TI1K OMAHA SUNDAY WKY): SKIT MUKU 19, 1013. 3I! v Vfliat Women Are Doing in the World ... Drill Team Ladies' Auxiliary N. A. L. C. ( laft alradar. BUN DAT Rosrrh club. Ft. Bcrchman's 1'iiilpmy. J p. m. TUFiSPAY State Womtn'l Christian Ti mpprtni-e union convention at Mrand Island. WKnNfcSPAY Miller Park Mothers' circle. Miller I'ark school auditorium. i:V t. m. TIU'HSPAY .Pcnoon Womnn'i rlih, Mrs. J. W. Welch, hostess. Kmma Houglanil Klower inlfwlon. FRIDAY West Omaha Mothers Culture cluli. Mrs. C. H. Swan, hostrs?. RATl'RDAY Association of ColleRlate Alumnae, Commercial rluli, 2 : p. in. (Notices for thin column should he mulled or telephoned to the club reporter before Krlday noon.) j IIS. N. 11. Ne'snn. presi dent of the Omaha. Woman's club, announces the openlm? club meeting, Monday after noon, Octoher 4. at tho Yount; Women's ChrtsUan association auditorium, the new meeting place. It la pussibio a talk by "Billy" Sunday will be (rtven. There will he a report of the atate convention of the Nebraska Fed eration of Woraeni Clubs at Norfolk ana me president s annual address will tie Kiven at this time. Mrs. C. II. Swan will entertain the first meetlnK of the West Omaha Mothers' Culture club Rriilay afternoon at her homo, 4315 Frank I In street. Mrs. Blaine Truesdell will real a paper on "History of the Opera." Mrs. F. J. White will have "Balrac" as her subject and Mrs. O. A. Roberts will tell the story of "The Bohemian Girl." There will be piano ac companiments to the last number. A cooking contest. In which Miss Jan Thomson of Chicago, suffrage organizer In Rochester, N. Y., challenged any antl suffraglst to compete with her In mak ing southern hot biscuit and chocolate cake, has, created much publicity. Miss Thomson spent a number of weeks In Omaha during the suffrage campaign last fall and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding during her stay. Mrs. Justus Lowe, formerly . Miss Carolyn Harding, and Miss Thomson were college mates. The Research club will hold Us an nual meeting and election of officers Sunday afternoon at S o'clock, at St. Berchman's academy. All member have been urged to attend. The Bemls Park Mothers' club, of which Mrs. B. Ia Lulkart is president, will not resume Its meetings until after, tho "Billy" Sunday campaign. The Miller Park Mothers' circle resumes Its meetings Wednesday afternoon at the Miller park school auditorium. The first meeting will be devoted to business. The year's study will be outlined and plans for the continuation of the Junior musl caJcs and junior orchestra, under the di rection of the president, Mrs. Charles B Thlem, will be discussed. The Association of Collegiate alumnae will hold Its open meeting Saturday at S:30 p. m. at the Commercial club. All members have been urged to be present as business dealing with a new consti tution, the raising of dues and plans for the October reception to new members will be discussed. , Miss Bess Duroont la president of the college women's club. . Mrs. H. E. Newbranch of tha press committee of the Association .of - pol leglat alumnae, has . returned from a summer spent at Long Beach, The opening meeting of the Dundee Woman's club will be a luncheon at the Commercial club, Wednesday. November I, the regular date for resuming club work having been postponed on aocount of the "Billy" Sunday meetings. "The Bible as Literature," will occupy the study program of vthe elub for the first half year and will be superseded by the I study of the short story. The year book contains a fine list of volumes which snakes up the club library. Mrs. George ' C. Bdgerly is president. Mrs. W. L. Selby, lea president; Mrs. T. R. Braden, sec retary, and Mrs, C. J. Hubbard, treas- TO PRESIDE AT GRAND ISLAND MEETING I J . . X, s . . a - t . It! j 1 I -.. -' . ;4,;- MRS. M. M. CLAKl.IX OK LINCOLN, II 1;'C.h J CVo . i W " " PRKSIDRNT 1F Til h) NKBltASKA II ' . ' MlKidLX f -. i WOMK.NS CHRISTIAN TKHl'KHKN' E II i . ' - j A(CS-- 1 I'NlON. WILL PR ESI UK AT THK j II , . - - . . V V-rv - . t t -- - J KTATB CUNVKNTION AT ORANl II W " - - ' ' ISLAND Tt.