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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1915)
unday B PAST ONE. NEWS SECTION PAOES 0E TO SIXTEEN THE WEATHER. Pair VOL. XLV-NO. 14. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, BEITKXUlHt ID, 1D15-F1VE SFXTIONS-F01!TV l'AOKS. SINGLE COrY FIVE CENTS. OQYS AND GIRLS DY THE THOUSAND HEAR EVANGELIST BERNSTORFF HAS FULL POWERS TO TREAT WITH U.S. The Omaha CITY OF VILNA NOW INVESTED ON THREE SIDES GEKMAN ENGINEERS ERECTING A TEMPORARY BRIDGE This work, no -peedv and effective, is what made the German advance into Russia possible. The photograph shows the building of a bridge across the Bag river, WILL SEND GERMAN ARMY JO TURKEY Statement Printed in Berlin that Large Force Will Go to Relief of Constantinople. TURKISH POSITIONS BESTROYED Twenty-Five Hundred "Kids" Crowd Tabernacle While "Billy" Sun day Talki to Them About Bight Living. ALL WOULD LIVE FOR JESUS i Jlamei Sijjned to Cards Which Will Be Uied ai Working Basis for Sunday Schools. URGES DON'T PLAY FOR "KEEPS" xnrsAT irtrrnrM. t ft. m. Grand rally of twelve Sunday eohools at Tirst Congregational Ohuxo.i, sTlaeteeath end Davenport, Miss OwuUn. IOiSO a. m. Sunday at the Tabsraiee. t p. nu Sunday at the Tabernacll. ten only. Subject, "Chlokena Com Soma to Boost." p. m. Meeting lor woman ta tha aVadltorlum, Mrs, Sunday. TiSO p. nv Sunday at the Tabernacle. TiSO P. nu "Overflow" meeting at glrat Snethodiat church, Mrs. Sunday and Xra. Ashsr. Twenty-five hundred "kids' laughed and gasped and wriggled with delight and Interest yesterday afternoon at the tabernacle as "BlUy" Sunday told them stories, told them what they ought to do and what they ought not to do and told them of Christ. The childish faces were turned up to him and over them flitted the emotions that his stories and antics roused. Billy is a great story teller and a great actor. He imitated tho whin and the Bhuffle and the coat eleeve . nose wiping of the bad boy and he told them of the good deeds of good boys and the rewards of good deeds. And a'ter his talk he suddenly called en all tha children to rtsa who wanted to live good Uvea and live for Jeau'a, and they rose together. Then "Billy" called Sot 6"9 grown persona to take their feames and addresses and church prefer ences'. Theae card will be turned over to ministers and be the foundation of a reat ingathering of the youngster to tbt Sunday schools. Homer Rodeheaver began the Service toy palling on groups and leading In sing ing "Brighton the Corner." The Bethany Evmdajt school reloased a lusty yell, which fncTuded! "tha line-,-"When BMy Pete Through." - j t. . .. Newsies on Hand. . , The front rows were occupied an hour before the meeting started. Two newalea brought , their unsold papers to tha taber nacle and offered a paper to "Body" as they passed tha platform. A freckled-faced youngster asked Chief TTsher Bowman If he might alt upon tho platform, with Mr. Sunday. A pretty littta miss with curls brought her doll, and a boy had a bottle of red pop stick ing out of bla coat pockets. A remarkable feature of the prelimin ary moating waa the singing of a duet by Homer Hodehaaver and -year-old Harry Stafford, who Uvea at 3711 Lin coln boulevard. Tna cnua a voice naa i risen so clear and sweet in the singing hy the children that the choir leader a at- tention waa attracted, nnd he asked the boy to aing wun mm. iiarry na a m , remarkable voice for one so young and 1 waa rewarded by tremendous applause. Wrlaaled with Joy. "Billy" kept tha klddlea Interested every minute. He told atorlea and they wrig gled with joy. There waa one about a CtmUnued on Faga Seven, Column Five.) Bartley Couple Found By Denver Officers DENVER, Colo., Sept. W. (Special Tel egram.) Government agenta today found I O. Tlmpey of Bartley, Neb., and Mil dred Hodgkln of Culbertson, who came hare In an auto early thla week. It la aid that a marriage haa been agreed to which will probably cauae federal prose cution of tha man to be dropped. Aberdeen Man Kills Wife and Himself 1 ABBRPET5N, S. D., Sept 11 What probably will prove a triple tragedy oc curred here at noon. William Vogt of Bismarck, N. D., entered tha home of hla wife's mother, shot hla wife, her mother and self. Vogt and wife are dead and her mother la dying. Mrs. Vogt had recently left her husband. ' The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Sunday: Tor Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Fair; not much change in temperature. Tasaperatara at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Deg. 6 a. ra U a. m 61 V a. m tl S a. m 61 a. m 63 ' 10 a' m S , 11 a. m : U m 1 p. m ' ' t p. m : 77 3 p. m ' I 4 p. 111 77 1 I. in 71 p. m 71 1 p. in 71 1 para I It I Hreord. Wli 11U lll 191. .... 