Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 9
) THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: SKPTKMP.EH 1!), 7-A SUNDAY STOPS FOR THUNDER AND RAIN Evanjeliit Defer Sermon During Storm And Chora Tries to Drown Oat Hoar. TRAIL HITTEES SLOW IN COMING lurtm satv noma. Trail. A Hand Coll Hitters. ttons. Tevlons T-rtflar ays Ml 18S.800 $ ,SM.S Afternoon Bvealmg Total. . .BOO ,000 107.V4 34S.08 ,.393 176,700 910,119,11 Slity-two nit the Tabernacle trail Friday evening-, moat of them being girls and women. Several were chil dren.. One man was evidently so overcome with liquid enthusiasm that he wanted to repeat the hand shaking with "Billy" Sunday and to speak to the evangelist during the impressive period of calling sinners to repentance. He was restrained by ushers and then burled his head In his hands, as If In abject grief. Among the trail-hitters were Mr. and Mri. F. D. Wead, the former be ing a member of the Water board, real estate' dealer and churchmu. He authorized the use of his name in this connection, saying he and his wife reconsecrated themselves. Mr Wead said he "hit the trail" the first time when he was 17 years of age and he was not ashamed of it. Thoee who came forward were rather I low at first. Mr. Sunday worked hard In hla exhortations and appeared to be slightly disappointed, but when some be gan to respond his face was wreathed In smiles and he repeated his Invitations and entreaties. a v.r. .imm ..m'n.niM h. ! a heavy rain, was one of the variants of ! the evening. Mr. Sunday deferred his sermon a short while until the patter of ths rain on the roof of the Tabernacle had ceased and tn the Interim Homer Ilodeheater led the choir and audience In selections appropriate to the occasion. "Ball On, the Storm Will Soon Be Passed" and "Master, the Tempest Is Raging" were sung. Mr. Rodeheaver also played a trombone solo. Several leaks In the roof disturbed some of the attendants. A woman who i raised an umbrella toward the front was chtded for her Indiscretion and the evan gelist told the crowd a little rain would not hurt them. He also eased those who seemed fearful of the lightning. Plnnntnqr Big Collection. "Billy" Sunday la eating biscuits at the Loyal hotel to economise. He said so during an after-meeting he had with the ushers, secretaries of ths trail and gen eral committee. The ' chief purpose of this session Was to Infuse some Interest In the big collection to be taken on Sun day morning, when It Is expected the bal ance of the local debt of (27.000 will be raised. . Mr. flunday said the workers are doing well, silt' he believed they might do a little more toward this debt-raising effort ;'. -- -' - "I am' putting' everr ounce of effort I have every ounce," he declared. The storm which waa threatening dur ing the early part of the evening cut down the attendance. The tabernacle waa well filled, with a few standing up around the outside rail. Very few left before the trall-hlttlng episode. Delegations from the Stock Yards Na tional bank. Union station and United States National bank had reservations. Reservations will be made later for the street railway employes and the stockmen of South Side. During his foreword Mr. Sunday de clared that of all the towns he has vis ited Omaha and Des Moines stand first as places which have great prospects and he predicted tha populations of these cities will be doubled within ten years. "Try and cough with your mouths shut, it makes quits a difference," he remarked during a coughing epidemic. Announcement was made of ths spe cial meeting this afternoon for boys and girls. Mr. Rodeheaver delivered a little homily on the power of a smile. He said ths men should smile because they are per mitted to doff their coats and because tje women take off their hats. "Women are not contrary. Women who do not take off their hats do not know of the rule; they are not contrary," said "llody." Dlalike VilllfliadoB. During his prayer, following the ser mon and Just before the trail was opened, Mr. dunday said: "It Is a hard thing for Ood to ask me to go about reaching, to be vllllfled, abused and my life threatened, but on the last day, Jesus will say. ' "BUI," this wss the reason, and I'll say, 'I'm satisfied.' " The sermon was on the sacrifices of Ood and during the discourse Mr. Sunday referred to the sacrifices of ths hands, feet, lips, mouth, eyes and other fac ulties. There waa a notable absence of the Sunday slang during the sermon. Only a few times did he Indulge tn his rhsracterlatic language of ths street. He was intensely In earnest and his appeal to sinners to follow the trail was Impas sioned. He seemed a trifle perturbed when the hand-shakers did not respond quickly at first. Tha ushers and secretaries