Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1915, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE BEE. OMAHA. SEPTEMBETl 1915. i1 1 ! i m i J i WANT ADS Want aria recetreA at an time, but to Insure proper classification mutt b pr- -ntrd befcre 11 o olock noon for evening edition and 7:46 p. m. for mnrnin( ana Punoay editions. Want ada received after such boura will bo under the bending. "Too Lata to tlaaslfy." CASH PATES. Seren consecutive tiroes, 1 cent a word ch Itaertlnn. Two or mora conscntlv times, m ent 0 word. Ono Urn. cents a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive times, cents a no each Insertion. . Three ronsecntlr times, M eenta a lln ach Insertion. On time. It rents Una. Count alx average word to a Una. Minimum charge. 20 rent. An advertisement Inserted to v ran until discontinued must b slopped by written order. . . All clalma fnr mwi mnat man within fifteen dara after tha laat lnaer tion of th advertlaement Ton eon pise your want ad In Tha Baa bv telephone TELEPIIONH TYLER 1000. DEATHS AND rTHKBtL HOTICEi. SWA RTZ LAND ICR Mra. Jacob, M Caldwe.i street, 76 years of a-, died September 6, Funerai servloe will bo beld at Kounll Memorial rhnrrh on Thursday, September , at I o'clock. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Jamea and Katber Barta, 114 North Eighteenth, South Hide, boy; Iaaao and Anna Arledg. 424$ Wirt, boy; Pletro and Carmela Belcastro, tlH Paclflo. (in; Frank and Mattle Fitch, 27' Howard riMin viv jnaiiis f 1 1 1 i , t ; rff a.u v v i . alrt; Jamea J. and Gertrude MRUeen, : CorbT, boy; Rudolph and Julia Kaallk, 22 North Twentr-thlrd. Bouth Hide, girl Aofto and Roaa Muaco, 3Ki North six teenth, boy- Oeorge R. and Florence Mc Brlde. llta Booth Thirty-fifth, boy; John and Josephine Norolckl, 2C1T L, girl; Ievla anl Ueatrlca Watson, 2M4 North Twentr-l1h, girl; Oorge and Eva Win. Vi . ' r ,.r o ' . In J.I ' inn h (ij'ii! uia ruiio iumi"ip ni. Deaths W. J. Cheasey. 1, 81.10 Bouth FJghteenth; Fred McDougalt. 45, hosnltaj; W. H. Moron. 1. 49" '1 Q. 8outh Bide; lioale Beldenglnni 4, in Bouth Twentieth, Bouth Bide; Rom E. Orlmma- , hosjdlal; David Miller, M, 2424 Hamilton; Mrs. Francis Adela Perry, 71. U1R North Thirty-fifth: Vance C. Rosell, t months, hospital; Emit ffeume. 55, hospital; Bella H. Bwarta lander. 74, t"JI Caldwell; Viol Strong. 4, hoapllal. i MAHRIAOa tirEltlEI. litcenaea to wed have been iaaued to tha following: Name and Residence. Age. Arthur Hoist. Bouth Hide 24 Rose X. Mackan, Omaha. .....21 Watklns Fl Wolfe, Omaha 21 Hazel M. Korstrom, Omaha. 21 Harry Btroeaaer, Omaha over tl Mary Craig, Omaha over It Oeorra Hollander, Omaha 2 Fanny Fiedler. Omaha Vt xTeorga W. Codner, ntbbon over 21 Mattle M. Patton, Olbbon over It Fred Payne, Waterloo M Ida Mason, Blair 42 Arthur M. Marker. Bouth Ride 1 Evangeline Putnam, Omaha. It Frank Wallace, Omaha 28 Margaret Loss, Omaha 20 Clarence EX Weberg. Omaha 23 Bessie II. Whitehead, Omaha. 18 John J. Pmraon, Omaha... Nellie M. Schonlau, Omaha.. .over .over Claude T, Hanaohlldt. Plalr... Jessie Fryman, Rlalr 23 nril.DINO PERMITS. K. P. Dodge A Co., 704-6- South P'xteenth, repairs, 11.700; A. Martin, Km Hhernian avenue, brick motion picture theater, eV0; Oeorge B. Row, 8"10 North Twenty-fifth avenue, frame extension, tiKXX Today's Movie Programs LANTERN slides for movies. Bond your copy to tlx. Wa can reproduce photos or will prepare your oopy. We will color as directed. Be Photo Dept IM lie Bids. llswiivwi. EMPKERS. 15th and Douglas. Th4 Masked Dancor, Kalem 8-r. fea ture. Jo Boko la Saved by Oato llne, Ewanay. Their Night Out, VlUgraph. Ilearat-Sellg, No. 70. H1QH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. PRINCKSja lTlM DOUULAS. No One to Quid HI in, t-reel Keystone oomvdy, feat tiyd Ctaplln. Her Oath of Vengeanoa, it. western dr. The Trapper's Vindication. Nartk, GRAND. 18TII AND BINN1TT. William H. Hart In a special feature. Pinto Ben. A Leap lor Life, 2-reel dr., and a good comedy. CLIFTON. J201 MILITARY AVE. The Charity Ball, In part Mr. Jarr Takea a Night Off. Getting a Start In life. LOTJIUOP, 24th and Lothrop. Tully Marshall In "Paid In FMU," reels. oatk. APOLLO. J 814 LEAVENWORTH. Hearst-Sellg No. 47 lr. Jarr and Circumstantial CvManoa. The Tower of Prayer, 2-reel Ltibln. West. MONROE?, USS FARNAM. "Rnlarnbo," 4 reels, from the novel by Gustave Flaubert Dally matinee. t to S0p. m. BESSE. I4T AND N. Romance of Elaine, laat chapter. Hearts and lUwea, t-reel Essanay. Ills Laat Wlah. Bingraph. onrilEUM, 24TH AND N Diamond From tha Sk, Nn. T. The Father. Bel. drama Uncle Heck By Heck, Be. comedy. A MOVIES FEATURES TODAY LOTIIROP. 14TH AND LOTHROP. Tully Marshall In "Paid In rull." la 4 reela MONROE. 2666 FARNAM. frotn the norsl by Salambo, C reels, Uuatav Flaubert I'aily matinee, 2 20 to I 20 p. m. OliPHLUM. 