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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1915)
maha Daily WHM A WAT FROM HOME The De Is The Paper J"" uk for; If Tom plan to be hbeeat snore tiaa a few days, have The Bee n.a :d to you. HE THE WEATHER. Unsettled VOL. XLV NO. 82. OMAHA, WfJlWESDAY MOHNINfl, SEPTEMREU 22, 1915-TWELVE PAGES. Om frln, at Betel Stews StaBSe, StO M SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. 0 Bee SUNDAY HALTED BY HALLELUJAHS OF AGED WOMAN 0weet-laced, . White-Haired Old Lady Carried Away by Emotion Caused by Sermon. INTERRUPTS TABERNACLE TALK Evanpelist Forced to Stop Prcich ing Until Woman Is Quieted by Neighbors. TELLS AUDIENC-2 GOOD EXAMPLE MxsTnros today. 10 ft. m Sixteen dls r.ot prayer meet- mr. i 10 a. m. Bible class. Sands rrstby-; terlaa church, BUss Bat. 11 ft. m. to fc. m. Boilnni womtn'i meeting ftd loaoh, 18C9 rarnam gmet, XI it Xlllor. It noon hot meetings, i a P. m. Sunday at the Tabernacle. a p. m. Tabernacle Bible class, Un Sox. 1 S:1B . m. Business woman's invita tlon committee, Toung Woman's Chrls tian association, Miaa Miliar. 3:4S p. nu Moj' and girls' moating. Cantral ierk Congregational churon, Mlaa Oamlin. 4i30 p. m. Soys' and girls' msstlng, Walnut BUI Methodist onurcii, Mlaa Chunlla. Ti30 p. m. Bnnday at tb Taberaao.'e. I fi30 p. nb Vareata' moating. iow Avsnoe Prssbytsrlaa church, htiss Gara Ub. , 8 p. m. Bible claaa, Christina choron, South BiU, Kiss Sana. An enthusiastic woman interrupted "Billy" Sunday ib-toa sermon yester day afternoon and, for fully sixty seconds, filled the tabernacle with her Joyoua shouts and commenda tions of his remarks. She was a sweet-faced old lady, dressed in black and with her white hair parted in the middle and drawn back smoothly over her head. She eat in the center of the front row, right before the evangelist's pulpit. "Bllly'a" theme was the man with the withered hand who was healed by Christ. The aged woman mur mured "Amen" a number of times. Her eyes never left his face. Finally "Amens" were not enough and sud denly she shouted: "Olory to God! Hallelujah! O, r raise His name! Praise His name!" Her clear voice pentrated through the tabernacle and necks were craned to see her. She paused a. moment and "Billy' atarted on with his sermon, but was 1m- ittdi&'ww4'''4lktAW','sHs Ulory to God ! "Gloryl Glory! Glory! Glory! Olory!" he .cried. . "Oh. Mi's so ood '4e- have salvation. Glory to God." 'Slater, you'll have to keep still." he finally said. "If you want to talk I'll; have to stop till yoa set through." Bven this did not restrain her. "Oh. I can't keep still," she cried. "1 11! try to but the Lord'U hayo to help ... O glory! Glory! Glory! Glory! Glory!" Her voice rose higher and higher.. "Billy" seemed to give It up. He smiled. The audience tittered. . "Never mind." he said. "If the slater wants to get excited, let her go. And. mv." hM KUfMenlv MhAiitA "If anm nt you would feel more glory and shdut more glory you'd do more for Christ." People around her calmed the good woman finally and "Billy" proceeded.' Maay rkr(ima Present. There were many fervent "Amens" throughout the service, for a large parti of the audience was made up of Metho-! dlat clergymen and laymen who are here' "He . held his meetings In those days to attend the conference of that church. with scarcely any remuneration at all. The evangelist's sermon dealt with Sometimes he paid the expenses himself, persons whose lives are ruined by And he was Juat aa vigorous and earnest 'withered hands," Inherent good qualities then when Pleaching to a comparatively which have become warped and withered maU nunDe' of eople In some little as ft good hand can become warped andtown h-11 M he u tody " withered and worse than useless through ' t,e, ot .. . disuse. Mr. Leavitt, who Is a member of the It was the first tabernacle meeting of "m or LeavKt Jonnson. nanKers at the campaign where no collection WM Waterloo, but retired and living In Lo. Ukea and "Billy" seemed to take special wntwh Mr Su"day w, he Pie-sure m announcing that there wTuid ? f ,ldin Un' He WM be none unUl Friday. V w0 la, chorlater planlat. private Mcretary. Jan- rkM. Tii. , t .... 