12 TTTK RKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SK1TKMHHR 21t 1013. "What Will You Do with Jesus?" Ashs Sunday at Tab Sunday Night "Whit Will Ti Do With JesuT" was the subject of Nr. Sunday's acrnvn lat tilght. Ill Uxt wii from Matthew, axvirn. "l'llate salth tint) them, 'What hvll 1 do with Jeaus. which In called Christ? They all sny unto him, 'Iet Him bo crucified.' ' Mr. Sunday said: Nineteen hundred yt ao a star pauaed above a lowly manger In Bethlehem, and aliove the moonlit hills ef Judea glad angela heralded the be ginning of the life of Jcai.s Christ upon the earth, who came to tench u love and the atonement of Pin thriuah his blood. Go Into Partnership with God '.1 rMn somebody In a horae deal the angela that they forget how to be ftiefl. next day. They are ao buay worryln about St. the Flight of the Stork. 1. iKaAat The man who truly prays -Thy King-' rt.r'. Mm that thev forset the am-' . tvery normal r.'""" '..ir.T: T WL SfUTirT fht WnrlA !"' !'" They worry .0 much over ft vr r a, sew . v w. o. ms prayer wn.n ne oui v. i tn- ,oM ,trw.ts In heaven that they for- m mother needs. above "Billy" flunday yesterday morning took aa hla text bun clause of the Dord's He aald: "Thy Kingdom tome" means to have a part In the greatest business In whH h men can ba eugnged. It means to go Into mind what aoclety aaya. If tha world la agltmt J sua Christ, then I'm against tha worbl. I II atniid M f'.r l.lm. if I h-e ;prayer, 'Thy KlngOom Come.' amp your race, ana you, ana you, anai )ou and you (pointing around tha au dience). Pilate knew how to aland pat with the polltl'-at machine at Rome, ao he parlnerahlp with Utx In the work of sent Jraua Chrlat to death to please the saving tha world. "Thy Kingdom I'ome." dirty gang of politicians of his day. They; It la made rlur In the sentence which work the same old graft, the same old Immediately follows. "Thy w ill ba dune game today. They will use It today by!n eHrth aa It la lu heaven. relegating the faithful preacher to some I This puta the thought in concrete lorm. Thy will ba done on tar in aa it is in re we ran in Come." what wa are hasy there .. T , - a ... 1 .... .. i.hii.t. 11 - uitv nrr uitren iu kuiiiq uui i o matter wuai lie sa.n or o. ,0 a.- mnuent.-i church ! heaven" give, a body to the deal prove that He f ame to fuir.ll me ye- .. I . . . when wa aav "Thv Klnrdo . ... 1 memhera thev mill lr nil with tha I ee wnen we nj -vuiauf lantc pnThecy, the Jews ana uenuies " - ' - lt ,,i.i,,iv evtent wr topped their ear. and conspired to mur- hop or other P'' 'Z U der Him. and caued mm to-be nauea ............... thl uncertain about It . .1.1 ...... 11- ..i.. I rrxa. It la a nrocreaalva movement and 1 0 inf CIU.li llllViiKll . " iriiwii. mn . croaa. In the eyes of tha law, Pilate, urable to overturn the pollt cal hierarchies of find anything agalnat him. ar.ked In tho ! the world. It la bound to win. and It worda of my text. "What, then, shall I to with Jesua, which la railed Chrlat?" Now, Pilate had many difficulties. If oa give up you are a nonent.ty. Every thing the devil doea Is to keep you out of heaven. Pilate had many things to encourage him to do the manly things to tempt him to do tha un manly things with Him. To hla ever lasting shame ha cTioae tn 4 the tiling which was wrong, and to the end of time hla name will reek with Icnomlny and will be a stench In the nostril of all who Ilka a fair deal. Kvery mar. In hell to night la there because he lAlti't man rioo4 enough to take a stand fr Chrlat Among the things encouraging IHate to a rUht decision was tho dream of his Wrffa. We don't know much about her. ft waa no proof of her poaaesslon of womanly qualities that Ood revealed Himself to her In a dream, for ho so re vealed Himself to Pharaoh and Nebuch gtdnessar. Tot for all wa know she may tiara been a good woman and a reverent tona. tm Taarh with TMae faiaeen. It way have been beoauae of this that aha waa given the vision, or It may have teen her overwhelming love for her hus band that put her In touch with things naan. Wa do not know Just what she dreamed, but It seems probably that Ood bad revealed to her a picture of the inur 1er of Jesus. In