Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 20

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Thit Wee-k to Mark the Exodus of
. Omaha Students to the
vral Calendar.
srXDAT Supper parties at Country,
FWil, Happy Hollow, geymour Lke
and Carter lkf i-:ir.
MiiNDAT-Miss Mr)ort llnwland, fr
Ih'iim pari r for Ml How Smyth. Mr.
and Mrs. F, K. Hoagland, dinner at
Happy Hollow club.
TIFDAY IT Irt Park Nedlecrft
club. Prairie park club house. Mies
Mirth Dale, tea for bar eieter, Mr.
Kidney Pralth.
WKDNF.SIM Y Plnner-daneea at FVI.l
and Country clubs.
THL'RSI I A Y tltra' day luncheons at
KVM and Hajipjr Hollow rluba. Whl,.
hhrlne social. Masonic Temple. Comne
rlub, Mr. William Maa hontess. tr. i
Members Kie wit-Carp enter Wedding Party '
' .af .. "V' 1 4eakVMH.'. -h. X ., ,dT
V -m rnTTPKiii vivrptrs: t
he Cotterill Sis.erg will opt 7 th Fall reason of 19 15'
16, wilh matte from 12:00 to 2:00, and 6:00 to 8:00,
commencing Sunday, Sept. 12, at
BrnxAirr ft cauitxt. Prop.
if frS7
! ..... H i
. i . . U 1 1
ik'k 1
x y k
, j .
t. re
f i ' .
i , ", i
cri'r-X )ljf
a tS X ZyA
rl. T. Heyden. lunchwm at Happy Hol
low club.
SATUKIM Y Annual mating and dinner
director of Country club. Weli-enl
dinner-dances. Country, Happy Hollow
and Kield club.
This week will noticeably mark tha ex
odus of the younger aat for eastern
schools and college. A few have al
ready started off. but tha majority P'sn
to pack school paraphernalia thla week
and start on tha amblt:ou trail, Mr.
(ieorge Voaa left Thursday for Lawrence
villa to enter hi first year and tha other
Lewrencevltle boya, Robert Pa. Ilob
e.rt Loomla, David Caldwell, Roderick
Crane and James Wynnan, left yester
day, a Iwrencevllle opena Tuesday.
Miss Erna Reed and M aa Josephine
Conndon go back to Vassar Wednesday
and Saturday, respectively, and the Bmi'.h
college girl are dua to go about the
same time. The Smith girl thla year
U1 number h m from Omaha, including
Miss Wlnnlfred Rouse, Miss Mary Rouse,
Ml Harriet Hherman, Mlsa Eleanor Mc
Ollton. Mlsa Florence Russell, Miss Lois
Robblns. Miss Irene Rosewatrr. M
Katheiine Robinson and Mlaa Katherlne
Mlsa Marjorle Fmith return to Bryn
Miss Helen Tearce foes back to Pana
Hall Thursday for a poet-graduat
course and Mlsa Clara Hart of Council
Bluffe and Mlsa Coiinna Elliott will go
to the aame school. '
Miaa Gertrude Stout goes to Mrs. Bom
era In Washington and Miss Florence
Neville return to Ogonts near Philadel
phia, accompanied by Miss Mary Fuller
for bcr first year. Mis Reglna Connell
Is going to Mis Ou'ld's and Miss Bvans'
school in Ooaton for a post-graduate
Mis Esther Wilhelm and Mlsa Virginia
Offutt go back to Miss Bpence'e In New
York and Miss Helen Smith enters het
first vear there.
Mlsa Mary Megeath return to Briar
Cl'ff and Miss Helen ,rstman to the
Art InstltuU In Chicago, next week.
Mis Gertrude Porter will be at Tarry
town at the Castle again thla year. Mlaa
Grace Allison at Manhattanvllle. N. .
Mis Elisabeth Reed goes back to
Miss Bennett' school at New MI!forl.
Conn., and Miss Nannie paldlng, after
a year at home, goes to Chery Chase.
"Wash'ngton, V. C
Mis Mary Johnson leaves today for
Chicago, where aha will apend a day
'with her brother before going to Oberlln
to begin bar sophomore year.
Of tha men1 colleges Cornell I the
most popular this year with th Omaha
boy. There will be Joseph Millard, lAi
Herbert Devi. John IInlhen. Clarence
Parlow, Frederick Blake, Arthur Loomle.
