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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1915)
8 THE HEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. NE ITEM HER 22, 1915. ! Ailutter of ellk, a whispering and a semblance of a worried look fore tells that all is not as serene as It might be with the local suf fragists. "Will the Congressional Unionists gain a foothold in Omaha T" This la what it is all about. This is what Is making a few of the well known workers slip Into their electrics and make a morning call upon another with the "Totes for women" as the nearest and dearest of her "causes." One caa hardly realize Just what agony It will really cause until the fart la made known that the sc'fragist "regulars" and the Congressional Unionists are well, a bit out of tune with one another. Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, ex-presldent of the Equal Franchise society and chairman of the city central suffrage committee, has recently returned from a summer spent In the east. She says that the names of many well known suffragists In the east are identified with the Congresslonallsts. The first sound of alarm of this faction was given last spring when the Kqual Franchise society entertained Mrs. William Kent of California. Mrs. Kent, who la most active In Congressional Union circles, waa extensively entertained during her short stay in the city and spread the plans of her fellow workers before many Interested hostesses. Mrs. Fairfield waa entertained by Mary Carratt May of New York City, whom Mrs. Pankhurst visits whenever she Is In New York City. In Bos ton Mrs. Fairfield met Agnes Ryan of the Woman's Journal, the national suffrage paper. La Plaioma Club Plans. i The La I'losoma club held its annual election Friday at the home of Irvine Borcnsen. The club will open Its fall octal activities with an original Hallow e'en party, "The Country Fair." Be sides the season's dancing- parties, there will be s stag' party and nwtlnK each week and a large social entertainment every twe month. Harold Llnshan Is president; Ienlle Bchermerhorn, secretary; Irving Borcn pm, treasurer; Ftuil Krvln, reporter. The committee on arrangements Include l'aul Krrtn and James R. Williams. Whiit Club to Same Officeri. The Prairie 1'ark Ladles' Vhlt club will meet Thursday afternoon, at ths club house. As this Is the opening meet ing of the euason, moat of the session will be taken up with election of officers and arrangements for the coming sea son's play. At Prairie Park Club. The fallowing were present at the I'ralrle Park club's dancing party Satur day evening: Messrs ai d Mesdatres John K. BlttenMer, U. II. Rlieani, 'William Krk, K. J. teber, W. H. Klster. K. O. Clay, E. II. HagerMli'k, W. A. KniHh J. A. MrCarty, IjOu.s roeiaon, II. J. ScaniK'll, K. II. Hraliieid, lr. J. Hex Ml. n. J. mcKler, lieorge V. Oardm-r, C. C. llayno. K. C Conley. II, O. King, R. H. Lfwn, Charles Neff. J. M. Morris, A. A. Wedemeyer. A. C. Hunt. P. K. Duncan, William V. Reynolds.:. K. Docekal,, K. A. Lucke, Kdwln Cole, W. 8. U.ree, W. I Blockatt. Mrs. H. C. Barton. Misses Mime a Prances Waterman, Sndln IOtta, Vayme Latta, Ktliel Morgana, Nellie Green, Pauline Ureen. Messrs. Messrs. Howard Qarden, Fred Wedemever, JarsJd Bruce, H. F. Wallace. To Honor Bride-Elect. A number of social affairs have been given during the laat few days In honor of Mtss Francis Melchor, whose wedding te Dr. C. F. . Patten of Omaha takes place Wednesday evening at the bride's home. Monday evening. Misses Amy and Eva Nelson gave a linen and aluminum shower. Tuesday the Y. O. C. club of Omaha gave a miscellaneous shower. Thursday Mrs. Howard Hulton, another shower, and on Saturday Mrs, M, V. Chapman gave an apron shower