'Iter, head of mens Bib e work, head of I? Rfehe.ver Ad to go to wome.. BlbIe rk, dlrector ot Mtan.lo another meeting Juat after opening the!Work Uld .dv.u.ce man. all In one. taberaacle meeting and Mrs. A.her then! , ..0,,, trlr wcro markei by the led the audience In several hymns. 'same earneatnees on the part of 'Billy "Umber of stoves have been placed is today." he said. -He would rise early. In the tabernacle They are of the cast : take a cold bath, go for a walk and then iron kind and their pipes go straight up eome back and ba bury all day with his through the roof. It la expected they books and acraions. He made every will be needed before the meetings are minute .count. A further, hardship was ended.. : being separated from his wife and chll- The Weather For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Unsettled: warmer. -Unsettled; Temprrati re at On.a aa Yesterday. Deg. Hour. a. m 0 a. m T a. in t a. m a. m 1) a. m 11 a. m 11! 1 p. m 2 p. m 5 p. m 4 p. m 6 p. m ( p. m 7 p. m 5 p. m ll 6) 62 to ' 63 , ! Comparative Lucmi llreard. 19W, 1911 1913. 1913 II lK heat ye terday Lowest v rate dnj , M. en trmiie ature . Precipitation Tempera! Jre and 4 W M ... v ;a 4i ... Vt V E lit K'l C.l .'Ai .iA) (K rins s- tures from the normal Jieficlenrv for the .Iav"'' "" VT m ..... i j , ... .............. iuuu aeiicien'v i nee March 1.... 4b Normal prtcipi.aiioii "7 inch iH'flcier.ey for ih. day (7 im h T.dal rainfall i c Alnrch 1. .23 -. Inches Iieficleney ilnco March 1 67 tnu-h Lri. iency tor. juried. 1HU..., J.j Inch's L-eflciency cor. period 1 ni.... 7.13 lnehes He ports from a (at oaa at T P. M. Station and Mate Ti mp. lllirh- liuin- of Weaim 7 o.m. est. fall. Cheyenne, c ear ) avenport. ilear I lender, clear Pea Moines, e'ear lender 'partly cloudy. North Platie. clear..... Uinaha, clear ti M k. It . . 71 .. HO .ut .00 .00 .! .00 6 : 1 7D i M LEADERS OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN NEBRASKA Bishop Frank M. Bristol and the nine district superintendents of the church in Nebraska, who will be present at the opening session of the annual conference this morning in Omaha. sea-saw f 'p'. I . 1 I ..aW"N -' , tiX ' V -U - rurv rf U "-nli " n - - ...... si 5 " "v."..' -" t ; :';"--- v.:-. y, ' a aaaManaBaaaaaWBBssss wKsiiacMW,ii wj . jMMHBHiBjaHBr SUNDAY WORKED AS HARD ASPOOR MAN Banker Who Traveled with "Billy" in EarJy.Daya Tell tf Hi Sin- HE GOT . LITTLE PAY THEN VBIHy'. Sunday raf .Just the same Industry, . . . devotion and generosity eighteen years aso when he, was 'practically unknown as he is today," said j0Bepn L. Leavitt, retired banker and worker with Mr. Sunday, whd j Z 1 is In the city spending Several days visiting Mr. Sunday and attending i the services. '',., , .. "I got acquainted with him ,when he came to Waterloo', la., with M. B. Williams to help him hold evangel lHtic meetings in the spring of 1896,' said Mr. "He was enter tained in my mother's home and even in those early days my mother de clared ho was the greatest evangel- lstic nreacher of the age. I dren, who uvea men at i nroop street. Chicago. Sometimes he would telegraph to his wife and she would come out with the children and spend a week with btm, but he couldn't. af ford to keep' them with him all the time. ' Meet la Opera Iloase. "One of the first-towns I -went to with blm waa Emerson, la. The Presbyterian (Continued on Page Five, Column Four.) I Mrs. J. M. Sutton Hurt Seriously in Collision of Cars Mrs. J. M. Sutton ot Shelby, la., sus tained a fractured skull, which may prove 1 'aiaj, in an auiumuuue cuiuaiun at in- M : ty-seventn una uavenion streets at noon i Mrs. Sutton, her husband, her daugh- w s-t i -..! - 1 .