Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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German Government Offers to Sub
mit Difference of Opinion in
Aralio Case to Hague.
, BERLIN (Via London). Sept. 10.
-In tU not to tba United Stat
on tha sinking of the Whit SUr
liner Arabic, the German government
aays that it "moat deeply regret that
live were loat through the action of
the commander; It particularly
preaaea thla regret to the govern
inent of the United States on account
of the death of American cltltena,"
and adda:
'The German government ia un
able, however, to acknowledge any
obligation to grant Indemnity in the
matter, even If the eomander ahould
hare been mtataken aa to the aggre
live Intention of the Arable."
Test ef Ike flete.
The aote, whtoh we communicated ta
Ambaasador Gerard for tranamlMlon to
Washington, ia ta the form of a memo
randum, under oat of September 7. tba
laxt of which follow:
"On August It a German auhmartna
stopped tha English, steamer tmneley.
about sixteen nautical relies south of
Klnsale, and waa on tha point of sinking
tha prUe by g unflra artar tha craw bad
laft tha vessel. At thla moment the com
inandsr aaw a larce steamer making di
rectly toward him. -Thla steamer, aa de
veloped later, waa tha Arabia It waa
recognised aa an enemy vessel, aa it did
not fly any flag aad bore ea neutral
"Whan It approached It altered Ita
original oouraa, but than again pointed
directly toward tha submarine. From
thla the commander became conrlned
that tha steamer had the Intention of at
tacking and ramming him.
tilvee Order ta Fire.
"In order te anticipate thla attack ha
gave order for tha submarine to dive
and fired a torpedo at the steamer. After
firing he convinced himself that the peo
ple on board were being rescued la fifteen
"Aoeordlng to bis Instructions, the eonv
mander was not allowed to attack the
Arable without warning and without sav
ing the lives of those en board, unless the
ship attempted te eecape or offered re
sin an re. He waa torced, .however, to
conclude from the attendant circum
stance that the Arabic planned a violent
attack en the submarine.
"Thla conclusion la al) the more obvious
as he bad been fired upon at a great dis
tance In tha Irish Baa en August la that
la. a few day before by a large peeaen-
ger stesmer, apparently belonging to the
Urltlsh Royal Mall Steam Packet com
pany, which he had neither attacked nor
"Tha German government most deeply
regrets that Uvea were lost through the
action of the commander. - It particularly
expresses this regret to the government
ef the United Btatea on account of the
death of American cltlsena.
i I'ader Ha ObllgntloB. ,
"The German government ta unable,
however, te acknowledge any obligation
to grant Indemnity In the matter, even If
the commander should have been mis
taken as to the aggressive Intention of
the Arabic.
"If It should prove to be the case that
It la impossible for the Oerman and
American government to reach a har
monious opinion la this point, the Oer
man government would be prepared to
submit the difference of opinion, aa being
a question of International law, to The
Hague tribunal for arbitration, pursuant
to article of The Hague convention for
the pacific settlement of International
"la so doing It aasuma that aa a mat
ter of course the arbitral decision ahall
rot be admitted to have the Importance
of a general decision on the permisslbllty
pr the converse, under International law,
of German submarine warfare." tate Depart aaeat.
WASHINGTON. Sept. .-A note from
tiermany regarding tha sinking of the
liner Arablo reached tha State department
by cable through Ambassador Gerard to
day aoon after the arrival of a mall re
port from Ambassador Page at London
enclosing affidavit of the Arabia' sur
vivors. Tba sufficiency of tha German excuse
for attacking the Arabia la believed to
hrnge In some degree upon the move,
menta of the liner Just before the ex
plosion. The affidavit of survivor, it Is under
stood. Indicate that the veaael when tor
pedoed, waa doing no more than follow
ing the tactloa commonly pursued when
the presence of a submarine 1 suspected,
xlg-xagglng la the hope of escaping a
Press dispatches from Berlin recently
saying Oermany would offer to refer the
matter of reparation to Tha Hague were
followed by intlmatlona from high of
ficials here that such e policy positively
would not be accepted.
