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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1915)
HIE HF,K: OMAHA. TlllIUsDAY, KKITKMHKK V, 191 j. 11 llKAli I -STATE l'(HM A RtSiCII 1,DI FOR S ALB I A New American Country, PANAMA Only $i00 Buys Forty Acres of Rich and Fertile Land Good Land Now $2-2, $35J, $5 Per Acre 10 to 20 per cent cash, and balance on easy monthly or annual payments PRESIDENT WILSON SAID: , "Panama ! now on the main afreet. It will becom densely populated. A thrifty and contented people will go there and build up the country Inotcad of preying upon It aa tha plratea of the world have done for four hundred yeara" . D. M. HAXLETT SAID: The soil of the Iahtnua Is so fertile and the mnlstiiM o b bun dan t that fruit and vegetables do not require one tenth the cultivation there that they require here." Hon. John Barrett said: "The climate is, contrary to the usual tradition, healthful and even invigorating." There is no opportunity like Panama for a luture home or for an investment. This land when developed will pay interest on $5,000 an acre. The UNITED STATES has spent million to make Panama a great country, all of which heljw to make the land valuable. The price of the land will never again be as low, or the terms as easy. We charge no in terest on deferred payments. The tax is only two conts an acre. It is a chance- for a man of moderate means as well as the investor. REMEMBER you get forty nereR of this lnd for the prioe of ono acre in Nebraska, and it is as good as the best in the state. Call or write at onco for literature free. Homeseekers' Land Company, Sole Agents, 526 Bee Building, Omaha, WANTED TO BUI MV.JIIEXT prices for old clothing. D.4714. MONKV TO LOAN PKIVATE eetata money to loan on im proved Omana property. Adarees K IM, Bee, REAL ESTATES LOANS; KAKM LOAMS, 6 PER CENT. TOLAND & TRUMBULL. 448 Bee Bldg '$iom TO ll.ouo made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th A Farnam Bta. CITY and farm loans, 6, 6V4, per cent J. H. Duniont Co.. 418 btate Bank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. WANTED-Good farm and city loana at lowest rates. PliTKRa TRUST. CO.. 1622 Farnam. CITY property. Large loana a specialty. W. H. Thomas, 226 Slate Bank Bids. KKAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE 40 ACRES, western Nebraska; sell or trade; naraware. tu t. xouug, rvun buig. la. REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY on hand Cot city and farm loan. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. n'KlcEB'fi REAL ESTATE CO.. 1(01 Oma.ia National. Phone Douglas 2715. SEK ua first tor farm loana in eastern HCJ' CITY LOANS. C. O. r'arlberg. 810 u It Brsndnls Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM A RAWCH LAfU FOB a A LB California. Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. 18-14 City Nat. UK. D. 281. Colorado. WANT ET Good car for acres Colo redo land, clear. Address L 131. Bee. Idaho. FACTS about our abundant harvests that are no. destroyed by ttormj. FACTS about the cattle business where summer range costs less than 30 cents per bead. FAvTa about Idaho climate, Idaho ad vantage and disadvantages gladly fur nlsi.ed by a Nebraska man with six years of Idaho experience. Write. Visit 'lis on your way to exposition. K. X. Kite. Hosweil, Idaho. o Iowa. IOWA BARGAIN Went to move to Omaha. Have nous In East Dea Moines, new In 1900, good barn, two good sneds, brick chicken hotue (will leave tin chickens in It), all three lots facing east, good location, two bloc a irom car, not tuo cloe to town, some improvements, will sell cheap for cash, will mke arrangements fur pay merits. Address U Hi. Bee. UlSHUM. 