which her huaband should tiara a part, and ao Mrs. l'llate gave her tituband tha message of warning to "have thou nothing to do with that juat man, for I have Buffered many things this tilght In a dream concerning lllm." So, mate haa his wife's warning as an In fluence against an evil decision in the raae of Jesua. I don't know what haa been your ex perience, but I never went aglnat Mrs. Sunday's advice that I wasn't up against It I think soma of you fellows wouldn't have your noaa to tha grindstone If 70a only took counsel from your wives. Second Pilate had tho personality of Jesus to Influence him against giving Chrlat Into tha hands of hla enemies. Never before had such a character bean taken before Pilate aa a prisoner. Ha toad there quiet and calm, silent among 211a accusers, one of tha grandest and moat dignified flguraa tha human eye ever aaw or tha Imagination of man can conceive. If I ware a judge, tha per sonality of a prisoner would have a big "drag" with me. Third Pilate had the miracles that Jesus worked aa a reason why he ahould not find against the prisoner. Ha may not have witnessed any of tha mlraolea of Jesus himself, but he had heard of them. They were tha talk of tha whole ration. There waa hardly a town or village In which there waa not a man whose eyea had not been opened from blindness, or whose ears had not been unstopped from deafness, or who had not been healed from lameness, or from whom a.devll had not been oast out. Or, If there were not these, there were their relative and their friends, who knew of the wonders done by Jeaus. PUata had heard of these things, and there la no doubt that he was curious to see this man, about, whom the people talked so much. He had She miracles of Jesua to encourage him to do the right and manly thing. will win, even If all hell Is against It I Imagine that I can see the look of, wonderment that must have swept over Pllata's face as they led Jesus In. ' This was not tha kind of man he had expected to eee. He aald, "Art thou the son of OodT" Ha said, "I am." He waa con ceived of the Holy Qhost and born of the Virgin Mary, or Ife was a bastard, born out of wedlock. He was either the son When God's will Is done on earth as It la In heaven, then this earth will b like heaven, and It was to create thla happy condition that Jesus meant we pray and work. When ye pray, say, "Thy Kingdom Come." The man who doean t muan the when he prays Is not praying. He la simply exercising his vocal chords. Only this and nothing more. To pray 'Thy Kingdom Come" means to want everything to leavo the world that hinders the reign of Ood In every church. The man who truly pray. -Thy th. Bnow off th,lr own ""I"1 Xrt and , , Kln.lom Come" will not be shrinking wak, whe ,verybodr ..Thy "VfthrS wt to haVe if - hi, meaaure. at the -tore; the load- of Com,. M dlfflculuM! gmd. Thw , . co, he sends to ycu won't be half elate. .... . . .w , "i '. th th- They like to see a man that can d liver the goods. v Pome one was rlJIng through Ionlon The man who truly prays "Thy King wlth John Riiskln, and, referring to th.; dom Come" won t cut off his yardatlck rendition of the streeta, said: when he measures you a piece of calico. "What disgusting stuff this mud la." It will Ituahin l-aio; in inai muu - p a mun who iruiy inijra 1117 iun- J 1. iw. ...... ... ... roll tin t a ehiirrh In vaup limousine, aweefl drtlS Stora. Is the Ont sand; the soot and the lime out 01 wnicn unm wnw" from putting cnaiK in tne . . 1" i i.j t,. thnutands nf i ana flour, sand In the sugar, brick duat In wn 7ur " w,ln ' '""'Tr' 11. .".VJ" .. A red t-erner. around Keanut shell. In break- ! dlan.ouda In your cars as big as hickory w .Tr,w,r, wuw between capital and labor. ! external remedy, la used to Booth th I don't begrudge you your automobile. ; network of nerve, and to enable the I believe everybody haa a right to own muscles to expand naturally, thug re- HI not take the ruro f o d law to on ,f th'y clin mfford U; but 1 you having undue gtrain. a m.n -ho in,i, nr.,. -mv Kina "re not 1v,n 0oJ "Quare deal If you I Mother't Friend, obUined at any a man who truly prays Thy King- . , . narl ' Ood makes o-a.l.' diamonds, sapph.res ... v..... r x.. wa. a iiar. lie was either heart. It means to pray for right con- ... .,. , ..to, or mis nook (Indicating duct; decent living everywhere; to pray for hotierty, uprightness, square dealing; tne niDie) isn't worth the paper It's printed on. He aald Himself. "I am the son of Ood." Pilate said: "I find no fault In Him It means to prsy for purity In public and private life. It means to stand against wickedness of every kind, no matter how Take Him and crucify Him." What j profitable that wickedness may be, or wonderful Justice t Then he went and how respectable It may seem, washed his handa of the blood of Jeaus. i The man who truly prays this prayer It would have been better for him If will ssy "Amen" to It with hla life. He he had gone and washed his wicked old henrt. A book haa Just come across the water bearing tha title "Letters From Hell." One of the letters tells of a man who stoops to wash hla hands In a stream of water. Water In hell that's about the limit, according to my theology. Well, aa this man stands washing hla hands- will cry and sigh because of tha wicked ness of the world; he will cry and sigh because of tha abominations of the city In which he Uvea; he will pray aa hard with his hands and feet aa ha doae with his voice; he will pray with his money, hla Influence and his vote as wall as with his lips. He will pray that God's will shall be the law of the world. He I think the author must have been offiw"1 Pur out nl" heart' desire seven his trolley or had hla wires crossed when daya In the week Instead of aevwn mln- he discovered a stream of water In hell another man comes and touches him on the shoulder and says: "Well, Pilate, won't It come offT" Pilate answers: "No. Oh will they never be clean T" There has been the blood of Jeaus on his hands for over 1900 years. Poor Pilate! Tou had your chance and hell la your eternal reward for your showing the white feather. Afraid to Fan the Mob. PUata waa oonvJneed that Jeaus waa on the square and that tha crowd waa wrong, but he didn't have the courage to stand up and face that howling, blood thirsty mob of cut-throats. If Pilate had only aald to that gang, "That man la In nocent and you'll never get Him except acroaa my dead body," hla name would stand today beaide that of Joseph of Arlmathea, and beaide those of Petar and James and John and Savonarola; but, instead, hla name reeks with the stench or Infamy, When Pilate found that Jeaua waa alt right ha aent Him to Herod. He tried Pali Other Way. Pilate had these three things to In fluence him to a right decision. They were trying to pull him over on the aide of Jesus, but there were Influences pull ing him tha other way; and so, while Uod la trying to pull you down these aisle to confess your sins and acknowledge Jesus Christ, all hell la trying to pull you back. No man ever tried to do right that tha devil did not try to drag him down. .Now for tha reasons that tempted Pi late to condemn Jeaua: First ha asked "What wlU the Jewa say If I let Jesus got" Tha Jewa hated Jeaua and the Jewa haled Pilate. They were the rich men, the influential mn and Pilate feared their enmity. They had aent a committee of their leading men to Home to ask Caesar tu rvuul I'.ilr and auuii a more humane man in his place. The Komnns, who had conquered the land, were lazy and indolent and cruel and lust ful. The money to pay the taxes came .. mostly from the hard-working Jewa, who were greatly oppressed by l'llate and men like htm. Pilate thought, "if I let Jeaua go, these Jews will ho more bltlvr . than ever agalnat me, and will make further efforts against mi and I will . loae my Job." Second. Pilate thought. "What will Caeaar aay? Caesar Is susi'hiour of thU nian Jesus, and If he luais that I have let Him go, he Ul think that 1 think Him rlcl't and Caeaar will be angry anJ I will lose my Job and maybe niy head. But if l uur heara that 1 gave this long-haired evangelist to the Jrws, h will thiuk I am on to my Job and am liiklna; altir Kiii's i.iLrcua down here. ' hat a ahaineful cwnaldcrallun. ilriy a man today Is Just aa low-Jown, recruiting Jeaua because he Is afruld to aucrificv hla Job, sacrttkc