I 1 Mil Tim OMAHA St' N DAY IW.Vr. NKITKM HKK 12. 1!)1.-. 11 A CLUB SERVICE IS PLEASING Motorists Appreciate Information Handed Oat on Omaha Day at the State Fair. AFTER HOURS RETORTS USEFUL McManus to Manage the Detroit Office of Erwin & Wasey Co. Mofor car advfrtiMng; circles were itlvrn a Mir on September 1. when It waa an nounced that Theodore F. MacManus, of Detroit, one of the beet known adx-ertla- "The motorist of Omaha arDreclatet the club Information aorvlcc lat Thura. In men In the Vnltej Ptntrs, had Joined day, Omaha day at the state fair, when i the Erwin A Waoey company of ChiraKo, nearly S"0 cara bedecked in banners and In the rapacity of vice president and flaca left for Lincoln from the cluh would be In charge of a Ietrolt offli-e room," aald Eccretary Powelkln apeaklnsr established by the company, of the big success of Omaha day at the 1 The aurpiisina; part of the announce fair. "Whether all thH happy bunch mrnt waa that, in addition to directing went to the bis; doings I do not know, but his old accounts, Mr. MacManus would I do Know that they were hUhly pleased devote a considerable portion of his with the treatment at the club." I time to the advertising campaigns of th ' Goodyear Tire and Kubber company, of "Our 'after hours service' Is a distinct Akron, O., whose advertising In the fu feature of this club," remarked President ture will be placed through the Chlcaso George In talking about the club advan- and Detroit offices of the Erwin & Was tages." After 6 o'clock In the evening the sey company. members of the club can call Harney r Charles It. Erwin, one of the best 1 with u 9R9 and receive the day's report on road known advertising men in Chicago, Is , road slun conditions the same as If he were calling president of the company, which was i Now they re on their way to New York I the club room. '-Ex-cry e-en!ng Assistant formed some eighteen months ago. Ills I City over the National Old Trails road., Secretary Smyth takes home a copy of principal associates are Louis R. Wasey ' ns far as Washington. When they finally the day's road reports and places same and W. T. Jefferson, both of whom havo return to the Fpnrks-W'lthJnKton plant, i over his home telephone so that the many won big reputations In the middle west- Jackson, Allrh., late this fall, they will telephone calls receive the same prompt jern advertising fields. With the sffllla- have crossed the continent over two of ervlce as during office hours." tion of Mr. MacManus the company be-, the biggest transcontinental arteries of - ' comes one of the strongest agencies in . travel, and the nation will be safeguarded j A writer In an eastern Journal, in an mo country ana will place more than exhaustive account of a motor trip from U.ono.ooo in business annually through fitting windows that are possible with ' this new type HudiKin. For winter driving this car, with the . aides closed, is aa perfect as a UmouMne. No crcxlce la found for snow or rain to enter. The car Is always warm and comfortablo. It looks and feels like a 1 limousine. Spark Boys Plant Safety First Signs Along Auto Routes Gossip Along tho -Automobile Row The Sparks boys. They're cVie in the city most any day now. When you see a strniige-looking automobile, travel stained but still hitting on all four cylinder, make up your mind that tho boys have arrived. They've been all the way to Pan Fran cisco, over the Lincoln IUhvay, bes'ilt-s makinir the trip down the coafct to Lna Angelrs. marking every ri.Ttigerous spot I Safety First Sound Sparton" i New York to San Francisco, placed par ticular stress on prohibltlx-e speed reg ulations through the western states as the reason why eastern tourists prefer motor ing In Europe to travel over their own country. The writer was, howex-er, good enough to tell the truth about our roads, saying that in average weather Nebraska and Iowa roads were very good. King Ak of the realm of Qulvera re ceived generous advertising at the hands of the Automobile club on Omaha day at the state fair, when over 600 pennanU were pinned on cara bound for tho Ne braska, capital. The club's scope of Interest In good roads extends throughout all and Iowa. We recently took up a com plaint lodged by tourists of a bad stretch of road In the western part of the state. The club wrote the Commercial club of that town and the latter assured us of prompt co-operation In fixing the road. The club thanked us for calling Its at tention to the matter. Complaints filed with the club covering the Petroit office alone. SMITH ANNOUNCES ARRIVAL OF HUDSON TOURING SEDAN A beautiful car exhibited on automo bile row by Guy I Smith, is the new Hudson touring Sedan. It represents the highest degree of designing, finish and art of tho automobile builder. The car is complete In detail of equipment, fin ish, luxury and comfort, upholstered In imported gray English Bedford cord cloth, and the lining of the sides and top