Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1915, Page 6, Image 6
O TMr OMAHA. TUrUSDAY. SKITKMDKi: 'X l!Mo. ! 1 THE OA! AHA DAILY DEE rorNWCD ht kdwaho nmK water."" VICTOR ttOaKWAIEK, KtjlTOn. The fee Publishing rropj.y. Proprietor, rrw W17U.D1NO. rAnxAM and PKVK.xTicrwTTr irntr4 at Omnh ptff1 vd- matter. are aed undsf... or bcbik mm" Hv earner per merit b, naT Jinltjr without riunlay. TKMfctJ wt mail per rer. 1 i !. r1 '!fK.... ....f F?venl without fiinday.,,, ,. ,....,.... 4.0 Sunder "HIT " ...... I rrroifity U liry te UiMhi re, cifHilij ! tKMtTTAW. PeWiit frf draft. tre r rii r4r Only twe rent stamps rer-nl in pevment of Sfnelt -counts personal '"). i ept en Omaha in fMUm exchange, hot erefitd, Omthl-tt He I'lilld-ng Smith mah-:is W ar.t Cnutifif Ml'ift--t ffia Main afreet iryoln-:; I,llfh fmlMIn. ;hkff-T Mrt tini'dlne 1MW Tfif-'Unnnt 1I, IK fifth BVfiia pv tnite-fW lW ank nf Cnmmerre. TVaehlrtn ? Fourteenth PI., N. t. id; eernmtinicafinfia ritifi to news d lorlel aAlMr Omaha bet, railerlal DepartTWA, Al'l fcT (Vatl l,.tTI).. 53,993 Mte bf WehfaaM, f'mintr rf fvmglaa, : liwight lil.Hhta, t lr".lntlnrf hmnm't f The PM Publishing pfimpanv, helig ilulv nwmn. seya that tha averaSH rlrtulatlun for the month of August, reli, was ., lwtmtT Wlf,LlAf. Clfi'tiUlltli Mnr. !hiirriid In ffiy pretn and awnth t befor It. UU 1I gar t( if l'ta(filf, 116. A HOE Kit I' lit NT Ml. Nulaff Public. ftuWrltwr ItrlnK Id t H lrhiH.mrlly ho Id h Th Itt-f) liiAit0 lo thetn. Ad 1rai will lw rliitttitHl mn t.flfn ltl. Ko th tr1l pMm ti having a lotnh tt It (hi faaori; nfflrlal rortifrttifjlqueit from Ball Crtek tio ttiat h lfrHf UHCflM M loln ret ifcutlott In tb hMtt6nr fnrh. Vl-d from any point of the ronipana, Bpp temhf walhr Id lh tnont nergatu booattr of rptlmlaW that lfU1l h ftffl bit. htl bat placed fbtlon on ih eontf&tiaod lt. Ta American cotton grower need not worry 10 litg aa Untie Sam bank the crop. Ia it goMlble Mayor "Jim" and "Billy" 8tin- ray roti 11 nave oern tne "UttlD fiutterctip" who up?" "mlxea ihoflg bablea If Vb-f mail service does not Improve after the cftfdlal toepltallty Omaha. has been extend ing th ItJlUr carriers, we will Ihtnk our efforts unappreciated. Gel it Kralght. The' frT)i f Peace will be loyal ttf the t'nited States ltd long aa trie i nitod Mt'Ata ta loval lo the (enets of the Frlenda bf freace. Caf Nicholas goes to the frtthl to dlrct his nnnlea III person. KaUer Wllhelm, King fcm n.anuel fchd King Albert arA alftllUfly engaged. A rojal flush painted red. Nothing that the republicans have ever said ai-out III flemocrats In the slate house was ever o grilling as what these dlttllrtgllUhed deraO trata r sl)ing about one another. Go to It, Oovenior. If the tea of his publle statement fairly la dtrnte the slate of Ma mind, Oorereer More-hi-ad Is somewhat perturbed becauce of tbe eot nimacy of BtSle Treasurer Hall, In refustflg to ly out mony on wiffsnta drawn to meet ex-P'-ndltures for which no Srof latloi wa rnAd by the e(tisiwre. The governor admlta (tiat the fterdes law U good one, but flode no good In the treasurer because be obeys It. But t'ne g(rrnor errwoterrharges that the state Irenstifef has ftyt been so scrupulous In obsTt Iftg other law, and cites tnslaaeee of specific vreng-dniftg. Moreover, he announces his in tention to present the treasurer t th eowrte, rot to he dealt with as remise In his official t'vty, not to enforce restitution of public money (Megsllr diverted, but, If possible, to compel him fo disregard th plain letter of the law th suvernor hlmielf helped tA pnt oft the statute Uioks. The cofietllufloft of Nebraska makes it the flfsl duty of the governor to see that tin law are upheld and enforced. Ife Is Hot clothed with any royal prerogative' of suspension or dis pensation. The governor admits cognisance of alleged hiatfeaaaflre by the atate IrfaHOrer. If be has