- QU.,I,M I a uiii, ainu ui ducii;, ! .nri Mrs. Purtts da.urhtr Httten. a ted .... ...... 10 yars, were lidins in a macnin pilot a ty Roy Bnton of the Appernon Auto company east on Davenport street. Dr. Herman Hlrschmann was driving his car south on Twenty-seventh street. At the Intersection the two cars collided and the force of the Impact swung the car in which Mrs. Sutum was riding around In aurh a manner that Mrs. Sutton was thrown out and her head struck against tha t urb. She was Immediately taken to St. Jostrh s hospital, where It was said she had a chance to recover. None of the other occupants of the car was hurt. w i Dr, lllrschmann's car waa badly wrecked. Top Row Rev. W. Q. Brown, Omaha; Rev. J. W. Embree, Tecumseh; Rev. Milton B. Williams, Lincoln; Rev. J. K Gilbert, Fairbury; Rev. O. W. Isham, Kearney. Lower Row Rev. J. M. Botliwell, Grand Island; Rev. E E. Hosman, Norfolk; Bishop F. W. Bristol, Omaha; Rev. B. W. March, Hastings; Rev. J. W Morris, Holdrege FROST DOES NOT AHURTORNUJRORiilLESAYS J0HN:D. Eastern Part of , Nebraska Visited, ; but ' Slight Nips Rather Help . ; ' ' ' the Corn. Alonfcf. ' J WEATHER' WARMING IN WEST That portion ' of Nebraska lying east of a line drawn north and south of O'Neill, Grand Island and . Red Qloud was visited by a frost Monday night. . West of this line, while the weather waB cool, there. waa no frost. improved by the expenditure of con It is not believed: that throughout the I giderable Rockefeller foundation corn belt of the state' the frost was severe enough to materially-damage the corn. Some, who hav'e "studied the situation and the conditions ate of the opinion that it. will 'be bene ficial, as It will stop, the growth of stalk and hasten the ripening of the ears, 'y y - , It la' conceded. that practically all. the corn In' the-south portion of the state has passed the frost damage stage. North of the Platte the corn. ! not quite so far advanced, but - even there It is asserted that ft large portion of It is so far. along that It could behurt only by a freese. According to the station reports, of-the railroads, there was no . locality" where freeslng temperature was reached Monday nltfht In the Nebraska corn belt. Mo Dausft to Cera. Superintendent 'Jefferles of the Union Pacific wired bll company agents In Ne braska, Instructing them to Immediately ascertain from farmers and others the frost damage. If any, In their particular local It les. Before noon more than nlnc- tenths of the agens had responded and after going through the replies, Superin tendent Jeff files gave out this statement: 'Light frost most ' of the way from Oinaba to Cheyenne, but no damage to the corn." The general manager's office of the Burlington made an Investigation by get ting Into communication with the agents of the Nebraska system and at noon the Information was given out that there was a "llght.frost over a little more than the east half of Nebraska, but Indications are that there has been no damage to growing crops." ... "V-'Hl Help Corn. Frank Walters, .general manager of the Northwestern, said: "There waa a light frost over our lines to a point a little' west of O'Neill. I do not has. done any damage. In stead. It will be a benefit, as it will stop the growth of the stalks, send, the sap down and hasten the ripening. At no place along our lines' waa the frost of the killing kind. All through the state tbe weather la much warmer, and It looks aa It the cold spell has passed. Gardeners on the produce market as sert that around Omaha . anf Council Bluffs there was a light froat in the lowlands, but none on the hills or In the rnl Untr oniinirv Kark frm that fit-'oi Thu " " contend that while ' the frost nipped i Under vegetables. It was i,ot ttvt.rei enough to do much barm. Mtl natte .i J 1' FA1HBURY, Neb.. Bept. ll.