Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1915, Page 4, Image 4
Bringing Up mrL0 WOM- ID LIKHTOiEE -rTfS iM.HR.5M,TH- ( , "WEILL - THE wnf ?1 HAVE A ;ooD WE BEAT -""-- I? 'h lb IT TRUE. THAT TELU LAVT TIME. I ' " TlItT IfAOfl TrtflTl. I KHll HIIxH IIInH lilili I1U0D lAajDi 1 J I MOGRIDGE IN BOX New York Bunts Its Way to Third Victory 0ter the League Leaden. .-, EIGHT TO THREE IS THE SCORE . BOSTON', Kept, f. New Tork bunted It way to a third victory over th tragi leader today, I to S. They ired fiv run, their martin of victory tn tho third Inning on five bunted ball, on which there wer two error of rommt- alon and several of onilaalon, and two passes. Hauman mado the circuit of the base on one bunt. Shore then gave way j to Colllna, who Was hit hard at times. Moerldge was erratic, but steadied when needed. Announcement was made today that Maiael, New York's third baaeman, had ....... , i , , i. uimngvu iui iuiv ukw lur an ai- tercatlon with Vmplre O'Loughlln yester-; day. Score: NKW YORK. BOSTON. AJI.H.O.A K. Ab. H O. A R. Cook, rf 4 I a Hooper, rf.. 411 H kinpa, ait 1 1 T laMt. aa .... I I f Haaiaua tb. 4 11 eakar, rf.. 4 I I rip, lb 4 II Wtalnar, lb.. 4 lit Hl.h. f t St elwla If.... I 1 1 Millar, rf.... 4 11 OOardnar, lb. I 1 I I aoona. lb.... I IIS aianrrla. lb.. I 1 I I I Krwiw. .. t I I IHarry, 2b.... 4 till MaarlUse. p. I ( 0 t !?, a 1 I t ( Wrleao i i.l t I ..!. 4 t I Jl ...... 1 a ; Totala as II IT II Zliora, 'f ' Wtnal Clllna s i a a a i .... ' 1 . - I Waanar ... a a a a I i . Taiaia w a 17 is I Batted for Shore In third. ! 'Matted for Collins In ninth. Han for Wagner In ninth. New York 1 M I 00 0- Bo ton 001010 01 Two-haae hit a I Hauman, Krueger, Barry, High. Stolen bases: Ptpp, Bauman. Double plavs: Lwla to Gainer, Peoklni paugh to Boone to PIl'P. La" ft on baaea: Niw York, 8; Boston, . Pases on errors: New York, I; Boston, t. Bases on balla: Off Shore. 2; off Mogrtdgo, Hits: Off Alio re, r, In thrre Innlngai off Co, Una, 7 In al Innings. Ktruck out: By Hhore, 1; by Collins, 4; by Mogrlrlae, i. Umpires: hldlebrand and O'LoughitsL Vhlie Isi Trlaa Tlgrera. CltlCAOO, Sept. 7. Chicago defeated Ieirolt today, 10 to I, In one of the most exciting games of the sesaon. The locals in the game In the sixth Inning. They bunched lilts and this, coupled with the ei ratio fielding of Vllt, Manage and Buah, clinched the game. Huaaell worked lit flue form until the. seventh Inning and was glvart support bordering on the spectaculttr. The Tigers played an uphill battle and tn the eighth Inning were within atrlklng diatance of tying the While ttox. Hub. a-.l a as driven off th mound, after one man had counted and two more were on the palha. Cohb was the first to face KWitt. who succeeded the Texan, and rlnmed to left, scoring Vllt and Hush, lie reached third when Kournlor fum bled and scored on Crawford'a double. Crawford, however, apolled the rally hcn h tried to stretch a hit Into a tilple. Manager Jennlnga used seventeen i" en In the battle In an effort to atop Chicago. Score. ligTWOIT. fHICauO. AB U O A K. AH H.O.AR. via. lb I las iMinvhr rf . I I Hu-h. aa 4 I I I Dh. rf I 1 U.t'ulilna, lb t t 14 I ok comas, mill i ej.i-kaoa. it .l till tor ouruter. If. t I t 1 1 iwaar. aa.. I 1 1 I I Julias, lb.... 4 111 lnalk. a.... 4 11 Vltuawll. a... I I CKoull. a 1 1 t Crawfarg. Ill I I I Vab'b. If.... Ill llurna. lb ... I I la Kavaaa', Ib. Ill itiajiaae. c. . I I I Haliar. 1.... I I OMhia, , . . . . I . 