known of this for so many months, why has he waited all this time to bring it to pttbtln notice, and why does he now dleelose It only to support a threat? And, tight here It might be well to direct the attention of the governor fo a provision of law he see ma to hat overlooked. He says he would have been willing to approve n bond for tbe treaeurer In tbe sum of IOO,090 although the law of Nebraska, section 6725 Af Hie Revised Code says the bond shall not h loos than $600,640, and not less thee double l he sum that may come Into the treasurer's hands, as fixed by tbe governor. Did hot the governor, as charged by the treasurer, thus ad tla hint to do an Illegal act, in calling for a t; jfld for- only f 500,000, when the law makes 1600,000 the minimum? Other little points In this delightful demo crats family row Will later be brought before the I tiblif, but enough Is Already out to folk a tire mat the constitution pitta little figure between the democrats except when tbey disagree among Ihemselves, Homesick at the Front What tbe governor of North ('ardllaa slid to the goverhor of South Carolina was altogether otffereht ffbm what the govetnor of Nebraska is saylHg to the treasurer of Nebraifkb. tsxsza Tfc shot-king charge Is public! higde! that the prohibition candidate for governor of Mas BHcbuaetl "drank beer out of a b&tlle.'1 11 Is not the offense that shocks, but the manner or doing it A Bay atate thirst which aurrounja the rierl of a bottle constitute! i mortal sin against tood taste. The Washington cot respondent of the Brooklyn felagle drops a aeiul-bffitlat intlmlttdri that Bsefelary Lansing woujd be ait admirable senator froth New York. The reasons atlggewt Ing a change are that Senator O GormKH "18 not IB complete harmony with the administra tion. " Nebraska patriots, do you get thai? - A New York magistrate tails igginit women operating automobile, "lu the first plst'e," be ays, "lha hasn't the strength, and In the secviid placet ah la very pt to lose her head." Even so, she will not exert the strength, she has or lose tier head sufficiently to knock dbwit a pedestrian ind dash away to escape the penalty of nilscohduct. - . Aeeurdlng to the Wall Street Dally Journal, there kre 1,600.000 reglstere'd 'automobiles In the Untied States. Tbe latest estimate Of (he Department of Agriculture says there are 19,000,000 borsea and 4,000,000 ulUlet 16 the t'nited States, denpite the shipment of 420,000 animals to the war tones of Curope. The horse less age may be approaching, but, like the nilllehium, It is still In the distance. Ko Mori Teiohffi Tnlnlflf gohool. Uy decisive vote the school board has af firmed the decree registered In star chaanber session by three members of the teachers' com mittee abolishing the teachers' training course, I ut the debate has brought out nothing to dis close adequate reneons for the mote. It la not perhaps so much the abolition of the training athoot as the peculiar method by which It has been don without thy previous, public discussion of the subject, without any unbiased Investigation and report upon the workings of the school, and the efficiency of it graduate, and without even the excuse of necessary flnan dal retrenchment, for the board, with Ita padded tilidget and SS-mlll tax( has more money to spefld than ever, and actually Included the cost of continuing the training school In the school levy already Imposed rot fiext year. Btit H ore than that, W believe the school board Is pointed out by Member Poster, la doing k grave injustice ttf Ihe young women who graduated from the high school list year And qualified by competitive examination to enter the trglhlHf riasa, only tfl find the dbbrs ihUt in their faces at In eleventh hour when, had tliey been notified of the board's Intention last J line, tHey Inlfcbt hare made dthr arrange ments or have gone to work (aa