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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1915)
4 A T1IB OMAHA SUNDAY UKE: SEPTEMBER 19. 1915. BRYAN LIKES IDEA OF PEACE UISS10H Sebrnkan Takes Under Adriie- went Editor' Snnjtition that He Viiit Warring Powers. NOT SPOKESMAN FOB A GROUP WASHINGTON, Sept. IS. WU lam J. Bryan announced tonight that he bad taken under advisement a suggestion from editors ot foreign language newspapers published In the United SUtea that ha maka a trip to Europe aa a private peace en voy to the warring powers. In a statement to a committee ot the edi tors, who, headed by Dr. William Fargo, had urged him to undertake the task, Mr. Bryan Indicated that ' he might at least visit neutral Euro- ' pean countries In the hope of finding there sentiment to aid America In "the maintaining ot neutrality and the prevention of a preparedness that provokes rather than prevent war." ' , , Mr. Bryan's references to military preparedness attracted attention In the ' capital In view of the possible effect of hla attitude on some elements In the house when the administration's pro gram for strengthening the national de ; fences la considered. filers Oat Stateaaeat. . Farller in the day ths former secretary of state had given out a statement de ' daring mooer for liKToasod military sx- pendltures would e difficult to secure ' and adding: "I do not see that there ta any reason for changing the policy of the country In thla rsepeet. The preparednees . which ta now being advocated (by the national defense and navy leagues) not only cultivates the spirit which leada to .' war, but It Involves an expenditure which the people will not submit to unlesa con l vlnced that some nation is setting ready to attack us and we cannot single out nations and prepare against them with ' out making hatred a national policy." ,". In hla reply to the editors' committee, Mr. llryan aald: ' ' ' "I need not assure you that I share . your deetre for peace and am willing to do anything In my power to hasten It The service that any one person can render In such a matter Is of course small, but each one is In duty bound to do what he can and I am willing to , do my part. Whether It Is wise for me to undertake a trip to Europe Is a quee Uon which I am not now prepared to decide and I am sure you will allow me to take the matter under advisement. ' Kven If It Is Impossible to exert any In fluence toward the hastening of. peace. 1 a trip to the neutral countries might glvs . , me Information that I could use In the work which lies before ua bare, namely, the maintaining of neutrality and the prevention of a preparedness that pro . vokSa rather than prevents war." Another-Taelt Be Deae. "'. Another work, to .be done on such a fjtrlp, Mr. Bryan aald, would be the fur iftheranoe of peace treaty plans luaugu i a ted by him'. Existence of peace treaties :WUN Great Britain, .Trance and Russia, ,'ha declared, "enables us to carry on our diplomatic disputes? - with thsta without , any of the seasatlonallsni that has sV tended . $ur 'correspondence .with Oer many," and the acceptance of such treat . ' les by Germany, Austria and Bslgulm. . "would silence the Jingo pre and to a large extent relieve the excuse which has been ueed for the propagation of the , plan of greater preparedness." "Having great faith in the plan and - having negotiated the other treaties,"' he added.."! might be able to present the , caee more strongly in personal inter views than I was abls to do by diploma tic correspondence and now that the ad vantage of these treaties has been mads mors apparent it is posalble that Ger many, Austria and Belgium might be willing to enter into such treaties." Mr. Bryan said that if he decided to make the trip he would ge not as a Spokesman of any special group, but as "representative of the peace sentiment of the United Ota tea, whloh includes the vast majority of our people." Speaker at Control :'; Of Floods Congress : Tells of Yearly Co3t ' SAN TOANCISCO. rVpt- ia-Tns In ternational Drainage ' and