1 Ihihar Tola la c a u ii n ii t M'aung ,. K..Un. a VrKra .. l,urlartr Tolala II II : It I Batted for Hoehler 111 eighth. Kan for Dubuc In eluhth. Hatted for Baker In ninth. Batted for Boland In ninth. ,tetrolt 0 01oS4-t Chicago .0 0 1 I 0 0 10 Two-base hits: Bush. Russell, Vltt, Crawford Three-base hit: Vltt. Stolen baaea- K. Collins. Voumler. Eearned runs: Chicago, H: iHttrolt. 7. Double plays: Bush to Ksvanaugh to Burns, Crawford lo Bakar. Basra on errora: Detroit. 2. Basra on balla: Off Ruaaeil, 6; off Dallas, 1: off Oliham. 1. Una: Off liauua. 6 Id four innings: off O dlam, 4 In one In ning inona out la aiih: off Hoehler, S In tin Imilnga: off Baland, 1 In one; Inning; off Huaaell, 1 In aeven and one thtid Innings; off B-ctt, 1 In one-third Ixning. h'.rork out: By Dauaa, L I'm pi res: w guace ana Connolly. Mrvmae Bisp Imdtaaa. CI.KVKIAND. Sept. T. ft. Ioula d-fat-cl Cleveland, 4 to 1. tn eleven In iii ma l"i ay, parka a recruit from Lx ii Kion. Ky..' AUtpitchlna. Mitchell and lincoing hia a ma U'.i a double tlmt di4 In two runs In the elevenls. The onlv runs scored previously were on er lot. bnore: UBVbtAM' T It'l. AH H O. A R ll.H lianaiaa. aa a a -u.toa. 141 cf. ... .. 4 I 4 natm. rf. . .. t I viaa. ib-n... 4 a I I 1 knialar. lb... I HI I I Ht'rau. lb. ... 4 t t 4 M alkar. at. . t 1 1 1 4 lan.Uaa ft I I 1 k..i. lu .. t I M I IvMtljara. 10-4 1 1 MH. tb 4 1 I Raaa. a 4 111 Ml'lhrll, .. 4 t i 0 0 ... 4 t 1 T a Viaaaw. Uaavaral'l. t-arka. a . 'HunH ... Tol.U 4 NU lAaalluV lb.. ; " Tatabi 4 St II I l atled for Bar bar In the eleventh. . Han for Jetoaon In theeleventh. Clarlan4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I tt lula 0 00 0 1000001-4 iCaiurd runs: Xt. . Louts, t. Two-baae lnu. Parka Lavan (2). Unler. Stoioa oMr: r- I'M ton. Staler. loubla playi Unn to J'rtttt to hl.lrr. Baati on errora: Cleveland, f. tt. Inia, 1. i ttra on balla: f Vii'dll. 4; off l'arka, 1. t-truck out: Hv M,t. h. ll. : by Parka 1. Wild pitch: Mili iitll. l iiiplre: Kvana and Chill. ' a 1.11 1 lluablr.H,a4,r. I'MILADKJLPHIA. Kept. 7.-Phlldelnhla and t aaiitnston split even here today, lt, foriurr Kiiiiitn the first game, to .'. an I toe vialiora the arcond. 7 to 4. Phil- x rli liia scorr I the ainnioa run of the 'ciiloil rle-nl la turn itll I'HI1, a hell rr ini. d and. tallied on il iIbh s wild Uji. . lu I uk ac. onu giliic aalilllblun Father won by knocking Kllllnslm off the rubber In the sixth Inning. After the sec bnd In- Klr P'tuh'if In fin etyle for the visitors. Xrhsng wss spiked on the thumb In the flnit iiiiui and was forced to leave the ricld. Score, first fume: WASHINGTON. rillLADCIJ-HIA. , AH.H.O.A g AB.H O.A.E. Aroata, If.... 4 It l)rlaa rf...l Mneiillea . 9W.Uh, If ... 4 I a Kmw, lb .. I 1 1 Hlrunk. ef...l lit Wl.a. 4 I I J 1 )..!. aa...4 10 Paanka, lb., t lMniaale, Ib. I 1 II I Uan4ll. Ib... I I I v CMVhaa. lb.. I lit Mayar, If.... 4 11 illilrliia. lb.. 4 .'Wllllama, e.. 4 111 1 OMaloaa. lb.. I I 1 ' V, . ,1 . .1 . . m ... . MYJtrlde, aa. I 1 I I 1 Mr Avar. a.. 9 0 1 1 liajlka. p.... I 01 tUntkar. ... I 1 I ". " i i inaowi. i o 1 Totili 14 II M 10 Toull II in II -1 v MhlnKtnn 0 61I10 0- rhlladelphla 4 0 I 0 0 0 0 I j Two-Im hla' Waloh. Mrhanir. Three- naaw niia: Mneiier, htrunk. rllolen Irnae AniHta. Oouhln Dlnva: Wllll.niia tn Mr. Hrlde; Foul or to Uandll; lJol to Me-1 J-inl.' to Hchani. Hii on JUJI.7 Off Ottilia, 2; off Ancker, ; off Knowlaon, 1. lilta: Uff (iHllla a in Innlnm: ntt Hoclilln, t In two Innlnca; otf Acker, 4 In four and twn-thlrrt Innlnca: off Knowlaon. In four and one-third In nlriKa. Ktruck out: B (lallla. 4; by """""Hi nnnrea: oauin ana Lmeen. K(ire, afcond Knnie: WAHHINOTflN. PHILADCTJHIA. All. H. O.A.I. AHH.O.AB. Mnallar. rf. 4 S 1 a ertatUa. rf i a a KM.r. i i awjr ; ; . : : : Milan, tt Mhuika Sh a i I V Vltrilnk. rf 1 a f Moraaa, ta. I i i SMHnaia u'l e ii VJ" .5 " ? 