140 ACRES, 46 miles from Minneapolis, one mile from town; ltw acres under cultivation; balance used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; heavy soil, liooo set bulhllngn. consisting of s roora Hi-use, laige barn, granary, corn cribs, wliulmllla, etc.; tha land will pro duce CO busbeia of torn per acre; tele phone In bouaei country thlckiy settled: complete set of machinery; Zl head of slock, consisting of 11 cows, balanoe 1 and I year-olds; six good horses, ta hogs, chlcten. one-t.alt of this year's crop and everything on the farm goea at WO aa acre, naif cash. (Schwab tiros., utta Fiy mouth B.aa-. Minneapolis. Mum HSSUbS. MONTANA Irrigated lands best In tha world (or wheal, oats, alialfa and stock; close to town, ral.road. scliooia and churches; $41.60 to $60 per acre on fifteen years' lime; annual payments less than rentals on middle west farina: write to. day for particulars; illustrated pamphlet and nuP free. Valier Farm bales com pany. Boa lwl. Valior. Mont HlHssrl. FOR BALE 730 acres, 40 miles from 6t. Louis on Iron Mountain raiiroad; depot; Well fenced, $ dwellings, 1 bams, granary, alio, engine house ana oilier outou-loings, orchard, several never-fal.lng springs. Make a good dairy or stock farm, h lioifmann. Vlneland. Mo. FINE FARM. 126 acres good fertile land in Central Lafayette county .Missouri, i miles from good town; 1 ro.m bilck house; a very beau ll u countiy home; two barns; 10 acres of broken land; $1 per acre; terms to suit purchaser; no trade: Lafayette county Is third best county in Missouri. J. F. Nicholson. Mayvlw, Mo. ACRE. $4 ac,re cash, balance twenty years. Corn, 90 bushels: wheat, 40 bushels aore. Rare opportuiay. Secure home. Easy payments. O. Ptebbins Nebraska. $36 PER acre for fine halt section stock and grain farm; mlabt consider good stock of hardware up to t,. Write owner for descriptions. Route No. 4, Bux tl. Cambridge, Neb. Ranch For Sale 1.U0 acres In Keya Paha county. 14 miies from railroad, I miles from good atnail town; acres under euitlat on; fru acres la alfalla; 100 acres wore can te seeded; all black loam with clay sub soil, lays from level to rolling; good Im provements; fine feed yard; well pro lev led by natural tlmter. Plenty of good si ring water. Price $JS per acre. A bar gain. For particulars write. O M ua ' '- - v-v i "I V li MiU.U 04 kiul, ... A . m ...... , J miles from R. R. Price $s per acre. In quire, sirs, u c. aiiunru, fvearuey, cb. rOR SALE Beat large body hifh-arade uMUum-prloed land In Nebraska; very Ittite ij;ii required. C. bradls. VVaU fcacA. hi so. KK.U. KSTATK . FARM A RXCII LDI FOR J Hay Land Bargain 2,400 acres. Rock county, Nehraaka; nearly all beat meadow land In state, 7 miles from town; some improvements; ar f.Hj water; hy pays big Income; low price, $35 an acre. The W. F. Shelton Co., Agents fnlon Pacific Lands, Omaha Nat l Hank Hid.. Omaha. Neb. o 00 BUSHELS WHEAT TO THE ACRE Buy land In Cheyenne county, Nebraska, where one crop pays for the land. Prlcee : to $45 per acre. Oood terms. Write tor actual crop statistic. BENJLKY LAND CO., SIDNEY. NEB. o. FOR SALE 240 A., 100 A. level bottom, balance smooth, rolling and pasture land; miles from a good railroad town. 10 rods from school; no improvement, 120 acres broke. Price 626. $1,000 down, balance long time. & B. McKenty, Ana ley, Neb. i o Ml.cella neons. RED LAKE county, Minn.. 130 acres level prairie land; SO acres cultivated; bal ance tlllabe; two miles from two cheesd factories, well Improved district; price for quick sale $30 per acre; lands In this locality wonh $10 to $76 per acre, 800 acres Sargent county. No. Dak., 250 acres cul tivated; 00 acres tillable; balance pasture land, fenced; spring water; heavy black soil: fair buildings; this la a bar gain at $40 per acre. Reasonab.a terms; I per cent Interest. D. J. McMahon, Com merce Bldg.. 8L Paul. Minn. HAVU YOU A FARM FOR 8 A LET Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium.'' Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days tor $2; or CO words, $4, or 76 words, $fl. I-argont circulation of any Iowa news pnper, 260,000 readers daily In four great states. I can meet the requirements of home seekers and Investors In small or large tracts of lands and farms In Nebraska, Minn., Dak., Montana. Attractive prices and terms. City Income taken In ex change. W, Q. Templeton. 8u3 Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE NORTH HIDE BUNGALOW, 22D AND AMES. New and modern, up-to-date in every reepect Webster 4228 or Webster 953. FULL TWO-STORY HOITSK For aale by owner, Juat completed. For more information pnona Webster r.ZiO. A J.)andv New Bungalow All modern and H block from car line. In beautiful new residence dis trict. $300 Cash and Balance to Suit Telephone today, and If description sounds good, we will send an auto mobile to bring you to see it Today Til II muk ' I 1 H 1 1 1 13 mniH, novo. Phone Wal. 62 afte- : p. m PRACTICALLY new 7-room up-to-date house with garage. On one of the nicest streets In Kountse Place. At a big RHrriilce; can atiow you any time. PAYNE INVH2JTMSNT COMPANY, Fifth Floor Oman a Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas IT 81 o Last Lot Left in Glendale Addition On Florence Car Line $1.00 Cash, $1.00 a Week No Interest No Taxes. Fine corner lot, one block to Paving, cross street from new $o,000 home. Price only $. HASTINGS HEYPEV, 114 Harney Rt TWO ELEGANT BUNGALOWS FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. Brand new. lust completed, large llv- Inif room and dining room, built-in buf fet, butler's pantry, oak finish: colonnade opening with bookcase pedestala, fine kitchen with maple floors. Three fine bed rooms with dandy bath room uprtaira. When you buy a home get one that Is built rlrbt. These bunvalows were bu'lt by day labor and will bear close Inspec tion aa to kind of construction and ma terials used. Can be bought on easy terms if desired. Telephone office for !."". rvt ill call for you. SCOTT & I FILL CXftLPANY, Douglas lOOt. New Brick Residence large living room, IS1S8. with beam celling, fireplace, bookcases- coat closet with mirror door off living room; dining room luxK, beam celling and built-in cut glass cabinet; kitchen with bullt-ln cabi net; large butlers pantry with china closet and closet for brooms, table leaves, etc : large rear entry. On second floor are I large bedrooms; bath with til floor and latest up-to-date natures; large attic. Full basement, with laun dry, toilet, etc- This home Is finished In beautiful quarter sawed white ok. lias all necessary plugs for fans, Iron and vacuum meaner. The lighting fu ture are the very latest semi-indirect design. Front and rear porches are built of reinforced concrete. Vestibule has tbe floor. Corner lot. Ixcated Uua Wal nut BC Price s,U0; terms. Norris & Norris tut bte Bldg. i'hone Loula Ut. R F.Ala fXTATF FARM A HAS ("II l.AftDS FOR IUH Paaawia. SIR THOMAS LIPTON RAID: "For sure, large and permlnent return, not hint equals a well manar.d tropical Plantation." C. 11. KORBKS-I.IND8K riAll): "There la nowhere In the world richer land than that of Panama." FRANK O. CARPENTER SAID: "The Republic la hound to grow aa aon aa tta sources and (treat opporturltls offered Investors and colonial become generally known." REAL ESTATE SOUTH HIDK Get Into Your Own Home This Fall Here Is Your Opportunity On tbe Easy Payment Plan. I have a pretty 6-room, all modern house S blocks from car tine and 2H blocks to school, that I will sell for a small first payment cash and the balanoe like rent. . This house Is finished In oak and pine, furnace heat, full cement basement. The lot is a large one. Telephone about this. Call Douglas 292t