Flood Control congress met here tonight la conjunction with, and under the auspices of ths fifth annual meeting of ths National Drainage congress. . ' . Colonel F J. Watson, president of the National Dralnge congreas of Columbia, B. C. said: " ' "Vpon us rest .the : responsibility of sruiulng the people ot ths United btatea to the Immediate necessity for flood pre- ' ventlon and drainage cf our swamp lands that a Sl.OoO.Oiu.ouo annual Hood loss be ' saved, that XOOO deaths from malaria be prevented,' and that e0.0u0.000 acres of aagmp land, (,(00.0u0 of which are la ths west, be converted Into producing farms. The sura of tl.600.fl0tt.000 yearly would accrue In agricultural productions within the borders of the United Btatea if the land could be converted into producing farina .. . Trwre la a yearly death and property loss far In excess of any ws evsr will uft-r from a foreign foe. We would add , by drainage reclamation alone a produc tive -farm greater than the states of Illinois sod Indlera combined. Chief Pratt to Be in Omaha Next Week K. K. Pratt, chief of the bureau of for Un and domestlo commerce of ths tinned States Department of Commerce, will be in Omaha nest Wedneeday. ' If arrangements cae be made, be will speak to the . CoinmeruUi club at a publio af fairs luncheon, Ocunmlaeloner Hubert IL . Man ley asserts. At e - lutx-been Friday noon directors of the Omaha Manufacturers' saisocla tloa decided to urge all local manufac turers and buslneas men to meet and hear Mr. Pratt when hs comae here. It la thought that hla trip from Washington may be in eonnectloa with arrangements tor the Araanoiut tour nest moatk by rep resentatives of the American Export if tm!,r of Commerce of Amsterdam, Holland, that has been Invited to tnolude Oinahs la its itinerary, whii-b will be for tne purpose of bringing American' manu facturers and btiouiecs men U,to clues Loui h with the new furelam trade vMMr tuniiita opened up by the war. M Vi act AOs ProJaee Kesuits. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Member of the Sunday Party Hold Mat Meeting1 at High School Building. BIBLE CLASS TO BE ORGANIZED Homer Tlhodeheaver, leader of the "Pllly" Sunday choir, accompanied ty Mr. Brewster, held forth at a mans meet ing yesterday morning at 10;0 o'clock at the South High school. The former t-layed a trombone solo, while the latter sang. ( Rodeneaver afterward spoke to the ; students twenty minute., urging tipos J them to be totsl abstainers from cigar-I ettes snd to reapect older folks, espe cially their parents. "Sometime I will come down here to speak to you young people for sn hour or more, explaining Just what evils come from smoking ths weed, aa It Is called. Just now we ere so wrapped up In the campaign that we have sll we ten do to handle the congregations In Omaha," the speaker ssld. Miss Baxs of the Sunday party stayed a few minutes Ister and organised a glrla Bible claaa, which will hold regular meetings hereafter. During ths revival campaign a member of the Sunday party will lead thla class. Ilaak la CireeriasT, The directorate of ths Live Stock Na tional bank was increased from seven members to ten members st a special meeting of the stockholders of the bank held yesterday afternoon at the bank at Twenty-fourth and N streets, flouth Bide. Messrs. Nelson Bwlft Morris. W. A. C. Johnson and F. W. Thomas, sll of Omaha, were appointed to the newly cre ated positions by President t,. M. Lord. At the name meeting the capital stock of the bank was Increased from I'.DO.OOO to $200,0(4. In the last year ths business has grown In such proportions that it was deemed neceassry to authorise ths In crease. Reeks a Match. Gene Melady, lata promoter of the famoua Ptecher-Cutler match, la now de voting a part of hla time In an effort to arrange a match between Karl Craddock, amateur wrestling champion of Iowa and one of the foremost contendere for the championship of the w f Id In ths ama teur field, with Adolph Krnst of Ban An tonio, Tex., a wrestler of no little prom inence in the national field. Follre Make Daylight Raid. A negro disorderly house, with Cecil ! Hunter, colored, as keeper, was raided by Sergeant Hauk Carey and Patrolman 1 Scott yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at 421 North Twenty-fifth street. Two Inmates, Domnlck Bonds. K10 Y street, and Mabel Dooley, colored girl of 14 years, were arrested with the keeper. Juvenile Officer Psul MscAulay took charge of the latter. Beath aide (karches. . 