-EKAY. II t : ii at the exposition ItsWf, and a month ano the fhrmrr amusement king went back to Coney Island. The directors of Luna and the business men of Coney Island planned the benefit. The admission price to Luna was raised from 10 cents to II, though fof the addi tional price admission was protlded to all howa within the ltg rosort and more than frO.OiiO persons visited the place. According to Tody Hamilton, who checked up the (sale, there will be about ' I.ic.OiV left, when nil expenses have been ' paid, to provide a home for Thompson at I Coney Island New York Clipper. Law Class Elects Officers Junlirj law class of trie r'nntej.elln university . I he'd Its class diction lu.'t evening, when j ! K. I. Shlrly, pteslil'tu, .1. V. !laywarl, j i vice rrat'lent; K. Jolinsnn, secretniy; T. J ' It. l'-tnlels, treasurer, were elected as of- J .fleers. The class meets Mondsy and : Thursday evenings. I '1 Ltr0 srvao PHOTO The drill team of the ladles' auxiliary No. 78 of the National Association of I-ietter Carriers received much favorable comment when they put on the fancy "Flag drill" at the reception tendered tho delegates and visitors at the Scottish Rile cathedral last week, during tha national convention of the National As sociation of Letter Carriers and the ladles' auxiliary. So well was the drill received that the carriers made a special request that the performance be repeated at the grand ball given at the Omaha Auditorium on Thursday " evening, to which the ladies responded, and received loud and prolonged applause. An Invitation was extended to the ladles to put on their drill before the Convention of Royal Neighbors of Doug las county, held In the Continental build ing, Wednesday evening. Myrtle hall was well filled with members from out-of-town, as well as those residing In Greater Omaha, and the ladles were given an ovation following the fancy drill, which was very nicely executed. The following constitute the drill team: Mr. Hattle Newton, Mrs. Charles Oowe, Mrs. Minnie Hynek, Mrs. Ixrttle Harris, Mrs. Mlna Reed, Mrs. Alvtra Biitton, Mrs. Dora Enirllsh, Mrs. Anne Oroetchel, Mrs. Maud Scott. Mra J. W. Willey, Mra Mary Young. Mra RUiabeth Pllley, Mrs. Marie Saline., Mra Emma Metcalf, Mrs. Ruth Fanowlch. Mra Mable Win ters and Mrs. C. A. Sherwood, Instructor, dent of parliamentary drill, will take part In one of tha sessions. Chapter BN. P. H. o! will meet Satur day morning. September 25, at 10 o'clock with Mrs. Lynn Kllgore, 1619 Spencer. The business meeting will be followed by the report of the June convention and luncheon. V The Sermo club will hold Its first reg ular meeting of the year Tuesday. Mrs. E. H. Barnes will be hostess at a 1 o'clock luncheon In the Young Women's Christian association rooms. Domestic science and studying the lives of prom inent living people will be the new year's program. Mrs. B. R. Hawley, recently elected president after an absence of three months spent In visiting on the Paclflo coast, will be the guest of the club. The North Side Women's Christian Tem perance union meets Thursday afternoon at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. A. H. Rath bun. A program In honor of Frances Wll lard's birth and the election of officers will be given. Tha Association. of Collegiate alumnae i tha Ban Francisco convention passed a resolution favoring equal suffrage by a largs majority. Out of 273 votes cast, 2M favored woman suffrage, as against thirteen