today. Call Walnut 62 after 6:30 p. in. New Bungalow Hanscom Park Five rooms, strictly modern. oaX finish, east front: beautiful lot 40x133; paved street. Price, 2,IM); $4u0 cash, balanoe monthly. HABT1N08 A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. HEAL ESTATE WKHT SIDE A Beautiful West Side Home $5,500 $500 Cash Balance in Payments to Suit. This house Is located H block from car line in one of the most beautifully located home building sections of lha city. There are T rooms, with living room, dining room and sun room finished in oak, and the balance In edge sawed hard pine. There Is a full cemented basement, lurnaoe heat and every modern con venience 1m installed. The living room has a beautiful brick fireplace. This home is only a little over a year old.' I will be pleased to show you through any time. Telephone Owner at Doug. 2926 Today. Call Wal. 'S2 after 6:30 p. m. BRAND NEW HANSCOM PARK HOMK SIX rooms and sleeping porch. Owner wants to get a small farm to live on, preferably In eastern or central Ne braska. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Fifth Floor Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douilaa 17M. West Farnam 8 Rooms, Modern One-half block to car. Nice yard. Paved street. A Real Home Reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on 1st floor. Oood sleeping rooms on second floor. Full cemented cel lar with outside stairway. Oood furnace, gas, hot water heater. House has just been painted. Price $5,500 Terms $500 Down $50 Per Month. American Security Co i. U)U. 17th and Kougias t-t. . REAL ESTATF: INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Close In Bungalow For Sale Five-room modern bungalow, with WltAP III ftl. f rir- llffh .. and all conveniences, in a food nilsh- uoinoua, iiKDar in street car ana ;Knry service and in easy walking diatanie. Tenant has been in the huuae two years ana wants to stay, but possession can I oe had if wanted. ' who needs money. Ask us for prlue, terms i and full Information. I J. H. Dumont & Co. P. mo. 41-H Btate Bank Bids-, o run BAi.i!r-A orica nouse, luu reel ion ! and lb feet wide; S lots: 3 doors from , business corner. Center of city. Mrs. tx luiff, Hsrtlnfton. Neb. NEW 5R(.OM BUNGALOW. Equity of Jl.uuu to trade for good lot or to cash. Phone Webster ilU. Wecll alalia. A IIHAUTIFT'L, OOUNTRT HOMK. A Union Pacific conductor now rone Into Omaha Instead of Council Rlufa and wants to dispose of his new home across uis river, lie snigni eachangs It for a home in Omaha. His property con sists of a new 7-room. strictly modern, up-to-date house, with furnace heat and an acre of grapes full bearing. Tha lo cation Is fine and only 4 biocas from tha street car. PAVK INVE8TMFNT COMPANY. , Iou. 17U. frih Floor Omaha Nat'l Bank i Bldg o. Vlereaee. BEE Kethaway for that farm. rior. S& REAL ESTATE Laaaeil Hi aria. WANTS A HOME IS OMAHA. Ve have a fin modern home In Council bluffs with an aore In grapes to es chanre for a H.W preperty In Omaha. PA Y NK INVKoTMKNT lOMI'ANf Fifth Floir OiMaha Nnt'l Dsnk Ullg. IXiuglus 1TM KKAI. F.STATF WKHT HIDK Oaadee. Part of a Great Plan New Addition to Dundee Ready for Home Builders and Investors Opening Sale Saturday, September 11th Grading is Completed Sewers all Laid Water on Every Street Gas Mains in Place Sidewalks Down Paving Under Way Ornamental Boulevard Lighting System On Street Car, Close to Business Center of Omaha Lincoln Highway, the Nation's Thorough fare, Runs Through This Addition . Paved Streets into the Center of Omnha Your Own Auto Will Carry You Down Town in 10 to 12 Minutes Nearness to Happy Hollow, Omaha's Residence Section, Increases the Value Convenient to School and Dundee Market Place There is Big Advantage in Buying West ward, the Direction of Omaha's Growth Whether for