Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1915, Page 4, Image 4
nrr: tikk- omaiia. we dnksv a yv kptem her 22, 1015. Bringing Up Father' Copyright. 1915, international News Service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus ITS A iHAME TO DO THIS - DOT TM AVFUULY THIRSrt- I THItlK THE war ibtiSrVRLY OVER YOU TALK LIKE OUMOlH AVE HANDLED) 1 'I U I IT 1 BT COLL.T I DIOM T T1NK I'D 4T AWAY VtD IT- T I HOW DO 0j do: I LL BET HEtL tE. SURPRISED WHEN HE O)6C0Yef IT- I'LL. WATCH HIN- l CLAO 1 HAD ME. KNIFE - 1 I KIN HARDLT KEEP JVM cortivt 1 hi.uiki-. I I V-J ' ' - I trick! . I I ' T r I I ... . I ' 1 "bbbbw a w - iii 1 I I I I MOW-THAT'S WHAT I CALU A DIRTY TRICK' PHILS TAKE TWO FROM M CARDS I.ational League Leaden Increase Their Margin by Winning a Donble-Header. S:0fiES ARE 8 TO 3 AND 6 TO 1 !t. ijcn:w. Kept. . rhiiiitinhiii Ui- ueaacl Its lead In the pennant rc by taking a ooubln-header from St.' IxmiW tier today, cor. to 2 and S to K Dot.k was hit herd In the opening'. lB..t hits off him tn four Inning ..l.tni. tUii vl'ltora five runs. He was re r,lucf by .iarflti.u, ,n recruit, who was l!it.- 'If M' ' ' A i.i. hW tlm locals to four h.tit'.FK'tj Lit lu tli second game. Lu i t i. . tendril to victory. With a . ut i li tut third ha drove In Bancroft. J n.,o nr.? i..-d. m.4 In theflftn, win l'..k::t tn '' ho rt a. homer l"o tro f.eM rlol:era, xrlng two runs. ' , Sen (uo.'s. by the 1001 flgured In Hi tcoil. f. oi Philadelphia's thr J:i th :o fcant Bancroft chd flrl i.lU tl.r.M ii ten try. '.or. nrpi " phii .vrri.rni, pt. ix.'"" Standing of Teams AMERICAN kEAOt'E. PUyed. Won. IxwC Pet. Honin 1 W .7t If(rolt 1 K b r him bo 142 W l VV'iuihlniion I VI 1 Nw ork 1 78 Ht. ioui Hi r . I'lcvpliinil 143 f Ki PhlUdvlphln r V NAT. MvACU-K. I FED. LEAUfB. W.IfVt.l WUPct. riilla K1 M .DTMi Plttihurirh.. W) .i .ml li on ton ; K ,K Chlnin 7 1 Prooklyn ..VJ fA St. lxut....T7 M .M2 Ilttnlmrifh 7if .47"'.! NrK ....74 i .f CljH ltineH .7 74 .471 Ken. Mty...72 .iJ4 New York. .41 77 .474! Huffiilo 74 . Ht. loule...fM 77 .4731 llrooklyn 7 .473 Chicago '.3 .4711 Ualtlmore ..4 S3 VecterHer'a Heealte. AMKKK'AN I.KAafW. I'li'cmjrt, 1; W Knhlni'lon. 7. Kftrmt. 7; 1'Mm.l-li'hle, Ht. Iiiln. 0-6; New York. I I. Clovelend-HoKlon; rein. NATIONAL l-KAHCK. New York, b-i; t'hli nio, 4-i. Honton. 4; Cincinnati, I. HnUdnlplile, Ml; M. I.oull, 3-1. Hrooklyn-I'ltteburcli; cold. raKI(AI, l.EAQUE. Hurfnlo, 1; t'lltehnmh, . Hrooklyn. 1: Kanaee t Ity. 4. Kaltlinnre, j; Ht. Lout, I. Newark, 4-; Chko. 6-. . Oteri TodUtr. National tagiie-New York at Ci- laaao, Hrooklyn at Iltteburgh. ! American Leavue Cleveland at Boeton, flL Loula at New York. Detroit at Phila delphia. Chicago at Wahinton.. Kednral lerftw BufeJo at iltteburgh, Brooklyn at Kanaaa 4 Ity. Newark al I'hlcago, Ualtlmore at BU Louie. .R73 Ml .4M .41 Ifenorotw . " t J lvkn, t 1 i -rvt,. n . i la4 111 III. 4 J V V hllt'4. 1.' . ! 1 Met..? V.. 1 H:f t 4 1 . e p 1 Te rnn, " - - - ' " J VHchT, II. Ml"' ) SHatiel. It... 4 11 i ine. n..... 4 J j e I li. lb 4 1 It J II OHf.H It.... 4 I I ; J 4 vHnclr, .... 4 J 4 1 t V (KmI. .... J HTior. m. 4 1 1 4 --ln .? 4 kmirtmee. I t J Iol 1 .M 11 It It TIGERS WIH FROM 1 LEAGUE'S TRAILERS Murhy. Wfarr, Bad Pitching in Early Innings GUet Bengaleie SeYen-to-FiTe Victory. 