-i t' rin' Telegram.) A light froat and tue I.ui one of the season visited Jefferson i j y last nlgkt, but did not do any percept 1 1 damage, except In lowlands. - Tender vegetables, such as tomatoes, water melons and other small vegetables es caped practically uninjured except in rare places. There was no damage to corn. (Continued on Page Two, Column Four.) DRIVER. SPARE THAT Rockefeller Is Incensed When Ho Sees Abrasions on Epidermis : of Hybrid. r SHAKES HANDS WITH TOILERS VALDEZ, Colo., Sept. 21. John D. Rockefeller arrived at Valdes to day after a fifteen-mile automobile ride from Trinidad over the "Stone wall'' highway, recently graded and money under. the supervision of W. L. Mackenzie King. During his stay he visited severaL of the buildings and talked with jfie men, particularly with" Archie Dennison, the grievance representative of the camp. Dennison told the Standard Oil mag nate of several Instances when,' through direct mediation with the officers of the cojnpany, he had secure d relief from bur- ttensome rules which, he declared, had been Imposed by minor "bosses" without the knowledge of the. heads of -the. cor poration. When Mr; Rockefeller was go ing Into ' the' mine, . B. " H. . Weltsel, man ager of the company's fuel department, said, "Well, you've got to dress for It" So Weltsel negotiated with the company store and paid $2 each for suits of blue overalls. Jumpers and miners' cape, In which Rockefeller and Wv I . Mackensk King 'arrayed themselves. Then, guided) by Weltsel, J. P. Thomas, division super Intendent of the company, and Dennison, the grievance man, Rockefeller and King plodded into the long "man way." which led Into the aide hill and pierced the thick veins of coal. Humps Ilia Head Often. The roof waa low, the path rough and sometimes slippery with water. The Rockefeller back was bowed and the Rockefeller brow time and again bumped painfully on the overhanging coal cell ing. But, smiling and chatting cheerfully. Rockefeller tramped briskly along Into the dark Interior of the mountain. Reach ing the section where three men were at work. Rockefeller shook hands with each and Tony and Mike Buklnovlch ducked their heads and grinned bashful answers to the questions of the oil king. ' Rocke feller asked particularly regarding the wages and working conditions of the men and received a - wide variety of answers. Just before leaving the mine the party passed a mule patiently waiting for his r r to be loaded for another trip down the long passageway to the trolley tracks. Rockefeller began - talking to the mule driver, then sdddenly "Look there," he demanded, "Why Is that mule chafed and bleeding frorx the harness?" The em harassed driver stammered an explana tion. Rockefeller walked around the ani mal pointing out several places where Its skin had been worn by the harness. Finally the combined eloquence of all the mine officials present sufficed to per suade the man of millions that "green" ules always suffered abxalnons from the harness until their akin became cal iiules always f suffered abrasions from turned his walk. Hsra Strack by Lis st ales. "SON C1TT. Ia.. Bept. tl.-(pecUI.) -The big barn belonging to T. A. Barnes at Plymouth was taruck by lightning laat i.lght and burned. In the barn were 700 buahels of corn, hay, oats, harness and machinery. All were burned. One horse was so badly burned that It had to be killed. The loss la estimated at to.000. WILL NAME MAN TO SUCCEED DR. DUMBA Austria-Hungary Probably Will Ap point Kajetan Mercy von Kapos ' Mere-to Vacant Post.