8t. Luke's Iitheran. Twenty-fifth and K, Rev. a Yerlan. J'aator-unilay school at :S. Preaching service at 11, subject of sermon. "The Kvery-Member Can vass." Laither league meets at I. St. Martin's Episcopal, Twenty-fourth snd J. Kev. John Wallls Ohl, I lector Services for sixteenth Sundsy after Trliw Ity. Holy eucharlst at 7:ao. Sunday sonool at :&. Matins and litany at It Kvenaong at 7 SO. Central Interdenominational, Twenty third and M ilev. 11. K. Cornish, Pastor Sunday school si :, Morning wor ship st 11, service topic, "The Holy Cath olio Church." Song service st 7:15. Gos pel sermon at 7:4i, lopto, "The Hullding of the Walls of Jerusalem." Miss Emma Ward wiu preside at ths piano at boUt services. . ., Meeie Cttr . Oeselp. .1 The Oerman-DemooratH) olub will hold the- first meeting of the fail session to morrow afternoon at their hall at KM North Twenty-fourth street at i 30 o'clock. A meeting of the Phil Kearney post No. g. Grand Army of the He, ublic. will be hdd this evening at I o'clock at the home of Major J. W. Cress, WA North Tweuly tiilrd street. A cook stove was atolen sometime sines Wednesdsy afternoon from the back shed In the rear of the home of Mre. Ida Near, Fifty-first and T streets. The theft was reported st the police station. Coach Benjamin of the Beltevue col lege foot ball squad called off the scheduled game with the South High school that was to have been played on the Rellevue field yesterday afternoon at t M o'clock. , Prof. Howard Gremtlch, Instructor In ths Nebraska Htate Agricultural school at University Place, marketed top hos at the stock yards yesterday. The consign ment was shipped from Greenwood, the home of the professor. The residence of Bev. R. U Wheeler was ransacked by thieves some time Thursday night. Tne pastor and his wire are visiting at Maryvilie, Mo., this week and the extent of the robbery will not be made known until their return. - A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hani furniture Into cash. Aatelope Pair eeeaefal. NEUQIl, Neb., Sept lT.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The county fair closed today, and was the best fslr sver held In the county, both In point of exhibit and attendance. The largest crowd of the week was pres. ent today, but a heavy rain fell Just after the automobile race, the first thing on the program, had started. All other events were called off. . Splendid Kcdicino Stomh Troubb 1 Sof fcrsxl for Several Year Peruna RsMtored My Health Urs. Elisabeth Rsuther, No, lot Twelfth St. N. Vf Washington, XX C writes: i am r leased to endorse Peruna as a splen did medicine for catarrh and atom acn trouble, from which X suffered for several years. I took It for ssv eral months and L at the end of that time found my health was restored and have f!t splendidly ever Since. I now take It when X contract a Cold and It soon rlda the avatam a any catarrhal tendencies. Over Tea Yews Ala. 1 would not be without Peruna, Although It was over ten years ago that I Brst gavs you my testimonial, I am of the same opinion as when I wrote It. and give you the privilege to uss it aa you see fit Z still use Pe runa when X think it necessary. I am recommending It to my aslchbora whenever a chance oooura I Still PralM Peruna. Peruna is undoubtedly a splendid medicine for the stomach. A great many people after years of searching tor a remedy Anally try Peruna and are cured. This remedy Is especially helpful In cases of weakness of the stomach. These whs prefer te tske tablets Instead liquid meeleinee tan get Peruna Tablets. " e r b e 1 r rl r T-r-i I law . . ' i i -k sV' - a D Ti rf . . X