Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1915, Image 1

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    Daily Be
VOL. XLV NO. 74.
0m Trains, at Blot el
Mews ataxia, etc.
Christian Science Declared to Be
Ninety-One Parts Humbug
in Morning Address of
Need of Present Time is Revival
of Doctrines of Salvation
3 T11
una JiPii.
"Billy" Sunday startled his Sunday
morning audience of 5,000 persona
three times. This is what he said and
Predicted the near approach of the
end of the world, saying, "If I read
the signs of the times aright, and I
know I do. we're living in the end of
the big toe of the existence of the
world." Among the signs, he said,
were "wars and rumors of war".
Interrupted his prayer which be
gan, "Well, Lord," with the excla
mation, "Whew gosh, I'm getting
tired;' seized a water pitcher and
drank from it and finished the prayer
holding the vessel in one hand and
a sweat-soaked handkerchief In the
Remarked in a discussion of Chris
tian Science: "If old Mother Eddy
crawls out of her grave before the
reeurrectlon, I'll eat a polecat for
breakfast and wash it down with
whisky." ,
The prediction of the end of the world
was Interpolated In a discussion of present-day
evils. "I will preach to you soma
time about it and show you," he said.
It Wno a Hot Time.
It waa fearfully hot In the tabernacle,
perspiration drops fell In tiny showers
from "Billy" Sunday's face when he
leaned from the rostrum toward the audi
ence. Hla clothes were soaked with mois
ture, although he put but little acrobatlo
exercise Into the sermon.
It waa only at the close of the sermon
after he had mounted a chalr.and had be
gun hla prayer that he gave any Indication
that he felt the heat.
Sunday assailed vigorously ministers
and church folk who are willing to
compromise on differences In beliefs and
attacked churches which, he said, denied
the divinity of Christ . mi
Attacks Christina Science.
He aimed a severe verbal assault
against Christian Science, which, he said,
waa made up of three parts mental sug
gestion, three parts Hlndoophltis, three
parts of religion and ninety-one parts
pur humbug.
Sunday's opinion of social reforms
which, hla critics have said, he has
failed to give proper consideration in
his work of saving souls, was expressed
as follows:
"Some of us are going daffy over wel
fare work and uplift schemes which are
all right, but are all wrong when they
try to be a substitute for salvation. The
pressing need of the times Is a revival
of the doctrines of repentance, salvation,
heaven, hell and a personal devil."
Who Are Heathens T
"A man that doesn't believe in God in
Omaha is a bigger heathen than a black
man In Malay," declared Sunday. "So
you old heathen, listen to me," he con
tinued, addressing whomsoever might
take the title to himself.
A remark which waa Interpreted as a
criticism of the Omaha school board, by
many who recollected the opposition of a
majority of the members to work by the
evangelist In local schools, was made in
connection with a discussion of lmmlgra-
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Gives Birth to a
Child Soon After
Leaving Tabernacle
Mrs. B. V. Landon, Glenwood, la., was
removed from the tabernacle at 11:S0
Sunday morning to Lord Lister hospital
and gave birth to a baby boy that died
a few hours later. ,
Mrs. Landon came to Omaha on an
early train with her husband, Intend
ing to return after bearing the mo rain,."
service. She is 23 years of age and has
two children at home.
When Mrs. Landon grew faint In the
tabernacle she was) taken to the hos
pital department and attended by )r.
J. H. Vance, who realised her keriouz ren
dition and suggested removal to a placo
where she could have coifpetent circ. Her
baby, was born an hour after she wa
taken from the tabernacle.
The Weather
For Nebraska Cloudy, cooler.
Teraperatnres at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
5 a. m 2
S a. m fci
7 a. m 64
S a. m W
8 a. in 70
10 a. m 77
11 a. m to
13 rn H
1 p. m 74
l. m '
S i. m 7
p. m so
5 o. m 7
P- m 77
7 D- in
(BrllT Local Record.
. . . . WIS. 1914. Wis. 191-.