Wallace Bhepherd, Kenneth Norton, Mor
ton Wakeley. Frederick Shelton. Robert
Bdwarda and rhlltp Chase.
-, i. unit in DODularlty. with
iimiiwutii -
VlrgU Recto Park Lermon. Russell
Larmen. Albert Slbbernsen. Valtman
Walter. Morton Rhoadea. Edmund Booth
and Ernest Hammond, booked from bera
Philip Down and For Porter go to
Union college.
WHw piai.
On . Wed need y evening at I o'clock
the home of Mr. and Mra. Iaao Car
penter win be the cn of the marriage
of their daughter. Nell, to Mr. Ralph
Walter Klewlt Mlaa Elisabeth Anderson
of Chicago, formerly of thl city, I to
be the maid of honor and Mr. Oeorge
Barker. Jr., the bride elster. will be
matron of honor. Mia Marion Carpenter,
a cousin. Mla Louis Ufford of Boa
ton, and Mis Corlnn Bearle are
to be brldeamada, and Mr. Oeorge Barker.
Jr.; Mr. Reybura Rutiedge of Fort Dodge.
Mr. Hi rum Burn, Mr. laaao Carpenter,
jr.. and Mr. Alan McDonald uahera. Mr.
Otiorge Klewlt will act as best man for
hi brother, and Mia Ethel Klewlt 1
to play the wedding inarch.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Car
penter will give the bridal dinner at
their home, but aside from thla there
will be no p re-nuptial entertainments, aa
Miss Carpenter prefer to accept no In
vitations at this time. Both Mis Ander
son and Mlsa Ufford arrived thl week
and are guest at th Carpenter home,
a Is aluo Mr. Thornton Pray of New
tun, Mass.. a college mate of laaao Car
penter, jr.
Th marriage of MU Irene McCon
nell, daughter of Mr. and Mr. A. B.
McConnetl, to Mr. Richard Coed will be
celebrated Tuesday, September A It U
to be a aunaet wedlng, the hour, I JO,
being one of the loveliest of th day at
thl season. St. John' Collegiate church
will be the place of celebration, and th
ceremony will be followed by a buffet
aupper for the bridal party at the Mo
Connell borne on Wast rarnam atreet
A reception will be held from 7 to I
o'clock. The evening before Mr. and
Mr. McConnell will give the bridal din
ner at their home.
The bridal party wUI Include Mlsa Alloa
Coa4 as maid of honor, Mlas - Frances
Hochstetler, Mlaa Eleanor Mackay, Mis
Marion Towl and Mlaa Mary Louise
latenser aa the bridesmaids; Mr. Ben
tjallhgber, best man, and Mr. Harold
McConnell. Mr. Arthur Coad, Or. T. E.
Dalley and Mr. Charle McLaughlin a
Mr. Coad doe not arrive from hi
New Mexico ranch until tha Cd. and Mlas
McConnell will accept no evening In
vitation, but a number of afternoon af
fairs are being planned In her honor.
To Honor MUi Haliey.
Mirs Harry Kelly gave a luncheon
Thursday at the University club for Mi
I hi. Halaey. Mia Ralph Peters, Mra
Kenneth Peterson and Mlsa Daphne
1'etera were the other guest.
After ard Mlas Elisabeth Bruce gave
an Orpneum party, followed by tea at the
Omaha club, the party Including Ml
Halfcer. Mesdame Kelly. Carlisle Wbll
ii.g. Allied Oordoa. C. V. Beaton. Paul
Gallagher. Mle blandish. MacMtllaa
Harding, Ralph Peter aad Kenneth Pal-
Volfe-Korstrom Weddin?;.
T1i marriage of Ml Hasel Noratrom,
riaufcitlr of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Nor
tim. and Mr. W. E. Wolf wa cele-
tiatej Wednesday evening at KC Mat-
n.i church. Ev. T. J. ollar of the
I'! in ol the Ouod Hheplierd, ufflclattng,
I Su bride was attended by liUa Eiieea
i Mi r : ..
X V . ""Si? 4 .-- j i
v v x z?.r ' ' - - ft
i IV V : .'" t !
ml NX I'&Uy'V. j
Wolfe, sister of the groom. Mr. Harry
Rosmtsten wa the best man and the
ushers were Mr. Furnens Noratrom and
Mr. Louis Armstrong. ,
After a brief wedding- tip the young
people will be at homo at J94 South
Ftfly-Mrst street.
lrrc Evening Party.
