Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1915, Image 10
'J UK HEK: OMAHA, 1015. WANT ADS Want ads received at an time, hut tn Insure rrnier ets!lflca.tlon must be pre- en ted hefcre 1? o clock noon for evenin ar.d V:4a tv m for mnnitnl ana Punnav o.l i ' Ion "nt ds ro'elvod sfier such hour will be under th heading. loo Late to classify." CASH RATES. Seven ronoculin t nioe. 1 cent It word aoh It tertlon. Two or mora consecutive time. 1H gents word. One time, I ewnta a word. CHARGE RATES Sevan cnneocultve timet. 3 rents a una aoh Insertion. Three consecutive tlmee, 10 cent a Una eh Insertion. Cne time. IS cents a Una. Count all average word to a Una. Mln'mum charae. BO rente. An advertisement Inserted to be run until discontinued mutt be stopped by written order. . All claim for errors mnat ba maaa within fifteen dayii after th teat Inaer lion of the advertisement. druiiii a Jin fdjikbai. noticb". im(WNE-John. aged IS. aon of the lata Mrs. Mary A. Brown. Remains at Hoffman, funeral home, r uneraa ar rangement later. Ha la survived by three brothere-Joeeph T., Richard M. and Franrls and ona llr. Mary C, all of Omaha. MIHTI1S A NO DEATHS. Blrthalonienico and Ceterina Bavarea co, M Macule, b.y: John and Terea.e Uoa olovic. !. toouth Tweltlh. boy; Crcx a lloha Beilia, u ivppieton. boy; 'i!' and Kva Crosby. Uib Leavenworth, boy. Jheodlre and roreater. J.U Nortn Twentieth, boy; Albert and Mary er- ruson. 6!iJ trand avenun, girt; J ami da Kut.ey. Ui South Twelfth, girl; M ward and Pearl Fletcher. SU1 f rank .n, girl; Htephan and Kate Msidllnger. l-7 houth Ugutcanth. tx.y; R.tert and Louisa Hot.rey. 1411 N. rth r orty-flrst, glrli Uou nd Kosle Kihlng. Wirt, boy; How ard and Wtlma Ber. U Jaokaun. girl. Keaths-Joeeph Perry Prelum 7. nor anoe; Ml had Kennedy. i. ll,L'"v"n" worth; J. All.n Iwvis. (A Xl North Twenty-fourth; Harrie C. Townsotid. M. HI fiulh Twrmy-inin: i""ni iVoods, 4, im North Thlrty-aiiUi avo- NIKRROs .iriC7l9B. IJcwnsoa to wad ha ra baan grantad tha following oouplea: .. .... tA.lmm All. . . . . n ittnkie Omsha ...u 40 iay' Carey. Omaha . . v nmihi ... M iinwrt r. . n' v.- I. Melrher. BenaoB Fdgaj- D, Had ley, Lawlstown. Tl.... M Floranoa B. Johnston. Dead wood, B, IX 47 Charlee P. Marvin. Burlington. Ia gnosis Martin. Omaha John T. Morrlssey, Lincoln ..v lella M. Cole. Lincoln " William A. Abbltt. Omalia. ovar tl Ksthrvn T. Weaver. Omaha, ovar 1 s..,i n rvrsrriet Omsha. M Marirt Elliott, Omaha M . rrl I.. Consollver. Omaha Josephlna Murphy. Omaha 1 BI.II.UINQ riERMITS. J. F Oottrell. 191J Sprague, frame dwell ing. tS.MN); George Craig Vii North For-tv-lghth, frame dwelling. 12,000; B. JObener, 111 South Forty-first, frame dwelling, I1.H0O; Alfaretta J. w. Rhnell, W.:4 Floronoa boulevard, frame dwelling. H yo- O. W. Thomson, Wfl North Twen-tv-flfth avenue, frame dwelling, 12,600; Wanhatten OH e-.mpany, 17'1 Howard, filling station, Sl.fl'O; Jacob Oroose, 6181 North Twentv-fotirth, dwelling, I2.M0. Today's Movie Programs LANTERN slides for movies. Band your ' copy to tit. Wa can raproduca photo or will prepare your oopy. Wa will color as directed. Baa Photo Dept 10S Baa Bldg, liswstswa, EMPKES8. 15th and Ioulas. HIGH CLAS9 VAUDKVILLH. Four Reels of Good Pictures. llearst-flellg No. 71 Tha Manservant, t- part Kslcm. Troamy Dud. Cowboy. Rssanay comedy. Profeslonal Diner. Vltagraph comedy. PIUNCESS. 1317-10 DOUULAS! IiATKST chapter "The broken Coin;" The Little Lady Next Dour, drama; The IJIUputian's Courtship, an unusual coiu ly ; latest Mutual Weekly, war views, ato. Nvrtk. CLIFTON, 2201 MILITARY AVE. ' i Exploits of Elaine. Paths Weekly. Comon y and hcenio. i reels. (IK AND. K5T11 & BLNNEY. TUB Mating, flv reel. Mutual matter pleca, CoTHROP, 24TH AND LOT1IHOP. Ecreen Favorite C. R. Young, In Marry Ing Money, a Bhubert In five act. booth. APPOLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH THK Llmlted'a Peril, with Helen Holmes, Kal.; Tha Cajve on Thunder Cloud, Ks.; Iter Komeo, I.uh, com. Wast. MONROE. 2655 FARNAM. Fox Film Corn presents Betty Nansen In ANNA KARhJNI.NA, Count Lao Tolstoi's drama of woituin who dnred. oatk tide. Besse, 24th and N. A Kalem Mystery Btory, "THE AFFAIR AT TITO GRAND HOTEU" A lAibln Comedy, ITII BILTiY llEETOS An Kseanay Rural Drama, vith BRYANT WASHBURN "Tha Broken RalL" WITH nm:N IIOLMI? This Is tha topplest bill for Tuesday In many a week. It' better than fine If gunerflna. hazards of mausaf. ORPHEUM. 24TH AND N, MONBKVR LBOOO: four raala A MOVIES A 7. FKAT1IRF5S r TODAY GRAND, 1TH AND BINNET. THE slating; five reel. Mutual master piece. CoTHKOP, tiTU AND LOTHRoK fcrreen Favorite. C. R. Young. In Marry acta. Hubert feature. In five SdONROE, 1U6 FARNAM Ton Film f ort present Betty Nsnsea In Anna Kareulmt. Count Io Tolstoi's l'rsjna of a Woman Who Dared. ORP11LUM, 24TU ANuN, MONSint LB'OG. la four reel. i'niNcTidA im'ii douglas. THE lu-t tbapUr of the Broken Cbln, axtomoiuli:s ... B'hmw you aie cons'drrlng tolling or tniyine a ue. mr n nl you wsnt full value for ynur monoy or yoii wnnt teonle who lire aliilng to pay for what th- -y er c f you l"imi you ni nnve no roc rot If v buy or advertise through the used cur eoiitrrn of The Hoe. I'l.onn Tyler 1V. I'1 0 REWARD for any mnatiolo we can't ropnlr. Colls ropd. Rayslorfrr. 