6 TMR BEK: OMAHA, MONDAV. SEPTEMI'.KIt J0, 1915. WANT ADS Want aria received at ny time, but to Insure proier clarification must be pre sented bcfr re II o clock noon for evenln fill Ion and V:4i P. m. for morning and funnay edition. Want aria reelvcd after ix-h hour will be under the beading. "Too Lata to Claeslfy." CAZU RATES. hnn consecutive tlmea, 1 cent word ejerh It-sertlon. Two or mora consecutive tlmea, 1H eonta at word. On time, I cents ft word. CHARGE RATES. . , Feven ennaecutlva tlmea. t rent ft una each Insertion , ... Three consecutive tlmea. 10 cenU ft Una Mrh Insert Ion. C)na time. II rente Una. Count six events' words to ft una. Minimum charge. V) cents. An advertisement Inserted to be run until discontinued munt be stopped oy written order. , . All clalma for errore must be msfle within fifteen dava after tha last tnaer tloo of the advertleemenL Tou ean place your want a4 m The Boa by telephone, . TULEV ..MS Tllinn "" TT i CARD or THANKS We wlah to exnreaa our deepest atpro rlatlon t the many frlenda and nclrn- Knra imxIuIIv thai Parlor Willi ICad wnrka and employee, the Omaha Piatt -rientrher Vereln and the lrl of D- ster telephone exchange, foe the lindnesn ahown ue during the eicg-ie en.i ueain of our beloved htiabend and father, alao for the many beautilul Ilorai oiifnnii. MAKY BASS AND CHlLI)Hh,N We with to thank our neighbor and frlenda, aleo Oete City lodge no. a. O. II. W. No. 173. Degree of Honor and the employee of Wright Wllhelmy, for the flora. offeringe ana assistance in the loaa of our eon Karl. MR, AND MRU. 8. P. NELSON. Today's Moy.c Program LANTERN alldea for movies. Bend your copy to na. Wa can reproduce photoa or will prapa.ro your copy. Wo will color as directed. Boo Fhoto Dept 10 Boa Bldg. EMPKESa 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLAS3 VAUDEVILLE. Four Reels of Good Pictures. Hearst-flnltg No. 74, The Manservant Im part Kaiem. SDreamy Dud, Cowboy, Rasanay comedy, jroresionai inner, vitagrspn comedy. PRINCESS, 1817-19 DOUGLAS. C harley Chaplin, In a screaming comedy, The Brand Blotters, t-reel Western dra. j no Kara Home, a thrilling drama. George Ovey, In Tho Knock Out Coin. Norlk. CLIFTON, 2201 MILITARY AVE. Tba Dead Soul, Luhln Feature In I parts. Ham and Hud In Comedy. GRAND. 1GTII & BINNEY. The Di'lne Decree, t-r. American dra. The BolJ 'nneraouatlon. s-reel drama. Jerry, tha Uuw Man, Cub comedy. SPECIAL KEY STONE COMEDY, "A RASCAL'S WOLFISH WAYS" 1,000 feet of film and laughter. "WHEN" THE CALL GAME," A I -i eel heart Interest drama and a good single-reel drama. LOT1IHOF, 24T1I AND LOTHROP. George Naah In "The Coton King." William P-ndv, musterplece. A oath. APOLLO, 2S24 Leavenworth APOLLO, 2S24 LEAVEWORTir, C. O. D. VHajrrapfl. p roadway War Comedy, with all comedy stars, In 4 acta. Weet. MONROE. 1655 FARNAM. George Klelne present Mary Ryan In 'Stop Thief." tha Cohan Harris farce. Matinee dally, :( to S:W) p. m. oath Side, BESSE24&N VIOLA ALLEN IN THE WHITE SISTER BIX KUPCTtB ACTS MONDAY ORFHEUM. J4TH AND N. Keno Pates, I Jar. Incognito. Mother of Draama. Little Life Guard. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY it AJPPOLO. SSI4 LEAVENWORTH C. O. D.. Vltagrarm Broadway star comedy, with all comxdy stsrs. In 4 acta 2 ITU AND N. Viola Alien,. In The White Sister, alg u)tru a is sionaay. COTUIIOP, I4TH AND LOTUaOP. Oeorge Nash In 'The Cotton King." A V II m Hrady tnasterilAt-. MONROE. 2SS5 FARNAM tieo. Klt-loe presents Mary Ryan In Mary Hyi an A Harris stop Thief," the Oolian A Harris fare. Msiu.ce daily. X k) to i.3u p. in. ATTItACTIOXf WA N'TKD-Wutar Drome Ocean Wave sl,os and conceslona. Douglas County Fmr. bcpienroer M to 'it. Chris Lyck, I ANXOVNCKMKNTH Office for Rent September lClh On Beautiful Court of the Bee Huilding 21 8q. Ft., with water $18.00 Ask the Superintendent, Room 103. Miss Nellie Green Pupil of Mr. Chambers well known danrlna; maater of Omaha, announce the opening of her atudlo at the Prairie Park club houee, 2th and A mo Ave., Sept. 21. Harney 463. BUSINESS COLLEGE! STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For eele, with good reaaona for eel I ln. varViy of couraea In a reliable Hui- neea School, one of the leading business colleges of Omaha. Will be eold very reasonable away below regular prlre. If you are considering; taking a courae Investigate thin at once, since Fall term heglnb aoon. Call offlre. Omaha Bee. Investigate T. M. c. K. out g perk, summer. THE old school building, outbulld Ings, 40 II. P. steam boiler and other articles of the Independent School District of Casey, la., will bo sold at public auction on the school grounds at 2 p. m.. Sept 27. Build ings 49x50 and 24x32, 28 ft. high, all In good condition. Address Carl B. Galloway for In formation. ' AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are considering aniline; or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you went people who are willing to pay for what thev are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car column of The Bee. Phone Ty'T WOO. 19)5, 40-hnrse