some of them ,e 111 Mo havl to do) without wasting three months' valuable time. In our Judgment, a scbool board haa no business to set such an ex kfaipld of shabby dealing" with helpless girls. The Bee haa Ho interest Itl the training st litiol different from the average taxpayer rod-' rerned with tbe maintenance of high standard fcchools. We feel sure, however, we voice the sentiment of a majority of our people In enter ing this protest. . Fuhston oh the Right Trail. Uenefal fHifittdd Is meeting a condition on the Mexican border that requires vigorous treat ment with decision and promptness. The Beo eume tlih ago called attention to the existence of forte for fomenting disorder aJortg the Itio Orande, and now that the general in command litis full protif Of thr conspiracy, ha Is gbtng i-.ftflf th ttoubie ureedera in a fashion that win l ave general approval. It is not A question of political rights, hut one of sedition against the totrrntiieht of the t'nltfl State. Metlcana resi dent of tbe Tnlted States must be made to understand that they are secure tn all their rights, either of perott or property, so long as tbey respect our government, but they must also fully comprehend that conspiracy against Mir goverumeut wilt get them tn bad. American i ltUeus who join w ith Mexican residents Ih Such Movements mnst alsa ' understand that their conduct Wilt equally Ihlite punishment. Much patience hits been shown by our governbleal ho far, in its efforts to preserve its neutrality and ! show the utmost hospitality to foreigners fotuiclled here, but there are limits fo the ob ligation! of hospitality. C7 ;:Vc vJJapt Cl-idti Th4 day cleared up tor ttie fair ind a aood irotid on the grvniula to luuk at tha axhlbtta and wit nws the rar. llvniy J'undl. with a record of twen-ty-even yeara, ia out for the prise bus of t-ofTre of fered to tha Oldrat giocer In OttlStiS. "A l-lm veil, a !)! tk-S't good tot twenty mcala at the Calt City reataurant, and a boy's Ml hat may he le-overed by the uwner by applying at police hr-d'iuru-.a n tha arounrls." A atHldl ka iwu at the Mlrupolltan hall for the benefit Of Mlaa Motile Pa Kan, tha young woman re. intly Injuied tn i una ay, with proapecta of aub. atanttsl pirn !. over HO It. kit having been aold Tha gentlem'n tni-rr'd In the affair Imluded T. E. Junea, i. A. i'uuth. O '. Hurn it. II J. Fuller. A. I r'.atn. Juhn MiMivr, UtHjiiee Htei uajorf, Alva B. Cook, K. V. Vit'-ii.n and (I. K. Craudelt. A metlng at the (!. c of W. . t-hner indertuua arivrgenicnta fur a grand rllK' ( iiade and larnl vai f.if Filt'Sy hi, In. 7h fl'-a at knoa :-Jn' a tu-ri ntxte by the Parlln St (rnderf Iraea hahd t( i inlun. III. M. W Scalding of Mutnlng S m. la., U) th gweet f aas krvthtr. 1 toadea Daily Mail. MOT often It sj in nttte thlwa tt "fn the front hoWWHMr. Itf the r ef inmnnan n frmn Itnynnet thi a Hi flH e(W(iter H wag t amcKe fiom a Weekemtm s ffers-". Tfce iTlrttmew wae havlm a good time ttf rrae mint be swwrtt tai Sfwnve. AM taew: m over an atronw. k- boirweh knraa dM. that enly in tf ef beWag lrh4 at f Would h KM fUt dvw M tH- Tvi aa4 howled, ' he l. it s-eiw1 Httkt thlnW lf upe-t him o. la axihetenee jnat a pe of ywllrw-b4weBi erwoee WW rr tang that onty forge emoxe nas. wet ia ffe. t a maalc rtoie wna-a CtrrM Mei wrtrfcee theaj a atwit from te war Sone M Krae to tn aweet. auney flMe of freised. If ennrtilfsa tmw as eny a arae. From it Stiesptr.s; atvfiier ei n in waa mfiriTphed leto a bry of 12. It ta etv.lay morning llftte P eMyTiawt. T trleh boy a Mg man, wbo looks A good" ttesl like whet the Wy hope, to look tike some day. jolt ever a htlly fo1 hi a cart drawn by afclhnf brews) htr. Tley rrely afok. The me saifS "flk-tk-rlk" oc- ealonelly wH II e boy alnga and whtetb. When they have pweerf toe etif foek formto rjr the rti1de at whtrh tbe leSat tmagrnetlve hrtvse ta sat the hv Ut hia M