wen hU llfu fur Jeaus wbun he would find no fault In lllm and waa cunvuiied that He waa an innocent num. I'll tell you wlmt old l'llate "as. He was a aiaiiuput, free-lunch, pte-counter, pliable, licWsi lltle. tin-horn. peanut graft tig. wrtrd-lieaiiug, wti... i- . i. ri bol of .a htskey-aoaked GjJ-funjtn politician. He was a typleul niacli.ne tiilKlau the direct pioduct of the po lilkeal systems of Rome and Jerusalem. Ye, and there are a lot of fool today who are ao low-down and blackhearted tl.at they let the world spit in the tace ef Jesus Christ for fear of tbalr Jobs. to pass the responsibility on to some body else. Herod thought Jeaus waa a sort of a Chautauqua performer, and could do stunts . to entertain royalty. He asked him to do some legerdemain Juat a few little mlraolea by way of amusement Jeaua did nothing- of the kind. Herod sent him back to Pilate and then he waa condemned. That's It you aend Jeaua away and He will come back to you every time. Tou never send him away unless there la something wrong with tou. Tou hold on to some sin, that woman on tha side. Tou can't have Jesua Christ and not trot square. Heard McKlnley's Fat at W hla per. When William McKInley had been shot and was being given an anesthetlo pre vious to probing for the bullet, a sur geon heard him whispering and bent over him to hear. What he Iteerd was, "Nearer, My Ood, to Thee." Hallelujah to Ood! I'm with the beat men of my nation when I'm with Jesus ! Christ Warn all those men fooUT What are you going to do with the Chrlat of Christian experience? What of tha Jesua Christ of Judgment? utee In the day. Dollar Mast Be Rellsrloas, Too. The man who truly prays, "Thy King dom Corns," will love his neighbor as himself, whether he lives on tha other side of the street or the other side of the world. If a man truly prays this prayer as Jesua meant he should, he will require that. every dollar that he haa be aa re ligious aa himself, and he will try to aay, "Thy will be done on earth as It la In heaven." "Thy Kingdom Come" doea not mean only In our own heart. In our own home, In our own family, or in our own church; but lt meana "Thy Kingdom Come" wherever there la a soul that doea not know Ood. It's easy for you to sit In the cush ioned pew In church and sing "Rescue the Perishing" and never stretch forth a hand to do It. It's easy for you to elt in the parlor or In the drawing room with your feet encased In slippers toast ing before a nice warm fire and sing "Coma To Disconsolate, Come to the Mercy Beat." It'a easy to pray to Ood to save the world while you loaf on the Job. That'a not religion. That'a sentiment that's dreaming. It you want to rescue the perishing go where they are, touch them, handle them, mingle with them, talk to them. Oh, I hear so much today about the non-churchgoers What about the non going church? We alandar people when we aay that they don't want Ood; that they don't want to be saved; that they are hostile to religion. It's nonsense; It'a hot truth) I Will not hear them libeled. They do want Ood; to be taved through Jeaus Chrlat; they hate tk shame, the hypocrisies, the caricatures they find in the church; they do not hate Jeaua. Come, o our Ird no matter what It costs, what self-denial, what hard work, w flee. To pray "Thy Kingdom Come' . u- U , V.! Irani meana mat. w. w... v.. , f K u)d mpoeslb!e to have one lated into every tongue It means to have churchea and school houses every where; lt means not to .hint our ana - vln,nnm rvw h. means lt In the burden of work and expenses. "Thy Kingdom , everything or nothing. "Thy KlnKdom Come' meana that aa; Now for you preachers. When a man long aa thtre are heathens, that we are pryt ,.Thy Kingdom Come" he will read going to do our beat to get the gospel Blbu tj f,nd out th- way to make ,t to them; lt meana that wherever there com preacher who prays "Thy Is sin. the glad news of salvation will Klnff(Jom c.. ,1 not all hla read be told. "Thy Kingdom Come means from ww booh or from tne that we will aak Ood for the conver- H, WU not try to pleaM th ion of the world before we ask Hint h;(?hbrowll and , r,,Mlnf thenli mU. for our breakfast. Jesus th, He will not try to tickle the pray "Thy Kingdom Com. before ri. the taught ua to pray "Olve us thla day our He w- cooklM on .. 