1 eee TWO HTJE1EES DIE IN FIRST PIIIUADELPHTA, SApt 21 Bed pitch ing In the early Inning gave Detroit a. 1 to 6' victory over Philadelphia today. Inudermllk and Bueh were teken nut B ralllne. Jb 4 I I after the flrit Inning, durlnr which each !: i I t team ecored three rune-. Oldham then held J raiiiiw. lb 4 tl the home teem aafe during the remainder jS" f-" J J of the game. Cobb mode three hit and raw.' .'.!! 1 1 atole two base, while hie two wild ". ' throw did no damage. Score: 'total PPITHOIT. rHIIADEI.PHIA k AH II O A E AB.H.O A.K. Htien. ...! eieahtnc. ... Mill t 1 OHtmna, rt..l till II mtankalan. If. 41100 0 1 orxjnrau. lb.. -4 1111 It (MolnnU. lb. I II 00 IT eomix. em... 4 0440 4 I OMaloae, lb.. All 1 I 0 I lJol.. fb... I 114 0 lMnATOf. e.. 0 0 I 1 01 111. e 4 I I 1 0 VJ.Heah, ... HraMi.r . e e a a a TeUle M T 17 T IKntM. tl 1 Nabore e... I 1 MorrtMtu. p I ' Hltol .... Oldiiof .... 1 t New Tor 0 0 i 0 0 1 0-4 Two-beae hit: Bmiman, Aejiew, pen man. Three-bane hit: Howard. Home rum: Cook. Stolen banee: Bauman, Malael. Doiiiile play: Agnew to Pro": Lavan to Pratt. Bnaeg on belle: Ofr Caldwell. 1 Hit: Off 81m. In one third Inning; off Wellman. 1 In two and two-third InnlnR. Struck out: By Caldwell, t: by m, I; by Wellman, 1. Umpire: ChUl and Connolly. Jetama Deata White loi. WABinVOTON, Sept. 21. While Walter Johnoon held Chicago battere helpleae to day Wcuhington counted eleven hlta end Ix rune off Kaber and added two more hlta and another core when Ruaaell went to the reertie In the elshth InnlnR Score: CHICAdJ. WASHINHTON. AH.H.O.A.E. " Vlll, lb I ii.h, cr i VMh. II.... 4 Crfor4. rt 4 niima, lb..., 4 Ynuna. lib... I Staiuea, o. .. I !.oudnn'li a Oirtham. p., I Murlanr ... rf .l u cjune lb ... 4 1 t 0 l w . 4 1 I I VFnlir, ... v n P Milan. CI.... t I o CJmlin. If. . 4 1 I 1 0 lAi-oala, rf... 4 0 0 0 0 1 IHhanka. lb... 4 14 10 OWIIIIama, . 1 4 I I I i.MuBrlrie. aa. 4 1 I 4 1 4 OJohnaon. p.. 4 I 1 t If . ToUli 14 II 17 II ...It 7 24 10 1 tTucago 0 0 q 1 o o ii u u l Waahtngton I 0 1 0 0 1 0 8 T Milan, rourn!r. Floater. Tiica Tw'o-ba hlta: McBrlda. Three-baa hlta: Jarkaon J oh neon. Stolen bare: Milan i2, J. Colllna. Double play: Konter to Shank to Judae. Baeea on halle: Off Johnaun. 2; off l-aber, . Hlta. Off Kaber. 11 In aeven and one-third InnlnKa; off Ruasell, 2 In two-third Inning. HI ruck out: By Paber, 2; by Johnaon, 2: by Kuaeell. L Umpire: Evana and Wallace. . . Total M T 17 II 4 Batted for UidermlU In the aecond. Batted for Kaowlaon In fourth. Batted for Nabora In eighth. TVtrnit BiAaAAaaA'v lKyle. 'Kleher. Double play: Meyera to i Philadelphia S 0 0 0 I 0 t ,-t 11 I. Boae on 4m01i Oif PaUuar o, I In two ro, I; Total.. Ba'le.l for Ooak In fourth. Bait -nl tor Huggina In fjlnth. MMInirlphia I ? St. Louia Two-tae hit: Paakert. Hyatt, Whltud. Tre-ie blia: Laideme. Boardmon. I .i ln ln.: iJideru. Bacrtfloe httat Paafc-rt. VVhlttea, Long. iwiow J""" .RAiAf i a Kihnrr la t .tiufruB. on biilia: tut loe, ; on iimh Bar off M.uulllan. I. Hit: Oft Dook, l four Inning; off Boardmaa. 