Softs Gien Member of Coach
Patton'i Foot Ball
Toot ball outfits were handed out to
veterans and recruits of Coach ration s
champion foot ball squad yesterday after
noon at the South Fide High school. A
general practice waa held yesterday aft
ernoon In the rear of the high srhool
building. With a ' practically veteran
squad to work on, the coach expects to
land a team this year that will prove a
strong contender for the slate champion
ship. New Jersey sweater have been ordered
for the squsd by offlctnle of the Athletic
association. Negotiation are now under
way to reserve the Iuxua field at Twenty-fourth
and Vinton streets for the con
test with out-of-town tsms. The field
waa just fenced In about two weeks ago
and will make an excellent gridiron.
Leet flask geek.
When a thief got away with the hank
book Of Rodovan Bartlch, U R. street,
sometime yesterday while the latter waa
working at tha Swift t Ce. packing house,
the owner underwent much mental strain
until ha waa assured that the loas of tha
bonk did not mean the loss of his sav
ings. Bartlch returned from work to find
that hi room had been ransacked,
jewelry valued at mors than aw taken,
besides a bank book for a considerable
sum at the Live 8 took National bank. De
tective Allen of the police force is work
ing on the case. .
Kaa Klab Fatertaln.
The Kene Klub entertained at a dancing
party laat evening at the Ancient Order
United Workmen temple In honor of soma
of Ita member who leave next week for
various universities. Those present werei
the bet shoes made for service and style
Hold only at Oeeeey'. In South Omaha.
Mr. Jalla KnHwvy trice.
it re. Julia Kiihevr, axed 17 yrsrs, illed
Wednesday evening at her home. 173
Smith Twenty-first street. The funeral
mill be held at t o'clock tomorrow after
noon at the Korlsko undertaking rooms
at Twenty-first and Q streets. Burial
will bt In Lanrel Hill cemetery.
Krlda P rarer Meets.
Prayer meeting ror restrict No. It,
Hoiith Hide, for Friday morning are:
Hertlon 141, Mrs. Perry MM North Fif
teenth; section 144, Mm. Enellnh, Twentv
thlrd. ectlon IV., Mra . Maybrry. list
North Twenty-fifth- 1, R. M.
H-rntro. 131 North Twenty-third; section
147. ffeorse Mnn, 1IW North Twentv-
fonrth; section 14R. Mr. C. F.. Cooper
l' North Twentieth: section Mrs. B
1.1 1 lot. !4 J; section 1M. Kill Wright
1712 Mieeoiirl avenue; section 151, J. 1
Ore ham. 1.'1 Missouri avenue: ectl in IV
I r.NiiHP (Albright l; section
Illlem Harris, Kalston
section 1.4,
" uiiem Harris, rtmeton: section i
Ifllls.lale rhnpel; section V' Mrs. Fisher.
Forty-second and 8: section 154, Mrs.
Currin. Twenty-eecond end N.
Phoes. all
the 1st
it lasts.
In lace or
button . Our prices are below those of
same grade In the uptown stores. Trr us.
4ar fili-la' Dress
We can Install sn oil burner In your
hestlna plant. Cell us. Rohert Parke
Heating and Plumbing Co.. 441 N. 24th
8t. Tel. Bo. SI.
Wanted boy with a horse to cerrv paper
route In southwest part of South Omaha.
Applv at Be office, tSU to street, Sout'.i
5chool shoes will please you. A stock of
all kinds. In lace or button. CRESSET.
Office apace for rent In Bee office, 231
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. South 27.
The (treat American serial. "Neal of the
Navy." I shown tonlsht at the Pease
theater. It's the greatest story ever told
in pictures. Cost &0.O to produce.
Art Needlework
10 pieces hand embroidered
model Including bath slippers,
boudoir caps, baby caps, collar
bag, ti rack, valuea up to 117 5.
choice SOe
"tamped Pillow Cases on extra
Suallty tubing. I1VM14; nest
e.lgns for French, and eyelet
embroidery, lOe quality, pair.
-. - i. rt mni,- - f - hit i ii-- -" ' J
Art Needlework
tamped Night Gowns on extra
quality of Nainsook In neat de
signs, square and V neck, SOe
value, at S5e
Sample line of Hand Embroid
ered guest towels In linen and
Turkish Towel, neat designs,
values un to 11.7&. aarh ffts
P. Jordan
M las Finch
Miss Krug
Miss Lynch
Miss Ilia-gins
Miss Lennl
Mis Crawford
I,eo Inury
Ueorse liauntman
John Hrhult
(leorge achmld
I eon Hlesalng
Waldo Zaur
Mis M surer
Mlaa Williams
Miss Gvddard
Mlsa VaatUnt
Mis Peterson
Miss Htarnsky
('heater Arnold
Russell Barclay
James Koutsky
K.d Hiimpal
M. Miller
Joe Ham
Wsaiia Hasjlsi .wllagt.
rormal opening at the. Bbuth Aide
bowling season will be made by the
women bowler ef this part of Omaha
thla evening at the Brunswick allay at
Twenty-fourth and at streets. Tha
woman league wlU con let of four teams
of six or eight members each. All four
teams will engage In contest this evening.
