Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    TNK T1KK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTrarnETl 11. 1015.
From Our Near Neighbors
luncheon at the Woodmen hall Feptem
ber t
Koltor Wllrox of the Herald took In
editors' night at the Ien on Monday and
also press dsy at the stale fair Wednes
day. William liobs, who hss been In falling
health for the last two yeare. died at hie
home here and was burled Thureday
John Ik Xenaedj Sayi Ererythiiif
la tfebruka roint to Hfpub
liean Tear.
(from a Staff Correspondent.)
TJNCOLN, Wept, 0.-Bpe4al.)-John 1
KwrtKlr f Omaha, candidate for the re
rtMlcan nomination for the United
Plates adnata arrived in the city last
night and waa Visiting at the fair today.
Mr. Kennedy la much pleasod with the
r-ptkn ha la receiving over tha at ate
ana fccla that republicans In Nebraska
nwd not fear tha mult of tha election of
he right men are nominated for the
orflce. ITa recalled many aaaurancea of
purport from republicans with whom he
ram In contact from out In tha state
who are attending tha fair.
Tt la understood that M. A. HostetUer,
who ha represented Buffalo county two
tcrma In tha legislature, will ba a candi
date for lieutenant governor. Thia la tha
Information given out by thoaa who have
-a iked with him In tha time he haa been
Mending- the fair.
Tha petition a lan ad around Aarl cultural
nail urging K. U. Pollard to enter the
race for the repuhttcan nomination for
governor, haa not yet eoavtnoed that
gentleman that ha aught to enter the
"I all! have to think It over a while
hfoe I make up my mind," ha said to
Tha Bee thia morning.
Musical Features
of the State Fair
Proving Popular
A vara.
W. T. Pmoote and wife motored ta Un
rein. Thureday.
Oeorge TVtera haa returned from a two
weeka' visit to Houth laaota.
Plok Ttnlcketa and family of datonla
ware visiting friend a here this week.
Mtss Katie Lents of Arcadia la here for
a few weeks' visit with relatives.
Mrs. Robert Ml'kle epnt a few days
Oils week with relatives near AIvo.
Mrs. Lea Cotner and children of Plaits
mouth were visiting relatives hero this
Miss Ilerlha Htnoots left the ri?t of the
week for Kumla. where she will teaoli
Herman SngHke mnde a trip to Cher,
enue county this --k to look Hfter his
Mias Marv Kohl returned the flrat of
the week from aeveral weeka' visit at
Mrs. William Motley lulled her sirtr,
Mrs. f,onlae Uillen, at Council Bluffs, Is,,
this week.
Stlea Nlla Francis of Dimhar spont aey
erai daya here laat week with her slater,
Mrs. ). II. MaMuardt.
Mlesea Anna. Norma and Eda eaat
have returned from a few weeks' visit
with relatives at Corydon, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. ftamuel Johnson and Mr.
and Mra. (fcwirgs Camptell motored to
(imn ha. Sunday, and spent tha day with
F. A. High of Omaha will deliver a lec
ture here Hun-lay afternoon at tha flon
srenatlnnal church on "Tempersnco In
Mrs. Nela Hazard, Mra. Marie Mosenaen,
Mleaea Maren llnemuaaen and Juliana
liehmeier of Weeping Water were visiting
here Wednesday.
'if-Vom a Staff Correspondent.)
T.lVfof.y. b,, Sept. W tpeclal.
'I'e Plft Reslment tmnhd of tha Nebraska,
.National . Guard, with headquarters at
forworn, has been In great demand. It!
is under tha directorship of Captain Fred
Thornburgv one of tha well known mualcai
.llreiHors of the state. While cotnposod
mostly of young muelclsns, they have
.lieen so well Instrurtcd by their direc
tor that few bands In the state compare
with them.
Conditions attending the food service
at tho fair have ben Improved. Lunch
stations seemed to have the Idea that tha
pure food dcvartmi-nt of tha state had
l-ecn iut out of business. Consequently
when Cotninlseloner Herman and his dop
utlea appenred proprietors said:
"We didn't know you were going to be
here this year.
Hurts we will fls things Op, Just as
you want them." Aa a consequence these
places sre all screened In. the coo king
plates are covered with a glass rasa and
everything Is just as clean and neat as
is possible under the conditions which
The New England Girls, a mualcai or
ganisation, furnished mualo tha whole
week at Agricultural hall, drawing biff
crowds. The organisation la composed of
six young women, and "very one la a real
Cape Cbd product, a deacondent ot tha
illgrlm forefathers, and entitled to tha
name the'y carry.