1 i J '.' la. l l t 1 1 OLalaia. aa... 4 i i " 1 owalno. Ik.. I 4 aiarar. luia I tea mw, t . William., a. t I 1 OKIiiinslm. all .1 ... I t 4 1 h 7.Tinl T,K" u ,7,T 1 aahlnaton 0 0 A 1 t a a i? Philadelphia iil 1 0 0 0 1 ' 0 v-Twob" hit: Lajola. Three-base hit: Mlllama. Itouh a nlava: BhanL.aAL: J 1 wannii; iticttride to foster t JJW PP trtdrlng: Malon to 'Vp rlon to. Mclnnla to llole Ht .r ter to Oandll: MoHrlda to Kbii 7. i n.u IL. . . ... - . - ' - en , n, . n,rl" out: My Itlce. 4- f",111-111'nji,n. : by tiaaa, I. feas on iM'iniS: T' .'"'""rtm. T Hit0." . : j e, a; o Off niltmlm. In ai i r Mittuitn a in at. .. 4 In three IniUns. " W"'"?" N . - . -"-i a nd Morning Scores in Women's Golf Match CHICAGO. Sept 7-Mr. W. A. Gavin of EngUnd. the only foreign play.r in the national golf championship, survived the flrSt rOUnd Af IMBlnk nl... . - J . . in. m-. o . : .... -""i" r. rienneoorry or CTil- CagO, ft to t. Mr Caleb Fox of Philadelphia, defeated Mrs. Maaon Philip of Chicago by the mm margin. vim , , i Ulllan Hyde, Metropolitan champion. ' - .......iui,! had an easy match with Mra. a. Uve rUrht of Phlladolphla, winning 7 and 6. Th only Now England contender, Ele. nor Allen of Boston, eurvtved handily defeating Mrs. A. A. Meaning of Chicago' and (. A oloae match waa played by the veter an, Marlon llolllna former nuitmnoi. Iten champion, and Mrs. R. H. Barlow of Philadelphia, the latter winning on the eighteenth green, 1 up. when Miss llolllna barely missed a half. j rn cnampton. disposed of Miss Ethel Chatf leld of DeKaleb, 111., 7 to f. Mrs. J.V. Hurd of I'lttsbursh won from Mr. Lee Mlda of Chlcaao. 4 uo and I to play, approximating II medal score. Mr. Hurd, who. as Dorothy Campbell. won the English title once and the American twice, was too clever all the way for Mra Mlda. Gold Medalist Mr. C. Charlea H. Van. derbeck of Phlladelnhla o .-.. " """""l I r.ieanor t. handler, also of Phlladelnhiu. ' 1 and . Kranc. Hadfleld. the 15-,ear-old girl ! '"" "itwauaee, artar leading 1 up at the turn, lost to th more seasoned player. Mis Msrjorl Edward of Chicago, I and t Caroline Painter of Chicago, defeated her townawoman, Mr. SUrUng Wldncy and 4. M'COOK WINS DECISIVE VICTORY AT TOURNAMENT M'COOK. Neb.. Sent. T. (Special Tela-lntra.)-Ur4 acore marked th opening day of th McCook base ball tournament thl afternoon. McCook and Imperial opened th tournament with a decisive victory for McCook. Kcor: llmpeHal t 0 1 1 o A a 1 Jicoook 4 1 0 0 4 1 1 1 a it .HuLr1?; lv"lrtal. Irwin and Smuh Mw'ook, Mltohell and Maxey. omiln- The -tmd tuiw of the afternoon between Cambridge and lajomi, was a 1ctory for Cambridge. ScoreT (ambrtdge 0 0 1 0 t 0 0 f '4 Loonj 0 0 0 1 I I i i tZl Batteries: CVmbrldge. Alexander and aDenbo1 Uom1' ihrte'n. Sand ehawaa lai la rifteeata. NEHAWKA. Neb.. Sept. T.- Special ) In a fifteen Inning game t.lyed here Bun day Nehawka defeated tVdar Creek by a Store of t to I. It was th best rami ever played In N.hawka. Fast flaTdVS. making It very exciting. The aoeclal fea ture of the ganie was the excellent pitch ing of Albert Loberg who flayed with Nehawka and struck out twenty-op men. t. I'.dvrard Make Clraa gweea, ST. UPWARD. Neb.. Sept. T.-Speclal.) -In a fast and excliuig game played here before a crowd of lei po l hi1."rd, took Albion down the lm. from (Cm,;. .t woi' : and trimmed Albion toalurday, li to r laeher Threwa Marilasoa. - CI 1IC AGO. Kept. l.-Joe Hte,her. the Nebraska tareatW, fkally defeated Paul Maitinaon. UhuI mat aillat a rtrair'it fail la-t niKht. Tue farmer hov won th.