1 1 .. k . A " I . ... ... the lower shelf. Ha will preach In lan guage that the commoneat laborer can understand. Reprint of Bible. Hla sermon will be a reprint of the us to, we csn beat our swords Into plow shares and sUik our battleships. Saying a prayer la one , thing; doing God's will la another. Both should be synonymous. . Angela are angels because they do God's will. When they refuse to do God's will they become devils. Some men are so buay trying to become dally bread.1 It is of greater Importance that men ahould be saved than it la that people should dine. No true child of Ood can pray. "Lord . m. uii fefklvt anv Vwwl V take care 01 us 7. " , i Bible, and not a reprint of the latest else." "Thy Kingdom Come j novel wllh . t((Jtt Ucked on to u. when begin coming In my heart and to cov, u pry wy wU, a tlnue coming until it reigns from sea to I fc brothel, a murderer, a pent sea. To pray 'Thy Kingdom Come L or fMtmging pot on earthf meana to pray for China and Japan, m fc 3 want ..11 aa for the Deople who live next door: ' . . ' M , to us. Jesua never taught anybody to pray for the salvation of men who could be measured by the number of square miles that they covered. The people of the United Statea cannot pray "Thy King dom Come" in the land bordered on the north by Canada and British Columbia, on the south by Mexico and tha Oulf of Mexico, on the east by the Atlantic ocean and on the west by the Paclflo ocean. No. We pray for nobody unless we pray for everybody. To pray "Thy. Kingdom Come" meana to pray that It wlU keep coming aa long aa there Is one unsaved person In the world. "Thy Kingdom Come" la a prayer that cannot be made with both hands stuffed down Into your pockets. We can not pray right unless we are willing to give right. The trouble with some of you la that you are too stingy. - Tou spend , thousanda on your own pleasure and then come to church and drop In a penny. Tou go home singing. "Jeaus Paid It All" (Imitating the singer). Praying la i an expensive business when It is done right, aa It 'should be. flay It Sawday, Live It Mea4ay. 'Thy will be done on earth as It la In ' heaven." When you aay this In your : pew on Sunday It meana nothing unleaa ; you live It on Monday. Tou He when you ' aay "Thy Kingdom Come" 'and then go i out and do the very thing that will pre- ! vent Otid's kingdom from coming. Your 1 prayers or anything you do in the church ' on Sunday mean nothing if you don't do the same thing In business on Monday. I don't care how loud your wind-Jamming In prayer meeting may be If you go out TODAY'S BEAUTY SUGGESTIONS .... .... Its ezrastijj Ba-ia I iwarl r f:,..i .n m.k. diamonds out of dwarf- fast food. I nuts and drop a quarter in the collection d. twla.e.l, crooked humanity, that never The man who truly praye "Thy King- Plate- If your husbsnd can buy you fine had a chance to be any Ulfferent, hu- ( . ,, , ., 11. v. u uni w 1 I clothes that s all right. I have nothing manlty that was cursed at Its birth; that aak himself the question, "What can I do to say but give Ood a square deal; don't . . . n.inr,rl from tha milk drunk at 11 to get rid of thst thing that Is blighting treat Ood on a lunch-counter baa la. mother's breast; born of the Mood of a the lives of thousands of young men. that Women come to me and say, "Mr. Sun drunkard or a thief. Chrlat died lor tne is wrecaing noines. ana mai is araggw worst as well aa for the best. He died , men and women down to hell?" Ton can tor the poor as well aa the rich. j not pray "Thy KlnKdom dome ' and then I rush to the rolls and vote for the thing Have tborehea K very v her. j that is preventing that kingdom from And when you pray "Thy Kingdom a . 'lOnr ome " that means to want the klndom - " f ThU world to become th. kingdom of that make thedevll laugh lata, what " " "- --- hat sacrl- Kingdom Como" lt would be impossible to have one kind or religion on ms anors and another when he Is behind the ooun- Face powder simply coTerg up an unattractive complexion and leaves day, I'm afraid you're working too hard. I'm worried about you. I'm afraid you'll break down." I say, "slntor, It worries ma . . ..... 