Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1915, Page 12, Image 12
12 7JfE BEE: OMAHA, WEDXKSnAY, KKPTEMHEtt 8, 1915, OIIAHA BANKS SHOW GAIN INDEPOSITS Increase of Two Million Over Lait Call and Ten Million Oyer One Tear Ago Eecorded. BUSETESS COIQITIONS BETTES Deposits in Omaha banks show a substantial Increase orer deposits at the time of the last call and a big (tin over a year ago, according to the figures compiled In answer to the call of the national comptroller for September 2. On that day deposits were 12,000,000 greater than on June 23, the date of the last rail, and $10,000,000 greater than on Septem ber 12, 1914. - Tankers attribute this gain to better bu1tes conditions and the fact that the farmers have not moved their crops as early as usual, with the result that the money has not been used for this pur pose. Omaha bankers declare that all banks In the state will show a sain of deposits. Deposits. June to, 'IS. 8-p. 2,'1B. Omaha National First Nation , .. 12,ri,4 .. ll.S4.OIl la.4IJ.Hf,l ll.41k.K3l 7.67tf t.720.211 i,2U,f.S 2.3.(7, 275 2.Tr,ir l, wt.m 1.MM.151 47..Wi 264.0UO V. 6. National Merchants' National .. Stick Yards National.. Live Block National... Neonates National .... City National Packer' National Corn Kichange Nat'l. Hate Hank of Omnha Security gists Bank... South Omaha Savings. 6.!l.liX 2.Ti,1?X K.'lM.lmt I.l'S.f'.'4 2,2m,7"7 1.71 1.M7 l..VA ,247 Totals eS2,444.44J $4,S1T,CS Deposits. Sop. II, 'II Sep. Vlfc Omaha National ll,22,0t.1 n2.HK2.473 First National 10.H44.U 12.412.1 tl. 8. National .SM.ks3 Jl,4IX,MI Merchants' National .. S.rjii.oCT Lb'Sl. Stock Yards' NaUonal . 1 49, I'M 0.724.OJ1 I.le Ktock National... t.. 1J I.7ai.:il Nebraska National .... 2.1.X24 l.m.9 City National 2.114.H1 t.Wi.Sf'i Packers" National l.Wl.l'H .iT7.lKi Crru Ekchens-e Natl. I4i47 l.H.0 Htate Hank of Omaha.. l,.Zl 1.6x.ttt Hecurlty State nank 47H.H3 South Omaha Saving 2K4.W) Totals. $64,517,43 Loaas. Sep. I214. ..I 7.71.871 .. 7,4.1S0 .. S.SOI.NIH Pop. J.'lS. I K.Ol S,7t)l,sl .l4'..'i:il 4.7H1.SL-7 4,5V),S:U 1,M.M7 l.M.m 1.SN6.314 1.3W.X0 1,41'i.WT Omaha National First National . I'. 8. National Merchants' National Stock Yards' National. Uve Stock National.... Nehratka National .... City National Parkers' National 4.f4.'.'li 4,.V,IMft 1.227.473 1.X12.Z70 Corn Fxchanse Nat'l State Bank of Omaha. 1,07,786 Security Htato Ban... South Omaha Saving. SS2.60' 241.700 ToUtS 40,r7.U2 I44.104.87J Loans. ' June '. Sea llli. Omaha National I 7.S3.1.T7 f MnsXT First National 7,SW,7 V. B. NaUonal ,638,Ut7 Merchants' National .. 4,fkW,7f Stock Yards' National. 4.4K1.04S lave Stock National... 1.37,1W S.7U1.3KS t.44,.U 4.7H1.ST7 4,W6,H33 1.MX.S71 l,43t,4 i,w,m4 l.t,nt 1,432.1 1,272,7m 141.700 Nebraska National .... 1.&X.233 City Nation! 1.7(,!4 Parkers' NaUonal 1.467,119 Corn Exchange Nat'l.. 1.44.743 State Hank of Omaha. 1,7,7 Security State Bank... 3&.W4 South Omaha Saviors Totals. ,.42,S1.9 f44.104.f73 Bricklayers Have Returned to Work on Grain Exchange Bricklayers on the new Grain Bxohanre building, were again working Tuesday at the scale of 75 cents an hour, de manded by the striking bricklayers of the ctty. Saturday morning brick week was suspended temporarily with various causes assigned. Up to that time Con tractor Black had been paying ths 70 eraU, When work began Tuesday the demand was again paid. The strike, however, continues on many other Jobs In ths city, while hers and there individual contractors are paying the scale and putting men to work. The Omaha Builders' Exchange holds out gainst ths payment of ths demanded scale. Walks Out Second- Story Window and Breaks His Ankle Byron W. Johnson, 24, a merchant ot Ilarlan, la. arrived in Omaha tlonday n his way to the Bute fair at Lincoln, lie decided to stsy In Omaha for ths liliiht and secured a room at the Arcade hotel. About I a. m. he began a sleep- a kins tour, and unfortunately walked through a