worked choir members to hit the tralL Then an ! appeal was mad. to those who felt they . were ChrUtlsns. but who wUhed to re-' consecrate themselves to more active and ! devout service. The total of sixty-two Included ths various groups who re sponded. Demands Inquiry of Use of School by Sunday Party R. F. Williams of tbe Board of Educa tion has directed Superintendent Oraff to investigate ths use ef the South S'.de High school by members ef the "Billy" Sunday party on Friday. The superintendent reports he is vary busy with other matters, but will get around to It soon. Mr. Williams made this statement: "The use of the school Is against the law and the policy of the board. We were asked by the Sunday campaign people for the use of tbe schools and we declined to permit such use. This use of the South Side High school will be thoroughly . Investigated and somebody will have to explain to the school board next Monday evening at the regular meeting "Power of Christ to to Every Person in -""vengrllst "nilly" Rurulay. apeftMng In tha tabernacle laat evening, took for tha subject of his wrmon, 'The Vomer ot Christ to Rave." Mr. Sunday eJd: "After Pilate had given Jesue a hear ing he went again to the Jews. Ac cording to' the custom a prisoner could he released at tha paasover. rilete naked them which they would have, Joaus or Harabbaa. They ahouted for Rarabhaa Pilate went out again to the mb and "Id " 'Behold. I bring Him forth to you that )e may know that I find no fault tn Him. (John 1:4.) There ara some things In thle world that to be valuable muat be faultless. A diamond Is not (valued according to Ita alee, but according to Its purity and quality. It must be pure or It 1 known a off color or Imperfect. Only 10 per cent are high-grade or first water. In to per cent there Is a flaw in cutting or other pert. We hnve a pure food law which forbid tha sale of goods that are poisonous, adulterated, and seeks to cause the selling of goods without fault. In order to anil well a horae muat be faultless. He muat not be blind, he must not balk, he must not be wind-broke, he muat not have a bone spot-In. These are all flaws and they reduce his varoe. Art tequlrea that a picture or a statue ehall be without a flaw to become a master piece. One Perfect Man. "I am glad that I can find one char acter In whom you can find not one Taw. 'I can find no flaw In Him.' This was said of, Jean Christ, and It waa said by one of His bitterest enemies. There Is no flaw In Him. He is absolutely flawless without a blemish. Love Is the greatest thing In the world, and character Is the grandest. You can't destroy chsracter. You'll have cheracter when everything else Is taken away. You can't lose it and you Qan't bury It. Repu tation may be lost. Character needs no epitaph. You can bury the man, hut character beats ths hearse back from the graveyard, and It will travel up and down the streets while you are under the sod, u bl or bl'ht ,on vur name Is forgotten. Many a man who waa burled twenty yeara ago Is living In Omaha today in blasted lives. Many who were burled as long ago are living here today In good deeds thst are done be cause of Influences they left behind. "Ho I show you the character of Josus. Do you find any fault In Him? He said He was the Son of Ood. Did He speak as If He were Indeed the Hon of Cod. Did He ever utter one thing that didn't sound as if He were? Not a word that lie ever uttered was false. He called men to repentance. He told them that God believed them and was ready to forgive. Can you find any fault with that? If you can I don't want to know you. Xo matter who you are. man or woman, I don't want to know you. Never Bawls Anybody Oat. "Some year ago a man cams to my room in a town out west snd rapped on my door In the middle ot the night. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair dishev eled, his face drawn. I asked him If he were sick. He said: 'No; if I. told yoi what Is the matter with ' me you would despiee me.' I said to him, 'If you are In trouble, and if you want to do whet ' is right ' and are sorry for some wrong that you have' done. I won't despise you. I'll help you If I can, and I'll stand by you If lt takes my last dollar.' Yes, Irf I knew any thing against any man that would break the heart of his wife and maks his family ashamed, that would bring the blush to their cheeks so help me Ood. I'd die before rd tell it. I've never bawled anybody out In my life, and I never will. No sir. I'll preach the gospel Just as straight and Just as strongly as I know how, but I'll never bawl anybody owt. "Ood has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. He Isn't glad when a man dies In his sins. But He has great pleas ure in the death of the