4 ln' Innlnaa Hit by pitched ball: By Doak, Craval'i: by McQuillan. Hetael: by Board man. Pnr.croft. Luderue. Struck out: By IwaH 1; by Board man. 1; by cQulllan, i. I'm'.ilre: Keaon and Bigler. Score, aecond game: rHIUliaU'lti. iT. lYVM. Al.l O.A.I a.O A.1. i. I0....4 I I 1 Ittetdaa. b. I I 4 I Maan'olt. a. 4 1 I Vufcen. rt . I 4 t ravail., rf.. 4 1 Luaama. lb. 4 IT Warn. If . I I I .vtak'Mf, Jb.. 4 I mm. c 4 11 Daaiaraa p . I I t Fletcher. off Pierce, 1. Hlta: On Palmoro. and two-thlrda Inning; off Klltr, 7 In even and one-third Tnnlnga; off Liaven der, I in -one Inning; oft Pierce, 7 In eight Inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Lavender. Merkle: by I aimero. Murray. ntruca out: uy uavrtndur, i: by palroero 1; by Pteroe, ; by Kilter, L Wild pitch nerce, umpire: mem ana unane. 8IOUX CITY. la., Sept. 21. Blue won the Live Stock Exchange Derby, one and one-elgbth mile, puree $1,000, at the In terstate fair race here today. The har neaa card will open tomorrow and con tinue for the ret of the week. The summary: Running, five furlong, puree $150: r . ' . ' ' . viuiiaiM, mmjmg dot. I b l, jim nay, eecona: io- Palroero, , i- off bueh. 1: off Breeeler. 2: off Knnwl. hi. rtr.nrt tkird. .. Vh. uii. m. hub: LxiuaermiiK. i in on lirmei rinlahed in the order namA. jiiiiiiib on vnofiam Buah j-wooa nit: MClnnla. Barrtnce nv: I O. Buah. aVaorlflce hit: Young. Double pley: tVane to Lalole to Mclnnla Stolen haaea: o. Buah. Vltt, Cobb (2). Schang, nanaaion. BirucK out: Bjr lXMldermtlk, l;l ny milium, ; oy xxaoora, . uaee on i Running, five ball: Off Loudermilk. 1: off Oldham. Modeato Bor fir BLUE WINS THE LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE DERBY off Iteda Isa te Braree. CINCINNATI, O.. Sept. Jl.-Bamee . In two and two-thl pitched a nuurnlfioeot game after the bore, 2 In four Inning itri in ii iu a awn I In eiaht Innlnare: a in one inning ort Hreeeier, 1 In one-third Inning; off Knowlaon. i rd Inning: off Na- Irat Inning, allowing only four acattered a in on tnninr rmmA hn . k. . - J hlta and no rune and Boeton eea.iy won . .Wild pltchi Buh. Hit by pitched ball: the lest con teat of the eerlea from Cln- By Loudermilk. Schang: by Oldham. oinnaU today, 4 to 2. i Ijole. Umplreo; lllldebrand and ljntr. who started for Cincinnati, waa taken out In the aecond Inning after per mitting two hue and a baae on bolls to the first three men that faced him. Dale Pitched fairly well, two of Boston s runs olng due to error by llerog Boo re : BOHTON. C1NCHNNATI. A.M O A AI.H O A Meeaa, rf.... 41 OKIIIIfar. ef.. 4 , 1 4 Xra, lb.... I I I nrtroh 4b..... I lit I Teuta. .14 1 a r.Uak..Bi tna a a itai. II S lit fW"""' 4 1 I e IIII.W a... 4 114 ! !lrtT?T' ' i I J I I Mas, lb... 4 110 wirlinih. rt.. I I i Ir2.T"- a a e a l"eiiA. I.... 4 1 I I OH:, lb. I I I I 1 1 1 Ouaee. s S I e e . ... a a a a nt. . a a I tSt. lis lanU. a 1 I 4 OWinao. I 141 I V12'1L T i a t 1 1 WliaJiag. e.. 4 1 4 1 owoilwlti. Ik I ! i aulumlbv I 110 1 erae. p.... 4 i .'lr. p 1 OHormabr. aa. 1 I I e 1 . ' iii k .... a a a a a ",,:" a a a J TeUle....42 . 