High test yesterday .... 83 65 73 73
ILoweet yesterday 63 46 til f
Mean temperature TS ft) 63 7
precipitation ft .41 ,oo .00
Temperature and preclpiutlon depart
ures from the normal:
Normal temperature , 87
txcea for the day ' f
Tctal deficiency sine March i " 464
Normal precipitation 13 Inch
Jfcl-ncy tor the day 10 inch
Total rainfall slnve March 1.. .22.64 Inchta
Jeflolency since March 1 64 Inch
iJe'tc'enry fr cor. period. IW14. 4 5 Inches
Iwflclenry for cor. period. 1I3. 7.W inches
1 adl'tes trare of prclp4iaUoii.
WELSH, Local Forecaster.
in the tabernacle yesterday and the speaker just "ran with
sweat." In the midst of his prayer he stopped to take a
fooling drink out of the pitcher.
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"Billy" Sunday Describes How Evil
Scars Souls of Those Who
Yield Lives to It.
Ho. meettngs la OmahsJ JiJthe
weekly rest day of K. Slaaday and
party. He and Mrs. Sunday and Hoxer
Bodahsaver and O). A. Brews w wil jo
to Xdneoln in the morning, where the
evangelist will preach twloe.
Completing the first week of his
Omaha campaign, "Billy" Sunday
was at his very best Saturday.
He- "called a spafte a spade," he took
off his coat, when his shirt was
wwted through and his collar had
given up In despair and wilted down
to his shirt band. Ho gave the ex
pectant audience' all the slang it i
could possibly want and he related
one of the finest Bible incidents in
decidedly modern language.
This was the fine old story of
Naman, who went down from
Damascus to Jerusalem to be cured
of hla leprosy. "Billy" told It like
"When Naman came to King
Joram and showed him the letter,
the king ripped It open. Then ho
began pacing tho floor very excited
and he said:
"'They're trying to put ono over
on us. Don't fall for It, boys. This
Is a military ruse.' Then he sent
him to EMsha, who lived In the sub
urbs of the city."
Acta Part of Ellsha.
"Billy" acted out his conception of thi
bowing servant coming into Ellsha's hut
and telling him his master's mission.
Then he took a chair to his pulpit and
sat on the chair back with his feet on
the scat to represent Klisha sitting on a
high stool "writing with a reed pen on
papyrus." Klisha, according to tho
"Billy-Ian" Interpretation, stroked his
whiskers and spat before answering the
servant. Then he said, "What's the mat
ter with you? What do you want to let
a little thing like that get your goat for?"
What answer the servant made, 'Bll'y"
said not, but the servant went out and
told Naaman "Klisha Is home, but he's
a queer duck."
Mere "Billy" Injected some sarcasm on
Christian Science, which amused him as
much as it did the audience. He rolled
with laughter as he pointed out that
Rllsha didn't tell Naman that he didn't
have leprosy and didn't offer to give htm
absent treatment.
New Deal for Naman.
Next he depicted Naman at the Jordan,
where the prophet had commanded him
to wash seven times.
"Naman wasn't used to this thing."
said "Billy." "At his home up In
Lamascus he had a porcelain bath tub
end Pears' soap and Ivory and Cutlcura I
end one of those crooked-handled dlngo
ramuses that you scratch your back
And sc he continued the narrative with
consummate acting and soaring Imagina
tion, even to Naman slipping on a
bmooth stone and the goose pimple tht
came upon him. The rest of the .dra
n.atlc story, the Joy of "Mrs. Naman and
all the little Namans" when they tw
him cleansed of his leprosy was so
splendidly done that many were wiping
their tears.
I "Moral Lepers" was the title of the
sermon. And a score of times through
out the discourse those five fateful
words rumbled lugubriously from the
depths of the evangelist's throat. "But
he was a leptfr."
He deKcrlbt-d the horrors of the disease,
(Continued on Tags Five, Column tuur.)