310 N. 13. o WIS, at-hnr power M I t'hrl fTarf or a la or trsdn for young horses, rattle or thorp. Address T. II, Adam. Hebron, Nob. Tl RE RXI'KNHB CUT lor TWO. We take two (.id tiros and return ore food one. Prlre. $2 .73 and up. NER. noUBLE-TREAM TIRE CO. $714 Farnam Mt Tel Dougla 1M. FOR SALE My used Olriemohlle touring car. In good condition. $uu. Car can ba aeon at 4M Karnam St. Overton's forlosky ramator. 60o. dealers. FOR HA LE An up-to-date buttling works wl.h good business; Invoice, 2 .:'); (n a town of 1,10 population In northeastern Nebraska. Address Y Omaha Roe. o TTtn best offer" Igot "this week-takes my t-pnaeengor, light touring ear. It Is In perfect condition end a great her gain at $V0. If yinu want a good car cheap this Is It AM Brandela. Plione Tyler 11M. NEBRASKA Rulok Service Station. 1914 Knrnam St. I'hone Douglas 731. Industrial Gsmge Co.. 2Cn h Harney Bta. ON K (adllTae roadster, f-il. P.. In splendid condition. Iim. Can ba seen at m4 Farnsm Kt. TIRKS rebuilt, tlroa patched tiros vul canised, lino Tire Co., 1ll Chicago Ht. Handsome new Woods elortrlo, rear and forward drive; com. appolujm'ts. H. IT,X AWOITVCKMEXTS THE old school building, outbulld lngs, 4 0 II. P. steam boiler and other articles of the Independent School District of Casey, la., will be sold at public auction on the school grounds at 2 p. m., Sept 27. Build ings 4xK0 and 24x32, 28 ft. high, all In good condition. Address Carl D. Galloway for In formation. Office for Rent September 16th On Beautiful Court Bee Ruilding 216 8q. Ft., with water 118.00 Ask the Superintendent, Room 103. fiU81NK.SU COLLEGE 8TUUENT3 SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sals, with good reasons for selling. S variety of courses In a reliable Husl nesa School, one of the leading business college of Omaha. Will be told vary reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at once, since Fall teVro beglnu soon. Call office. Omaha Use. Investigate Y M. C.A. out g par, summer. BUSINESS CHANCKS If your Business Chance will stind rigid Investigation ami is Juat what It I advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for vouraelf von will lie r,Mi. feotly satisfied If you use the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy- v. n U'lnilirv . IIUTIV I JI'T H""". ' WANTK1-Capable man or woman, or r woman or urant h'falr I aJway filled 1 both, to open small rests sise notel. well located and with roomer. This I an excellent op portunity for a capable person to estab lish a good buslnr that will bring good return. Wa have a line dry basement In which to keep auppfles, large dining room and kitchen. Inquire tha Gray tone Hotel, 1423 Caaa St., Omaha, Nab. i none iioug. bjjw. PROPRIETORH wanted. The dining room and kitchen In the Mudlaon, 2lt and Chicago, is now for rent. Applicant must understand the business. DKUO stock sale. Reason-for selling, want to quit businoa. Will sell res. sonably. Address John Welch, Cortland, icn. RESTAURANT and rooming house with1" a smaii una or groceries; doing good uooo. reason tor selling; iierroctlv rella business; bargain If taken at once; other ble: worth full price, but will he soil business. Whit Lunch Restaurant, 4104 . vory reasonably, if Interested Investigate N. Mlh, Omaha. Tel. Webster 4870. Outside Office 17th Street Exposure la the Bee Building 8x20 ft.. lb. 00 Partitioned for private ofrlca and waltlDK room. Inquire of Superintendent. Iloom 103. FOR SALE Grocery and meat, doing :i,uOu per mo. also home, at J.S7 Web st.r St. C. TIIDIISON. M.( N. 19th. Restaurant tlxttires: reasonable price. 1W 4th Ave.. Co. Bluffs. Tel. Black 1244. tUUMNr.Hd places, land, city pruerty. nana led all late. JIM WRAY. Sioux WK are l.era from factory with best veneral airenev nroonelil,.n n . general agency prooosltlon on the mr. kcl to a man that can Invest $o00; wa can show htm where he ran. clear $5,000 to K,0oi) yearly; coma In and talk It over; this la a straight business; wa can show you. Air. Johnson, so? n. 16th SL until Sunday. WILL aaciifloa grocery store. 4-4. Tel. So. MUST sacrifice account health, small manufacturing business, well estab lished: no competition: a wnn,i.rmi unanca lor young man. Will lnvolcw aU,ut I5M0. 'wiuVll a"rt or IntcVe whm.nagemon,. Addros.f p J3?Z. , OWNKR!- Uit JLour PMrty with W. W. William, m Blk. I) uri. TO SELL or buy a be. loess, call on Buseli s Borvboff, Freniror Mik r. Ml TO GET In or out ot business call on GANG F.ST AD, 423 Bee Bldg Doug. 3477. C 1 ii . I" V " ul'l"11 orA r. oit-. imianiv i BEK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gain In established shows D. 3i-J). THEATERS Buy. lraa or sell your the. ater, machine and supplies throurh Theater Kxch. Co.. 140 Farnsm ), lh7. OFFICE, or buslneaa proposition with poss'hle email Investment considered. J ii0. Be. Hoaaalast H - for Itral. 