Thursday night, September M, wilt mark
the. opening of the Block Yard league.
The Union Stock yards eight-man team
wlU bowl with- tha Ureal Western Com
mission company squad In the Initial con
test. On the following evening at the
same allays the four ether team of the
Stock Yard league wilt play opening
gamee. Clay Robinson company will play
Wood Pro, and The Toe-g Bros.' squad
will meet the Gene Melady team. A com
plete schedule covering the entire season
baa been arranged and the opening game
wilt be the first of the season grind
before the Greater Omaha tournament at
the end of the year.
The Magic City league team ar play
ing nightly on the Brunswick alleys In
practice contests, getting ready for the
season's play. Maay new bowler have
registered along with those of laat year
and there 1 every indication of bowling
taking a leading part In the major pro
fessional sport of the South Side. Man
ager Garlow of the local alley has been
requested by the president of the Omaha
league to arrange for a representative
team at the Omaha alleys, but this re
quest will not be granted until the Omaha
league has arranged ta have a return
team here.
After a lapse of four months, p. S."
Tobln, who I charged with having shot ,
Special Agent U H. Btoley of the Bur
lington railroad laat May, Inflicting five ;
wounds In the right leg and one in the ,
left wrist, waa apprehended early this
morning In compear with Joa Mullen, i
another member of the gang, by Stotey, ,
Tha men were walking south In the
Vicinity of the Gibson track, accom- I
panted by a third man who made good
hta escape In tb scuffle with the of
During the laat four montha, Btoley
had been watching the gang daUv and
yesterday, hiding In a dump ef weed en
the Oibson stretch of track waa able
to gat the drop on the men aa tbay
walked slowly by conversing quietly. As
tne special officer leaped from his hiding
place, Mullen made a dive with his hand
for hi hip pocket, but a sharp command
checked tha move. A moment later the
officer relieved the man of a .te-callber
revolver. They were taken to the South
Side station and booked a suspicious
character. ,
Oar Rnya
"Steel Shod," "American Boy" and '
"Scout" shoes ar without any question ,
J 1 i
New Suits Distinctive to the Latest Detail o! Style, With that Air o Grace
and Style that Can Be Achieved Only by Skillful Designing and Tailoring
Tailored Suits at $19.00
We bT about 125 fine tailored suits at this
price, representative of the smartest of the
season's models.
For example, the Uelted Norfolk, the
rery nobby Hoxy suits, touched off with
pretty novelty pockets; the proper flares
and pleats, of course.
Made of gabardine, poplin, broadcloth, etc.
Color of black, navy, green, plum, brown, etc.;
in women's and mimes' sizes.
New Street Dresses at $10
A showing of many different models and styles
for the street and afternoon wear; made in the
smart combinations of serge and silks and satins ;
also the effective charmeuse and crepe de chine,
In all the smart pretty colors brown, green, blue,
black, wistaria, etc.
New Fall Suits,$35,$39,$45
Thfse newest arrivals are smarter and prettier
than ever, and every garment is an exclusive and
effective style. Many of them are copies of the
higher priced models and every one of the sea
son's' latest ideas are to be found.
The materials and colors are more fetching and
attractive this season than for many past seasons.
Misses' sizes are to be found as well as women's.
Coats for Early Fail Wear
The new sport eoats and pretty auto coats in
novelties and mixtures, for cool evenings and
driving. The long flared and belted models,
new collars, eto. . Prices f 10.00, cC Art
12.00, $15.00 and up to .W3.UU
New Walking Skirts, $6.98
A special lot of exclusive models in walking
and dress skirts, in the season's snappiest styles
the new flared, girdled and pleated models,
with the new swsgger pockets, self straps and
large buttons. Every good cloth and color.
Clever New Trimmed Hats
Wonderful Values at
A comprehensive (bowing of new fall bat, made of
Ilk velvet, plenty of large sailor and bat turned tip
la the back; trimmed with ornaments, poudre ostrich
effects, new flat bird trimming; also a number of smart
draped turban with steel trimming. Colors black,
brown, navy and purple.