The P. D. Ka. held their first annual
party at the home of Rudolph Peterson
Saturday evening. Purple and white wero
used In decorating the rooms. The even
ing was spent In muslo and games. Those
present were:
Anna Anderson,
iicrtha ''.laiisen.
Margaret ( arley,
lie. en Lantclaon,
rlancea Iilers,
ICnima H kirand.
Irons Kvans,
Kern Oalioway,
Hose llMmm,
Kdith llolsten,
Ksther Johnson,
Ruth Johnson,
E. p. Challlnor,
Arthur hsncgren,
Carl Johnson.
J dward Johnson,
Walter Johnson.
Wnlter Magnuson,
Albin Matson, ,
Willie Jonoon,
Leonard Palm,
A. Lahlgren,
Hnael Lannn,
Gcrtrud McClelland,
liasel Met I. I'and.
Kathrine Mollner,
Knve Mullen.
Hi l-n Young.
Clertrude Utiom,
I ntlicr Johnson,
Anna Johnson,
Helen Petron,
Nora Van BoeK,
Mnbel Uahlgrtin.
Michael Uoncka,
Harry Johnson,
rUanley Koncka,
Arnold Wahlstrom,
Maurice Paulson,
Theodore Ksrlqulst,
Hurtnliih Peterson.
Clarence DnhlgTen,
Roy Karlqulst
C. Karlqulst,
a, j. Aim.
Meers. and Meadames
3. Klavlk, A. Peterson,
Social Affairs Planned.
Malva White Shrine will give a social
evening Thursday at the Maaonlo temple.
Mra Cuthbert Vincent heada the White
Th Week End Dancing club will give a
series of parties during the winter season.
Th first formal dance will take place
Baturday evening, November , at Cham-
bars' academy.
The Elks' Dancing club has been or
ganised for the winter and the first
dance will be given In the club rooms the
night of. October 12. After that dancea
will be given every two weews. The
usual enjoyable times that have charac
teiised the dance In past year are an
ticipated. ,
Will Spend Winter in Chicago.
sir. ana Mrs. Clement Chase have con
cluded to retain their apartment In Chi
cago for th winter. Mra Chase will
continue her atudlea In water color at
th Art Institute, Mis Carmellta Chaae
will resume her vryrk at Hull House
and Mlaa Helena Chas will enter the
sophomore clues of the Chicago Latin
achool, preparatory for Bryn Mawr col
lege, Mr. Philip Chase, who la now visit
ing In Omaha, will return to Chicago for
a few day before feMlns on to Ithaca.
Where he entera the Architectural colle-e
at Cornell university.
Hewi of tin Wayfarer.
Mla Faith Lee Hoel la spendln- a few
week at Bailey Island. Casco Bay.
Mr. H. C. Van Oleaon, who ha been
visiting her brother. Mr. Van Emburgn,
at llrlercllff Lodge. N. Y went m
Bridgeport, Conn., thl week to apend a j
month with her son.
Stork Special.
A son, Robert Sanford Nteman. waa
born to Mr. and Mrs. Cheater O. Nle-
man at the home of Mra. Nleman'a par
ent. Mr. and Mra. C. W. Sanford of Un
coin. Mra. N'eman waa formerly Mlaa
Frances Sanford.
Wedding Gueti Arrive.
Mis Louis I'fford of Boston arrived
Sunday to be one ef the attendant at
th Klrwlt-Carpenter wed J n next week.
nit Mlaa ElUabetb Anderson came Wed
nesday fiom Chicago for the same event
Botn are guests of Mlaa Nell Carpenter.
A Huntinr Party.
Mr. J arris Offutt. Mr. Jabtn Caldwell
and Mr. Philip Chase will make un a
hunting party to go out to Bhickler.
Neb., Monday for a few day on tha
lake these.
At the Brandeii Theater.
Mr Jsmes Ludlow gave theater
rarty thla afternoon at the Brandel. fol
lowed by tea at the Fontenelle, In honor
of Mlsa Beaa Brown of Dallaa. Tel., the
guest of Mra W. A. Fraaer.
Informal Luncheon.
