Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 18
-Tt TIIH OMAHA SUNDAY 1JEK: SEPTEMBER- 19, 1915. ECHOES HEARD AT THE GAYEL'S FALL South Omaha Woodmen of World Initiate a Large Class Jnto the Mysteries of the Order. IXC RENTE CAMTS CONSOLIDATE Rnuth Omaha ramp No. ELI. Woodmen of the World, r&r aa entertainment last Wednesday even Ins" at MoOann's hall. Twenty-fourth and P streets. A largo rlaxa waa Initiated Into tha mysteries of woodcraft, after which refreshments were aerved. Tha officer from Benaon camp No. SS were present and exemplified tha wfirK, assisted br tha Benson, drill team. After Initiation a fancy drill waa put on. Captain Todd had charM of tha tram work and It la through his untiring ef forts that tha team haa reached Ita hlch standard of proficiency. It waa a meet In It long to be remembered by all Wood men and 8011th Omaha. The consotMaUim of Robin Hood camp No. 80 and Florence camp No. Mfi, both located In Florence, la about to be con summated. Commltteea from both ram (hi have been appointed and a meeting la to be held aoon to arrange detail of tha consolidation, Fraaer camp No. 4 will meet nert Krldey craning at t o'clock at Armburat hall. Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets. Special entertalnnv nt haa been arranued by OL J. Hoffman, chairman of the com mittee. Thla la tha last meet!. that wtll ba held during- tha month. Onmenlua camp No. 7 will meet next Saturday evening at Bohemian hall. Thir teenth and Martha streets. Vac Vomarka, deputy of the camp, promlaea a Tame claaa for Initiation and a grand g-ood time for all who attend. t orient ttrd-r t nllril Wtrkan. Patten lodge No. O will give a dartre for members and friends next Monday evening. The degree team of North Omaha lodge No. 1B will give a dance next Wednesday evening at tha temple. KnlaM mt lylhlaa. The Knlgnta of Pythias held a ahort session laat Monday evening and, accord ing to the pledge made by all present, the expectations of Chancellor Taylor will be fully realised within the time limit. Tha memlierahlp committers, captained by Vies m-D. Pay, Chapman and Brttt, are now ready to choose their assistant. AH Knights In the city holding membership In Nebraska lodge No. 1 will ba on one of the three committees. Tha rules of tha card contest ara com plete and will be given out Monday even ing. Grand Chancellor Meredith will ba present Monday evening as may ba other grand officers. Fraternal lalon. Banner lodge No. 11 will give a card party and dance Thursday evening at Myrtle hall. Fifteenth and Douglas streets. i . Hoyal "Jetsjhhors. The officers of Ivy cajnp No. 1 will meet Friday at the home of Mrs. Ida Berg, 4326 Corby street, at 1 o'clock. AUDITORIUM HAS MANY DATES FOR THE SEASON Manager Frank of tha Auditorium an nounces tha following dates concern lag ' future events at tha Auditorium: October 7 Boston Symphony orchestra. October 11-1 World's series ball gaanea. rtober IK Mme, Johanna Oadskl. October SS Christian tkienca conveo tlon. November ,-Nebraska Btata TeacWa' association. November 1 Mm. King-Clark. November 1 Mhrinera, November 23 Oeraldlne Parrar. . November 2ft-HI Poultry show. November 29 Mary Oarden. Iecember t Melba. lecembr iM Municipal Christmas tree. January 17 Paderewakl. January U-Ze-lmplemcnt dealers' coo- veniion. January I7-2 San Carlos Opera, January W John Mi-Onrmack. February 15 Frits Krelsler. hbruary lAli-e Nielsen. February 2 Iavld Bisonam. February St, March l-t-Cment show. In addition to these attractions tha Auditorium la assured of tha National Defense chow, tha Pavolora Russian Im perial Ballet and tha Metropolitan Or and Opera company. Popular prices will prevail for tha con certs to be given by such artists as Oad skl. Mary Oarden. John HcCormack. Alloa Nielsen and David Uispham. REV. MACKAY TO ADDRESS TRAVELING MEN SATURDAY The Rev. T. J. Mackay