American Allies Will Meet Accord
ing' to Wishes of Constitu
tionalist Chief.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. Gen-1
eral-CarraTrra's countwr proposal torn"t',0 official knowledge or intimation
the Pan-American diplomats for a
conference with hlra over interna
tional phases of the Mexican problem
probably will be approved, accord
ing to opinions expressed here to
night by officials In touch with the
Although Carranza refused to yield
to the appeal of Secretary Lansing
and representatives of Latin-American
republics that he join his adver
saries in a peace conference, It was
pointed out here that military condi
tions In Mexico had undergone
marked changes in the last few weeks
and in some quarters it was con
tended that Carranza's claim for
recognition was entitled to investiga
tion. Since the Pan-American appeal
was Issued Carranza's armies have
pressed pacification of territory In
central and northern Mexico, whllo j without action. .
some reports to the State department I the c' of umb' c?u,n '
. , , . . . , . i Frank von Pa pen, the German military
have declared that Villa s forces are j attache,' and Alexander Nuber von Pero
dlslntegrating. From authoritative ked, Austrian consul general in New
sources advices have reached Wash
ington that it would be difficult to
conduct a convention to select a pro
visional government in Mexico with
out the participation of Carranza and
, in , I
urn imuiary cominanaers, woo Claim
now - to control nearly all Mexican
Secretary Lansing would not lndi-'
... . . . .
cate today how the Pan-Amerlan
conierees wouia act on Carranza s
on Carranza 8
It was understood that
would be determined at a meeting
next week. It has been learned that
some of the Latin-American diplo-
mats are Inclined to give Carranza a
DncTDnmcn rnn iiaiitij :
rujirunuu run muivin
TABLE ROCK, Ieb., Sopt. 11. -(Special)
Announcement has Just bven mado by
the management .f the Pawnee county
fair that it has ceen postponed f i .m St p
jtembar 15-18-1 7. .intil Octolier 13-H-16.
The change was necsltatvj ly tr.q feet
that twenty-tw.) Nehraski counties are
hollding their rails next wk. . which
made it Impossible ic s;nr cn'rlei, for
the races and ot'ie- amuirient foatuier.
At a special elnj'.lon held In DuHols
for the purpose of voting " nd for the
construction of an ?l.;trj lighting sis
tern the proposal in carriol y a vote
of M to 14. It is said a trgnamlsalon
line Is to be fro-n l"e' Pswnee City
plant, and work will htln as goon as
the bonds can be Mspos?d of.
Fred Hayek of Table HoJk and tliss
Gladys Johnson if I'aTe City were
married at the court hjuse Ir, Pawnee
City Wednesday afternoo-t, Counly JuCge
McNalr officiating.
J. H. Reeve, assistant manager ar the
Regal Motor Car company of Detroit,
Mich., In charge of eastern territory, has
spent the last week rn this territory tak-
ing tare or the state fair exhibit and
completing the details of the arrange-1
ment with Phil McSi.ane for the handling
of Rtguls In this teintor
Issue with Germany Becomes Less
Acute During Day as Proposal
to Arbitrate is Dis
One Set of Officials Opposes Move
as Surrender to Kaiser, While
Other Favors It. .
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. The Is
sue with Gormany has bReome less
acute during the last twenty-four
hours through consideration of the
proposal to take the dispute In the
questions of fact In tho Arabic case
to The Hague.
One set of officials believes to do
so would amount to arbitrating the
principles for which th Vnlted
States has been contending and
would open the way to practically
unlimited submarine operations, with
disputed questions of fact and arbi
tration in each case.
Another set of officials believes that
without taking in the principles in
volved, The Hague might properly be
allowed to decide, not whether the
submarine commander thought he
was Justified in sinking the Arabic
because he believed It was about to
ram him, but whether the liner ac
tually was attempting to resist or es
cape, and if so, whether that justified
the commander's action in interna
tional law.
. Lansing la Silent.
Both sets of views are being urged on
Tresldcnt Wilson, who will decide what
shall be done. Secretary Landing refused
today to Indicate his view. The course
to be pursued may not be determined for
a day or two. Generally the Indications
In official quarters were more favorable.