power Mitchell car for"aale or trade for young horses, cattle or cheep. Addreaa T. II. Adam, Hebron, Neb. T1RK EXPENSE CUL ler TWO. We take two old tlrea and return one gooo one. rrice, 12 tb and up. wish, douhi.k-tbeap TIRE CO., fl Fernam Kt Tel. Totiglaa 1S3. TWO Rulck auto trurka for eale cheap if eoid eoon. 1'none rviuth It. FOK SAL.E My used OMsmobile touring car. In good condition, fouo. Car can bo aeen at M Farnam Bt. Overton'a for leaky radiator. Roc. dealera. CARTER coupe, nearly new: fully euulnned: run leaa than xn ml aa- lea than M per cent of cost cash. Addraia r Hit. lice. NEHRA SKA Hulck r-ervlce Station, 1914 Farnam St. I'hone Iinuglaa 721 ro.1TENEI.LF: AUTO CO., 2l S. IMh Ht. Kxmrt repairing; bamalna In Used cara, guaranteed aa represented Industrial Oarage Co.. 20th Harney flta. ONE 191 J Cadlllao roadster, 60-H. P., In splendid condition. I'W. Can be aeen at 304 tarnam St. BUSINESS CHANCES If your Buslneaa Chance will atand rigid Inveatlgatiou ana la Just what It la uivertiaea, or lr you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If vou uan h riualnea Chance column of The Bee. When buy ing or selling a bualnew Phone Tyler louo. WANTED Capable man or woman, or both, to open amall restaurant tn fair alse hotel, well loeated and always filled with roomers. This Is an excellent op- r'ortunlty for a capable ix-rson to estah l"h a good business that will bring good returns, w e nave a large, ary nascinent In which to keep supplies, large dining room and kitchen. Inquire the Uray stone Hotel, Cass bt, Omaha, Neb. Phone lHiug. 20. PROPRIETORS wanted. The dining room and kitchen In the Madison. 2lst and Chicago, la now for rent. Applicant must understand the business. DKUt) stock salo. Reason for selling. want to quit business. Will sell rea sonably. Address John Welch, Cortland, NUB. HOTEL lease and new furnishings for sale; M aleeplng rooms. Southwest Nm brsska town of 1.100. Train dinner: on I lake: only 12 house In town Mm r,.ln Must Bell on account of wlfo's health, ln qulro of Mrs. H. E. Sanford, Hotel Loyal, SALOON Money maker, Nebrsska'a beat town,neverjlry. Jim Wray, Sioux city. RESTACKANf aiid rooming house With a small line of groceries; doing good buelneas; bargain If taken at once; other business. White Ijitich Restaurant, 4104 N. 4th, Omaha. Tel. Webster 4ro. , A GOOD ONE. I have tha best located restaursnt and lunch counter, doing a fine bualness in the city, which I am forced to sell at a aacnrioe; on account of falling health am forced to change climate. Business will clear easily o per month. Part caah will do. Addresa Q 147, cara Omaha Ilea. Outside Office 17th Street Exposure in the Bee Building Vix!0 ft $18.00 Partitioned (or private office . and w aiting room. Inquire of Superintendent, Room 103. FOR SALE Grocery and meat alrm C niTlORSoNnTaaVi''a.KV"lH ster St. t. ihokhon, U9 N. lth. Restaurant fixtures: reasonable price. i 4lh Ave.. Co. Hluffs. Tel. black 1H4. THE RE8T HAVEN, known aa the finest .nr nu uiumiv parlors in the atate, must be sold at once: Dartv l.nvln, tBiril tury. Mra. K. E. Miller. Norfolk. Neb. IhjUBLE bowling alley, fully equ for sale cheap. Juhn Upocht. S , Neb Ipped. Strang, For SALE First-class Lumber Yard In eastem part of Nebraska. Owner wants to retire. 11 rink ins n Real Estate Co.. Little Hldg., Lln.xiln Neb. Ml'ST sacrifice iwounl health, .amall manufacturing business, well estah llnhed; no competition; a wonderful chance for young man. Will invoice about Will aell all or interest, wlth management. Addreaa B Bee. OWNFRS-List your prcTp.rty wlthvT W. Wiuiama. o Nevhlo ik. ti. 447. SELL or buy a kc.lneas. call on Buseh A Borshoff. Frewaer Ink r. Uia TO GET In or out of business oail on QANGESTAD. :2 Be Hldg. Doug. S477. KNAL Estate Business places supplied or ha ndied; all aisles F. V, Knlcit. Omaha. SEE Omsha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established shuws D. JhiJO. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the- micr. iimviiini IDU supplies IhrOUVtl Theater Fxrh. Co., 140 Farnam. 1). W aaalaar llwaar (or Real. 11-R. rmg, house; well furn: splen. loo.: 1100 cash. bal. mo. U2X Dodge. Apt. a. EDICATIONAL Tlio Fall Term of Boyles Collexe IS NOW orBN In both the day and night sessions. Yet it I not too lata to enter. Begin now to get that mental dis cipline and businesa training that will double your earning capacity. Complete couraea In all commercial branches. lUxi k keepuig. Shorthand and Typewriting, etttnotypy. Salesmanship, Telegraphy and Civil Service 1'oslllon, found fur all graduates FREE. Places furnished to work for board while attending. Ask fur tree catalogue at once. UOVLK8 COLLEGE, II. H. Boylos, President Boylea Bid. TeL D. 1U&. Omaha, Ntb. KDl TIONAL Tlio VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH Y BOOKKEEPING. ry prhool for Young Women. Evening School for Young Wen and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting, lona C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. V So. HthRt Omaha. FOR sale, the following scholarship in a first class Omaha liuelne college One unlimited combination business and rhnrthend couree One unlimited eienoerepnm courae. )tie turee-monthe' bustneea or ateno- grnphlc fouree. Will be arid at a dlacount at the office of The Omuha Pee. EXPERT Indr atenographer will teke prrlla; ahorthand. touch typewriting, apelllng and punctuation tuht. Indtvlfl unl Inetrucllon. 