Home or Invest ment the New Addition to Dundee Is Most Advantageous Prices Low-Terms Easy Make Your Selection Early George & Phono D.756. Dundee Exceptional Offering $4,900 This la a practically new bungalow type of house in one of the best locations in this popular suburb. Has a In rite llvln room across the entire front of tho house, with attractive brick fireplace, built-in bookcases nd largo dinlnu room, with paneled walls, and one of the most con venient kitchens we have over sei-n. There Is also a beautiful bedroom and a frood sized room containing tollft and avatory on the first floor. On the sec ond floor there are three unusually good fixed bedrooms and a complete bath room. Finish of this home Is unusually wood, as it was built by the present owners with no Intention of ever offering; It for sale. Full basement under entlrti house, with floor drain. Flrst-clRsi heatlnir plant and separata rooms for coal and vege tables. Lot la fcOxias, snd there are fine, birse shade trees In front of the prop erty. You better call us today and make an appointment to see this fine place. It Is only one-half block from the car line In either direction. Armstrong-Walsh Co. State Bank Bl! Tyler 1H3. REAL. ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS A Lot Tel. Doug. 2926 To day and We'll Send an Auto After You If you would ilk to own a horn In a nice, new home-bulldlng sectiun, don't fall to answer this ad today.. Tel. Doug. 2926 and We'll Send an Auto for You After 6:30 P. M. Call Wal. 682 And w will bring you out and show you over our highly devuloped addition and tell you all abuut how we furnish financial assistance to veople whoa only way of securing a home Is to pay as they earn. Water, Trees, Walks, Cement Curbs nil in an-1 pnid for. Street car line right by this tract, nnd the streets are all houlevarded. Don't mta this opportunity to start a noma. Telephone now. Bargain Nearly new 7-room home. large ra ce pi Ion hall and open stalrwsy, living room, dining room, den and kitchen, oti finish; Id floor has t large bedrooms and large sleeping porch; all modem; full ce mented basement; east front lot t0xl24 ft. B.-autiful location, among"! nw homes. I'll-. H ; ii,2 cnxh, baln!ir moinhlv. HAHTlMld k. UtVUtX. 1011 Harney, Bt. 1 KKAI. KRTATK WF.NT RIDK Iienae. Company m City Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Jf you do not see anything that suits you In tha wsy of Furnished Rooms you can call st Iloom NH, pee Bldg., and ask for I ho Free Furnished Room bureau and W. Will irlarflw . tm . . , - ..... m ' . m man class roondng or boarding house In any HaKr tl.a lt.i " fai I tnv tuy. FOR RENT tores and Office. Small Jioom on tho Court For Rent Now. The Bee Building 120 8q. Ft, $11.00. Water and Electric Light, Free. Superintendent, Room 103. 11 US IN EMS CHANCES Outside Office 17th Street Exposure In the Bee Building 9x20 ft fl8.00 Partitioned for private office and waiting room. Inquire of Superintendent, Room 103. ANNOUNCEMENTS Office for Rent September 16th On Beautiful Court of the Bee Building 216 8q. Ft, with water fig. 00 Auk the Superintendent, Room 103. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Cattle "Weak Iloaa rirsa Bkeeg. Weak. w.'AiiC' Bftptl. -CATTIJt-Racelpt. head; market, weak; native be cattle, $; westt-rn steers, 16 7it li"w?oa be,,e"- 300 falves. iloJ-Rocelp, so ooo head; market firm. unchsriKil to to hlaher; bulk of f7-8' 'i?hl WW-: miied. t,; heavy W.GofH.00; rough. W.l HHKF.P AND I.A M R-R.oelpt., I,0u0 head; insrket wrak; wtbers. K. 504l w ewes, $3.&,4o.4u; lambs. KKiKJu. kloas (tty Mr Rtoek Market. BIOl'X CITV. la.. Hept. I.-CATTLK-Receluts. 2 4 ai hemt ' m.rli.1 4. l'lo lower; native steers. J.7t4iS4 enws aid heifers, $i.0ia.7B; csmiers, 9a.6o4j-i ?b tockers and feeders, KWirito: calves Hotie!4. 