- fhi r-iii in woi. - i.,..i,. . ...i ! M IOMit snd a riai lock and Hie aei-on I j In ... 111. a bily avlosou Till; HKE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMIJEIt 8, 1015, CVtiyrlM. 1!1S. International Nrm Service. k GAME BETWEEN PHILI AHDDODGERS Brooklyn Cat Uaxgin Still More by Defeating League Leaden, Seven to One. M'dUILIAN WEAKENS IN FOURTH tmoOKLTN, Sipt. T Brooklyn cut Phlladnliihla'a lead In the National leairua pennant race to one fame today, by wli ii In their third atnucht victory from the Quaker city tram, 7 to 1. Doualaaa V'iow.. , ll1,?. 'VL'.l?: nlng. The vlaltoiV tally In th ninth waa due to a alngle by Paakert, his un interrupted ateal and a wild pitch. Me gulllun weakened in the fourth and waa hit freely. He alno received weak gup port at crlOcfil momenta Hcore: ri(IIDfirHIA BROOK LT?T AH.H.U A g. 4I.H O.A.I. mock. la...l 1 1 l O Mara, ss . 4 lit llanrrnrt, aa. 4 0 0 I uliaubert, lb. 4 f I'aakart at . 4 1 4 1 (Hlxnarl. rf . 4 1 t f'raTMh, it.,l I I I ii ul.haw, n.1 1 I I I iMilnum. lb. I It I rutin, cf....4 Whlllad. If, t I 0,iliti. tb 4 I 1 Niehotf, lb. I I I I SMmrth If.... 1 t KillHar, C...4 iMIIIar. e.,.,4 111 Burn., a.... I II lml!aa, . 4 1 MrQulllaa. I 0 I 0 Tin.-u p. p... I o 1 1 Totals II 1 17 t Detkar 1 t t Totala'....M I 14 14 t Hatted tor Mcquillan In the eighth. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 1 I f 0 T.. Three-base hit: Rtengel. Stolen bssesi W nltted. Bums, Paskert. Earned runsi Philadelphia. 1; Brooklyn, I. Bases on Tiaus: wrr atcijuiiian, l; off Douglas, 4. HW Off Mcyulll.n. I in siveli innings; off Tlncup, none In one Innlna. X trunk out: By LHuglas, a. Umpires: Klem ajid Emslle. fa be Trim Cards. ST. UOt'lH, Sept 7.-Plnglea by Vaughn, Uood. Hater and Zlmroerman s double In the sixth Inning sent Meadows to the dug houae In favor of Hoblnaon and gave Chi cago a I to 1 victory over St. Louis her today. In this Inning Fisher and Man ager Hreanahan were put out of the game for dlaputlng O'Hay'a hall aad strike de cisions. The locals' lone tally came In the fourth when with the bases full Vaughn passed Butler, forcing in Miller. Score: CHIOAO. BT. I)lMa AH. H O. A C. A.H u ft A a. Hunt. rf ... Ills UBatlar, as . 4 III .. ri.ha. ..t 1 i I 0a,ar. If., 4 MclrrT. Mi 1 I l.'huU.. If . 4 I 5."7""ib.' I 1 11 ''". l I I ;L'h,,"' ih - ! 1 ln rf 4 iwiiaoe, ef... I IDolaa. el.... 1 Ulnnulaa. lb I Millar, lb..., t I lhatial, tb... 4 ISnydar, a,... t Vblaaitawa, . I I eHoblnaaa. a. niwuBto, as a i Arrh". 1 , p... a a Haeae Totala.. a I XT 1 I . .. Tnuia II 4 ITU I Battedf or Robinson In the ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0-4 Ht. Ixiuls o 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base hits: Zimmerman. Good. Three-base hit: !-ong. Stolen base: Maler. lrnMl rune: Chicago, 1; 8t Louis. L Jouble play: Miller to Butler to Uon salea Bases on errors: Chlrago, 1; 8t. J'01-;-.?- ,H,U" on balls: Off Vaughn, f .?'!. M'l'lowa, 1; off Hoblnson, 1. lilts: tiff Meadows, nine In seven Innings, none "in ,iiv risnin. struck out: Hv aughn. 4; by Weadowa. I; by Robinson, NEW YORK. Sr-pt. T.-The Boston world s champions, playing their last game of the season here today defeatetj N.w York, 7 to g. The Giants made eleven hit off Rag an. but they were well scuttered. Doul.lo plays hle4 to hold down the visitors' score In the early In nlnna After Perrltt gave way to a pinch hitter the Braves pounded the veteran Mtttliewson for seven hit, whioh netted four nmn fcore: BOHTON. NBW TORK. AB.H.O.AB. AB.HOAE .1 A a i i i a OBuras. If..,. 