale Business Residence and Half-Acre Lots In the new town of West Benson at remarkably low prices. Business lots on Main Street, paved road, $250.00 to $300.00. ( Regular sized residence lots (48-ft. frontage) from $200.00 to $250.00 on the very easy payment plan of $5.00 down and $5.00 per month. Half acre lots $450.00 to $500.00 on terms of $10.00 down and $7.50 per month. A.;ro lots $10.00 down and $10.00 per month. Call at our office, or phone for further particulars. . Hastings & Heyden 1614 IIARNEY STREET. FOR RKNT Hoases aad Cottasjes. Mtarettaaenna. H0U8E8 AND COTTAQES PAHTL-Y MODKRN. mil M.i,U Rt 8V? 6 r!211S Nicholas (for colored).... 12.66 12 &0 .Jrv'v..i. u. $16.00 iZ" m N' 19th ' J5 - J" 8616 tecatur St " fTv n (..k Ima In Zo.OJ -r.. w BTHlbTL.Y MODIUtN. S-r.. 8048. N. lth Bt . gn tr' 4i ChVrte? 8t ; choice detached house In llrst class residence section v." -r., $124 PoPPlton Ave.. Hanscom Parltdistrict V"i"-i"KlU' T-r., S.Hmll?,"u residence ' nouN u m 86 00 T-r.. M.M"sV'k"wtiruV'4fc; tached house In a very select residence section, pract call new vacant December 1st .... 60.00 8-r.. 8430 Bristol, good brick dwelling. In first elaas condition: w th a large barn In the rear; large ya?d. and in a good residence district. Reduced to . .. . ...... 2&.00 8-r.. 223 Park Ave., a good detached ' dwelling, within easy wl'nj distance, with hot and cold water furnished by owner. Bar eln at 3"w' 8-r.. 8b32 Dewey Ave., a strictly mod- ern detached house, within easy wslking distance to business center "J",' XLW - ...4, r-.inm mr. I. rr. detached ,-r" .!.rCnam.ldced'to cn'V:: "SS 1 TV-' a !. 1. rr. dwel'lng. with- 'in easy walking; distance...... 86.00 10-r., 3604 Harney, very choice de '. i.- ..illn. In the heart of the West Farnam district 6.00 t-r 1410 N. 17thsT .7... ,7.00 6-r 118 N. 2th Bt.. a bargain at.. ll.W St. Douls fist, within easy walking distance to the down town d strict t w . HEATfcJD APARTMFNTB. I We have a number of choice heated , apartments that are str'etly modern and up-to-date In every feature, ranging In slse from three to nine rooms. Home are within easy walking distance to the busl nut center end others are in the most select residence sections of the crtr See our complete printed list be lore """"'PAYNE SLATER CO. 616 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg HOI 1BE -i STRICTLY MODERM. 1778 Sojth Wh St 6 rooms, nice little cottage ...$3efl0 !28 Pacific 7 rms.. newly decorated. 22.60 r72-,t B Bt . 8"" th Omaha 7 rooms, e 1 erllent conJlllon 85 00 '2H8 Charles r. brick. oaK rnisn... 1121' N rth 2 th St-. South Omaha 8 rooms Isrge yaid su.uv Sa3 IK aaon St. 10 rooms. close-In, gKXl condition VM KW! Davenport 4 rooms, very desira ble M OO 6af& California T rooms, cathedral dis trict ... -rj 88 Callf'.rt la 4 rooms, fine condrion. l.rve vard 32.60 110, Park Ave. 7 rooms, good condi tion M 1014 North 40t'i t rooms, on car line 32 tj t 4r. oulh 84th St. 8 rooms, newly decorated 35.00 164 (' ri-la Aye. 8 rooms, near car. fine yard IW (ul Kouth 2Hh St. 8 rooms, very de sirable 00O 2117 Wirt Bt 8 rooms, yard and gar- 4J.U0 ARvlSTRONCj-WALSH CO.. Tyler lsrta. State Bank Bldg. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 8-horse vaa aad t men. $1.16 per nr.; storage 82 per mo Saitaftettnn auar. D. 4 ins A Tr. 83a TTAnaoa Crelgb Sons a Co., Dee) Bid. aU parts of the city. RRAL KSTATK Sl'lllliUAN ITi) 1 I JL JLvil j) j Bag of Gold and Silver That Will be Worth While. Victor Talking Machine. Full Set of Fine Dishes, 100 Pieces. One-Half Dozen Sterling Silver Knives deposit a coupon with your FOR RENT Houses aad Cottages. M l.eellaneoos. Gordon Van Co.S.? tX N. Ilth Ht. Tel D 394 or Har. lJ7. GOOD auto aalea room on Farnam Bt, Very reasonable rct. Tel. Doug. 4069. DAN1jY, 6-ioom cottage, modern, ex. heat. 4Vu2 N. 2' th St., $16. Can give rornsinrap g.-rr Ir iHtrht nWmv anjf anrtlv nn rent. Call Webster 1238 MOD. house, r.. bath, gas, electric llht. j oak finish. $40. 624 N. .th. Tel. H. 128. $18 8-room, bricks, gas range, aink. toilet. j A snap. Two blosks south of Vinton, on J I8th. K 42, Bee. WV WHVT .ul .r.m hnilu .11 ! modem, best of condition. Iota of ahade. nice yatd, can be bought on reasonable terms or rent for $2. Inquire 6126 N. 2-d nt. Phone Webster ao. 812 3-ROOM bricks: gas range, sink; toilet. A snap; 2 blocks south of Vin ton, on llith. R 4W2. O $.10 C7 Chicago, 8 rooms, modern. 26 Capltu) Ave., 7 rooms, modem. $1416t6 N. 2nh, 4 rooms, inside toilet $12.60 22?1 California, 6 rooms, bath. $10 im 8. 28th, 4 rooms. $10222 Clark, 2 rooms. RINOWAL.T. Brandels ThaterBldg. FOR RENT-10-acre home, in city limits, with all city conveniences; equipped for poultry raising; stock aud equipment for sale ai a bargain. Ho B, Exeter. Neb. WANTED TO BUT OFFICK furnitur bought and sold. C. lloed. 12C7 Famam. Dour. 6146. Ysle buys overytr'ng 2nd hand. Web. WKH. HIGHEST price, for old clothing. I 14. WANTED TO RENT TWO or three-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished, close to 2ith and Far nam. Address 2168. Bee. RKAL KSTATK FARM RKil H KSIIH FOR 8AI.R I Colorado. IOWA BARGAIN Want to nut a to Omaha. Have house a kaat Dee Moines, new In 1W. gund barn, two good sheds, biKk cnlcksn house (will leave toe chickens in Hi, a-l tme lota facing east, good location, toe blojLS from car, not tuq close to town, soinwt iiiiproveiueiiis, will sU cheap lor cash, will arrang lunula tut pay tueuta. Addruaa O 4. Bee. Callferala. Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T, emilh Co., l 14 City Nat. c. D. 8sl8 Hlssesuts. 240 ACKKS. 46 miles from Minneapolis. one mile frum town; loo aciea under cultivation; lulunce used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; heavy soil; good set buildings, consisting of 8 room house, large bain, granary, corn cribs, wind Inilis, etc ; the land will pro duce 80 bushels of corn per acre; tale Mione In house.; country thickly settled; complete set of machinery; Si head of stock, consist, ng of 11 cows, balance 1 and 2-year-o4ds; six good horses, ai hogs, chickens; one-half of this years ci-.p and everything on the farm goes at fj per acre, half cash. Schwab Hroe., 1U4 I lymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. aflasoarl. OOOp HOMES la boutn Mtseourt ebeap aiui a easy ternui. write ma for rjrVaa. J. Q. WgaaooC 'Mouulaia View. KKAI. KSTATK Sini llHAX. of ono of theso fino prizes. All namo and address in n box we; REAL ESTATK FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALBB Mlssoarl. IMPROVED south Missouri 40-acre farm l,2uo. .Uood soil, roads and schools