will address tha lot al members of Omaha Post A, Travelers Protective association at the Hotel Pax ton next Saturday night This wilt be the first of a series of monthly meetings at which programs of educational and entertainment value will be given for the traveling men and their friends. N. P. gas, expert on scientific sales naiiahlp, will follow Mr, Mackay, and will give tha men some pointers on sell ing goods. in addition to these two addresses there will be a short program of musical num bers, given by C. O. Bugbee, Bert Hill. John McCreary and U Rodgers, alter which a light lunch will ba served. Meetings at which similar programs will be given will ba held each month. and the Interest In this, the first one. Indicates they will prove very popular. WOMAN IN BLACK TO BE AT MONROE THEATER ALL WEEK 5he woman with the black m. -k v.. returned to Omaha and will ba at the saunroa, t neater all this week- Although the woman In blark was In Omh. r.- oults time this spring she was able to successfully conceal her identity and there U just aa much curiosity aa to who she is aa. there was when she ap peared at the Brandels theater. About l.ofo feet of films of the mysterious nuui will ba shown, pictures taken while she was riding wild horses. Bha will also ing at sack performance at tha theater this week. KRUG PARK-TO REOPEN ' FOR COUNTY FAIR WEEK Krug park is again open to the public. Tbo txtULnagecueut of this popular result has arranged to reopen the gates start- In ' today and closing September 17. Many ui-of-tuwn visitors her for the Douglas County fair, which Is being held diret ily opposite ths park, will no doubt find much to please their fancy In tha l,ne of amusements. The free garage and the spacious picnic grounds are also vpu to the public WHO WILL BETHE QUEEN Society it Now Guessing as to the Contort of King; Ak-Sar-Ben This Fall. SPECIAL MAIDS ARE NAMED (Continued from Page Two.) bora of tha faculty and representative from tha other fraternities of tha onl- rerslty with alumni and active members of Bryan Penate, tha local ct.apter of Detta Theta Phi, made up the list of thoso present. The affair was chaproned by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblonm and Mr. and Mrs. Ieiter w. Corson. The favors were pictures of 'The llotn.1 of the Delt" and the drawing room en closed In a liooklrt of green and white, the colors of the fraternity. Tim color scheme throughout the house was slwi In the fraternity colors. The "licit" plnn to give a number of parties during the school year. Those present mere: Mlses Arta lllsck tlettnide Itylen I'.etn CariH-iUer Christine Iydecfcrr Hienche Clnrke Jrace Norrls Vera I'Utton Opal Crumbll.t Irene O'Neill Alice Itamev Cecil Wilson Mnrgaret Havage Meners. W. M. Mrllale C. Ia, Morgan II. K. (iants f. A. Silver i. P. Cornln P. T. McAvoy C. C. Stuart A. I Swygsrd J. V. Heveridge V. A. Ilelenstrelt T. K. Dunbar W. M. Cumpbell John Foley Misses Clara Itoetlie Irene I Xiwnlng Miiry ltoinsny Ce KlUsliefh Hoffman I 'lira I mi t ton Margnret I)lneen Korothy Brown Helen llvde Msry nerson Harriet lllackman Meesers I'rof. U Telo Prof N. n. Kenrdon II. W. I)risoll P. C. Kamsrixkl K. J. Nl hnlss P. K. Km no 'linrles Flood P. Mc lJovern K. ,1. Hwoboda It. J. Knyle Steve M nl v Hi 111 Paul A. Iturke Arthur Of fi rmnii For Visitors. Mr. and Mm. J. M. Daugherty enter tained at dinner Friday evening at their home In honur of Miss Madeline IMckey of Kansas City, the guest of Miss Klixa beth Heed. A low mound of gladlola decorated the table, and the guests were: in Misses Frances Hochstotler. I Msclellne lUckey, mixalieth Heeil. Messrs. Thornton Prajr of Alice Janulth. Aieasrs. Frederick Oaugherty Lawrenc lIokey. noston. Issaaa Carpenter, For the Future. Tha women of the Holy Angels' parish will give a card party Wednesday eve ning at their hall on Twenty-eighth and Fowler avenue. Periontl Mention, Mr. a M. Jones returned Friday from a month's vacation spent In California. Miss Anna Loechner of Detroit, Minn., Is tha guest of her sister. Mrs. Oeorge H, Houllston, No. . Victoria apartments. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Daugrmrty and son, Edward, spent several days the first part of tha week on their ranch In tha western part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. 11. N. Wray of Los An geles are In tha city the guests of their daughter, Mrs. D, & Chesney, and Mr. Manager Pry or Says Sale of Season Tickets for Charity Concerts Great Tha sale of season tickets for tha Charity Concert course wound up with a whirlwind finish laat Wednesday night Mora tickets were sold that day than during any previous seven days. As In everything else, a great many people put off buying season tickets till tha laat minute, not realising that tha first com ers get tha beat seats. If sny experience counts for anything I certainly think that tha Boston Sym phony orchestra will draw one of the greatest audiences that ever thronged the Auditorium. Tha Immense enthusiasm everywhere! over the coming of what Is undoubtedly the world's greatest orches tra, combined with tha fact that this performance will ba one of tha big fea tures of Ak-Har-Ben week, will pack our new municipal Auditorlun to tha fur thest corner. . Tha bringing of such an organisation to Omaha oould scarcely ba undertaken by one person, for the cost la too great to ba assumed by one man, no matter how publlo-aplrtted ha may be. Bo It remained for tha Omaha "Retailers" to promote and flnanoa this great conoart Just for a minute, oontempkata 108 rail road fares, luS berth and drawing-room acoonunodatlona, a solid vastlbuled Pull man train with four baggage cars, aa well as the Immense salaries of tha In dividual artists, to say nothing of the local expanse, such as printed matter, bill-posting, advertising and Auditorium rent. One can then begin to slaa up the probable cost of such an undertaking. The committee la charge, Messrs. Bel den, Nash and Brandels, have held al most dally conference with ths local man ager. Their time alone In this work, while not included In the expenses, would Three Municipal Band Concerts :AT HANSCOM PARK Sunday, September 19th Two in the afternoon and one in the even ing. Afternoon concerts start at 2 o'clock; evening concert at 7:30 o'clock. Take East or West Side Park Cars. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company PRESIDENT HIGH SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS. Vl W a &r&ce Hohcl Mi Chonney. They will remain about six i w"ke. I A daughter, 12 1 in be th Jane, waa born j last week to Mr. and Mrs.. 1L Clyde R1- ' miirulson of Bioknne, Wash., formerly ! of Omaha. Mrs. Kdmundson was form erly Miss Irene Miner. Dr. and Mrs. K. A. Van Fleet returned Saturday from a three months' trip. They attended the Amerii-an Medical meeting at Han Francisco, taking In both exposi tions and were at Ing Beach for seven ww-ks. They visited at I-ortland. Beat tie, Tacoma, Salt Lake City and Denver enrnute home. In end Out of the Bee Hire. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foster ara spending the week In Chicago. The Misses lOmma and FJIsabeth Klse llng have returned from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Field returned Fri day from the Pacific coast, where they sKnt the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Field hava just re turned from a two months' trip to ths Iacif!c coast, visiting both exposltlona CHga Johnson and Ruth Under go to Oilca go where thoy will enter the Pea-lalozsl-Fraebel Kindergarten Training school. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS AT PRAYER MEETING AT Y. M. C. A. The second of the series of high school boys' prayer meetings was held at the Young Men's Christian aaoclatldn Friday night The supper, which preceded tha prayer meeting, was held at 6:45. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bea "For Rent" be an Item for whloh few would car to pay. ' The single admission tickets will be on sale on or after Wednesday. October a, at any of the big stores. Tou may send your checks to Mr. Charles A. Frank e. care The Omaha Auditorium, and I can- j not too strongly advise everyone to get I Immediate action. Kvery seat will cer- I talnly ba sold. Tou yourself will go. So I why not get a good seat. Instead of tak ing what la left at some later date? Prices for tickets will be found In the advertisement on the Amusement page of this paper. LUCIUS PRIOR, Liocai Manager Charity Concern Course. a7sr-x. m - Dn.ari P Bamjs Sanatorium Tnla Institution la tha only on In tt central weat with separata buildUgs situated In thlr VH jnpla grounds, yat ntlrly die tlnct, and rendering It possible to classify cases. . The on bulling balng fitted tor and devoted to the treatment of non-contagloua and non-mental disease, no othar be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage being designed tor and de voted to the exclusive treatment of select mental case requiring for a Urn watchful oar and pe dal nursing. HOI 1 16th and Davenport Sts. To Be Opened About October 1 and Those Who Built and Furnished This Fireproof Hotel ALEX BECK 206 State Bank Building Hotel Edward, 2?r Modern Fireproof Structure Business Is moving north on Six teenth street. Evidence Of this fa"t Is apparent In the erection of the hamhionie new hotel building at tha corner of Sixteenth and Davenport. The new hostelry Is to be known as the Hotel EdwsrtT, and It will be opened to the public about October first by Messrs. Stern"-r and Oar dlne, who are experienced hotel men, having recently managed the St. James hotel. The new Hotel Edward is a hand some brick buildlnr, fireproof -nJ modern In every respect The build ing contains one hundred and thlrt guest rooms and Is up-to-date in every detail as to flttinga and finish. v Prospects for the new hotel are very bright and there is no reasw no ,le why Messrs. Sterrlcker and Oardl should not meet with considerable auccess. ELECTRICAL WIRING INSTALLED BY Edw. F. Schurig Electrical Contractor and Engineer Plan and Specifications Furnished. ESTIMATES FURNISHED Phone Harnej . 2946 WE Furnished the M ATERIAL For the HOTEL EDWARD McCaffrey bros. co. 120 South 17th. YE We Furnished The Lighting Fixtures For the EDWARD HOTEL "Quality", Not Price, Jlrf Why We're Doinf It American Electric Go. "lie Fiiturt Home" Phooa Dodj. 1481. 520 S. 16th St. REAL PLASTERING That'. What You Get When ANDERSON BROS. DO THE WORK N For Twenty :Seven Years We have been more than satisfying builders with our supreme plastering Anderson Bros. OMAHA, NEB. TT EDWARD TO BE OPENED SOON li s. ' A" - i ."; V -"a :-! )sa,sViViWsawjv.-waw NEW HOTEL EDWARD EUROPEAN ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 16th and Davenport Sts. 130 ROOMS NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOUT Running Hot and Cold Water; Telephone and Electric Lights in Every Room Rooms With Private Shower Bath, Single $1.00, Double, $1.50; Rooms with Bath Privilege, 50c and 75c; Weekly Rates, $2.50 to $6.00 ALL ROOMS OUTSIDE EXPOSURE Phone Tyler 40. General Contractor Builde r PAone Douglas 2193 ROOFING Furnished by C. J. Shea Roofing Co. ESTIMATES FURNISHED Gravel, Asphalt, Slate and Tile Roofing rHOBTXS Office, Doofflas 1000; Besideace, Webster 8S13. 51 DOUGLAS BLOCK S. E. Corner Sixteenth and Dodge. Omaha, Neb. Larson's Buffet 312 North Sixteenth St. HOTEL EDWARD Now Open for Business The Mosaic Flooring IN THE HOTEL EDWARD ' Wa Furnished By 4 The Neb raska Terrazzo and Mosaic Co. 1024 FARNAM STREET ' A. Maaaetti, Vrea. U. Saxeaa, Mr, 0. BartaoUi, Trsaa. idJ I f