second story window, falling to the sidewalk. In soms Inexplicable manner he managed to break his snkle, and he was painfully rut snd bruised. Police Surgeon Charles Zimmerer at tended the injured man, and had him re moved to 8t Joseph hospital. tea) tka Child's Cvagh. It'a Srrleaa. Croup and whooping cough are chil dren's ailments. Dr. King's New Discov ery Is what you need it kills ths cold genns. AU druggists. Advertisement C0YKENDALL HOLDS AN - ELECTION ALLBY HIMSELF John F. Coykenda'l, secretary and treas urer of the Great Western, likewise serv ing in the same capacity with the Omaha ! Grain Terminals company, an auxllltary of the railroad, with bis pocket full of proxies, cams over from Chicago and held the annual meeting of the Terminals com pany. The election was a quiet affair and was held In the city offices of the .Great Western, where Mr. Coykendall r tlncted President 8. K. Fellon. president f the Terminal and himself se- reiary and t reaurer. Mr. Coykendall expreed himself well Pleased with the business being done by the Terminals company and it elevator and asaerted that he looks for still better business In the future and as soon as ths new crops eommencs to move freely. The Clerk (.waraatee It. "A customer came Into my store the other day and said to one of my clerks. 'Have yoe anything that will cure diarrhoea T" and my clerk went and get j hi m a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, i C holera and Ilarrhoea Remedy, and said to bim. lf this does not curs you, I will not charge you a cent for it' Bo he took it home and cams back In a day or two and . stld be was cured," writes J. H. terry Co.. Bait Creek, Va Obtain able everywhere. Ail druggists. Adver- tiaei'xnt. f BUY A TAG TO HELP YISITINGJURSES Three Hundred Society Maidi and Matrons to Give Ton a Chance to Help This Great Charity. MRS. L L. X0UNTZE IN CHARGE "Buy a tag!" Lest you forget, today Is Tag day for the Visiting Nurse association. Omaha's favorite charity. Mrs. Luther L. Kountze will head a company of over 300 society maids and matrons, who will be stationed at every much-frequented store, of fice building and corner, and will pe. titlon you to buy a tag. While active tasslns; will not brain until I o'clock this morning. Mine Ilosa Randall and her assistants will rise bright and early and dispoao of lass In the city market district earlier In the morning. A committee of tho board of directors Is planning- to wait upon the weather man to arranjee for smiling skies for the day. And, speaking; of smiles, be surs to greet the enthuslastlo little taster with a smile. Hhe abhors frowi.s. Over I.t,ono was collected last year on tag dsy and the workers hope the dona tions will reach the 6.ono mark this year. If this to day Is a success, the board of directors plan to mske It an annual af fair. Heroes to Help, All nurses at local hospitals not on duty Wednesday have volunteered to help sell tags. A number from the Nurses' Ilea 1st ry have also offered to help. Mrs. Frank Bacon will havs charge of a corps of workers st the Auditorium, where the Letter Carriers' convention Is being held. Mayor Dahlman will turn over the keys of the city to the women st the city hall at I o'clock Wednesday morning. Mayor Dahlmnn has issued the follow ing proclamation: As we have In our city many sick people who srs In need of sclentlflo care, and who are too poor to employ private nurses, and which care Is now being cheerfully given by the splendid organisation, the Visiting Nurses' association, whose only means of rais ing funds Is a "Tag dsy," snd to give the people of Omaha an opportunity to assist In this grsnd work, therefore, I, James O. Dahlman, mayor of ths City of Omaha, do hereby proclaim Wednesday, September 8, 1D1&, "Tag dsy," for ths purpose ot raising funds to carry on the good work of ths Visiting Nurses.' Benson Schools Have Increased Attendance Today Monday was opening day for