Miss Hannah flora la director and leada
the organisation on tha vllolln. They sre
coveting- tha western part of tM country
on the Chautauqua vlroult and will leave
here for Chicago, returning to Boston In
October. '
It haa been one of the most popular
of the musical on antaatlong at the Btata
Mnrehead Will apeak at Palk.
POLK. Neb.. Bpt. 10.-(8peclal.)-Tho
ninth anniversary of the founding of the
village of Polk will be celebrated on Sep
tember a and S3.- There will be auto polo
games, balloon ascensions, ball games and
races and a big time generally. On tha
?:d Governor Xloorehead. will deliver an
address, and on tha same day tha corner
stone of Polk'a $11000 lodge hall and audi,
lorluro will ba laid.
Three El-Governed
Houses Are Eaided
When tha establishment of Beasts
Wood colored, 1001 Booth Thirteenth
street, was raided Thursday night. In
addition to the proprietress and four In
mates, three stolon auo tires wre
brought to police headquarters. Tha tire a
had been taken from North western box
cars. Tha folk placed under arrest ara
being held for Investigation. '
Bosia Harris, lfnt ' Capitol avenue,
charged with keeping' an tll-govarnad
house, forfeited K cash bonds by her
failure to appear in court for trial. Two
lomatea forfeited tli bonds. . . 'J
Grace Newton, ouiofod, 1213 Davenport
street, arrested, for keeping- an ill-governed
bouse, . was 'se&tenoed to thirty
Past Rulers of Elks -Pass
Through Omaha
Judge Henry A. Mllner of the supreme
court of California, and Raymond Ben
jamin of Baa Francisco, both past grand
exalted rulers of tha Elks, went west
through here en route home from vaca
tions spent In the east. At the Union
station they were met by a number ef
the Omaha EUka and urged to etop off
and become guests at the clambake at
Krug park tomorrow afternoon. 'They
Lipressed a desire to do so, but -were
unable to accept the Invitation on, ac
count of being compelled to hurry home
and look after business matters.
Mra. W. K. Bates visited friends In.
Oeorga Hates left last Sunday for the
Psnama exuosltlon.
Sarah White hss registered as a stu
dent In tha state university.
MIhs Anna Rtah of Cutumbus has been
visiting at Frits Swanson's.
Byron Kage is visiting his brother, Ros
Well Ksge in Kanaaa City this week.
Mr. A. N. Ohler and Mrs. J, W. Booth
of Mncoln. are visiting at 8. C. Ilaney.
William Verrigaer snd Julius Bhaden
dort left last Tuesday for California.
Mlas Oertle Hmlth has gone to NellRh,
where she will teach in the high school.
Mrs. Jim Neeley accompanied by Mrs.
Millie Pflug went to Iovell, Wyo.. the
forepart ot the week.
Norman T.ovell went to Padurah, Ky.,
where he will have charge of the mualo
in the publics schools.
Jesae ArmatronaT, who la a student In
a medical college In les Monies, vlalted
his parents this week,
lioss W. Batos, who has been here the
last ten days visiting his parents, went
to Boise, Idaho, last fatunlay.
Bev. K. I. Orlnell, Mrs. Orlnnell and
Elliott Wlllett, have gone to Palisade,
JV?b., where Hev. Orlnnell will serve the
Consree-ntlonai churoh. They went by
Hohool will open next Monday with the
following corps of teachers. Krneat 81m
niuna, auperintendent; Mabel llrlaley,
Clara Fate, Ada Brawner, Wanda Ueaack,
K'ula Bates and llasel Holllday..
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Oarner were visi
tors In Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Rmllv Weed of Kenard. la visiting
her sister. Mrs. V. M. Uutta.
Mrs. C. Pollen and Gertrude Surram
were shopping In Omaha Tuesday.
C II. Webb went to Grand Island Sun
day night to help at tha stock yards.
Mr. snd Mrs. Frank W'hltmore will
leave Haturday for an extended visit
in the east.
Mr., and Mra. John Peterson ara re-
lolclna over the birth of a son. Warren
rWtaklund, born September 7.
The first meetlna of the new year of
the Mothers' rlub was held Friday after
noon with Mrs. H. Walstroem.