Our trimming section is brim full of new ideas, auch
as new ateel ornaments, butterflies, flat birds, golf stick
effects, flowera with ostrich centers; also fur effects,
at popular price
39c, 49c, 69c, 98c and $1.50
Later Models in Blouses
Have Just Arrived
New Plaid Blouses with nn CETflO
Georgette Crepe sleeves. .0yO tO t)"0
Georgette Crepe Blouses I f0 ( p
New Crepe de Chine M n Cprv
Blouse. Oeyo to n. 5 0
New high collar models, others with convert
ible collars; all the new colorings.
Fall Styles Created Particularly for Children
2-Pair-Pant Suits Galore
Priced as Low as $3.50 up to $10
In all the smart nw mixture juat out this
season snappy new boyish model of pleated
or patch pocket Norfolka. Newer shades of
homespuns, tweeds and cassfmeres; stripes,
checks and plaids in tha biggest assortment
we have vr shown.
A Word to You About Our Long Trouser
Suits Hijh School Model Suits-in All
the New Fall Shades Just Arrived
There is a big difference between our High
School Model Suits and the ordinary long
trouser suits you boys have been buying; more
style, more character, snappier models, de
signed especially to giv that smart appearance
vary young American deilrss in his first long
trouser suit
A very special showing of these splendid
suit Saturday, at 810.00 to 915.00.
Every stse, 14 to 19 years.
O.H.S. Cadets!
"We have been ap
pointed by the board of
education as the offi
cial makers of high
school uniforms.
Complete uniform, made
toyourmeas- J Oti
urejnduding V L&
cap, for , . . "
We earnestly request
that you ccme in early
to have yourmeaeure taken
Girls New School Dresses
New large plaids, made in full pleated Russian
and sailor effects, many with dainty self
colored trimmings; all the good ct Zf
colors, at 81.50. 81.08 and L,oJ
yen Dresses for Girls at IG.00
The amartest little misses' dresses we have
ever shown, made in the new Dutch and Rus
sian models, long line pleated effects, etc.,
pretty large plaids, French aerges, silk com
binations, corduroys, etc., r aa
every good color, at iU.UU
Girls' Kew School Coats
A well assorted lot of coat for the school
girl. In good navy, brown and green cheviots,
pretty mixtures, aome with large fancy col
lars, pockets and button trimmings; specially
priced at 83. 50. 85.00. CI? Eft
$6.08 and up to M.DU
, Girls' New Separate Skirts
A crying demand fitted by our large assortment of Girls'
for dress and school wear, girlish and nifty in blue serge,
check, plaid, etc., for girl 6 to It years. Prices, at
2.08, $3.08. $5.00 and
Separate Skirts,
black and white
Flight of Ducks
to South Sets In
The Northwestern officials at head
quarters have received word from a
(tuicn or so places In the sandhill coun
try to tha effect that, though It I very
Harm, the fUtht ef duoke toward the
south has set In and that the lake and
vtreams ar covered with them. Agents
that they have never aeon the Mrds
eo numerous, especially thla early In the
Information cornea that the prairie
chicken crop la rauoh larger than usual
and that Uie bird are now Marly full
drown. Owing to tha heavy growth of
grass they ana harder than usual te get
end tliet without a good dog It I nest
to tmvoealble to locate the covers.
Kailrvsd weather report Indicate that
ttJs U a summer day ail over Nebraska.
At I o'clock temperature started ia at
aruuitd 19 to to degrees and commenced
to climb sttll higher.
The railroad people assert there were
but one or two places In the state where
rain f-ll last n!ht. Generally today it Is
clear, calm and warm.
Are Yoa 4 olse r
Why suffer, take a does cf Dr. Kins
New Life rills tooiht, you will feel fine
tomurr-jw. Only Ibo. All druvkM. Ad-eerUaeiueu'
1 ft?
Tfc Drexc! K!3
Says: "I tail
you there are
no better
hoe mad
for kid than
8teei Shod. 1
wear them
and my Dad
aye so. too."
The Proper
School Shoe
The boy requires a special
shoe. One better than the
average. Common shoe
can t stand the knock of the
school play ground.
Are better made of
material than ane
boy'a shoe and they show it
in th way they wear. They
will outwear two pair of or
dinary boys' ho. Button
and Hlucher. Boy',
S3.SO. Llttl
to 1 t. 82.2..