Harry Lewrle, architect, has com pleted the plans for the moving picture theater that wilt be erected on the site of the buildings now occupied by the World-Herald. A long-time lease has been secured on the grounds, and as soon as the buildings now there are vacaUed, which will be about March 1 of next year, wrecking will begin. Aa soon aa they are removed the erection ot a building will begin, the intention to have It completed and ready for , occupancy August I. 11. ' , Ths new moving picture 'theater will be under the management of the Gold berg Brothers, a IL snd H. U, who have conducted the Princeas on Douxlaa street during the last six years. The theater and the leasehold will represent an expenditure of around 00,(1. Aa to the theater, it ta asserted that It will be one of the best in ths United MANY TRY TO BEG FROM THE SUNDAY PARTY A doxen people a day, on an average, call at the Lmyal hotel to see "Billy Sunday or ''Ma" to beg from them. Sat urday a man called and evidently hla "long suit" wssn't the fabrication of ex cuses or stories. f "I would like to get you, 1f"yo will be so kind, to give me fifty cents so I can buy a scythe to cut the wseds around my home," he said to 'Private Secretary "Bob" Mathews. v "Why," said "Bob." "that Isn't so neeesary, la Itf ' "Well." said, the man, "they're pretty big and ougt to be cut." A ' woman called one day and told a pitiful tale of desertion by her husband and hunger for herself and four small children. "I have never begged before." ehs said. Sunday gave her money and later "Bob" called up the Associated Charities where he wss told that ths A Grtat September Sale of Cut Glass Cut Glass n tellers, 4-pint slie, with 6 glasses to match, a reg ular 110.60 value, Monday, t $6.98 Cut Glass Berry Bowls, to $8 values, all choice) patterns. t 83.50 Cut Glass Nappies, handled, to 12.00 values, choice ..81.10 Cut Glass Comports, to $4. SO values, choice 82.75 SOO IMecew of light Cut Glass, to $1.00 values, Including Vases, Comports, Sugars and Creamers, Cake Plates, etc., at, each t....35 25c Jap Tea Pots 15 Home Be ant i fieri r b I I rSV"tsj nIM....,--pM-ir,CT'. , ,i Tp r, II I I c , f " e ft M I E " f a r r H N ! mi I" r . f ,1 V Jy i1 irhrl- rrTT -rrM ISHrJ--llml--M I , biiJ.iJ,liJ,i.ii,ii.i.iJ,4,iJ,,i.iiiiiii,iJii,3 n ctm .. i Fn n R- llH4llilOiSBIr4-l 2JS Over tlOO.OOO.OO worth of new Fall and Winter, 1V15-1U, patterns now here (or your inspection and selection, the products ot the world's most promlneat said best makers. "Bigelow" "Alexander Smith" "5ran" Althoufch no lees than six sharp advances In prices on rug have been published In the past few works, we bought early and own our stocks right and are offering you specials for Monday in abso lutely perfect aew gooda that $30.00 Axiiunster Bugs, size 9xlS seamless, spe cial at 825.00 tVio.OO Wilton Velvet Bugs, site xlt, seamless, Monday at 824.00 40.OU Wilton Velvet I tugs, also 10-txlS-6. seam- lees, at, choice ,a Bag Bugs, In all colon and sites, up from 35s5 12 Surfaced Linoleum, fine line of patterns, 8 So quality, at. square yard e3i 18 ROUNDS BEST GRANULATED 4Mb. sacks bee big graAe E4aartond II flour ex stag fUker for bread, res, cakee or ktecots; srvaoe frora No. selected evrtaa wtteeo. Bach...40-M 10 bare BeaU-'Uaa-Ail or Diamoad O oiuka toe M 10 Ra best Waite or Tellsjw Ouru- meal , 8Ss t eakee Ivory Koap ....iTe The beat Doiaeetlo Macaroni, vermi- relll or Bpashetti. pks ...TVe 4 K-oa Conileused Milk See I e-oa, CNideosed Ml,k see 4 lb, filter Japan Klce or Pe 1 Taplura fur 83s ll-os. Jaiw Pure FYult Preeervee. .S3 K. V. tVrn nakea, pag. It Pays New Theater Planned for Farnam Street 9 I I.8TW : i t r i t r - r ri t v . w ; r i : i rant n HARRY LWRie , ARCHITECT. - Btatea and will be equipped with the most modern devices for affording comfort to patrons. The dimensions of the bully ing being Uxltt, it will -have a seating capacity of about 1,800, making It by far the largest moving picture house in the city. In the construction of the theater, the "Safety First" Idea wUI be carried