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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1915)
2 A Tim OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEITEMHEH 19, 1915. ROYSE REPORTS MORE JESOURCES Secretary of SUte Banking Board Shows Seyen Million Increase in Total. LOAXS ARE $0,653, &40 HIGHXB tFnom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neh.. Bept. IS. 4SpecleU A wording to a report by prttry Royse of the State Banking board the total re source of tha 791 atata bank of Ne braska at tha cloaa of bulnes August ft) wii i6,73J.4fH.S&, tha report being aa follows: RESOURCES. U;""," hoi... Jverdrafts b).Zl.l 'suiiwp "ei.iuypnr 'imnaaa 'p"nU Mil Due from na Uonnl and atata bank a Caxh J7.7M.IWIT.! ri.ri.ltura and ttituree Inner teal es tate Current expenses, taxr and Inter rut, paid Dthar assets Total .......... Liabilities. ap4tt atack ?toiri)lufl fund ........... S.S.M. SO.S49.79 1LM0.s:ii.M 71.hl4.fct 11.,733,4 . 1B.T77 rrt I'ndlvided pinu ,iiM.vl IHvldends unpaiu.. In llv.rVml deposits subject to check DO MO.8Ml.39 D n m a n d certifi cates of deposit.. S.K6.4G0.7I Time certificates of- deposit 47.Wo,a2S. Pue to banks S,lS4.447.i;-110,.SM.74 Notes and btlla redlscounted.. 174,07.14 Bills payable Cie.SM.W epositors guaranty fund 1,4.M 41 tnr liabllillea - S3.M1.M ToUl 1S8.7.4S4. Tha average reserv at tha data of thla report waa 25 per cent. Tha total num ber of depositors waa SU.BRO. Reaoarcea lacreaee. mince April tl, IMS, there haa been an Increase of S7.4JS.oei.S7 In total resoureea of state banka; the loana and dlacounta haTe Increaaed 5,6M,40 JS; deposits, SS.BTS, H9.CS, and caah and due from banka, 11.443, "WO. 19. During tha laat year tha atata bank have Increased' thirty-four In number; tha reaoureea have Increaaed 115,176, 071. ; loan and dlacounta, SlA.3S6,S66.S6; depoalta have Increaaer fl4,S37,lOI.0S, and caah and Hue . from banka, $4,S15,r6.S0. and there haa been a decrease of S415.t41.9S In notea tnd bllla redlscounted and bllla payable. Two Reported Dead In Storm in Butler DAYID OXTT. Neb.. Bept U.-8peolaL) One woman and child are reported dead and thousands of dollars damage waa dona to buildings, wheat and corn aa tha reault of a aeoara .wind, rain and hail storm that visited thla county about S 'clock Friday evening. It did not hall here, but almost three Inches of water fell In an hour. , In. David City tha roof of tha Roes building waa partly Mown aft and tha rain did several hundred dollar worth of ' darn' to hardwar and . grooarfea for tha Otoupallk hardware) store and the, J! a van tracery store, located In tha building. Tha tent skating rink waa blow down. Comics ware torn from build Inga and large plate giaea window In the Perkins hotel were smashed. . Reports from alt around aay wheat stscka were blown to pieces and tha grain practically ruined. PAULISTS HOLD MISSION IN CHURCH AT ALLIANCE ALLIANCE, Ken.. Bept .-Spef!al.- Two Paulist fathers of the Apoatollo mission. New Tork, Rev.. Father Brady and Rev. Father 0"Mahoney, are closing a most aucceseful week's mission In Holy Rosary church. The first week waa prin cipally for Catholics, they attending the dally masses and sermons and on Bun- day practically every member of tha church here receiving holy communion gaining tha Indulges oe attached to the mission, The present week Is being devoted to non-Catholics, tha father giving a series of lectures, treating on some of tha prin cipal doctrine and teaching of the 4th olio church and replying to Inquiries made ' through the "question box.1 Be vera) eon- verts to the faith are bain; Instructed. At tha do Nf the mission next Bun- .day. tha Holy Name society, which ha for He object tha abolishment of profane language and reverenoa for tha nam of Ood, will be organised. Rev. OUn 8. Dakar, for several years paator of tha Methodist church, will leave October L for Long Pin. Neb where he haa accepted a call to pastorate of the Methodist congregation at that place. Itev. J. B. Carna, now pastor at Long line, will coma t Alllanoa. Rev. Oeorge Morphy. pastor of the Bap tist church, ha bean transferred te Ealida. Colo. Hla place In AUlanoe ha not yet been filled. Auto tourist through western Ne braska, are loud In their praise of the road markings made during tha laat sum mer by tba Alliance Commercial club. Not only roads leading to Alliance by many others In thla and adjoining coun ties hava plainly marked chart explain' lng tba marking being furnished by WrUarjr ilaher of the club. ' Kaekalla fstatr Fatlva ' SUPERIOR. Neb.. Sept. U.