close to railroad town. Improved 80 acres, $1,800. We have some choloe unimproved lands at $16 per acre on easy payments In tracts of 10 acres up. People are getting rich there. literature free. C. Merrlasa. Ellis s Benton. Kanass City. Kan. Me brae Wa. GOOD CENTRAL N EHKA8K A FARM. For sale, or will trade for acreage or Omaha property; 318 acres, nice level hard land, fair Improvements, 30 acres alfalfa, 16 feet to water, 2 mllea to county seat town. Price, 870 per acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., D. 1781. 5th Ft. Omaha. Nat Bk. Bldg.-o FOR SALE Beat large body high-grade medium priced land in Nebraska; very little money required C. Bradley, Wef- bach. Neb. 480 A. Ouster Co., Neb.; 240 A. broke, M A. alfalfa, balance In pasture; well Im proved, school on place, 2 miles from town school. Price $60 per acre. S. 13. McKenty. Ansley. Neb. o W. O. TKMPLETON City property, lands everywhere, farms, ranches loans and Insurance. Ask about my 9 hard proposition. 6 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADH 80 acres under cultivation, half mile north of Union Stock Yards. Orand Island. Neb., second largest horse .aarket In the world. Will consider a trade for horses and cattle. Price I6C per acre. Write to A. Uartunek. Route No. 1, Ord, Neb. Paaaaaa. Panama Land Only $2.60 to 86 an acre. The world's beat agricultural land, in Panama. Good climate, transportation and near markets. Low price; easy terms. Three years to ymj. rur uicrKiure aauress HOMES EUKERH' I -AND CO., 626 Bee Building. WUriisslk. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state in the union; settlers wanted; lands lor sale at low priors on easy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wlsoon sin Central land Orant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lends ask for booklet on apple orcharda Address Land and Industrinl Depart, Hon l.lne Rsliway. Minneapolis Minn run rAi.iv-ii viicr HICVISU iikniwuou ridge cut-over lands, all slxed tracts, at V.. -...4 u .. . . - ..II k . loam; excellent dairy and fanning region; land convenient to railroad In growing settlements; good markets for all pro ducts. Write for map and Information. John A I pin Lumber Company, Orand Rapids, Wis.. Sawmill Office el Atlanta. Hustt County, W leconaln. Mlaaellaavues. HA VII YOU A KAKM FOR SALE Write a good description of your land ard send t to the Hloux City, la.. Journal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium.'' Twenty-five words every Friday evening, baturday -fronting and every Saturday evening and buoday mornuig fur one month, giving ilklms ads on twelve different days lor 12; or 80 words. $4. or 78 words, $4. largest circulation of any Iowa news psper, 8ui.(aa readera daily ill four great stales. LANDS IN PANAMA. That new country I'n'le ram la boost ing now offers wonderful opportunities to the man of moderate meana as well ss the Investor. Lands that will produre twice as much aa the beat Nebraska land Boiling for only $X60, $4.80 and fc. UU per acre, with easy terms, and no Inter est on defrrred paymenta. CV1I and hat us explain or write for literature. lioMKAKKtvbltM UNI) (M. eJi Boe Bid... taaaiia. Nea. RKAli KSTATE FIRM a Rtsril L4IKD4 rflR HALIB, MONTANA Irrlsated lands beet In the world fnr .hul rmlm .IrBlf. -) b rhiirches; $41.60 to $.v r acre on fifteen jmww uiiiw. ennuai payments less man rentals on middle wwit farms: write to. day for partlculnrs; Illustrated pamphlet end ni.p free. Valler Farm Bales com. pany. Hox 1(mf. VsMer. Mont Triat, IRRIQATF.D farm on the Nueces river near t'otulla, l Halle coup'. Tesaa. 