- WASHINGTON IS NOT ADVISED BUDAPEST, Hungary. Sept. 21. (Via London.) A Vienna dispatch Is published here today saying that it hafc been learned in diplomatic i it . . . ?1 . Jt clrcles at the Austrian capital that the government will not await the arrival of Dr. Constantln T. Dumba from the United States before ap pointing his successor. The new am bassador, it Is stated, will be named at once. The dispatch says that Kajetan Merey von Kapos-Mere, former Aus- tro-IIungarian ambassador at Home. , . .... . , , , . has been aelected for this place. : Kajetan Merey Von Kapoa-Mcre served as Austro-Hungarlan ambassador at Rome from June of 10 to August of last year. Jn March of this year he returned w me as representative or nts govern- mem in -ine unsuooeesrul negotiations with Italy In regard to territorial con cessions by Austria, which preceded It aly's entranoe Into tha-war. . WawhlnsTton Not Advised. WASHINGTON, Sept. tl.-No inquiries have been made by the Austrian foreign offloe aa to the acceptability of Kajetan Merey von Kapos-Mere as ambassador to United States or regarding any prospect ive successor to Dr. Dumba. Budapest new. aispatcnes mat me amoaasaaor at Rome would be transferred to Washing- Inn waa tha Htata rianart mant'a nnlu U. formation that a successor to Dr. Dumba was being considered In Vienna. Ambasaador Perifleld'a latest dispatches Indicate the Austrian government has made no aeciaion as yet concerning ine recall' of Dr. Dumba, Western Roads Given More Time To File Petition WASHINGTON, Bept. 21,-The Inter state Commerce commission today granted a requeat by the railroads Interested for time In which to prepare a formal peti tion for reopening and reargument ot the western advance, rate case so far as cer tain ratea are concerned. The carriers seek to reopen the case Id respect to the rates on pecking house products, live stock, fresh meats, grain and grain products. The commission's order today does not mean that a re opening of the case Is aasured, but glvea the railroads ninety days longer, or until December 81, 1915, to comply with IU orig inal order In the western advance case, so far aa the order affects the rates on these products. Before the end of ninety days the car riers wilt be given an opportunity to lira sent their formal petition for a rehearing. PUEBLO BANKER HELD ON FEDERAL CHARGE DENVER. Sept. ft V?. B. Slaughter of Dallas, Tex., president of the closed Mercantile National bank of pueblo, was arrested here today by federal offVeA on a warrant sworn out by government officers In connection with the bank failure there last March. When Slaughter learned a warrant was out tor him nil went to the I'nlted Htatea commissioner effUe and gave himself up. 'GERMANS READY TO RAID SERBIA Belief that They Expect to March Into Bulg-aria Up Valley of the Morava River. nGHTINO ALONG THE DANUBE BVIXRTtN. BERLIN, Sept. 81. (By Wireless to Bayville.) It la reported that Bul garian troops are concentrated near the Serbian frontier and that Oer man and Austro-Hungarlan troops have been concentrated since a cer tain data along the Serbian border line. BlIXBTIN. BERLIN, 8pt. SI. (By Wireless to Bayville.) "It is reported from the Balkans," says the Overseas News Agency, "that the Serbian gov ernment has declared the Berbo-Bul-garian frontier district a war gone." BERLIN. Sept. 11. (Via Lon don.) Official reports from Aus- I trlan and German headquarters and dispatches from th Balkan capitals I show that the long-expected Teutonlo I campaign against Serbia has now be- gun. Austrian ana uerman anmorj today Is bombarding Serbian posi tions south of the river frontier at various points along the hundred i mile front between the mouths of the Drlna and Morava rivers. : Tht action undoubtedly la Intended ai a rover to throwing of a force across the ' river and