7 U M. Htmuj. p 1 ai av ia a unnimL w l O Loughlln. nivlde Doable-Meager. NE7W YORK. Sept. XI New York and Rt.. layuie divided a double-header her today. Pleh held St. Loula to two hlta in the flrat game, J to 0, The second waa won by St, Ijoula, to a Caldwell had a bad Inning, the fifth, when the visitors bunched five hits for I four mn r wt game: r sr. tjnvt AH.n.O A I. MBW TORH. Tnut I 4 It 11 T Snyder out, hit by batted balL Hatted for Meadow la lth. Batted for line In eighth. Philadelphia 0 1 1 1 0 9 2 0-4 st. ixut o oeoioa-i Home run: Luderua. Sacrtfloa hlta: Pemaree, Paakert (J). Double piaye: Uonzalea te Uetzel, Bancroft to Ntchoff to tAiderus. Bases on balls: Off Demaree, I; off Meadows, 4; off Lamlltia, 1. Hits: Off Meadowe, In three Innlnge; off Laamllne, 2 tn two Inning; off Nle ' hauae, none la one Inning. Struck out: By Iiemaree. 2; by Meadows, I; by Meadows, ; by Nlehauee, 1. Umptree: Higter aad aon. Sallt DMble-lleeisler. - CHICAGO. Bept 21. New York and Chicaa-o dlvdwt honor In a double hoarlor here today. New York won the riret game. I to 4, bunching hlta erf Vaurhn. Chicago took the eeuond game, i te 3, because of the wtldneas of Pelinero, a recruit piUher. -ho worked for the Giant a tn the flrat Inning. Manager Bresnahan uaed a recruit r-ltchrd named Wright for one Inning In the flnat same. He roported today from vlririnie, Minn. Dyer, a recruit from St. Paul, played third for the t4lor. hcore ! Irat game: , nbw ronx. CHIT AGO AB H.O A S AI Bar. If.... 4 I 2 OOood. rt I 011 I oriabar. ..,! I 1 1 1 I IKofculta, If.. I 0 0 Attrlln, lb... 4 1 IHwar. rf.. 4 0 I plal.r. lb. .. 11 Janobaoa. of. I 1 I Pratt. 16.... 41 1-. If v 10 1 tavaa. ...! 1 t taarr, I 0 I Kvnb. p 1 Mtmttoa .... t 1 AB.H O.A.B. 4 I Mataal. fb... I e I t t I Parkin, aa 4 II II VMalran. lb.. 4 I I Bauataa. lb.. I I t 1 I Haniall, If.. I I I I cook, rf I 1 I I Hr.4rr, cf. I I 1 Nnaaatakr. ll I I I I I lOplab. p I 1 I Tal M 111 M I TataJ. . . . Jl I It II Batted for Dole in the eighth. Beaton 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0-4 Walker Cincinnati I Vo0 1 s "i m Tt " nTT'!!e,MU rRf!;r.8t0,n J" ' rUlfed"'for lloaVy in the ninth. Oroh, Orlffllh. roxie playa: Herso; Ratert for Koob In th nlnthl to Rodere to Mollwlts (1); 8.1.1th to E. era ,Z. . . . a a . to Moe-ee, Bones on boll.: Off Ueer, 1: 'S-LoS J S2S?52Jt2 off Dale. 2; of McKenry, 1. Hits: Off l!'wwYork 0 0Bi00i lar, 2 in one inning, now out in the eeo. Two-base hlta: Cook. Pecklnpaugh. ond; off Dale. I In aeven tnnlnga; off Me- olen bases: Laavon. Nunamaker. Kenery, 1 in one inning. Htruck out: Ioulle Play: Pratt to Staler. Bases tin By Barnes, 2; by Dale, & Umpires: By- nans: orr Men, 7; ofr Kooi, l Btruck run aad Orth. t: y Pleh. ; by Koob, a Umpires: vorinouy ann v.nui. boots, eeoona game: T. LOfl. ME7W YORK. ABH O A C. AB.H O A S. Aaatla. Ik.. 4 I 1 I Malal. la... 4 I I Howard. Ik.. I 111 t Parklnpe, Ml St 14 gialar. rf....4 III OWailaa. la.. I 1 11 0 Jarobaoa. cf. 4 I I Maaa. lb. . I I I I Pratt. Ph.... 4 111 OHanaall, If.; 1140 lea. If 4 I I 0 tt-r 1 0 W'. ... 1 I 4Amk. rf 4 1 A maw. a..., 4 1 4 I t H.ndryt rjf. I 4 I 1 S ma. 1 1 I I lAl.iaod.r. ll It Wailmaa, p.. 1 1 4 4 Caldwll p. I 1 I High School Coach Needs an Assistant ftsavrtaa. ? I rT lb. ... 4 Mark!. Ik.. 4 Klaarrf, aa 4 BaUlkf. f I !'r lb I Iiovla. 