1,675' acres, of which 200 umler cultlva llon: large reservoirs end pumping plant farm buildings, etc. Price 8f1.600. Com pare with prices asked for Irrigated ln- r roved lands In other localities. For urther Information write Talens 4k Son. Irvlngton. N. J. o U--Jjr-r.- -s , . J RFAIi KSTATK IAAN $!( Ill $!. made promptly. F. D, Weed. Weed Bid g . IMh Farnam ma. CITY and farm loans, 8, fcSi, per oent J. H. Dumont A 'o.. 416 Htsta Hank A "For Hale" ad will turn second-hand ftirnltnre Into cash- ANTEl Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. PETERS TRl'1 CO.. Famam. FARMS and cU- Inane at lowest rates. TO LAND 4k TRUMUULU 444 Bee Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEFFK REAL F8TATK CO. 1016 Omaha National. Phone Iniglaa 2718. MONFY on hand for city and farm losns. H. W. Binder. Oty National Bank Bldg. CITV property. Large loans a specialty. W. II. Thomas ITS 8tse Rank Bldg. 8FK us f'rvt tor farm loans In eastern Neb. llnltfd Htatee Trust Co., Omaha. fir. CITY I.OANH O. O. rarl "'p 1$ Prandela Theater Bldg. berg, 816- iCKAti KSTATK FX)K KXC1IAXGR 100-ACnrc improved farm near Hebron. Neb., for sale or trade for small farm. Address T. U Adam. Hebron. Neb. KOK HALF, or trade, the H. Fl 44 of 8c 82, Township 16, range 12. Pork Ins Co., South Dakota; this Is a good quarter, lo--atcd In the Antelope valley. Address C K. Kelly Tvler. Minn. Trading. Real value. SOT Paaton WW. Cult BAl.K or trade. -room house; mod ern except heat ifiSI N. inth. KX.HJ11 other big prises will be given away Sunday, Hept. 36, at West Benson. REAL KSTATF NOKTII BTDH )NTKtf.BLLE PARK 4 rooms, stairway to floored attlo with ample apace for 2 rooms and hatht ce ment lissoment and walks; city water, electric Hunts. Price 81.850: 8N cash, bal ance $.'0 per month. Located U No. 44th, C. (1. CAKLBERG, 813 Brandels Theater Bldg. OWN Kit sella 6-room, modern house, east front, rull Int. mi N. IM. $ cash, balance monthly. Web. 6878. BKHT BUY ON AMKH AVKNUB. Nice 7-room house, all modern con venience, corner lot, on car line: 1 block from IMth car. Tel. Webster M2. NEW lownslte. West Benson. FOR HAI.K or rent. fr-r. house, mod.; 1 blk. from Miller park and school. 873 N. 2th Ave. Phone owner. Web. 83W. FOR 8AI,K or rent. 6-r. house, mod.; 1 block from Miller park and school. 6728 N. SHth Ave. Phone owner, Web. 2307. o RKAL KSTATK SOUTH SIDE New Home Field Club District Small House Taken in Part Payment A fine home finished In oak, with four bedrooms and bath on second floor; beam ceiling, fireplace, bookcase, coat closet, built In bookcases,, fireplace, toilet and laundry In basement; lot 67x132: located 8138 Walnut St. Every house In the addi tion built within the last 1 years. Price, $6,260. Terms. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4!70. FOR BALE Two acres In fruit, apples. 