11. I 1J ltAiolr.1. A'ttfA I. I. Kt'Oe lower; heavy, H.7.Vr7.60: mixed. MM wt.iu; ngni, .J-U9w; ouia or sales. Ia40 HIKKP AND LAMHS-Rscelnts, 100 head; market steady; iambs, 7.6WlXk t. Joaepa Live gloek Market. 8T. JOSKPH. Bept. CATTLB Re ceipts. !,;uu hesd: market steady to loo lower; steers. $7.u.f; cow and heifers H 'i"i W; calves. lo.U'tf 10.00. H(M-Relpls. hesd; msritet nn light stesdy to So lower; others pittite lo.r; top, f.7&; bulk of sales. .7iwr7s HIIEHl- A.VD UAMbg-Rcelpts, tiuj head; market dull; lamb. .uo&a.aO. ' llv etoek ta Slakl. v Reoalpta of llv stock at the flva prln clpal western markets: tattle. Hoes 8he" Htoiix City J. 4 ooo o t'luVago ....n.'io jn.oo l0ia Bt. Ijoula , ,jta) i.loo kansaa City T 4.i 14 01 Houili Omaha 1,7W 7.6.0 U.WU Totals... n0 4i,nu 83.400 RKAI, KHTATR ACKKACiK Right Now Is the Best Time To Buy Acres Aorvs near Omnhn hnvo alwnyp. proven to ho the beat kinl rf investnient in the pnst anil will continue to he the best in vestment in t;lu future. To satisfy yourself, ak anyone vrho 1 now- antl their advice will be TO HUV Af'HKS. Acres near Omaha never will be cheaper and us sure as Omaha continues to grow. Acreage will increase in vain". Acres Out Benson Way Are the most desirjhie acres offered for sale close to Omaha, that are cloe to paved road, schools and car line. Repaying Military Avenue Will make a good paved road nil the way to Benson (lurdens Acres, located on West Main Street, Benson, only a short dis tance from the ond of car lino. KKMKMHKli, YOU CAN BUY AN ACKM in this beauti ful Addition in terms of $10 Down, Then $10 a Month Half Acres $10 Cash, $7.50 a Month Our eaUmon with automobiloH are ready to take you out. Miy time you call at our office, or phone Uouglas IGOCj and l-iako an appointment. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Cattlo Command About Steady Price Limbi Ten to Fifteen Cents Lower. HOGS STEADY TO TEN LOWER Qmtha, Hptmhr ft. UH&. 1AO!nl m eaimsaA . r1 1l...a Bksa. ....m rwr-twi. v I'll IV. I 'li'T ' i Official MonOsr K.M ti.T M.W Ofil(al 1'uwsuay 7, US t.ft Kstlmate Wednesday.. I.TM0 Jl.tHW Three days this week tt.m 1.W7 m7,l?H Ham ilaya Inst wwk..i!.lM 1107 VXi.V Hame days I aenks sso 1MT ll.lTffc 74.4 Same days 1 weeks so 17 177 l.7 .) Kame days i weeks Mr.) 14, 1.1 4.1! Same days last yrar..U,Kl MUX The followlns- table shows tha receipts nf ..a.. , i . l. X" ivV- ami anm-i i Oman ltw . l. . . v pun i. nar h.i tor vn rw to date aa compared with last year; .ml V . . JFIO. IIIV, Cattle Si8.4i9 IMo.W 140.W os 1KM15 .72K.2.W I,t4u,6l 1.76H.7W 71.W0 The followtntr table shows tits averace prices for hots at the Omaha live stock market for the last few day a with corn pa rlsnna: Date, j 1P1S. ll4,Hill.HH.tln,!l10. ISO. I 041 7 I el II Ml AU, w. A Us. 21 i K.S U m 1 Tl I M I 14b I Ml 1 7 ti 7l w 3 7 W e 7 71 IS ?& 7 W 7t7 7 3 7 St I II 7 0 7 10 t U Alia. Mi 1 1M Jtl 7 81 T M 7 tC Aug. a IK 1 67 Aug. Tt I 74 11 k SI a Auk. B. Aug. s 1K a a uu. au 7".U 7 W 7 s; k i i I 01 Aug. m 00 i ; s M II M ( i i ti eept. 1. -,,t. J floi't. I. Pt. 4. H.-Vt. Bept.. . lt. 'f. Mept. (. 1791 vl 7 17) 7 wi ill e4 7 in 1 4 7 781 i it! 24 Z7 17 w I Ml 7 M 04 MIS 91 Hundsy. Itaoelnta and disposition of live stock at the t'nlon stork yards, Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 1 p. m. yostor- KECEII'T CARI.OADU. Cattle. I logs. Hhoep.I I's" s. C. M. A St. P 7 1 Wahash Missouri Psrlflc... 1 I'nlon I-ar4t'lu 7 34 C. A N. W., eah.. 11 7 1 1 C. A N. W., west.. (H M I ., C, Ht. P., M. A U... 2 16 ('., H. A ti., east I .'., H. A Q., west....lM U 14 11 C. It, 1. A P., east. H IlllnoU Central 8 4 1 Chicago O. W ! .. 1 Total receipts ...193 li lift II DISPOBlTION-HKAn. Cattle, lloga. 