oft Ms father's new. '1t m enve." Myi. (m fheee rare (ripw that ta vn' vervlng forrniht. t'fttees the road e rery had father let him drive. Aed se ehWMt o'eterk thay earrte t? the lewn. Wrrtte yef a long way eff Ih boy l.eln to- entff. P' eliHerNling kts wowtrtle wMe a ad Inhalfhg bar h ian mell ioal amoke. It remeS from a bfamltli e ahop m1M6 th teWn. A IHH" farther on. ffowi the lop of Mil. they see the shoe. It ginrtda In a hollow. The town I beyowd, renad hend in the road. The boy Ssd hi fataef stow at the MecfcetnlttTa SlioO. fot Old ChSfll ItewttS to b ho1. While the ahrs gd Ml the boy pwttere around the ahea en.1 the yard, fie breathe 61 fill of eel amok. Tha denae ilonda almoat rhoke him. bwt In nerr he eotne to mfftx'Atlori the bappter be g. They do noi bum cosl at his hont er at any of the neighbors honsea. lie amells coal smoke eely whea he rome t ton. It I a megteal o1or. t'eder rt lnftetiee hl Hood bound, Ms rnalntloo kindle. It I th eaenc of the town, the hefSld of .toy te rorr It tSlfl-S gayety. Chafig. life. St that t what the boy waste. Then there waa another man who confessed t hatttestcknee. Ill emotionel dla1flnce was Csueed fre Ih tkklha of a clwk. The clock ws In the kitchen f French farmhouee where soldiers went fr eg. Il ws a Mg ctoch WltH portentous, stately tick mere anggeatlve of eternity than time. They had A clock at horn In l.ndm that ttcked e that. The London clock reserved Its highest moral and physical forr for Ilia hwra between mldfiljh'. and I a. m. It wi rufieibtiman In it lotttifkm. lt a feliew sup in ever so euietly, that clock knew and tell on him with aeeneatloftg ana rewcoef. The latee the hour the bigger the racket, aa If It were, bent on Kharlng Ita cilacovrrlea vrlth all. Penally mother heard firal. When the boy was half way up the atnlta her door opened a few Inches and her head appeared. "Roddy, is that yo'ur' she whlepered. "Yes." Roikly whispered back. Mother Sdld 110 more, but Some ene Iweld the room grunted. That ws father. PorrtMlm the clock kept t It eJ Idwd and a strong that one could hea It In one' ewn roont wit II the door abut. Tt said bnrn, ugly things, all ef wm. li were eepoated try father th next morning at lieakfant time. A regular nuisance that clock mnde of Iteelf. it wsa partly to get away from It that Roddy went into the army. And hre in ymnre was another Clock Just like It. Under tho spell of the French t )o N Franc and the conflict that ravaged her were rhftmetitarlly forgotten. The boy waa climbing the StSIt at home. He atralned his ears for mother "ftoddy, IS that you?" and fathers grunt. They eld not cohle. It would be rather nice to hear tliffrl fr a change. Twi French boya ahsrpenlng knlve on a grind- Stone had n inure deptfrssine effect on a wetl-et-up !itfahlre man thnn all the German artillery. Ther Was a grlnOatooe In the rck garden of the Lancashire man home. Me had tiftd many a turn at it. Some time people paid hire for turning, more often not. They aald It was a mucle-1eveloping exercise and to develop muarle n as sufficient reward for any ambttloaa boy. Knlvea and axes without number were aharpened through th development of that boy'e aching arma and hack, lie bevef wobld tiava believed, If h had flot helped to ShSrpen them, that there could b so many knlvea and axes In the world, lie wondered then, and be Wbridef SoW, who ever used them all. There WSS Otie mart WO had th plggeet knlve of nyhody: he aharpened them oftenent and he paid the least money, tie had a aoolhtng. muatca.1 voice, wiucn he employed with excellent effect when the boy'e in tereat In muscular 0lbpment ebbed loweat. Iuat 6 he rttdre ttlrn, my ISd, bne more turn." he chanted encoureglnaiy. Revived by that gracious stimulant. the hby turtiM agSlh, and yet again and again, until th knives' acquired the drtelred edge. The French hoys knew no iuch Urban