1 14 1 1 1 , U ' . ' I 1 T 1 ( C . LUI I t.,1 1 , gooseberries, raspberries, rhubarb; 704 grape vines in full bearing. New, strictly modem 6-room house, full base ment, storm cave connected witn oaae ment: $4 6"0. Will consider small cottage in part payment I'hone Benson W. AIDE WALKS are now being laid in West lien son RKAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Uaadee. Dundee's New Residence District IS LOCATED south of Podge Ht., west of 4th Bt. and east of 62d bt.. AND IS NOW READY And Offered for Sale with water, newer, gas, sidewalks, curb ing, paving, boulevard, lighting system and all graded ready for bullJIng. Building Restrictions assure the future of the neighborhood. Look at the Location Near a good school, close to car tine, enly 18 minutes' ride to business center. You Can't Make a Mistake St you buy in this addition because It Is n the best part of Omaha, where values are sure to advance. Don't Mif?e This Opportunity to get some of these choice lots at the present lAiW PRICRH and KASY TKRMg or only i-iv casn, oaiance mommy pay ment. How to Get There Take any West Farnam. Dundee car, and get off at 4feth and Iodge 6ts. Select your lots now. Do not delay. Bee us. George & Company Phone P. 768. 80$ City Nat. Bank Bldg. Dundee A Real Little Gem 7 Rooms Big living room, dining room, kitchen. one fine bedroom, lavatory and toilet on the f rst floor. Tniee unusually large bedrooms and complote bath on the sec ond lloor. Everything in this fln home la lust ss you would bulid it If you were bi. tiding It yourself, tuvery llttte detail has Len taken care of In a tnorougti munner and we feel safe In saying that this Is ons of the best built, best ar ranged and best located names in uunaee. Pi Ice 4.M. Armstrong-Walsn Co. Tyler 18 4. Ptste Pa nk Bldg. NEW HOME BARGAIN Just finished; T-r. all modern bungalow four rooms on first floor, three Urge bedrooms and bath on Id floor; first floor finished In oak with oak floors through' out: manv ' sDlendld features: full ce mented basement, furnace heat; fine 60 ft. lot. nicely sodded: street paved. Ite rated In the heart of Dundee. Price $4,bu0. Easy terms, or lot as first payment. RASP BROS., 108 MeOegue Bldg. Iotig. KM. t)UNPEE HOME BKAUTIFXt. UOCA- T1UIY, Must be sacrificed oa account of sick ness. Ths one chance to buy- dealrable property oa your own terms. If Intel eeUni address K. lb. Bee, ttr appointment. 81 RKETH are graded and all lots and half axres are staked out In West ben son. UeaaeiB. FOR Bale 46 Improved acres. Stinley at Mrs. Pallas, U8 Mo- NEYf YORK jMCK MARKET Trading Swelled by Speculation in So-Called War Specialties. MORE THAN MILLION SHARES NFTW YORK. Bept 22. Further extrav agant speculation in specialties, ohlcfly those Issues known as war shares, helped to swell today's trading to the vtry laige total of t.l.fc shares, o this ammint. I n, ted 8ute steel and Westlnghnuse F.lectrlo elnne contributed one-third, Ste4d Incidentally advancing J to 7M,, ts highest prti e alr4-e 1811 Weetlnghousrt made a maximum gain of 1 at l.'44. and closed at IMS, losing a emsiderable pert of the rlso shortly before It became known Oiat the quarterly dividend had been Increased from 1 to iuj per cent. Other very prominent features were American Car and Foundry. American Locomotive, Baldwin locomotive, Amer ican 'Hmeltlng. American Petroleum and aut.inioblle lames. New high prices wer -r,ordrd by Bethlehem Stoel. which ros.. ;tn "'Clnle steel preferred, S to w," Mil tore, common. 