1 , V. . 4V. hi iw jvu ii'n i vu euv jut,. 1 , , . fit , . V.wa A lot of church members are. praying! 'Ml,u . wrong. Vou ahould pray flrat. "Ood be tried a simple spurtnax face lotion merciful to me, a einner," and then "Thyi find H much better as it removes Kingdom Come." (Copyright. William A. Sunday.) CLUSTER LAMPS MAY TAKE PLACE OF FLAMING ARCS v. During an Informal discussion at the city council committee of the whole, sug gestion was made that at the flvst of the new year consideration be given to the matter of replacing the flaming arc electric lamps with cluster lamps, such ss are In Des Moines and other cities. The flaming arc lamps have not met with tavor among the city commissioners. NEW ST. BARNABAS CHURCH IS DEDICATED SUNDAY The new Pt. Barnabas Episcopal church was dedicated Sunday morning at Four teenth and California streets. The build ing had been occupied for worship for two previous Sundays, but the formal dedication has been put off. The Rev. Lloyd B. Holeapple conducted the serv ices. The cite and building coat $25,000. COMMISSIONERS PUT THE . SIGN ORDINANCE ON FILE The city council committee of the whole recommended placing on file an ordin ance proposing to regulate overhead signs. This Is an ordinance which waa placed 1 on file about a year ago and taken from the file two months ago at the auggea- tlon of a business man. skin dlscolorations, such as freckled' and tan, and makes the skin smooth,) white and velvety. This lotion la made by dissolving four ounces ot. spurmax In one-half pint hot water, then adding two .teaspoonfuls gly cerin. This complexion beautlfler does not rub off or show like pow der, and gives a more refined ap pearauce. It removes both shlnlneerf and sallownesa. rapidly giving tha.' skin a permanent, healthy, youthful appearance. An especially fine shampoo for." this weather can be had at trifling', expense by dissolving a teaspoonful of canthrox in a cup of hot water. " Pour slowly on' scalp and massage briskly. Ths creates a soothing, , cooling lather that dissolve and re--moves all dandruff, excess oil and dirt. Rinsing leaves the scalp spot lessly clean, soft and pliant, while, the hair takes on a glossy richness , of natural color, also a flufflness ' which makes lt seem very much, heavier than it is. After a canthrox;. shampoo arranging the hair is a pleasure. Advertisement. TXSATmiOAX. CrOWlT, rail Drees Suits, Tnaedoa, Prlaoe Alberta, Silk mate. Fasape ISIS mod all 1 for sale or reak rheae I. SI 88. Open veal-a. nomar Hotel Bldg, SOS B. lTth at- Omaha. We. Tuesday, Wednesday A most comprehensive display of the newest fashions in Apparel Fabrics and Accessories. Tuesday, Wednesday All are cordially invited to in spect what wo consider the most worthy display we have ever made. Many economies are evident. S. S. S. Greatest Blood Remedy Gives Results When Others Fail iv i-sa vi iisw eyajsiuaj vuiest wa juuuiwiii i . . . On the laat day all the dead .hall arlae. Katartl'g. IWwIy for Blood Trouble, coming out of graves and out of the coral , T purifying and curative prop of the seas, and all shall stand before tho rtl, ot Nature's grat remedy have bar of judgment The devil ahall atand made 8. B. 8. for tha Blood" a forth and accuse ua And I can hear OoJ household saying. Thousaads today aayi "That man haa an advocate with ea joying perfeot health owi thalr the Vathcr. even Jesus Christ, the rlghte- recovery from blood or Bkla disease eua," and the angel choir, rising tier on to this universally used blood purtflar. tier, shall rise and cry, "Loose Himt Let 8. B. 8. Is mad eatlrely from roota. Htm Ool" And then the devil .will tak herbs and barks, which poeaeea his rinal plunge Into hell, and up from cleansing and healing ingredients, the dark depths below shall rise the cry: Tou cannot ba well when your blood "Lost! Lost! We have no advocate In impure; you lack strength and hell I" j energy natural with health; your Tou may aay that I am vulgar: but 1 complexion becomes pal and sallow; say, old man. I've got you beat to .a I our vitality is weakened.. When fratsle. Hal Hal Hat What