11-R. rmg. house: well furn: apian, loo.: $109 eash. bal. mo. $421 Dodge. Apt. a. KDVCATIONAL FOR aala, the following scholarships In a first class Omaha buslnesa College: One unlimited combination business ami shorthand court One unlimited stenographlo eotiree. Ona three-monlha' business or steno- graphle course. Will ba sold at a discount at the offlo Of The Omaha Pea. The VAN SANT SCHOOL BTCNOORAPH T-BOOKKEEPlNa Day School for Young Woman. Evening bvhoul for Young aiaa and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. Ioae C Duffy. Owner aad Manager. 301 So. Uth St. Omaha. I EXPERT lady stenographer will take pc-plla: shorthand, touch tvoawrttlns palling and punctuation taught. Individ. Ua) Instruction. 4to4 Dotiglaa St. TaL Ws'nut grrj. FOIl 8ALB 4 T a h am we is of ,1;: T.V.T., '..T-r." .""TT)5"" .,n' reaJcV. a." this tilJnm Sff.-r. Turn. e.cVpi ....n. .,.1.1 , ,,111, ip vtery oav and a smaii want ad will sell your arlicl at lU full value. Phone Tyler poo J Fwrattar. tloasvaiolg 4iM4s, Etc. I DeK& W ol- J- C. Reed, I vcona jsj7 kuua FOIl SALE r'arnltare, lloaeeknld Gooes, Kte. I'UHMC ATCTION BALF. OF IIOCSKHOLD OOODH U-.FT IN 8TOIIAOB. Wo will sell at public auction beginning Wednesday, IVptcm r Wil. 10 a, ni., at 111 Howard hous hold Rio1a held for unpnld etorMifo charges. The goMls consloi of furniture of every rieecnptlon, boils, Uresners, ch.rriniHrs, carpets. runs, draerles, linens, bedding, bric-a-brac, ranges and healing stoves and In fact everything needed fr the home . Thou gools have been duly adver tised according to the law of the state of Nebraska. This Is go ing to ba a big sale and you do not want to miss It. Come early. KIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. Sale takes place Wednesday, September d, 10 a. in. Howard street. nrF FI'RNITt'RH of 8-room ho .so for sale and the house for sale. Dent loca tion downtown house lor rent. No second-hand men. I'hona lud 7b4. LIBRARY table, iU rug, ni range! bench clothes ringer, largo mirror, med icine cabinet, muaio cabinet and chairs. Apt. 15, ThoCallfornla. BAROAIN8 IN" FURNITURE ANO ilAKUVVARH IMS N. MTH. WEB. 117. Krnlt. ORAPEfl for aala; fresh ploked dally from our vineyard. Tha ialstaff, ai B. Pith WU Phone Doug. 1. Morara aad Vehicles. TEAMING gear, ona or a carload. All sites, two to sla-ton capacities We sail the Btudebaker. tha Bain, tha PaUr Rcbuttler. I'skio and Bueikena. Must sell 1U0 this month. Big reduction In nrlca. JOHNSON-DAN FORTH COMPANY. BOLD Maeira, ,nslr-u.s. Blight Iv used high grand piano. D. 2017. PIANO for sale cheap, cash or payment. Red m Victor phonograph, M records and cabinet, almost new. 1.U3 N. 2Tth. Tel. So. (70. Puaitry, Kg-ga and supplies. MXD grain, luu lb. II.Mfi. Wagner, gill N. IS. STEREOTYPE matrices make tne best and Chen pest lining for poultry houaus. They are 17x) Inches, stronger und mora durable than tarred felt and pi Helically ItTcpioof. iio a hundred at Tne Hoe olflca Typewriters. TYPEWRITE Km, IIP and up. 2a Bea Bldg. TYPEWRITERS old, rented; repaired. Central Typewriter Exf. 1905 Fsrnani. Mtscellaneoaa. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom HU PW'RI!l DlilllirU lUlMOS 8110 tlOWling f '7' "d. acpessorle; bar fixtures of all f nd accessories; bar fixtures k,ln,'i',: r?a,y '"""" The Brum Halke-Collendcr Co., 407- n. llHh h inswlck- Ht. XT Mecond-hunfi n r. unBmA. lNeV Boto. etc.. mechanical reiAira. i w liroti Electric Work. 81130 H. 13th St Coal Direct to You. The Very Lowest Prices. Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Flatte, Neb. . FOIl SALE CHEAP Business College Course. Full and COlr.ulelM Hhnlnr.l,ln i. H. the best Omaha business schools. at once, because fall term Tliara ara a variety of course for sale' For particulars inuulra at th ofrl, n I The Omaha Ilea. " CARPENTER tool, shovels, sledges, pick, jackscrew, io enny match vend ing machines, 50c each, llorse, harness, wagon, $100. Ona elctrlo piano, J. C. iSH. loca S. 2!)th St. Harney Ml T0 QnOnldi'n Woat Whisk v, 4 full W)tJ.IJ'JU,lrll, bottled In bond, pra - paid. C ackley B ros l ima ha ONKfull dreM suit, cheap. 4009 Iiard SU FOR 8A LE- Eclipse ga range, one "oak dresser, one mahogany center table, one aet of mission portieres, one kitchen cabi net vase. COG N. 2Ctb St, HKIiP WANTED -FKIALB1 Clerical and ortloa. STRNO. STS. (S: excellent places BUSINESS M BtN'8 REFERENCE ASS'N. 14 Woodmen of the World. KSruii?h'o sjuillgiapn O $76 uu i0 j B'u V'"4 sjmyr ......,.,. eyKJ Watts Ref. Co.. 840-41 Brandela Theater. t'Nli all-around machinist and welder Stenographer, neat. fast. Omaha Agency Co.. 311 Bee Bldg. Factory mmA Traelem. OIRL to learn halrdrasslng. Oppenhalwt, lloaarfcrepers aaal Dossrstles. THE Servant Glr Problem Bolved. The tU you get tha ye.lrVd Ve.ul?.: IXlXS l"K!if?S,V Th I offlt or tUilione Tyler lt)u0. win run a oervani uirl Wanted Ad WANTElk-A girl for general housework. Ui Park Ave. V ANTED At once, competent glii for general housework; good wage. Jmg I'opilelon Ave. RHFINED and experienced Protaatant woman or girl to cook aim liolu wi ih ork In Drlvate fajnllv Waslilox !,,. by extia help. Reference required; good '.wages. Call Wal. Uu?. A GOOD home for girl who can do gen eral housework; small family: good pay. 11 N. th Ave. Har. 241. "" w COMPETENT girl for general house, work, niust be strong and not afraid of work. Tel. H. J."0. 