2U to 6iS. the first preferred 1 to W. the seoond preferred M to 4S4; Wudebaker. ft to 14o; Continental Can. 8 to ;; Texas Company, 4 to 157V. and American Woolen, iS to it,,. Ceneral Motors, whose meteoric rise of recent days made it the moat conspicu. ous of specialties, opened at 846, an over nlsht gain of 82 points, fell off 10, and closed at 840. other special stocks of no particular designation roee 1 to 4 points In the railway division, Reading, Erie first preferred, Canadian Paciilc, "Con" prelerre.1, Southern Hallway preferred and Atlantlo Coast Line Improved theli i n a points, cut the Inquiry for Investment Issues was relatively narrow. More foreign selling of Amer ican railway issues was reported from liondon. where the international list was , low. trom 1 to almost 8 points. 1'nitod States Steel's greatnr strength probably had Its origin In the reports of the trade Journals, which stut. In effect, that export business now constitutes the dominant factor of that Inlustry; that It was the demand from the foreign sourcee ralher than home Inquiry that caused the advances In various manufac tured specialties. , Exchange markets continue to wait on 'the outcome of the loan negotiations, no changes of note being shown bv today's rates. Sterling wan a trifle steadier thun continental remittances I . Bonds wore firm, despite renewal ot fore. mi selling. Total sales, par value aggregated 8:i.s)0,00i). United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sates end leading quotations on stocks today were: a-i ti-fe . I t. n-,m "i'T "T " m -win ...... Allls-('hslsrs Asisricma Beet gugar..,. AmerliMa tis Americas IirtMnetlTS .... Anwicaa . a It Asisrlesa . a R. pfd... Am. Hiicsr Rsralng AnMrlraa T.I. T.1 American Tohanee ,. Aaaeentls Copper Atnhlssa , , 8altla Leoomotlvs .... nltlmers A Ohls... ttahlhB Hteel Breoklrs Raple Tr....... Oalitornls Psiralsam .... resasua Paeirie Cantrsl Leather Ckeaasaaks Okie C'hl. aes U. W . Chlfass, M. at. P.... Ctilnso A N. W tlilcaso, R. I. A P, Sty., Chine ffeptwr ,,, Colorado rtwl A tree.... IM ill ;vi ats X..HHI 444 it 4Jb 1I0 t', ; ., 44, 24 i 14. tl 'a (Jt ..v. 4,4lO K ll tt 1U " lnaTj 1(,JUj ina 1J4 134 ISIS. 2S ." TtH T1 7S .0U 101 l' , ..... 8 8. MM HIT. 11V Ml. I, 1 u Xhi i 7" 44j l4 4 . t o te 4." lSTltj Vi IMv, .m 44j 4", 4 l.M 41', 4I4 4. 7's 114 11 4 in. oa t its S4 IM (.in 80 jit ihs inns 4114, 4"i II. T M ll, 61 tt,M M M 10 I.IK) 3M4 IB Si ln.aon m n IIS 17HL, 374 17414 I, x hk4 vr lis', It. M0 431, 434j 4fi 1.700 tkl ti 41 1(S'4 600 it r"v, an 4i xm, sti, l.ios pita 10 p tVi DO ll4 Hi 14 1 1 II, i ;s i'. no !7S jrv Htt on as iv '. u I.W41 tMt r. 14W l.ioy pis hi r. , 8.W0 HO H7I4 T'r . t P'fl 111 110', 111 t TOO 104S 1 10 8.000 as :u 8.W10 IP'S V'T HI'' too n ril. M 100 111 1S I'"" l,re 4H 4 41' t on n m'. I.4im us lt'4 iK l.t."on ins 14 t.lOO US 64S ' a mo t .7 . ir.4 i: 8.7C0 lU IMS 1 "v aovt 8U.SO0 t S 7'a 7V l.'Wl ' lia 1141. 4.tKI S 1; filti 1 W T . 