taskmaster. They seemed td grind khltes for the fun of It. They had only two knlvea of moderate alie. and they sharpened tnem over and over. TM theif knives never looked very sharp. Once In a homesick moment the Iencaahlre man took a turn at tht grindaton. When he had finishes) Ina French boyS weie frlslitehed of him and of th khiees, They thought he ntuet he a German to fashion sue rhUrdermta-loeklhg Irrblefnehte. The aoldiSr wUhd that th man Of many knlvea could hava beln ther to tee. On night a party of soldlera billeted la a barn heard the neighing of a hora outside. The Soldier were tired, snd very soon those whe had been awakened by the neighing went to ltP a gal it But on young man could not aleep. Presently he dis covered that th man beald him enl not sleep, either. Queer, atrangllng aound cam f rem th c ond man. Th ftrat eotilier put Out hit handi ant touched the aeoond man. It was nulrering all over and the atrangllng aounds continued. He thought tn aecond man waa afraid. "It a all right, old chap." he astd. Tbre ' getkla wrong. It waa only an officer hors." "It sounded like Ned." tbe aecond hin aM. Th eolrtter held hia hand Sftrt after a llttld th quivering topred. The neat morning the! second than, looking rathr ahame-faced, referred to th Incident. "t could have awora it Wsa Ned out there last nisst." ke aid. t Wouldn't have believed ther wa another hoiae In th World that could heigh Just Ilk that. Nd la father bOrae. W drov him to th tatlon w hen I cam away to enlist. W got thet good half hour before train time. Father II1 not wait ilomealckneea la a rotten dlaeae." Nebraska Editors Editorial Siftings Th Alaawartk Democrat la IntalllUK llMtXjrv. J. W. Tampla. editor of th Tekamah JoumaJ. cckrbraacd hia tenth annlveraary a vwaer c the paper laat week. K. a rode, who haa been cnncted with rarma paprn fca Blair for the laat haeteen year, bp the nw btuloea man ager ef Ui Blair ttssnorraX. Joweph Hcfn. ereprietor ef th Verdi gris CRIsen, waa married laat week to Mlw Rial Haaert oC Crelghton. They vVdteil Omaha and Chicago on their Wedding? tor. Kay Kellenbarger of Aneebno ha pur- ckaaed the Seward Tribune from M. B. Rusaell. on of tha founder. The Tribune, which la a seml-wcekly, wa started a few months ago by Sir. Russell and M. O. Cralge. Rev. Clark rwll, paator of th Iitheran church at Oahkoeh. ha filed a uU agalnat P. J. Bens and w. C. Kent, publlahers of th Oahkosh Herald and Lwellen Times, alleging libel. II k tfi.OQg damages. J. W. Burleigh, who recently avid the loup City Tlm-lndfepndnt, ha pur chaaed th Crawford Courier. H. B. Wllfla. who purrhaacd the Tlm-Indevndeat, he eoacluded th nam la too long and laat week tiie paper appeared aa th Tlmee." Adam Breede. proprietor of tne Hast ing Tribune, sisturdsy purchased the Hastings Republican front Y. A. Walkins and 9. G. Kvan and hAa cohaolidated It with th Tribune. Th Republican, wbica waa democratic in politic, was established In 180. Mr. Watktns retains tha Job plant and bindery and will aId new atock and equipment. The connoll datlon put Hastings In the "one dally elae," along with Fremont, Grand IslSnd and Net folk, Th Gering Courier, A. B. Wood, editor and proprietor, laat week got out Ita annual prosperity edition. It H In Sued under tho auapicrs of the fcott's Bluff County Exhibit association and Ih devoted to showing th prngres made by th city and county. So marvelous he been the development of this scc tlan of the "Great American IH-Bert" that It takes forty pages of reeding matter and picture to tell th story. Kditor Wood, la one of the pioneers o( tho upper. North Platte valley and hi energy and enterprise have been a Urge factor In making the dessrt rejoice and bio Mm e tbe rose. Woman's Activities The euffraginte of Waltham, Mm., were told that they could not have a float in a park procession, because the city lawa forbid political