324 Reward St WANTEI Competent girl for housework; reference required. 1021 R. kith Ave. feneral uqulre WANTED An eaiwrtenved nurse maid; reference required. Mrs. M. R. New man. XJ0 Howard. II. IU&. WANTL1 A gin to assist with house work by the day, $ a. in. to 4 p. in. Tel. H. 4s. 6-1 So. 4-Kh St. WANTED An experienced girl to do gen eral housework, must be a good cook. 1S7 S. S.'.th St. GIRL for general housework; no laundry Mr. E. R. Porter. 4.'5 N. 3th. 11. JU8. WANTET Maid. Mrs. Walter Cbamber- Um, lj tl. Si. I'hone ti mv ClM PETENT wb to rl .or housework; Call Floreneo Sug. gtuieral OK'RMAN woman; middle aged; wants position as cook In private betel or rv taurant. al. 12. WANTED A voiiiueisut maid for cook ing and general liouwuork; no washing; mall family, and goud wage, llil S Mh St. Harney ili2. WANTEl A young ;irl f..r Hk lit house work; uo cooking. 1T04 Lake St. Web ster as-l. WANTEl A girl (or genorul Housework. Apply 11 8. th St. 11. 64m). OlIU. for geueisl housework. Mr. W C. Lyle. fc:4 Park Ave OIRL for geel hou, wo,k 110 aali I -" r A N 1 l-.i? A maid f.r k i.. ml huus wors: no ohii:n. im s xvu, St. Gllti. for fceiifial houaewoik; 1 lie Ih-it can go home nlichis. ra Harney GIKI HI. for uun.ral l,nn.w.,.l, 11 ,r',.'"J. gem rai Housework. ssi Call-jno I. II fclLP WA XTi: FKMAI.E Ilnnnrkorpera mnA Domeatlra. WANTKI-Jlrl to assist with general housework anl csro for tmsll child, '"nil llarmy T.V.s. WANTKli-s nest white girl for general houoewrrk; must bo a good, plain cook; no washing or Ironing; jfiod wages, I'hone Harney 2nfW. 127 N. 4. Ht. WA NTKI) Cook and hoosomsld In fam Jly of two. Har, 717. W H. S2d Ave. WIDOWED woman want work of any hind. Call Webster 14.0. WANTEl A good girl for general house work; small family. Harney llot. WANTED A while girl for general housework; small house; small family; references required. Call Har. MS. M le-ellai,eaa YOUNO women coming to Omaha striuwers are Invited to vlait tne Toting Women Christian safc1stion building at Kt Mary Ave. and 17th tit., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Ijnok for our travelers' guide at I'nliMi station. WOMEN WANTED Oovemment loba List free. Write immediately. Frank lin Institute. Dept. J. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTKIV MALE Clerical aad Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desire est of book awernoona or evenings. Ad dress L juO. iiee. Bl.Kr oiiiin.rUal posit Ipns. Roger Reference Co.. M0 I 'aton Blk, HtcnoKruplier S75 VVUs Kef. Co., MA-42 Brandels Theater. privately. Reasonable. Phone 38M. bll.LINti clers; Monarch machine; fl perlence. Omaha Agency Co., 'i Bee. BIX i lean-cut (urnliure salesmen; one cheese salesman. Onialia Agency, ili Bee Bldg. H l iii-KA UK commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE & B jVD A8SN., 7 Oninha Nat J'-uk Bldg. !WE still have a few vacancies In tha ranks of oar Industrial producers. If you are not KatlKflad with your present 'liw nine you should come with us anil you will le. It will pay you to Investigate land see what our men are doing. We nave something new In industrial Insur ance. Amuit not chargeable with lapse You should sea our weekly pay ment health and accident policy, Insuring every member of the family. Apply It. II. Forbes, Superintendent, 13 Karbach Block, Omaha; or write to Oie Pioneer Insurance Company, Lincoln Nebraska, COAL agent wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte, Neb. WANTED A good steady gentlemanly salesman to handle a Ward'a wagon In Jiouglaa county. No experience needed. For full particulars writs promptly to Dr. Ward'a Medical Company, Winona, Minn. f stnpnshert 1ST, "BILLY" HUNDAY'H message. Author ized. Great opportunity for man or woman. Wa will pay you 112m to distrib ute It and take order. 110 day' work, spare time may be used. Universal Bible House. 101 Winston Bldg.. Philadelphia. THE first payment carries insurance to January 1, 191; great Inducement; call or write Mutual Benefit Health & Acci dent association. City National Bank Bldg., omah.i. Neb. Factory aaal Traes. WANTE1 Men to learn ;he barber trade We have originated a plan to tench It quickly and thoroughly. Wages paid while learning. Tool Included. Wide for llltial rated catalogue. MOLER BAPBKR COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th St. WANTED Flrst-clasa automobile me chanic, one who can take charge of hop and turn out finished work on high- class car. Kllker Automobile Co., Dead i wood, S. D. Drug More Snaps, Jobs. Kneist. Bee Bldg. Position Now Open. Free Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COIXEQB. JOBS Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. LEAHN BARBER TRADE Wage paid. Tool given. Position guaranteed. Call or write for Information. Trl-Clty College. 1)24 Douglas. Omaha. WE need men; had to turn down two jobs per Vfoek lately. Get in. Learn by our method. Get one of these loba. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. 