Miss Marion Towl gave a luncheon thla
afternoon at her borne In honor of Mlaa
Mildred Johnston of Chicago, tha guest
of Mlsa Reglna ConnelL
Wetern Traveler!.
Mrs. Maybell Kelley.
by her daughter. Maybetl. and Helen,
leave weanesaay ror the California ex-1 Mr. ,nd air. Henry O. freight an-!
position They will also visit Fortland. nounre the eimanemvent of their daugh
Kalt Lake City and Vancouver, returning ter. Harriet li.-lrn to Mr. Oeorge Kl- I
by November L 0redk-e Hamlin of Chl.-ago. . Mr. Hamlin'.
Mra. r'tank Vlerlltig ana sou. Hubert, is th pu of th wU known tenor of
X .X' j j
PtnsMfah QtioLiljendoIpe
have returned from a two months'
to 4aiiioroia.
Mr. W. H. Buchola and son. Frit, are
making a brief trip to California, having
been gone since last week.
Mra. Alfred Darlow and daughter, Mlsa
Dorothy, returned laat week from Cali
fornia, where they visited the exposi
tions. Catallna Islanda, the Wattles' horn
at Hollywood and other 'coast point.
They alio visited with Mra. Darlow
sisters, th Misses Theodora and Harriet
Borglum, who now make their home In
Los Angeles.
Mlaa Jeannett Lea returned Friday
from Buffalo and Sheridan, Wyo., where
ahe apent the cummer.
Mra J. E. Slmpaon and daughter,
Irene Winifred, returned Friday evening
from a trip to the Paciflo coat En
route horn they visited Mra Simpson'
brothers In Arlaoiia and Idaho.
Mis Da g-mar Sorenson haa Just re
turned from a six week' trip to th
Paciflo coast.
Home from Seashore.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Koenlg returned
Sunday, from a summer spent at Situate,
Maaa, where Mr. Keanlg'a health Im
proved very much.
Mr. and Mr. Edgar H. Scott and
family arrived horn Wednesday from
W'equetonaing. Mr. Soott want east from
there and apent some time at Atlantic
Mrs. Warrn BtaokweU returned home
Wednesday from a two months' eaatern
trip to Foland Springs and Magnolia.
Mas., acronipankd by her mother, Mrs.
Oeorge P. Whltoomb. of Chicago, who
will be her guest for a eouple of week
Mr, Charle Kountae returned Sunday
from Weathampton, Long Island.
Mra Alfred Kennedy returned Satur
day morning from Block Island, Rhode
Island. Mr. Kennedy wa accompanied
by Mr. Gilbert, Mlaa Jean and Maater
Oeorge Kennedy,
Amonr the Viiitort.
Mia Oreo Maloney of Baltimore, Md.,
wttl arrive the last of the week to visit
Mra. J. M. Gilchrist.
Mlsa McMillan of Denver was th guest
of Dr. and Mr. F. N. Conner from Sun
day until Thursday.
la Marie Clark of York la making
a abort visit with Mlsa Katharine Gould
on her way east to Bradford.
Dr. Bdwln N. Robertson of Cbnoordli,
Kan., la upending the week-end aa the
gueet f hla mother. Mra John A. Demp
ater, and hla stater. Mr. Clarence Myers.
Mis Crosier of Boston, alater of Miaa
Harriet creator, who visited Miss Mil-1
ored Roters l.t wek. .pent Sunday. I
Monday and Tuesday her this week as
Mlaa Ross re guest.
Mrs. Glenn f. WUhelra arrived Mon
day from Oalveaton, Tea., to be the guest
or n,r . Mr. & T. Ellla. and Mr
Ellla, until aha )olna her husband. Lieu
tenant Wilhelm, of the fourth infantry,
at Brownsville, Tex.
r"ea-ew.aits Anno'inred.
The engagement U announce mt Mis
Basel U rVrgotson. daughter of Mr.
aad Mr. A. U rorgoUoa of Dallaa, Ttx..
t Mr. Arthur M. Harris, eon of Mr. J.
It. Han-la of Omaha. Tha wadding mill
take nlaoa In tha arl anrln. anil thi
young couple will reside In Omaha.
that nam and haa been here thla week
for a day or two on hla way back to
Chicago. The announcement was made
at a bridal dinner In Chi llcothe. Mo.,
which Mlaa StreUht and her fiance at
tended last week. Mlas Strelght went
to school In Kt, Louis and will apend thla
winter In New York taking a course in
practical art at Columbia.