out In every detail. The building will be provided with no lens thsn twelve large exits 4 -addition to the entrance that will be of generous proportions. It will be fireproof and supplied with an air filtering system. - Relative to the building. It was de signed after Mr. Lawrle had made an extended ..4p through the east, visiting the moat modern of the moving picture houaea Into the Omaha house hs has worked the best that hs noted while on this trip. woman has been on that organisation's roll for four years, has repeatedly been given alma and work and has repeatedly lost her "Jobs." LAST OF MUNICIPAL BAND CONCERTS THIS AFTERNOON . The last of the municipal band con certs t the season wilt be given In Han scorn park thla afternoon. There will be three concerts and three bands par ticipating. The first concert will be by the rlrst Regimental band, beginning at I P. In. The second will be by the Anci ent Order of United Workmen band, commencing at 4 p. m., and the third and last wIlNbe by the Bohemian band, start ing at T:30 In the evening. These conoerts are given by ,lha musi cians Who have played In the city parka during ths summer and upon this occsv slon they donate their services. Special arrangements for seating- the crowds have been made. : Highest Qualities and Best Assortments at Drug and Toilet Gooda Why Pay Afore Ho can Banl-Fluah lis too bottle Horllcke Malted MUk....3 tOa bottle Phenolaa Wafers 8 So 16o Colgate's Klhfcon Tooth Pasts. . .SOu 11.00 Sal Hepatic tSe 11.60 I'ulisnan Anron for traveling . .8o DJer Kiss Kacs Powder tOc Jar Pompelan Night Own,.,, tie Jar Pompelan Massage Cream. lOo Jap Roae or Palm Olive Boap. i bars Ivory Soao 4 lOo bars Peroxide 8oaj I 10a rolls Crape Toilet Paser. . . . 650 asa .ftOo . So .ISO .983 ese 60a Imported Rice Powder, Incluttt" Java Rice 8 So 1 to set Military Hair Brushes 85o 11.00 bottle De Witt's Kidney Pills.. ee ,5 I --- - wUI surprise you. $20.00 Tapestry Brussels Bugs, glxa 9x11. special Monday 810.00 $18.50 Velvet Bugs, alae xlt. seamless, on sale Monday at , 814.03 $10.00 Tapestry Brussels Bugs, aise (xt), seamless, special at i87.0ti 832.50 Window bhades, beat quality water colors, 7 feet long, spe cial 30c Lace Curtain and Quilting Frames, special, each 08 MT, O. C. or Krumbles. pkg e Grape-Nuts, pkg , ...lOo Maclaren's Peanut But tar. sb.,.18H3 Merahey'a Hreakfaat Cocoa, lb. ..SOS Ooldea ctantoa Coffee, lb. BOe Batter ts Xeswa Se a feaaA There's a fight on with the batter trust. Just as soon as they gat to gether butter will ge us agala. Bay aew. The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, lb see Kancy No. 1 Country Creamery But ter, lb see The bast No. 1 Freeh Country Egs. rr dosea See t,s. tnxid Pultaiine Se THY HA YD EN'S FIRST It I i ) f: The building will be two stories In height, with vestibules on the Farnam street front There will be a large, com modious foyer immediately behind the vestibules which will accommodate a large number of people after admission from ths ticket office, thereby avoiding the crowding of the sidewalks. In ad dition large retiring rooms are provided for both men and women. The seating plan will be along the lines of the an cient Greek theaters. The exterior of the building will be very ornamental. It la designed in the Adams' styls of Italian renaissance and the entire front will be of terra cotta of a light cream color, the ornaments modeled in colors of pale pinks, sage green and delicate bluest For night ef fects a large number of electrtu lights will not only illuminate but will trace out the leading lines of the designs and show the ornaments. Walnut Hill Pump Grounds to Be Made a Real Beauty Spot Following approval by the water board of a park and boulevard plan for the Watnut Hill reservoir district, suggested by George Kessler, a prominent land scape architect of St. Louis, grading on the Job will begin soon, engineers of the board announce. Planting and seeding will be done in the spring. When the proposed work Is completed, the reservoir site will be a regular show place, according to Mr. Kessler. Hs as serts that the grounds and location are admirably suited to such a scheme, and that it will not be difficult to finish the undertaking In an artlstlo way, without unusual expense. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Each Frice: New Curtains and Draperies Stocks almost unlimited In assortment at most attractive low pricings. IUbbon Edged VoUes, 40 In. wide, In cream, ecru or white, at. yard 255 45-ln. Bungalow Nets, values to $1.00 yard, slightly soiled, at, yard -45c New Marquisette Curtains, pretty designs, great values, at, pair ..... .81.49 to 85.50 Drapery Bllkollnes for comforters, big line of patterns, all . colors, special Monday, yard IS tie A flae XOne of Cretonnes, big as sortment at, yard. . . . ltVio te Ss 80s XsnurUtened ToUes, in cream or ecru, special, yard lSe Wew Une of Matting osee, sp'en-' did values 88,00 te 00 Stair Carpets Wide range of patterns and colors at, up from, yard CO Let ue measure your windows for shades. We will savs yeu money. SUGAR FOR 81. OO r aretes Onukk isle aaA rruit Market sf maka foe the Veevaa. II I be. bet CookiM Potatoes: de mand your weight, the law .require. it Ise It lbs. fancy Cooking Apolas le 4 heads ITreah Laf Lettuce se bunches frYeeh Radishae ........ Se 5 large heads Cabbage loe A carload of Xtatra Vaaer trtah BU karta laaabee fee smocvaay, aacked ta basket baskessi ssuaAey eaiy, per saaaal see Also one carload of crates, aa-ite owallty fruit, crate see We advise our customers to buy now. Watch Tuesday evening paper foe Rxtra Sr-eotaJ la Grocery LepU for Wednesday morning. Payi.. I Fall Millinery I A GREAT VARIETY of ttylcs, combunng attractive beauty with just that touch of strong indi viduality so much sought by gen tlewomen. 'Yon will find the fashionable trend ia toward soft, flexible shapes, in "Lyons" Velvet nnd Plush. From $4.50 to Patterns Hats at $18.C0 Very Special Value $8 50 Smart Tailored Styles dr do rn For Business Women . . . l0 pOs ull Special Creations for the Miss that oannot be found anywhere else in the city. Select your hat from a large stock, specially designed to suit your ne. From $3.00 to $5.00 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. GORGEOUS PENNAHTS, AT COST pf manufiujtnrc. Those are mnrie for decorutive pur poses. Absolutely new desigr.s never been shown in Omaha or west of Chicago. ' Prices Lower Thau You Can Buy Elsewhere ' or will make you present of beautiful pennant. Nothing, cheap, but our prices. Come, seb our display. You'll ap preciate it. OMAHA PENNANT CO. Geo. M. J arvis. Room 4, Merchants HoteL L31 P-ViVMrf pii&A INTOXICATING LIQUOR sjetf 'a f"; I'll"! 9 li ISSI SSj ISHBSJ Qhw I i r.!ai;iiiisii!niii,iirjiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiini!iiiiiiwn!inCT 11 v iaazela ss -a ii ; , f OMAHA, NEB. Willow Springs Beer HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME No better beer brewed than "Stars and Stripe." and "Old Time" Order a cas for your home. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, Retail Distributors: Telephone Douglas 2103, WILLOW SPRINGS BRVG. CO. Telephone Douglas 1306. WDfflE SSXt Warner's Safe Remedies have proven their worth as superior medicines by more than thirty-five years' world-wide use. i They have given remarkable results in the treatment of num berless severe and almost help less cases. . The words of praise from the many who have been benefitted by their use prove their great value. Warner's Safe Remedies are carefully prepared and absolutely pure. Each for a Purpose Warner's Safe Klisey eat liver haWr, Mc see tl Waraer's Safe Haematic K.nay, S 1 M Waraer'sSafe PUseeas Reey, . gl.2S Waraer's Sefe Aithma Reaiee'r, 76a Waraer's Safe Nernee. . WseaAgl Warmer-. Safe P0W. Me At all dragrlsts, or tent direct pest paid ea receipt ei prke. Free Eemple el ear awe Kesi edytest GIvesaoisotthlspsBjerwheawrkiag. twt,i WARNER'S SAFE REMEORS CO., .H.T. Hffw'TWeesB - ALCOHOL 4 iiiliMMHwnisiiMssiii;"'lWi'M'lIW''l""l'"e''iil''lnisil'iii)HiMiiimiiiiilliiie.J I ""' l....Ui n; jJ 1 1 A