2406 Leavenworth St. Mlsoellaaeoas. RAILWAY mall clerk wanted, $75 month, Onisha, examination comi.-g. Sample questiun free. Write immediately. Frank lin Inst tnfee. Dept. 221" P.'--r!eeter. N. Y. I WILL start you In the mall order busi ness If you will handle my goods. CREST CO.. B, Atlantic City, N. J. LABORER wanted for out of the city; transportation fumlshedi steady work; $210 per day. Call 11QH W. O. W. Bldg. MEN, with common sense education, who wish government jobs, $70 month. shotrld apply Immediately for full Infor mation. Address Y 6H6, Bee. HEM' WANTED MALE AND FKMAI.H. WE want Moo men and women In the uext thirty days; live wire partners In every town and city to help us handle our fast Increasing real estate and gen eral agency business. We will share enormous profits with those who will Join us now. You receive a life member ship. Write today for free particulars. B. 1". Loos Co., Dea Moines, la. o SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG Dane wishes a steady job of any kind. Experienced as Janitor. Sober and honest. Address A 14X Bee. POSITION as housekeeper, wanted bv ex perienced woman. In a small family; no laundry work; highest city reference. Phone Bed 3193, no phone ca.l Bun. lay. POSITION wanted aa houae keeper by ... ,...11.. T 1. . r, . . , , .r ENERGETIC young man. age 30, mar ried, wishes position as salesman with wholesale or manufacturing concern; ( years' road experience: can produce re sults; reference. 1214 Taylor Ave.. Nor folk , Neb EXPERIENCED grocery clerk desires position; best of references given. Ad difsaY8. Bee. EXPERIENCED clvU engineer wlahea Position in civil engineering, or would accept draughting. Have a full line of surveying Instruments which may be used where employed. Address 8. L. Fvr- fuson. 242 Benton street. Council Bluffs, . Telephone XTSL WANTEl i Work by experienced soda man or confectionery clerk; will con sider an thing else with fair wages. Call alnul 4..1. Ml DOLE-AG Kl lady wUhea position aa companion; best reference. Tel. Tyler ism LACE curtain laundi-esa. Douglas 4iS2. POSITION as bookkeeper; have Jiad aix years' experience aa deputy postmaster, 3 year' eiperlonc In wholesale bookkeep ing and t year' hotel bookkeeping and auditing. Addrese 2u6 First National Bank Bldg. I'hone Douglas IML WANTED A position to drive car or chauffeur; four years' experience aa garage man; one year chauf feurlng, Ad dress A. F.. 41H So. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. LACK curtain laundress. Doug. 46S2 A COMPETENT woman desires position a housekeeper In email private lainliy ; higlient city references; no washing or Ironing. Phone Florence US. WOMAN wants work by the day, sweep ing or cooking. lJoug. $44. YOUNG lady wants position. Have ex perience and references on the follow ing; (Stenographer, typist, clerical work, cutihler, soliciting, billing clerk, store work. Tel.Red6W4 askfor Helen. YOUNG man, 2o years of" age, wiahee any kind p.ia.t'uii. Cs'l D. 7o2. Joe. ynl Nil German, 20 years of Hge. want position as meat cutter. Will start for small wanes. C-H 1 1 tb-. A wk for ,Ioe. STENO" i RA 1'H KR alth six yeaia' ex e ten e In real estate' and insurance Work Good reference. Wants position with responsible firm. Tel. Doug. 4 3. W A NTED Day-work. Tel. Tj ler 20037- LOS? Axi KOUXD I.of or li.und ads in Omaha's Lost alid Found invuiiiina menu the limiieootia re turn if that Hitiilu If aitveil..-i,l In The Hce tie lsi mil Fiund ; antr IS'P-P for return to ! e Zl n.iicb HI.I jtwen-y ickm nh black baa fr .... I., Am. .. .. kt - - . I mum, 1. lliun Slttllou ; uuestloi-s auked. I AM) fxii xn OMAHA A COUNCIL ni.l'FKi STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Person having lost some article would do well to call up the office of tha Omaha A Council Hlnffa fctreet Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many article each flay are turned In and the enmpsny I snxioit t restore them to the -lirhtfcl owner. Cs't H"in. t' 1 )HT A bunelTof"iioyB lnNorth Omah a a Ions RonlevsM. Address mj Ogdcn Pt. Rowsrd. Call tHiiglns IA ST A ring of rssh register key at Chris Lyck iark or on street car. 31.1 S 17th; reward FOUND In the Omaha Electric t'owor Co.' office, lady' ring. Mr. 7. 1 in nan will be pleased to ret'trn It to owner. Llt-eral reward to person who fotnd p rie containing ladles' watch and rhnln. 1S! N. ieth. South Omaha. Tel. So. 13. tOST nrg. fox terrier, white, with dark brown spot over the eyes also over the shoulders and the front of the hodv: tail cut short; had collar snd tag: c aj j loose In one end. Nnnied Tip. if found, i incase can wainui fWJ, LOST Lady's blue jsrkot"th1 Ian trlm mlng; H'nda'. Reward. Web. 63n6. i PERSONAL ADMINISTRATOR'S SALTS. In pursuance of an Order of Court, the uMoereiKneo. as Aaminisirator of the Estate of W. Olaf 1,81-nen, d. -ceased, will , r , 1 V t public auction for cash, commotio- Ing at 10 o clock In the mornlnar of Snt-I urday Peptemher 25. 191S, on the premises at 1917 Cuming Street, Omaha, Nebraska. A miscellaneous lot of Furniture, con sisting of odd chairs, tables, sofas, daven ports, etc. Also household furniture con sisting of beds, tables, chairs, stoves, pictures, carpets, dishes, etc. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, Administrator. Estate of W. O. Larson, deceased. GOB DON, the Magailne Man. Tel. Doug. 71. THE tiulvatliw Army induntiiul home ao llcll your ild clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We d.strlliute. Phono tmuglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge . YOUNG women coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit tha Young Women' Christian Association building at 17th St and St. Mary' Ave., where they will b directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at tha Unlaa station. PET STOCK SCOTCH COLLIE, $15. D. 74i9. BWAPPER8 COLUMN Wanted to Swap. TThy not advertlsa something that you no longer have any use for and get something ou really need? It co its you nothing to Join tho Swapper' club and you will find It lots of Xun swapping things- Wrl'o Room 104, Bee Bldg., or pnone Tyler 10o0. AUTOMOBILES For oihar automobile bargain see tha "Automobile'' classifi cation. BEAUTIFUL 9-room dwelling, modem and then some. Sals' or exchange. Ad dress A 1.V4. Bee. I BUSINESS CHANCE Have cigar and oonfectloncry store, other business. Will t swap lor auto or what have you. Ad I dress S. C. 1324. Bee BEAUTIFUL silver tip bear rug.- Will swap lor late model typewriter. Ad- dress 8. C. 237, Bee. BUS. CHANCE Must sacrifice account of health a small manutacturlnK busi ness In city; trade eatabllnlied In every state In tha U. S.: no comoetitlon. This' 1 a wonderful chance for someone. Will exchange It foe land oe oth.e nrnrv.rt ir of about $5,000 that will not require my time. Address b. c, zn. Bee. CAMERA Mandel a one-minute postcard camera, new and of best make; cost $38. Will trade for furnPure or anything 1 can use. 8. C, 2, Bee. CAM ERA 4x6 folding camera, with best of lens and latest lmDrovemems. SwaD DIAMOND Pure white diamond H-l-l-l carat, -niiany platinum mounting; mi. tiui -n ot r t'.j or other IKrht roadster, in first-class Von- dltlon. Address H. C. 221. Bee. EXCELSIOR motorcycle, perfect oondi tain; 4-horsepower. For range or any thing I can use. Price $66. Addres S. C. H41. Bee. Fl'LL-tilZED bod and spiral spring; gas oline oven, almost new; lttmlngton typewriter, good order and almost new. What have you? Will trade for chickens or anything 1 can use. Addres S. C. J4 Bee. GAS RANGE, four burner. cot $23; good! a new; win trade lor chicken, dress S. C. 249, Bee. Ad GRAPHOPHONES Pour-mlnnte grapho plione and a Standard, Exchange. Ad dress S. C. 1323, Bee. HAVE good gold filled watch, Elgin make; good timekeeper. Will trade for a rig. Address S. C. 226. Bee. HARD coal heater In good condition, will exchange for what you have, Ad dress S, C. 21. Bee INDIAN motorcycle and aide car, 1914 model with 1915 Improvements. Two speed, new tires, full electrlo equipment, etc. Engine Just overhauled and in per fect shape. One of the best kept outfits In twm rVla maw -.!.. ' $5.u. Will trade for or toward Ford or Saxon roadster, or similar light car In good condition. Might consider other awapa. Address 8. C. 247, Bee. KODAK S'4x4,4 folding" pocket kodak; cost $13.60; luge.h-r with new $5 de veloping tank, tray a, print frames, chemicals, etc. Will trade complete -out-fit for good typewriter, Underwood Pre ferred. Address 8. C. 170, Bee. KODAK-3Kx4 folding pocket kodak; coat $13.60. together with new $S de veloping tal k, tray, print frame, chem Icsls, etc. Will trade complete outfit for good typewriter: Underwood preferred. Addres 8. C. 170. e. PHYSICIAN 8 set of lour ' DeVUbls" atomiser and stand. Ilk new, oust about $6: will trade for anything use ful Address S. C. 1S. Bee. MOTORCYCLE Hrley Davidson motor cycle, two-speed, twin cylinder; good as new and look like new; 114 modal. Will exchange for Ford runabout or other light roadster. In flrst-clasa . condition,. Address S. C. 2J0. Bee. ONE $1J0 out de piano player with $75 worth of roll music; one sanitary couch, one gentleman' heavy gold mounted garnet ring, motorcycle speed ometer, kit of Indian motorcycle tools, one J, II. company gasoline engine. 1 11. P. What have you to offerT Address H. C. 243. Bee. ONE Birmingham steel range. Will wap for a good, large-atxe rug. Ad dress 8. C. 242. Bee. PHONOGRAPH Edison electrics power. cabinet, with concealed horn, 100 records; will swap for anything oan use to value of $75 00. Address 8, C. 244. Bee. PHONOORAPH Victor Phonograph, al most new and In excellent condition, mii'ie box has piano fin sh; also 35 records and cabinet. What have you. . C. i Bee REOTA URANT and rooming house with a small line of groceries, doing good bualnesa. What Lava yout Address 8. C. Wi2, Bee. R1FLB-WINOHESTER .22 auTolnatTo repeater, with new rifle case, etc Cost new over $-'6a0. Want Uaatman auto graphic kodak, or will consider anything of eiiual value that 1 can use, for this. Address S. C, 244. Bee. SINGER MACHINE Have Singer sewing machine in good condition, iIro;i-head, six drawers: will trade for chicken, kitchen range, heatir.g stove, or what have you! Addre.a 8. C. '.27. Bve. THRESHING rig. 17-horse power engine, 3ixi4 separator, t-year-old. In fine shape, !., also ten roll Piano shredder, like ' now, J.