7 T 75 3 6u U 43 Highest yesterday lowest yesterday Mean temperature Vrecipilalija Temperature and .... 7V 7 4 .eu ireriplt-Mlon 6 It .ju .u depart- Urea from p.orml since March 1 Tvormat temperature M '.xcea for the day t Total defk-iency since Marc) 1 tit Normal precipitation ln-h Kxoesa for he day 4 inch 'Total rainfall since March 1.. 23 .'. Inches - Itortrlrni'y s.nce alan h ii, ncn i Ifericleiuy for eor. period. 1W4.. I 46 Inchaa i-lkk-iicy for oor. period. 1U.. 7.17 Inch L. A. Wfc.UgH, Lcal Forecaster. Ceaa II v'l ; - W i ' rTjMr. BRITISH-WORKMEN " BALM DRAFT Railway Union Officials Say Con scription Wonld Be Followed' by General Strike. PRAISE STATEMENT OF THOMAS LONDON. Sept. 18. The execu tive committee of the Amalgamated Union of Railway Servants unani mously endorsed today the statement In the House of Commons on Thurs- . flay 01 J IX. Thomas that conscrip- tlon . would bring on an industrial revolution and that the railway workers would 8to work , ' , ' The resolution adopted by tha commit tee congratulates Mr. Thomas, who la the organising secretary of the labor body) upon hla "fin statement'', and In dorses the vltws he expressed.. It adds: "The committee Instructs tha general secretary Immediately to summon thla executive committee If the government Introduces. any. proposals. for. compulsory, military service." t . ' The executive' committee,' before '"Mr: Thomas made hla speech In the Com mons, had adopted a resolution record ing its opposition to conscription. Many Ministers to Watch Sunday Land Sinners Upon Trail Every afternoon and evening, beginning with Tuesday, when the annual confer ence of Methodist Episcopal churches of Nebraska will begin, will be used by the 1,000 attending ministers and lay dele gates solely for the purpose of hearing "Billy" Sunday. No business or addresses are scheduled on tha program for the afternoons and evenings of the conference aesslon. All those attending the church gathering will spend that time in listening to tha base ball evangelist exhort people to hit the aawdust trail. Seats will be reserved each evening at the "tab" for ministers, 600 of whom are expected to attend the conference. About that number of laymen will also attend tha conference and the trall-hltting gatherings, so the latter meetings will ' be sreatlr swelled bv tho Huthnriuii Hu,. ling the week. Their sessions continue : until Monday, September tl. "Ma" Sunday is on tha conference pro ' gram for an address Friday afternoon at o'clock. She wUl talk at the Firet Methodist church, tha conference head quarters, after the "tab" meeting that day. LITTLE GIRL BADLY MANGLED BY A DOG SIOUX FALLS. 8. !.. Sept. M -Attacked by a vicious dog. Lucille Norrta. the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Non-U, of Henry, waa badly mangled before aha could be rescued. Tha little girl and a number of playmates were playing with tha dog, as they had done many times before, when tba animal, which evidently had become tired and cross, auddenly attacked tha little girt, seriously wounding her about tha head. The girl's mother and aoma neighbors, after considerable effort, aucoeeded In driving tha dog away. Tha animal was killed y tha town xnarabaL -;rr. i URGE RECOGNITION OF MEXICAN RULE Pan-American Delegates Will Make that Retfommeadatioii' to Theif ' Governments. ' ASSERTS THAT TIME HAS COME NEW YORK, Sept 18. The, Pan American conference: on Mexican af fairs announced. at the conclusion of its meeting today that each of the dlplomatle representatives would recomend to their government that in their Judgment the time has now come to extend recognition to a government In Mexico. . After declaring that the def actd government aspiring to recognition must possess "the material and moral capacity necessary to protect the live of nationals and foreigners," the conference announced in a state ment .that .each of the participating governments "shaU .itself Judge such capacity and recognition will like wise be extended by each govern ment separately at such, time as It may deem proper." The statement makes no definite announceent regarding the time of recommendation, but it is that it will come within the next few weeks. Secretary Lansing announced that tha question of recognition would be further considered at a meeting of the Pan American diplomats to be held In New Tork three weeka from today.' At this meeting it la understood tha decision aa to what government to recognise In Mexico will be made. Two Carloads of Gasoline Explode TOLEDO. O., Sept." lS.