-8p'tal Tclearam.) Superintendent of School Haley took a large display of manual Lrainlng material that have been fin ished In the Hupeiior school to Neleoa oday to ahow at tlia Nlckoll county fair ahlch ats.rU Monday. Secretary and Manager Oeorge Jackson report that this year's fair will ba ahead t any ever held In the county. Wednesday la Superior day, and tha clti feena of Superior will go to the fair ac companied by their band and put In a day tf It. (special train service haa been arranged by the fair association for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Trill U Dew at Mi4Im MADISON, Neb., Sept. IS. (Special. -The Madlaon county fair featlvtuee were unceremoniously Interrupted when a near cloud, accompanied by a hlg stale. deluged the grounds and blew down dearn er more tent. There was a large attendance and every available ahelter wae crowded, but fortunately no one was -riuu!y Injured. The ball game between 1 attle Creek and Newman Orov waa a draw, each team having one soora. Tha knpretfton prevailed that Newman Orov had the better of the game and partaap would have woa by a cloaa margin. Two Vbn of rain fell In leas than aa hour. Be Want Ads Produce Result. SAYS AMERICAN WOMEN ARE TOO SELFISH TO LOVE. "The American oclety woman la beau tiful and cultivated, but It la Impossible for her to love," aay Julea Bole, French poet, phllaopher, dramatist and feminist, In dlscusalng the Impresslona ha haa gathered during hla five months' stay In thla country. "My book will be no criticism of tha American society woman, but will give tha Impression of one who haa had the opportunity to atudy them, and who la not prejudiced one way or the other. They can take love but they can't give true love. They hava not sacrificed." Ex-Legislators Want Convention To Fix Basic Law (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Sept 18. (Special Telegram.) Nebraska will hava a constitutional convention In 191S, If the plana of tha league which met at tna Llndell hotel her thla afternoon are carried out Fifty persona attended, among them State Senators Sandall of Tork and Qulnby of Omaha Representative J, N. Norton of Folk, Edwin 3. Jeary of L4n- ooin and J. P. Palmer of Douglas; ex members of the legislature, Windham of Caaa, R. B. Howell of Pougias, Director A, EL Sheldon of the reference bureau. H. Ouatofaon, C. A. So re neon, prof. Aylea-worth of the University of Ne braska, M. A. lull of Omaha and a number of other, The plan as adopted call for a conven tion of 100 member eUoted from the leg islative district at tha general election In 1911 Each member will receive CO a day, After tha convention haa prepared tha constitution It shall be submitted to the voter f the state for theli approval. In order to bring this about a commit- te was appointed consisting of f. N. Nor ton of Polk, Senator Qulnby of Omaha, F. A. Brogan of Omaha, R. B. Howell of Omaha, C. A. Oustafson of Mead, W. L. Locke of Lincoln and J. F. Oordeal of Mo- Cook, who ahall have authority to prepare petitions for Initiating the proposition at the next general election giving tha people chance to aay whether they want tha convention or not Consul M. J. Baehr Is Transferred (From a staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, Sept. IS. 8pclal Tel- rarram.) Th tranafer of Max J. Bsahr of St. Paul, Neb., from th consulship at Bern. SwIUeriand, to ' St Michael. Asoraa, which wa announced today by President Wilson, may, or may not, be j aooepted by Mr. Baahr, who now Is In Cuba, looking after large real estate holdings he ha In th lsianda. When Mr. Baehr left for Cub, h In-i formed th chief of th onular division of th 8 tat department that h desired a Chang of station la keeping with his year of srvto and that If th assign ment wa not to hi Uklng, h would resign from th Mrvtca, Whether at Michaels will be acceptable to Mr. Baehr la doubtful. In view of his often expressed Intention to quit th con sular service unless a post more con genial would be offered. 