4U4 Uougla-a EL TeL Walnut B27. VOW RENT Storea end Offlcea. RENSON New modern More. 15x24, heat furnlHhed, good location, aultahle for barber ehop, ehoe atnre, etc., 1.W a month. Phone H'-naon 7ViW. 1215 MILITARY AVHNl'R Oood atore room with ft-room fiat above. On Henaon and Ief Institute car line good location for business. lw rental to desirable tennnt. flARVIN PROS, 1MB Omaha Nat l Hajik Bldg. Warekvaeea. WAREHOl'BB TRACKAGE. Part or all of une yfloor in large flva atory brb k building Irg freight ele vator Addre J 1W. He FOIt BALK FOR BAI.ra Here Is a classification thnt la of the utmoat Importance to every reader, a thla column offera some excep tional opportunities eery day and a small want ad will sell your article at Ita full value. Phone Tyler 1'iQO. t-'nrailtore, llnaarholrt tiooala, Kte. bought and sold. J. C. Reed, lt'SKO ia7 Karnam Ht Douglas 814,. BARoTiNH IN FURNITUIIK .AND . HAPDWAHH. 13S N. i!4Tlt. WKH. l'-"7. OA K Iikhk burner for sale cheap. Call Wcb. 3X71 KOIl fiALEFnirnltura In Apt. a, the Helen. llorvea nd Vehicles. TEAMING aear. one or carload. All alse. two In alx-ton capacities We sail the Btudebaker, tho Pain, the Peter Si'huttirr, I'akin and Uueil.ena. Must sail WO thi month, lug reduction in mice, JOHNBON-PANFOKTH COMPANY. SOLD M i iiriiiriili. Mlghtly used til-.ii grand plann. D. 17. PIANO for aale cheap, cash or payments, lied FOR 8ALKP!aiio player with 60 recorda. recent. y purchased. Tel. walnut au.f. Victor phonograph, 8., records and cablnol, aliuoHt ne. l-m N. 2fth. Tel. So. 2U1. Poultry, ae ! lpltea. MXDrain,J0O lbs. fl.tt. Wagner. Hl N. !, bTKHEUTVl'E matrices "make tha beat and c hen pert lining for poultry housea. Thev are l,x23 inches, stronger and mutt tlurable than tarred felt and practically arepiobf. io a hundred at the Hee of lice. FOX terriers, 1 months old; 1 male collie, 1 year old. Address A 1-6, care Bee. TYPEWRITERS), $10 and up. t2g Bee Bldg. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central 'typewriter Exc. mx farnam. Mlacr llanroas. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar flxturea of all kinds; easy payments The Brunswlck-Palke-CoUcmlcr Co., 7-4ti a. 10th St. BABY CARRIAGE A splendid, oomforta blo. roomy carrlaire. well iiululatred: Oust 140 new;, la In excellent condition: will aell for 110. Red TOua. 60 8o. Duth Ave. Coal Direct lo You. The Very Lowe8t Prices, Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Tlatte, Neb. FOR SALE CHEAP Business College Course. Pull and complete rcholarshlp In one of the best Omata busrrieaa schools. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold very reasonably. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term beglna soon. There are a variety of courses for aala. For Pa arucuiars inquire at tha office of The Omaha Bee. CARPENTER tools, shovels, sledges. picks, jHckHcrews. 10 penny match vend ing machines. Mo each. Horse, harness. wagon, luo. one elect rla piano. J. C. iSH. lots P. th Pt. Harney 84X $3.20S olden West Whisky, 4 full arts bottled In bond, pre- U1. f'ackley Proa.. Omaha ONE full dress ault, cheap. 4iV Ixard St. FVR KALE EcliiMie gas range, one oak dresser, one mahogany center tablo, one set of mission portieres, one kitchen cabi net vase. Wu6 N. 2Dth Bt. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. SOLICITOR rV) Watta Rcf. Co., 80-42 Brand.-! Theater. DEMONSTRATOR. A-l propositi in. fur right larty.Sjtlary. SALESLADY, one who la willing to leave city. Salary, coin, and expanses. SOLK ''Ti M. ctv. Sslsrv depends. WATTS REFERENCE CO.. kte-40-41 Biandela Theater. ONE all-around machinist and welder. Stenographer, neat, fast. Omaha Agemy Co., HI2 Bee Bldg. tiTENO., private eec'y, Bkpr.. tlu. Ledger clerk, f2 week. Cashier, $Jb. Iflrl to address envelopes, fu k. Openings for Stcuogrsphers, p.i, 30, $.10, "BUSINESS MKN'S HKFE It KNCK1 ASSN ' STENO (1M PLEMENTS) m uti,-viuiuamii.'ii uw THE CANO AGENCY.ftK) BEEBLlKJ. OTWn. , 1 , 1 ' I i l." L-1 . ' l, . I. V I . T T It,-, lit VI . SALARY MOO. GIVE REFERENCES IAOE, K.fliKlErCt;, tit), ADDltESf C 101. BEE. STENO. Soiu knowledge of compto meter also. Bright, rapid steno. Salary goc.uo per month. Give age, experience. reference. Address E i, !. Factory and Trades. Seamstress for alteration, turf Iay. OIRL to learn hsirdreaslng. Opiahetm, llswaekeeaera hm4 Doaaeatlea. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FhEE until you get tha desired resulta. Thla appllea to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Hluffs. Hrtug ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler lvVO. WANTHD A girl for general housework, Harney 154. RFJK1NED and experienced protectant woman or girl to cook and iielu with work In private family. Washing done by extra help. References required; good wages, call at. A GOOD home for girl who can do gen eral housework; small Tsmiiy; gooa pay 11 N. ItetU Ave.Ilar. S4JS. COMPETENT glri for general house- work, muil be strong and not afraid of work. Tel. H. I-X. fc'J J4 Jeaward Kt WANTEI ompetent girl for general houaework; reference required loil S. th Ave. Inquire WANTED An experienced nurse maid: reference required. Mrs. M. H, New- men, !tr'At Howard. II. SMS.. A GIRL or iiiidiile general houaework. ed woman to d Franklin St. GIRL for geueral housework; apply mornings or evening. Mrs. Hadra, L 8. Soih Bt- WANTEUfc-A girl to aastst with house work by the day. I a. in. to 4 p. Tel. H. 44. bXt So. h St. WANTED An experienced girl to do gen eral housework; must be a good cook. 137 B. th St. (J I HI. for general housework; no laundry. Mis. E. R. Porter. 4J5 N. 3Sth. 11. ?, WANTED Ms id. Mra. Waller Chamber lain. l-J S. iii-l SL I'tione II '-G COMPETENT hte g rl lur genera houeevkutk; 011a slm understands 1 01 ik ing. C,u lor otic sua. II K LI WA NTI.I) KKM A LH lluur keeper nml llonient l-e. I omi, wanted for aeneral houaework in!. family of two. No washing or ironing. yeara experience In wnoieeie dookkp Muet be experlened. competent, goi.d ing and 6 yeara' botcl bookkeeping and cook, clean, reliable, not afraid of work "d;tlng. Addreee 2"fi HrFt National Rnk and able to fnrnlrh good reference. Hal ary :io. H. .-2. Mra. F. O. Farrlngton, MJS Woolworth. WANTED A competent cook. He Hon, JT.4S Harney. Mr. K. C. (JI III. for general houaework. I.yle, tM Park Ave. Mra. W. WANTED A competent rnald for cook Iriir and general houaework; no waehlng; email family, and good wage. 131 S. SMh St. Harney 21T.2. MAH for general houeework. Slmrp. l"hone Walnut J. Miaa MAID wanted for general housework, $.5 per months no waahlng or Ironing. Ill N. .Vth Ave WA NTEI At once, a neat girl for gen eral houeework. Tel. II. 741. 13"4 8. Sf.th 8t. WANTED A competent girl for general houKewoik In ill tamliy. liar. zi'H. WANTRO A white girl for general housework. J404 Hawthorne Ave. Wal- hut 72. WANTEli An experienced white second girl. 4: N. Jsth St., phone Harney ft. M lifrllsHreai. YOtTNtl women coming to Omaha aa at rangers are Invited to visit tne Yuunif Women's Christian association building at St. Marys Ave. and 17th St., where thy will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Ixiok for our trsvelers' guide at Cnlci.i atatinn. WOMEN WANTED Government jobs. Lint free. Write Immediately. Ftank lln Inall tute. Dept. 6TSO. Rochester. N. T. A PRACTICAL nurse, between 20 or 40, Herman preferred, must be willing and refined, aa slie will be one of famllv; steady work; reference! and particulars wanted. Address Y C3. Bee. HELP WANTKI) MALE Clerical and Office. CLAIM and settlement clerk. Implements, experience, JO to li. Addreaa F. 14. care of Bee. BEST Commercial Positions, Rogers Reference Co., 640 Paxton Blk. STHNO H RIO HTYOlT N T M AN FOR LAW OFFICE TN 8MALD TOWN. SPLENDID FUTt'RE. STATE AGE. REFERENCES, EXPERIENCB, SAL- A IVY. ETC. ADDRES3 K 11 EE. TYPIST Multlgraph optr. Bright, clean cut young man. Give are, experience, salary, etc Addresa F 103, Hee. BILIJNO CLERK Typist. Bright, capa ble young man. Rapid typlat. Give age, salary, referenuea. etc. Addreaa E 102, Bee. STENO., Iffi. Extension clerk, $. Rapid penman, Typists, t and I,"5. Clerk, retail, 2 day. BUSINESS MEN S REFERENCE AFSN. 14U Woodmen of World. BOOKKEEPING and Penmanship given privately. Reasonnble. Phone H. 3HM. BILLING clerk; Monarch machine: ex perlence. Omaha Agency Co., 312 Bee. SIX clean-cut furniture salesmen; one cheese salesman. Omaha Agency, Mi Bee Bldg. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE & B'D ASSN.. 72 Omaha Nat. P.ink Bldg. Asrents Ralesmen and solicitors. COAL agents wanted in every town; get a trial car. -i. m. cox. io. Platte, Neb. RUG aaleaman wanted, experlcnoed In eclling rugs and upholsteiy goods, etc., who has an established road trade and can make good and deliver the orders. A good territory and position and satis factory financial arrngements made. Of- nce now in omana. Address W. T. Smith & Son, Third and Lehigh Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. . WANTED A good steady gentlemanly aaleaman to handle a Ward wagon In iDouglag county. No experience needed. For full particulara write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona, Minn. Established IK"4 BILLY " SUNDAY'S message, Author ised Great opportunity for man or woman. We will pay you 11 DO to distrib ute it ana tane sraers. ho days work, spare time may be used. Universal Bible House, 101 Winston Bldg.. Philadelphia. THE first payment carries insurance to January 1. 