prOceeslons In the parks. O. Ia. Cross, superintendent ef tho achoola of Macon, Mo., Sara that aU teachere are beautiful. "It 1 theory of mine," , he saya. "that no WemaH who loves her work la homely very long. In telligent mental effort always Imparts graceful expression to the features." The Texas Council of Mothers ha sent a eerie of oplnlona. In tha fdfm ef ques tions, to the National Board ef O tutors, aa thery wrant better picture show for their children. Scenario writer are aaid to b working on fairy stories and nur sery classics in the hope of making film that will meet tho approval of mothers. - The landladies of Columbia. Me., are aid to be ao partial to the young men atudent of tha -university thfet the uni versity may be compelled to build dormi tories for the girls. Tha general state ment ia that the boy are eaaler to keep. They do not wuh handkerchiefs and stocking in the bathroom, nor do tbey cauae much annoyance by "hating com pany" too late at night. Miss Janet Glider, well known a a writer, haa ootne out in a long Statement opposing tbe ballot for women. "It aeema to me," she says, "that it ia a trigger feather in a woman's cap, a brighter Jewel in her crown, to be the mother of George Washington llisn to be a member of congress from the Thir-ty-eoond district." 8he eaya with the ballot ther will be "girls of the Fburth ward in New York" a well aa "boy" Jennie Watklna of New York City is said to be the only woman who has ever readhed the 1300.000 club In her Insurance company, whlh mean thai duritig the year kh muat sell that amount Mr. WatkJn found herself left With nothing! ta support herself and baby iftet the death ef her huaband, and took bp this wti WhleM aha thinks I splendid for Women who have the industry and perse- rrano required td make a gunoeea of it. Chivalry Still Survives. All of the finer sentiment that made for the glory of war. the recognition of valor, and the lomage paid true courage, haa not been ai.tieeted out by the mechanics of the niodetn Lkttltfield. A loach of generous chivalry will be found in tha action or the Herman aviator vho sent a wreath to lay on th grave of hi rdversary, Pegoud, ho loxt his life in a mid-air duel. The airship, with all Its novelty as a Means bf carrying bn warfare, haa apparently brought back something of the day when iben rijolced In "Tha secret joy that swordatnen feel In foemea worthy of their steel." It Is comforting to think that man has not been entirely brutallxed by the dally presence of war's horrors, and this survival of chtvglroua recognition of an opponent'a courage roba th conflict of some of its sodden beatiality and throws a. flitting balo over tho grim business ol killing. It It not shared to any great extent by Peoplo and Events A fourteen-foot Hisrk weighing W pounds hak been captured and hauled gut bf th water at Corley laamt. Tbla on fr outweigh any Shsrg ra pi urea on ehore. Th memory of Crtt Netlew nd hr hatchet will b peirwtuaied by a portrait and hr famea weaDon tn th Kansas ftt Historical sodety'g museum at Topek. A not tier ancient Institution, condemned a a vll thing, la booked to to. ftew Yerk Board ef Healta orders th family WaH rag to th Hiclirtof a the only sure means ef destrelng th grm It Hold. To ay that w r hot prepared for emergefceiea Is to tgnor mighty truth Th mayor f St. Cloud, Minn., convinced that a grav merguncy iiateo, oardoned a wicked Sinner So be eeutd umpire a baa ball game. Th town team won In a walk. After having been la Wualneaa fifty-el years la th asm spot lit Orange. N. J., during which tun h loat but tw wertt days, Abrarrt U. Baldwin, aged . haa retired freiti btiainess a Shoe marchant Hi waa the flrat retail she aeaier tn oraea. Ther mag h btlir sound sleeper In th Una Here and There Indlanpoll Hwt: Thr la no doubt that the men who have been In th hos pital oervl'-e of Uil war