1 Euss Hold But One Hail Line of Vilna PETROGRAD, Sept U. (Via London.) The Germans have cut the railway line between Vilna and Molodechno, and th only outlet by rail from Vilna still re maining ln Russian hands Is th lln running southward to Lids. Th war of fice maintain, however, that there are sufficient wagon roads for use In emer gency. It Is stated that a decision con cerning tha retention longer of Vilna will reached soon. Th Lid railway line has been under sharp attacs: to th westward of Llda. In an effort to check the Oerman cavalry, th Kvsalans are OevewpmaT strong cav alry forcea In the Vilna district. Many Explosions on the Sant' Anna LONDON, tiept. lt.-LIoyd's agent at ft. Michaels, Asorea telegraphed today that tha captain of the Fabr line steamer Sant' Anna attribute th fire on his vessel to the work of Propagan- dleta of an enemy country. The report sava there were many explosions on Sep tember IS on the Sant' Anna, which put in at the A sores on Thursday after the fir had been extinguished. Subsequently a number of unexploded fuses were found. It la said that the ship surely would have been blown to piece If there had been munition of war on beard. DEATH RECORD Mn. Hem Cas-vr. PLATT8MOUTH. Neb.. Sept U.-(Bpe-clal.) Mrs. Rebecca Carver, who has been working In the capacity of houaekeeper for Wash A. Toung, a farmer living some four miles west of this city, died at the tatter's home Thursday evening of Bright' disease, after aa Ulnea attend ing over a year. Mre. Carver waa about U years of as , and leave one daughter Mr. H. If Harger. Th funeral was held from tl Methodist church today. fir : i w ?j i i SAVE RACERS FROM BURNING STABLES One Horse Lost in Flames at County Fair Barns Early This Morning. LIGHTED LANTERN KICKED 0VEP With one exception the entire field of twenty horses entered In the county fair races next week were re moved In safety from the burning stables at the fair grounds near Benson when those buildings went afire shortly after midnight yester day. More than f 6 0,000 worth of horseflesh was rescued from threat ened destruction through the efforts of stable attaches, nearby residents and the fire departments of Omaha, Benson and Dundee. Among the horse were Columbia Fire, - the pacer, and many other noted racers. Trotter flamed to Death. One trotter, Alice Traveler, owned by Allen A Fields of Fremont, burned to death. This mare was en tered for the 2:20 race here and was a winner In one of the events on the state fair track at Lincoln. Her owners had Just a tew days ago re fused an offer of 2,500. Racing men said she was a coming trotter. The atables were badly damaged. Twenty-five stalls were destroyed. The loss was S6.000. There was no insurance. The buildings will be restored at one so there will be no delay In running off the events. Chris Lyck, who was the second man on the scene, arriving In respons to tha cries of tha watchman, said he believed the fire waa caused by a horse kicking over a lighted lantern. Mr. Lyck turned In the alarm, bringing the three fire apparatupaes to the scene, and aided In removing the frightened 1 AUTUMN MILLINERY, FABRICS and ACCESSORIES Monday and Tuesday vSeptemler Twentieth and Twenty-First ' - - ' ''-' 1 ' . ' " . . . : r ... .. ' ' A display which has involved judgment , as .well as skillthe setting apart of the authentic from the ex perimental and the flippant. A collection of styles of engaging; personality, which clearly demonstrate the recognized preemin ence of this establishment. , ' ; ' WE EXTEND YOU A CORDIAL" INVITATION TO BE PRESENT brutes from their burning cages. They were taken out J not In time. It waa Im possible to get to the stall of AU.