Is of the same material. It seats seven passengers and has the at every hnxnrdous turn with the Sparton I Safety warning. William Sparks, the boys' father and general manager of The Sparks-Wlthlng-ton company, designed the signs which the boys are placing. Ue was the first man In tho automohile Industry to take J up the safety first Idea In a hi way. Mayor Sparks has long believed that all roads should be marked to gix-c adequato warning to motorists. Ills two sons have gone a long way In the accomplishment of this Idea. SMALLER PENNSYLVANIA TIRES REDUCED IN PRICE N. F. Ernst, who for three yeara held the position branoh manager of the Mets company at UUea, N. Y., ha been appointed assistant manager of the v-, i wmk m TCenat has been Nebraska l"''64 front -seats, permitUng the pas- J smaller popular slses of Pennsylvania j ith tne Mets people alnoa the lnoeptlon of the business. W. l Huffman has spent the larger Part of the week at the Hupmoblle ex hibit at Uneoln and reports unusual In terest manifested In the 1916 Hupmoblle. "It's a mighty easy thing to unload a carload of cars these days," said W. M. Clement of tho W. I Huffman Automo bile company, because Just the minute the agents learn of the arrival of a car load of Hupmobl.es they are prompt. y on deck and volunteer their service to go down and unload the car. One day last week a car was so unloaded and we only saw one of the cars, as the dealers drove three out of town from the depot P'.atform. T. M. Dromwell, aales manager of the Oldsmobile Sales company, In attendance at the Nebraska State fair at Lincoln ' this week, reports much activity In the ; automobile line, having closed up a num ber of contracts, also reportng a number of retail sales. Taking It all In all. Mr. Dromwell states that it Is one of the most Micccsaful fairs he ever attended. A number of Marion light sixes wei delivered this week by the Fred C. Hul man Motor Car company to waiting deal ers. This finishes the Mar.on car short age, as Mr. Huffman stated he had fin ally caugl up with deliveries and was now In a position to make Immediate de liveries on touring cara Mr. Huffman set his mark high th:a fall on the sale of Marions and the way they have been moving promises to reach hla expectations. Announcement of a substantial a-olun. tary downward revision of prices on th 1 sengers changing from any seat to any Oilproof Vacuum Cup tires Is made by the Pennsylvania Rubber company. This action, according to the announce ment, Is entirely independent of market conditions at large. It is more or less is complete, for two cars all In one can be purchased for a sum considerably legs glass thrown on the street, or obstructions lnaB two t and la within the reach Uttering the streets or alleys, have re cclvcd prompt action. other seat without getting out f the car. Auxiliary seats folding In to the backs of the front seats, are entirely out of the way when not in use. As a. whole, this is said to be one of the finest . ln th "ature of a dlvldond, or profit and most complete cars ever shown in BhRrln P1". to the "a of Vucuum Omaha. In this model, the combination I Cup tlre' lnd rsuU from n mansion oi u)Q company a volume oi uumnesa to double the proportions of that of last year. "The roads through Iowa are the best of alt motor car owners. This new touring Sedan, which la a rennement of both the open and closed car types, Is mounted on the standard I have struck since leaving Ohio," is the "" oix-q cnassis, which gives It splendid endorsement meted out to Iowa's ample power for any and all kinds of highways by an eastern tourist stopped off ln Omaha laat week. who The Mechanician work It may be called upon to perform. Perhaps more than any other type of car the touring Sedan possesses an In dividuality. It stands for something that reaches the Imagination of most buyers. Everyone has noticed tho in...!.. nillnar ard Kreaaln-. habit of users to drive their car. H.s Too much cannot be said regarding , thn to r.lscd. Thoi.Mn,i. e - . tho proper care of an automobile. Neglect th. yeap wlthout th t Is one of the prime factors In the nu-,owcred It be)n reaUMi ' merous kicks which automobile men are the ral(lel top a protect,on f ,h constantly confronted with. If an auto- ,un dirt an(, other mobile owner will map out a simp e. reg- and that lhe of th uiar .ystem forolllng and greasing his to , wfth the t car his satisfaction will reach the max I- ,M8 ,traIn on wum and his troubles he Minimum M s that ".""rln 'car will be 99 per cent ef flc ent and hi. U8Ua preferabIo to worries decreased to a considerable ex-i w,ln an tent. open rax. Thla is particularly true, when this can l,ir "Ik" 7" mn. k.w7 of tM rtB,1 ld tndard, and the perfect Fleharty Watches Auto Go Into Creek City Solicitor Fleharty had an exciting experience seven miles west of Fremont on his return trip in an automobile from a hunting trip near Ericson, Neb. Near ing a bridge In his