righteous. He Isn't willing that any man should perish. Ho didn't send His Son Into the world to condemn It It waa condemned already and He wanted to save It. Jesus ciune to open to men the door of salvation, and If we don't enter the fault is ours. If Ood had simply said He loved the world, and then had done nothing for It, that would have signified nothing. If He hadn't given us the plan of salvation and we should bo lost, that would be His fault. But Ood gives us the plsn ot salvation,1 and If wa are lost It's our own fault. Why Men Go to Hell. "Men do not go tn hell because they are sinners, but because they will not repent. You may be moral, but If you don't repent you will go to hell, if you do repept, no matter how great a sinner you have been, you will be saved. There's I only one wsy to be paved that's God's wsy. There sre only two places to which you Csn go heaven or hell. H wouldn't be right for Ood to put the good and bad in ths same place. If He did, it wouldn't be heaven. I went through the state reformatory at Pon tlac. 111., and saw little fellows only 10 Rustle of Wings is in the Room of Hark! Four newspaper men who sat In tha room of "Bob" Mathews, "Billy" Run day's private secretary, Saturday morn- ,n- hrd, th "tags, d,dn' oun1 ""," V'l Mor ,lk " wln- The four dldn t Know hat t0 y bout lt' 80 thy li nothing. "Bob" went right ahead giving out news delegations to the tabernacle, peo ple who want "Billy" to come to their cities, special meetings and such stuff. ' But all the time there was a beatific smile on his countenance. Sometimes his thoughts seemed to float away and he would suddenly oorae beck to earth with "Eh I beg yovr pardon what did you say?" He would give out a few more mere news items and then go off again Into a trance. All the time the strange bus sing continued in the room, exoept when there wss a soft "pat" on the piano or chiffonier like the aUgbtlng of little bare feet there. Mathews Is a reformed newspaper man and a great favorite in the Sunday party, among whom he is known as "Bobby," Bobertno" and Other confec tions te appeUtions. Even the news hounds ran t find any fault with him and declare be is a "darn fine fellow, some of tbe unregenerete even using a shorter word of similar meaning in plsce of "darn. So, naturally, they were concerned about his odd actions. They hoped he wasn't 111. Nobody said anything, trusting that the spell would pass. Finally all the Save" Extends Every Walk of Lifc)Z7"riTp" r Dr. Sunday's Theology "Ton may be moral, Tsnt If yea don't alarms, you four-flushers, you eSceM repeat, you will go to hell." I baggage, you vipers! You are little white j sepulchres, nice without, hut all rotten There are only two plaeee to which nesa and dead man's bones within. You're yen eaa go heaven and hell." 1 a fine bunch of guys. You rob the widows cuuia wno ssows ngni iron wr-ng Is old enough to be a Christian.' Telth la the coupling bet world and Ood." ween the "Some say a man may believe what he likes and so long as be is slaesre, all will be wsU with him. Ton are fooled. j . "Accept Jssoa Christ and the record of the past will he wiped on."' "If there were a man la the world who was not included la the plan of redemp tion, Jssns Christ would come down and suffer death again. Just for that man,' "Lots is the greatest thing in ths world and oharacter is the grandest. "0od has no pleasure la the death ot ths wicked." year of sire penned up with hardened criminals. The law s age limit In Illi nois is 10 years. I don't know What It is In Omuhn. but m Illinois the law holds that when you are 10 years old you are old enouKh to know right from wrong. Some fool mothers and preach ers say that a ch'H of that age Is too young to be a Christian. If you say that you are a big Idiot A child who knows right from wrong Is old enough to be a Christian, no matter how young lt may be. I have heard preachers say that children of about that age are ton young to accept Christ, but I say that ths Ideaj comes from the devil. Knocker Are of the Devil. "Have you ever found any flaw In Jesus Christ? Did Jesus Christ ever do anything that dishonored OodT Put your finger on a single thing that was unworthy of the Son of Ood I chal lenge you! Did He ever knock anything that was good? No! Did Hs svsr He about anything? Not Did He ever . lit about anybody? Nol Did Hs ever turn His back on anyone In trouble? Nol Wherever He went homes were mads happier, lives were made brighter and men and women were mads purer. Can you find any fault with that? Nol Then If you are a church member and are knocking this campaign yon are of the devil. "Jesus Christ nsvsr did harm to any one. He cured the blind and the deaf and the lame, and He helped a great msny who