ahlne a good deal more brightly In th eyee of civil ized folk than the men who made It. Cleveland t'laln Dealer: If an aJloared armv officer Is right, that mlliUa gatk erlng at riattebur 1 nothing mora nor lean then a rink tea. Well, tt might b worse. It might be a fox trot.. Boston Transcript: Mr TTioma Upton, always a proper sportsman, never waa ao good a loser as when he annoancd Tuesday that he would make up himself to stockholders th 11,360,000 use due to subordinate Cleveland Plain Dealer: Prance, Italy. Oreat Britain and the other eJlles ar doing littl to aid the unfortunate Rue elan. Rut another ally, traditional and ever faithful, la marching to their aid. The forces of King Wlnur will begin to how their outpost in Oourland before many mart week hav elapsed. Hnrlngfield Republican: Ther ha been aome grief In Scotland at the ap pearance in the German army of General von Mackenaen. who I believed to be a Highlander gone wrong. Th Manches ter Ouardlan set th troubled folks right with th assurance that "von Mackenscn is no sort of a Mackenzie." but a number of a very old German lamlly deriving its nam from the vil lage of Mackensen, in Hanover. The numerous Macks may be reassured or disappointed, aa their sympathies lie. Philadelphia Record: Penal or Hitch rock of Nebraska in quoted aa saying that at th coming aeaslon of confrreM he expect "to reintroduce my hill to prohibit exportation of arm and ammu nition and advocate ita passage." Why not save the time of con green by read ing Secretary Lansing's note In answer to the proteet of AustrlaHungary and recognizing the strong legal and patri ot la stand there taken t it, through any mischance, th Views of person like fiehator Hitoheock should provall In congress. President Wilson would be under the Imperative flecesatty of vetolng such a propoaed embargo. CHEE2Y C11ATF. "W(icn I went horn tbe other night," J aid Air. Mer-kton, "Henrietta mistook me or a burglsr.'' "it muat have been an unpleasant e pprjence." "1 rather enjeyed It It was th first time In tnr life Henrietta wa ever afraid of in." Washington fttaf. dull aivl formalt I eupnoee iw-r tells you that von are sa ewet as smrar.' "On the conlrarv. he telle ft" that I am aa awect sa mwcriarlne. whKh. fia he r lalne. is times a sweet as common augar." The BrlHBTOowi duel before the monyr 1 muat take a brwser. but I won t want te nvfrdo It How niuvh oht I to take, old follow ? Knet Man Well. I should keep on tak Ing m nil I diin t car whether I w married or not. Life. GOOD-BYE, SUMMER! John K. Bant In Nw Tork Times. Farewell, summer, mid nfl Weak. With thy heavens sprung aleak! Gone for sve thr wintry days. With their frigid arctic waya Back Into thy polar twat Speed thee onwart. there tn T With thy fog. and sleet, and froit. And thy spirit Umpeet-toet! Whn designed the nnne may knew. With thy January glow; Whence waa born thine antic Scheme Only wlxnrtrv miy dream; Wherefore thv December touch, Wherefore thy November clutch, Wh'rfore all thy flood snd halt No mere mortal may unveil. PnealhlV than wast a J eel Of aome pow'r by wara dlrtreat. Pent to thrill a weeolna earth "With a ruflle Homerio mlrth--But a ead Joke, If at all ftummer aping winter, fall. Is a bit or empty chaff gulte unworthy of the laugh. Or, perhaps, some Cubist wight Hth conceived thee on seme night When the gods were eecupleil With Rellone crimson tide. Changed the from th silky thing All true poMe ueed to Slti. And for eiinahlne, sephyrs sweet, Give us but storm and sleet. Whence snd wherefevre ail thv stress Finite mind csn never gu; But 'tis Certain, high Or low, tllnd are we to see thee go; And we hop till thoil srt ssne Thou wilt not return again--Changeling child of film and flam. Dandruff HayBe Condemned Murderer (to Iswrer) Toil Said you could get me off with a life sen tence juid here! am te be electroeuted In , lwyef-'fhat's all right. M will be ImprlMihed for life. Won t you? Ahd Only a month. Instead of long, wi-y yer. Be reasonable, man. Boston Transcript. "! glnfl to have yoti here," fnurmttfed ine noarees, wno naon I nouoen nrm be fore. ' iou have certainly been the life ore. "iou have certainly ti tha rtnrtv all fliA fvpn nf "I can hardly believe that." "that I due to your modesty." "Noi It I due to the fact that I have but thtk rnlnUte arrived.'7 Louisville tuurifr-Jotiiiial. ' Mr. Styles When I married you I had a fine head of hair and money. Mrs. ntvlsa-Welli you can't bistne M for the iors bf your money. Tbnkers Statesman "What do you think Nelly il tiir album with her admirers' photogiklHi In ltf 'w'hst?" "Her 'hlfh' bonk." Baltimore Ameflcali. "Yea, I am, receiving attentions from tt youtig Scientist.". "Don't you find hia love making rillir-i yshaioos wwmm Preosded by light. Veuskse of ObUeOta Ointment t spot ef dandruff. Sacririle)0 Frcti by Mall cwtfemr so SM 6ltiM aM eteraiiw. liberal astll el axkswae pm w1i tt-. bok. yet mrt -ouUean." XM U, !. k2S other branchea of the aervlce, which are too but few hate reached the publicity stags surpawtag busily employed l mere butchery, but the world , lr; Oort, ' ",,r';-0 l?J 5 for n sent before sh ask and arrm4 roe the will appreciate tha llttU bit of old-Uma courtef that still persist a. police. faa y beat Itt A littl round ball of paper which Mr. Charts R. Vincent of Philadelphia dug out of th pocket of an old Sweater she was washing mad her heir to real estate valwea at 1600. Th paper proved to be her husband's will. Tha Hoheasollori fortune, which to taled I., tt 0,060 When the great-grand father of th resrnt kaiser died, I now esti mated At Seven timed that future. Eight een month ago tha kaiaor paid a mili tary tal of r,ooo, Th lor of an ejection bet In . Balti more had to Wheel th winner several mile In a wheelbarrow, with tha nro vision that every ttm the man toppsd t rest fv Inehe war te he cut off th legg of hi trousers. H stopped four time. A met Which fell recently in front bf th ham of Charles flolmon, w ho Uvea hear preaoett, Mich., went t an unknown aepth and wter came up to th surfac ht the hoi It made, although feolnioh had keen Unable t strike water at a depth Of eighty fel. An automobile plant la Uetralt turned tdl ground beald Its factory into a play ground for children and tksy trooped t It as eagerly ka though It war a tlrcug. As a result of th new recrea tion center, tret accidents lb that neigh borhood hav fallaa oft 10 pr cent Th Harvard graduates ef fit. Paul. Minn., went on a river excursion th ether day, and on of them, leaving hi clothe aboard, went wlmmin. But when th boat started off, clothes and all. nothing In the world eoiild hav saveg htm but hi oolleg yeil Ad edu cation may help in unexpected Ways. On bf th oldest irrigation ditches knwn t haa been dlscerersd re certly in New Mexico. It ia probably be tween l. ana IM year old. and ilea In a vallsy wear Pert ftanten. tt ta so ancient that sedimentary 4epoll fr.,m waler passing Ihrotigk have changed ita gaud U lini1n In Various plaiaa. p AP'OlLilL.O Th Apollo Playtt Piano haa alt of tht devictt whlth bthtt pl&yttt hav IH ADDITION the Apollo Player plays the) key i at played by hand (Down Touch) tt is itlf TOllln and te-rollingt Tho music is played in different keys. To Appreciate the Supremacy of 1 Player-Piano you muat gee it, hear it and play it. Pricea $650.00 and up, on payments if desired. A. HOSPE CO.r iiwii. . na.n.j.,1. .!..vul.Lii:i'.laMaWIiliasw ..u,. ... .. , .p. I THg EtfR YOU UKR I Tbe sweetness) of the ftholda barley malt, ootnbiiied with (he fine flaror of Imported hops, runkfle ita IomU mort delioiooe. Sve Oonpona and Get Premium. Phone Douglas 1S39. LUXUS MERCANTILE GOMPAIIY, Distributers Persistence Is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. s