car he waa following a Mr. Russell and party of Ord, In an other car. The Ord party's machine missed the edge of the bridge and plunged fifteen feet to the bottom of a creek. The car turned' on Its side and the occupants eaoaped with a few scratches. Mr. and Mrs. Fleharty tarrlud long enough to help the unfortunate motorists out of their plight. The Hu swell automo bile waa damaged, but the victims were able to proceed under their own power to the nearest repair shop. , , Tenrfiit tilve finte. Manag-cr Clfford Dlnnkenfhlo of the Snlt Lake. Cltv team of the Pacific Coant league has released Tom Tennant, vet eran first baseman of the team. a car, is outlined hereinafter: The front spring bolts and shackles should be well greased once to every 300 or 400 miles of travel. Neglect at these parts will soon produce . noise. The same attention should be given to the rear spring Joints. The rear axle gear-set and transmission gears should be inspected and lubricated at least onoe to each 2.000 miles of travel. In this connection one should bear In ! mind that there are many Inferior greases on the market and attention should be j paid to the proper selection of materials. , Tho clutch shifting parts and brake' Joints should be kept well oiled at all' times. In oiling the magneto or other 1 ignition devices one should bear In mind the functions which these parts per form. Too lrberal a use of oil at these (points will often cause trouble and In some cases put tho Ignition out of com mission. Two or three drops of oil onoe in every 2,000 miles will be sufficient This rule may also be applied to the care of the starter. Motors having water pumps should be given attention at this point. The grease cups should be kept filled with hard grease and given a turn every day or two 1 providing the car is In constant use. In ' oiling the motor itself great care should be exercised In using oils of the proper weight It la a very good Idea to keep a close tab on the oil gauge and the oil feeders. Oftentimes the feeders be come clogged, or they may run too freely. This la a waste on the one hand and a serious neglect on the other. AH moving Joints exposed to the dust and dirt should ' receive constant care as to oiling. Pry spring leaves can be lubricated by separating the leaves and allowing a mixture of graphite and oil to run between them. Wheel bearing should be packed with Hard oil at least once in every S.000 miles, j Much care should be used In greasing the steering gear and all connecting parts, -A fairly soft grease should be used on the steering knuckles, as any binding here will make steering difficult Such attention will necessitate a little 1 expenditure of time, but It will be an effort well directed and will Insure greater efficiency, longer life to the me chanics and a sweeter running car. j PULLMAN AUTOMOBILES ARE EXPORTED IN BIG NUMBERS Pullman automobiles have been exported for the last ten years, but this season's shipments to the foreign trade have many times exceeded the total previous output ! A tra'nload of automobiles, boxed, is leav ing the factory each week for the Eng lish market alone. Shipments are also going to Central and South America, Canada. Australia and practically every point where automobiles are In use. At this time where there is a struggle among American manufacturers to obtain a foothold abroad. It Is asserted that the Pullman has not only the necessary me chanical requlslts for the foreign market, but all those refinements ln detail of de sign, finish and appointments which ap peal so stron. y U those accustomed to the best European product The Akron Marathon Tire company has recently installed a service statto In Omaha and will do repair work on tires. The main Idea In this work is to accom modate Marathon tire users, but the service will not be limited to that extent. George O. McVlcker was among the automobile men who attended the state fair and boosted their cars ln that vi cinity. Mr. McVlcker was especially anxious to tell them all about the new Empire "Six," which he believes to be a winner. This Is the first "Six" the Em pire people have produced, but McVlckar says It is the best yet Dunn la aatlsfte. Jack Dunn, who transferred his Inter national league rauo irwm miuniuio v.i Richmond, says tl.at he Is wll satisfied with conditions at the Virginia capital. Itnssrll ' Bold. Manager Dunn of the Richmond team 'nat week announced the sale of Allen Russo'l, pitcher, to the New York American league club. "I thought your car was a roadster. Doctor!" . Ss "It is, Judge, when the sun is shining. " .' The Car You Can Always Use The newest Kissel idea a four passenger Roads er with a Detach able Coupe Top is ready for delivery. It is an added feature of the ALL-YEAR line one of the happiest of the many delightful surprises to come from the Kissel factory this year. Wnen you see it you'll say what wo said: "Here at last is the ideal car." Roadster