and din ner for about twenty gueats. Mr. and Mrs. John Melchor will give a dinner for the wedding party, whlnh will be followed by a rehraraal tonight. Symposia Club Meet The Rympoala club held Its opening meeting of the season at the home of the Misses Sara and Rose B rod key Sun day afternoon. Eva Alpern was elected president; Sylvia Levy, vice president; Florence Shames, secretary; Dollle Lewis, reporter, and Sara Brodkey, seargent-at-srms. The Misses Hannah Kulokufsky, Isabella and Minnie Orkln were voted in as new members. .The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Lottie Horn, Hunday, Oc tober t Social Affairs Planned. Mis Marlon To wis will entertain at luncheon Wednesday for Mlaa Irene Mc Connell, whose marriage te Mr. Richard Coud will be celebrated September 28. Miss Alice Coad will give a luncheon Saturday for Miss MoOonnell. Among: the Yiiitora. Mr. and Mrs. Byron K. Eaton and son, i Charles, of Los Angeles, are the guests of Mr. Eaton's parents, Mr, and Mr. C. M. Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. James Densmore of Buf falo. Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Don- aldson of Huston, Pa., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Anderson, en route to the California expositions. ( Picnic at Kirk-wood. Miss Virginia Offutt will entertain a few friends at a plonlo supper at "Klrk wood'' this evening, In honor of Miss "Veva" Penlok of New Orleans, who Is her guest. Miss Penlck, Miss Offutt and Miss Esther Wllhelm were together at Miss Bpence'a school last year. Miss Penlck is en route from the California expositions and will remain In Omaha until October 1, when the young women will leave tu re-enter school. TC'f in-Monheit Wedding;. The marriage of Miss Blanche Mon helt and Mr. Leo Klein will be celebrated this evening at the home of the brlde't parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Monheit. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will perform the ceremony. NEWPORT TALKED ABOUT THIS PATCHWORK SKIRT A somewhat extreme style, pertiaps, but It had a smart note ef originality and was highly approved. They are quite easily made, too. Being an original faddist this young so ciety lady added a new Idfa to her outfit by carrying a little wicker bird, ease hung from the wrist. And for what? Just a fad, pertiaps, hut, supposing It carried her little vanity accessories. The younger women nd iptcd It and all society smiled and approved. Just some ft the caprices of fashion, but it shows that unique Ideas and orig inality are always at work in the world of style, and our designers In New York al ways on the alert for Inspiration and Ideas. By courtesy of Brandels Stores. At the Field Club. Among those who will entertain guests at the closing- dinner of the Field club Saturday are: Mr. and Mrs. II. S. We It, who will have thirty guests; J. W. Hughes, four; O. W. Shields, thirty; Har ley Conant, ten; J. II. Hussle, six; C. W. Calkins, four; II. B. Kohn, four; T. H. Kel'y, ten; H. A. Cameron, eight; A. H. Fetters, ten; Lester Drishous, four; O. 8. Goodrich, six; A. A. Russell, twelve; C. B. Liver, six; L. J. Wlllard, four; C. C. Kvenhlld. eluht; II. . Daniel, six; E. ft. Fuller, four; TT. T.. rtinid, ten; John Mach, six; K. H. Wlllutm. four; H. If. Dsvl. four, and Albert Cahn. four. Mrs. F. II. Krug entertained at lunch eon at the club today. The table deco rations were In red and white snd covers were placed for twelve guests. Mrs. W. n. Roney entertained at lunch eon at the club today, when cover were aia tor eigni guests. i At Harnv Hollow Club. The annual Harvest Home dinner wilt be given this evening st Happy Holloa club. The reservations have been r.