24TH AND N. 1'lamond From the Sky, No. T. AtfNOl'NCKMEXTs BUblNKSs COLLEGIA 8TUUENT8 8AVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sals, with good reasons for selling. variety of eoursna la a reliable Bust te bbool, on of the learitug business coiiegns of Omaha. Will be sold very rvaaiiabla away below rgolar price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at on. e. sin. Fall ten te;ius soon. Call otrtie. Omaha Bee. l Y. M. C.A. out g Park, summer. AUTOMOBILES V. I t utr you ai conaidarlng aeihtig or burins a UMrd car and ou want full al,e for yjur money or yuu waitl iof.le wnu are tiling to ay for what th. y are ren i. ou v ill Intve no remet If you jy ir a.rtj,e throuyti the uae.l tr tii.uii u ct 'Ih Bte. li. jiid 'Jiir Xaj. ACTOMOniLBS FOR SALE My need Oldsmoblle touring rar. In good condition, I'M). Car can ba aeon at V-t Farnam Ht. FONI KNKI.LE AUTO CO.. 214 B. l"tl ht. Fipert repairing; bargain In used care, guaranteed aa represented TIRK EXPENNB CUT IN TWO. Wa taka two old tlrea and return or food one, Price, 12 78 and up. NEW. DOUBLE-TREA D TIRK CO.. tTI ' Fa mam Ht. Tel. Douglas VA. industrial Qaraga Co.. 20th Harney Bta Overton e for leaky radiator. 60c, dealers. $ViO REWARD for any itinKneto wa ran't re pa I r. Colla repd. Bsysdorfcr. 210 N. . o NEBHAKKA Bulck Service Station. lSli Kama in Ht. Phon Dnuglaa 72L BUSINESS CHANCES If your Business Chance will attnd rigid Investigation and la Just what It la advertised, or It you ara looking to atart In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you una the Business Chance column of The Hee. When buy ln or aellltig a. bualneaa I'lione Tyler Vn. THUHTKK B HA UK. Stock of ceneral merchandlaa, 110,000. An IdeaJ location for a general atora. Stock In excellent condition. Wlil be o d at very attractive flaurea. Partlea de alrlns a location for feneral men'handlao tore will find thla oithy of prompt In vestigation. Addreaa K. W. And lick. True toe. Wheaton. Kan. CANDY kitchen, excellent location, good fixtures and all utenaila for making I 'e cream and candy. Reasonable. Tel. Ken.4T4 OWNFRH-lJat your property with W, W. Williams. K20 Navlila Rlk d. ho BELL or buy a bcalneaa. call on r. mti Bunch Rorrhoff. Freier ml nk TO UKT In or out of buaineaa oaii on OANOE fTT AJ, 422 Bee Hldg. Dong. 3477. ttVIl I k.-,.... II .i.l n ... ......... . . i r . 1 1 ...1 nm g r..-i u- brim i . u i i n, u,n, rm .uinu handled ; all atates. F. V. Knlcst. omana. 6EK Omaha Theater Bupply Co. for bar g a I na In eat abllalied shows. D. V-K. THKATEHS Huy. lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies throuxh Theater Kxch. Co.. ltn Farnam. D. HVi. fH HALE or rent Dry cleaning shop. 110 to 146 a week buaineaa; very good 'location; reaaonahla rent, write tor prop. oa'tion to City pantortum, Schuyler, Neb. MY saloon la for sale. Doing fine busi ness In good location. Only good reasons CompeJ me to sell. Excellent opportunity for right man. Chris lind, 1U 8. 3th. PAY1M general store, ,') stock: f2.'). balance land. JIM WKAV. SIOUX CITY BAKOA1N Beet cafe, live Iowa town; act quick. JIM WHAT. BIOL'X CITY. laveatnaeata. Our Nebraska farm mort gagee are not af (acted by European war or panics. Amounts S4uu to 120.100. We collect all Interest and 7 .1 , : - I years in tne iseDraana rarm loan iieia without a loaa Is our record KlyOKK INVESTMENT tX)MPANT. 101 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg.. Omaha. EDUCATIONAli FOR sale, the following scholarships In a first claaa Omaha Huslneaa college: One unlimited combination business and rhorthand couri . One unlimited ptenographle course. One three-months' business or rsphlo course. W 111 be sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Pee. EXPERT lady stenographer will taka pptla; shorthand, touch typewriting. Spelling and punctuation taught. Individ ual Instruction. 4W4 Douglas St. Tel. Walnut ICT. Fall Term Boyles College Day school, September Tth. Night school, (September 8th. Complete business course, complete shorthand and stenotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil servloe branches and English. Write, phone or call for 1V15 catalogue. Boyles College i ii tirtvf i.'a ,i ... Tel. Doug. lit. Boylee tlldg., Omaha, Neb. Tho VAN SANT SCHOOL eTENOORAPH Y-BOOKKEEPINQ. Day School for Toung Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. I one G. Duffy, Owner and Manager. 301 Bo. Uth St Omaha. FOR BALE FOR 8 ALU Hera la a classification that la of the utmost Importance to every reader, aa thla column offers some excep tional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your article at Its full value. Phone Tyler luoo. Farnltare. lloasehsld Gwods, Kte. Dnalrn bought and sold. J. C. Reed, avtan-O yM Farnam St. Douglas til4l. Bargains in furniture and HARD WARM. K3 N. 24TH. WEB. 1V7. FOR SAIJ-Cheap 1 Oak baaeburner. Call Webster 8672. Harass as4 Vshlelea. FOR 8 ALE. Two work and one saddle horse, ITS, t&0. 140; call South Suu. S321 Harrison Pt. South Omaha. TEAMING gears, one or a carload. All sises, iwo to six-ton capacities, we sail ths Studebaker. the Bain, the Peter Bcbutller, i'aaln and Buerkena Must sell iuO this month. Klg reduction In price. JOHNSON-DAri vfrlTfi UUUrANI, Mttatrsi ksilrsuivHla Slightly used high grand piano. D. 201T. laltry, sCaraa aa aavplles. MXD grain. 100 lbs. fl.H. Wagner, ni N. 11 BTEHEOTYPE matrices make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. Thev are 17x23 Inches, stronger Mnd mora durable than tarred felt and practically iwepioor. tee a nunarea at ins imo ornctv aiENS and chlckeus, cheap. Call Webster 4MHI. Type writer. TTPEWR1TER8, IH and np. ra Bee Bldg. TYPEVV BITERS sold, rented, reualiwl. Central Typewriter Fxo. 1 Karnarn. M taeellaaeoas. Coal Direct to You. The Very Lowest Prices. Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Tlatte, Neb, $3.20? Golden West Wbisky, 4 full in oana, pre- atd. ( ackley Bros.. Omana FoH tAI.ll New and aocond-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowllnK elieys and ecceaaorwa; bar flxturea of all kinds; rasy layuiuuU The Brunswick. kinds; tmy layuiuuU Th Balae-Collenaer Co., 47-4 a. it h St. tOK BALE CHEAP Buslneea College Course. Full and om.jpleia achoiaral.lp In one of the t-est Oiuala business schoola Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold i tun vikm, uui win ne sou ..ntbly. if Interested Invasttgate because fall term lealns toon, very reason at one, bei Tl.ere are a variety of ouurana for ul. For partlci'lar luttulr at the offlo of The Omaha Uee. FOR SALE High school cadet suits, la. All sises. John Frlflman. Ait N. 17th. Cor. Capitol Ave. Phone Douglas 21"X 1'ikPf.nm.k i..l. .L..i. .i Plcka jackacrewa. 10 penny match vnd w. m I, tng machines, 6uo each. Hor, harness, wagon. $luu. On lctrlo plauo. J. C. 13U. 10CJ S. rVth St Ha may Ml. HUPAUTOMATIC u.n ...l m . i n i,u nM n a. A 1 1 road; Ul im.! 6 liuo aliarua preferred k for 14 aon. Ne4 iuouy. Address w. ELKCTR10 MOTORS 1-H. f .. r t- it. P.. t ft vol la I pbaa. new $ $7 11. P.. vol i a. I pUiia, new . I X 'j .1 u . . i . 1 ........ . DYNAMOS. t-K. W.. 110 voile. D. (. new $ llict HVYi'VolJ.- lVt V ,J i e !io aw ' L ."."" :'"j;;""'l'U I w i , . ..miu. w..a i i.m, iiiimiimi ivr smor 100, Lti BRON FLEfTRBTtL WORb.8. I IX b. 12lh tu HELP WANTED FEMALK Irrlml Offtee. THR KET to tha BITT'ATION. THAT AI.WAVS djee tha WORK. WATTS HF.K, CO., Mo-42 HrandeU Thea. BTh NotillA I'll ER. RAILROAD b0 bTKNt), MLST BE lllUGHT AND BDUOATKD $' PTE N O. AND BK PR., ) to 40 M BTKNO.. MI HT HE RAPID BLBINES.'I MEN REKERENCH APBN. I WOODMEN OF WORLD. HXP. Kteno, apeak Polish, VA Ep. flteno., Oliver opr., V0. Em. demonstratora, fli a week. IVg-eni Iteferenca Co.. M0 Patton Plfc. Faetory 4 Tradea OtWT to learti haledreaslnc. Oppenbetnv Inaaekeepiora aad Doeaeaflea TITR Servant Olrl Problem Bolved. The Re will run a Bervant Olrl Wanted Ad FhKB until you get tha deaired results. This appllns to reaTdenta of Omaha, Hnuth Omaha and Council muffs. Hrln ad to Tha Hee office or talephona Tyler 10"0. VANTEI A second maid; (ood refer ence. Tilt Farnam. IL 1E.I9. WANTED An experienced white ma.ld for second work: S In family. Reference required. Ho. 3th Pt. II. W0. WANTED A rood white cook. Refer ences renulred. 1 In family. Wl Bo. 88th BLH. HIGH achool or younr 1rl to aaelat with houea work for room and board; small wnreit. Walnut -. OOOT girl for general housework. Mra W. C. Lyle. M4 I 'ark Ava WANTEI Young girl for general house work. Telephone H. 741. 1"4 Bo. 2Mh. WANTEO A arood gin ror general housework; no cooking. lu No. sVUi street. WANT Ei Com i ten t girl for gen eral housework; good wages; refer ences required. 322 No, 2elh Ave. Tel. H. Iff. COOK Experienced, colored, good home, 211 H. 24th. i AN 1 1.1) A girl for general house at he work; good wsgca; a mil I lainlly. Apply at once. 101 Bo. ith St. WANTED A good girl for general housework. Mrs. F. B. Cochran, K&3 Lincoln Blvd. Wal. 2Wn. WANTED Young girl to houaework. Web. BWirt. slst with WANTED Good girl for general hous work. Phone Harney 4179. Alex Uun- ther, ffrm V a r nam Bt. WANTED An experienced nurse maid; reference required. Mra. M. B. New man, tt, Howard. H. .I6. WANTED A good girl for general houaework, H. 141. 2414 Dewey Ave. MAID wanted. Mra. Walter Chamberlln, 1ij 8. DM fit. Telephone Harney 644. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no waehlng or Ironing; good wasfa. a. lu nun WANTED Young whits gtrl to do second wuf K aiiu Kaiv Mini iiiiiuicii. viiv wnu can go home nights preferred. Phone walnut or can at ra ixara nt. WOMEN to look after Invalids; 16 a week, no laundry or lifting. 2423 So, 24. D. 7im. V ANTKD Ulrl to asMst with general housework, more for company evenings, fnmlly of two. Web. 4X77. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply 2017 Oak St. or call Harney 4W. WANTED An experienced girl to do gen-1 eral housework: must ds goon, cook; place where second girl Is kept. II. 3813. it s. nrtn ft. WANTED A girl to aartet with house work. Good home. 1&2S No. 19th St Web. 13 1. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework; good wages. Wat. Wi. 24 N. Sth St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen iXral wlurei" SnTall Liberal wagea. bmall eral housework f a m lly. 3M Farnam St Mlatsellai.easa, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where thay will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. lxok for our travelers' guide at Union station. HELP W ANTKD. MALE Clerical and Oftles. HIOH-GHADM oommerclal positions. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ASSN., 762 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. THE KEY TO THE SITUATION. WATTd HEF. CO., 40 Brandela Theater. FfUP10CLlaRK rw BILL CLMRK $40,110 OFFICE CLERK 140.00 THE- OANO AGHNCT. 