Seating Four A roadster to seat four panaengcra tho typical American family and at the same time suitable for one man to drive In his bunlness or professional duties. Style beauty utility a Jlmdandy ln looks and smartness and at the dame time the most practical car you ever saw. The ALL-YEAR Roadster and Coupe, are mounted the greatest values on the American market each every Coupe Top for Winter Tou know about the ALL-YEAR car the big Kis sel success of last year. Well, here is the latest development of that clever plan a Roadster with Detachable Coupe Top com plete comfortable luxurious and totally free from any earmark of a makeshift. either on the 32-FOUR, 36-FOUR or 42-SIX chassia Inch a car. Ewry Inch m Car Sutler AII-StcelGarage PorUbt. ehMVMt, ult to put up, sttrsrtlT In kppearmnc, a b luteljr rir-nmor. - -t to rntr' I- short tlms. A -fitl hnllrilns ah any olao. 10x14 feet 'or -a" Csr Aik for booklet sod slices om tartar itw. SUTI.ES RFC. C ., t ullir SIH. Ium Cty, Have you seen the new KisselKars? If not, do not fall to look them over at the first opportunity. Along side so many cars built to fit price, they are a refreshing contrast ln appearance, finish and particularly in mechanical worth. KisselKars are MANUFACTURED cars distinctive in looks and equally so in structural excellence therefore ln value. Prices $1,060 to $2,000, See them today. We are closing our 1916 contracts with agents NOW. This is a very desirable and attractive proposition. Write us or come and see us at once. iiv i iLO"ivi.Lsi. I ivivsiifv K,KJ. uistributors 2066-68 Farnam Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA BrWRIWIHWfllillllHIIHHrlfHI PU Xarthrra la Traded. Outfl'Wer Hub Northen of th Mohlla club has te-n traded t Memphis for Outfielder Haldwln and . M'l' llrotkir Uors I p. The Waahlncion club has aliened Horar Ml'an, brother of Uw (ainuua Clyde VlUaA LLMAN $740 14 Years Building Quality Cars SPECIFICATIONS: Motor t-cylindor, 3v,.x4Vi. Oiling Force food nnd pplai-U system with sijjht food on dash. Radiator Largo honeycomb. Ignition Dixie hic;h tension magneto. Transmission Selective sliding gear, cano handle. v Clutch Multiple dis-e. Axles Front, solid drop forged; l-beain. Hear, full floating. Upholstery Fuil fine quality leather. Steering Wheel 17 inches. mm f a. .-ftrt t i jteguiar equipment peu-fitnrter, gcneraM windshield, one-nnn top with du5t boot, qu ablo rims, ono extra rim, pump, jack, tire ir Springs Front, semi-elliptic; rear, full cantilever; hnng on shackles. Wheel Base 114 inches. Tires 31x4; non-skid. Top One-man easy folding; quick acting curtains, carried in rear under top. Lighting Electric, with dimming attach ment. Starting Klec trie. Horn Kleetric. Gasoline Tank Carried in cowl; capacity Wj gallons; provided with gauge. r, electric head and tail lights, electric horn, ick, acting curtaius, speedometer, demount ons. tire repair outfit, and full kit of tools. Immediate Delivery T. G. Northwall Co, OMAHA SIOUX CITY if ill ps i ' 7jy lm w lt - 1 W"'' s, Hudson's New Luxury Car The Touring, Sedan- For All Seasons This latest Hudson conception will meet the desires of thousands. A Touring Car when the windows are down. Fixed top, open sides, unobstructed view. Not a sash or a brace in the way. With the windows raised, a luxurious Sedan. And the change can be made in a minute. Women will find here all the elegance of the finest electric brougham. All will find in this one model a car for winter or sum mer, for touring or for town. Other Closed Hudsons Nothing Too Fine s. TOURING SEDAN With windows up the me car as pictured above, fries, $187J. I. o. b. DttrolU Cisii LIMOUSINE A dlttlnralihad modal, most luxur ious. Kxtrs ett lac forward or backward, aod disappear when not waalad. Prlta. VX. I. o. b. D.trelt. For vears Hudson design ers nave centered largely on bodies. That is, since they finished the new-type Hudson, which has won leading place among fine cars. We determined then to lead in body-building, too, particularly ln luxuri ous closed bodies. We brought to our aid coach builders of interna tional repute. Our own designers worked out scores of conveniences. Now Hudson closed bodies stand out as artistic mas terpieces. A glance shows . Kaniaui tit. Our. of 26th N4. their distinction. The de tails reveal a hundred pleasing surprises. Closed car luxury if here brought to its dmax. Yet note Hudson prices. They will bring these envied com forts into ten fold wider use. Hudson dealers now have closed models on show. We urge early selection because all Hudson models are in over-demand this season. For full description writ for Closed Cur Catalog HUDSON MOTOR CAR CXX DETROIT, MIC1L GUY L. SMITH SHY1CE riKST" COUPE For comfort on stormy days, yst opea and d.Hfhiful In summer, fiests four, fries. f2U00, f, . k. iJstrolt. -rr-U. CABRIOLET Chants quickly from aa op.a Hoad.tsr to a closed Coup, rnuat L . b. !stroit. Omaha, Neb, tnraims..