Despite the fact that all officials con
sidered the German explanation unsatis
factory and disappointing, there appeared
to be more of a prospect for finding some
ground on which the two countries could
Another note reported to have been de
livered to Ambassador Gerard by the
Berlin foreign office last night failed to
arrive today. Secretary Lansing said he
that another communication waa coming
of what It contained.
. At other sources It was reported that
the note is Germany's explanations of
the unsuccessful attempt to destroy the
C'unard liner Orduna on July J. when a !
submarine sent a torpedo within ten !
yards of the shlp't stern, then unsuccess- I
fully shelled It until It was out of range.
The Orduna waa on Its way to the
United States and had twenty-two Amer- j
loans on board when attacked. I
Not an lsane.
In the Orduna case there Is a conflict
of statements, whether the ship had
warning or was trying to escape. It Is
not an Issue between the United States
and Germany, and Is not likely to be
come one. The German note Is in re
sponse to Inquiries made by Ambassador ;
Oerard at the direction of the State de- i
partment. It is not regarded as having J
any bearing on the present situation un- I
less It contains some declaration of prln- j
clple not to the controversy. j
The view of the closest observers hera
Is that in the Arabic case the danger of
a break grows less aa the hours pass
York, there was no change. The United
States still la waiting for Austria's reply ,
to the request to withdraw Dr. Dumbs, j
Whether the other men are sufficiently I
involved In Dr. Dumba's offense to make
1 their,Smti' !T t"..U.n,.t6d 8tate lm
h' "iu mil isv ucuiucu iLri .
Psmh- Promises Statement.
LBNOX, Mass., Sept. 11. Dr. Oonstantln
T. Dumba, ambassador of Austiia-Iiun-
ary' whOTO rcaU hai! b'en i,,etel by
President Wilson, arrived here today from
New York, accompanied by hi. Kretary.
Prince Alfred Zu Hoheniohe.
Prince Alfred Zu Hoheniohe. Dr. Dumba
told newspaper men that he would give
: ou; lie,"eni in "T "r aV'
. After luncheon with Mme. Dumba at
the ambaseador's summer home, Dr.
Dumba and Prince Zu Hoheniohe drove
to the emba"y l Lenox village, where
I they wer met by Baron Erich Zwledinek,
counsel of the embassy, and Stephen
Henry de Hedrl, one of the secretaries.
I Later the ambassador returned to his
All Russian Army
Lacks is Officers
Guns, Ammunition
BE3RLIN, dept. 11 (By Wireless to'
Tuckerton, N. J.) Travelers who have
Just returned from a trip to Russia, con-1
tribute to the Neue ZeltU'sr of Zurich i
articles concerning their Impressions of
the conditions under which the Russian
armies are fighting. These articles are
summarised as follows by the Overseas
News agency:
"Russia has enough soldiers In the field
and sufficient food supplies, but hag no
arms, officers or ammunition. The army !
units vary. Some of them are equipped !
excellently and make a good Impression.
Others are lust to the contrary. The men
appear unwilling to serve, and enthusiasm
Is seldom noticeable. The soldiers are
interested only in the prospects of peace.
"The lack of officers Is particularly
noticeable. j
"The scarcity of ammunition Is still
more marked. Only three small munition
factories have been operating since the '
largest Russian plant was destroyed by
I an explosion.
I "Economic conditions are very bad.
Large stores of grain are decaying In
warehouses while the people go hungry,
The fimlue In coal Is simply a calamity."
Sunday Preaches on the Evangelistic
Church and Knocks Fads and Isms
Li his sermon yesterday morning
"Billy" Sunday handled the new thought
Pcoplo nml ttoo who have deviated
from the cviinucllMlo church without kid
gloves and railed a spado a spade.
Mr. Sumliiy'R text was II Timothy, 11,
K: "Study to show thyself approved unto
God a workman that necdeth not to be
ahamctt, rlxhtly dividing the word of
truth." He said:
We seem to be living In a new era.