Trie members of tbe ladles' Aid gave
a very enjoyable surprise for Mra. Uukin
at her home Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. snd Mrs. Pa Iand entertained the
Methodist Episcopal choir and their fam
ilies, at their home Wedneatlay evening.
J. K. Nlchla returned Wedneadar even
ing froai ligan. la . where be went to
be beat man at the wedding of Lawrence
- Mr. and Mrs. F. C- Ksnnedy went to
Fremont Haturday afternoon, to be the
week-end gueeta of Mr. and Mra. J. M.
The Valley schools opened Monday
morning with a lance enrollment. The fol
lowing ts tne ton of teachers: Frank
F. Adama. superintendent : Waunetm
Cook, principal; Irene Brown, domestic
science: k. A. Iailey, manual training;
Hilda reason, German; Mrs. Cecil Moore,
f rammer; F.thel Khihank, Intermediate;
uruthy Met. Third and Fourth grades;
Orpha Grains, primary; 1'earl llanna,
Fast Special Train
Run is Soheduled
H. 3. Mayhem of New York City
in Omaha Thureday, and his visit re
minded the older Burlington employes ot
'he special train he chartered In Vtti to
go from Chicago to Uebver, where his
on was dying. The train made an av
eiege of over sixty mtleron hour for the
entire distance from Chicago to Denver,
which ts over 1 v0 miles, thus setting a
record for a long distance run which' has
never Um equalled since. Mr. Mayham
arrived lu Itenver before his son died,
but was unable to save bis lite.
Katharine Phelps returned from Logan,
Is,, to spend the week-end at home.
Orle Webb left for Weaplnr Water Fri
day to take up hla duties aa head of the
actenoe department In the high school
Bellevue defeated Trimble Bros, of
Omaha. II to a, on the Hellevue grounds
last Sunday and loat to the Nebraska
Autonurblle oompany on labor ly.
7 to 1
Stephen Carter of Fort Crook narrowly
eai-aued serious Injuries IMt Sunday when
he loat control of hU motorcycle and ran
Into a ditch with, young lud Iowria on
the handle bars.- The aocldrnt ooourred
just outalde of the fort grounds near
Bellerue. .
at tho Ftank Jameson home. Mra. Allen
snd Mra. Hay are eintrra.
Charles Joyce snd family have lieen
out on an auto trip to York county this
It. J. It. Hhannnn suatalned a dislocated
wrist In a fall recovered while playing
tennis at the I. W. Teea-ardi-n courts.
Word haa been received that Mrs.
George Woods of Halaey, Neb., la not
expected to live. She waa a former resi
dent here.
Mr. and Mra. William Trent vlalted the
state fair laat Friday.
I lurry Jnnos, brother of Ranee Jones,
spnt Sunday snd Monday In Bellevue
visiting his brother.
Mre. It. M. Terrlll was operated on for
appendicitis Thursday morning at the
Houth Omaha hospital.
Chnrhs Baker was operated on for ap
pendicitis a week ko at the South Omaha
hospital., lie la reported on the road to
Paul Baunders cousin of Wilbur Cock
erel, vlalted In Bellevue over Monday on
hla way to visit his parciitu at Cedar
Hsplds, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. W. fl. Hhafer left flatur.
ry on an auto trip to Wlrhlta. Knn..
where thv will r.nd ten days with Mr.
Pha fir's brother, llarry.
The town has bought the ornamental
electric llshla In the park, which were put
up for tne I-og Boilers' picnic several
weeka aso. They will be reatrung and
made permanent.
Br. and Mrs. W. H. Rett were agree
ably surprised lsat Haturday evening on
the occaaion of their silver wed'llng an
niversary by a party of 100 people, who
made them a present of a double silver
talde set.
Mra. I.ena Martens entertained for her
birthday Tuesday.
Mrs. McKenile waa here Thursday look
ing after her property and visiting with
Albert limbers; and family from Iowa
came last week to vtelt his aunt, Mra.
Clausen and other relatives.
Mr. and Mra. U. A. Nolte arrived from
their ranch at Bridgeport Wednesday for
a long visit with home folks.
Mrs. Harry Clark entertained tha ladles'
kensington Wednesday. There waa a good
attendance and a nice lunch was served.
Julius Hchuldt, Ms Fallon and J.