ths Benson publlo schools, but on Tuesday morning ths your gat era flocked schoolward and with an enrollment of about 1,100 in creased ths attendance a lsrgs percentage over last year. A fine equipment for ths study of do- mestlo sdenco under ths instruction ot mi v.,. o.k. v.. h... Miss Vsrda Sanborn has been added. Much repair work was done during the Summer Superintendent Speedle made assign ments of teachers for ths year as fol lows: Irish school Misses Mary 14 c Namara, Ruby Jessen, Edith Patterson, Clara Hormanson, Vsrda Sanborn and Mr. 1L B. Stapleton. Grades at high Misses Hslsn Snow, Edna Honlsch, Agnes JMlasen, Anna Christiansen, Vera Free man and Mrs. Maud Searson. Central Misses Edna Reap, Qrac Forney, Mag dallne Whlteley. Mabel Shlphard. Mary Oak as, Eva Jones, Edna Bnell, Genevieve Tornblom. Bva Harrier, Josephine Ken flck. Rose Hill Misses Bessie Bedell. Margaret Ixive, Beulah Byara, Anna Campbell. Drawing and Art-Ellen Wind ham. Music Mable Shlphard. ' FEDERAL GAME WARDENS . ARE ENFORCING LAWS Federal game Inspectors "are enforc ing ths United States taw to a greater extent than many persons think," ac cording to Oust Rutenbeck, chief state game warden, who has written a letter to County Clerk Dewey. Ths letter calls attention to ths fact that although ths Nebraska, law permits hunting from September 1 to April 1, the federal law forbids bunting water fowl after December IS. United States Inspectors are actlvs, ac cording to Warden Rutenbeck. Rent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad. INTOXICATING LIQUOR 1 1 rMiiiiiiiiiiiiitiw !i M llln.nn. 25V SPRINGS mt,.M til,-4--1,.:.inH-U:l--M:H OMAHA NEB. Willow Springs Beer HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME No better beer brewed than "Et&n and Stripe" and "Old Time" Order a case for your home. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, Retail Distributor!. Telephone Douglas 2103. WILLOW SPRINGS BRYG. CO. Telephone VISITING NURSE TAG DAY TODAY Officers of this particularly worthy charity, whose treasury will be re plenished by tha contributions taken up. TJiihp ToUer i 1 4f TIrs Alhert M'c HARD DAYS FOR DOPE USERS Federal Officer Sayi that Use of Drugs ii Falling Off Under the New Federal Law. OMAHA POLICE ABE HELPING That the Harrison antl-narcotlc law enacted by the late congress for the sup pression of the "dope" habit and trafflo. . " TI. . T ' Z ... .-i enforced by the federal authorities, and as a consequence there bss been a marked decline of ths evil, is the assertion of Henry B. Allen, special sgent In the j Omaha Internal revenue office, oharged with enforcement of the law. There has been a remarkable falling off of tho evil In Omaha," says be, "and while there are, of eourss, a number ot dope fiends still to be found In the city, there are many less than a few months ago when the law first became effective. It is not ths dope fiend that is causing ths trouble snd spreading ths habit, but ths peddler or trafficker In the stuff, and every effort Is being put forth by this department, as well as the state and mu nicipal authorities, to run down those distributing ths drugs to those sddloted to the habit. "While 1A Lincoln recently In connec tion with a dops case, Chief of Police Ant lea, showed me an opium outfit he had seised. The pipe stem had been spilt In two and the Inside of both sections had been most thoroughly scraped for the accumulations, while ths same thing had been done to the bowl. This was most convincing proof that at least one dope head had reached ths desperate stage and that' his former bass of supply had been put out of business, "Omaha police are also taking a very active part In the enforcement of the law, as are ths officers In ths eltles of ths state of Iowa, which Is under our supervision, and so far as these two states are concerned we have reason to know that the evil la rapidly disappear ing." n ll!ilil..llll.L.i.ilU.IUlilluMllll.ll..Mt.llll