A great political, moral, social, eco
nomli'iil era. Whether we have been
separated or combined In our advance
ment I am not going to dlMcuss In de
ta II. but I think It behooves the clntrcli
of God workmen not to forget that we
are faring the powers of darkness and
opposition as never before In the his
tory of Christianity.
There never hns been a time when
tho people were more self-satisfied,
self -comp'njcent, self-centered thsrt
they are today. Some Imagine Ood Al
mlKhty will condone what evil they do.
The lyvrrn ire man as soon as he gets
a hank account, puffs up like a poi
soned pup and thinks he csn do any
thing he likes if he goes to church on
Sunday and sings hymns and puts col
lection In tho plate. I toll you the
man's a fool who thinks ho can siinre
hlniKelf by appealing good on Sunday
and cheat his neighbor the rest of the
week. Why, all the good you can do
can't counterbalance one bit of evil
you do.
Some people think that a man who
lives a fairly good life, goes to church
Is true to his mai'iiaso vows, will stand
Just as goo, a show of going to Heaven
as the man who has been on the firing
line and has been bullet meat and has
worked and fought against the stoical
Indifference of the people of today.
And then there's a whole lot of non
sense being passed around these days.
They say that a man should think good
thoughts, read good books and, be with
good people If he will go to heaven.
They convey the Impression nowadays
that no man will ultimately go to hell.
I tell you that all the good books, and
good thoughts In the world, taken
alone, will not send you to heaven, but
to hell. Say, Qod knows his business.
Club Owners Demand that Preiie
Tip Resign and Turn Funds
Over to Hanlon.
Six club owners of the Western
league meeting at the Fontenelle
hotel yesterday afternoon deeded to
demand the resignation of Norrls L.
O'Neill, present president of the
Western league, and written notico
of this demand which orders O'Neill
to turn over all money, records and
the like of the leageu to Ed Hanlon,
vice president, will be served immedi
ately, he magnatesT who attended
the Omaha meeting were Ed Hanlon
of Sioux City, Pa Rourke of Omaha,
Jimmy McGill of Denver, John Savage
of Topeka, Hugh Jones of Lincoln
and Buck Ebright of Wichita.
The club owners announced that the
demand for O'Neill's resignation was due
to his lack of Interest In Western league j
affnlrs. It was asserted that O'Neill was f
requested, to call a meeting this month I
so that the club owners could assemble
to talk over the last disastrous season !
and tentatively consider what might be!
done in the wayef planning for 1018 so j
that that season would not be a failure.
This O'Neill refused to do, declare the
magnates, on the grounds that a meeting
should not be called until after the Na
tional association meets. This refusal to
obey the wishes of the owners prompted
the demand for his resignation, say the
New Hoard of Onvernnra.
A new board of governors waa also
chosen. On the new board are Hanlon,
Rourke, McGill, Savage and Jones. Here
tofore , the board of directors has con
sisted of but three owners. The present
board la Kourke, Frank Isbell of Dea .
Moines and Jack Holland of fit Joseph.
Isbell and Holland were not re-elected
because of their opposltron to the meet
ing here. The meeting was originally
suggested by a petition. The petition
was signed by the six owners who met
hero yesterday. Holland and Isbell re
fused to sign It. Then last Thursday the j
call went out for the meeting by order j
of Hanlon, aa vice president: Rourke, as '
director, and Savage as a club owner.
Holland and Isbell'dll not attenl, so they ;
were frotcn off the board.
Tom Chlvlngton, president of the
American association, was suggested aa
a possible man to succeed O'Neill. No i
other man was considered. j
The club owners believe that a proposi- ;
tlon could be made Chlvlngton which he -would
consider more favorable than his
prcacnt Job. Also Chlvlngton Is at pres- ',
ent encountering several dlffhultles as
executive of the association, and It Is
thought he would welcome a chance to I
become president of the Western. i
Auxiliary of the
Letter Carriers
Endorses Suffrage
Mrs. Mary earmark, acting president
of the City Central Suffrage organlxa
tlon, addressed the Ladles' Auxiliary of
the National Association of letter Car
riers at the Hotel Fontenelle Friday
evening and secured the endorsement of
woman suffrsge by the convention. The 1
resolutions committee wss made up of j
me president, si rs. Garonne n. stem or
Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. Anna Callaher of
Flttsbuigh, Mrs. Minnie Bcoggina of Oak
land, Cal., and Mrs. Elisabeth Johnston
of Columbus. O.