400 BEU3 BLDG. kiX PKi HI EN CfciD MEAT CUTTER, UHANll 1SI-AND $.ti0 AND PCT. bookkeeper and hi-enou- RAPHEU S60.00 TYPIST AND CLEBJC. GOOD FUTURE IEB.09 STENOGRAPHER AND PRIVATE BMrY I.00 BUSINESS MEN'S REFEIRENCB ASd N. 1406 Woodmen of World. toys. GOOD opportunity for bright boy; must be 16 to 17 years. Apply Cudatiy's of fice, South Omaha. Aaeats, galesnaea t Soltoltora. COAL agents wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. THIS first payment carries Insurance to January 1, llt; great Inducement; call or write Mutual Benefit Health & Acci dent aiiaoclaUou, City National Bank Bldg., Omali.i. Neb. LIVE audits wanted everywhere; poaU ; tively laatest Bulling men e specialty on territory ana pro post ton. ins Alien Co., Grand man rid, Neb. Box 664. STATE and county agents, everywhere. to handle the best money maker aver. See demonstration, 1614 Capitol Ave. O. H. C. Gaa Burner Co. Factory aaa Trades. WANTED Men to learn she barber trade. We have originated a plan to tench It quickly and thoroughly. Wagee paid while learning. Toole Included. Write ror illustrated catalogue. MOLErt BARBER COIX.F.GK. 110 S. 14th St Drug t-ture Huais, joha. Knelst, Bee Bldg). JiKAKN BARBER TllADE Waxes paid. Tools given. Positions guaranteed. Call or write for Information. TrM'lly College, 1124 IVoiiglas, Omaha WE need men; had to turn down two Joba per week lately. Get in. Learn by our method. Get one of these Jobs. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile Sohool. 2408 1-eavrnworth Bt Mlsoellaaeoas. RAILWAY mail clerka wanted, 175 month, Omaha examinations coming. Sample question free. Write Immediately, Frauk- llu instnutee. Dept. nm. Kicnester. N. i . WANTED- experienced hay men; also man and wife for ranch. 8. C. Bliss, 2M Exchange Bldg , South Omaha. WANTED Nunive of men. 1 or over, wishing government lobs, month No pull necessary. Address Y MM, Bee. WANTED Four good haying hands; must know the business. Call on F. C. Pllns. 264 Kxchange Bldg.. South tkmaha. JEWKLER Slu e man preferred, with experience la handling Jewelry depart ment m drug store and able to wait on jtrun ti " .V .-IfjLr. trad when necessary. Position aulary expected to W. U. Raleigh at Co., (iarden (..rove. la. SITUATIONS WANTED AFTER some Tears on Pacific coast. X return to Nebraska, a poorer, but wUer '"m"i -,o lu.!!,,.,,,,, ..... miy. expenenota rarmei, engineer; oov eruiK ail modern dvtaila. liiuiudlng Ice making anu coiu storage. icirio light ing and power; good nioriaalo and bar good rvcommen Jat Ions ; need work; make offer. Address Y two, Be. n br vo tending university. Hav had t years' newspaper experience and am good vio linist, i an worm nau urn. raoa Bd 6070. WATCHMAKER and salesman It years' . exoerieni-; coiauis of laJLlns onai-a of any department Dastre puslUua ( onc. Address J 163, Be. WiriDLriAGHD lady will tak oar of two ciiLdren. s iiout aa arfrrd; 60 Adar-j W lo I. le. JM'BSK wanU o si Lion taking car of Ti I children. T. ISPs. lS; YOUNG man ...-air a poaltlon as Jan- to ltor- h" "n" hosiatal buslnesa; Ad.iress S-146. Bee. WOMAN with llule boy wants steady Jub houat keeping; city or tuliuuy. Boxiu 120 Navlila bat). SITI'ATIONS WANTED WtiRK In cleaning and preaatnaj eatab- Hahment t-y ntuiVnt, outside of school hours. Eier1enced. Addreg M. I. C, i Ho. 2"1h. T'M'NH man of brains, pep and nbllltv; stenoKTapher of thr-e years' experlenre; ran also tlo general of ri e work. Refer ences furnished. Addreaa C 149, Bf WA NTK imposition as b.iokkeeM-r while attendinr col'eae: four to five hours a day to work. Addresa A. I. 611 fc'o. 2Hh. UOT AND FOUND Lost or Found ada In Omaha's Lost and Found mediums means the Immediate re turn of that article If aitVertlred In The Bee, the Loet and Found paper. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFF STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soma article would do well to call ud the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Ftreet Railway company to ascertain whether they left ii in tne street car. Many articlea each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the -ightful owner. Call Doug. 4ft LOBT White bulldog, black spot on hack, long tall and long ears; on collar name, "T. Q. Hoeeark." Answers to name of "Bpot." Reward for return. Har. l"fi, DOST Cameo brooch. Return to &) Brandeis Theater. Reward. PERSONAL GORDON, the Magaslno Man. Tel. Doug. 13. YOL'NO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian ussoclatlon building at 17th Bt and 8t. Mary's Ave., when they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Txhjk for our travrlers' guide at the Unli.i statkm. THE HlvUm Army Industrial home so licits your Jld clothing, furniture, maga lines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douttlaa 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, J110-1U2-1114 Dodge St. ANY PERSON who knew H. L. Webb, a young man who boarded In Omaha from 1U04 ti 1908, will please communicate with C. O. Eamea. Millard hotil, by tele phone or n'all. I WOULD like to meet lady ST. to 45 years of age who understands SUOOR8 TION and MENTAL SCIENCE. Address C EX W.. P. O. Box MS. Atlantic, Iowa. SWAPPERS COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Wliy no advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really needT It costs you nothing to Join the Swappers' olub and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 104. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000. AUTOMOBILE.- For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classlfi tat Ion. 10 ACRES of good timber land, will trade for good team. Doug. 2iVM). BEIAS Iron beds. Have 1 Iron beds in fairly good ahape; will trade fnr library table, or what have you? Address S. C. Mi. Bee. BKB.SU, Elaine,' 24th and N "Romance last chapter. of nnvm mTTTirt u i a v. . 1 1 power, or It can be changed to k No. nanupowcr; coat szn; ued a few times will trade for for a shotgun or anything Addreaa S. 07. 1165, Bee. can use. I100-COUR8K of Stenography. (6x7) C am- era ana outfit, prefer cash; will con- ider twin motorcycle. Address Bee. 6 Ml, COINS 345, old American and foreign, from old Rome, 67 A. D., to Panama, MM: Louisiana. 1T23: flawed buffalo ! "k1- c"ln H" "d breeches iC1,. ca TarUkr and Mongolian colna. Want old guns, swords, diixxers, etc., or small machine tools. Dr. McMillan Jones, Acme, Wyo. CASPER, WYO., IjOT IN OIL FIELDS. WILL TRADE) OR SELL. ADDRESS 8. C. 181. Bee. CHICKENS 300 chickens to exchange for lot worth not over Address S. C. 200. FURNITURE Furniture of a good room ing house with rooms of very good furniture; a paying proposition. What have you In excliane? Address S C 6007, Bee. FURNITURE 12 rooms of furniture worth $Ju0; will swap for confectionery, bakery or a lot. Addresa B. C. 60UH, Bee. I HAVE! a good horse, harness and wagon, for violin or anything you have to offer. Address S. C. Ilf4. Bee. KODAKS Eastman kodak. In good con dition, will swap for baby carnage or any household furniture 1 can use. S, C. ei2. care Bee. FURNITURE of 4-room hotel for trade; prefer land. Addresa S. C. 1M, Bee. GOOD old-fashioned walnut cupboard, makes good bookcase; students desk. Will trade one or both for small tent or tarpaulin or what have you? S. c. 1M. Bee i, I, and 2-room apt no junk, to ex change for equity in 4 or o-room cot tage. Addresa A 111. Bee. PAINTING Will exchange painting for horse. Addresa S. C. 192. Bee. GUITAR and rase to exchange for a library table, or, what have youT Ad dress S. C. ll. Bee. I WANT a Harley-Davldson motorcycle, nearly new; must be In first class con dition. Will trade pure white diamond, set In platinum, Tiffany mounting, worth HoO. Addr-a S. C. 1T. Bee. KODAK 24x4 folding pocket kodak; cost 11160, together with new IS de veloping tank, trays, print frames, chem icals, etc Will trade complete outfit for good typewriter; Underwood preferred. Addresa S. C. 170. Bee. LOUNGE Sanitary lounge In good shape ; wtil traae lor or zuu sisea uea. ah- dress S. C. 6004. Bee. M1LLIERY store, doing good business, to trade for land or city property. Sick ness In family. Address S. C. 1. Bee. PHTSICIAN'B set of four "DeVilbls" atomisers and stand, Uks new, cost about l; will trade for anything use ful. Address 8 C. lx. Bee. PIANO lu0 Klnslngton piano. Leaving city. Will trade for diamond. Address 8. C. 20B. Bee, PIANO Cost K"0. to swsp for a good au tomobile. I went a good machine and will pay any difference there la between tne two. . t -run, uf PIANO Hrand new Lauter piano; cost 6X6. Will exchange for diamonds and give via me' mini, gy. . i. tir. nm. TO SELL or trade your ahotgun or rifle. See FHIEDMAN. 1211 Doulas Sf.oonT propel ' rtnaton BE'Wl : mortgage. IM0, on good Omaha tor a good touring car, Har- mty Co., Florence, Neb. iiawe Blnxer sewing machine. in I reoair. used only six months: will swap for anything 1 can use. Ad- dress a. tl 6001, lie. 8TI-' NOTYPEv-Practlcally newstenotype. What have youT Address S., C. knW. SURGICAL InstrumenU and medical books; alao filing ca All In good Con dition. Will exchange for shotgun or eomelhtne I can us. Address 8. C 2b), Bee. faTO VE Eoilpee gas stove; will swap for good tungy or surrey: stove used about one month . S. C. Bee. TYPEWRITER X'nderaood, Ko. 4. HT yse only 11 mo. Will trade for Graphlex raiuera without lens. Addrvss B. 0. )t Bee WASHING MACHINE ilave rood elec tno washing maclilne, used only one year, which 1 will trail for kitchen cab inet Address S. C. fcXB, car Bee, RIFLE New 46-callber; will trad for a good revolver, any standard make, or what hav your Address 8. C. 1166. Bee. WHAT hav you to ecnan for t'ec lau player piano with 60 rolls of rlrat-claea musto, and musla cabinet will fit any piano; would take fw good chickens or cook ranga Address & C. 1, Be. WATCH, ETCT One high-grade 17-)ewel watch: one steal ana fiber-bound trunk; on leather handbag. Trade. What have yout Address 8. C. ISO. Be. TOH RETT A part aaeats aa Flats, Th For Bant advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of Th Be dally cannot b bat for variety that will pleas and fill tb need a of any on dtslring to rnt Phone Tyler WO P EAUTl Fl L. strict lv mod. apts. 14th and Yates Sts.; Janitor Ser . play (.round, tennla tour 1 tuiuiurta TeL U rvice; line lawn. rts snd suiumet or z iOH RENT Apartmrata anal Flats. ' 3 . ...v S',l't .i tV a i , Hamilton Apartments Fire Proof Suites of 1 to 9 Rooms, With Bath, Furnished or I nf urniyhe'l. High Class Cnfe In Connection, nth and Farnam. D ?S4 TUB B' WORTH. TWO ROOMS AND HATH, 2217-19 HOWARD KTKEKT. Furnished and unfurnished apartmenta Big living room with dlwiipearinn bod, food-slxcd kitchen and fine bth room, lest apartments at the monev In the city. Call us at once for reservations. Heat, hot and cold water and Janitor aervlce the whole year; $27.60 summer rata, 132 so winter rate. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 11M State Bank Bldg. GOOD STEAM-HEATED HOMES. Standard Flats A few vacancies In these desirable six room, steam heated, modern, apartments, .vine finish. Private hall, tiath, pantries. .Free hot and cold water. Janitor service. Walkl ig distance. T.,J. HOOIC, 1101 N. 18th St. FOR RENT. new. 3 and o-room apart ments, disappearing, beds, pneumatic cleaner, shower baths, first class In every particular. Flora Apts.. 2r.61 Jones St. o 4 ROOMS, 207 S. WTH AVB. The Hudson, semi-basement, nice rooms. strictly up-to-date, close In. 125 yr. round. H ASTINGS A H EV DEN, 1RI4 4 Harney Ht K-r. mod. fl.M, aultb!e for roomors. R.6.3 ST. CLARE, 24th and Harney, Hroom apartment Harney 647. - ESTA BROOK Oourt. mod., sanitary; one vacant; be quick. G. P. 6tebblna. MODERN, sanitary, steam heated; hot water free; cJose In. O. P. Stebblna. I -ROOM, ROYAL ?1S 8. 27th, NEW, neml-basement, very choice, year round, t?7.M. vacant Oct. 1. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 114 Harney St VICTORIA. t-ROOM. 27th and Harney, choice location, has built-in bed, choice location, yr. round, 227.60. HAHTTNOS HEYDT5V. 1614 Harney Ft VERY choice, 4 or 6-room, steam-heated apartment on west Farnam St JOHN W. BOBBIN'S, la FARNAM. 3 ROOMS. AVALON. 2th and Dewey, 2d floor, walking dlat.l nice, clean, large rooms, 122.50 and $27.60. HASTINGS A- HEYDEN. H14 Harney Ht. 6 ROOMS, S S. 2TH AVIO. In the DoukIus, vacant Oct 1. has sun rooms, very choice; separate porch; walk ing distance, l.iO. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St A NG ELI'S Ants., Ave. and Doug las, 2-2-4 and 6-room apts. Har. 2074. o 6 ROOMS. BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT, HUDSON. Within walking distance; close In, no car fare; oak finish. Individual porch; nice light rooms; beautifully decorated; built-in buffet. $4fi sum.; t-'H) winter. See this at once. Located at 207 S. 26th Ave. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. Board aa4 Rooms. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern onvenlence and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished itooma column of The Bee. Pnone Tyler 1000. BOARD AND ROOM AT 601 S. 83D BT. I'llONH HARNEY S4i0. Desirable room and board. 616 8. ltth St Famished Hooaas. THE Chatham notel for gentlemen. Ratea to permanent guests. 110 8. 13th. D. 602. SPECIAL LOW RATBS TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HA RLK Y. 20th and Farnam. 213 S. 26TH Modern rooms by day or week; 60o and up; just off Farnam car line. Rates by the week. Farnam St., 2107 Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated; close In. Douglas 8712. WELLINGTON INN. Farnam at 18th. 100 rms.. )l; 60 rms.. 11.60 & up; weekly St monthly rates; cool, quiet, homelike. o FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modern. close In. permanent or transient; also housekeeping rooms. ?16 North 17th St. Hossekeeptag Rooms. FARNAM. 2S22-Two nice housekeeping rooms; electricity, steam. FRONT rooms, newly paperer, or hk.. tl.6 up; sultell'.M. 834 N. 16th. DAVENPORT 2016 TWO OR THREF1 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HOUSKKEFiPING ROOMS.; Hoases. 207 N. 23 l-rooms, mod., $40 Doug. 4724. Hoases aad North. 2614 CUMING BT.. -r.: mod. Tel. D. 7580. 6-ROOM nodern, ZX) North 22d St., walking distance; near t car lines. Call Harney 1211, or 444 Hrandels Thea. Bldg. 6-R. COTTAGE. Tel. Walnut 26.4J. T-HOOM house, mod., close-in. Tel. D. 46.. Soattt. 7-r. house, bath, close In, $25. H. MM. 6-HOOM cottage. 1U S. Sth Bt. $16. Water paid. FOR RENT $25 a month. Hanaoom Park District 7-room, all modern, cornor lot, (hade, paved street, 2 blocks from car. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 17th and Dounlas Sts. Doug. 6011. 1147 PA RK Ave.. 7-r., str.ctly mod. H. 18.9. SIX large rooms, first floor, mod. ex. fuma.. 813 B. 23d. Phone Doug. 27B2. NEW 6-room house, strictly modern. kl8 S. 26th Ave. Inquire li. 6-ROOM house with bath, excellent con dition. 610 S. 21st St.. $18. Harney 2706. E-EPT. 16 Moo 6-roora and bath detached house; furnace, gaa heater: full cement cellar, iw mo. inquire Ml p. antn Ave. Wet. WEST FARNAM HOME. $50 -r., M'.'O Harney St, strictly mod. rrn, fine location. OEORUE! & COMPANY. 908 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone D. T51 MODERN 10-room. furnished or unfum- iahed, all Capitol Ave., owner. Tel. Harney 6t64. West. Furnished or Unfurnished 8 Rooms, West Farnam. Four sleeping rooms, floored attic. Newly painted and decorated. CALL WAL Sniff. M taeel I neiia. HOUSES APARTMENTS FI-ATSl $13 6-r.. 2614 No. lolli St, modern ex cept heat f;'6 7-r., 830S Howard St, modern. ii" -r., 1618 Jackson St i7.r., 108 Corbv St.. modern. $ S 6 6-r., Hi Park Avo., modern flat ti2 6o-a-r., 117 So. th St. modern, lilo 4-r. Apmt, "Tb Harold." Tth and Jackson Sts. 16 7-r. 618 bo. 16th St.. modern, hot and cold water, janitor. am j-r., im bo. sun oi niwicnv noi water heat, garage. $.4 t-r 33J6 Harney St, modern, first clans. f, -r.. S?71 Farnam St., extra fin. I GEORGE A COMPANY. US City Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone D. T56. FIDELITY RENTAL (ORFV Phone Douglas tM for complete list of vacant houses and apartmeut;, also for Storage, moving. lMti and Jackson Sts. J. C. Reed Peking! sto'raga: lvv'v'u lv'i r arnam. D. t-KOOM modern houee, H Leaveuworth Ht., lo6. Webster 16). Vacant Sepl. 20. HlbOS-lS California, ( reoma bath. $10 00 & toth, 4 rooms. $Ub0 Clark. 