-e Trav eler until too late to get her out alive. Huron Baby Wins Gold Medal at South Dakota State Fair ." . i man peace treaty, as o.itllned to foreign Sept. (Special.) I newsparT editors yestordny, has com furnishing the. grand menced to worry party chiefs not a little HURON, 8. I With . Art Smith finale with the most spectacular flljlit he haa made this week, Friday evenlnO program waa brought to a close. t tie same time the twenty-sixth annual itoulh, Dakota fair ended. Friday, nlchf -was Huron- night, traveling men's mailt and' newspaper men' night and ' the mo elaborate, evening program of the week waa given. Smith's flight wa nonn con- tlnuoue loop the loop, and wl't his plane envelope In flame he wrote the word Huron" In the sky at the conclusion of hi night. Seventy-three babies were cramlned In the Better Babies contest Bru?e Hubert Krtelle, son of Rev. and Mrf Hubert 'Ketelte of Huron, was the highest .rirV lng baby of all clause and rae awarded the gold medal. Scoring on tha bast of 100; Master Ketelle received : ST. points. Phylls Jean Hurd of Rapid City, was tha highest ranking baby In the city class, outside of the gold miJal winner, and waa awarded a bronse ma lai. Tier soor waa 91. From the rural '. rtutrlota, Eugene Hoy of Carpenter, rarfe l high est, with a score of 86.5, He also reclved n bronae medal. In addltlo.v to the medals presented by th Womin's Home Companion, tho fair board gav prlaea to th amount of S12Q. Jerauld county won first plf among the county agricultural exhibits, with a cor of $62 out of a posible 1,000. Hand county was second with 894; Uiuv. third with SOT; Minnehaha, fourth with Ml, and Perklna. fifth with 788. In th county exhibit In t.h Women's building, first plac waa won 1 br Sully county, and second went t Stanley. ' Th meeting of th South Dakota Horn. Coming and Floueer- astoclatlon wa a feature of the fair.. Annual bi1 si nes Waa transacted and a. nu.nbtr of short - addresses made, the of-cer frwn laat year being re-elected, A. L. Van Arittburicing WQTviEN'S '(- I 1' ; ,.. .. 'V ' ' ' '.r ; son The Fashion Center of the Middle West ESTABLISHED 1886 . Osdel of Mlnolon Mill, presldcrt and n. E. Dowdell of Artesian, secretary. Bryan's Attitude Causes Much Worry To Chiefs of Party WASHINGTON', Kept. IS. (Special Tele gram.) Mr. Bryan's plan to seek a Oer- a thev are Ift the ex-screnry'a position a positive .danger, with the democratic party ' fat-in a rerloua spilt over the opposition of the Commoner to any ex traordinary national defense now being espoused by President Wilson. ; Politicians close to the president today seemed confident that the presidential program for the army and navy could be put through congress despite the Bryan Position, but, nevertheless, the Influential men of the party look upon Mr. Bryan's statement as forecasting trouble and they don't like th outlook a little bit. If wai inarnnd today that Senator Ollle James of Kentucky, who Is one of Presi dent'., Wilson's closest adviser, will do all In his power to. land the federal Judge ship In Nebraska tor W. II. Thompson of Grand Island, ' and there are those that belleive Thompson -will be appointed In order, that the .threatened break between Wilson, and Bryan may be averted. LONDON , POLICE WILL : 'PROHIBIT TREATING ''LONDON,. Kept. 18.