--st lcted to the members of tho club. Th seating capacity of the dln ng room Is limited to 300 and these seats will be oc cupied by the members snd their families. The tables will be laden with the good things which the recent harvest ha yielded snd the ball room will be deco rated with corn stalks and greens. Lnnrheon for Mis Smyth. Mrs. S, B. Doyle gave a most attrac tively appointed bride's luncheon today. 10 nonor iniae none. Smyth. The decora tions were all In yellow and white, and symbols of the nuptial season were used Profusely. The centerpiece was an altar j with bride and groom, all enclosed In aj gold ring Intertwined with yellow and bride's roses. Hearts, doves, cuplds and gilt rlriKS predominated In the decora tion. Covers were placed for: . . . Misses Lucille Jtaon. Herlna fonm-ll, Clure Helene Woodard, Marlon Carpenter. .M-sdames 8. H. lyle. M Isses rinse Smyth, Mry lice of Chlcajro. Helen Murphy, Iteatrlce Coad, Mesflame C. J. hmyth. Lnnchen for Wedding Partv. Miss Frances Hochstetler and Miss Kleanor Maokay entertained at luncheon at the Country club today for Miss Irene MoConnell, a September bride. The cen terpiece waa a large, pale green basket filled with Shawyer roses and pink snap dragons. Tulle bows In the three shades were drawn from the centerpiece to each place and were attached to each place card. Following the luncheon, the guests were entertained at an Orpheurn party and tea at the Hotel Fontenelle by Miss Mary Louise Latenser. In tne party were; .M Issrs M Uwes Irene AicConnell, Mary Louise Marlon Towle, Latenser, Frances Hochstetler. Eleanor Mackay. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns will have four guests st dinner at the club this evening. fs-tine; Postponed. The West Omaha Mothers' Culture club has postponed Its opening meeting, scheduled for Friday, until October S. Instead, the member will attend the I mothers' day meeting at the "Bl'ly" fun idsy tabernacle In a body. Personal Mention. Mr. George N. Hicks, who has been 111 at his home for the last three months. has suffered a relapse. Mrs. E. M. Fairfield and daughters have returned from a summer spent In the east and are at the Colonial for the present. Miss Oertrude Keating leaves Wednes day for Nebraska City, where she has accepted the position of superintendent of a local hospital. Miss Johanna Anderson has returned after spend ng the summer In California and Oregon. She will be ready to resume her studio work In October. Mlsa Jessie Toung of New Tork, for merly of this city. Is expected the Ut ter part of the week, to be the guest of her brother. Dr. O. Alexander Young, and Mrs. Young for several weeks. TtrQtiteM' Ugly Hair From Face t-asr Monti nednera Rates Via Nickel Plate Road. . New York and return, 128.65. Boston and return, C7.6B. Low rates to other eastern points. Confer with local agent, or ad dress, John Y. Calahan, A. O. P. A., 68 West Adams street. Chicago. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. flliitv Notes.! Betiuty-destroylng hairs are soon ban ished from the skin with the aid of dclatono paste, made by mixing some water with a little plain powdered dele tone. This Is spread upon the hairy sur face for 2 or 3 mlnutt-s. then rubbed off and the skin washed to remove the re maining delatone. This simp.e treatment banishes enery trace of hiilr and leave- the skin without a blemish. Caution.; should be used to be certain that It Irj delatone you buy. Advertisement. u New Service to the Korthwett The Chicago, Milwaukee St. Pa-it Railway has .lust placed In servKe between Sioux City tnd Seattle and Tacoma new steel observation sleep ing cars leaving Sioux City at 7 P. M. ilnllv TMs new arragement affords excellent through service to the North Pacific Coast as well as to Intermed iate points. Miles