Younprer Set at Theater Party.
Mr. Frederick Fhelton entertained at a
theatre party at the brandela Thursday
evening-, followed by. a aupper at his
heme The party included:
Tsnhel Vlnsonhaler,
R'lflna Cornell,
M hired Johnson of
Rlvert Irte.
Mai Inn Towle,
Vliplnla Offutt.
Helen Ingwemen,
Rtrrer v 1 helm.
rvinuy neuer.
I... '-m irace
Grace Allison,
" mT. KiUa.eth Krna Reed,
Jsb'n CaldwelL l
1 imr
Philip Chase,
Phi U Downs,
Kenneth Norton,
Edward Murphy.
Ci thiert Potter,
Albert Slbbernsen,
It bert "onnell,
Jarvt Offutt.
Prettiest Mile Notes.
Mrs. A. M. Smith is In Lincoln this
week attending the atate fair.
Mr. and Mra Frank Pflegln leave
Saturday for Bait Lake City. They ex
pect to return in two weeks.
Mr. and Mra. L. B. Leeka of Drum
light are spending the week with Mle
Lorena Leeka.
Mr. J. M Orvla of Dee Moines, la.,
pent Labor day In Omaha, tho guest
of A. D. Northrup,
-v TH1- -I.,K t1i4 nmm1t.
j A II, . I..." h will, u.uw '- w .......
tee meeting at the residence of A. D.
Northrup Tuesday evening. Pana for
their new club house were discussed.
Mr. and Mr. C D. Ralnbolt have re-
i turned irom an enjoyauie w iny
' the corn belt of eaatern Nebraska,
Mr. Frank Johnson la entertaining hi
mother, who reside at Fremont.
Mr. David McOafferty haa returned
from an auto trip to David City.
Snmmer Trayelers.
Mm. Allen White I expected horn
from California today.
Mr. W. M. Ralnbolt and family have
returned from Minnesota. '
Mr. and Mr. J. F. Ferguson and
daughter, Mlsa Olive, returned Saturday
from a visit to Hot springe, B. u ,
Mra. George A. Hoagland and Mra Paul
Hoagland and children arrived home laat
Baturday from a summer at Dennis,
Mlsa Charlotte Rosewater returned thla
week from Lak Chautauqua, New York,
where aha haa spent th laat three
Mrs. Sherman Pinto and two on re
turned laat week from a two month'
trip on th Paciflo coast. They vUited
both axpoaltlotia and other coast town.
Brown ell Hall Notes. j
Mlsa Jeanett Greenshlelds of Council
Bluffs la the class president. j
Mlaa Johnson will return from her va- :
cation this week and will b at the ,
school Thursday. s
Ml Osraldlne Hess of Council Bluffs
haa already passed her preliminary ex
amination for Bryn Mawr by taking the
examination of th college entrance
Th Junior school will reopen In a new 1
location at 133 North Fortieth street,
with Miss Rathvon and Mis Baker In
charge. Thl department take children
from th fourth through the seventh v
grades. I
BrowneU Kail will reopen tor work on
I will make tmdle' Tailored unit,
ticludlng the beat of materials.
;ho newest style, workmanship
ind fit guaranteed foi
$35 and up
Cut Price- Fur Remodeling, Ke
llnlug and Cleaning.
Sam Kneeter
IWdrigo Bldg. 1030 Farnam St.
Telephone Red 68.14
Broken Lens?
See FUTTON he can match
it perfectly.
- .i C. NortK arf Pm .
16th St. f! f. . "Tf.8 ! '
fT.,ri COFFEE"
.j , , , FOR 2 LD.CANS
"That Economy
Tooting aad Cloaee Car.
43.00 per hoar. Song. 4SOQ.
Btaag at sferchaata Hotel.
Thursdar, September 23. All day pupils
who espect to take BrowneU Hall en
trance examlnatlona ahould report at the
achool at 10 a. m. on Friday, September
IT. Examination will be held Friday ana
Saturday, September 1? and 18.
The aenlor claaa of BrowneU ha'l num
ber fifteen girt, representing th states
of Nebraska, Iowa. Wyoming and South
Dakota, Four of the claaa are high
school graduate who are taking post
graduate work and six others are pre-
(Continued on Page Three Column On.)