74 7il' U v il l .'is 1-0 12 1 4.0 0 0S i' "0 1 mo tn xti ss. I rue I hi. Rtwil IV nr., a H. O. M , Distillers' gseuritlas .... Brie H Oensral KlKtrlo (Irvut Northrn phi Hreat No. Or. ttt Onnenhetni Rxntorstlen., lllisols CMitrsI , Intersoreug l 'on. Corp . , insemii'.n coeesr Intereitlenal llarrester.. Kuai City aouihsra.... Letilrti aVIIsr IauIstIIIs Nsshvllls., Veslosn rtriitaum Mlsml Copper MWeeurl. K. T. Pfd.... Mtwierl Paottle National Btacalt National lM Narad a Copnar Naw York Central N. T . N. M. H Norfolk Watera Nsrthnni ran! Mo raoino Mall Psnnsylvsnla Pullman raises Car Rap Coa. Cbppar ne(lln Itsrstille Iran A Steal..,. Routharn Pacltls Ratlwmr ft4.hnksr On iiisii rnpner Tm CVMnpny T'nlns Pncina Union Parlrta pfd tlnltH tiutas Ptaal I'. n. Itsel DM ITtah Copper WMtRrn Pnlon Waatlnshmva Klat'trlo ... Montana Power General Motors Total sale for tlis dsr, l.:."i,0"i tha-i-i ,.. Ve'- tn . NFTW YOTtK. Pent 22. MERCANTILE PAPKR IVnaV per cent. BTKRL1NO KXniANOp-470-lsy bills $4.07: demand. 84.70; cables. 84.7K4. KlLVKK Bar, 47Ho; Mexican dollars . hjinl uovemment, steaay; ranroaa "tTmK IXIANR-Steady; 80 days, 2U pe rent; 80 days, 2. per cent; six months, ; per cent ' OAL.I MONErr-teady; high. 14 per cent; low, IK per cent; ruling rate. IS per rent; last loan IV per cent; closing bid, 1 Pf cent; oiiered at 1 per cent. I - I 'On on gtnrlr Market. teONDON. Sept 21 -American securities b'' r.-l "ft- 1 . ' 1 nml closed fractionally changed from yester day. Money and discount rates were quiet American exchange waa uncer tain. Cable transfers ranged from H70 to 84.TL mIAKR Bar. 2344 per ounce. MONEY-8Vrt4 per Cent DISCOUNT RATES Bhort llls. 4(gt, per oent; three months, 4 U-l'4 pei cent I flank riearlngs. OMAHA. Bept. 52. Bank clearings foi Omaha today were 83,581,113.94, and foi he corresponding day last year 82,891. 8j2.l. t Oil aad UmIb, AVANNAH. Oa.. Pent . Tt'RPEN TINIi-Klrm. 874c; sales. ifiW bhla: re ceipts, Sol bbls.; shipments, 7,3rj bbla to'ks, 14.84". 1 ROSIN Firm: sales; 1.040 bbls.; re ceipts, 1.474 bbls.; shipments. 1.10 bbls.; stocks. 84 WJ bhls. Quotations: A. B. ('. !, $3 ; K. $ 28; f. O, kt $3 8S; K. 8.V06: M. 84.U); N. 84 W; WO. $6.76; W W. 88. uu. REAL E8TATF3 SUBURBAN. 'aaaell Blaffa. FINK COUNTRY HOME. Only i bkcks from the car In Coup. " Bluffs. One acre in grapes and a bran I new, modern, up-to-date home, contnli Ing six rooms and sleeping porch. Owm wse to move to Omaha. Price redun -i to 84,600 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Bth rloor Omshn Net. Hnnk Bldg. fi 17 SEVERAL, new buildings will bo start' at once In West Benson. Bee Nethaway for that farm. Florence BFAIi KHTATE MISCEXLAVEOIS FINE BUNGAlrOW, $2,8jV: Nearly new, strictly modern, I largo rooms, full level lot, paved street, very choice location and surroundings; real snap, beet of terms. 7-r. home, modern except heat foil corner lot, paved alreet, fruit and shade.1 well situated In northwest tart of city. Big bargain at $3,8cm); $,'5 cash. $30 month. McKitrick R. E. Co., Doug. 1481 Tylegl 8140J. NEW 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. Equity of $1.0u0 to trade for good lot or $800 cash. Phone Webster 4'S4. FREE auto rlue from end of Benson cat line to vst Benson. EOH HALri e-rooin house, modern ex, cept heating. In good condition, shado trees and nloe yard; reasonable price. 847 Charles Pt, Phone evenings Wal W., IOT for sale In Lenox Addition. Owner Call Webster , NEW 8-ROOM Bl NOALOVV. Equity of ll.uxi to trade for good let 8b0l oaaa. I'kow) Webstar 4iJ4- I