-tVi. Trsde for Und or Ford. lohn T, Johnson. Columbus. Nob ' f Yl'EVV RITER-Undcrwood. visible; per fect shipe. Will tinde this machine for I cabinet Ictrohi or small GrafU x camera. AU'iri-s n 1 . uee. In e-i'.l.i. or triJe ,"nur alolitJii or nfie Sc-e FRIEDMAN. vu Doum,,. WHAT have ou for tho genuine punc I f. al fo- in it'-es. or f r toy bu. lne; outright. Address S C 26, Be. WILL trade new In'-ubutor. a 1 1: 1 in ti,a crate, for cook stove or ranu of equal valus. Addne S. C. 13.7, Imsv. Ready Reference Directory. The following firms offer quality and expert service thnl will please Hip most critical: ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. REED APPTRACT CO.. o ll' O In Nehraska. 2'. oldest abstract Hrii(1iB Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abelrsct Co., a modern abstract office. S. 17th St. I'hone D. MX7. All VF.HTISI. KUVKLT1E9. F. Shafer A Co., 12th, Farnsm. D. 7474. M. AMATEUR FI.ISIII.0. FILMS developed ree If ptirchseod from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Rea Bldg. Dept D. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. D WORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books craned and closed. Cost svstem Installed. Let rie"IL.'??..vou '? exP'"tn th nrlvantaereai of my audit service system. Address, 43J- iJMiimn Bldg, Phone Doug 74(. ARCHITECTS. Everett S. Pod-Is. 612 Paiton Blk. D. rn. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ARTTFTCTL IJmhs. Brace snd Trusses; expert fitter Fltwell Artificial LlmD : Co., B. 16th Bt. . ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson, Ml Taxton Blk. T. ISM AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 111&-1 W.O.W. R. RSS. AUTO INSURANCE. AUTCMOB'LB MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Dougbis 1. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., 2028 Far. D. 2001. RAKERIKS. p.FEnrcn:, ir n. isth. e. TT. Web. 8297. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltehel! Co.. 27th and Martha Bts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, S21 8. 22d. Douglas M20. Leseard Son. 19" Cap. Ave. T. 131 COFFEE HY MAIL. - rr By parcel poet, 10 Iba. M. O. I lOTTfiP Ppocial. $175. Uo bettor VUAivv coffee for les money. W. A. Skalfe Co., Omaha, Nob. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJITMT9 Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. SiSL Dr. Hayes, 358 Brand Then. Bldg D. 5426. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J Buford, 20 Pax. Blk. Red 4587. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic. D. 187L FALL term open at Mackle'a. Doug. 5446. GENI3VIEVE HAUFI.A1RE, Romo hotel. TTTRP1N ACADEMY 2Sth and Karnam Classes now open. Beginners Mon. and Thur. Advanced Tues. High School class Sat. Private lessons. Harney 6143. TURPIN B ACADEMY, 28th and Farnam- Classes now open. Beginners Monday and Thursdays; advanced Tuesdays; high school class Saturdays, r'nvaie tessons. . Harney 614$. DRESSMAKING. mi, s ir.m- Terry Dressmak g college. h & Fama-i . ClUre Uressmag. Dcnooi. 2629 California. I. LADIES' apparel repaired and Jackets rellned. 215 Neville Block. Doug. 5467, DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kelstef Dressmaking Col.. 1M City Na. DYERS AND CLB4XERI. . . . -, i , w xf n am DETECTIVES. .,,., ... , JAMES ALLAN. $12 Neville Block. Hm- I dence eeoured in all case. Tyler 11SS. DEMISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W.O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1H7 Douglas. P. 2186, DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices! freight paid on $10 order, catalogues free. Sherman St Mo- Connell Drug Co.. Omalia. web, ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 11$ N. 16th. Terms ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRIVXi. C A HILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bea Bid. D.3B7. - ELECTROLYSIS. TTloa Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red 3083. KVERYTHING FOIl WOMEN. ACCORDION, lde, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all slses and styles; hemstitching, point edging. Em. brolderv, beading, braiding, cording, . -. .... ..... U nA.,n-nta I Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Block. Iougla ViM. FURNACES AND TIKWuBK, HABERSTROH. 402 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam St. D. $000. U HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 1258. Irlember Florist Telegraph Dei. Ass n. HESS A BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St A. DONAOHTTE. 1621 Harney. Doug. 1001 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WB replata everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1230 Harney St. Eat. 1SJ8 INSTRUCTION. English. French, Instruction. 305 Lyrle Bid JUSTI1KS OF THIS PEACH. H. H. CLAIBORNE, ld Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BRITT, SI Baker Block. ' LANGUAGES. Languages taught; private or classes. Web. 8554. L.AD1ES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Mlsg Fox. Open for busi ness; aatifactlon guaranteed. 