will you do with Jeaua? not with me, la the question. The vilest man or woman who repents la Instantly accepted. ; and the best man or woman who rejects Jerus Chrlat Is lost. Your salvation de pends upon Jesus and what do you do with Hint? You'll never be a child of Ood until you are converted. Brethren. I have no use for the damnable doctrine that alt men are children ot Qod. You have a physical birth, hut to be children of Ood you must he born arnln spiritually. You are all creatures of Ood. but you cannot be Hla children unless you are a Christian. I'm not the author of the plan of redemption. If I don't preach It. woe Is me; if you don't acrei It. woe Does Jesus Christ lack anything In your estimation? A famous Infidel "rho me a Perfect char., t... ., wor.hlp him." ill defy you to find one riaw in J-eua Chr at. ehow me where you ran add a sIhrI.- thing to Ills iharacter I challenge all the Infidels on earth and in neu to rind anything against Him " wrr o preacn against the dt- inny or jeans, all the saloon keepers. T ' m 1 1 ninrn In , V. . . J nk. .... ... , ,ru 11. ni ma 11 rtlnes would say: 'Hill, you're all right; go to it." That's enough to convince me mat ite is tne Son of Ood There will be other Kafaela and Murll ls and Ukhael Angeloa to paint Mad on line and Annunciations and Crucifixions. There will be other 81r Christopher wrens to drsltn Bt. rwuis. other areht lects to build Bt. fvters church of the Madeline and Kremlins; but the name of i ... . j i .1. It was not the eommoa people who Udl J"u wU' " the heart. that mob. lt was the temple thieve, the hurh priests, the Pharisees and the poll UcUna who wanted to kill lllm. Tha common people cast their coats before lllm to walk upon and tore pa'.m branches from the treea and cast tnen at His feet as He walked. It was not the com mon people who cried, "Kill Hlin!" No, the common people tried "IJosauna!" Its the Uud-fraakea rang that runs thii M todty who are let '.in the church aw to hl, nut the cuiuutuo people. Nevr and minds of men. Even Ood the Father leaned ever the t'SM lenient of heaven and aald: "Thla la My Beloved 8 .11. n wh .in I am woli pleased," and th angels sang until they awaaeneu the sleeping shepherds. (Copyrl.ht by William A. Sunday.) ftou't Be t'onatlpitteit. All kinds of ailments result from consti pation. lr. King's New U'e pills are n l:d and effective, prevent eonatipation, All i!ru-;l Advertisement waste or refuse matter, which Na ture intends shall ba throw off. la left in tha sratem, it la absorbed Into tha blood and bolls, pimples, rashes, blotches and other eruptions of tha bin appear. 8. 8. 8. goes into tha circulation and removes every particle of blood taint or poison ot every character. AJ1 skin diseases and eruptions pass away, and tha smooth dear skin, glowing with health, shows that tho body Is being nourished by rloh, pura blood. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrof ula, Contagious Blood Poison, all are deep-seated blood disorders, and for thalr treatment nothing equals 8. 8, 8. Oct 8. 8. 8. at any drug store. If yours is a peculiar case wrlta 8. 8. 8. Co Atlanta. Oa. The Voice of Fashion Speaks Convincingly in the Distinctive Lines of the Charm ing New Suits, Coats, Dresses Not only is tho range of price exceptionally broad but at each price Ave have bettered the qualities . and increased the assortments. Several Delightf ol Specials Tuesday will givo added interest to the special Opening; Display and "Sale. Hi&h Class Tailored. Suits In broadcloths, velvets and gabardines and serges, elegant in quality and artistic . lines, all colors, many hand somely fur trimmed. Very, superior values at sale price $35.00 Hundreds of Classy Waists To $12.50 values, in laces, Georgettes and novelty silks, surprising val ues at our sale price $5.00 Three choice specinl lots 'of Party and J Two Remarkably Fine Lots of Afternoon Dancing Dresses. $19.50, $25 and $35 Dresses shown Tuesday at. .