-One man waa killed and heavy property loaa waa sus tained today when two cars of gasoline exploded at the plant of the lllckox Pro ducing company, manufacturers of gaso line. The victim waa M. Market, an em ploye. The oxplalon waa felt two miles away. Night workera. at'.ll asleep, were thrown out of their bede two blocks away and thoutnnda of panes of window glass ware shattered. ill ' : 1...V. 1 ii'miJanaMa'iii7M "-'--ii'iil il.iZiarilZtflHaMB " General Villa and Nain Army Flee from Torreon to Chihuahua FJL PASO. Tx., Sept 18. Reports that the evacuation of To-reoi waa prictl cally completed yesterday and that Cen tral Villa Is now at Chlhuut-ua with uut of his army, were brought to the Vf.l't by foreigners arriving toda-. It was said thirteen troop trains had reached Chihuahua, bringing all tha ar-, tillery. horses, camp equipment and what la left of tha Villa army, together with the household goods of the officers and their families. General Villa's family were said to have participated In tha flight from Torreon. lie ports among tha refugeea hare In dicate there la a wall defined plea among KAlSERJfllMNNEX - OCCUPIED LANDS Belgium, and Certain Sections of I 'FraneSs Wflt Be Proclaimed Part '. of,-German Empire. WILL ORGANIZE CIVIL REGIME GENEVA, Sept. 18. (Via Paris.) The Lausanne Gatette says It has learned that. the German government has decided to Issue a declaration annexing to the German empire the occupied territories in ' France and Belgium. The Casvtte ays this measure has been determined upon for the near future, be cause It now appears impossible that tha war will, be ended aa had boen hoped, before , winter. According to thla news paper, 'the German government Intends to organise the conquered territory from a political and' administrative standpoint, which . la expected to. strengthen Ger many's moral position. Civil admlnis tratlon haa bean slowly replaotng mUl tary rule la the occupied reglona and, the Oasette. continues, this prooass wfll he extended methodically. British Tank Ship Sunk by Torpedo IXJNDON, Sept IS. 1:3 p. m.)-The British tank steamer San Befertno haa been torpedoed and sunk by a submarine. Three members of Its craw of forty-two are missing. The San Sefertno, of S.480 tone gross and 420 feet long, was built last year and owned in London. It waa laat reported aa having sailed in August from Puerto, Mexico. Its destination waa not given. Trench Diggers Find , Old French Coins NANCT, France. Bwpt IS. While dig ging tranches In tha forest of Champa tv oux French soldiers discovered a beard of ancient French coins of tba early sev enteenth century, evidently burled at the time of tha French enry Into Lorraine, under Loula XIII. Under the provisions of the law, half tha treasure will go to the state and the other half to the sol dier, who found it. the military leaders to wage guerilla warfare against tha Carransa foroaa from Chlhuaiiua City. It waa aald that tha force gatWlog at CVhuahue will split Into email bands ar 4 awtng back along the lluea of Obra goa'e communications, acting Independ ently, but co-operating v,1tn Oeaaral VUia aa chief of operations. Tha arrival at Juarex of a rattle ear leaded with etlver bullijn n-vlved rumors that Villa was preparing tj ship to the border some of tha loot secured from General Tomas frblna. whom Villa exs cuted two weeks ago. VUia officials, bowoVer, denied that the ear eontaiuad ear of the Vrbioa loot German Ambassador in Possession of Complete Information and Authorized to Make Settle ment of Case FINAL ACTION TAKEN IN BERLIN Washington Officials Feel that Matter Will Be Adjusted Satisfactorily. VON JAG0W GIVES ASSURANCES BERLIN (Via London), Sept. 18. A full settlement of the submarine