4 11 4 hiimal. lb.... 4 111. I OKibartaa. rl 4 ( I iNmptoa, rf 1 1 gj,.' J , iIon. ib..., 4 111 t Markle. lb., t 1 11 1 I Wlatcber. at I I I I I MThorp. ef... 4 1 I 1 4 IIimIi, a 111 t CM.rara. a... 4 1 Mmlih. lb.... 4 11 Maraavll, as 4 t Uur, a.... 4 11 rugae, .... 4 1 1 HarrlU. 111 1 II IT U M.-haa ....1 atathawaa. Tatals.. Batted for Ptrrttt in seventh. Boston 1 0 0 10 10 1 8 T New York 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 S Two-base hit: Fletcher. Home runs: Schmidt, Merkle. Earned runs: Boston, 1: New York, 2. Double plays: Eaaa to Maranvllle to Schmidt; Compton to ichmtdt. Baaea on error: Boaton, 1. Basra on balls- Cnf Perrltt, 1: off Ragan, 1. Hlla tiff Perrltt. tn seven lnninaa: off Mathawaun. '7 in two innhura Sti-uck out: By Perrltt. 1: by Kagan. t. em pire; Byron and Eason. Red Wklgi Pirate. PITTS Bl'RGH, Sept. T. Cincinnati de feated l"ltttnirh. to S, her today, practically winning the game in the aeo. ond Inning by hitting Adam hard and oatting in foul- runs. The Inoal rallied In the seventh, aoortng two rune en tour hit, but fell ahort or tying th eoore. Score: rsMmMMATt. pmmiexriR AB.HO Ag AB H .O.A. K. Kllllter. t.. 4 1 I trarav. If.. . 4 t tbrab. tb.... 11 rjohnstaa lb 4 I II Harare, aa. . 4 cllaa. it.. I I I I I OrKIMb. rf . 1 I Hlnrbaa. rf 4 t 4 Mollwtia. 1 4 T H Wacnr, aa I t I Iaafk. It.... I 1 Vtoa, tb..... 111 Wlaao. a... 4 17 1 lHalr4. la.., 4 11 jaaaiaar. lb 4 1 1 oikaoa. a... t 1 1 Taaaj. .... 1 a a imi, .... I 1 wwaau'r. 1 I 1 1 4 To4lle ... U 4 IT t IKaatlakar. A4aaa. a... I wr. aw... 1 t 1 . . . Barasr .... I 1 Hill. t mmM,0ML j'bislla J I TotaJa at II II U 1 fatte.1 for Olheon In the aevenih. Hatted for Cooper In the aeveclh. Hatted for Hill in the ninth. Cincinnati 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 00 rf..buh 1 00000100-1 Two-baa hit: Oroh. Johnaoa. Vlaa. Threa-beae hits: K II lifer. Oroh, Stolen basea: Meraog Carey. Johnston. Earned runs: Cincinnati. ; flttabtirgh. t. Baaa on balls: Off Toney. 1; orf Kantlhener. 1: off Hill 2 Has: Off Kantlhener. 1 In ne Innlnga, none out In first: off Adams i in una and nna-tlilrd Innlnga: oft Cooper, 1 In fite and lao-thlrda in- r-nrs: orr It'll, none in lo Inniiisa. ainn- eui: v Toarr. : ny 1 . 4: by Coer. J: I Orl'.i. , i 1 1 in. i t uipi. i Standing of Teams NAT. L.EAUOE. AVIER. LEAOUK. W.L Pct.i W.P.Hct. Phlla M .f2 Boston X3 4i . Brooklyn ..7u f-! Mi Ketrolt g.i 4ti .M9 Boatoa 6 5 .6.H Chicago Ht. Louie... 4 ? Waah n Chtraaro ....61 65 .M New tork..6 .4. New I'ork...6l t .4?, BU Ioula. ...61 7 Plttaburah 63 70 .474 Clevnluid ..60 80. Cincinnati WW .47 Phlla. S7 M .2 AMKR ASSN. W.L, Pet. X b.U. UtAliUE. I PltUburch .73 M .R7H Mlnneap' ..84 66 .7ST Chlcaao ...70 H2 .Ml) St. Paul 81 67 .77 St. nan. city..fJ7 i .bit! .ndlanap s . u no .a. Newark .... 67 ,644 boulsvillo . n .bil Ht. La-iula...70 bO .iki nu VHy...H) Ui .f Buffalo .,..64 l .4il Milwaukee .61 74 ,4f.J Brooklyn ,.bl io .4iJ ( laveland ..59 75 .4n Baltimore ..44 W ,U Columbus . 61 84 .371 Yesterday's Hesalta. NATIONAL, L.KAQCK. Philadelphia. 1; iBrookJyn, 7. Boston. 7; New York, 2. Cincinnati. 6; Pittsburgh. X Chicago, : St Ixiula, 1. AMHltlOAN LEAGUE. Petrolt, S: Chl!Hgo. 10. Waahlngton, 6-7; Philadelphia, 6-4. New York, 8; Boston, i. HI. Louis, 4; Cleveland, 1. KKIBILAX. IEAGITE. Chicago, 0-1; Ht. lxiula, i-2.. Brooklyn, : iNewark, 0. Baltimore-Buffaln, wet grounds. Pittsburgh, S-4; Kani-ae Cltv. 2-3. AMERICAN A!40C1ATI0N. Cleveland, 0; Columbus, 4. InslavUle. Indianapolis, 2-6:. sec ond called, darknnaih Oamea Today. National I.ague Boston at Brooklyn, Chtravo at St. Louis, New York at Phil adelphia. . American league Ttrolt at Chicago, 'Waahlngton at New York. Philadelphia at iBSr"" - ?t,u,ul' 'Lrjrit"!, Federal Iaaue Brooklyn at Newark. Baltimore at Buffalo, Pittsburgh at Kan sas City, RURAL DELIVERY PATRONS IN PARADE AT LOUP CITY LOUP C1TT, Neb.. Sept. 7.