Wrist Watches
Wrist Watches are ut
the height of popularity
now. They are very
practical as well as
very appropriate for all
Our largo stock of-.
fers many new and ex
clusive ones for your se
lection. Let us dhow tho now
ones to you. They aro
priced from
$10.00 and up
rtri . .Lu xIewelers
1K .... At M IIMUU II
LSS ..Jj
The Silk Shop
..Authority on ii ks..
Just received 18-inch and 40
lnch Dress Satins In street and
evening shade. Bating art much
In favor.
Grog do Londrea, Ann u res and
Taffetas, smart stripes, stunning
plaids and barred effects. Many
exclusive patterns. Special Mon-
.r...95c to $2.45
E. A. Bess ire
211 City Natl Bank Uldg.
Edith L. Wagoner
Omaha Conservatory ot Mule
301 Harney BU
A limited number of prlvat
pupUa accepted.
Phone Harney BOOS
Or Douflas 4 IT.
X . .(3
) x xXU
f '1
5N - 3avw
Bohemian Cook
One thotiBur.d rplpe ot famed tlishea of old Bohemia, now translat
ed for the flrnt tinio Into Engli(-h directions and measurements.
Iloheruian cooks Btirpa&s even the French In preparation of dishes
delirious and dlKestlble.
This book provides you with tho opportunity of eerrlng unique din
ners to tho family and to guests.
Contains also standard American dishes.
Price $1.0 NET (By Mail 10c additional)
Telephone or Write Your Order Direct to tho Publishers
Tel. Douglas 1008. 5C9 12th St., Omaha,
Also on Sale at
Rrandeis Stores, Book Department.
W. H. Matthews, Book Store, 122 S. 15th St
Kleser's Uook Stole, Y. M. C. A. Building.
Megeath Stationery Co., 14 21 Farnam St.
Stationers and Engravers
Have movod to their new location
1620 Harney Street, State Bank Building
Where larger facilities enable them to give you better
4 (a i
Embroidery, Beading, Braiding, Cording, Scalloping, Eyelet
and Cut Work, Button Holes, Pleating, Buttons.
Ideal Button and Pleating Company
107-0-11 So. 'l 6th St. Phone Doug. 1030. Omaha, Nebraska.
Concert Harpist and Teacher.
Studio SOS Lyric Building.
Tel. Douglaa 1704.
(Tonnsrly with Kartell)
Announcea the openlnr of hla New
Phip for exrluslve Ladlee Tai-orlng.
Ottawa Block.
v ' V ; J
f. SsUIVI wiiCht biKO i HGFitJ
Pnoa Varaey 188. , 88th aad Taraanv
DWYER & CO. Hlih Class Ladies' Tailoring
17th and Douglas Rt. oown A iro ETXwnro wain.
208 Oaird Uldg. raoa Doaglas 8048.
Telephone Douglas 3T5S. tlUiCI BLOCK. OMAHA, HXB.
v J V ,
sfanlsnrlng 8'e.
Hair Uresslnr, bamvoolar. BOe.
racial aad Seal afassar.
Brillhart Culture Shop
939 Taxtoa Block.
D. 8SAO. witch aa Blade (tlO art
Miss Hartell
Aaaoeacee that ahe Wll roura from
the east wTt. 18 wit a a full liae ef
Cbaimiaa- atodala, gTeaek aad Orlg-
X AU Va lateat lasnca.
1808 Capitol Ave, Oasaha, Hen,
Book in English
M. Store
First Opening of
Fall Millinery
Hats from $3.00 up to $30.00.
Also a good line of Children's
Hats. Give us a call
F. J.1 Schadcll & Co.
1522 Douglas.
Phon Dong. 111$
mi 4 Douglaa 8t,
FonUnall HoteL
OOOSWZsT coainm.
cobszt grECLaxirr.
I have Just returneJ from the east
with a full line -e th newest crea
tion In Corset.
New Location 651 Brandel Thea
ter Building
Phon D. HSi for Appointment.
The N. C Leary Company
710 So. 15th St. Phone D. 1860.
Specialty la Taacy Oowa asA
S res sea. dies' Tallorlag.
Mme. Galbrith
rormerly at 1388 W. O. W. Bldg la
aew locate Butte tlO, 8aaoa Block,
18tk sag raraaaa, rhea Dev'. eilW.