4 t-rrt. p.... 4 Taarta. p... Ooach Mulligan of the high school Is badly In need of a rood aaatatant coach. Right now he' la ruunlng the first and second team by himself. For a new ooach. working with a lore percentage of raw material, this la "soma Job," The team Is showing up well In practice. The men ore being drilled on line buck ing every night. No aerioua Injuries have resulted, although out and bruises are numerous. I The datea of October SI and November i xotaja ... I n 11 Total 10 T 27 U -oatiiea tor itertsen in the ninth. H. Louis t M I I 1 I t 22 era sUU open. The Norfolk and I tru-ua. l l I tiTarkio (Mo.) elevene have made bids for Ol..u.i . l . a . I . . i I the Uctnber rj traina. Hnth or Ihaaa im III trlalar, i t 4winieai. hi I i i 4 r, - r.-'r, . ' 14 1 MrC'imr. lb 4 I I I 1 strong teams. Tarklo claiming to be 7 ! m,M,, 111! ? I high school champions of Missouri for , .IV vw. . v. in, A-w.v.a. Ulff IB1 atlll hanging fire. It Omaha cannot come to terms with them In a few days Tarkto will be given this date. 0 e-Kloorar Wrlakt. p Tvtxl .... It It I 1-atoXarrr KaaUug . ! 1 t T"tala fT M TT iM I -'Tutted for Vaughan in the et-hth. Hatted fop Wrlht In the ninth. Kan for McLarry in the ninth. New York I 1 I t t I I -t Ltcue 1 i M 4 i M Two-tiaae hits: Babotnarton. McCerthy. Vlanvr. . Stolea baaea: Breenahan. Keat I Hihi on ball: Off Vaughan, 1; off Wt-riit. t. H i-: off Vaughan. 11 In eight "iilnre; off Wright. 1 In one Innlns. off ivrri't, 10 In lf-t and two-third in uln; off Teareeu, none In one-thLrd in .'.). Struck "out: By V'aushan. 4- by I .mu 2: by Wright, 1 I'mplree: KJem rr.d Krrxiie. Score, aecond same; XW TORSI. CM-OAKY A. HO. AS AB.H O AK. jr-i II ... til l Wriaa. if 4 W- il. ...4 --ml. lb.. I .-II . lb.... I KlMbar. m. 4 MH)'-r tt... li . a. cf I ai.t .-r. a.... 1 . . v V I'.rr. a. 't: if I 1 J vrrar. r-af 4 I I tPlahar. a... 1)241 I 'Srrialta. If.. 4 I I dpuaiaa lb.. I I I ia,r la.... 4 I 11 1 I Willlaa. ( e-Kalaalr .... 4 4 0 4 a kr-.ota .... 1040 f w.-.-rtk. a 4 I I OArcbar . .. I 1 1 t tl-aulr. p. 0 0 e u mm, n I Total II I tl IT "t ..,. . ..II I Tl - --,. f .r in firsu -).,., for Bitter le uln'h v,.. vWk t 1 a a t at ' i '. -ao 3 1 0 v I i T -e- baa lit': MCarthv, Mveri. "ul.Ur.nion S-ler. Tt-irae-feaae Ma: l"yie. Pan.. Haner St irn base: U : . su-ihy. fbjua. aurtri.e hits: Becker. CLOSE RACING MARKS ' NUCKOLLS FAIR OPENINQ KELSON. Neb., Sept. Sl.-Spclal Tele gram.) The Nurkolla County fair opened with a record attendance today. A large delegation came from Hastings with the , Commercial club and band. The exhibits i In every department are very fine and ! the display made by the schools of the! county are particularly strong. , The races were well attended and the program good, although the time was not fast- Summary: Trottina or pacing, 1 f 4 class, puree $400: Rattler Dillon, first; Tanner Miller, aec ond; p-ras Hill third. Beat time. 2 :1H4. Trotting, 2:27 claaa, puree 14: Barbs, WiHgere. first: Ttvld Woolaey, second; lra. ll.lrd. Beet tune,. 2 24V. Five-furlong dash, puiae 1'): O'Tellt, flrat; Don Burnett, second: Paul, third. Ir. Tom. tl.e guidt-lecs j'iVi; relay race, a chariot raea aoj au otrl-h racr completed the program. Are Yew Ceaatlpatel. Why autfer? Take a doae of Dr. King New life Pills lonlght-you will feel fine I loiuor.or. Only All drug itat. Ai- i vcrtLaenu nt. The Right Things in Men's Furnishings Bom of th bit (est ahapa and boat allka in neckwear shown anywher w ara fav turtnc for too. Seo tham In our window. Th aew Manhattan atlrU will plase you. Tha pattarna tnla fall ar aren mora hand soma than usual. We show a larr Una of them at f 1.