-The British mili tary authorities hava decided that a pro hibition ' upon "trentlng 1 essntta.l to the well being' of the troop within the metropolitan polloa - district of London and the board of central control prob ably will Issue, an order when It meets next Tuesday forbidding this form of hospitality. " The district contains TOO square miles.' i ;Undcr the' prospective order, which will apply to lub ' and. restaurants, as well as saloons, any ono paying for an other person's 'drink .or giving him money to pay for It, or any one serving a drink except toth 'person who pays for It, will be liable' to punishment. - . ', .' i ' - ' Bee Want Ads Produce Results. INAUGURAL Our Formal Exhibition of ..',V. ' OILIER .APPAREL -Belden PORTER CASE NEAR FINAL1 Senator Fall of. New Mexico Takes Witness Stand in Defense of Porter. TESTIMONY ABOUT CHARACTER LAS CRUCRS. X. M.. Sept. 18. (Special Telegram.) When the fiftieth witness for the defense in the rorter-Connell case had been Introduced this afternoon, the trial of James U Porter on the charge of killing Ralph Connell tu almost com pleted. Uttle new evidence has been de veloped during the last two days and the majority of the time of the court has been takn up with the hearln? of char acter witnease put on the stand by the attorneys for the defense to show thai Porter waa a law abiding cltlten and that he had never had any trouble. One of the witnesses this afternoon waa United States Senator A. B. Fall of New Mexico, who lives at Three Riv ers. N. M., only a short distance above Tularoeia, His testimony mainly referred to the statenienta made y Jack Cravens at his ranch. The senator waa also used aa a witness for Porter. A. copy of the decision of the state su preme court In the water hearing case, which, was the original cause of the trouble between Connell and Porter, was Introduced today. It had no special el it nlt'lc&nce except to. show that the higher court had. reversed the lower court and had thrown tho caae out of court. Today closed the second week, of the trial and It is not believed that the case will continue more than two more days, as little remains to be presented and the arguments will probably start Monday. Department Orders. . WASHINGTON, Bept. 18.-(.peclal Tel egram.) Miss iSlva M. Nelson was ap pointed postmaster at Brayton. Audubon .county. Iowa, vice Mlsa Vivian Hurt le tu removed. Warren M. Woodbury was re -appointed postmaster at Center, Knox county. Ne braska. A. W. Schuls of 'Ames, la., lias been appointed an aHslstant Ln field se. vlce of the Agricultural department. George P. Braun of Greenville, la. has been appointed an assistant engineer Ht the United ttatea penitentiary at Leav enworth, Kan. The postofflc at Sua'r. Lincoln county, 'Wyoming, haa been discontinued, mall tu Frontier. . . , Go & New Record Made in Unloading Grain StTKRIOR, Wis., Kept. H-A new world's rtcorJ for unloading grain was established at Superior's Grt-at Northern elevator "S", yesterday, when 423 cars were unloaded In thirteen and a half hours. The mark has never been ap proached, A. B. Clarke, superintendent of all Great Northern elevators In Superior, declared. It may not be equalled again for years, he said. , Brother of Beatrice Mayor Killed in East r.EATRrCE, Neb., Sept. 18. (Special Teletrram.) Mayor J. W. Mayer was called to Kenosha, Wis., today by a tele gram stating that his brother John had been killed ln an accident. No particu lars were given. Mr. Mayer waa 55 years of ase. . . Ketrn F.nrnee F.leetroctlnn. BEAT RICH, Neb., Sept. 18. (Special Telegram.) Charles Kearn barely escaped being1 electrocuted nt the Gilbert theater today wlien he attempted to connect the ends of two wires without turning off the, current His hands and face were badly burned before he freed himself from tho wire. SUPERIOR, Neb., Sept. 18. (Special Telegram.) The city council at the meet ing yesterday ordered the Lincoln Tele phono company to remove all the poles and lines from Central avenue for five blocks before December 1. as they Intend to Install a new system of whit way street Ugrhts along the avenu. Try to (Stop Auto Speeding. SUPERIOR, Neb., Sept, 18. (Special Telegram.) The city officials are having quite a time trying to enforce the state law In regard to lamps and displaying of numbers on the automobiles. They are also trying to stop children under 16 years of age running the cars. Some of the officials are carrying stop watches to catch the speeders and have several cases ready to file complaints on now. Mi