never even asked Him to help them. He never turned anyone away from Him except the rich young ruler. One ot the things that makes me curious about what heaven Is like, I want to see what thst young man missed. Jesus Christ ald that Ood loves everybody and everything and that He proved lt Can you 'find any fault In that? If you can, take down your sign ss a man. Tarns sorrow te Joy. " "Jesus Christ never went to a funeral. Jle never followed a hearse or a dead body to the grave. He never' preached a funeral sermon. That was out of His line. He csme thst we might have life snd that more abundantly. Moody once waa asked to preach a funeral sermon snd hs took up bis Bible to see what Jesus had said on an occasion like that. He found, he said, thst Jesus had never preached a sermon at a funeral, but that He broke up every funeral He ever attended by restoring the deed to life. He always turned a house of sorrow into one of happiness and Joy. Don't you wish that Jesus had been there when your little baby died? Don't you wish that He had been there when your wife went away forever and left you with that little brood to csre for? Don't you wish He hsd been there when your mother was taken from you? "Are you in favor of anything Jesus Christ is against? Has anyone done you a wrong? Jesus Christ Is against lt. Are you? ir you sre-His, you are. He Is against all wrong. Has anyone cheated or defrauded you? Jesus Christ Is against whoever did it. Has anyone ever lied about you? Jesus is against them. Are you In fsvor of honesty? So is Jesus Christ Do you think that labor should have Ita Just due from those who em ploy? Po does Jesus Christ. Do you be lieee that rspltnl should have a square deal? Ho does Jesus Christ Hs Is for sbsoluteiy fair play. The principles of Jesus Christ will make capital and labor shake hands. There Is no question, social or business, or wsr that cannot be settled by the principles of Jesus. There never was a squarer dealer on earth than Jesus Christ. He gives everybody a square deal. lUta the Pharisees. "Do you believe that there ought to be thirty-six Inches to every yards. 1.000 pounds to the ton, sixteen ounces to the pound avoirdupois and twelve ounces to Very Plain One Bob Mathews new was garnered snd "Bob1 said: "Ouess that's all, fellows.". The rustle of wings stopped. Therer was a soft "pat" of alighting feet on the piano opposite where "Bob" sat Then a twang, like the twang of a bow string. "Bob's" hand went to his heart and the happy smile on his face deepened. A far-away look eame into his eyes. He seemed unconscious ied unconscious of his surroundings. got a letter today from-' he said. "I and stopped "Oh. no, I won t mention that," he murmured and blushed. The new. hound, were on the scent What wa. the mleslng word in the sen- tene? - A scribe demanded t know whether It was "sweetheart" or only "mother." But "Bob" was silent in each of ssven languages. ' He only smiled that mys tertoua. tantalising, "L Qloconde" smile. "Mv mother has always been sweetheart," be said, "but" my More ho would not say. However, the mystery Is not of ths well known "baffling" Variety. Anyone who can tell a hawk from a haadamw, anyone who ran put two and two to gether according to the rulo. of the Justly celebrated sclenoe of arithmetic, csn soive the problem. This is no case for Sherlock Holmes. It Is said the lady rejected his suit as long as he was a newspaper man and short story writer. But when he for sook these evil ways and Joined the Sun day party, she be en to look with more fsvor upr him. And now well . "Bob ' got a Utter yesterday from - the pound tmy weight? fo does Jeaiw j ; Oiiirt. Are jroo against nil crookedness and fraud, against the grog shop and and alt that? fo I 'Jesus shot Hie preaching into the big gest guns In the synagogue In Ills day. V: There's a lesson for the preachers tn the j ay He did It. He said: 'Oh, you sorlbes snd Pharisees! You lobsters, you false ' snd the orphans, you loVetrre! The wholo bunch of you ousht to be In Jail.' That's i ths way Jesus Christ preached, 'The first recorded words of Jesus were I spoken when He was 13 years of age j 'Wist y not that I must be about sty ' Father's business?' The last were uttered on ,he oro" 'hen He cried out, 'It Is finished ! Between those two sentences were crowded the word ami sets nr twenty-one years, and not one thing did j of man and the glory of Ood. Kalth Strenat beneit by 1 ae. "He had faith In His Father. Faith In the coupling between the world and Ood. BUrt wlth the fah V()U hnve and f(trm that. Take what faith you have and go into business with It for Ood. Use what you have and you'll get more. iHin't use It, and you'll lose what you have. Faith la strengthened by use. "It is