Breujinq Gov ALCOHOL 4 Douglas 130S. t r JUTS. V Victor ZZirs Lulhcr L Ifozurze. JUST DIG BECAUSE OF . CHANCE TO SELL DIRT Real estate men and builders spent some time speculating as to what was to be built at Twenty-fourth and Farnam streets, just west of the Flake Tire build ing, when grading Work was started there a few days ago, and It was thought an exoavatlon would be made at once. Fhclan tfc Shirley own the ground. "No, we are not going to build now, and don't know what will' ever be built there," said Mr. Fhelan. "We are Just grading the lot down and selling the dirt. We got a chance to sell the dirt, and we took it.. It would have to be graded down some time, snyway. THEEEERYOUUKE, is the extract of the golden grain with a delicious hop flavor. Each bottle has a coupon. Save them and get Free Premium. 'Phone Dougla$ 1889 Luxus r.icrcsntilc Co. Dittributr$ s sssr I ftcjjJrBg Brewing Ca. j CORN PROSPECTS ARE STILL BRIGHT With Froit Holding Off Two Weeki a Bumper Crop is Asiared for Southern Nebraska. KANSAS IS LOOKING GOOD, TOO The Burlington's crop report for last week Is Just out and deals prin cipally with corn, the wheat and oata having been gotten out of the way and mostly Jn stack. 80 far as the corn la concerned, the prediction In still made that with a reasonably late fall a bumper crop will be gathered. On account of the light frosts of week before last, It Is asserted that on the Omaha division of the road there has been a slight falling off In condition, as compared with the previous week. However, It Is asserted that favorable weather will repair all damage and have a tendency to hasten ripening. On the 100 per cent basis for the normal crop, the following estimate! made on conditions at the end of last and at the end of the previous week. The figures sre: Division. Omaha .... Lincoln ... ymore .. McCook .. Hera Last Previous Week. Week. , M 97 K M M - n 110 117 Bejsaper Cm Crop. Ernest Stenger, general manager of the St. Joseph A Grand Island road, with headquarters in Bt. Joseph, Mo., Is in Omaha after an extended tour over tho lines of the system, having stopped at many of the stations and talked with station agents and farmers. Aside from doing this, he went to a large number of fields and has reached this conclusion: "Though a little late, there are the best prospects for a bumper corn crop through southern Nebraska and northern Kansas that I have ever seen, provided frost holds off two weeks or so. Even with a heavy frost now there would be con siderable good corn. If a killing frost does not come within twv weeks, the corn crop will be the best that has ever been raised. "What we need now la dry and hot You Can't Afford to Miss Our Semi-Annual Display Laces, Dress. Trimmings and Silks On 3d noor Wednesday Sept. 8th Thursday Sept. 9th. Nothing1 to surpass this display in quantity or qual ity shown in any store in America. New Fall Modes Ideal in its wide assortments of authoritative the new style ideas, all most, attractively priced. 1 In Cloak Department On Second Floor. Hundreds Upon Hundreds of New Tailored Suits, represent ing all that is best in new style Mpos and in every imaginable wanted fabric; any coloring hero for choosing. se.s n 9 mm S M mm three Splendid Specials (I w ?ia7.7( ana New Fall Coats In all the season's nobbiest stvles and materials at $6.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 up. Special Wednesday Hundreds of Beautiful Dresses, made to sell to $45, your choice $9.00 Come in silk crepes, taf fetas, laces, nets, etc.; de signs suitable for all occasions. Beautiful Waists .That sold at 13.00 to $5.00, organdies, linger ies, Swisses, etc., choice, 81.JJ5 Long Silk Kimonos that sold at ,15 00, at $2.05 Wednesday's Domestic Room Sales Housekeepers' Needs Specially Priced Featured In These Salea. IH.ANKETS, QUILTS, S1IK1CTS, CASES and YAKD GOODS Pillow Cases, hemmed, 4 2 or 1 6-inch size: on tale at, each 7'i Bed Sheets, 72x90 size, patent ct-nter seams, regular 50c kind, ea., 37 Bed Sheet. 