opposed, while twenty-four did not vote, according to the Woman's Jour nal. Tha B. Ik B. club of Benson wis en tertained at the home of Mrs. J. T. MU namon Thursday, The Benson Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. John Speedle Thursday, when the first regular program of the season was given. During the business session It was voted to hold the next meeting on Thursday, but all further meetings to be held on Monday as long as the Sunday campaign is going on. In the absence of Mrs. G. W. Iradale, the program was lead by Mrs. 3. W. Hooper, "Foreign Peasantry" was dis cussed after the readfcg of papers touch ing on RusHla, the northwestern and northeastern part of Europe.' , Reports of the summer camp at "Water loo and of the vacation school main tained this summer were received at board meeting of the Social Settlement last week. Miss Jessie Powell Arnold, the head res ident, was in charge of the camp at Waterloo, at which 133 persons were ac commodated during the five weeka The heavy rains flooded the camp on ' one occasion, necessitating a return to the city, but otherwise tha camp was voted a great success. Miss Lois Rabbins. Ellas Camel and Wen Sadll assisted Miss Arnold at the camp. The vacation school enrollment reached tha 125 mark, under the direction of Mlv Sophia Adama Classes In cooking, sew ing, embroidery, crocheting, tatting, drawing, music, games for little children and story hours occupied the school Period. Especially fine hammock work was' done by the boys, under the direc tion of Miss Em a Hadra. Mrs. Paul Gallagher, Miss Jessie Goeta, Mrs. Emery, Bliss Helen Epeneter, Miss Schermerhom, Miss Florence. Powers and Miaa Hannah Smylle were among the volunteer workers during the 'summer. . Omaha will send a largo delegation te the forty-first annual meeting of the Ne braska Women's Cnristlan Temperance I'nlon at Grand Island, beginning Tues day and extending until Friday. Mrs. Iulu L She parti, president of the Llah Women's Christian . Temperance Union Mrs. Ross Hayes Bchachner of St. Louis, and Mrs. a M. Walker of Toledo, O, will be the principal speakers at the con vention. Mrs. D. C. John of Omaha, president of Ihn Iouglas County Women's Christian Tc.iiltjrauco I'nlon and stats superlnten The Mothers' club wilt hold tha first meeting of tha year Monday at the Young Women's Christian association. An hour will be devoted to the study of mas terpieces of art, and Mrs. L & Leavltt will haive charge of the affair. An In vitation Is extended to all club members. Brownell Hall Will Open Term This Week Brownell Hall opens this week for Its fifty-second year. New day pupils not already classified, should report at I o'clock on Wednesday, September 23. Boarders arrive on that day also. Regu lar exercises begin In the school room on the morning of Thursday, September 23. There will be a half-day session at the main school and the opening service will take place at 12 o'clock. All who have ever been connected with the school are Invited to this service. An Informal luncheon will be served Immediately after the service. Those who can stay for the luncheon are asked to notify Miss Johnson. It Is hoped that there wllVbe a general rally of all those In Omaha, who have been connected with Brownell Hall. Junior school puaiils should report at I a. m., Thursday to 133 North Fortieth street. of the actor who Is now visiting here. Prof. Emit Poulsen, was In' his day con sidered the leading tragedian of north ern Hurope, but It Is said that his son far exceeds him. Earlier, ancestors of the Poulsen family for several genera tions held the office of governors of the Danish. West Indian Islands. NOTED DANISH ACTOR IS TO BE IN OMAHA THIS WEEK Johannes . Poulsen, a leading motor from - the Danish Royal theater at