by faith that we get Into touoh with Ood. It Is the power that con trols the world. If we had no faith we would have no eleetrio lights, no trol ley cars. You can't get marriod with out faith faith that the man you marry or the woman you marry will be true. You can't send a letter without faJth that Uncle Sam will see that it Is deliv ered. You ean't eat a meal of victuals without falth-falth that It will give you strength. You ean't farm without faith faith that the seed will grow and the harvest will corns. Ws can't live without faith. Man believed In the steam engine j before he had ever seen one. Ellas j Howe believed he had an invention thst would save women the labor of sewing by hand. He had never seen a sewing I machine, but he had faith, so he worked for years to make one. If friends hadn't j taken care of his wife and children they would have been hungry. His clothes ; irrew eld, but his faith was strong and ' he kept on working, and finally he had the sewing machine. What Faith Dees. "EH Whitney hsd faith In ths cotton gin long before he had ever seen one.' He persisted for years until It stood complete. Everybody who has accom plished anything has first believed. There would have been no Jewish nation If Abraham had not had faith. "Faith Is what gives a man baokbone in science, literature, education and in agriculture. Faith la to the soul what gravitation la to the earth. As gravita tion draws us toward the center of the earth, so faith makes ma gravitate to-1 ward Ood, instead of toward the saloon. ! I cannot touoh Ood wltti my hand, but1 I can touch Him by faith. Take faith I out of the world, and see what a place It would be. "Take away Christianity and the world would be two hemispheres ot laaarsttos, two hemispheres of brothels and all the vilest offscourings of the esrth. - "Jesus said that all who believed In Him would be saved. Wrong belief makes everything wrong. Some say a man be lieves what tie likes, and so long as he Is sincere, all will be well with him. You are fooled. A man may believe that he can hsndls nitroglycerin without danger, but if he monkeys with it you'll have to take him up with a broom and a duet pan. Just go out and Jump off the bridge and believe you won't drown. Belief won't change a fact One Man fee ate. "Do you find any fault with His atone ment? He tested death for every man, for the man who owns ths mine, for the man who .works in it; the president of the Pennsylvania railroad and for the man who works on the section. If there were a man In this world who wasn't In cluded in. the plan of redemption. Jesus Christ would come down and suffer death again, Just for that man. Twenty-six rears age I accepted Jesus Christ, and He has saved ms from my sins. He has saved my wife, and he has saved my children. He did for me what I couldn't do for myself. You can't save yourself. Jssus Christ must do that "I had a friend who had been a drunk ard and had gone down the line, and had done time. He had a place on the police record and they knew him as a man to be watchod. Once in a h6te up In Minneapolis he met an old pal and asked him to have a drink. His old pal said: 'No, I 6ont want one.' This pus sled hlra. 'You don't mean that you won'tr he ssid. 'You don't mean that you don't want it?' He couldn't under stand why the man did not want lt. He could conceive of the man refusing it on principle, but not to want It was past him. His old pal ssid: 'I mean I don't want It.' He explained that he had been converted and that he did not care for liquor any more. Llvlnar llows) 1'aat Life. " I never heard of anything like that.' said my friends. The other took him down to the mission, and he was con verted. II tried to live down his old reputation, but It was hard. In towns where he went the police would tell him to move on and soma time would pick him up. Wben he told them he had re formed they thought he was lying. After ftr-e years he went to Chicago and went to see old acquaintances, Robert and William Pinkerton. and told them that he wanted to get hla picture from the police. He said that ha had eluuiged his way of living and didn't want to be known to the poltoe ss a crook. Mr. Pinkerton said: 'III get It for you, "Billy." and he did. "Then my friend went to the great lawyer. Luther Laflln Mills, who Is now dead, and asked him to help him get ZZ T 1, V"" l" ,mv "m f,CtUr fk th Pnltsry ' "l ""-. ana to get ms weitnion ! "Tr"' ? U W"" said he would try, and he wrote a letter pn'teBtjlrlr' 1 h ih " Tou'v, got another guess coming. You may have got I I"T rwor" ..xrom .V ?"c -". but you can't get them from the state of Illinois.' My friend went on Preach hi the gospel. Altsrrld Moved e Tears. "Some time after that my friend, who was nervous