the aeliure of a bridgehead, 'whence the new "steam roller" can be .utnrted. Juat where a creasing will be j attempted la unknown. I May Takr Houte of frwaadera. i Ttao ahovtt route to Bulgaria would 1 lend through the northeaatern corner of iHxiblri. where barely thirty miles of 8 tw ill an trrrltury lntervenea between the Bul ISHrlan and Hungarian borUera. The diffi cult moiintalnou country, abasnr of rall :rond and tho proximity of the Rouman ian frontier, however, ifak In favor of ;lhe ohl route of the crusaders further to the writ through the broad and fertile Morava valley. Through this valley run rondu and a railway line to Bulgaria and Turkey. Thla railroad reachoa the Dan ube at two polnta. Belgrade and flemen drla, both of which are under bombard ment today. Maeednnlana Join llalaar Army. SOFIA, Sunday, Sept. l.-Vla Berlin by Wireless to Bayville, Sept. 81.) It Is learned that the number of Macedonians who Joined the Bulgarian culors on Fri day is about B0.0QO. From reliable J sources It Is imported that trarte on Bul garia railroads has been suspenara tem porarily, Uolsrarla Moblllaea Army, WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. General mobilisation of all .military forces In Bul- garla, effective today, for the purpose of armed neutrality, has been ordered by th0 "rian government, an- : rouncement of thla order was oommuni- catod by h government to Mr. Pauare. toff, the Bulgarian minister here. British Transport - Reported .Sunk BERLIN, sept. 2L (By Wireless to Bay j ville.)-The Frankfurter Zeltung report ! hat '"HtUh transport from Egypt for the Dardanelles has been sunk by a ! amrmM .ubmartna. Th)ll report wss jroven out today by the Overseas News agency, which saya: a special telegram to the Frankfurter r.ttiin aavs that a Oorman submarine jtorpedied ft 18.000-ton British transport off ; the Island of Crete, In the Mediterranean. The ship was going from Egypt to the Galllpoll peninsula. G. C .VOTE BIGGER IN BAY STATE PRIMARY BOSTON, Sept. Jt In today's primaries early returns from seventy-nine out of IS election precincts, representing forty- I four out of SKI cities and town outside . of Boston, gave for governor; rV,mut1 MuOU, t,m , .muel Mot'nll (rep.). Hjrafton 1. Oushlng (rep.). S.4W N KoaB (rSD.) M i Ar'liu&.d)::::::::::: j 10 hundred out of 2 election pre- j cmct, in the city of Boston gave MoCaJl, : t m. cushlng, 7,107; Fobs, 738; Wslsh, SL4T7; Deltrick, 1,083. 77i Day 'a War New WHILfD TUB RUSSIAN arsalea re treatlag frcan tha Vllaa reslea mv paretatly arc ao deflaltely oat 'of d eager frosa ttfce Geramaa eaclr rltasT saoveaaeat, salutary obaerr era o Ike capitals of tlae earate allies espreeaed eoaftdeaee that tho Itlaaate escape of Geaeral Haaaky'a frees Is aseared. GERM A It CENSOR haa passed m dla ateh frosa Berlla whleh records towle drive throw ah Serbia. It la ladloated that the svlaa of the Aaa-tro-Gersaaa armies will be to fores their war toward Coawtaatlaoplo thro ash the Morava alley, la which railway llaea loavd to Bal- OERHiK IIBHARI1B whleh haa roUyhaa heea a. .It hy B.mU. ahlpe. It la aa.oaaeed la Odeaaa. Off the Vrltiah eoast the British teasaer Makaseor, of 4,94H teas, hoe heea saak, presaaaably la a renewal at the Gersaaa sahaaarlae eperatloae. Al'STRlA-HtNOAKV la to appolat ot oee a aaooeeeor to Or. Daanba as anhaaaador to the failed States, eerordlasT to advices throagh Badapeat. Tho aew aashaaaad r, It la reported, will be Hajetaa Merry von Kapos-Mere, former Aostro-llaaaarlaa asabassador (o Roase s RUSSIAN ARMY ESCAPES NET OF VON IIINDENBURU Cavalry Screen Thrown Aroa...4 Vilna Apparently is Too Wca to Check Veterans of General Ruzsky. MARSHES HINDER ADVAK; .', SimnJtaneons Movement cf Vi Mackensen and Prince Lc-; pold is Delayed. ' GERMANS ACTIVE ON DAHUr. LONDON, sept 21. Latest re ports