-8peeial Telegram.) The exhibition of float made her on Labor day by th patrona of rural free delivery rout No. 2 attracted wide attention, Th occasion waa tb third annual picnlo of rural route patron, who cam through town In parade with tghty- atx float In line prepared by farmer living on th rout. Beside the were many on horseback and many children on foot. These float for th most part oonalthd of decorated carriages, auto mobile and wagon and very largely presented th product of the olL Th prooaaajion formed at the farm house of Supervisor W. O. Brown on th south aid of th river two mile out of town and marohed through town around th aquar and east to Jenuer' park, where they arrived on l.-hedule time for dinner. It 1 estimated that there were fully 609 people In the parade and about 700 people who saw the procession. Th business house of the town, in re sponse to a. requeat, closed their door from 1 o'clock to 4 o'clock p. in. In honor of th rural fro delivery plciitc, and a very large crowd of people r.ttended the ball (am and other afternoon amuse ment. Purine th parade the Chenoweth Film company' representative took mo tion picture of the parade, which waa headed by th Loup City concert band of twenty piecea. The event closed with a public danc at th park In the evening. HYMENEAL halla-Cha. STANTON. Neb.. Sept 7. (Special)-. Th marrlag of Ml Lou Belle Chac and Mr. Henry J. Shulti waa celebrated Saturday evening at the home of th bride' parent a Mr. and Mr. C, B. Chaos, her. Rer. John Frank Foucher officiated. Preceding th ceremony th Mlaaee Ethel and Wllheimlna Shult gave musical numbera Th bridal party entered to Lohen grin' wedding march. PI rat cam Mia Mary Hick and Mlu Be Hart on. gowned in pale pink and earn ing basket of pink rosea They stretched rope of pink tulle and emllax. Then cam the brideamaid. Mis Alice Hick and Mis 13 ate Ford Piper lu taffeta gown of deeper roe shade. The little ring bearer, Bob Reader, a nephew of the bride, Car rie a email basket of pink awect Peaa Mis Ethel Chace, wearing shell (ink and earn ing a shower bouquet of pink rose, preceded the bride a maid of honor. Th brld entered on th arm of her father. Her gown waa of white Georgette crepe over taffeta with embroidered chif fon and pearl trlmmlnga Her tull veil waa cavught up with Vile of th aalley and pearl banda The only ornanvnt worn waa a pearl brooch, th gift of th groom. 8h carried a hower bouquet of roses and orchid. Th groom was attended by Mr. Will Lock of Omaha, Th bride and groom are both gradu ate ef th Stanton High school and th Stat university, where the groom waa identified with Delta Lau Delta fraternity and th brld a member of Alpha Omedon sorority. After a brief wedding trip they will be at home In Stanton. , Krelta-l-Waterama. FREMONT, Neb.. Sept. T. 4 Special.) Tb wli ng of Mia I .yd I Waterman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Water man, to Mr. Henry J. Krelbel of Omaha waa celebrated at the home of th bride' parents at Hooper ftunday. Apartmenta. flair, houses and cottages cau be lentrd quickly aud cheaply by a . ,. . lor Iwci.t Drawn for The Bee by George McManus DAYENPORT HURLS A NO-HIT BATELE His Pitching Enablei Chicago Shut Out Terrien in First Game. to ST. LOUTS TAKES THE CHASER ST. LOUIS, Sept 7. Davenport pitched a no hit no run game here today and enabled St Louis to shut out Chicago, 3 o 0, in the first game of a double header, but the visitor, In a ninth Inning rally, took the second game, I to I. Watson held Chicago scoreless until the eighth inning of the second game, while the local scored twice. In this In ning Hendrlz singled and scored on Zelder's double. Flock and Zeldor worked a squeeze play and the latter tied the score. In the final Inning Weaterxil doubled and brought In the winning run on Wefts' single. Score, first game: Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O-O' tit. Louis ? 