problem can probably be arransed by negotiation In Washington. Count von Bernstorff, German ambansador to the United States, Is in ponHHton of complete Information regarding the wishes and policy of Germany, so the Associated Press Is lnforrnod, and has boen given power to nego tiate terms of settlement with tho United States subject only to final revision and approval by the home government. A long report on the submarine sltua- t tlon was received here from fount von Bernstorff Thursday and an equally long! message of Instructions went forward to ! the ambassador thla morning. Both dls- 1 patches were of a nature which seems ' whole submarine problem can be speedily and safely settled. trrsvlhrna Optimism. The form which the negotiations are sow taking goea to atrengthon title opti mism for in auoh conversations Count von Bernstorff Is In a position to com municate many things not adapted to In clusion In a publio note, but which are of a nature to convince the American government's settled determination to remove tha sources of the conflict on the submarine quest ton. The hope Is expressed here that the negotiations can be pushed through with out delay, and that no further lasuea may be brought into complicate a settle ment. Can't Repadlate Report. Foreign Minister von Jagow said In this Interview that Oermany could not well repudiate the report of tha commander of the submarine, which aank the Arabia. Nevertheless there waa room for a dif ference of opinion and Germany would examine carefully the avldenoe from Washington. t - He repeated- the aaauramoa that, saeray paaaenger steamers, which respected tha saeritlm od ..would not be attacked without warning, saying eotpllait direc tion had teen given tha aubmaxtna com manders, and assarted that tha whole German government stood behind this policy. , t Roeder Admits He Bought Votes and Falsified Returns INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept IS. Ernest Roeder, who recently pleaded guilty to the eleotlon conspiracy Indictment on which Mayor Joseph 12. Dell Is being tried, today admitted In court that he gave Edward Lyons, Joseph Markoy and other so-called slate candidates votes without counting the ballot; that he bought votes and voted persons Illegally at tha election. Roeder aald he waa the progressiva primary clerk and was chosen at the sug gestion of Dennis Buah, co-defendant and atreet commissioner, and Jamee H. Gib son, who haa pleaded guilty. ' "Buah told me to be at the precinct aa there would be a vacancy on the board and I would be chosen," aald Roeder. "I waa not a progressive. I waa Instructed to give the vote to Lyona." The witness said he worked with Gibson on election day and bought a number of votea with money given him by Gibson. Roeder said he brought three men to tha polls, who did not live In tha precinct and voted them under the name of persons who lived In tha precinct, but ware out of tha city on eleotlon day. The Day's War Nets (IKRMAN ARMY la to he aeat ta Turkey, aeeordltar to statements attrlbated to Knver Pasha, the Tarklsh war minister, In a dis patch from Constant B4la by way of Berlin. GERMAN GOVERNMENT lateada shortly to lasao m deelaratloa annexing- to the Oeraeaa empire the territory la Iraae aad Relglam accepted by German troops, It la declared la press advices received la Swltserlaad. GERMAN SUBMARINE haa tor passed aad auak the Hrlllsh task steamer Saa gefertae, of 0,430 toaa. Of Ita ere w of forty-two throe men era aiteslaa. IN THE DARDANELLES the Preach pooord m aaeoeaa la tho deatraott a roetardar of Tarklsh mJae gnal oT. ATTACKS ST THE TURKS oa the Irak froat of tho eateato allies oa the Oalllpoll pcalasala resulted la the killing of haadreda ef the ... petitionary force, tho Tarhlah war fries deearce. At'STatlAJ ATTEMPTS to invade Serbia have haB roeemed, accord ing to tho war offleo at NIsh, which reports that three efforts f tho Aaatrtaae to eroea the River darlaei tho alerhi of apfeav. her 14 woro fraatrated. RUSSIANS CONTlHt'R to ho pressed back alone- the northern end of Inrlr line. Vllaa Is appareatly oa the point of fallluaT, while Dvlnsk Is ecroosly threatened. In the eealh they are continuing; their BERLIN, 8ept. 18. (By Wireless to Tuckerton, N. J.) A message from Constantinople, as given out here today by the Overseas News Agency, quotes Knver Pawn a, Turkish minister of war, as saying that a great German army was to to to Turkey. The News agency says: "A Constantinople telegram states that at a review of troops held In honor of Duke Johann Albrecht of Meckilenburgh-Bchwerln, commander-in-chief of the Turkish forces at tho Dardanelles, Knver Pasha said the presence of the duke was the fore runner to the arrival of a great Ger man army. TurkUfc !'