Copenhagen. I comin? to Omaha some time this week and will remain here sev eral days. During his stay he will be entertained . by Sophus F Neble, editor Of thA Dnnlah Plr.nMtr Omaha aUIah Grant Woman's Relief nf rcni-h m-.k . ' i. w-. JTrl,U.Tt Tue,day m their distinguished countryman at a re Memorial hall. K.K1 V. , j although Mr. Poulsen is not on a tour, ' Hllf Vina mtirlsa s tiHn a fAimil t Temperance union will meet Thursday at 1 ,Uying mme tlm, , Indla and Jpan; Tha XT. a The West Bide Women's Christian ' p. m. at the home of Mrs. Baldwin, 6603 Woolworth avenue. George Y. 'W. C. A. Notes. .The household arts department has Last week he appeared by special request In Festival hall at the San Francisco exposition. The family of Poulsen has for several generations been the leading lights of planned an attractive group of classes tha .tini . . , , .. for the fall term, both in Icooklnir and tne natna Danish stage. The father sewing. Tne regular classes In cookln a are offered and there are two special courses, one for houesmalds and the other for nurses In Invalid cookery. Cookery I Is for those who know llttln of cooking and need to start from the i foundation. It can be combined with one of the mors advanced courses, thus en- aDiing one to cover more ground In the short while. Course II and III srtve tha mora ail-1 vartced cooklns and demonstrate the ' fancier and more expensive dishes. In! inese courses tne serving of meals Is taught .. The special courses are not exclusively for maids or for nurses, but are nut at a time when they can be accommodated and the cookery offered is supposed to meet their requirements. In the sewing department there Is a class for plain sewing and one for fine nanaworx, com or these being given In the morning and the evening. Mrs. CV teron will nave the classes again this year. Miss Moore, tha household arts director, Is In her office ervery day except Wednes day between the hours of 12 and t o'clock. Big Benefit at Luna for Fred Thompson Nets About $30,000 ! When Frederlo Thoip'pson conceived i Luna park he little thought that It would j be the mens of furnishing him a home j at a time wnen pome Fortune naci ccasua to smile upon him. But the events of Friday, September 10, showed that such was the case. Friday, September 10, was Fred Thomp son day at Luna park and the entire pro ceeds of that day, frotrt noon till nfldntght are to go toward building a home for the ex-amusement king. In his day, which was ont so long ago, Mr. Thompson was a unique figure In the amusement world, and It Is to his genius that 'Coney1 Island la tho 'Coney Island that It Is. It was Luna Park, the creatlnn of Frederic Thompson, that changed that "clty-by-the-eea" from a resort of rowdies to a place that appealed to the best people of the land and a resort for women and children an endless fairyland for the little folk and. a place of relaxa tion for the workaday world In general. This creation of Thompson's won a world-wide fame. It was copied all over the United States and found Its way to England and continental Europe. It was tha most copied amusement creation the world ever knew, and It is little wonder that Its creator should now be rewarded at a time when he needs It for who Is there to say he deserves It hot? ' Frederlo Thompson Is broke Uo use ths vernacular).' His Toyland venture at the Panama exposition failed, through no fault of his, but because of the general conditions that kept down the attendance Concerning Prices Most people today re alize that volume of busi ness Is the greatest fac tor In producing low prices. The store that (toed the largest volume of busi ness and turns its capi tal the oftenest, Is In a position to give the best values. We emphasise the pro tection which the reputa