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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1915)
tiik nr.E: omaha. wehnkkday, 8. 101 :. LIYIHG EXAMPLE SHOWN TO MADDEN Hall Carriers. Illustrate the Wrong Which Thej Say the Govern ment is Doing Them. JIA5Y AFTEB THE CONVENTION When Charles It. King, with years hovering around the seventy mark. ' Red by the Omhn. fell on the Icy sidewalk last winter ! ?unted ru'er' ,n one cotwiTl! . . .. , i Kansas City chief was ivery wary of the while delivering mall for Uncle Bam ,nake 11 dJd not hnow hl, now watch In Omaha, he sounded his own doom 1 had an alarm attachment. When the alarm sounded In hla watch ho believed a Omaha Hunters Arc Dared to Show Their Faces in Kansas City, Mo. City Commissioner Withnell, returning from a hunting trip at Tom O'Brien's ranch near Sutherland, Neb., states that Chief of Police Hamlin of Kansas Ctty did not have ague, but was badly fright ened during the outing. In the party was George Brandels, who g-ave Chief Hamlin an alarm watch which sounda like a rattlesnake. There wore rattlesnakes In the hunting grounds vls- Charlle Withnell as a salaried man of the government. Because he could not return to work In ISO days he was permanently dismissed from the service. Totter ing on weak limns, the result of that fall, the old gentleman was brought to the platform at the Auditorium before the convention of the National Association of Letter Carriers and there presented with a bouquet of flowers by the local carriers. That the old gentleman wh thus dis missed from the servtoe and .left unpro vided for, after carrying mall for thirty five yearn for the government, without a single demerit mark, was stated by Wll Wllliam Maher, president of the local branch of the Letter Carrlera. "He was 111 for over 150 days some two Tears ago," said Maher. "He was laid ff then. Finally, when he waa well enough, we succeeded In getting him reinstated. He carried for a time and then suffered illness this fail, which laid him up again for a longer period. Thla time he was permanently dismissed and cannot enter the service again because be Is unable to do the wxrk. The great Government has let him unprovided for. We are going to give him thla little token nf one rerneot." continued Maher, as he turned with the bouquet In his hands. "And Mr. Congressman,- turning to Congress man Martin Madden of Chicago, "Mr, fnnarreaaman. I hope you will see fit to do something for this man and hla kind in the service." Talks n Pensions. This dramatlo climax followed a num ber of talks and discussions on the sub ject of the proposed pension system for civil service employes. Lawrenoe Le Bron. formerly a oarrler of Chioago, now living with his sons In Omaha, was then also brought to the stage and Introduced as another example of the men whose working years are given to the government at a meager salary and who are then retired on account of old age, with no provision for their maintenance. ConsTessman Martin B. Madden made the principal address of the morning. Madden has suffered a change of heart. o he told the convention. "I've come" a long way slnoe I last spoke to letter carriers," said Madden, and be was enthusiastically cheered. Mast Fnan tne Bills. "You have had bills Introduced In con gress, but one would scarcely say the bills have been before congress,'' said Madden. "Tou must agitata these bills and see that they get serious considera tion. We can stand and talk In private conventions forever, and yet never get action. There ought to be a Joint conv- rottte of congress to oonslder your ease. And as for you, you ought to prepare fig ure and make a oase. Agitation does no good Unless you prepare a case with care ful arguments and figures. "Furnish us with the information and we'll furnish you with the legislation. A rising vote of thanks and a rousing three cheers were given Congressman Madden at the close of his speech. Three intlnerant singers, the Cramer brothers, came In at the noon hour and entertained the carriers wtth two songs. Portland Sends Roses. Portland, Ore., "the Rose City," through Its representatives distributed a rose badge to the delegates during the morn ing. William Kelly, postmaster of Brooklyn, arrived from Denver. He was president of the National Association of Letter Car rie! until he was appointed postmaster uf Brooklyn a short time ago. Dallas. Dayton and Seattle are In the inre for the next convention. V. C. Bouk la busy lining up affairs for the entertainment of the delegates tnd officers of the association at a spe rial ahow at Ak-Sar-Ben den Wednesday ovoning. Houk Is secretary of the con vention committee locally and has had i his hands extremely full of things to do lor the last two or three weeks. He has charge of getting the crowd to the den K and of seeing that Samson does not de vour any of the delegates. N Editors, Together With Carriers, Are Guests