8baep. Morris A Co 17 l,&-f 1,471 fwlft A Co 1.41 l.faX B.84S Cudahy Packing Co LIU 1.M4 H.M8 Armour A Co 77 1 4,217 8ch warts A Co if J. W. Murphy l.wei Worrell 17 Lincoln Packing Co I 74 Ho. Omaha Packing Co. 11 K. Packing Co 110 W. H. Vansant Co & lienton, Vansant A L.. 4 litil A Hon tt V. B. Lsiwis 1W Huston A Co 161 ..... J. H. Itoot A Co 107 J. If. Bulla It U V. Muss 2 Ilosenstock Bros 6 H. ti. Kellogg 123 Werthelmnr A legen... 1 H. V. Hamilton 144 Hulllvan Bros 2 , rtothschild A Krebs.... It ' Mo. u Kan. Calf Co.... M Christie 103 ftlCRlns Huffmsa 23 Both " Baker, Jones A Hmlth.. 143 Tanner Bros M John Harvey ti Kline 49 1 ennls A Francis 71 Meyers ! tithcr buyers 1.060 1,7 Totals 7,045 g.706 S.K CA'11 UJThe run today wu only moderate, M cars being reported Hi. 1 his, howsver, makes the total for the three dsys this week i.71 head, which la slightly larger than Isst week and larger than any similar period silica the beginning of the range season. As coin pared with a year ao there la a gain of about 4, OUJ head. The market on tha best beef cattle ope nod up shout steady with yesterday. Uuod rornfed yearling sold up to f.76, with the best range besvss as high as $.tU. Ijpss desirable kinds of oattle were slow snd week, but that has been the condition racttcally every dsy for some time back and still the market as a whole is not very much different from what it was a week ago. ows and heifers were slow and dull, with prices auy where from steady to quite a little lower on some of tha medium to pretty decent kinds of klliera The best feeder cattle were In good demand at stesdy prices, but common and inferior kinds were slow and weak to possibly a little lowsr. Quotations on cattle: Oood to 'choice fed yeari.ngs, t.oue.7S; fair to good yearlings, l.iAw, ui.nion to fair led yearlings. 7Ji7.7; good to choice heavy beeves, fs uuuv.M; fair to good cornfed beeves. $s.Jwi M); common to fair corn fed beevea, .7u(.X; prims grass beeves, U I0q o; good to cholt-e grass beeves, 7,. Ou; fair to good grass beeves, 7 '7 a); common to fair graas bsvea Huo(j7Jb, good to choice graas heifers, in wjiW.uO; good to clioice grass cows, (i U; fair to good cows, 6 JfcJiaW; isommon to fair oows, M.Wa.; good to chulos feeders, fi-twii , fair to good feeders. M.7a7 . good to choice Blockers, rnttj-tift; fair to good Blockers, taTutf sa; eommoa to fair siock era, t6.60iua.6u, stock heifers. 6.74.76; stork oows, o binaW, etock calves. Rain ; veal ralvea fl. !&); bulla, stag, etc., BTEBBS AND IfEirERA. Ne. Fr. Me. Aa . l . nn UF.AI, KSTATF ACHE AGE Half Aero Close to Pavement $10 Cash, $7.50 a Month. At Uenfton, ( blocks to ear line, lust eft nf Jitney line, close to school and stores: high and sightly; equal to three lot. rrloet HA8T1NU8 A 1IEVDEN. 114 Harney . nKEf BTTCERS. 14 1114 t o i steeis....ll0 IK. R atsera,...14M Ton i steer.... 11 4S 7 3f. 3i stoers. ...L0 U b steers.... Ma Ui 10 steers. ...k.W .V. 13 st ears. . Xu S 66 WIOMINU steers .....UI70 7 HOL'Tll LA KOTA 40 rows fcitt 6 U) il KJS Supplies were not m large as on Tuvalay, but were heaveter than for any day last wmk, some 14 cars, or 7,U0 heail making up the day's arrivals. For the first three days of the week re ceipts amounted to 18.727 head, being 4,7110 larger than a week agot end twlt-w as large as for the same period last year, but ovtr 3,600 smaller than two weeks aen. In a great many repecU today's market aa Just a repetition of Tues day's. Shippers paid good study prices for desirable lights and In some cases quoted values a little stronger on thenc kinds. They filled out their droves wllii mixed hogs at prices thst were uneven and generally a little lower. Best lights sold as high as 17.66, which has been the top all week, and la only a nickel under the best price that baa beat paid this The trade In heary hogs closed a fist dime