4 ruouia " 11Iiin44 Capitol Ava, 7 rooms, mod en Jul 0 ?ia Farnam. rooms, modem. RING WALT. Hrandels Theater Bldg. (Continued oo CuL T. Tula Page) Ready Reference Directory Hie following firms offer quality and expert service that will please tlie most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. P.EKTD ABSTRACT-CO., oldeat abstract nilli-e In Nebraska. ?! Brundols Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 6 8. 17th Bt. Phone D. MN7. ADVKRTISI.M4 MOVKLTIKS. M. r. Shafer ft Co.. 12th. Farnam. D. 7474. A.MATLIH KI.ISHIi. FILMS developed free If purchased from i-noto cratt Miop, 41a ree i.iiig. uepi. u. ACt'Ot'NTASiTS. TT A TTTT-n A T T . UVVUKilV ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books opened and closed. Cot ttystem Installed. let - ' .., .r Ji I " II. lit. n . o .an . a . Of mv allHIt ..rvlr. . v mm AMra 4:'J 4); icamge hior. Doug. ARt IIITIXTi. Kverett S. Dcdds, 611 Paxton Blk. D. m. ART1KHIAL LIMBS. ARTIFICIAL Limbs, Braces and Trusses; expert fitter Pltwell Artificial Limb Co.. J?3 S. 15th St. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. Ml Paxton Blk. D. 1804. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-16 W.O.W. R. S285. AI'TO INBLRAKCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglas 2S19. A HO HADIATOIt REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., J026 Far. D. 20M. HAKr.niKa. Z. It. REEDER. lTXHJ N. ISth. Web. S297. BATHS. WOMEN only; vapor and electric baths. lRe Ht. Phone Wenster lilt. HEDDI2VU. OMAHA PILIOW CO.. 1907 Cuming, Douglas 2467. Renovates feathera an4 rnaltrnaui. f 1 1 L!i.i4a miliM feather mattresses and down overs, BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. CARPENTERS AMD CONTRACTORS. BT EVEN SON, 123 8. 22d. Douglas 6620, Iiessnrd ft Son, 19n Cap. Ave. T. 1533. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL. ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. M6t Dr. Hayes. V Brand. Then. Bldg. D. 6426. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford, 620 pax. Blk. Red 4587. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic D. 1371. Bummer rates now at Mackle's: private lessons dally. 1816 Harney. Doug. 6446. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th A Farns DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kelster'a Dressmaking Col., 1628 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATB Dry CIng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 6071 DETECTIVES. JAMES ALJN. 812 Neville Block. Bn - dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. DANCING. GENEVIEVFJ HAWFLAIRE. Rome hotel DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W.O. W, Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. FTckles, 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. 21S6. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co., 11N. 15th. Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHTLL ELECTRIC CO.. Be Bid. D. 3879. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 624 Pee Bldg. Red 8066. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all vlzcs and styles; hemstitching, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, - cord i ilk, eyelet cut work, buttonholes, pennant. Ideal 1'ieating CO., zw Douglas Block. Douglae W. . FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH, 4036 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'B, florists, 1804 Farnam Bt D. 1000. Lv HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 12.18. Member Florist Telegraph Del, Ass n. HESS A BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam Bt A. DONAOHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WW replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney Bt. Est liuw, INSTRUCTION. English. French, Instruction. 805 Lyrlo Bid JUSTICES OK THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 512 Psxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BR1TT. 801 Baker Block. ' LANGUAGES. LanR-uaa-es taught; private or -classes. Web. 6664. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Mlsa Fox. Open for bul ness; satisfaction guaranteed. t7 Pax bk. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. LHiHTING FIVTIRKS, WIRING. MOVING PUTIKB MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. ltth and Doug. Mo. tlon picture machine and film bargalna. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DA VIPBON M OTO RCTCLFS. Barsaln In uaed maihlnee. Victor Hoot, The Moton ycl Man." 2701 Leavenworth. MIS1C, ART, LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE taught by telephone and nutll Free trial lesson. Webster 6664. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, newa cigars, candy. 