1918; great inducement; call or write Mutual Benefit Health & Acci dent association. City National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED A first class salesman, prefer ably a man- with experience, selling folding paper boxes. Give experience, ref erences and salary expected. St. Joseph Box Co.. St. Joseph, Mo. We sun have a few vacancies tn lite ranks of our Industrial producers. If you are not satisfied with your present income you should come with us and you will bo. It will pay you to Investigate and see what our men are doing. We hava something new In Indui-titx! Insur ance. Agents not chargeable with lanaea. You should see our weekly pay ment health and accident po'ley. insuring every member of tne lunilly. Apply it. H. Forbes, Superintendent, M3 Karbach Block. Omaha; or write to the Pioneer insurance Company.JUncoln, Nebraska. INVESTIGATE our accident andhealth policy, all old and ten new features: pays the first week of sickness for tl per month; local agenta ana district man agers wanted. Merchanta Life and Cas ualty Co., tS Plymouth bldg., Minna apolle, Minn. Factory a Traaea. WANTED Men to learn tha barber trade. Wa have originated a plan to teach It quickly and thoroughly. Wages aid while learning. Tools included. Vrlte for Illustrated catalogue. MOLEH RARRKR CO I.LEO E, 110 S. 14th St. rug Store Snaps, Jobs, Kneist. Bee Bldg. Positions Now Open, Free Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. ftfSS Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. IiEARN BARBER TRADE Wagea Paid. Tools given. Positions guaranteed. Call or write for Information. Trt-Clty College, 1124 Douglaa. Omaha. WE need men; had to turn down two lobs per woek lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Get one of these Jobs. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. 2404 Iavenworth tn. HiHellastaai, RAILWAY mall clerka wanted, $75 month, Omaha, examinations corr.ir.g. Sample Question nree. v rite Immediately, r rank fln Instltutee. Dept. 22UV P.'-hester. N. Y. WANTED Soda man, white, must know fountain and luncheonette business. Palary fifteen per week. Apply at once. References. 8. C. I.ester, Ieramle, Wyo. VANTEI A foreman experienced on concrete aqueduct work. Offerman Con struction Co., South Omaha, Neb. 1 WILL start you In the mall order busi ness If you will handle my goods. CHEST CO., B, Atlantic City. N. J. MEN, with common sense education, who wish government Jons, 170 month. shoold apply Immediately for full Infor mation. Addreaa Y . Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED YOLTNlJ Dane wishes a ateady lob of any kind. Experienced aa Janitor. Sober and honest. Addreaa A 143, Beo. SITUATION wanted as nouaekeeper by iiuit'tte-agcd onin in ainel lamilv; elderly man's home preferred. Mra B. F. West, Qeneial lelivery, Omaha. POSITION as housekeeper, wanted bv ex perienced woman. In a small family; no laundry work: highest city reference. Phone Red IlHl. no phone call Sunday FIRST class trap drummer end pianist wants moving picture or orchestra work. Box A W. Bee. WANTED Position doing stenographer work at home. Henry avessei. Vutan. Neb. WANTED Situation, by first claaa. all around suniier In a country ton. Ad dseaa Y 64 Bee. MAN and wife want Janitor or porter work. Good city refereuora. Phone Har ney 4. aw Douglas St. STKNlHlRAlilKH with six years' ex perience in real estate and Insurance woik. Oood reference. Wanta position with responsible firm. Telephone Doug las ' . Ml DD1.E-AUED lady wishes position as l-oi's keeiier Weh. 70-i LADY lih small child wishos positloa as iiuum k i-rpt-r , rfwinKuia wa: cny pit-ferrt-d. Mi a. Leona Ward. Ueueral De- SITUATIONS WANTED I"OSITION ee t.cxikkecper; have Jiad all T' P"nc a ifpuit.I" """'". Pldg. Phone IhmikIbh l'J)2. WANTEIi A poMltlon to drive car or chauffeur; four years' experience aa gnraxe nuin; one year chauf feuring. Ad dP'M A. K., 41H So. 2itht.. tnriahaNeh. A C"6'MPETENTwoman delroa poaltlon na lioue. k per in email private tainily; hlaherl el'y reference; no waahing or Ironlnif. PiKine Mnrenee l-'W. WOMAN want work by the clay, sweep ing or cooking. Doug. e4M. YOl'NO Indy wanta portion. Have ex t.'iience end reference on the follow ing; stcnoKrapher, typit, clerical work, caxhier. soliciting, billing clerk, store work. Tel. Red rtTiH ask for Helen. POSITION wanted a house keeper by middle aged lady. Phone Red 41'V MIDOLE-AOKD lady wlnhes position a companion; best references. Tel. Tyler IM. il.AK curtain laundress. Oouglas 42. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ads in Omaha's Lost and Found mediums ineuns the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The pee. Oe lyost and Found paper. FOUND In the Omaha Electric Power Co.'a office, lady's ring. Mr. Zlmnan will be pleased to return It to owner OMAHA St C'TcTITnT.t; r-VS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street car. Many artlrles each day are turned In and the ompuny is anxious to restore them to the -ightful owner. Oe'l !oug. 4H LOST Purse containing k y and glasses on Park cur. Reward. Tel. wal. 1120. LOST Pnlr gold eyeglasses, a keepsake. Reward. Telephone Douglaa 84. FEItSOXAL ADMINISTRATORS SALE. In pursuance of an Order of Court, the undersigned, as Administrator of the Ewtate of W. Olsf iJirsen. deceased, will sell at public auction for cash, commenc ing at lu o clock in tne morning or Sat urday, September 26. 