City, Har owton, Butte, Missoula, Hpol-ane and Ellenu burg. Reservations may be obtained at Citv Ticket Office, C. M. ft 8t P. Ry., 1317 Karnam St, Omaha, Neb. READ TODAY'S WANT ADS yOSijapi.sssassls.tPi nswm.w.srM 1H! TjaaCWSSTBSi S i S I tt i - w af nmUUm awainsa. I ii an, 3 Period Furniture A Number of Sample Suites for 25 Less Than Regular For $290 A $38? Sheraton mahogany dining suite of 9 table, buffet, arm chair and 6 aide chairs handsomely inlaid. For $360 A. $180.50 Sheraton mahogany dining suite of 10 pieces table, buffet, serving table, arm chairs and 6 aid chairs. For 9102.75 A $223 3-plece mahogany bedroom suite of poster design, dresser, chiffonier and dressing table very finely executed. These three Items Illustrate the savings to be had upon a number of bedroom and dining room suite, If purchased complete single pieces from theee suites will b sold only at regular prices. Seamless Axminster Rugs ; 0x12 Elxe, $23, $27.50 and $28.50. lta a satisfaction to know that you are choosing your rug from the newest and best the market affords. These Axmlnsters are all that. They are the most attractive rugs of their kind we have ever eon and the prices are most moderate. 4-xo-6 else, $7.70 and $9.00 6x0 size $14.00 and $15.00 DxlS else $25, $27.00 and $28.00 A lurtfe assortment' of email Axminster rugs. An Excellent Quality of Real Inlaid Linoleum, Sq. Yd. 75c Somewhat lighter in weight, but as carefully made and of as good materials as the more expensive grades. One of the best values we erer offered. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 4 1441 G-41 8 South Sixteenth St 1- at. T I m I d COFFEE FOR 2 LB. CANS "That Economy Coffee' umkm wi i n mvi mm iu i I'A M niffjsaw -L' hi sJFT' -i.J IX B'lj'.B 1 r,i I h. kw t; ' ' h I'll iT$kv !stNtsW !'' '!'"! I . . i.i Mil H"! I ' '' I 'I '' .I'lllill'I'lllllilHill! i Ml VW .9mmm mmmmmrm sff( U.I PWIa HII P' l "K.'M M n Trnu 1, . ..TsW UMi. HI . 11 , : I I I'Ml! J - ."I tl' . "a, Hi 111 irEw nMVJf r:ll Bil! Bla ill The Main Floor ii cn v td with all tht t)e icorvtt of drtft ho$itiy, ikort, gvvtt, ntckw ar, ibbor, inctn, t broid4i i i, trimming und the got1 eout new s i As, vtlcti and c.o As. To the w man of fas'i ton and to thote wo have m dea study of fashion, tAir mitortmen s repnunt tht uuit ortd basis of tht ntw all asAvns. The Second Floor it F'thion't headquar ter. filA tht nei gowns, suits, truck, Ciat, Jure, ntidtn'ri), Oloute, i;ani trtd together virtvVy "irom tut four comers of the w rid." ii it tht result of keen knorcUdge und cntinu i.u. stuut, of aoAi'onx gnuranteting you ln,tt pleasure tn your pur chases und currying an assurance ot tht most ex pert style designing. .j, :t"i( I. Oasaka liN., L. Kaaaaa City ....Site su Ba. Ar.Paekl ..SHS.aa. Aw, Sail lke City ...lue p. sa. Ae. taa rraacUs . . ,Sr44 . Bead for our handsome fold er oa California's Expositions sad the way there ea The wl UaaiteeVi T. T. GOD TRET, A. A, r. Oasaka, Hah. The Social Season, Ak-Sar-Ben, Charity Concerts Are Events Prepared for in Our Autumn Opening We present for your approval the Benson's newest modes which -we had especially in mind for these events. In order r that your model :nighl be an exclusive one, we purchased but one'of a design, and they include copies from such fertile minds as Callot Soeurs, Paquin, Deer, Bernard, Worth, etc. tin extensive collection selected for a discriminating patronage. Our Autmn Opening, to which we extend a cordial invitation, summarizes the stoiy of the fashions by thousands of examples of the styles designed and authenticated by those acknowledged to form the Court of American Fashion, - ' . SUITS, FROCKS AND GOWNS FOR WOMEN Never, we believe have frocks and gowns been here in a more comprehensive