0 0 i 0 0 0 1 -! g 1 Batcries: Brennan and Wlleon; Daven port and Hartley. Score, second gam-v Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 1 H7'Ei bt. 1oula 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 03 4 0 Batteries: Hendrlx and Wilson; Wat son and Chapman. Newark Loaee n Tana. NEWARK. N. J., Sept 7. Brooklyn made It three In a row by taking today' game from Newark, 6 to 0. Joe Flnneran, aided by what at times was sensational support, held the home team to three hits. Reulbach was Ineffective, and th visitor hsd little difficulty In getting to him. Score: R.H.E. Brooklyn 0 t 1 0 0 0 0 S 0-4 10 0 Newark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--0 3 6 Batteries : Flnneran and Land; Reul bach and Karluen. Hebel Take Two. iriuuta fling u . n ri,w i. . . , , . ori'i. i. ruiaiiuiKii bunched hit In two game hero today and defeated the locals, 3 to 2, and 4 to 1 The second game looked easy for Kansas City in th early stages, when Allen u 1 L-...I n ,ln Tl . i . . I. . . 1. 1 ........ . ... u . m... . in ii,iiiciivu llltrii miu struck out two men and was nover in w"icr aucr in,u ocore, xirst game: it.n. 1 tHII.kni.ff1. AAaAAAAAn. . inruui,i ...V V V A V V V V S S 1 Kansas Clty..O 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 02 3 iciri. varer anil n firry . Cullop and Easterly. Score, second game: R.H.E. Pittsburgh ...0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 24 5 1 Kansaa Clty..l 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 03 1 2 Batteries: Allen and Berry; Hennlng and Brown. nana Fabllshed at Llndaay. LINDSAY, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special. ) The coming marriage of Mr. XAimir Rualcka and Mis Theresa Worth, Sep tember fX, was announced at th Holy Family church for the first time, Sunday. v f Favorite j :ir. yf -Shotguns and the I Yjg f "Speed SKells" W t y "Dope" on shooting is plentiful. And Tv t tr f. shooters know where the right dope comes fromand that it leads straight to Remington THE Remi n gton-UM shotguns of today. traps shot by more of the sport than any other make of guns in the world. In the matter of Shells where is the sportsman who does not know the Remington-UMC "Speed Shells," Steel Lined all the drive of the powder kept back of the shot, and showing results that flatter any make of gun? For the xight dope see the Remington-UMC Dealer. lie displays the Red Ball Mark of Remington-UMC -ibc sign that his store is Sportsmen's Headquarters of the town, Sold by your home dealer and 1135 other leading merchants in Nebraska aVna-Uaa lUaQi Cajtrslg Western Battery Trims the Eed Sox NEHAWKA, Neb., Sept. 7- (Special. ) Members of the Kirk pa trick family gath ered yesterday at the home of E. A. Klrkpatrlck to celebrat the sixtieth an niversary of the coming of the Klrk patrlck family to Nebraska, September 6. UfiD. 8. M. Klrkpatrlck crossed the Missouri rWer at Plattsmouth with hi wlf and children and came to what I now Nehawka. There was then only on house on th lonely eighteen mile drive. Mr. Klrkpatrlck erected the first mill building In th territory of Nebraska on the Weeping Water. He wa