( Ion Destroyed. PA Rid, Sept. ia The destruction of a Turkish poettlon on the Oalllpoll penin sula by French forces waa announced to day by the war offloe. The announce ment follows: . "In the lsrdanellee from September IS to September 17 there waa no move ment of Importance. The Turka at tacked several positions of cur front by moans of mines, which had not been employed by them up to this time. On the morning of the lTth an enemy mine gallery waa destroyed. The operation waa successful without coating us a Invle loss." The following statement regarding tha progress of hostilities on the rranoh German northern Una waa given out thla afternoon 1 "There was diversified activity during tha night In the anctor of Neuvllle-Reolln-court, before Roys and upon the plateau of Quennevierea. There were frequent artillery bombardmenta with guns of va rious oallbera and hand grenades con flicts, but without activity on tha part of tha infantry. "In tha region of nerry-Au-BeA and in Champagne, in the region around Perthes and between tha A lane and the Argonne district there was continuous and lively cannonading. "On the rest of tha front there nothing to report" Emery Confesses Forging Qhecks to Amount of $15,000 LOI ANOELEB, OaL, Sept M.-Carl ft Binary, head of the Insurance depart ment ' of tha Los . Angeles Investment company, was Jailed early today after he waa alleged to have oonfessed to of ficers that ha had forged checks on tha company amounting to approximately $15,000. Emery had been under surveil lance for several days while officers of tha Inveetment company were Investi gating auspected employee. The district attorney has promised to Issue a complaint today. Officers visited Emery and questioned him at length. During the questioning the accused em ploye ta deolared to have made a confes sion, which resulted in his arrest Emery'a forgeries, it Is said, began during the term of offloe of Charles A. f.liler.. former prealdent of the Los An geles Investment company, recently con victed of misuse of the company's funds. Ills method waa to make fraudulent re turns of large policies written for sup posed clients and present demanda on the oompany from general agenta of the Inauranco companlea for the premiums. Father of Mystery Boy Declared to Be An Unfit Guardian FORT WORTH, Tea.. Sept .-Tne "Mystery Boy," the T-year-old lad whose Identity haa pusiled tha authorities for weeks, la Roy Carall of Fort Worth and net Tommy lclo of Juebec, Canada, ac cording to a decision handed down In the United States district court here today. Because of tha decision. Mr. and Mra Peter Delo of Quebeo, loaa their fight for the boy whom they had Journeyud half way across the continent to establish as their missing son. In deciding that EX S. Carall was the father of the boy, the oourt also decree 1 that Carell's rosmlng habits and finan cial condition precluded allowing hint tha cuatody of tha child, and a home for the boy will be found by the court. To determine which of the two claim ants were parents of tha child, Carall yesterday asked tha court to make a scientific character analysis of the boy. An examination was said to have re vealed traits, claimed to be hereditary, similar to those of CarrelL Week Berlaalag Bpt. to. FREE MOVIE COUPON Admitting Jo the Following Picture Shows This Boe Coupon class Moving1. Picture) Theaters on the days entitles bearer to named. Present at Box Office with regular D r I e e of one adnlt paid ticket and get addition al ticket free. am Cuming at Always tbs Bsat riot urea Obtain, able. This Coupon soot sny Monday night If accoiiipMuled by a Paid admission. Capture of This Point Will Put Teu tons in Possession of Another Section of Petrograd Railroad. NEW MOVEMENT IN THE SOUTH Central Empires Apparently Prepar ing to Strike Blow at Serbia and Italy. SH0W-B0WN IN BALKANS NEAR m'M.KTI. BERLIN, Sept. 18. (Via Lon don.) Russian advanced positions have been taken