PAKt'Eli tvtij r.u.
1 to
1419 Farnam
Drugs and Toilet Necessities
Lower Than the Usual Prices
alaasetta Talcum Powdsr, ' Saturday,
can 10
IlospUal Absorbent Cotton. 1-lb. roll.. 19
Rubber Sheeting. If Inch wide, yd.. 20
Fletcher' Caatorla, 36c alse, at Ills
Banl-Flush, 26e size, can 10
Peroxide of Hydrogen. 1-lb. bo,Ue....l
Sloan's Liniment, ttfc sit bott'e 20
Sal Hepatlca. 60c als bottle, special.. 29
Illnkle'a Caacara Pill. 100 in bottle...21
Phenolax Wafer, 100 In bottl. at.... 29
Ltsterlne, 26c tti bottle, Saturday .... 10
Bromo geltser, 60c alte, special 29
Java Rice race Powder, apeclal, box.. 25
Melba Pace Cream, 50c size 20
Meloros Rouge, Saturday, 60c eiie
ho 20
Madam Ise'bell's Face Powder, 60c
alse 29
Aubry Sisters' Beautlfler, $1 sir 09
Manicure Buffers, regular 75c values,
t 39
QUletta Rator Blades, fl.00 alt 75 .
Ivory or Wool Soap, S bar for 18,
Violet Roe tilycetine Soap, 10c cake..5e
Special rertame Sale All 60c odor, Satur
day, ounce 29
Beautiful Fluffy Hair -Exceptional Shades
ajajsBJkBMHHsaaVawal BaewajaaBeaBB eeassBBBBBBBBBBaesaeaB) aHBBVBaVBBVaBj awaWBgBalSMBSaWaWBfJBsassasssl
Swin-hea offered Saturday are mads in separate strands, light weight and
most adaptable for the cool weather.
Home comforts can be found in our large, cool and sanitary matching
Our operators are desirous of giving you their skillful advice and personal
attention in all beauty culturs work. Children's Hair Robbing a specialty.
Appointment! Mad by Phone.
Smart Hosiery for Dress and
Sturdier Wear
Women's Fiber Silk Ho, in
black only; aeamles. rein
forced sole, hels and 2(1.,
toea. 60c quality uVC
Women's Silk Thread and
Fiber Hose, in black, white
and colors. Special . jp
Saturday, pair euC
Infanta' Mercerized Lisle
Hose, in black, white, pink
and sky, fine quality, t
16o value, pair "C
Women' Kayer Vets, lisle
thread, band crocheted yoke,
all sixes, 60c 5"
quality OUC
Women's Pnre Dye
Thread SiU
In plain and fancy color;
tripes, embroidered
clocks and many high nov
elties; full fashioned, high
splioed heels and toes,
double aoles. f 1
quality, pair
Misses' Silk Lisle Hose, in
black and white; fine ribbed,
medium weight, spliced heels
and toes. Regular in
26c quality, pair IV C
School Hose for boy and
girls, medium and fine
ribbed; seamless, double
heels and toea. 19c f f
quality, special. pr.,.l--C
Women's Fancy Silk Hose,
the latest black and white
checks and stripes, thread
and Italian silk, very pretty
designs (two mm tt -
big lots), at....$la5l5U
Two Specials in Knit Underwear
SU" I Kcisty
.i.e.. 26c valuea, each sizes. reguUr 60c quality, suit ODC
I ' r
nec . I i3u .-u in inn
Sale of Several Thousand
Yards of New Ribbons
10Vi-la. Imported Roman Strip Rib-.
boa, beautiful colorings, , regular
price $00 yard, at, yard
10 H -Inch Imported Warp Print,
pretty tor girdle and fancy bags,
value ep to 11.21, yard
7 H -inch " Imported Basket Weave,
heavy satin plaid beautiful combi
nation, wonderful value, yard....,
9 H -Inch Import Satin Luminal Rlb
boa, good colors, fl.60 valuea. per
One lot of Remnants, wort. 4 11.60 to
11.60 yard, ribbon In Roman brocade
aad plain, at. yard
$ " ' ie aaee en-ai a "" " 11 " "aaawas atseaMeBkM e M WA
Just Received From
the Factory
Loads New Pianos
To schools, students and to the home( six
months' rental allowed ia case of purchase.
Plan Department Third floor.