at the Den Forty editors from forty comers of the itate, together with several hundred let ter carrlera from several hundred nooks of the "United States marched shoulder to shoulder Into Ak-Sar-Ben's Den last night, where they suffered the torments prepared for them. ' The letter carriers were visiting in Omaha for Labor day and the opening day of the convention of the National Association of Letter Carriers. The edi tors were In Omaha Just to make a day , of It. They came in during the forenoon, were entertained at luncheon at the stock yards during the day, at the horse races and locomotive collision in the afternoon, at the Hotel Rome for dinner and at the Den in the evening. M. A. Past of Omaha waa chairman of the evening when it came time for the oratory. O. P. Allison of Council Bliiffs. E. Btreater of Des Moines, A. B. Wood of Oertng and Matt Gering of Platts mouth were the speakers. Wedneaday night there is to be a spe cial ahow at the Den for the officers of the National Association of Letter ear ners and some of the delegates who could not attend last night. Thursday a great many of the members of Ak-Sar-Ben are to go to Lincoln for Omaha day at the state fair. Those go ing In automobiles will be provided with pennants at the headquartera of Ak-Sar-bca If they call for them Wednesday. big rattler was giving its usual warning. Chief Hamlin looked around to locate the creating creature and hla Inability to find It aggravated the altuatton. He ran like a fire engine to Withnell, exclaiming that a rattler was his nemesis. Messrs. Withnell, Brmndeia and O'Brien were doing tholr beat to restrain their feelings Withnell suggeated that the snake would surely renew Its attack, be cause, he added, rattlesnakes are per sistent. The Kawville chief said he would stand on the aide lines and watch the others do the hunting. Then the Joke came out and Chief Ham lin dared the Omahana to show them selves In Kansas City while he wore his star. BURGLARS ATTACK MRS. J. 0. ARMOUR Wife of Millionaire Paoker Slightly Injured in Fight with Bobbers In Her Home. VALUABLE JEWELRY 18 STOLEN CinCAOO, Sept. I, Mrs. J. Og- den Armour, wife of the Chicago packer, fought a hand-to-hand con flict with two masked and armed robbers in attempting to protest her Jewels in her home, 8734 Michigan avenue, last night. The bandits drove Mrs. Armour and three maids into a room, secured Jewelry valued at 17, BOO, and escaped. Mrs. Armour waa struck: on the head with a "billy" by one of the robbers and stunned when she seised a revotvar pre seed against her faoe. "Don't make any noise or m pall the trigger," the robber commanded. rrnaa"les with Robert. Mrs. Armour attempted to Ml am the door of her bedroom shut, at the same time catling for her servants. But the robber's foot held the door open. A re volver was pressed to her faoe. Mra Armour grasped the barrel of the weapon and threw It above her head. She then engaged in a hand-to-hand fight wtth the bandit when his companion, who also was masked, dashed up the stairs. Mrs. Armour's three maids re sponded to her cries, but as they reached the top of the stairs they were forced to a room at the point of pistols. While one of the bandlta held Mra. Armour and her maids In a corner of a room, threatening them with death If they moved or shouted an alarm, hla compan ion swept the dresser of Jewels. The bandits then went through the room tak ing all the loot not locked up Completing their task, the two men ran down stairs and escaped through a back door. Mr. Armour had gone to the Armour summer home at Lake Forest during the day and did not reach home until after the rob bery. Burglars After ITeeklaee. A peart necklace, for which Mr. Ar mour was obliged to pay $9,600 custom du ties when he brought it to this country from France in 1901, Is believed by the po lloe .to have been the loot sought by two robbers who last night entered the home of J. Ogden Armour here and escaped wtth loot valued at $7,600. The necklace was valued by government appraisers at more than $16,000. The Jewelry stolen by the robbers con sisted mainly of diamonds. A pockstbook containing $16 was the only cash they gained. Omaha Elks Invite Grand Officers to Clambake Saturday Omaha Elks have extended an Invita tion to the grand officers of the lodge to attend the fifth annual clam bake which will be held here Saturday. The officers have been holding a meeting in Chicago and will dedicate a new home in Dubuque this week. As the officers can easily Journey to Omaha from Dubuque with out Inconvenience before departing for their homes, the Omaha lodge extended the Invitation. The big annual oJam bake wUl be held at Krug park. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "Fur Rent." TRAIN LOAD OF GOLD HEAR1NGJEW YORK Shipment Landed at Halifax by a British Cruiser is Worth Nearly Eighty Million Dollars. BULK IS IN ENGLISH COINS PORTLAND, Me., Bept. 7. The value of the gold and securities; brought to Halifax yesterday on the , fast cruiser Argyle and which passed j through Maine early today on the way to New York to strengthen Brit ish credit, exceeds $80,000,000. The gold consists of 11.650,000 English sovereigns, equivalent to about $68,250,000, and $7,860,000! In United 8 fates eoln. The value of the bonds Is $14,000,000. Thla Is IX.000.ooi) In esceae of the vslwe of each of the two previous consign ments of gold and collateral securities. A different route from this city to New Tork than that followed by the two previous shipments of gold from England by way of Halifax was tanen today by the special train of seven steel express, cars carrying ths gold and bonds to strengthen British credit in thla country. The train, guarded by two score ermed men and protected by a pilot train. reached here at :67 a. m. and waa sent out over the Worcester, Naahau & Tort land division of the Boston A Maine railroad. It should reach New Tork late this afternoon. The other tralna went by war of Couth Iarence and I well to Worcester. A Fall Con a a Hurls tn l.nnsr. rr. Pell's Flne-Tar-Iloney stops the Cough and prevents your cold getting worse. It's guaranteed. Only ?Rc. All druggists. Advertisement. Y. M. C. A. TEACHERS MEET FOjTASOCIAL TIME Thirty teachers who will have charge of the night work at the Toung Men's Christian association night school this fall and winter met at a dinner at the association building Monday evening and had a social time and talked over plans for the coming year's work. J. W. Muler, head of the night school, addreased them. The Young Men's Christian association summer and night school together will have an enrollment of over 1.00f) this year, by far the largest In their history. Last year the total enrollment waa K1. The summer school this year had 100 more than It did last year. "jg0BBIS I Our Aieial Factory-to-Bome Sale Starts Tomorrow 339 THIEVING JOY RIDERS SMASH UP AUTOMOBILE Smashed Into scrap Iron, the automobile of A. Rothschild, South Side stock spec ulator, was found at Thirteenth and Do minion early this morning by the police. The car had been taken from in front of the Boyd theater, where Mr. Roths child left it Soon after midnight neigh bors in the Vicinity of Thirteenth and Dominion heard a crash, followed by screams. They saw four men limp pain fully away. A Single Application Banishes Every Hair (The Modern Beauty.) Here is how any woman can easily and quickly remove objectionable, hairy growths without poioiole Injury to the skin: Make a paste with some powdered delatone and water, apply to hairy sur face and after i or I minutes rub off, wash the skin and the hairs are gone. Tlus is a painless, inexpensive method and, excepting where the growth is un usually thick, a single application U enough. Tou should, however, be careful to get genuine delatone Advertisement. BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE FROM THE LEADING MAKERS At the Central Furniture Store The sections of oar store which are devoted to the esciosiTS display of beautiful solid mahogany and over.stuffed furniture are now filled with elegant over-stuffed sofas, ohalrs and roekers handsome mnhngany davenports, chairs, rookers, settees, ete.t moay of these 1 andiome pleoes ere upholstered with genuine Spanish Leather, while others have a beaitlfnl Tapestry covering of very new and pleasing designs, and the prloee on this beautiful furniture Is as more than yon are usually obliged to py for lust the ordinary kind, made so on aooonat of our Inexpensive building and location and a very small store operating expense. I Elegant and massive 1 I J Dver-stuffed rociier If Irf or chairs, upholster J ed with lieautlful tapestry of a very new design. The seat Is mounted on oil temp ered springs; absolutely guaran teed to give excellent SIS (A Iservlce. Our price. 1 '' Yon Mike Your Own Terns At the Central Se onr beautiful three-room homfl Evprvthintr complete for $81.00 Exchanged Pianos (00 Tone k Ron, sqiare.. too Root Y 8oa MO ( bickering 800 Emerson , (10 Weber .. 800 Sckmollrr k Msellrr 878 Steffvr k Bobs 833 (ramer S78 M seller $ 875 Kimball I 400 KmrTsoa VM A. B. Chase $1,100 hlckertnff, grand I 800 Hhlln 9100 I 600 Choraltone Flajer... .300 1,000 Aeolian Player $450 FREE STOOL, FREE SCARF FRER LIFE lXSUUAHCK on OS (115 ifOO 1125 1150 1175 ;Iro 1135 IIOO IHOO 3!0 200 sal where all Jobbers' and middlemen profits are ollmV sated a sale that brings a piano to your door at a POSITIVE SAVTNO of from $70 to $150 on any piano you bay. This is the sale that broke all records for last year, and If you have been waiting for a chance to buy a piano for very little money, look orer this list of bargains now: New Upright Tianos Of Established Reputation. Sweet Tone and Delight ful Action. Latest Style Mahogany, Walnut or Oak Oases. FACTORY TO HOME PRICE, S175 Sold on Small Monthly Payments. New Player Pianos From the World's Great est Manufacturers Com pletely Equipped. The equal of many $530 Players shown elsewhere. ONLY $395 Sold on Small Monthly Payments. ii Our enormous stock of Piano and Player Pianos includes such great makes as Steinway, Weber, Hardman, Steger & Bona, Emerson, McPhail, Lindemau A Sons, Bchmoller & Mueller, and the complete line of Aeolian, Pianola Pianos. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. The Oldest Piano House in the Middle West Headquarters for Viotrolas and Orafonolas. 1 Established 1859. 131143 TARN All ST. See our complete line of beautiful solid ma hogany and over stuffed furniture. See onr beautiful four-room home outfits, everything complete for $110.00 See our complete showing of beautiful French Wilton rugs; many new and exclusive patterns, and a big assortment of sizes. 'aSj-- 8 S! An slasant post bed, constructed throughout of irenulne mahogany; made and finished aa all high-grade renulnn mahogany furniture should ha made.. (A Our price OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. if' M 'A air at L0K1LK1 September 6th to 10th For this occasion the ROCK ISLAND offers the following excellent train service: Rogular Sorvlco: " LEAVE OMAHA 8:15 a. m. 1:40 p. ra. 4:50 p. m. 11:16 p.m. ARRIVE LEAVE LINCOLN LINCOLN 10:05 a. m. 9:15 a. m. 3:21p.m. 2 :00 p.m. 7:00 p. m. 4:05 p. m. 12:50 a.m. ll:20p.m. Through traius lmike no intermediate stops. Stops at Fair G rounds. ARRIVE OMAHA 11:30 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 5:47 p. m. 1:04 a. m, Special Sorvlco September 7th, 8th, and 9th. LEAVES OMAHA 7:30 A. M.-ARRIVES LINCOLN 9:30 A. M. Returning, leaves Lincoln 8 p. m., stops at Fair Grounds. September 9th Omaha and South Omaha Day Regular Faros Will Apply Obtain Tickets at City Ticket Office, lltb. and Fnrnam, W. O. "W. Building, or Union Station. J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A. Gorman Plane Breaks Altitude Records BERint. Sept. 7.-By Wireless to Say v 111. N. Y.) At the aviation grounds at ltotthausen. Rhelnlsh Prussia, an aero llane of the Condor type ascended 3.200 1'ietfi. carrying four passengers. The ! Overseas News Agency says that this excels by ' meters the previous world's - fecord. Every Woman Can Use and ought to use occasionally, a proper remedy for the headache, backache, languor, nervousness and depress ion to which she may be subject These troubles and others are symptoms of debil ity and poor circulation caused by indigestion or constipation !Q 'o p IP Q o n o D o D o n 3oaonoc30C30Exoaocaoaoaoaocaoaoaoc3oaoarj BEFORE BUYING Paint i, Varnish, Stains, Enamels Pmint Specialties, Painter's Supplies Cull at 1812 Farnom Street or Phone Douglas 7018 C. R. COOK PAINT CO. QUALITY Tl E BEST, PRICES RIGHT oz30C30cxoc30iaoc3oaoaoaoEiocionocaoaoaoaoao SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. mm SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. are st ones safe, certain and convenient They clear the system and purify the Llood. They ex ert a general tonic effect and insure good health and strength, so that all the bodily organs do their natural work without causing suffering. Every woman of the thousands who have tried them, knows that Beech am's Fills act To Certain Advantage Dincsas ld tier sW ft fascial Vales ta fiaas, Sail Misiwtita. la tui, Ik 2&C ! fowl Nebraska military Academy (croomromATXD) TOUR BOT must be properly educated and developed The NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADKMY (Inc.) Is a school rlos to home, where vou can snl him snd be aura that he gets what you want him to have. Thla SCHOOL uiideratvnda hoys and deals with them Individually. Prepares for college and buslneaa. or information talk to our patrons, visit the school, phone or write for catalogue. Address, COLONEL a D. HAYWARD, President Lincoln, Neb. Get the opinion of an experienced smoker on El Tello and YOU, too, will be a "regular smoker of EL TELLO Cigars FOREST PARKS 'KKOCOKK fUNO. vaua: Uih faar. y-nlof &na Jwalor ColUaae aa4 Preparatory ( ar t'tliata aamlta to all Coilaeaa- Bipraaatoa. Pubils jcbaol. Musi. Visits. Art. (;mn.tlc. btkila, ! maatla Seleaea. Auna i B. t airaa. f raatSaat. be Louu. UUIVERSltY Advertising is the penda. lam that keeps buying and selling in motion. Fans, Read This To tha mm prtaentinf the grrataat Siunbar at El Tello Cigar UiMla by S'ptiabw ii. iyi, U be fives re tkkat to tie World's Cauuptua slup Sariea of flat bell Oaeaaa and all aipeaaaa of traaaaortalioa to aad froea Lke place wbere ue Caua are played: 1 e toe aee preeeatiu laa ad (eet auubar mi baada o la caeh yd last eel iiaioer of eeaaa fjp-am la caaa ; 41a laigeet bee I n ee ia ca. 1 e Baada troea Lhtla DTals Ojrara seeaMaaaoeaoeiLarieUTeaV. AVX YOUR BAND EL TELLO Cgars McCOID BIADT Ca, Diatril atari, OaUHA All Wade aiuat We preeeated at ear oftce ee-. later laea boob of oepteatber ttt. mm 'ill 2i y&ELft. Small Size fi