tion of this firm afford 13 you and feel that the convenience of our loca tion has been a factor In our success. Dut more than any thing else the consistent fairness of our prices and the excellence of our val ues have been the great underlying causes for the steady growth of this business during the last 25 years. ssV isae) soua 3 1 123 EWELERS eouaiA j OMAna sjz: MAHA M The Silk Shop 211 City Nat'l Bank Blig. Just received a shipment of thoto scarce 40-lnch, all silk' Chiffon Velvets, the height of fashion for suits -nd gowns. The colors aro Hague Blue, Midnight Navy, Ad miral, African Brown, Kalsln, Russian Oreen and Black. Regu lar 16.00 quality, specially priced 2p.ra.'.: $4.00 E. A. Bessire It i aV 4s-4 trTSfV " . - . . ..-Mr- w ' i tat j J La i i VWvyAtlnlli:. II S1 if it Tr II ir flu 41 WiM Fat, Hard to Fit-Thin Still Worse Any Hgum l'erfectly Fife Is Our (atiaranteo. NKW FALL AXD WINTKK MATKKIALH To HKLKCT FKOM. WK (ilTAKANTKK HATISKACTIOX. PKKKS ALWAYS ItEASOXABLK. Paxton Block. I TUB BKLIABLK liADIEH TAILOIL LOHRr.1AN Send for Free Instructions for Crocheting Write at once and receive complete illustrated and printed directions for crocheting the novelties here illustrated, and others originated by the foremost designers. Whether jrou are an expert, or have "never crocheted a stitch" send for these lessons and find out for yourself what exquisite and valuable things you can produce with a crochet hook and a ball or two of glistening, "easy to handle" KLOSTERSILK the Crochet Cotton which makes your good results rtmaln good because it is unshrinkable made in whit that stays whits and colors that last. Clip the Shopping List shown below It will enable you to specify to your dealer exactly the right KLOSTERSILK Cotton to use for any article. ' Sand alf-ddreasei. stamped envelop todar tor tr erochat Instructions for designs Illustrated Thread Sales Dept. X 219 W. Ad una St.. Chios The Thread Mills Company KLOSTERSILK Shopping List Telia what Threads te tte For Crorhtling Handktrrhlrl triglng. In sertiftni mid utting, liuft Art. Sf klnatrnilk Coxdonnct fclMS-lnl, bslli. . iatiinf, inatrtinns, ris ing, rtt., uat Art. Kxi Klua tcnilk 1'attn, amall ball. Towel erUrtnaa, snd sll heavy rmrhet, Art. 804 Rlna terallV Herle, larja balla, Art. Kr, amall halla, or Art. aus aaoatetailkl'erlt.Urt akelna. Iloudnir rapa, habr bootees. Art. Sia Kloaterallk ' Satin Olnns, white, colore, spoola. Infanta' Jackets, Art. TS Kloaterallk Crochet Hoche, white, balla. For Embroidering CtoM atitih, Imti.ila, Art. 717 Kloaterallk Mouitns, coU ura. white, akeina. rretich knot, heT Initials, Art. 806 Kloatrrailk, ftrls, colors, white, akeina. French embroidery, Initials, Art. 76 Kloaterallk .Kluchs, while, akaina, E relets and monosrame, Art. tnj Kloaterallk itroder Special, white, skeins. raddiiur snd solid env broidery. Art. yf Kloaterallk Jeannette.white, colors, balls. Shadow work. Art. is KloMcrailk i lochs, white, balls. Towela, pillow caaet. Art, S11 Kloaterallk Ivory White, skeina or Art. 84a Kloaterallk. white, holders, Colored embroidery. Art. 4i Kloatrnilk India or Art. kit Kkwlcrailk Kope.boldera. Edith I. Wagoner Teacher of Piano , Omaha Conservatory of Music 2301, Harney Street A limited numberof private pupils ( , accepted. Ilione Harnpy ftOflA ' Or lKiiKlas 417. ' THE OMAHA BEE-. . THE HOME PAPER I 'i ai i. 1 j- y 1 1 1 COFFEE FOR 2 LB. CANS "That Economy Coffee' tT''4'T? v "' "'''I - relVii iiiiiih fawlr i t t .Wftf,- mwtypivm mtimtmi PerfectionRT"i Akaelawly essraatee Safer than poison ordrturs neil hardware, giovrf O'&f a depextaaent states SS by ass.il. Perfeerloa Boerh Tray, Co. Desk la Leuia, ! TO USERS OF HAIRREMOVERS Boat Bxpsrlmsnt with o-OaUs4 upernaous alalr aVsmovers. If you use a simple toilet preparation