407 Pax. Bk. 1b1iuUTINU FIXTt RES, W IRIN43T" DUKKIN TbQ-n cDmOug,,. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DA VIDSON MOTORCTCLE8. Bargain In used niachlnea. Victor Rooa. Th Motorcycle Man." 3703 Leavenworth. FOR BALE-IMS twin Indian mo torcycle with aide car. Also M M. motorcycle, cheap, 407 8. 2oih Street. FOR SALE 1913 twin Indian mo torcycle with side car; also M A ' motorcycle, cheap. o7 Bo! 2Hh St moving pictihe machines. OMAHA FUm Ex.. Uth and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargain. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, pewalgart, sandy. 1X9 Par. OCULISTS. Eye eiamlned. glasses fitted, pay a yott csn Pr McCwrty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Parnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7UT. IT. A. Sturgos. Brandels Theater Bldg OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPfTTNH ARMSTRONG. 15 Bee Pldg. PAINTINO ANO PAPERING, HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. VitL PILLOWS AND UEUU1NU. QMAIIA PILLOW CO.-Mattresses msda to order or remude. 1907 Cuming. D. 2417. PLUMES CLEANED. Dyed, made over. D. Elsole. 1136 City Nat. PRINTING. WATERP-BARNHART Ptg. Co., ouallty printing. Tel. Doug. 21TO. 624 8. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. DOUG. 8734. DOUOLAfl Printing Co ' Tel. Douxla 44 STOVE AND Ft UNA IE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS-Water front, furnace oolla, etc. yulck service. Omaha ttove Repair Wkm, lani-g Douglas St. Tyler JO AFB AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS SAFES repaired, comb. F. E. Haven. 41 Dodge. D. 1ZL SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 513 S. 12th. D 2911 SIIOH HEPAIRINO. FRIEDMAN BROsThoe repair. 211 s. K Hrjey hoe Rep'r. Cqm 04 Farn'm, R.44$ BWIAO MACHIMEgl W7 IT."'. "sell needles and W C part 'J!" machines. "MICKEL'S," BllASlvA CYCLE CO.. IBth and Hamoy. Douglas If! STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet MolTcompny, HQ pj. I9, STORE AND OFFICIfl FIXTURES. DnKet'o"aw"' ehowcsws, shelv- A I;',0, Wo huy "ell. Omaha Fixture bupply Co-j-lS-is 8, 12th. Doug 272? TO Will, supplies! OMAHA Towel Supply; 207 g. Uth. D. 628. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDER YOU, log W. 5tn BL TRUNKS AliD SUITCASES. rELINO & STEINLE, ISM Fsrnam Bt typbw ritekTVor rentJ RoH.a5 OIIver typewriter $ mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1306 Farnant BUTT'S Typewritor Exchango. 316 S. 18tb St. All makea for sale or renL "vHr VR'nston," not Just a type writer. LoW ronte ra DJuei. iSiT WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, $d A. Paxton Bk., 1 yr. eip. WBDD1AO STA's (ONER Y. Wedding announcements, Doig. Ptg, Co. WINES AND LIUbuBl, ALEX JETES. 201-$ 8. 13th SL Wines, liquors, cigar. Plate dinners 11 to a, 10c. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunoU RIKDlCAJj PILES. FISTULA CURED. .Dr' V oure P11"". "tula and other rectal disease without aurgical ,u.uuii, vuro guaranieea and no monev paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated ucneeafully. l-fr. ulta guaranted. Dr. Bowser. 314 Bee Bldg.- RUPTURE cured In few days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wray, 806 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Established ISM. o FOR RETYT A part meat u Klats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and till the noeda of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler lOnO. 5-Room . Beautiful Apt . $45 Year Round The biggest snap In Omaha. Hudson apartment 207 8 Mth Are., nicely de K,ia.d.' !ar5? i'"ht T?omi wM ventflatedj built-in buffet, panel waris In dining room. Individual porches; oak flnlhh. walking distance, no car fare; very choice; heat water, exce lent Janitor service, gas range, refrigerator, all furnished. See this today. HASTINGS A HETDBN. 1814 Harney Bt 8-Room Modern Bricks 1813 Chicago, downtown. 2213 California, near Oretghton. 12o N. 30th. east front near Bird. O'Keefo Real Estate Co., 1W Omaha Nat Dong. $715. t-ROOWS. VICTORIA. $17 8. 27th. new, built-in bed, close In. semi-basement; $.7X0 ear 'round, I-ROOMS. ' ROYAL. 313 f 27th, clo e In nearly new, butlt-la bed: $"7.60 year "round. HASTINGS A HBYDEN. Mil Harney Bt ANGELUd AITS. 26TH AV1. AND DOUGLAS ST. 2 $, 4 and 6-room apt. Disappearing beds, automatic elevators; sound proof and fire proof. H. B"74. 0 DSTABROOK Court.' mod., sanitary; on vacant; be quick. Q. P. Stebbln. 1S-ROOM modern flat 1707 Dodge. $J$.$0. Key at Broa. fcth A Fartianx THREE-roora apartment 8t Clara. Call Harney 47. ANGELI S Apt.. 2"th Ave. and Doua- las 3-3-4 snd vroom spts. Hr VI4.0 WE will have a fine 3-room, also 4-rooia apartment, Oct L In the Nathan apta, oor. Sherman Ave. and toruoe St These apartments are especially desirable in every respect and wi'l go quickly. See Janitor. Aut L or call office. SCOTT AND HILL 00, Dougla 100. FIVE room steam heated apartment, the Maaon, &lat and Mason streets. $40.00. Conrad Young, $23 Brandels Theater. Dougla 1671. ELK OAN TLY furnished, quiet hone. 23.: Howard Kt TCONTINUEDON PAOK THIKTKKN COLUMN ONE.)