and In poor health, went to Battle Creek to stay for a while at the sanitarium, snd while there he made a Speech. Three governors were there Alt geld of Illinois, Oulbertson of Texss and Johnston of Mississippi. Hs told the story of his conversion and of his at tempt to get the reoords away from JolUt, ) nd when he got through John P. Altgeld was wiping his eyes. " 'I'll see what I can de for you,' he said. "A month later my friend received a letter marked, 'Executive mansion, Springfield, State of Illinois.' It said: 'My Dear Mr. Callahan: It gives me pleasure to enclose your photogrsph from the penitentiary at Jollrt, snd to tell you that your Pertlllon records there have I all been destroyed. There Is no record except In your memory, that you were ever there. You have the gratitude and j beet wishes of your friend. John P. Alt- geld." You can go to New York now and 1 down In nowery mission you will find my friend Callahan preaching the gospel. the Hernrda. "Accept Jesus Christ and the record of the past will be wiped out. Oh, what a Saviour! What a Saviour! fan flM i 1 , . , ,.,,,., " " ""' ' "'"V Z ."'' raised. "Billy" finished up the sentence: Z J mt h hM aoBVr -" "' ut home in the wood- tie orld? II. has mad. the world to ,nd down r,m, , Un4 ,mlJ blossom as a rose, lie has made thieves . much taughler. honest. He has made libertines snd Thrr, w, b. another children's meet auuiteresaea pure. He has mdo liars ; ng next Saturday afternoon and others truthful. He has reformed Individuals on other Saturday afternoons during the and nations. Before Jesus Christ came I campaign. mere wasn t a hospital In the world. there were no asylums or eleemosynary Institutions, no provision for the orphans, the blind, the Insane or the lame. "Before Jesus Christ came woman waa a slave, a beast of burden. Today she Is freo. All that you have of honor an.) respect to Womanhood Is due to Jesus' Christ ami turn ,7 . .. '''- nen you been for jl ,1 " " h'J, i .Z" 1 1. . 1 "',0U wouldn't , ui on me streets at night. iou ought to fall at His feet In gratitude, snd If you are not grateful you are a a loot: a rooll-j don't care you are. ho When some people die they leave lands behind them. Home leave the mem ory of good lives. Some leave bad char acters to posterity. About all that some men leave to their children Is tha memory of an old profligate. n, mn. whcn they die, bequeath weak bodies to their offspring; some, beuueath weak minds; snd their children become Imbeciles; some bequeath a taste for drink, their chil dren become drunkards. Jesus Christ bequeaths us His peace. 'My peace I leave unto you.' He says. Can you find any fault In that? Why, then, should you be sad snd gloomy? "Some people wear faces as long ss If they thought Ood Almighty were dead They smUs as if it hurt them, and you are glad when they quit If Paul and Pllae hsd gone to Jail looking as glum as you do, that old Jailer would never have been converted. Ood doesn't want you to look pessimistic when you are putting on your clothes on Sunday to go to church. Some of you are praying Ood to use you. You hsd better pray. 'Oh. Ood, help ma to stop looking sour and then help me to win somebody else.' Ytu'd better not fast at all If you're go ing to give the devil all the credit for It. Ood wants people to be happy. "Jesus Christ knew that somebody had to make ths sacrifice and He made It. Can you find any fault In that? "Oh. what a Saviort "If Jesus Christ were a man snd only a man, then of all mankind I'd cleav- to Him always; but Jesus Christ Is Ood. snd I swear I'll follow Him through earth and sea and sky and air and heaven end hell, i find no fault in Him, My greatest Joy will be to heat him eay, 'Bill, I find no fault In you. " (Copyright ty WILLIAM A. SUNDAY.) BOYS AND GIRLS ' BY THE THOUSAND HEAR EVANGELIST a i m 1 . Continued from Page One. boy who went to get a position in a gro cery store, and he answered the man with "yep" and "sure Mike" and "uh- huh." So, of courss, the man didn't give him a position because he didn't say "yes, sir." Thsn he told them about Benedict Ar nold. When he was a little boy he worked in a grocery store, and he used to grind up glass and spread It on the floor of the store, and when boys would come In barefooted they would step on the glass, and then Benedict Arnold would laugh. Yea. sir, no wonder he be came a traitor. Once there was a boy about years old, and another boy hit htm with a snow. ball, and the boy said a bad word, and the boy that hit him laughed and said: "Huh, you go to Sunday school, but you swear anyway." And the bey kneeled right down in the snow and asked Jesus to forgive hnm, and the president of a bank heard about It and ha said ha would keep his eye on thst