somewhat active In politics and served Class county two terms In the senate and was a mem ber of and speaker of the house of rep resentatives in the seeelon of 1S65, and was also a member of Nebraska's two constitutional convenelton. i FREMONT BOY KILLED BY LIGHTNING NEAR SIDNEY FREMONT, Neb.. Sept 7. (8peclal.) Leonard Nlebaum, lS-year-old son of Mr. and Mr. H. W. Nlebaum of Fremont wa killed by lightning while working on the farm of hi brother, Louis, near Sidney on Sunday, according to Informa tion received by relatives here. The young man. with his parents, waa spend ing the summer on the farm assisting his brother wtth th work. The body will be brought to Fremont, where th funeral will be held Wednesday morning. The burial will be at Fontenell. th former home of the parent. KEARNEY EAGLES LODGE ROOMS ARE RAIDED KEARNEY. Neb., Sept 7. (Special.) Alleged bootlegging tn Kearney received a sudden Jolt when th lodge room of th Eagles were raided by th polioe. A large quantity of liquor waa confiscated and th operator of the buffet arrested, being; bound over to th district court Blar Proxram at Cedar Fair. HARTINOTON, Neb., Sept 7. (Special.) Preparation for th Cedar county fair to be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of thl week are all complete and the management anticipate the biggest fair In the history of the association. A number of exhibitors have entered for the Inter-county contest which Is one of the new features thl year. The program of entertainment thl year I unusually good, constating of base ball, horse races and various spectacular feature. C Pump Gun and Autoloading Adopted everywhere, for use in men who are setting the puce Cau, Wiirawrtfc (233 Braeaawy) , TarkCkf JOHNSTON VICTOR OVER M10DGHLIN Defeats Fellow-Townsman in Match, for United States Tennis Titlft. COURT FLAT IS SENSATIONAL FOREST HILLS, N. T., Sept 7. W. M. Johnston of San Francisco won th United States singles championship here this afternoon by defeating his towns man, Maurice B. McLoughlln, Ir. 6-';. 7-o. 10-8. The contest which developed th nost sensational court play sine the famous meeting between McLoughlln and Brvoi-tc on the same strip of turf a year ago, was an exhibition of both racquet skill an J court generalship. Another factor at id the winning one was that of endurance and In this respect the (victor had a decided advantage over the vanquished, especially In the long drawn out fourth set Johns ton's ability to keep McLoughlln in deep or midcourt most of the time while lto used his short ground strokes and back hand crocs court slashes gave him the winning points In crucial times. . Son of Judge Smith Kills Self With Gun Howard Smith, eldest son of Judge Walter I. Smith, judge of th United States circuit court of appeals, shot and killed himself at his home on .south Seventh- street.. CoucU Bluffna. . Tuesday morning. Young Smith was about 24 years of age, had been admitted to Che bar two year ago, and ha been married about a year. He was cleaning his revolver at the time of the accident. Pep Corn Day mt North Lons. NORTH LOUP, Neb.. Bept 7. (Special.) Th annual popcorn carnival will be held her Wednesday and Thursday of next week. There will be tree popcorn and coffee for everybody, and liberal pre miums will be paid for the best xhlblt of poultry and produce. Wednesday after noon there will be a game of, base ball between Scotia and North Loup, and Thursday morning Ord and North Loup will play. There will be other game In each morning for which ther will be no admission charged. UM(?. Gun these are the the field and over the in the m Q2 x .r t i