array for Opening "Week. They are ..' the world's best style originations. Prices from $39 up to $198 Another special group we have st-lected for Opening Week includes gowns, dancing and party dresses, whollyCojJ " charming in fascinating variety. The price will be. .Ja3 ' Upen Display of Mew Draperies A complete, new assortment of handsome suits inter preting the new fashions in clever, original ways altogther different and charming. Prices from $49 up to $169 During Opening Week wo will of fer a special gTOup of high class tailor mades, embodying the good features of JO C many of the tngher priced models, at 00 g0 v These New Rugs Will Interest You I SBBBBBBBsaaSBBBBaBBBBBBBBBSSaaaaBBaBBBBaSBS aBBBBasaaaaaSaaSaBBWSBBaBBBaBBe. "We offer for "Wednesday two exceptionally good val ued in Axminster and Velvet Rugs: AXMINSTER RUGS Size Regular Price Sale Price 9x12 $22.50 $18.75, 8.3x10.6 $-U00 $16.75 0x9 $11.75 $ 9.75 36x72 $ 3.50 $ 2.93 27x54 $ 2.25 $ 1.93 VELVET RUGS 9x12 ,$20 (K) $17.75 8.3x10.6 $18.00 $15.75 27x54 $ 2.50 $ 1.09 Linoleum, 6 feet wide, 55c quality, per yard. 40c "Why not buy your drapery wants from Omaha's larg est and most complete stock We are showing everything that is new for fall; 20 expert clerks to wait on yon. Scrim Curtains, trimmed with lace, per pair. . . . .. Bung-alow Curtains, C( very special, per pair. O A OU Filet and Loom Weave Curtains, over 24 patterns; spe cial, Monday pair. . Lace Edge Curtains, these arc very new; your choice f0 Cf Monday, per pair. . . . U Marquiesette Curtains, ivory ecru, at, per pair. . Duchesse Curtains, with very neat edges, specially pclrde.tftQ QQ per pair J)00 -Cretonnes, we show the largest line In the city, specla, Ofl. yard, from 19c to sJai 98c $1.28 $1.75 THE BEER YOU LIKE, is the extract of the golden grain. with a delicious hop flavor. Each bottle has a coupon. Save them and get Free Premium. 'Phone Doaglo$ 1889 Luxus Mercantile Go. Distributer: Fred Krns CrewtRj Co. Ribbon Edge Voile with colored.; borders, endless assort- QQ " ment, at, per yard s3a7C,v, Figured Crepe for comforts, reg- ular 25c value, special, sg per yard IDC i.ii 4 5 and 48-Inch Imported Scotch Madras,. 60c value, spe- QQ daily priced, yard UjCr 40-inch Cable Cord Etamlne, 60o"' value, at, per nn ' yard OlJC Couch Covers in woven tapestry; worm 10 &, specially priced at Filet Net. 45 inches wide. per yard Curvex Curtain Rods, the kind that will not bend or tar- Q r" nlsh. Each, 2 5c and ... . Ut)C $3.98 35c Wednesday, Ice Cream Day Pint Bricks, 10c Quart Bricks, 20c Full Cream Caramels, assorted nut and plain. Special Wednes- or J day, pound L JC "Whole Brazil Nuts, dipped iu crenm; reffnlar tXv grade, eduesnay, per QQ J7C lN)utid. Piano Economy Consists of buying The Right Piano at The Itight Price. The PRANPKIS SYSTEM of selling PIANOS and PI, AY Fit PIANOS is in keep ing with all other departments of our mam moth husim.-ss, inasmuch as Satisfaction to Our Customers Constitutes the first link in AN ENDLESS CHAIN OF FRIENDS. Your convenience will always be consid ered in making terms of payment. Brandels Piano Department Third For New Wall Papers J'or Wetlnesday selling: wo'j offer several interesting values in new spsonable Wull Papers. New Shades Pulp Oatmeal Papers In brown, tan, green, red and blue; 30-lnch stock; sold with borders. Worth 15c. Special, at, per o 1 roll OjC Kitchen, Bedroom and Attic Papers, with borders to match, all colors; . worth to 6c, at, per o oll OC Parlor. Dlnin Room. Hall and Stor " Papers, a blx selection to choose 1 Irom; worth to 1 2c, special El Wednesday, per roll OC Bedroom Papers, in stripe, floral and ailover patterns, with cut borders to match. worth to 16e, Pompeian Room 9c specially priced, per roll . , 7