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, president Of the
local suffrage organisation. Is expected
home Monday from the east, where she
nas spent tne summer in eonierence wlt'J i
eastern suffragists, I
Don't be a fool and try to tell him
how to run his business.
Assails New Thonaht I'eople.
We have been getting away from
spirit vl things. The spiritual seems
so unreal. We want gold we can
touch. And these new thought people
have transformed the devil Into an
angel of light with their Isms and
schisms and no wthought all msde to
fool tho elect. And the devil likes It.
It doesn't always suit his purpose to
he painted black. It hurts him. The
devil's a pretty smooth guy. He knows
his business.
1 think one of the biggest curses that
ever came to America was the congress
of religions, hold In Chicago during the
World's Fair. There were there Chris
tian men sitting In with mutts like Hin
du, follow. ts of Zoroasters, Shlntols-n,
Bnrsseos, Confucius they had their pa
godna and joes houses and temples, and
there wore sun worshipers In Chicago,
who built a high wrII around a llttlo
Joint they built tho house with glsss
iind went In there to worship so that the
sun would eliminate sin.
Cannot Improve on tiod. '
Any man that thinks he can Improve
on God Is a fool, ps big a fool as the ;
man who thinks l.o ran make honey bet-j
tcr than the bees. And we have all these
Isms. There Is tho crowd that tries to ,
drive the devil out by some sort of a!
hypodermic needle. And then there Is
Blavatskylsm, which holds that life Is a
dreamlike, eosmlo progress. And they're
all trying to keep men and women away
from Jesus Christ. And 1 tell you It Is
my business to fight anything that Is
fighting Jesus Christ, and I'll do It In
spite of anybody this side of hell.
Now this Blavatskylsm trios to find In
everything on earth the reincarnate form
of an earlier existence. Tliey son you on
the streets of Omaha and they say It Is
somebody else who lived long ago and
In another form called you. They tell
you not to shy a shoe at the tomcat
rousing the night on the hack fence, for
that tomcat Is the daughter of your
nelghhoi who used to take music U-SHon.
Wo got Kddylsm; they label it Chris-
(Continued on I'sge Five,, Column Two )
Foreign Office and Admiralty State
They Have No Information
. . st. All.
BERLIN, 8ept 12. -(Via Lon
don.) -The. German foreign office
and the admiralty stated today that
they had no news regarding the
Hesperian Incident, concerning which
Ambassador Oerard asked Informa
tion recently. The question whether
Americans lost their lives when the
Hesperian was blown up will pro
ably have a bearing on. the ultimate
answer to Washington, It Is said.
Since the steamer was a British
vessol bound from a British to a
Canadian port, the Germans are in
clined to hold that the question on its
merits Is one concerning chiefly Great
Britain and Germany and that Ameri
can Interests can be based only on
actual damage to Americans. This
view Is as yet largely academic, for
Germany thus far has nothing to in
dicate that the ship was not destroyed
by a mine Instep d of a submarine, it
is stated.
In view of the reiterated and
strengthened instructions, issued to
submarine commanders, there Is little
inclination here to accept the as
sumption that the ship was tor
pedoed. .
Nebraska Hard Hit
In Call for Teachers
KEARNEY, Neb., Sept. ll.-President
Dan Morris of the Btate Normal board
expressed deep regret today when Inter
vlewffl relative to the possibility of In
crease In salary of Btate Normal faculty
members, that the board could not moot
the salaries offered In other states In
order to retain Instructors who were
called from the Nebraska schools.
"Nebraska has built for Itself an en
viable reputation for schools and tho
Peru, Chadron and Kearney schools havd
developed an efficiency which placed
them amang the best In the country,"
said Mr. Morris.