A. Gibbons were sightseeing In Greely
county nnd other place several days
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buy and family
rialted Sunday near Bennington with
Mrs. Bays sister, Mrs. William Bchuldt's
Charles Baumgardner and Emll Para
kenlngs will leave Sunday for Des
Moines., Ta., to take up work on a dredge.
A daughter wss born last week to Mr.
and Mrs. Hart Baumgardner.
Mr. Frank Hansen and Miss Vivian
A gee of Waterloo were married in Omaha
Wednesday evening. They will make
their home on the Agee farm near Waterloo.
Russell fw ration waa a Flatts mouth pas
Songer Tueeday.
M CI. Klme waa a business passenger
to Nebraska City Monday.
Mlse hrltlne Rlefflna Sundaynd with
the home folks at Lxtrton.
Mrs. Alton Ht. John waa a Weeping
Water paesenger Wednesday.
Mrs. West Tulene of Plsttemouth siient
Haturday with Mrs. Keltner.
Mlas Isadora Pheldon has been visiting
friends In Lincoln this week.
Mra. Quick haa Just returned from a
Tew days viatt with Lincoln inenua.
Ml Ml Agnea Anderson went to WevrHng
Water Tuesday for a few days vlalU
Mr and Mrs. B. 'Wolph have returned
from a few days' visit at Kalem. Neb.
William Tucker went to Murray Tues
day for a few days' visit with a sister.
. Mr. and Mrs. John Tromble of Belolt.
Kan., are vleitlng relatives here thia
A I van McBeynolda returned Tueaday
from a two weeks trip through western
William Carroll returned Tuesday from
Waco, where ha haa bean for a couple
of months.
The Misses Hope Conolv and Fern
Hturm were Nebraska City shonpers
Mrs. Allla snd children ara home from
a few (lavs' stay with her home folks
at Wahaslb
Mr. and Mrs. Chris rVhoeneker snd
daughter, Cora, were In Lincoln on busi
ness Tuesday. -
Mr. and Mrs. John Bluck were Benson
visitors Mondsy.
Mrs. John Ilendrickson attended the
fair at Uncoln Tueaday.
Mra. Powell and two daurhters took
in the fair at Lincoln Tueaday.
Mrs. Spring Is visiting at the home of
her daughter at Blair this wcok.
Mr. end Mrs. A. C. Ieln left Monday
for a week's visit In Klmballton. Ii.
Mrs. Chatman of Omiiha vlalted Sat
urday and Monday at the Vestal home.
Mrs. Wstchler of Omaha visited at the
r.oine or bar sister, Mra Vealal, Monday.'
Mleaea Annie end Kmma Kundsll snd
Mahle srd Florence Knight wer Omaha
vtHltors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hendtiekann of Cha1
ran stoppMl over here Friday on their
way home from Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Nels IUsmussen left ftat-
urdav for a week's visit with their
daughter at Osmund, Neb.
, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madson and
daughter, F.lele. of. Klmballton. la., Mr.
Sorenaen and daughters. Annie and Ad
llne of Houth Omaha, Mias MhIioI I'.sbnck
of Kimball and Mias Ilagma Weatergaard
visited at the Deln home Sunday.
Morgan Anderson returned
evening from a trip to Tllden.
Charlea tlrau spent tha week In Un
eoln where ho acted as a Judgo of farm
Mrs. Ben- Bohl returned Wednesday
fnvni a week's vialt with relatives in
Boone county.
Puhool opened Monday morning with an
IncreHne.i attendance, a number coming
from olner districts.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohrt entertained ret
ail vea and frlnnda laat Monday in honor1
of Mr. ohrt'a birthday.
George Hlerka was In Lincoln the last
ten daya. lie waa In charge of the Doug
las county exhibit at the state fair.
The J. P. Tlmperley family have
nlsnned a reunion to be held at the home
fsrm north ot town, Sunday, Septem
ber 11
The ladles' Aid society of St. John's
Lutheran church will hold a baxar and
Xatee from Oaare Caaaty.
BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. W.-(SpeclaL)
Robbers Wednesday night visited Jesse
Oessell's meat market and tha office of
the Koenig lumber yard at Blue Bp rings.
They secured IX in cash from tha meat
market and only a revolver and raincoat
from the lumber office.