(0 and I2.U0. . A larca rang of fall (lovas )n mochaa, hid and buckskin has Just arrived. Btyllh da. tlKns and splendid ' leathers, $1.50, $1.00 and ft.10. You will (at individual at tention and prompt aanrioa. No tiresome waits for wrapping or changa. Let as aarra you for any article kept at an up-to-date tuen'a stora. 413 South 16th Bt. Time. 1:03!A Running, Live fTtock Exchange Derby, one and one-eighth milee, purse 1,000: Blue, first; Km ma Stewart, second: Bon Ton third. Wan tlorman anrl TPrln. af Castle third flnlsled In tha order named. Time. 1:MV Running, four and one-half furlong, purse I1O0: Bemey McCoy, first; Cath erine Mac, aecond; Maglo Lantern, third. Oolden V. and Oolden finished in the or der named. Time, 0:69. NEWARKS WHIPPED TWICE BY WHALES Chicago Takes Two Hard-Fought Slagging Conteiti from New Jersey Team. , SEAT0N CHASED OFF MOUND CHICAGO, Sept. 21. In two hard-fought slugging contest here today, Chicago won from Newark, 4 to 4, and I to I Pitching in both gamea waa weak and many error by Newark in the second same contributed to their defeat. Beaton was knocked out of the box In the first inning of the second game and Moran, who replaced him, waa hit freely. Brennan, for the local also waa weak, but waa auported by aensatlonal fielding in, tight places. Score, flrat game: R.H.B. Newark 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 04 11 1 Chios 0 0000 4 20 10 0 Bateries: Billiard, Beaton and Huhn; Bailey. Prendergast and Wilson." Score, second game: Newark 0 0 0 1 S 0 2 16 8 Chicago 4 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 Mil I Batteries: Beaton, Moron, Brennan; Hendrlx and Wilson. , Blnea Loa t Rede. PITTSBURGH. Sept. 21 Bufalo lost to Pltsburgh today. 2 to 1 Allen was hit harder than Bedlent but the fine fielding by Kelley In riht field cut off runs for the visitors Score: R.HE. Buffalo 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 7 Plttslxirgh ...0 0010001 241 Batteries: Bedlent and Blair; Allen and Berry. K. f. Rente Brooklyn- KANSAS CITY.' Mo... aepw 21.-Oood pitching made Interesting- a game which the locals won from Brooklyn. 4 to 1, here today. Cullop held the visitors to two hits and the run whloh aaved them from a shutout was msde on an error. Bunched hits off Falkenburg gave the locals their four runs in the second. Up hem was sent In the next inning and al lowed the locals but one hit in six In nings. Score: , R.H.B. Brooklyn 0 0000010 0-1 22 Kanaaa Clty..O 400000 4 61 Baterles: Falkenburg, Upham and Land; Cullop and Easterly. Terpa to Terriers. ST. LOUIS, Sept, 21. Two-base hlU by Brldwell, Marsana and To bin and a sin gle by Hartley netted three run for the St. Louie team In the firtli Inning of to day's name with Ha-tlmore. i wlilcn the locals locaJs won, 6 to I ttuna for tne vialters were made in the fifth when Gallagher scored on Crowford s one-baae hit to right field and tn the eighth when Duncan went home on Bvana' single. Score: R U.K. Baltimore 0 0 0 01 0 0 10-211 0 St. Ixuila 10012000 10 2 Batteries: Quinn and Owens; Watson and Hartley. t KM snap "aa p-w flat rial. EDGAR, Neb.. Sept. 2U Special. ) Joe Steelier, and his brother, Anton, gave an exhibition -at the Edgar opera house last night Edgar buaines men had put up the guarantee of 1260 and as an extra Inducementa had advertised a ball game in the afternon and some preliminary events at the opera house. Tha ball game did not come off, and only about fifty men gathered at the opera house to see tha champion. The few weo saw tha match wer well satisfied. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. Jjernlng&ri-IIMS Rifles and Cartridges for Real .22 Sport IN the .21 caliber as in the high-power arms, your shrewd sportaman selects his rifle and cartridges for retulta. And when yon start to he critical, there' no where to stop short of Rtmington-UMC. Made tn Single Shot model in Elide-Actios eaadete, with the fa ou Remlaston-UMC solid breach sari now. th Autoloading model that nucttfUy kn4U$ it lUminiton AstDaMaUaf rim-Art ttttiim lol rtJass'tef. For real .82 port, set yonr ride and cartridge from the dealer woe displays IhtKUBaU ilihoj lUmutkm-U UC. Sold by your homo da alar and IMS I or your noma dealer and 1133 XvSkI otn,r ding merchanta In Nebraska "" ArsM-Unlan Mat Hie Ctrtrldre Co. "Ok -vL Weehrer4a BelkUag (233 Breadway) New York City ': 1 'kM ill fr fii ill buff? -v JU. emm2Jzrami?tY J&zffr: rhV' - -mmmmtmmmm IHAUSD4 tat Trig B-tavj-a-vi rvii - . '" feii 1 A - .-esBaBBBBBBtsaBBBa rnArUBS C COWOVXiOH Ot THI Us. AT Nl 6 John Hancoclc Father of the Revolution fcnbdto th tiAxtfg most famous State document, b the most realistic sense John Hancock pledged hijLfearvJ fortttDtUeausdc UnUbfwnes,st rK also owning a fleet of vriss The sehure of one cf these precipitated the Boston mfsacrt. In Revolutionary day and untU tils death he was a rxidcLVhen it tmb proposed to boinbiard IStorl trghhiAritrt paid to him because of his fmancal interests. While Hancock did not sign theCbnstitudon oftheUtrd States, he tied his DfJ? -jakened th, gratitude d Wiispr b manner, and passionatcfy r.-, , I'fe"0?. ? ? COncms' d parties, rkh wines, sccial dSrSrsana fotMttesT Unul the end oflus life the people of Massachusetts delighted to honor hirTln the stirrinjents precedS Se Rejrdunon he u one of the most active and influential members ofthaSonsof liberty. To this tirelea wkcrfor Arnerkan Independence Uberty wi the vwy breath of l&. He would hav (cowed upon any fcgislation rnhid, wouU restrict the natural rights i of maivand ould hav,voted NO to prohibition enactments. It was upon the tenets of our National Soo1uaS3 lhat ArJveusw-Dusch s3 ywn ago founded their great institution, loiay throiiout the length and bradthof &e JUpuLLc thetr lionest brews are farned for qualiy, punt mildness and exquisite flavor. Their brand BUDWEISER ; rv ' w 11 c iuuvu bj men me puu-c cwmand. its sales exceed any other "!i":.i,i'! .-: .'I'M beer by millions of bottles. Visitors as St. Lotas are crajnesualy knvOeii te iaaapatt our fim ' cwi hs ans. vs' i r if aw sMMHEUSEa-BUSCH ST. LOUIS, U.S A. Anheuser-Busch Co. of Nebr. Distributors, Omaha, Nebr. rWUes Supplied by a K Hansen, Pealcr Phone DougUi KM t - Means Modcraticii ibi in; i i. .mi,,., i - '!:': f -i