1S Park. OCULISTS. Eye examined, glaaaes fitted, par as you can. Die. McCartv. HU W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Bturges. 636 Brandeis Theater Bldg OSTEOPATH T PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHTNH ARMSTRONG. 415 Be Bldg rAiNTine and papering. HUGH MM ANUS. 417 N. 4ta. H. 671. pniXTlXG. WATF.RS-BA RNIIAUT Ptg Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 21W. iOi S. loth Su CENTRAL PRINTING CO., DOUO. 8754. IVll'GLAS Prlntlog Co Tel. Douglas 641 1'Lt ME9 t I.EAMKD. Dyed, made over. D. Elsele. 1136 City Nat TOH AMI ITHXAlll REPAIRS. I ALT, REPAin3-Water fronts, furnace ; coti, rtc. viul 'k service. Omaha wove ttepair Wki, ln-8 Iouglas si. Tyler 0. MIC AMI TIM H LUCK KXPEBTS i Q A "T'k' d! comb. Daven- 1 "v-' port, 1; Dodge. D. lb2U St ALU REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 513 S. 12th. D.2911 SHOE REPAIRING. FRIE11MAN BROS., shoe repair. Ill S. 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r. Co.. 2i04 Farn'm. R.8440 SEWING MACHINES. Wei rent repair, sell needles and parts lor all sewing machines. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Hiirney. Douglas 12. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S. 10. STORK AND OFHIK FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. Ve buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 414-16-1S 8. 12tn. Doug. 2724. TOWkL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 628. TAILORS. CHAS. C. I.ANDERYOU, 108 N. 15th Ht. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO STEINLB. 1806 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RUNT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1806 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 214 S. 18tn St All makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington," not Just a type wrlter. Low rent. Call Douglas 1284. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. ex p. WKDDINO STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINKS AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETE8, 2m-3 S. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars, plate dtnnera U to , 10a HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSB, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunob. MEDICAL RtJPTTJRB, Rupture treated successfully by all safe. scientific, methods. The majority are CUrmi ulthout a ilr4eal ....... 1 1 .(. 1 have treated many hundreds of men. j women and children. Tb cost Is deter- uiiiicu aner examinauon, and time re quired to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray. Suite tot, Bee Bid.. Omaha. Neb, o RHEUMATISM treated aucceaafullv. re- sults guaranted. Dr. Bowser, S14 Bee Bldg PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. t. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curo guaranteed and no monev paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Hoases. and Cottages. Mlacellaneoaa. 5-ROOM house for rent Inquire 609 8. 62d St. Tel. Walnut 2778. 6 TO 7-r. houees near H. a Benson 6S3-J. 1123 S. 32.1 St., S-r.. all mod. hois... .137.50 1.16 N. 37ll St., 6-r., all mod. house.. $27.M 620 N. 41st St., 6-r., all mod. house.. $.'5.00 181 Corby St., 7-r., part mod. house. .$16 00 1MJ N. 21it St., 4-r., part mod. house. $13.00 To be vacant October 1: 116 S. 2Tth St., 6-r., a'1 m id. house .$30.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. D. 7a. 2C9 Flrat Nat. Bank Bldg. SEE the Central Furniture Store's FREE RENTAL LIST. ITrmono Crelsh Bona A Co., Bee Bldg. AI OUStS Jn u prt of (h cy Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; J-horse van and 2 men, $1.2u per hr. ; storage $2 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4:S at Ty. 230. Gordon Van Co. Stores-a. 219 N. 11th St. Tel D 394 or Har. 1937. Maggard's Sri rage ea- mov- mg, pacKing, snippiny. DoURlllS 14. 1713 Webster St 22U8 Clurk St.. 4 rnia., mod. ex. tu?at..$lfi 0i r..'2l Corby St., 6 rms, pt. mod 13 50 27?1 N. 2Mh Ave., 5 rmg.. mod. ex. heat. 12 10 434 Hamilton. 6 rma., mod. ex. heat. 11 oo 314 N. 24th St., i rma, all mod Sn.oo 21 N. 27th St., 6 rma. mod. ex. heat. IS 60 431J Hf. Charles, rms.. H. mod. 13.00 2W9 hpencer St., rma, all mod., va cant Sept. S)lh $0.00 2424 S. 11 h St.. 4 rma.. mod. ex ht. 12.60 .- c- ...L a. ..ii . . wi o. irin ri.t i rma., an inou., .u.iu neat 630 8. 2 tth St. 7 rms., all mod. ex. . 40.00 ' k no heat E - a k . . . a . . . .. 1 1 mnA .. n. A'lii on iiiuu ui.w 644 8. 24th Ave.. 7 rms.. mod 23.60 SUE US FOR APtRTMENTS AND STORES. M 'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO , 26.00 1606 Dodge St. D. 415. Starr ss4 Office. GOOD auto sales room on Farnam SC Very reasonable rer.j. lei. Doug. 4069. FOR RENT Office a puce, desk room, with telephone ttt! Bee Bldg. W a re Sea ara. WAREHOl'8E TRACKAGE. Part or all cf ..n6 floor in largs ftv story brick building Irg freight ele vator. Address J 183, Be. WANTED TO RKXT Fol'R uiifuruUUed rooms on id floor, with private family, where a man. his wife and 2 chlluren may engags board; In Farnsni school district Apply, with references, A 147. Bee. OFFICE luinnuie bought and Bold. J. Reed. 1307 Farnam. Dour. 4144. Ytil buys eerytHng 2nd hand. Web. 4MH. WE pay Chicago prices for aluminum scrap rasiinKs. rt xton-Mttcnell Co. CONTINUED ON PAGE ELEVEN. COLUMN ONE,) J V