L. H. Carter, the druggist at PlckrllL
his wife, father and mother were In an
automobile accident three miles north of
Cortland Wednesday as they were enroule
to the state fair, but all of them escaped
Injury. The car ran Into a ditch, turning
over on Its side.
John lieenls, father of Rev. J. B.
Reents, pastor of tha Hanover church
northeast of Beatrice, died suddenly on
Thursday at the homo of his son, with
whom he had lived for four years. The
deceased waa a native of Germany and
was 83 last February.
The Farmers' Elevator company of
Pick re 11, which will celebrate Its tenth
anniversary next Wednesday with a big
picnic, Is making great plans for the
affair. The speakers will be Governor
Morehead, Congressman C. H. Sloan and
J. W. 8horthiU of York.
Tfotea from leward.
REWARD, Neb., Sept. . (Special.)
Mrs. Edith Weatherby died t the hos
pital at the Soldiers' home at Grand
Island Monday. The body was Interred
at Htaplohurst, her former home, Wednes
day. Bev. Charles Rhorbaugh oonduoted
the services.
Elmer Wenclker while cutting meat
yesterday cut a gash In his arm eight
Inches long.
Thursday, September 19, Is old settlers'
day at the Seward county fair.
The enrollment of Seward High school
ths year Is 137.
Mr. and Mra. T. J. Foster of Beaver
Crossing, this county, celebrated their
fiftieth wedding anniversary at their
home yesterday by entertaining their
friends at dinner. B. I Cummlngs of
Iowa, who assisted the groom at the wed
ding half century ago, waa present.
Margaret Txule, widow of . Detective
lui k'.. l.'uvla. asked the city council to
kraut her a pen4n. Referred to Com
mittee of the whole.
VTeepiaa Water. J -
J. T. Pollster has-goue. to EUistls to
look after land Interests.
Hev. . W. Rich haa gone toN Blooming
ton. -Neb., to conduct a serWa ot revival
meetings. -
If. P. ChrMensen haa sold This lVaere
farm weat of town to Phillip bchnell of
Uunbar for tlS.vuv. ;., , -
Mr. and Mrs. miner Amlck and Mr. and
Mrs. Pvterson ot TukamaJi, visited at the
C. T. Noell home Tuesday.
Milo Iay left Tuesday for Sioux City
whsre he will take up his duties as In
structor In manual training.
Frank Hunt return! the first of the
week from Books county, Kanaaa where
he has been during the harvest.
Mr. and Mra. Albert Barry and son of
Keattle, W'ih , are visiting this week at
the home of Mr. Barry'a mother.
Reg Truman, of Montana, la visiting
this week at the home of his brother,
T. V. Truman, superintendent of the
acnooi ners.
Postmsater Allen and wits ef Clay
Center, Neb., vikited the flrat of the neck
oysp Suits
With Extra Pants
"Vc want to emphasize the attractiveness of
Autumn styles; the fine, lmrd-wearicg,
jood-lookinj? English mixtures and navy
blue serges.
Az usual ro feature
ae standard a America
World Beaters at $6.00, $7.50,
$8.50 and $10.00.
L ( And to mothers toho
art intent on a rmh
economy we eeyjutt
look at the tpecial
line at '
--Os. ilie
w r I I I
m m
Two Pairs of Pants to Every
If your hoy needs furnishings, bring him in. Wo
have EVERYTHING, because we specialize.
1510-18-20 EARN AM STREET.
'Ti r f a n e " i
room 4eTot4 to th
creatar oomfortg of man. It this roopi
served Ui "Haaty Lunch,- a most at-
tractlT noon-tlma) meai for tha busy
man of affairs, aerved quickly at sixty
five cent. Also service a la Carte. Tou
make tha expense what you will.
The usual Sunday Night "Dinner de
Luxe" from alt to nine at one fifty tha
person, la aerved in thia room, aa well aa
in the main restaurant.
Just as Regular
as Any Clock
It's Opportunity a-knocking
at your door! Yes, indeed, be
cause there is nothing more ab
surd than that bid statement to
to the effect that
Opportunity knocks once
and passes on.
Why? Where?
In the Real Estate columns
of THE BEE. If you don't be
. lieve it, turn over now to the
Real Estate offerings and see
for yourself.
There are many opportun
ities all offering safe and sure
returns for the money invested.
Business sites, residence lots,
houses, suburban homes and
farms. Scan the list and in
vestigate these which interest
you most.
i . t i ii at as is aa .
i I