from the Vllna fighting rone Indicate that the Russian army then has escaped the coils which Field Marshal Von Hlndenhurg threw about it. By cavalry raids, as bril liant as the famous coups of Stuart and Sheridan in the American civil war, a screen of German horseman swarmed about both flanks of the retreating Russians and stood astride their main lines of communi cation. It now appears to be prob able, however, that these enclrclinr forces are too wak to impede Gen eral Rmsky's veterans. Marshes Delay I'M ere l.r.ipot.t. The simultaneous Leopold and Field Marahal Von M'irknn sen have not reaulted In the expected advance, eapeclally by the latter, who' . not been able to link hu -hatter.,) troopa after their inarch ihmn.h th . Prlpet marshes. If it be true that the dnfenHara i t Vllna have escaped. Russia has cauae to draw a deep breath of relief, for it Is apparent that the cautious .trt.- nt Grand Duke Nicholas waa abandoned for me moment and that General Russky's troops remained In Vllna an inn. h. Field Marahal Von Htndenberg's plana ior a junction of his wings seemed for a time certain of success. North of Lids tbe railway Is in German hands, but the main forces of the Russians are south of that point. The- domestic situation In Russia. to the strict cenaorshlo. la atlll a m.n.r of mystery. When the Duma waa d. rogued numerous strikes were declared. In many cases the men are still out Others returned to work, and as the stoppage was In the nature of a protest, no long-continued trouble Is expected. The Zemstvo conferences at Moscow this week will express agreement In the n tlonai crisis with tho Duma msjnrlte and will likely urge upon the hi'm authorities the necessity of aprln'lf ministry trusted by the people. Germans Attack Kerb.' The long-expected offensive " an tin t Serbia la said to have begun with f ' storm of artillery fire designed to cover" crossings of th Danube. and Save, The Teutons evidently expect to push a wax toward Constantinople along the roa t opened by the crusaders. Along the other fronts nothttiT nn-- haa developed except the grnwl-i- I - tonalty of the German reply to the allies artlllcMy on the weaiern line. rt'l'erT Dam bard men t In V., PARIS, Bept. 21. An artillery -bombardment In which Iwth sides took part, of continued violence, to tha north of Arras and to the east of Noulette and of Lor ette. ls recited In the French official com munication on the progress of hostilities given out In Paris this afternoon. Further activity, in which artillery ami Infantry took part, has taken place at other points on the front In France. . Tho text of the communication follows: "There was a bombardment yesterday in which both sides took part and of continued violence to the north of Arras and east of Noulette. la the sector of Neuvllle French batteries directed an ef ficacious fire on the positions of the en emy to the east of the highway to Be thune. A reeonnolterlng party brought back some prisoners. "In front of Beuvralgnes, to the south of Roye, there has been spirited ririe firing, artillery exchanges and fighting (Continued on Page Two. Column Five.) THE WANT-AD. WAY All Rights Tea Busy have tromkoae for sale TUa feot you write oat ea a eard An 4 place the alga la your window, A ad. to sell It you try real "aard. aayVe yoahave aa organ for sale, Xf yea'lnst aa id "la W BIS Tea'U get eioxer rosaita, ay xar. Tor the slg-a will be sees by the folks Who go past year baae avery day, WbUe yoar ad wUl ha read by koadreeVl If yea're aatag the classified way. Musical Instruments of all kinds find a ready market If you make your announcement through tlie "Musical Instruments" column of TIIU OMAHA BEE. Telephone your Ad to TUB F)'"I' at once for our big SUNDAY WAVT .M PA PUR. Telephone Tyler 1'0 and Pt'T IT IN THK OMAHA, HKK. Itiwnil