$25 and $35 From the Indian Signal Fire to the Wireless Station is a Long Lapse of Time But Gund's Peerless Beer Has Pleased Thousands Every Year During This Time, In Your Home or on Your Vacation a case of Peerless Beer will bring good cheer and always de light you and your friends. John Gund Brewing Co. U Create, Wis. k. . Biazm, Manager Owatia Mrfaefe, 1420-S4 X.a-eawoith Bt. Io g as eai. CIXL fOITg, DUtrtaatr. T1S S. ISUi St. Deaf. 434. Hayden's Always Noted for Silks and the new fall showing now here for your inspection and ap proval will' give our at present en viable reputation, as leaders, an other big boost in the minds of all visitors. Tlioee noautlful New Satin Tlalda Chiffon Dress Taffetas, Soiree Silks, in plain colors with bro cades to match. The Satin Taf fetas, Satin Meteors, Novelty Silks, Gros de Loudres. etc., are exoep ceptlonal values; almost endle vnrlety1 of colors at 91.50 Chiffon Velours and Ureas Velvet are strongly in favor for fall dress. We show them In all the rich new shades of African brown, Bur gundy, blackberry, marine and navy blues, sapphire, Russian blus etc., 40 and 43-ln. wida, at S2.r0 and S3.0S Satin Bealant and Crepe Kettora, two i lew ant fabrics for autumn wear all rolora. yard $1.43 All SSlk Crepe de Cblaa 10-in. wile, two choice qualities shown in all col or at 880 aad S1.1S Special for Tneedav New fall allk-, valu.e to 11.23 a yart. short lengths, alt ; at. yard, 48a, 64o and S8o $6S0 Trimmed Hats At -4f $3.98 m$3.98 Opening Embroidery Sale Tuesday we will hold a blar special sale of tha moat wanted Bmbrlodetlea for Underwear for Oorse Oovera, Children's Dreeaes, Zafaata Oatfits, ete. rlradlnars, Flounclnits, Insert Inns, Allovers. Ektges, Bande. Offer, lag a wide aaaorimeat ef the saost eaqnlalte new petterna for lnapeettoa aad selection. Kaar Splendid Specials. Among the many you'n find: la-la. Skirt rlonaolnre at yard .... 18-ln. Corset Cover Xmbrolderlea a. yard a Shear Organdie aad STalnaook aloaao lags, two specials at, yard...lOe, lSe Laces and Dress Trimmings A special diaplay Tueaday of the very latest arvt moat beautiful Wov altlea In Z.aoea, CalXf ona, IHreaa Trtna. Biinrs and Mete. . aaautlfol Embroidered Oalffoas from -ln. to i'-n. aide, the verv latest for evening gowna, dancing frocks, a.rty gowns snd fsney waists rTlces are remarkably low and you'll find different widths to natch. OOX.D ABTO irLTIS I.ACES A wonderful variety of niot e qulslte designs In Kdireg and Floune liiKa with handa and all"vrs to match; unquestionably the most pap ular line fr the coming saaaon. Sea them. 18 POUNDS BEST GRANULATED SUGAR FOR Sl.OO W. O. C or Krumblea. tMr e Taa egetaoie ana i "rn asaraes ex Uraue-Nuta i ka 7. 10o Omana for tha Veeple. M,l.an-n'a'p-M.nut Butter, lb... ISHo 1 Ibe. best Cooking 1'otatoea; de- The hat pictured is only one of over 300 cleverly Trimmed Hats which go on sale Tues day morning. Large and small styles, this season's smartest shapes and trimmings In black and colors. Without doubt the choicest values offered this season. See our special open lag displays. tnr rxouB stow 4l-lh aacka beat high grade Diamond 11' Klour nothing finer for bread. iilcs. cakaa or blsculta; made from No. !' tod sprinit wheat, suck... 11.35 10 bars Haal-' Kin-All or Diamond I' fioap for S3e 10 lha. beet White or Tallow Corn. meal Sle J cakea Ivory Soap ITe The beat loniatic Macaroni. Vermi celli or Srarhettl, pkv. Te 4 K-os Condensed Milk SJ -oa. Condensel Milk IM lha fancy Japan Ktce or Pearl T- I fx a for SBe H?-oa. 1ara Vnr KruH Preserves . fe E. C. Corn Fiakea. rkg So ilerahey's Breakfaat Cocoa, lb....SOo (Julden Wantos Coffee, lb. SOe Batter la Bevi So a Voaad Tnere's a fight on with the butter trust. Just as soon s they get 'o gether butter will go up aaala. Buy now. The beet Creamery Butter, carton o- bulk, ib So i-uicy No. 1 Country Creamery hui- r, lb 840 The best No. 1 Fieah Country Eg-s, ler doaen e t lbs. Qood Butterine -So mand your weight, the law requires It i ISO It lbs. fancy Cooking Applee 16s 4 heads fTt-sh Leaf Lttuce Ss f bunches Freeh Radlahes 6e A eaxload ef Extra Taney Utak Bl berta reachea for Tuesday, packed la basbel baskets) Taeaday only, per batksl See Also one carload of crates, same nuslltv fruit, crate Me We advise our customers to buy now. Watch Tuesday evening paper for Pxtra Special In Orocery Dept. for Wedneeday morning. ,5, TDY HAYDEN'S HOST ,1k