1H16, on the premises at WW Cuming Street, Omaha, Nebraska. A miscellaneous lot of Furniture, con- slstlns: of odd chalra. table, sofas, daven ports, etc. Also household furniture con sisting of beds, tables, chalra, stoves pictures, carpets, dishes, etc FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, Administrator. Estate of W. O. Larsen, deceased. GORDON, the Maguxlne Man. Tel. Doug. 71fi3. YOCNO women coining to Omaha aa trnngcrs are invited to visit tne young Women's Christian tissoclatlon building at 17th St. and St. Mary'e At., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or othcrwlhe assisted. look for our travelers' guide at tho UnlTd atatlon THE Salvation Army Industrial home ao- llclts your )ld clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect, we a:siriDute Phone DoukIbs 41 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, lll0-liw 1114 Dodge St. NOTICE-I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by Sarah B. Tharp, . LI .... . , T 1AIC r aiAj v a Til Ann Mm "-.u, a. . ....... . SWAPPERS COLOIJI" Wanted to Swap. TTIiy no! advertise something that you no longer have any use for ana get something ou really need? It costs you nothing to Join tho Swappers' club and you will find it lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler WOO AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargatui see the "Automobile clasalfi- taiiun. BEAUTIFUL 9-room dwelling, modern and then some. Sale or exchange. Ad dress A 1FW4. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Have cigar and confectionery store, other businesa. will awap for unto or what have you. Ad dress 8. C. 13:54, Bee. BEAUTIFUL silver tip bear rug. Will swap for late model typewriter. Ad dress S. C 237, Bee. BUS. CHANCE Must sacrifice account of health a small manufacturing busi ness In city; trade established in every Btate in the U. S.; no competition. This Is a wonderful chance for someone. Will exchange it for land or other property of about I5.000 that will not require my time. Address 8. C. 217. Bee. CAMERA 4x6 folding camera with best of lens and latest improvements, swap for larger camera. 8. C. 22S. Bee. CHICKENS I have thoroughbred Buff Orphlngtona. Will trade for a gas range or diamond. Address 8. C. 219, Bee. CAMERA Mandela one-minute poet card camera, new and of best make; cost $38. Will trado for furniture or any thing I can uae. S. C. 29, Bee. DIAMOND Pure white diamond H-l-1-16 carat, Tiffany platinum mounting; north $160. Will trade for Ford runabout or other light roadster, in first-class con- d 1 1 ion. A ddress 8. C. 221. Bee. ORArTrPlToNE6 Four-minute grapho phone and a Standard. Exchange. Ad dress S. C. 1323, Bee. HAVE good gold filled watch, Elgin make; good timekeeper. Will trade for a rig. Address S. C. 226. Bee. HARD coal heater in good condition, will exchange for what you have. Ad dress S. C. 2-, Bee. I HAVE a snap in way of piano player, 60 rolls of first-class music and cabinet; walnut finish; fit any piano. Swap for some good chickens or cook atove, or what have youT Addresa K. C. 23d, Bee. KODAK 3Stx44 folding pocket kodak'; cost $111.60; together with new $6 de veloping tank, trays, print frames, chemicals, etc. Will trade complete out fit for good typewriter. Underwood pre ferred. Addres 8. C. 170, Bee. KODAK 3x4V folding pocket kodak; coat $18.60. together with new $6 de veloping tar k. traya, print frame, chem ical, etc. Will trade complete outfit for good typewriter; Underwood preferred. Addres 8. C. 170. ee. PHKSKTAN'S aet of lour DeVilbta" atomisers and aland, like new, coat about $; will trade for anything use ful Address 8. C. 168. Bee. MOTORCYCLE Harley Dsvidson metor cycle, to-sieed. twin cylinder; good ss new and looks like new; 1914 model. Will exchange for Ford runabout or other light roadster, tn first-class condition. Address 8. C. tM, Bee. PHONOORAPH Victor Phonograph, al most new and In excellent condition, music, box has piano finish: also 35 recorda and cabinet. What have you. Addresa 8. C. 231. He RIFi.E Will trade a 26-hot 22-ral.. lever action Marlln rifle for a pump action 22-cal. repeating rifle. Addreaa S. C. 214, Hee. RESTAURANT and rooming house with a small line of groceries, doing good bualneas. What have youT Addresa S. C. UZl. liee. SINGER MACHINE Have Singer aewlng machine In good condition, drop-head, six drawers; will trade for chicken, kitchen range, heating atove, or what have you? Addrese S. C. 227. Bee. THRESHING rig, 17-horse power engine, 32x64 separator, 6-year-old, In fine ahape, tOMl. also ten roll Piano shredder, like new, l.'oO. Trade for land or Ford. John T. Johnaon, Columbus. Neb. TYl'E WRITER Underwood, visible; r fect shape. Will trade this machine for cabinet Victrola or small tiraflex camera. AiMrers 8 C. 2.16. Bee. TTPE W rTtKR-Emit h Premier andlieat insk mandolin exchsnge fur diamond ring of equal value. . Address S. C. Zll. liee. omana. TO SELL or trade your ahotgan or rifle See FRIEDMAN. 