It proves to be worthless you only It Is a very serious matter, tan snd lose money. hnurMi whAn rfnuKiliil k. I. because It will either result In permanent disfigurement or cost you many dollars and take months or posaibly years to train control of the frrowth. after It has been stimulated by the use of such prep arations. It Is a waste of time to use pastes and rub-on Drenetratlnns whirh mereiv remove hair from the surface of the skin. To rob hair or Its life sustaining force, you must devitalise It Dy attacking it under the skin as well as on the skin. Nothing but LeMlracle, the original liquid depilatory, can accomplish this result. Imitations of DMiracle are as worthless as paste and rub-on praratlon becauao they lack certain ingredients that IfeMir arle alone contains which give it the power to rorj nair or its vitality. Kemem ber, eMlrsvcle Is the only depilatory that ha a binding guarantee In each package which entitle you to your mutiny If It fails. Insist on the genuine eMiracle and you will get the original liquid hair remover, utnnrs are worthless lmits Uons refuse) them. LeMlntcle Is sold In tl 00 and K OO bot tles. Tha larger else la the moat econom ical for dermaJologtsts and large users to buy. If "your dealer will not supply' you. order direct from ua The truth about the treatment of superfluous hair mailed In plain sealed envelope on re quest, lMiracls Cham icj Lotopany, rx-.pt. n. Park Awe. and 1Mb bt. New York. Advertlaement. w A L T E R WHEATLEY toich Aim opcava iMSTatuanoBi. Apply Katardays SOS Z.TXIO BUILDZsTCr rteoas D. S704. Bff 0 Gan Sell Smart Houses This Ouerload of Ladies' Monday, DIB IPykiE) Tai ored tfi 1. oils and - 3es -.. e. 1 . e, 1 1 " Overload" expresses it about rightly! What AIM I to do with the HUNDREDS upon HUNDREDS of Ladies' Fall Suits and Blouses that arrived here as late as Saturday? Carpenters aro hemming us in on all sides; I haven't even as much elbow room as I had a week ago. .It's a desperate state. of affairs that forces ma to CUT the prices on wearables that have scarce seen the light of day in Omaha, but, nevertheless, I CUT, and some of these lines will not bring over half price. It's my dilemma; it's your time to win; it's tho garment chanco of THIS .year and of years to come. -.:,.. ... ... The " OM-From - Under ' ' ; Sale I IVorncn's am! Hisses' Suits- ltSfS ?V Chic Fall Stylos all to irCJ-n Q f?5 ? 1 bo rbducod llkb this . tpHO.W'J US'! Regular $35 FALL SUITS,; Monday, "at S: mm M SI 8.8 Regular $45 FALL SUITS, Monday at t4 ft m fi n a ss j a Women's arid fosses' BloUses Very croam of eastern RSTCVII n fall styloo, cut lilto thisf -ib $3,50 and $2.95 BLOUSES, at' 31.91 $4.50 and" $3.93 BLOUSES, at $2:91 $5.95 and $5.00 BLOUSES, at 98.91 Just a word or two about tho suit styles to bo shown horo Monday- , Trust to MB to secure the LATE things! Eren . at these REDUCED "Out-Krom-Uuder" prices you will find ALL of the new Broadcloth Suits, Pop lin Suits, Gabardine Butts. '.Velvet Suits, etc., variously trimmed with Fur. Velvet or Braid. In factmany of these garments arrived aa late as Saturday and are just, out of the packages. Drlof hints In regard to tho waist styles to bo shown here Monday The beautiful Iilousea to be shown here Mon day for the first time run into the THOUSANDS. ' There are Lace Mouses, Georgette Blouses, Crepe de Chine mouses, Organdies, etc. My reputation as a provider of proper. WaUU and Blouses has long beeu established; J .could not afford to show ANY-Other than tho latest at this establishment Flil filaQQfilPniin (tHHHY Lcok !he scPe of remodeling and enlarging operations ai you pass by, note. yiL!Jt3UUbiiyia!3 HJU U for instanoev ivhat a broad expanse of beautiful show windows this store will have. Tho Roady to Wear Store 1510 Douglas