boy. And today that boy la cashier In the bank. Don't Play for Keeps. "Have a good time, boys." said "Bltly.w "Play marbles, but not 'for keeps,' and don't play ball on the Sabbath. Jesus wants nice, neat, polite, honest boys and girls." Then came ths nsgs, and they had a great tli?e with them. First "Billy" waved the "titers snd Stripes." "How many stars?" asksd the evange list, and the mighty chorus came, "Forty eight." and then the rafters rang while they sang a verse of "My Country, 'Tis of Thee." "What's the capital of tha United States, Boston?" asked "Billy," and the youngsters laughed at such Ignorance. "Washington," thsy shouted. Nsxt came the flag ot Oreat Britain, and thsn France and then Russia. "What do wo got from Russia?" he asked. "Wheat." said a boy. "Whiskers, I guess." said "Billy" as he rushed to the next flag, Then came Cuba and Mam and Mexico. "What from Mexico." asksd "Billy." "Wsr," several boys shouted, amid laughter. , ' Oreeee on the Griddle. "What do we put on a griddle?" asked "Billy" as he waved a flag. "Oreeee," was the answer. "What flag in this?" he asksd, shiver ing and saying "B-r-r-r." It was the flsg of Chile. When the products of Spain were asksd tor a psrslstsnt youth shouted re i peatedly "wine," but "Billy" wouldn't I give him the floor. He entered "cork" as ths main product from Spain. The flag of Ireland brought applause. "Billy a eked for Its products and an I swered the question himself with "po i tatoea and polloemen." "Here's ths flag of a country that I'm sorry for," hs said as he waved ths flag of Bulglum. i when "artists, sculptors and olive oil" had been entered for the Italian prod- urta list, a cynical youth ug-ested , "degoea." Telk's ef All ''oentrles. "Billy' had something Interesting to ay about every country. j "Hamnivrfest Is ths most northern place In Norway." he said, "a thousand miles north of Christlanla. Yet the har bor of Christlnla freeees three months in the year end that of Haramerfest never freesee. Ths fulg stream makes Haro merfest warm." Nobody kenw the flag of the Chinese republic, which consists ef five stripes, red, yellow, blue, white and black. Then he- took red. yellow, black and white flags and told what each stands for. With the red flag he told a story of a bad boy who played truant from Sunday school and played marbles and told a He to his mother. And for every Commandment the bad boy broke "Billy" broke one of ten vases be had on a tbl until there were only four vases left. This awful youth had broken sis of ibe commandments In one day. "How many boys here have been fish ing?" hs asked, snd sll hands went up. 'How many ever caught anything-" v.riy iianu was enwiuaiRPiirRiiy UNION PACIFIC RUNS SPECIAL TO TABERNACLE The Sunday special that the Union Pa clflo ' will come In today from Central . 'i lwlu rr im ninii at im.w nuun. una is prriiu to have on board J00 to ) people. It will arrtv. so that thoae coming will be able to attend the afternoon meetings at the Talernacle and the Auditorium and the evening meeting at tha Tabernacle. Re luming It will leave the Union station at about 10 SO at night. TO HAYE CITY HALL NIGHT TO HEAR 'BILLY" SUNDAY City Commissioner Wlthnall states hs will next Monday take up with ths other commissioners the proposition of a city hall night at the "Billy" Sunday taber nacle. Anita King Passes Grand Island On Her Way to Omaha Word was received Fnturdsy that Anita King passed through Grand Island at 10 :M a. m. Miss King Is the Lasky movie star who Is piloting, alone, a Kissel Kar from San Francisco to Nsw York. Arrangements have been made to send sn Omaha delegation to Fremont to meet Miss King. It Is hoped that she will be able to remain In Omaha for a dsv or so as ths KlsaelKsr representatlvts and moving picture men are anxious to provide a little entertainment for her. Miss King will speak at the Hipp theater this evening regarding her trip. MAYOR URGES 0MAHANS TO ATTEND COUNTY FAIR Mayor James (X Dehlman has Issued an appeal to the public of Omaha to attend the Douglas County fair, which starts September 10 at the new fair grounds. The mayor's appeal la as follows: Douglsa county Is one ot the largest snd the productive counties In the state, and wa may well feel proud of what has been accomplished In the way of agricultural pursuits during ths past ysar. (September X to JB, en the new grounds obtained by the Douglas County Agri cultural society, including one ef the finest race tracks In ths state, wilt be held tbe largest county fair In the hk tory of our county, and as cltlsens of Omaha and Douglas county, we are In terested in the progreas made, and the proposed plan of tha Douglas County Agricultural society to establish as a permanent institution a district fair. In cluding the eastern counties of Ne- urnsKa, western lowa, UakoLa, Missouri and Kansas. Therefore, I, James C Dahlmsn, mayor ef the city of Omaha, do hereby urge upon the cltlsens of Omsha that they ahow their Interest by attending the Douglas Oounty Fair, to be held on the new fair grounds between Benson and Omaha, September 20 to M. JAMES C. DAHLMAN, Mayer. mnnmm F j! jaguar f&& T- jlst. awl v "'3 ..Turpin's Dancing Academy.. 