1'iU Douglaa. WILL trade 6-passeigr touring car. In good running order, for diamond or hot water plant or lumber for a garage. Addresa 8. C. 23$, Bee. FOR RKirf Apartaaeats Plata. The For Bent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please snd fill the needs of si.y one desiring to rent Prions Tyler '0i tUmtlnued a CoL 7, This Page) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldeat abstract ill'-e In .NehrasKa. ?' Hrandeis 1 nea. Tf n Title Guarantee and Abstract IX i-M I Co., a modern abatract oftlce. 8. 17th St. Phone D. MX7. AUVERTI9I.MU NOVELTIES. M. F. Shafer Co.. 12th, Farnam. P. 7474, AMATKIH F1NISIIIKG. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 416 pee Hldg. i;epi. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books opened and closed. Cost svstem Installed Let me call on vou to explain tho advantages of my audit service system. Address, 431 437 Rsmge Bldg. Phone Doug 74. ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. Dodds. 61J PaJiton Btk. P. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ARTIFICIAL Limb. Braces and Truaee: expert fitter Fltwell ArtUlclal umo Co.. K2 8. 16th Pt. . ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. Rll Paxton Blk. D. ISM. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., 1116-16 W.O.W. R. J285. AUTO INSURANCE. AT'TCMOB'LR MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglas IS1I. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. JK9 Far. P. 8001. ' R A K Kit I EH. Tl. P.EEDER. VM N. 18th. Web. l7. BATHS, WOMEN only, vapor and electric bathe. ?121 Lake St. Phone Webster 1111. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 8. I2d. Douglaa 6620. Lessard ft Son, Cap. Ave. T. W31 COFFEE BY MAIL. Coffee-" coffee for By parcel post. 10 lbs. M. O. special. Xi.o. ise oener coffee for less money. W. A. Skalfe fir Co., Omaha. Neb. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. S481. Dr. Hayes, 358 Brand Then. Bldg D. B426. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J Buford, 630 Pax. Blk. Red 4M7. DANCINU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, elaaalc. D. M71. FALL term open at Mackle'e. Doug. 6446, TITRPIN ACADEMY Classes now open. Beginners Mon. and Thura. Advanced Tuea High School class Sat. Private lessons. Harney 6143. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th ft Fat-new ClurVa Dregsmkg. School. 2529 California. LADIES' apparel repaired and jaeketa tl 1 n,e XI , ,111a lllnnlf T 1 1 fl- DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Ketater'a Dressmaking Col.. ICS City Na. nt'ERI AND CLEANERS. STATU! PT Cng- Co- la0 w- mh- P-tOT1- DETECTIVES. tiMT AT.T.AV m Neville Block. Bn- dence secured in alt cases. Tyler DANLINU ACADEMIES. OENETVIEVE3 HAUFLAIRK. Romo hotel. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Kl W.O. W. Bldg, Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Room a. 1617 Douglas. P. 2186. D RUGS. DRUGS at cut prlcee; freight paid on $10 order; catalogue free. Sherman ft Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N. 15th. Terma ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Be Bid. P.iSTt, ELECTROLYSIS. Vloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 8065. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, gunburat, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and atylea; hemstltohlng, point edging. Era hr,,i,itv beading. braiding, cording. evclet cut work, buttonholea, pennant. - . .. . i . . Am 1 ....... 1 .. uiAfll, Ideal fieaung o., w ivuitcw Iouglas FURNACES AND TINWOHK. HABETtSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. "Wal. $971 FLORISTS. BATH'S, florlste, 1804 Farnam St D. $000. L. HENDERSON. 1X14 Douglaa. D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS ft SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A. PONAOHUB. 162 Harney. Doug 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney Bt Eat l&J. INSTRUCTION. French. Inatruction. S06 Lyric Bid English. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H H. CLAIBORNE, 611 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public, deposition ateno. I C. W. BRITT. yi Baker Block. LANGUAGES. Languages taught; private or classea Web. 6M-4. . S.AD1ES TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ v.d.m-.lu will, Vflo- VV Olin trim Vmi-1- nesa; satisfaction guaranteed. 407 Pax. Bk. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN PROS, ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. riTrTlFCTN Thomas. Douglaa 261a Z4i curalng St MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ei, 14th and Doug Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DA VTDBON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Rooa, The Motorcyoie Man." 270) Leavenwerto, FOR BALE 191$ twin Indian mo torcycle with aide car. Also M M. motorcycle, cheap. 407 8. 20ti Street MOTIONS. NOTIONS, newa. cigars. e.ndy U3t Para. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as yoa caa. Dra. McCaurty. 11U W. O. W. Blda. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Reel TUT. IT. A. rnunres. KM Brandeta Theater Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 15 Bee Bldg. PAIXTINU AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANUS. 41T N. 40th. H. im PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILIXW CO. Mattresses made to order or remade. 1307 Cuming. D. i4t)7. PLUMES CLEANED. Dyed, made over. D. Elsele. 11S3 City Nat PRINTING. vVATERP-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quallrf printing, lei. uoug. ziao. bin g. litn bt. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. DOUG. 1734, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa Mi, STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS-Water fronts, furnace oolls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Wka. lyxs-g Douglaa St. Tyler 20. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS C A T7L7C Opened repaired, comb. vJXJLF ilrO chne-ed. F. E. Daven- SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., R1J S. lttK D.2S11 SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. HI S. 11 Harley Shoe Rep'r. Co., 2004 Farn'm. R.3440 SEWING MACHINES. XF r"1!' rpa,r- e" needles and V Y C Part tor all sewing machines, "MICKEL'S," NEBlUSlvA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney. Douglas 16M. STEEL CEILINGS. pneet Metal Company. 11 8. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, gofea. srjile. .hn-,..... .,., jl S, "i0, VVe buy- ,el1- Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co., 414-16-1 8. 12th. Doug. 1724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. P. 52S. TAILORS. CHAB. C. LANDERTOU, 10i N. 16th St. TRU.NKS AND SUITCASES. fRELINO ft STEINLB, 1S06 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOB RENT. R,NT n Oliver typewriter S mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency, lis Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, tit S. 18tB St All makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington," not Just a type- writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 1284. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d A. Paxton Bk.. 1 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Potg. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIhuuRS. ALEX JETEB. 201-J 8. ISth 8t Wlneg. liquors, cigars. Plate dinnere U to I, 10a. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. MEDICAL PlLi:,-?. FISTULA CURED. Dr. I:. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial DIL E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guaranted. Dr. Bowser, Sit Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. EBTABROOK Court, mod., sanitary; one vacant; be quick. O. P. Stebblns. 1S-ROOM modern flat. 2707 Dodge, $37.60. Key at Sominer Bros., 28th ft Farnam. TH REE-room apartment, St. Clare. Call Harney 647. ELEGANTLY furnished, quiet home, 232 Howard St BEAUTIFUL, etrictly mod. apt , 16th and Yatea Sta.; Janitor service; fine lawn, playgrounds, tennis courts and summer comforts. Telephone Web. 667S or 432s. WE will have a fine t-room, also 4-roorn apartment. Oct 1. In the Nathan acts.. cor. Sherman Ave. and Spruce St. These apartments are especially desirable In every respect and will go oulcklv. Sea janitor. Apt. 1. or call office. SCOTT AND HILL CO, Douglas 1009. MODERN, sanitary, steam heated; hot water free; close In. O. P. Btebblna FIVE room steam heated apartment, the Maaon. 81st and Mason streets. $40.00. Conrad Young, $22 Brandela Theater, Lwugiaa liwi. Board aaa Reetams. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est class will be found tn the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler iooo. FARNAM ST.. EM-Exceptlonally nice rooms, with excellent home cooking, on Farnam car line. Board and Room. 2ul9 Iouglag Pt. Neatly furnished rms. quiet home, break fast If preferred. 2408 St. Mary's Ave. BOARD and rooms, $6 wk. 2819 Douglas. THE Chatham tiotel for gentlemen. Ratea to permanent guests, lie pi. i.un. u. vji. BOARD & ROOMS. 24. St. Mary's Ave. Farnam St., 2107 Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated; cloae In. Douglas 8711 SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT QUEHT8. HOTEL SAN FORD. 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY, 2oth and Farnam. HI S. 2STH Modern rooms by day or week; 60c and up; Just off Karnam car Una. Ratea by tha week. Hoasekeepiag nousaa. FRONT rooms, newly paperer, er ha., $1.M up; aulte $2.60. A N. 16th. DAVENPORT, Jul TWO OR THTREH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS. Frelske4 Roosas. DOUGLAS. 1120 Furnished eleganUy; modern conveniences; catering to hlgh elasa pec pie ory; rates reasonable. VERY DESItl ABLE LARGE FRONT ROOM. Everything naw and up-to-date. Large rloaet mirror door, Hanacora Park dis trict. Easy walking distance. Cloae to two car linea. Room for car In garage. Breakfaat If desired. 1123 S. $0th Ave. Phone Harney 1231. LARGE room: strictly mod. 821 N. I6th. BURT, rT7 Niat furn. cloae to college and bualneas district; ratea reasonable. Furnished neatly f r YOU. 3ul 8. itfth. tCONTlNLED ON PAGE SEVEN, COLUMN 0NE.X t