8U0 else, 3-inch hem. center seam, 63o value, ea., 50 Grey Blankets, soft fleecy sheet blankets, for single beds, pair.'. 49c rur -h mie uoun, pair, .... .-JUC Op ru'l M0 bed. parr Outing Flannel for gowns, neat stripes, good grade, yard.. Read Our Big rar Anas Is Quality, aad a Savin r o- to eo' sa me cost sf um. Te make rood Kread you must have Sod Hour, and to make good Kl ur you must have old w lie at at this sea son. Vdneday we will sail 4$-Ih. sacks Beat Mich U rails iaiiiund U Hour, er sack tlAS IT lbs. Best Purs Orsuaulated Husar 9U0O IS bars Beat -'Era-All r Iiaraond C Soap ass lhs. Rest Whits or Yellow Corn meal '. .lTo T lbs. Beat Bulk I-aundry 8ta.rrh.ft64 4 !. beat Hand licked Navj Beane or Tapioe ....ftSo 4 Its ranry Ja4aa Rice. ISo anaUty SAa VacIrOTTs Peanut Butter, ls..ll(0 4 re Jail for deeaert, tl'o quality sxtods. ths Jell that whips. ps TU 4 larse cans Elk horn or Mansfield's .f&TOY weather and plenty of It If there should not be ataothei drop of rain this fall, the fall wheat would go Into the winter in the best condition In the history ot either Nebraska or Kansas. Farmers have commenced seeding snd Indication point to a very large wheat acreage for next year." KUGEL HAS NEW JITNEY REGULATION ORDINANCE Commissioner Kugel Introduced another Jitney regulation ordinance, the measure being but slightly different from the last ordinance. .Mr. Kugel proposes proposes to require that a plaintiff trir sue the jitney operator or the bond company and may recover for property damage as well as personal Injury or death. Ths schedule requirement has been cut out, but specified routes will be demanded before permits are Issued. Mr. Kugel feels that this ordinance, when passed, will clear the situation. CUT THIS OUT Old English Keelpe For Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises. If you know of some one who is troubled with Catarrhal Deafness, head noises or ordinary catarrh cut out this formula and hand It to them and you will have been thn means of saving some poor surferer perhaps from total flear ness. In Kngland scientists for a long time psst have recognized that catarrh Is a constitutional disease and necessarily reiulres a constitutional treatment. Sprays. Inhalers and nose douches sre liable to Irritate the derate air passages and force the disease Into the middle ear which frequently means total deafness, or else the disease Is driven down the air passages towards the lungs which Is equally as dangerous. The following form ula which Is used extensively In the damp English climate Is a constitutional treat ment snd should prove especially effica cious to sufferers here who live under more favorable climatic conditions. Secure from your Druggist 1 ounce of Parmtnt (Double strength). Take this home and add to It Vi pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sugar; stir until dlsolved. Take one tableepoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing beome easy snd hearing improvee as the inflammation In the eustachian tubes Is reduced. Parmtnt is used In this way as it acts directly upon the blood snd mucous surfaces of the system and has a slight tonic action that 'facilitates the recovery of the patient. The preparation la easy to make, costs little and Is pleas ant to take. Kvery person who has ca Jarrh should give this treatment a trial. Advertisement. Q I in Women's Ready - designs- New Fall Dresses A wonder ful assortment of the season's choicest designs, in silks and allk and wool combinations t. .815. S19.50 and 825 HI BV "7J ,'i life Y .: I U. V Special Grocery Sale for Wednesday ef Condensed Milk .asj 8 small cans Condensed Milk . .ISo i ir P"r luit Preserves. .3s! .