In an attack on the Dvlnsk bridgehead, and the Russian front has been broken through to the south at several points between Vtlna and the Nlemen river, it was officially announced by German army headquarters. LONDON, Sept. 18. The city of Vllna is now virtually Invested on three sides. The troops of Field Marshal Von Mackensen have reached a point near Vileika, thirty seven miles southeast of the 'city. The fall of Vllna would place in possession of the Germans a consid erable section of the railroad to Petrograd, a portion of which, be tween Dvlnsk and Vllna, they al ready hold. On the southern end of the battle line the Russians continue to gain successes, their latest achievements being the capture of 1,300 men along the Strlpa. Little activity is re ported from the center of the line, where readjustment is expected, fol lowing Field Marshal Von Macken sen'a capture of Plnsk. Now ta Bowtk. Reports that the Auatrlana and Ger mane have decided to Initiate a new of fensive campaign are multiplying, but there la little concrete evidence concern Ing tha direction which it may be ex pected to take. Cabling from Rotterdam, ..Iseveral correspondents assert they have reasons to belleee tha central powers have not only daoldad to strike a heavy blow, but have already put under way prellmin.-" err military movements. The objective of .the nsw campaign, is ganaralUy beLUved to be either Italy or Serbia, Apparently there baa not tteea any great oonoentra tlon of troopg alonar the Danube and Seva rlvera. v Considerable aorlvtty has bean displayed along this front recently. Auatrtan at tarapts to eroea the' rivers have been checked and, according to official reports from NIsh. Serbian artillery haa destroyed fortified worka on tha hanks of the river. It la felt here that tha Balkan problem has reached a critical stage. The Turco Balglan agreement coupled with tha an Bounoexnent of Premier Radoalavoff of . Bulgaria, that public opinion was op posed to any attack on Turkey, seems ta have settled tha attitude of the Bul garians, at least so long aa the Dardan ellea remain eloeed to tba entente powers. There probably will be no further de velopment In tha controversy over con scription until Parliament meeta again next week. Russian Official Report. PETROGRAD, Sept 17.-Vla London, Sept. 11) The war offloe today Issued the following statement: "In the region of Riga there wero en gagements ef a mail dotaohmeats en the river Bkea and some plaoes on the west ern bank of the Dvlna toot ween Jaoob etadt and Drtnak. Enemy attacks west aad southwest of Dvlnsk continue. The enemy offensive between the Dvtnak road and Lake Bemava was repulsed by our artillery fire. In a skirmish north of Bvlentsyany near the village of Davgel lachkl tho latter village remained In the possession of the enemy. "In the region of Vllna and east of that point there waa stubborn flghlng which already had taken some time in developing. To the left of the VUlya between the branch railway Unas from Vllna to Novo Svleatayany, Molodeohno and VUolkl, enemy detachments at some plaoee reached the Novo Vlleisk-Molo-dachno railroad. In many places In this region and In the region of Lakes Mod slol, Narotch and Svlr southwest of Svlentsyany, engagements arcurred with strong detachments of cavalry. Tha Clct mana are developing vigorous attacks In the direction of Vllna, aouthwest of Mulchagolo. "Southwest of Orany repeated enemy attacks against tha villages of EUnouty and Dntslchkl ware repulsed. South of Datslchkl, after stubborn fighting the Germane suoceeded In ocoupytng tha village of Rodatuny." a free ticket to atif one of theae high DESSE GRAND MONROF 4th and ST. "TX1ATIB lUVJUVUl. Benta Omaha. Mimrin" sass remain -The Buckle ef I i"V'- AU reetare South Omaha's The Morns ef aUga "" Amusement Belt." 0raAe knotuee. run Theater, Coupon good for Coupons are good OooA fo- Tues Mon. enf Thur. for any Monday usa nlahts if at com- night w h a a ao- aym whau accom panied by a lOo eoiupanled by one nanlad by a 10 paid admission. paid admission. paid admission. ARBORsuBURBAiiL0THR0P . . . Where Tear la. td aad Arhor tcrtalaateat 1, Mh pad IVotarop. w. OoueUes. von 'avorres. euoe, The Tamlly Good on Mondays When aoeompen- Thoalor ln'H.r. n.slonNnr.'cot. d, M.ond with one paid pon aoud ereninca witii o.i. ticket. Monday ulsht paid Va!