"The schools have been benefited by
extensive legislative appropriations fur
bul'dlngs and equipment and they are
of the most modern In every respect
But the one greatest essential, that of
the selection of Instructors of proven
ability, has suffered because of the lack
of meeting salaries offered in other
states. After NebraskAias developed her
faculty members many are called to
other states where they 'make good' at
a great Increase In salary. The result U
that Nebraska is hit In the most vital
spot In the seat of learning.
"The fact has been pointed out on vari
ous occasions, but now with the loss of
Professors Neale, Benson and Richard
son, three of the most capable Instructors
in the Kearny school, all of whom hav
been called to other states, ths fact Is
felt more keenly than ever."
DEL KIO, Tex., Sept U. Gene re I
Sllva, in command of the Villa garrison
at Las Vacas, across the rtver from here,
fled from his own men last night and
todsy was Interned.
Tuesday night 300 of Bllva's men de
serted, leaving his command reduced to
O0. Yecterday Colonel Carlos Fills Is
said to have mutinied and declared for
Carranxa. fllva's court martial Is sal
to have sentenced Fills to death, but thj
majority of the troops supported Fills
and Kllva became a refugee. Fills Is no
in command a Las Vacas
Austrian Official xteport Tells of '
Armies Withurawing in Gaiioia
Before Superior Unemy
WVtrrn Front Scene of Much
Activity, Presaging Beginning
of important Fighting.
VIENNA, Sept. 12. (Via Lon
don.) Austrian forces that have
been engaged with the Russians
along the Sereth river, south of Tar
nopol, In eastern Galicla, have been
withdrawn to the heights east of the
Strips river "before superior enemy
forces." It is stated in the official
announcement of the Austrian war
office today.
Western Armies Aetlve.
LONDON, Sept. 12. The western
front, with continuous artillery en
gagements, occasional Infantry at
tacks and the probability that im
portant events now pending, will
soon begin, attracts almost as much
attention as the eastern battle fields,
where the Russians and Austro-Ger-mans
are contending for the mastery
of railway lines, the posesslon of
which will make the victors more se
cure when the time comes to go into
winter quarters.
Rasa Offensive Strong.
For some time yet, however, the
east Is likely to be the scene of the
more sensational actions. The Rus
sians are putting forth a strong of
fensive on either wing and ara mak
ing an equally stubborn defensive In
the center, where Austro-Germans,
although gaining ground dally and
coming closer to the Vllna-Rovno
railway, are meeting with Increasing
Flahtlea In Streets.
Kech village street and road la nrnvlnv
the scene of a sanguinary engagement.
ror example, Skldel, a town immediately
east of Grodno, which at last has boon
captured by the Garmarus, was the center
or a Cattle lasting several days with al-
iternatlng success "
The Germans 'attacked the town again
,and again, massing heavy artillery for
I the purpose, and, according to the Berlin
j official statement, did not succeed la
utriuumirig me missians until last night.
Throughout the great marsh dlntrict
from this point southeastward ta Rnvnn
similar contests are taking place. The
Austro-Murmana are trying by every
means In their power to force their way
through to the Vllna-Rovno rallwav h.
fore tho heavy rains set in, and put an
end to the fighting for the time being.
In the narrow strip of Galicla between
the Bereth river and the Bessarabian
front, the Russians have been strongly
reinforced and are apparently well sup
plied with guns and ammunition. Thev
report their . third victory here over the
Austro-aerman forces, bringing their
total of prisoners captured durina- tha
week up to 22.000, wirliout mentioning the
toss or men and guns.
Anstrlnns tdmlt Setback.
The Austrtans admit that they have
suffered a setback In this region, in the
statement jtbat they withdrew their front
on the Bereth to the heights east of the
Htrlpa river "before superior enemy
On the northern end of the line, south
east of Riga, the Russians also an on
th aggressive, with the result that the
Germans have made no further progress
against the Dvlna river line.
Borne of the British military writers be
lieve that the Austro-Germans have
reached the limit of their penetration of
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
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