-. corn 1 lakes, pkf So Hold en antoa Coffee, lb SOo Hershey'a Breakfast Cocoa, lh. . . .S3e reaokest VoaoaesI reaches I Kxtra t'anry Colorado or Utah Kl berta Freestoue Peachea. crate..So 4 -basket crates Italian Blue Plums SS3 hush el boxes Pancy Bart let t Pears tl.SS Lexrss msrket basket Osbapples, for! telly .' V.... tool The Vast Creaaaery Batter, cartoa osl balk, Ik SSO, Kancy No. 1 Country Creamery Boi- tr. lb Seoi linrr No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, per lb Mo Tho beat strictly fresh Country Era; , rver dosen S4o Fancy Pull Craawn, New Tork Wblta, - 3 AY DEW'S BURGLARS MAKE JEWELRY HAUL FROM DONLEY HOME H. T. Donley, 15S2 North fortieth street, reports to the police that burglars gained entmnce to his home Monday night, snd stole Jewelry to ths value of tat. The C. B. ilusell Grocery Company, Ninth and Dodge street was also ran sacked by thieves, who carried away a revolver and a small quantity or me stock. liny That Phmond NOW That Von Have Always Wanted and Pocket Voor Saying. If yon fullr KBAL.IZR Sow little rea voald tnUa the matter that jom par In small a mounts osee a month, 7a would sol dnj yourself the Statlnctton ef owning anS wear ins a Sandaotne genuine Diamond. It la not that prices will erer be aa low again as thr are now. When we truat ra. exiling you a beautiful piamend on charge account, at pr.nt low price.. It's up to 70U to buy it ana rw s-ki MS Ladles' Ring, Kk aolid gold. lofita "Perfection" mounting, fin. brilliant ttfi WW 1134 1 .a Val uer, solid gold, black enamel, 1 fine dia mond, 1 real pearl. 16-lnch tit chain 1104 Men's Flat Belcher Ring. 14k aolM Sol', large sparkling Din- $62.50 91.60 a Month W.flS a Month tpen Gailj till 8 p.m., Sat'daystlll 9:30 Call er write tor Catalog No. tol. Phona Douglas 1444 and our aal' rtin will rail. THc NATIONAL Credit Jewelers BROS&caira0 8. 16th Omaha, t. B3 You can select your mate- rials for fine gowns from by far ths crrootAst. VQTott shown in Omaha. to - Wear Apparel distinguished examples of Diamond BS a Month L3 In Domestic Room Main Floor Wedneday. Values that will appeal to those who wish to be correctly and stylishly dressed at a very small expense. NEW FALL COAT STYLES. In all wool serges and checks, novelty weaves, etc. Three very special lota Wednesdav, $3.98, $5.00 and $0.50 New Dress Skirts A. big special purchase of gar ments made to sell up to $7.50, in silk poplins, shepherds check, novelties and serges, $1.98 and $2.98. Men; Tailored Saits Garments made to sell at $12.50 and $15.00, big assort ment at, choice, ....S9.45 Fitted and semi-fitted models, with pleated skirta in gabardines, whipcords, all wool serges, etc. See them. Children's School Dresses - That . sold at 1 2.50, pretty wool fabrics, all Hies, at 08 and 81.40 All Wash Dresses that sold to 11.50, choice 40 It Ysu Are aolsT te Put Up More Fruit here's specials that wlU interest 704 Immensely. all afasia Trui Jars Quarts, iloaen, 4lei pints, dossil. Ma Half f alios sis, dossa. o H-gaLon Hure Meal Jsrs. dnBen . . . SOa nuiitts, dosen S6c pints, dosen, SSj Best lOe Jar mubbers, J dosen... ISO Masoa Jar Lids i'orcelaln lined; at. lizrn UVO Santa Jar sad proof, doien...6) 3ic Wnile Crown Jur, dosen, 10j Jellv Glasses with tops, dosen Xtn !in Japaiirao Tea Pots nearly 1,0 K) for selection, each ......S Wisconsin Cream or Toung Amerlei Cheese, lb. . SOo Kaiiry Pull Cream Brick Cheese, per lb lao Tscotablsa. fiaeet Corn, doxan SOo t larse heads fresh CablaTe for. do ( lui ches h'resli Raxllshea for.... Bo 4 bunches F'resh Onions for ......So 4 hetds Presh I-ef Lettuce for. ...So line T ax or 8u-in Ueana, per lb U 1 Isre Cucumbers for Bo Kancy renver Cauliflower, lb.... loo Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb Ut Fancy Head Lettuce, lb THo, Bo I hunches Fresh Heels or Cm-rots. .Bi 4 bunches FVeeh Parsley So Market basket Beets or Turntna lo II lbs. No. 1 CooHns? Apolea for IBs When you buy Potatoes or Apples buv thetn bv welt. ot measuro. II lbs. tstoea to the Bxia. It !ba Apples to tho pock. FIDOT ,il fuss tin