lower, and at noon a few loads which were still unsold were going beg ging even on this basla There was a sprinkling of sales as low aa &.36. with lha bulk of the packer purchases landing around ia.WiH.H0. and a scattering of sales on up to 17.66, the top, SHEEP Today's run. while not so large as earlier In tha week, turned out to be another liberal one, 116 cars, or about Il.Ou) head, showing up. Total for the three days la the largest for the first half of any wsrk slnco Isst October. Ho far this week 107,176 head have been re ceived, aa against lOu.anii last week, 74.144 two weeks ago and (tt,627 a year ago. It is hardly necessary to mention that the run here today was larger than at any other point and that the week's total la heavier than at any other market In the country, Prnspocts werd very good for another break In fat lambs this morning and feeder buyers insisted on lower prices again today. The result was that trade was very slow In getting started, and up to a late hour In the forenoon only a few lambs had been oaahed. These sales In cluded good feeders at W.2.36 and few fat lambs at Is. 16. The market dragged along throusTh the tMtst part of the forenoon before enough lambs were sold to make a market. In the end sellers were forced to concede 16o decline on tha bulk of tha fat lambs, most of the good ones selling around 68.16. lesirabla feeders were unable to beat tills figure and showed Just about as much decline aa the fat stuff. A string of breeding ewes al t&sn looked steady. It was nearly a steady deal In. aged sheep. Best ewea here, which war on the weighty order, brought 6.S. Kaaaaa City Mr Itacls Marks. KANSAS CITT. Bept. S. CATTLE-Ba-ctlpts, 7.600 head: market steady: prima fed steera, t.6ut;'10.1O; dressed beef steers. t7.voi.40; western steers, 6e.6OQf.0O; ktorkers and feeders, 16 WX&4.60S bul.s, 6a. 1G (ri.K; naives, WbOfclO.W. HOflH Receipts, 4,800 heda- market lower: bulk of sales, 7. heavy. rO.4j7.40; packers and butohera, 17. 86; IlKht, t7.Ux-aT.8C: I'lm, trt.7tVa7.G0. HMEcJI' AND LJtMBB-Receins. 14.000 head; market lower; lambs. $s.0OftaM: yearlings, t 40ty6.76; wethers, ft.6utii. awes. I4.26&6.W. t. Loals Llv I tor It Msrkei BT. IXWI, Hept. . CATTLE Re ceipts, n.fcio; market lower; native beef teers, t7.6CirlO.25; yearling steers and hellers, 68.MViiin.OD: Cows, 6.0O8.OO; stack ers and feeders, 6t.(iiti.X; southern steers. lo.lTxflS.x.'.; cows and heifers, 64.00 (jit M: native calves, 6i.UtKUll.U. IIOOB-Kneel pta 8.500 head; market, lower; llgf and llkhts, 6i.7itl.lS; rolled and butchers, I7.tayg8.16; good heavy, 67. lo tl' r 8HKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, lino head; market ateady: lambs, t7.60frt.6O; sheep and ewes. t0.6t?7.i0. Elgan Lad Pleads Guilty, Paroled and is Sent Away Adolph Elgan, 11-year-old son of Police Commissioner Krank Elgan. pleaded guilty yesterday morning to setting sev eral fires to the buildings of the Iowa Telephone company at Councl! Bluffs and was sentenced to the Eldora reform school until ha attains the age of tl years. The lad was then paroled to his father. Mr. Elgan this afternoon took his son to Bt. Louis, where he will live with his aunt a sister of Mrs. Elgan. II will be permitted to remain In St. Louis as long aa his behavior is (ood. In case It is not tha state fir marshal will demand his return and that ha serve out his sen tence at Eldora, For a week young Elgan created a furore In Council Bluffs by firing the telephone buildings. Several thousand dol lars In property was damaged and so frequent were the fires that mothers re fused to allow their daughter to remain at their work. Young Elgan alao made an effort to burn tha home of btg father. Apartments, flats. Houses and cottages an be ranted quickly and cheaply Vy a Bee 'Tor Bent."