28th and Farnam CLASSES NOW FORMING Botfinners' Class Monday and Thursday at 8 P. M. Ad vanced Class Tuesdavs at 8 1. M. Hii?h Khool" Class f TMATaiCAX. NVn rail Sisss Suits. Tueaos, r1aes Alberts, Bilk Bats. Vasape ll models; for sals or rent. Mall Order a gy.otalty. JOHN F ELDMAN (rheae D. II ta. Open Svenlags. lo mar Hotel Blag, tod If. 17VU Bk, Omaha. Wet, Heard at the Tab Word eame from Ht. Joseph's hospltsl thst Ja-k Hchsll -ho used to plsy hall with 'Hilly" Pundsv when the .'hlriro tcsm visited M. Inls, Is sick si the bnspital His leg m ampMtnted this sprlns. He ssked Hilly" to sll and see him, which the evangelist promised to d. The city officials and nther city ball tniployes sre Being to visit the taher rsc le some f vcnimr next week. City Commissioner Wltiineii has sent In a tequest for a reservation. lt Is likely that the maor will head the delegation. Next Frldsv will m "Mothers' Day" at the tabetnsrle. This Is a feature that marks every Hundsy rsmpnlsn. In the afternoon a number of autumnnllea will lie used to bring sred mothers from all parts of the eltv to attend the meeting ' eperlelly arrnneed In their honor with special semion snd speclnl music. The evening will he special for the younger mothers. Fred Shaver. a rertsr Flaplds capitalist snd one of "llily" Hnntlny's oldest st friends, Is In the city visiting the evangelist. II spoke at the Commercial club at noon, lie makes a point of visiting the evan geilst In every city where he conducts a revival. K. . Fverltt of Pan Antonio. Tex., Is here trying to get s piomlse thnt 'Hilly" will conduct a revlvel in that city. Hst, Antonio must keen up with Kort Worth and 1 fellas, he says. Men of North Side Select Boulevard Route to the Park On Invitation of Park Commissioner Hummel, seventy-five property owners living along the route of the proposed boulevard extension from Fontenelle to Miller park, met at the council cham ber last night to select' one of three routes proposed. They did so by a ma jority of about fifty. As selected, the route from Fontenelle park will follow the valley to the east until a point near the head of Kansas avenue la res chad at about where It In tersects Thirty-sixth street. From there le will run due north to Curtis avenue, tbenoe turning and running due east down ths avenue; entering the park at a point where ths little shelter station stands on Thirtieth street The opposition to this route, and an opposition that was slight, favored ex tending the boulevard north from Kan sas avenue to Redlck, en Thirty-sixth street and there turning and running: east to the northwest sntranoe or the park. This plsn had tha support of only about a dosen of the property owners. Auto Club Is for The Near-Side Stop The Omaha Auto club will attempt tn have the council stand firm with regard to the near side street car stop ordinance. It la the belief of the directors of the club that by far the greatest number ot the people of the city want the near side stop. They are also convinced that the new regulation of traffo cuts down the number of socldente f The directors of the club will be pres ent In a body at the next meeting of the olLy council -in order to use their In fluence to have the council refuse to re peel the ordinance. Apartments, flats, nowser and cottages saa be rented quickly and cheaply by a Hee "For Rent" Ad. A. 0. OLSON, PENN TIRE REPRESENTATIVE MARRIES A. Ok Olson, local representative of Vie Pennsylvania Rubber company, waa mar ried Tuesdsy to Miss V. Irene Mead of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Olson will les-e soma time during the latter part of the month for a trip through Colorado and Wyoming. There can be no real health so long as the Stomach, Liver and Bowels are in a weak ened condition and are unable to perform their daily functions. POOR APPETITE INDIGESTION HEARTBURN BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION are "foes to health" that soon develop. You can help Nature conquer them by the timely aid of TETTEB'S STOMACH ITTERS Saturdays at SP.M. Private lossona day or evening. Pbone your application now. llarney 5143. HOTELTURPIU "if tbs bjubt er Taa crrr IT rHSWCLt fsT. AT MASjKCT BAIN rHANCHsCO Cvtnv OoNvcNigNCg and coMronr tUSOSIAN PLAN. It . SO ASJO UPWMS re.EC Auto Bus Mm(i Trin. rd Vrunw, OS